GH Transcript Tuesday 6/18/13

General Hospital Transcript Tuesday 6/18/13


Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By

Kiki: What does Mikey have to do with my family?

Morgan: He's one of them.

Kiki: He's what?

AJ: Michael, I'd like you to meet Kiki Jerome.

Morgan: Michael's your cousin.

Michael: Uh... no, she's not. My cousin's name is Lauren.

Kiki: That's me. I'm Lauren.

Rafe: I know that your heart belongs to TJ, but seeing as this is our last night together...

Molly: Yes?

Rafe: ...Can I kiss you goodbye?

Singer: To put me where you are into your arms

Taylor: OMG. Is that Molly? [Scoffs]

Shawn: Now you know everything -- who I am, what I do, what I did. So, what are you gonna do?

Alexis: Are you even sorry?

Shawn: You didn't -- you didn't ask me that.

Alexis: Because it seems like all you care about is whether you'll be caught. Meanwhile, there's a woman -- a mother -- who may die.

Shawn: Yeah, well, if it comes to that, I will never forgive myself, but unfortunately, what happens to Olivia is out of my control.

Alexis: But me, on the other hand...

Shawn: You gonna turn me in?

[Door opens, closes]

Carly: [Gasps] Oh, my God. Sonny, you scared the hell out of me. What are you doing here?

Sonny: Like I told you... if Olivia dies, you die.

Carly: Did Olivia die?

Michael: Your real name's not Kiki?

Kiki: My name is Lauren Katherine Jerome. My mom started calling me Kiki when I was a baby, and the name stuck.

Michael: Okay, so -- so -- so, it's true your name's Lauren? We really are cousins.

TJ: Yeah, yeah, that's her.

Taylor: Who's the guy?

TJ: Rafe.

Taylor: Right. Molly's rescue mission. Taking it a little far with the whole mouth-to-mouth thing [Chuckling] Don't you think? Sorry. You okay?

TJ: [Sighs] Can we please get out of here already?

Taylor: Where to?

TJ: Anywhere but here.

Singer: Guess it all just goes to show

[Engine turns over]

Rafe: Wow.

Molly: [Chuckles]

Alexis: You don't need me to turn you in. The cops will be all over this. Franco's one thing -- nobody would go above or beyond to find his killer, but you shot an innocent woman.

Shawn: By accident.

Alexis: There is no accident in the court of law. Anna's probably on her way to arrest you right now.

Shawn: I already saw the commissioner.

Alexis: You did?

Shawn: She questioned me up and down -- cut me loose.

Alexis: [Sighs] They haven't built a case, yet. It's just a matter of time.

Shawn: With not enough evidence. There's only one person who knows what I did. I'm looking at her.

Alexis: Aren't you forgetting someone?

Carly: Oh, my God, Sonny. Olivia can't be dead. I'm so sor--

Sonny: Save it! She's not dead. She isn't doing any better.

Carly: Then what -- what are you doing?

Sonny: I just wanted you to know how serious I was and what was gonna happen to you if she dies.

Carly: Okay, you're serious. Now get out.

Sonny: Don't give me any orders! I give the orders now. Do you have any idea how much pain you've caused -- how much trouble and chaos?

Carly: I know! I know Olivia's fighting for her life because of me -- I know!

Sonny: Not just Olivia! What about her son? What about my son? [Voice breaking] Dante's in the hospital right now, praying to God that his mother doesn't die.

Lulu: Please wake up, Olivia. If you don't, you're not gonna get to hear my apology. The way I treated you at the airport when I couldn't remember who you were -- I am sorry. [Sniffles] Okay? I am so sorry.

Dante: Okay, stop, okay? That's not your fault, and she knows that.

Lulu: I know. I just... you have never been anything but wonderful to me, and I want to have a chance to tell you what that means.

Dante: [Sniffles] Okay, you'll get your chance, okay?

Lulu: I know. I know. [Sniffles] And I am not gonna waste it. I promise.

Dante: No, 'cause we will spend every day making you know just how important you are.

Lulu: We're gonna hover.

Dante: [Chuckles]

Lulu: And we are going to appreciate you [Sniffles] Until it is pretty annoying.

[Both chuckle]

Dante: That's the Falconeri way.

