GH Transcript Friday 6/14/13

General Hospital Transcript Friday 6/14/13


Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Gisele

Alexis: Spin. Oh, my gosh. You're so beautiful.

Molly: Mom, I'm not going.

Alexis: I told you I told Rafe that you are not gonna let what happened to Danny get in the way of you going to your prom.

Molly: No, no, no. You don't understand. There is no prom.

TJ: Hey.

Shawn: Hey.

TJ: No comment on my getup? I mean, it's all for nothing, anyways. I just got a text saying the prom's been canceled.

Shawn: What? Why?

TJ: Well, it was supposed to be at the Metro Court, and there was a shooting there last night.

Tracy: What the hell are you doing?!

Kiki: Ahoy, Captain.

Morgan: Finally. Why didn't you call me sooner?

Kiki: Like I said in my text messages, I couldn't talk, and my crazy family insisted that I spend the night, and trust me, they have enough room.

Morgan: Oh, swanky, huh?

Kiki: Yeah. And they're falling all over themselves, because there's some sort of civil war with their company, and both sides want my shares.

Morgan: Well, I thought you were just gonna get the money from them, then book.

Kiki: That's what I thought, and then I had a better idea.

Michael: Hey.

AJ: Hey, how was your workout?

Michael: It was great. The ELQ gym's pretty awesome. You should join me sometime.

AJ: [Scoffs]

Michael: So, what'd you think about the figures I sent you?

AJ: What, the breakdown of the Quartermaine shares of ELQ? That was a nice job.

Michael: Yeah, I recalculated it so you can see that, uh, Franco will have the deciding vote. It's only a matter of time before he figures it out himself.

AJ: He already knows. He showed up at the house yesterday, and he, uh, made it very clear that he plans on moving right in.

Franco: You must be Alice. I've heard a lot about you. I'm Franco -- Franco Quartermaine.

[Door closes]

Franco: Perhaps you just don't know who I am.

Alice: I know who you are. You're an insane artist who's also a serial killer.

Franco: None of that's been proven.

Alice: Oh, so, you're innocent?

Franco: I'm not a serial killer. What I am is a Quartermaine, and this is my family home, and I'd like to come in and speak with my Aunt Tracy.

Alice: She's out.

Franco: You do work for the Quartermaines -- I'm right about that?

Alice: I do, and they told me not to let you in here.

Franco: Wow. You are very strong. I am a Quartermaine. You work for the Quartermaines. Ergo, you work for me.

Alice: I'm still not letting you in here.

Franco: Okay. You have a great resolve, and I appreciate that. Perhaps my perspective bears further explanation. Let me ask you something. Have my Aunt Tracy or my lumbering brother AJ explained to you that my controlling shares of ELQ make me vital to their future and, therefore, vital to your future?

Alice: Dr. Q. owns this house. All those other people -- they just live here.

Franco: Because they're Quartermaines, like me. Let me tell you something. The Quartermaines cannot afford to ruffle my feathers. By extension, you cannot afford to ruffle my feathers. You either let me in, or you can start looking through the "want" ads.

Michael: Franco was at the house?

AJ: Hey, believe me, I wanted to throw him out on his psycho ass, but there's nothing we can do about it. I mean, Tracy and I -- we can't stand being in the same room with him, but, you know, look, we need his shares.

Michael: Yeah, right. It's, uh -- it's business.

AJ: Hey, listen, Michael, Franco is really important to ELQ's future and so is his daughter. She, uh -- she came by the house yesterday, as well.

Michael: Lauren?

AJ: Yeah.

Michael: After all this time we spent looking for her, she just knocks on the door?

AJ: Well, you know, her mother told her what was going on. She knows all about the stocks. She hasn't decided whether or not she's gonna support me or Tracy. It's a stalemate.

Michael: But what does it matter? I mean, Franco controls more shares than his daughter does.

AJ: Well, it matters because he might decide he wants to vote with her. You know, and she might be able to be the person that wins over Franco, and you may be the guy to win over Lauren.

Michael: Me?

AJ: Think about it. You're about the same age. I mean, maybe you could talk to her and convince her that we're the ones to back. She's still at the house. Why don't you, uh, head over there? Maybe you can kind of make nice.

Michael: Okay. Uh, I'll introduce myself to Lauren.

AJ: Uh, but she doesn't go by "Lauren."

