General Hospital Transcript Monday 6/17/13
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By
Taylor: Whoo-hoo! [Laughs] Yo, TJ.
TJ: No, thanks.
Taylor: Look, I don't know if you remember, but we are on a date, okay? We've got a limo. I look amazing, and you staring out that window and checking your phone -- it's not doing it for me.
TJ: Sorry. I was just checking to see if Shawn called.
Taylor: You live with the guy, right? What's so important it can't wait till you get home?
TJ: Well, he promised to check and see how Molly was doing. I really hope...she's okay.
Rafe: You really do look beautiful tonight.
Molly: [Chuckles]
Rafe: And I said that already, didn't I?
Molly: It's okay. You look nice, too.
Rafe: Thanks.
Molly: So, what are you up for tonight? You want to swing by the pond one last time?
Rafe: "One last time" -- that's what tonight's gonna be about, isn't it? I mean, now that my uncle who I barely know is taking me away to live with him in a city I've never been to. [Sighs] This will be our last time in the park, my last night in Port Charles, and my last night with you.
Alice: Here we are. Welcome to your new home.
Morgan: Oh, I can't believe I'm gonna be living in the same house as The Dominator. [Chuckles] Whoa, wait. I-I know this place. This is the Quartermaine mansion.
Alice: Yeah. That's right.
Morgan: I thought you were taking me to Kiki's family's place.
Alice: This is Kiki's family's place.
Kiki: I don't think I can stay in that house.
Michael: Hey, why not?
Kiki: 'Cause -- you grow up, and you're told one thing, and then you find out what the truth is, and that truth is awful, and the more you find out, the worse it gets, and... [Sighs] I don't know. I guess I want to believe that it -- no. I don't know. I don't -- I don't know what I want to believe.
Michael: Hey, it's okay. It's okay. Wh--what are you talking about?
Kiki: [Crying] My father. [Crying]
Michael: Kiki, I thought you said your father was dead.
Kiki: [Sighs] No. He's alive. And he wants to pick up right where he left off.
Tracy: Here's how you pay AJ back for ruining your chances with Kiki -- you throw your lot in with me, and together, we oust him from ELQ once and for all.
Franco: Oh, do go on.
Tracy: Isn't that enough?
AJ: Oh, come on, Tracy. Even I think you can do better than that.
Tracy: You side with me, and the bull's-eye goes over to him. He will be the target, not you.
Alexis: Okay, I'll say it. You were the one who tried to kill Franco.
Shawn: You don't know what you're talking about.
Alexis: [Chuckles] Oh, well, you know what? I think I do. I think I know what I'm talking about. In fact, I think that I'm -- I'm very clear about things right now -- about you... about us. A single shot was fired at the Metro Court. The police believe that Olivia got in the way of a bullet meant for Franco. Were you the one that fired it?
Morgan: Wait, the Quartermaines used to live here. Don't tell me they finally sold this place.
Alice: Sell it? Are you kidding? [Chuckles] True, Dr. Q does have to evict some unwanted relatives from time to time, but this house stays in the family.
Morgan: So, if the Quartermaines still live here... are you telling me that Kiki's a Quartermaine?
Kiki: [Sighs]
Michael: Well, if your father's alive, right, shouldn't that be a good thing?
Kiki: Good? There's nothing good about this freak.
Michael: Okay, how -- how big of a freak are we talking about here?
Kiki: I looked him up online, and he's a total psycho.
Michael: Huh. I'm sorry.
Kiki: Do you know that my mom has spent her entire life trying to keep my father away from me, and now I'm just expected to live under the same roof with his crazy family?! I'm sorry -- our crazy family?!
Michael: They don't have anything to say about it?
Kiki: No! They don't. And do you know what he did when he saw me? Now, mind you, he is a total stranger at best and a violent criminal at worst. He threw his arms open wide and said, "Come to Papa." This psycho wants to have a relationship with me. Can you believe him?