Lulu: We love you so much. We love you so much, and so do a lot of other people, so you have to pull through, okay?

Dante: [Sniffles] Let's make you a deal, okay? You hold up your end of the bargain, and I'll hold up mine. [Sniffles] Open your eyes. Open your eyes, Ma, and I promise you I will find the person responsible for this, even if it is Sonny... and he was just trying to get rid of Franco.

Franco: Maybe I'm missing something, but wouldn't you be glad to find out that you have a cousin?

AJ: And this is Morgan's girlfriend.

Morgan: And your niece.

AJ: Yeah, no, I know. I just -- I just wasn't aware that you two were dating.

Michael: So, uh, why didn't you tell me you were a Quartermaine?

Kiki: Why didn't you tell me you were a Quartermaine?

Michael: Why would I?

Kiki: Exactly. I knew that Sonny was your adopted father, but I didn't know that AJ --

Morgan: AJ was your bio-dad? Yep, you two are legitimately related. Ain't family grand?

Rafe: That was a good kiss.

Molly: Yeah. [Chuckles]

Rafe: Uh, the stars fell on Alabama for me.

Molly: What?

Rafe: Something my mom used to say when there was magic. And that...was magic. But it was something else for you, wasn't it?

Molly: Oh. No. It was really nice.

Rafe: But it would have been better if you'd been kissing TJ.

TJ: Tell me I did not just see that.

Taylor: I wish I could, but I saw it, too.

TJ: What was she doing with him?

Taylor: You really don't want me to answer that, right?

TJ: I mean, it's weird enough that she's out in general, but her nephew's sick, so she throws on a prom dress? Really?

Taylor: Wasn't exactly sitting vigil crib-side, now, was she?

TJ: Uh, no. And to think I was all worried. I sent Shawn to tell Molly I was thinking about her, but for what? 'Cause she definitely wasn't thinking about me. [Sighs]

Taylor: You sure you don't want some? It might make you feel better. [Chuckles]

Shawn: I didn't tell anyone else about this, besides you. So, you think someone else knows?

Alexis: Sonny -- you know, the guy that paid you to take out the enemy? Or however the hell he puts it.

Shawn: Did you or did you not tell me Sonny signed off on taking Franco out?

Carly: Yes, we discussed it, remember? You were there.

Shawn: Was it or was it not a lie?

Carly: Sonny came up with the whole idea, okay? He paid off the DA so Franco could be out on the street. You were there. He brought you in on this.

Shawn: And he called it off.

Carly: So? Sonny and I had a difference of opinion on timing.

Shawn: Sonny called it off, Carly, and you put it back on!

Carly: Franco needed to die.

Shawn: Who said anything about Sonny?

Carly: I know what I did, Sonny, 'cause I haven't stopped thinking about it since it happened. When I saw that Olivia was hit instead of Franco, I-I just wanted to curl up and die. I mean, you have to know -- you know that when I gave Shawn the go-ahead, I never meant --

Sonny: You never meant for anybody to get hurt, except Franco. That old song and dance doesn't cut it -- not this time.

Dante: You know, I can relate to what my father may have done, because I think, in his head, he was trying to do the whole world a favor.

Lulu: Well, that's not how the world works. It shouldn't.

Dante: You know, if I ever start thinking like that, I'd better throw away my badge. [Sighs] Do you know why I became a cop in the first place?

Lulu: 'Cause you look really good in blue.

Dante: [Chuckles] It was to protect people. Protect people -- you know, people who don't have bodyguards, people who don't have trust funds, and people who get caught in cross fires. That's what gives my job meaning, you know? That's what gives the law meaning.

Lulu: Yeah, and that is exactly why you have to do your job.

Dante: [Breathes deeply] My father had means, and he certainly had motivation.

Lulu: Yeah, he did, but so did a lot of other people.

Dante: Other people? Like who?

Lulu: Carly.

Sonny: Damn it, Carly. I-I tried to keep you out of this, but you insisted that, you know -- you made me think that we were gonna work together as parents -- be a team -- to take down the guy who hurt our son, Jason, Sam. I went against my gut and let you in. When I called off that hit, I had my reasons, but you didn't listen. You went behind my back, and look what happened. Olivia's fighting for her life. Franco is still alive! He knows the hit was meant for him and that we planned it!