Michael: [Chuckles] Maybe.
Kiki: How?
Michael: What you're going through, uh -- I actually went through something pretty close to that.
AJ: You see, Tracy conveniently forgets that her illegal dealings have single-handedly brought our family's international conglomerate to its knees.
Tracy: Oh, please. I have saved this company countless times. My father and I had to work together to rebuild the company after AJ stole half the company's liquid assets.
Franco: [Gasps] Wow. You two tell such interesting stories. I like your story better.
Tracy: Gee, thanks.
Franco: That means, AJ, you're first. Here. The floor is yours.
Tracy: By all means, take the floor before I use you to mop it.
AJ: Okay, you know what? Enough. Hey, let me tell you an interesting story. Back in the '90s, Tracy married this gangster from the city, Gino Soleito.
Franco: Gino Soleito? What a fantastic name.
AJ: Isn't it?
Franco: I'm sorry. No, please, go on.
AJ: And then Gino died under very mysterious circumstances.
Franco: Very mysterious circumstances.
AJ: And then the funniest thing happened. Tracy funneled the laundered money to ELQ. This whole place was about to go under before I stepped in.
Tracy: Uh-huh. And you have done a bang-up job plugging up all those holes.
AJ: You know what I've been doing? I've been cleaning up your mess.
Tracy: Uh-huh. And what about the plummeting stock prices on your watch?
AJ: Excuse me. The only reason that's happened is because some lunatic poisoned our relish on live TV. Listen, little brother, stick with me.
Franco: Okay, bigger brother, let me tell you something. Auntie Tracy's business acumen may rival her egregious taste in husbands, but at least she didn't try and strangle me on the Haunted Star.
Tracy: You are right about that. He did try to kill you, and for all we know, he tried to finish the job last night.
Shawn: Alexis, where is all this coming from? Come on.
Alexis: Really? Well, an innocent woman is in the hospital, possibly dying, so if this isn't a good opportunity for us to be honest with each other, then when is? Okay, so, uh, why don't we just walk this through step --
Shawn: I don't want to walk through anything.
Alexis: I do! [Sighs] Now, before you left the hospital the first time, you said that you had business to attend to.
Shawn: I did have business.
Alexis: And I was at the hospital with Sam while she was waiting to hear if her son, my grandson, had leukemia. I told you that I needed you to be there, and still you left.
Shawn: [Sighs]
Alexis: Approximately an hour later, you come back, and I ask you what were you doing for Sonny, and you dodged the question with the same evasion you just used -- "Where is all this coming from?" Well, you changed the subject so successfully that I didn't tell you about my conversation with Nikolas.
Shawn: Okay. So, what did you and your nephew talk about?
Alexis: You. You. About the night he got shot, and that you were there watching Lulu's place for Sonny, and he said, "Does Shawn work for Sonny? What does he do?" I said, "You know what? I don't know exactly."
Shawn: We talked about this. We have an unspoken agreement.
Alexis: I know all about the unspoken agreement. I do. We talked about that. The only difference is, is that I'm his attorney, so I'm protected by attorney/client privilege. You, on the other hand, are adhering to some code of silence.
Shawn: This whole time, you never wanted to know what I do.
Alexis: I didn't want to know! But now it's too late, because I do know. I know that you have taken Jason's place in the organization, and I know what Jason did. We all know what Jason did. He killed people for Sonny, and I am asking you, is that what you do, too?
Shawn: I need to get some air.
Alexis: No. I need to talk.
Shawn: No, we're not talking about anything. You are cross-examining me.
Alexis: Yeah. Well, from the looks of things, you should probably get used to that.
Shawn: Okay, I'm not some hostile witness on the stand you get to take down.
Alexis: You are acting just like a hostile witness. You are evading. You're lying. You've been doing it for the last two nights.
Shawn: You know, this conversation isn't getting us nowhere.