Michael: You said that you were, uh, upset about your dad -- that he was some messed-up criminal. That -- that was him? Your -- your father is Franco?

Kiki: Yeah, now you know why I was so freaked out.

Franco: Well, you're a little less freaked out since we talked, right?

Michael: [Sighs] I can't believe this is happening.

Franco: All right. say that I have issues is a bit of an understatement.

Kiki: Is it? Because you told me that when you found out that you had a twin brother named Jason, you hated him so much that you turned evil, and then once he died, you became nice again. Am I right?

Franco: Well, when you say it like that, I...

Kiki: Yeah.

Franco: Look, you want to tell her, please, what I told you? Look, Michael is my nephew, and say what you want about me -- Lord knows everybody always does -- but I would never deliberately harm my own nephew. I have proof, right? I-I showed you the proof. Look, I'm not responsible for the rape.

Morgan: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Whoa. What did you just say?

Michael: M-- Morgan.

Morgan: What is he talking about -- what rape?

[Indistinct conversations]

Molly: I don't know what to say.

Rafe: You don't have to say anything.

Molly: No, I do. Rafe, you are so important to me, and, you know, I've...I've never had a lot of friends in general, but especially not guy friends, and life just isn't gonna be the same when you go.

Rafe: Well, for me, either.

Molly: But you're right. [Chuckles] As great of a kisser as you are, I do still want to be with TJ.

Rafe: Well, I hope you two get back together.

Molly: Really?

Rafe: Yeah, I mean, I want you to have someone to lean on, and if I'm not around to be that person, TJ's the next best thing.

Molly: Well, it doesn't really matter now, if he's not interested anymore.

Rafe: He's interested.

Molly: [Chuckling] Oh, and how do you know?

Rafe: Are you kidding? Look at you, Molly. I mean, listen to you. You're amazing. I mean, he even told Shawn he was worried about you.

Molly: Yeah, but why? I mean, not why was he worried, but why send Shawn? Are TJ and I really so far apart that he couldn't call me himself? Maybe he was just too busy with Taylor.

Taylor: Crazy, isn't it? I mean, you almost disinvited me tonight because Molly had a change of heart.

TJ: [Sighs] So she said.

Taylor: [Scoffs] She sure has an interesting way of showing it.

TJ: [Sighs] You know what? Seriously? She has the nerve to pretend like everything is all good with us again, and the next thing I know, she's in the park in a dress, dancing with that tool.

Taylor: Not just dancing.

TJ: Kissing, right? [Scoffs] And not the way she said it happened before. Molly wanted that. She leaned in for it and everything -- you saw.

Taylor: Girl is definitely a player. I think I know how to make you feel better.

TJ: Really? 'Cause this booze isn't helping.

Taylor: Yeah, but this might. Molly shouldn't be the only one having fun tonight.

Lulu: Whatever was going on between her and Sonny -- Dante, he looked pissed.

Dante: Well, he's scared. He's worried about my mother. We all are.

Lulu: It looked like way more than that, okay? Sonny had Carly pinned up against the wall like he was letting her know that there was no way out, and for probably what was the first time in her life, Carly actually looked intimidated.

Dante: Well, they both despise Franco.

Lulu: Yeah, well, they both have reason to.

Dante: So, you're saying they were involved in this hit together?

Carly: You can yell at me all night long, Sonny. You're not telling me anything I haven't already told myself. I know what I did to Dante and to Olivia.

Sonny: What about Shawn -- has it sunk in that you turned his life upside down? Has it? 'Cause I was real careful with him when he came to work for me. This was the first time that I asked him to do something like this. You were right there when we asked him, and he agreed. You know why he agreed, Carly? Because of you. He did not want Franco to be able to terrorize you or Josslyn.

Alexis: Of course, Sonny ordered the hit. You work for him.

Shawn: So do you.

Alexis: Oh, I don't commit murder on his behalf.

Shawn: Oh, no. No, no, no. You just cover it up.

Alexis: Are you really gonna turn this around on me now?

Shawn: So you don't bend the law to make sure he walks?