Alexis: Because you keep evading. Why don't you just tell me the truth? Fine. I'll ask you one more time. When you were called away from the hospital, was it business for Sonny?
Shawn: It wasn't.
Alexis: Great. It was TJ. You were with, right? So, you can imagine my surprise when TJ called and said it wasn't. Then you came to the hospital, and you lied again to me. You went on and on about your pep talk with TJ, and I told you I know you weren't with TJ because TJ called me and said that he hadn't seen or heard from you. I told you you were lying, and you said nothing!
Taylor: Molly. Great. I'm so flattered.
TJ: Her nephew's sick. It's serious. She's probably going crazy worrying about him.
Taylor: [Sighs] Look, it sucks that the kid is sick. Okay, I get that, because I'm a compassionate person, okay? But what I don't get is why you give a damn about Molly's feelings. I mean, didn't that uptight goody-two-shoes dump your ass?
[Pop-top opens]
TJ: It's not the simple.
Rafe: I-I hear that in Manhattan, you can barely see the stars at night. There's too much light from all the signs and skyscrapers. You know, when -- when me and my mom were moving around everywhere, the stars were the only thing that really stayed the same. After tonight, they'll be gone.
Molly: No. They'll still be there. And New York is a great city. You might not see the stars as much, but there's tons of other stuff I know you're gonna love.
Rafe: Like what? 24-hour access to egg-and-cheese sandwiches?
Molly: [Chuckles] No. More like museums and live music and the botanical gardens and Broadway.
Rafe: That reminds me. Um... for you.
Molly: [Laughs] They're beautiful. But you really shouldn't have.
Rafe: I can afford it. I mean, haven't you heard? I've got a rich-doctor uncle.
Molly: [Laughs] Thank you.
Rafe: Flores por los muertos.
Molly: "Streetcar."
Rafe: This town's got a great library, but I still read my copy of that play all the time.
Molly: The one you found on the bus, right? Yeah, I-I remember when we first met, you said that your mother depended on the kindness of strangers.
Rafe: Blanche DuBois. Was it something I said?
Molly: [Chuckles] It's -- it's nothing. It's just -- DuBois. That's TJ's new girlfriend's name.
Taylor: Are you and Molly back together?
TJ: No.
Taylor: Then it is that simple. Okay, right here, right now, you are with me, and Molly is history.
TJ: Look, look, there's something I got to tell you.
Taylor: If it's about Molly...
TJ: The night that I asked you to prom, Molly came to Kelly's later and tried to patch things up.
Taylor: [Scoffs] I thought she was getting busy with that misunderstood orphan with the stupid name.
TJ: Look, they're just friends, all right? Rafe might be into her, but she's definitely not --
Taylor: Into you?
TJ: Molly asked me if I still wanted to go to the prom with her.
Taylor: Well, then, you chose me, right? Right?
TJ: Taylor...
Taylor: Okay. Okay, so, if you really want to be with Molly -- which, why you would, I will never know -- and Molly really wants to be with you, why aren't you with her tonight?
TJ: Honestly, because of you.
Alexis: Why don't you just tell me where you went the second time you left the hospital? Because we both know that it wasn't to deal with TJ or Molly.
Shawn: Well, Alexis, you seem to have it all figured out, so why don't you tell me where you think I went?
Alexis: [Chuckles] All right. When TJ called you, he said it went right to voicemail. You never have your phone turned off. The only reason you would have your phone turned off is if you didn't want to be interrupted or you were concentrating on a target. But Olivia had already been shot. [Laughs] You went to the ER. Of course, you did. You went to the ER to see Olivia. That makes sense, because when you came back, you were a wreck. It was all over your face. You were a wreck. And, of course, I would be a wreck, too, if I had shot an innocent person.
Shawn: Yeah, well, if that's what you think happened, there's no more we need to say, so you can just stop, okay?