Alexis: That is not the issue. Do you honestly expect me to believe that -- that you acted alone here -- that you, Shawn, decided you were gonna save Port Charles -- you were gonna free them from Franco? Yeah, I didn't think so. Sonny ordered the hit. Olivia got in the way. And you know what? The police are the least of your problems, because Sonny will probably have you killed, and maybe he'll even do the honors himself.

Shawn: Quite possible. But I'm not the first on his hit list. As upset as Sonny is with me, he's even more furious with someone else.

Sonny: Shawn had a lot at stake with this move. He trusted you. He trusted us. And -- and you lied to him. You took advantage of him. You told him that I put the hit back on the table. You made a bad situation worse. Now, hey, you know what? I know -- I know Alexis. How long before she finds out what happened? How long before that son of a bitch Franco talks?!

Carly: He said he wasn't gonna say anything yet, Sonny, okay?

Sonny: He's just waiting to use it against us, Carly!

AJ: What the hell is wrong with you?

Morgan: Michael. Michael. M-- Michael, he didn't mean that someone... they actually...

Michael: [Sighing] Yeah. Yeah, he did.

Morgan: Someone...

Michael: Raped me. [Sighs] Morgan, I didn't want you to find out like this.

Morgan: When?

Michael: Pentonville.

Morgan: Oh, my God.

Michael: I'm -- I'm okay.

Morgan: No. No, no, no. It's not okay. Why didn't you tell me this?

Michael: You were just a kid, okay? I didn't want to put something like that on you. Look, the guy who did it -- he's dead now, okay? Jason killed him.

Morgan: Good. But w-what does he have to do with any of this?

Michael: Franco made us all think that he sent Carter after me.

Morgan: Carter?

Michael: It was the guy's name.

Morgan: I don't bel-- I don't believe this.

Michael: Apparently, it was all just a way to mess with Jason, and after he sent Carter at me --

Franco: That was just for Jason's benefit. I --

Michael: He then called it off.

Franco: Yeah, I did, and there's proof, right? There's a video. Yo-- you saw the -- will you tell her you...saw the video?

Kiki: After you practically gave him the idea!

Franco: I told Carter specifically --

Kiki: I can't believe this is going on. Oh, my gosh.

Franco: Okay --

Kiki: You're the reason why all of that happened to him?!

Franco: No.

Kiki: Gosh, you told me -- you were so upset, talking to me about the guy that supposedly set the whole thing up, and here, the whole time, it was my father?!

Michael: It's okay. It's okay.

Kiki: It's not okay! Ugh, it's making me sick to my stomach.

Franco: You need to --

Kiki: Don't touch me! I don't understand!

Franco: Come on. Kiki!

Kiki: Don't call me Kiki, either!

Morgan: Everyone, just back up!

Kiki: Oh, God.

Morgan: You knew what happened to my brother? How?

Michael: I told her.

TJ: Oh, wait, wait, wait. Um, wait. Um... I'm sorry. I-I can't -- I can't do this.

Molly: You know what? You are absolutely right. Knowing TJ's not at prom with Taylor does make me feel a little better. There's just something about her.

Rafe: Like the fact that she's macking on your boyfriend?

Molly: No, it's more than that. It -- I don't know what it is, but I definitely don't trust her.

Rafe: Well, I don't blame you.

Molly: You know, I went by Kelly's yesterday to get some food, and I saw them through the window.

Rafe: TJ and Taylor?

Molly: Mm-hmm.

Rafe: Did they see you?

Molly: Not at first, no. Well, actually, TJ never did. He went back into the kitchen, but when Taylor looked out, it was so weird. She smiled and waved.

Rafe: Saying hi?

Molly: No. It was more like she was glad I knew they were together.

Rafe: She got off on it. That's lame.

Molly: No, I'm the one who felt lame -- like I was the dishrag standing outside without a prayer of keeping him.

Carly: [Sighs] I don't know what to do, Sonny. I-I can't feel any worse than I do right now.

Sonny: Yeah, you could. You could feel worse. Even if Olivia makes it through this, we have Anna Devane, we have Dante hot on our trails. And then there's Shawn, who you betrayed. I would not blame him for ratting you out. You got a lot of praying to do.

Alexis: Who else could Sonny be unloading on? Olivia? I mean, damn her for getting in the way. How about God? God -- why did he allow this to happen? There's always Franco. You know, his return from the dead was most inconvenient.

Shawn: Alexis...

Alexis: No. I really would like to know who's sparing you from Sonny's wrath.

Shawn: Alexis, you never answered my question. You know, we've been together for a while now.

Alexis: We have.

Shawn: Some of the best times of my life.

Alexis: Mine, too.

Shawn: So, after all of that, what's it gonna be? Are you gonna turn me in?

Alexis: I can't.

Morgan: Is this for real? Kiki knew about this before me?

Michael: It just -- it just came up.

Morgan: How? How? "Oh, it's your turn to buy paper towels. Oh, by the way, I was raped in prison"?

Michael: Oh, come on, I know better than to ask you guys to buy anything.

Morgan: I'm your brother, okay? I could have handled this.

Kiki: Morgan, the important thing is that he's telling you now.

Morgan: Yeah, well, what's also important is you didn't tell me, at all.

Kiki: He asked me not to.

Michael: Look, I wanted you to hear it from me.

Morgan: Dude, you don't even like her or trust her! At least, that's what you keep telling me. And now you're gonna confide in her over me?

Michael: It wasn't like that, Morgan.

Morgan: Then what was it like?

Michael: I was going through something rough, okay?

Kiki: We were just talking, Morgan.

Morgan: I-I never said you weren't. What the hell is going on here?

Kiki: Nothing's going on.

Morgan: You and my girlfriend got real close all of a sudden -- real quick.

Franco: Okay, Kid. If you could stop frothing at the mouth for just a minute, maybe you would realize --

Kiki: Don't call him "Kid."

Franco: It's genetics, right? They share DNA. What's the big deal?

Dante: It doesn't add up. If they were in on the hit together, why was Sonny threatening Carly?

Lulu: Maybe it was a friendly reminder to keep quiet?

Dante: I mean, Carly hates Franco, and she's not big on taking risks or dealing with consequences. She's always had Jason to clean up after her.

Lulu: I know, but now Jason's gone.

Dante: Sonny's not big on damage control, so, if he was angry at her, he must have thought she botched the hit.

Lulu: Oh. Hey. Look who's back.

TJ: Oh, you know -- you know what? I'm sorry. Uh, I'm really sorry.

Taylor: [Laughs] Don't be sorry on my account.

TJ: Look, I just don't want you to think I have expectations.

Taylor: Look, I came to live with my brother, so I could finally spend a summer doing whatever the hell I want to do.

TJ: Like...

Taylor: Meet new people. And by "people," I mean guys. And who's the first person I lay eyes on when I get here? You. And I haven't stopped thinking about you since that day at Kelly's. Sounds stupid, but it feels like it was meant to be or something.

TJ: It doesn't sound stupid at all.

Taylor: I'm sorry about Molly.

TJ: Thanks.

Taylor: Okay, but we're in high school, TJ. I mean, did you really think you guys would be forever?

TJ: I don't know. I really don't.

Taylor: [Chuckles] People move on, okay? Molly obviously has. So, there are two things you can do about it -- sit around moping and being all depressed, or you can move on, too... with me.

TJ: Um... Taylor, I really -- I really, really like you. Um --

Taylor: So, then, there shouldn't be a problem.

TJ: It's just that, um, you know, I don't -- I don't have a -- you know, anything.

Taylor: Lucky for us, I have "you know, anything" right here.

Molly: I'm freaking out over nothing, aren't I? TJ would never go for a girl like that, who looks like she knows something I don't. And she probably does.

Rafe: Taylor, huh? I'm starting to think I missed out. Aah! [Chuckling] I'm kidding.

Molly: I know.

Rafe: It's good to see you smile again. And there it goes.

Molly: You're really leaving.

Rafe: The great and powerful family court has spoken. I should probably get home -- although home isn't with Sam anymore. It's with my uncle, Silas Clay.

Molly: You know what? Forget Clay. His name is mud in my book.

Rafe: [Chuckles] Says the author.

Molly: I got to say I hate how this one ends.

Rafe: Me, too.

Alexis: My whole life, I have inexplicably been drawn to men who liked to break the law. [Inhales deeply] Ironic, isn't it? Dangerous in the worst possible ways.

Shawn: Wow. That's how you see me?