Alexis: You tried to kill Franco, and Olivia got in the way. Oh, my God. You must be racked with guilt. It must be eating you alive. How did I do so far? Hostile witness have any objections?
Tracy: Isn't that what the police are speculating -- that somebody was gunning for you? I bet it was your brother.
Franco: Is that true?
AJ: I'm sorry. Were her lips moving? Of course, it isn't true. We all know I never shot anybody.
Tracy: [Laughs] Really? Tell that to my dearly departed brother. Once upon a time, AJ shot his father -- oh, I'm sorry, your father in the back.
AJ: I'm not the same person I was.
Tracy: Really? You think 30 extra pounds and a stupid haircut changes you? You're not different. You're still the same parasitic bottom-feeder you always were.
AJ: I've changed. I've dedicated my life to becoming a better man, and you, of all people, should understand that.
Michael: I thought my biological father was dead, too.
Kiki: I bet he wasn't the monster my father was.
Michael: Well, he did some pretty terrible things. He, uh -- he actually kidnapped me, Morgan, and my sister when we were little kids.
Kiki: Morgan never told me about that.
Michael: Well, he was too young to remember, but I wasn't. He actually convinced me that my parents gave me up, because they didn't want me anymore.
Kiki: It must have been awful for you.
Michael: Mm. Well, then he died. Or at least I thought he did, and about six months ago, he came back claiming he was a new man.
Kiki: I'm assuming he was, or else you wouldn't be working with him right now.
Michael: I-I couldn't be sure he was sincere at first, and he wanted the exact same thing that your father wants -- an instant relationship to make up for lost time. And you know what? I guess curiosity got the best of me, and I wanted to know my father.
Kiki: [Sighs]
Michael: And I'm glad I did, because if I would have, you know, based everything off his history, you know, everything that everybody said about him... I wouldn't have the same relationship that I have with him right now.
Kiki: You're not helping me.
Michael: No?
Kiki: No. You're supposed to tell me that I'm right to blindly condemn my father. Now you're forcing me to give him a shot.
Michael: Well, I-I doubt anyone can force you to do anything.
Kiki: Looks like we have a lot more in common than we thought, huh? You're right. I won't know if my father is sincere unless I give him a fair chance to prove himself.
Michael: Mm-hmm. That's generally how it works.
Kiki: Yeah. So, I guess I should go back to the house, then? It shouldn't be that bad. Your brother should already be there by now.
Morgan: I don't get it. How is Kiki a Quartermaine?
Alice: Well, everyone was shocked to find out about Kiki and her father. In fact, almost no one even knew that Franco was a member of the family.
Morgan: Franco -- what does he have to do with anything?
Alice: Franco is Jason's twin brother, so Franco's a Quartermaine.
Morgan: So what, though? He's dead.
Alice: Not anymore.
Morgan: Wait. So if Franco's not dead and he's a Quartermaine and Kiki keeps telling me her father's this craz-- this crazy guy who... everyone thought was dead...
Kiki: [Sighs] Okay, um... I know we sort of hate each other.
Michael: Kiki, you keep saying that.
Kiki: I want to thank you for everything.
Michael: Yeah.
Kiki: Not just, you know, for everything. You've been an amazing listener.
Michael: You too.
Kiki: Yeah. So...I guess I will see you around.
Michael: Yeah. For sure.
[Kiki hugs and kisses Michael on the cheek]
Morgan: Okay. Okay. So -- so, if Kiki is a Quartermaine and Franco is her father and AJ and Franco -- they're brothers, then that means... Kiki and Michael are cousins?
[The kissing cousins go at it]
Kiki: Oh, my God. Oh, my God. What am I doing? What am I doing?
Michael: I'm so sorry.
Kiki: Your brother is my boyfriend.
Michael: And you're his girlfriend. I am the worst brother in the whole world.
Kiki: No. No, no, no. Don't -- don't blame yourself. This is not one-sided. I --
Michael: It wasn't?
Kiki: It doesn't make sense, okay? I don't even like you.
Michael: Yeah. I don't even like you.
Kiki: Great. So, I like Morgan, and he -- he's waiting for me right now. I got to go. I got to go.
Michael: Wait, wait.
Kiki: Wait for what?
Michael: Shouldn't we talk about what just happened?
Kiki: There's nothing to talk about, Michael! Morgan is waiting for me. He's all alone with my family.
Morgan: [Laughing] Cousins? Kiki and Michael are cousins?
Alice: Wait a second. How do you know Michael?
Morgan: He's my brother.
Alice: You're little Morgan?
Morgan: Yeah, I'm not so little anymore. Wait, cousins? They're cousins?
Alice: Wait, I-I don't get it. What's so funny?
Morgan: No-nothing, really. It's more of a -- it's more of a relief.
Alice: How so?
Morgan: [Chuckles]
Morgan: Hey. What the hell's going on here?
Morgan: You know what? Forget it. Doesn't even matter anymore. Oh, come here! [Smooches] Dominator, you've made my night. Twice.
AJ: Franco, my kid's mother kept me away from him.
Tracy: [Scoffs]
AJ: Look, you of all people know what that's like.
Franco: I do.
AJ: I mean, being kept away from your child -- it can -- it can drive you to do some really cr-- you know.
Franco: Crazy things.
AJ: I've put my life back together. I have got a great relationship with my son, and all I'm saying is this -- if you partner with me, maybe this can be the beginning of you having a great relationship with your daughter.
Franco: How do you figure?
AJ: I mean, think about it. They're about the same age. They're cousins. They're bound to want to get to know each other.
Tracy: Oh, my God! You're pimping out your son to his daughter!
AJ: Oh, my God, Tracy. Stop it. Only you could think of something so twisted.
Franco: Actually, I kind of thought the same thing.
AJ: [Sighs] Franco, all I'm saying is this -- that if you partner with me, our kids are gonna be on the same side. Maybe Michael can talk to Kiki and tell her that -- that he gave me a second chance.
Tracy: Mm-hmm. Because Michael is Franco's number-one fan.
Franco: You really think that your son would do that?
AJ: Yeah, he's family. Look, whatever she's got up her sleeve pales in comparison. She's offering you revenge. I'm offering you redemption.
Tracy: Oh, you cannot possibly be taking that idiot seriously. Can you?
Shawn: Hypothetically, Counselor, let's say Franco was the target. A lot of people want him dead, including you. You know, after what he did to Sam, I can only imagine how badly --
Alexis: Don't you drag my daughter into this. And, sure, nothing would please me more than to see that bastard under six feet of dirt. I'd have ID'd the body and danced on his grave.
Shawn: Oh, of course, if the bullet hit Franco, you'd have been willing to pull the trigger.
Alexis: No. Because I don't go around killing my enemies. Sonny does. Although he doesn't actually pull the trigger, does he? He has other people do it for him. He had Jason do it for him. Now Jason's gone. So now he has you.
Shawn: It's not that simple.
Alexis: It's exactly that simple. Did you shoot Olivia -- yes or no? Answer the question!
Shawn: Yes! Yes. I'm the one who tried to kill Franco.
Morgan: Oh, I can't wait to tell Kiki the good news about her cousin Mikey.
Alice: I got it.
Morgan: I wonder...where they're at.
Alice: Probably up in the lovely room I just set up for you two.
Morgan: Wonderful. Take me to her, Dominator.
Alice: Follow me.
Kiki: [Sighs]
AJ: Hey, Kiki, you're back.
Kiki: I am. Have you seen my...boyfriend? Alice picked him up a while ago.
AJ: Uh, well, I'm sure he's around here somewhere. Actually, I-I'm glad we have a moment to chat.
Kiki: About?
AJ: My son -- your cousin. I want to tell you all about him.