Alexis: I didn't. You were my "cake and eat it, too" guy -- rough around the edges, but safe enough to be okay.

Shawn: Until now.

Alexis: I am not okay. [Sighs]

Shawn: But you said you couldn't turn me over to the cops.

Alexis: That's right.

Shawn: I mean, that's got to mean something. Look, Alexis, we can get through this.

Alexis: My decision has nothing to do with you.

Shawn: Then what does it have to do with?

Alexis: Sonny.

Sonny: I didn't mean to interrupt. I was -- I didn't hear anything.

Lulu: Oh, there was nothing to hear.

Sonny: How is she?

Dante: Uh, there's no change. [Clears throat] Really the same.

Lulu: I'm gonna run home and grab a change of clothes. You need anything?

Dante: I don't know. Maybe some coffee that doesn't taste like mud.

Lulu: Okay. Anything for you, Sonny?

Sonny: No, I'm good. Thanks.

Lulu: My phone's on me. Okay?

Dante: Okay.

Lulu: I'll be right back.

Dante: All right.

Lulu: Okay. Okay.

Dante: [Sniffles]

[Door closes]

Sonny: I don't know why this had to happen to you. I'm so sorry, Olivia. I'm sorry.

Shawn: Sonny's the reason you're not turning me over to the cops?

Alexis: Attorney-client privilege. If I turn you in, it leads the police to him, which would not be in his best interests. Obviously.

Shawn: And part of you wants to, huh?

Alexis: Yes.

Shawn: Because I'm a killer.

Alexis: Yes.

Shawn: Yeah, well, so are you.

Alexis: I'm sorry. What?

Shawn: It meant a lot to you. You trusted me that night. You told me about what happened with Kiefer.

Alexis: Oh. Because he was abusing my daughter, and I was protecting her.

Shawn: And I was protecting Carly's.

Alexis: How?

Shawn: You saw Kiefer in your headlights, and you never swerved.

Alexis: I cannot believe you're doing this.

Shawn: You hit him, and you left him lying by the road. I mean, the boy might have lived if you'd called the ambulance, but, no, no, no, no. No. You didn't. And he died. So, how the hell are you gonna just sit there, oh, and judge me? We're not that different, are we?

Sonny: When you were off looking for Lulu, and we didn't know what was going on... [Sighs] ...Your mom, you know, helped me out a lot. She kept telling me stories about when you were a kid and how strong you were, even back then.

Dante: Father/son camping trip? She liked that.

Sonny: You know, I know this sounds kind of strange, but she was kind of like my lifeline. I know we haven't been together for, you know, so long and everything, but... it scares me, you know, when I'm not with her. I think she's gonna slip away.

Dante: [Sniffles] Then why did you leave before? Where'd you go?

Carly: Lulu. Oh, God, Olivia. She's, um -- she's not --

Lulu: No. Olivia is fine.

Carly: Oh, thank God.

Lulu: Well, she's not fine. She's the same. Dante and Sonny are with her.

Carly: Come in. Come in. Good to see you.

Lulu: You, too.

Carly: So, um, what's going on? Why are you here?

Lulu: I actually came to apologize.

Carly: For what?

Lulu: The whole debacle with Franco -- working with him to plan that party.

Carly: Oh, God. It's okay. I mean, you didn't even know who he was. It's so good to have you back, you know? [Chuckles] It is. I mean, things have been crazy. I meant to come by and see how you were doing.

Lulu: Thanks. It's just that now that I do remember -- just to think that I worked with him -- the same man who kidnapped me and wired me to explode.

Carly: Yeah, Franco...

Lulu: Yeah, but that doesn't really come close to what he put your family through. How are you holding up?

Carly: Okay. Yeah. What? [Chuckles nervously]

Lulu: Don't tell me that it doesn't drive you crazy that that bastard is still alive.

AJ: I think you could use a breather. Come on.

Michael: Yeah.

Morgan: You gonna run away, too?

Kiki: No.

[Door closes]

Morgan: Kiki, just -- just talk to me. What's going on between you and Michael? Okay, if he can't stand you so much, then -- then why is he telling you what happened to him?

Kiki: You know that saying, "It's always easier to talk to a stranger"?

Morgan: Yeah, but you're not a stranger.