Alexis: [Sighs]
Shawn: Will you say something?
Alexis: What do you want me to say? I already had this all figured out. It's just when you said it, it made it worse.
Shawn: How do you think I feel?
Alexis: I don't know. How does it feel to have your assassination plot thwarted, and you shoot the wrong person? Are there words?
Shawn: Okay, look, if you're trying to make me feel worse about what happened to Olivia... [Scoffs]
Alexis: What I want to know is when you accepted this job from Sonny, did you think about anybody else? And I'm not talking about me. I'm talking about TJ. His own mother dumped him on you, because she had no investment in him. He needs you. And so what is he gonna do if you get caught? They're just gonna throw him into the same system that Rafe's in. Did you even consider him?
Shawn: You know what? I thought about TJ when Olivia hit the ground. All I could TJ's dad the moment I shot him. You know, he... I hit the wrong guy. And now -- now it's happening all over again.
Taylor: That doesn't even make sense. How am I standing in your way with Molly?
TJ: Well, I saw how excited you were about prom -- you know, with the dress and the shoes, and to be honest, I just didn't really know how to --
Taylor: How to what? Disinvite me?
TJ: No, no, no, no, no. Listen, it's not -- it's not like that. Um... okay, maybe -- maybe it is like that just a little bit.
Taylor: Great. Great. That's just great.
TJ: The thing is, I think Molly got the wrong idea about what we were, too.
Taylor: TJ, this might surprise you, but I don't give a damn what Molly thinks about "what we are."
TJ: [Sighs] Um, I'm sorry. This wasn't really a good idea. I'm really -- I'm really sorry.
Taylor: [Scoffs] I can't believe this. I am in town for five minutes, and I'm already some love-sick fool's pity date. [Scoffs] Don't I feel special?
Molly: Oh, I'm sorry. This is your last night, and I'm making it all about me and my problems. We should make the most of the time we have left.
Rafe: It's also your prom night.
Molly: Well, prom was canceled.
Rafe: Well, like you said, we should make the most of it. So, what do you say?
[Chris Ryan's "Into Your Arms" plays]
Rafe: Molly Lansing-Davis, may I have this dance?
Chris Ryan: Can't get you off my mind tonight my gaze is fixed upon those eyes
Franco: Do I want AJ to talk to Michael so that Michael will talk to Kiki so that Kiki will finally talk to me? Hell to the yeah. That's all I want right now is a relationship with my daughter.
Tracy: And do you really think that AJ is gonna be able to deliver on that? His mere existence was what drove Kiki away just when you were breaking through to her.
Franco: Yeah, we could chalk that up to bad timing.
Tracy: Bad timing? Was it bad timing when he had his hands around your throat and he was choking the life out of you on the Haunted Star?
Franco: No. That, not so much.
Tracy: Wouldn't it feel great to make him pay for that?
Franco: Hmm.
Tracy: You side with me. Secure ELQ for Kiki's future. She's gonna come around without any cheap manipulations.
Franco: Yeah, but I've always been such a big fan of the cheap manipulations.
Tracy: Not anymore. You're changed.
Franco: [Scoffs]
Tracy: AJ has been talking a really good game about using Michael to help you bond with Kiki, but I'm the one that's been getting to know her.
Franco: Really? I don't see you and Kiki having a whole lot in common.
Tracy: [Chuckles] You and I don't have anything in common, except business makes strange bedfellows. What do you say? Can I count on you?
Kiki: I should really go find my boyfriend.
AJ: Hey, you know what? I'm sure he'll be down after Alice gets him settled, but, you know, in the meantime, I really do want to talk to you about your cousin. He's really excited to meet you.
Kiki: Is he now?
AJ: Yeah, absolutely. I mean, you guys are, what, about the same age? And, I don't know, if I were a betting man, I'd say you guys are probably gonna hit it off.
Michael: [Sighs]
AJ: In fact, he should be here right now. He just went home to go take a shower. I wonder what's keeping him.
[Cell phone rings]
AJ: Oh, hey. Uh, that's him. Hey. What's going on? I'm just chatting with your cousin, and she's really excited to meet you. I'm just kind of wondering what your ETA is.
Michael: Something happened.
AJ: What happened? Are you okay?
Michael: I'm fine, but, uh... I kissed Morgan's girlfriend.
AJ: Would you just excuse me for just a second? What did you say?
Michael: Morgan's girlfriend -- okay, I kissed her.
AJ: Well, does he know?
Michael: No. And I'm not -- I'm not sure if I should tell him.
AJ: Okay, all right. Look. Um, we'll deal with this later. I promise, but right now, I need you here.
Michael: Yeah, but what if she tells him before I do?
AJ: Well, then you'll deal with it when it happens, but right now, I need you to deal with this girl. Now, look, I've made some very serious inroads with Franco, but it's up to you to make some inroads with his daughter, okay? So, can we just table this for a few hours?
Michael: [Sighs] Yeah. Okay.
AJ: Okay. Great. So, uh, we'll just -- we'll see you when you get here, okay? All right. Bye. Sorry about that.
Kiki: Is everything okay with your son?
AJ: Oh, you know, guys your age -- uh, girl problems.
TJ: Again, Taylor, I'm really sorry about this. You're a great girl. I --
Taylor: [Sighs] Damn right, I am.
TJ: I shouldn't have dragged you down with all this. I'm sorry.
Taylor: Whatever. I said I was gonna have a great time tonight, so that's what I'm gonna do with or without you.
[Rap music plays]
TJ: What the hell are you doing?
Taylor: Yeah! Whoo-hoo!
Alexis: How do you get yourself into a mess like this, Shawn, when there's so many people that depend on you? And -- and I'm not talking about me or TJ. What about Molly? Hell, the commissioner threw you a party and called you a hero.
Shawn: Look, I did what I did for them -- for TJ and Molly, Danny, Sam. I did it for you. Hell, I wanted to take down Franco for this whole damn town!
Alexis: The whole damn town didn't ask you to do this. Neither did any of us.
Shawn: The last time that monster showed up, he terrorized everybody we cared about, everybody we knew. I mean, Jason hired me to be a bodyguard for Josslyn -- a bodyguard for a sweet, little, innocent girl because Franco stalked her! So, hell, yeah, I made the judgment call that the freak needed to be taken down!
Alexis: Who the hell do you think you are?! You don't get to make that call! You don't get to take justice into your own hands.
Shawn: Yeah, well, sorry to break it to you, Counselor, but justice is a lie. There'll always be a chance a sick man like Franco will walk, especially when there are people like you still around. You know what? I made the call. And you want to know the truth, the absolute truth? I was totally fine with ending that son of a bitch. You know? And I still am. And I can live with that.
Alexis: Except he's not the one you shot. We don't even know if Olivia's gonna make it. What if she dies? Can you live with that?
AJ: Okay, so, uh, my son's on his way.
Kiki: Wonderful. Can we please find my boyfriend now?
AJ: Uh, yeah, he's probably upstairs. Let's go look upstairs. Okay, uh, I'll take this. [Grunts]
Morgan: Are you sure Kiki's still here? We've looked everywhere.
Alice: [Chuckles] This is a really big house. Trust me. I have to dust it.
Morgan: [Chuckles] Well, maybe she's in the living room.
Alice: Maybe.
Morgan: Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to inter-- Franco?
Franco: Yeah? Sorry. Do I know you?
Tracy: Alice, who is your friend?
Alice: Miss Tracy, you're never gonna believe this. It's little Morgan Corinthos.
Tracy: Michael's brother?
Alice: Yeah.
Tracy: Wow, you grew up. I didn't recognize you. What are you doing here?
Alice: Oh. Oh. Kiki told me to go get her boyfriend and bring him to the house.