Kiki: I'm close enough, okay? Michael needed to vent, and I was there, but now I'm here, in our new digs, okay -- far away from your brother.

AJ: So, when you told me you kissed your brother's girlfriend, you, uh, meant her -- your cousin.

Michael: I didn't know she was my cousin. Why didn't you tell me her name was Kiki?

AJ: I-I didn't think it was important. I'm sorry.

Michael: This is a nightmare.

Kiki: I'll find us some beers, okay, Captain? We'll celebrate.

Morgan: All right, I'll come with you.

Franco: No, no, no, no. Please. Stay. I'd love to have a word with my daughter's boyfriend.

AJ: Look, if you need me, I'll, uh be in the living room, okay?

Michael: [Sighs] Okay, look -- about that whole kiss --

Kiki: There was no kiss. Do you understand? It never happened -- never.

Taylor: Consider the family-planning aspect covered.

TJ: You just carry those around?

Taylor: Not for just anyone, but tonight's a special occasion, or it was supposed to be. And I'm into it. Unless you aren't.

Molly: Will I see before you leave?

Rafe: I doubt it. I asked when we were taking off, and my uncle said something that included "crack" and "dawn."

Molly: So, this is goodbye.

Rafe: Like Blanche says in "Streetcar," "I don't want realism."

Molly: "I want magic." So, I can pretend I'll see you again.

Rafe: We both can. I don't ever want to say goodbye to you, Molly... even if it really is.

Molly: Okay, then.

Rafe: So long, Molly-not-Mary-or- Mary-Margaret. I'll see you sometime.

Molly: [Sighs]

Alexis: You cannot compare what I did to what you did to Franco.

Shawn: And why not?

Alexis: Because it is totally different -- that's why.

Shawn: Because you ran the boy down and left him to die, as opposed to waiting in the window with a gun?

Alexis: That is not --

Shawn: We both were protecting people we care about!

Alexis: Hi, honey.

Molly: Hi.

Alexis: How was your walk?

Molly: Uh, it was good, but I'm really tired, so I'm gonna [Voice breaking] Go to bed.

Alexis: [Sighs]

Shawn: Look, if you want to talk to her, that's fine. We're done here.

Sonny: I left so I could clear my head, get some things straightened out.

Dante: And did you?

Sonny: Is there something you want to ask me, Dante?

Dante: All I care about is my mother getting better and the person who hurt her [Sniffles] Them getting what they deserve.

Carly: It's hard on everyone that Franco's back in town, but, you know, what can you do? You should go and, um, you know, get back to the hospital.

Lulu: Yeah, you know, Dante has been there around the clock.

Carly: I'm sure he has.

Lulu: I just wish that there was something I could do that would make him feel better.

Carly: I'm sure you being there is all he really needs.

Lulu: Really, he just needs his mother to wake up from this hell and to find the person who put her there.

Franco: I really hope you didn't inherit your father's propensity for violence. Sonny can be so moody. May I ask you something? Michael's Jason's nephew, but he's named after Sonny. You're Sonny's son. You're named after Jason. Don't you think that's a little weird?

AJ: How's it going in here?

Franco: It's going great. Great. Just trying to unravel the family dynamic. You know, the shifting alliances, the underlying threat of violence. Your parents want me dead. You know that, right?

Morgan: Yeah. Can you blame them?

Franco: Not really. AJ can't, either. Can you, big brother? [Chuckles] Oh! I love having the upper hand. It's just so much fun.

Michael: It was just one kiss, right? I mean, it's not like we knew we were...

Kiki: Obviously!

Michael: So, we'll just forget about it.

Kiki: It's already forgotten.

Morgan: Hey, there you are. No luck with those beers?

Kiki: [Sighs] Not yet.

Morgan: Oh, that's okay. I want a tour, anyway. How's the, uh -- the bed in the suite? What are we talking -- king? Queen?

Kiki: Let's check it out.

Morgan: Hey. Um, I'm really sorry that I went off earlier.

Michael: That's okay. Look, um, I'm sorry, too.

Morgan: Yeah, and about what that guy did to you -- I really wish you --

Michael: Morgan, I-I know.

Morgan: All right. I'll see you around.

Michael: Yeah. See ya.

Morgan: All right. Come on.

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