Tracy: Okay. So, you?
Morgan: I'm, uh, Kiki's boyfriend.
Franco: If they were gonna name you after my twin brother, why didn't they just name you Jason? Regardless, you're his namesake. It's so nice to meet you.
Rafe: I know it's not the Metro Court ballroom.
Molly: No. It's better.
Rafe: Even if we never see each other again.
Molly: We will. There are trains. You'll visit me. I'll visit you. There are phones and Skype.
Rafe: I know. But life gets in the way sometimes. I mean, we'll both be going to school. You'll be taking care of Danny, 'cause he's gonna be fine.
Molly: Of course, he will. And we'll bring him here when you come back and visit.
Rafe: I don't know. I might be too busy going to museums and Broadway shows and eating egg-and-cheese sandwiches all night.
Molly: Oh, well, then, that's what we'll do when I come and visit you. [Laughs]
Rafe: It's a deal. But just in case that doesn't happen...I need to thank you now for everything you've done.
Molly: What did I do?
Rafe: Are you kidding? Molly, my mom and I never stayed in one place for very long. I never got the chance to meet friends. And I know it probably sounds weird, but you're the only real friend I've ever had.
Molly: That can't be right.
Rafe: It's true. And it's meant the world to me.
Singer: To show that you never really know
TJ: Driver. Driver. Stop the car! Stop the car!
Taylor: Whoo!
TJ: Please, stop the car!
Taylor: Whoa. Why'd we stop?
TJ: What the hell are you doing?
Taylor: Uh, trying to have fun.
TJ: It's hard to have fun without your head.
[Rap music plays]
Taylor: Tell you what, TJ. I'll come back in if you come up for one second while the car's stopped and just enjoy this view.
Rafe: I know that your heart belongs to TJ, but seeing as this is our last night together...
Molly: Yes?
Rafe: Can I kiss you goodbye?
TJ: All right. All right. Fine. I'll come take a look at this stupid view you keep on talking about.
[Molly and Rafe kiss]
Shawn: Will I be able to live with it if Olivia dies? I don't know. I'm hoping it won't come to that.
Alexis: We all hope that.
Shawn: Yeah, miracles happen every day. And I'm hoping for one right now. I am praying... I'm praying she pulls through okay.
Alexis: Well, at least we can agree on that.
Shawn: So, now you know everything -- who I am, what I do, what I did. So, what are you gonna do about it?
Franco: Last I heard, you were in military school.
Morgan: Yeah, I'm in college now.
Franco: Wow. Time flies.
[Door opens]
Kiki: Morgan. There you are. What's going on?
AJ: Hey, Kiki? Where the hell did she go? Oh, hey. Great. You're here. Finally. Are you okay?
Michael: Fine. It's just the whole thing with Morgan's girlfriend's a --
AJ: Okay, listen. I promise we'll talk about that, but right now, I really need you to meet your cousin.
Michael: Okay.
Kiki: Morgan, you know the Quartermaines?
Morgan: Yeah, as it happens, I know them pretty well, but not as well as my brother.
Kiki: Mikey? What does he have to do with this? Morgan, what does Mikey have to do with my family?
Morgan: He's one of them.
Kiki: He's what?
Tracy: As fascinating as this all is, I do have things to do. Franco, the offer still stands. Alice, come on.
AJ: Michael, listen. You are my secret weapon with Franco's daughter. Tracy's already in there, working on Franco.
Tracy: He's all yours.
AJ: You throwing in the towel already?
Tracy: Absolutely not. I made my offer to Franco. The ball is in his court.
AJ: Hey, Alice. Alice, have you seen where my niece has gone to?
Alice: Yeah, she's in there with her, uh, boyfriend and her father.
AJ: Okay. Let's go. Let's go. [Sighs] Michael, I'd like you to meet Kiki Jerome.
Morgan: Michael's your cousin.
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