Michael: What does she go by?

Morgan: Seriously, Kiki? You want to move in with your rich relatives?

Kiki: Uh, yeah. Have you seen this place, Morgan? No, you haven't, and you need to because they have a mudroom, which is -- I don't even know what a mudroom is, but they have a butler's pantry and servants and a -- and a boathouse, and they have closets that are bigger than my mom's apartment in Manhattan. And I'm hoping that there's a bowling alley around here somewhere.

Morgan: But what about our plan? I mean, I thought we were gonna get a place together.

Kiki: You can come and live here with me. We can have our own room, our own suite, even, and it won't cost us a dime, which is good because we don't have one.

Morgan: Well, our luck will change. Are you -- are you sure that your family's okay with me moving in with them, though?

Kiki: [Sighs] Yes, Captain, I'm sure. They need to stay on my good side, because they want my shares. I'm telling you -- this is the perfect solution. There is no downside. [Sighs] I think I spoke too soon.

Luke: What does it look like I'm doing?

Tracy: Offhand, I'd say you're breaking two laws. You're tampering with a crime scene, and you're stealing your niece's alcohol.

Luke: [Sighs] My minibar didn't get restocked today, so I'm just being proactive. What brings you here? You hoping to see the bloodstains on the flagstone? It's out there, the crime scene, actually.

Tracy: No, Luke, I'm looking for you. I went to your hotel room. You weren't there, so I came to the nearest bar.

Luke: Ah.

Tracy: I take it your phone is out of order.

Luke: No, my phone is working fine.

Tracy: Really? Because you promised me that you would call me as soon as the test results were in.

Luke: No, actually, you demanded I call you, and then you hung up on me.

Tracy: Well, either that lab is exceedingly slow, or you are avoiding me.

TJ: They say the shooting happened right outside the restaurant terrace. Isn't that crazy?

Shawn: Yeah, that's terrible.

TJ: Police said the gunman must have been aiming towards this crazy artist named Franco. Ms. Falconeri got in the way. She's in pretty bad shape, I guess. They still haven't found the shooter yet.

Molly: And they haven't found the shooter yet.

Alexis: So I hear.

TJ: Shawn? Yo, Shawn. You okay? Sit down.

Alexis: TJ called me while you were consoling him. He said he never got ahold of you, and you didn't even speak.

Shawn: [Sighs]

Alexis: You're a liar. And what business would make you do something like that?

Molly: Mom? Are you okay? Do you know something about who shot Olivia? Mom, what's going on? I mean, it really isn't that difficult to figure out. Franco is horrible. He's hurt so many people, especially Sam, and Uncle Sonny has...a way of dealing with his enemies.

Alexis: Sonny was brought in for questioning, and they released him. That's really all I know about the shooting.

Molly: You seem really distracted.

Alexis: Well, I'm -- I'm concerned about Sam and Danny. That's really all I can think about right now.

Shawn: I'm sorry. I'm a little distracted. I was at the hospital before with Alexis.

TJ: Is she okay?

Shawn: Yeah. But little Danny's sick. It could be, uh -- it could be serious.

TJ: What's wrong with him?

Shawn: I don't know. They were still waiting for his test results the last time I spoke with Alexis.

TJ: [Sighing] Aw, man. This has to be awful for Sam and Molly, 'cause I know she's crazy about her little nephew. She must be so upset. I got to go see her.

Molly: It's for the best that prom was canceled. It would have been so hard to think about anything other than Danny.

Alexis: No, I don't agree with you. Look, we are in for some difficult times, and I think we should grab as much joy as we can get along the way. And, sweetie, prom is a big deal.

Molly: Oh, my God. I have to call Rafe and tell him the prom isn't happening.

Tracy: So, what happened? Did the doctor call or not?

Luke: No, the doctor didn't call.

Tracy: Oh, I get it. We're playing the semantic game.

Luke: I did not speak to the doctor, but his office called to say that the test results were back in.

Tracy: Why are you hiding it from me? Is it bad? Luke, whatever it is, we will get through it together. What's wrong with you?

Luke: I don't know.

Michael: So, uh, does Lauren use a nickname or something?

[Telephone rings]

AJ: Hang on a second. AJ Quartermaine. Yeah, hey. Okay. I got to take this. This is my broker, all right? Listen -- Chip, hang on a second. Go back to your place, grab a shower, and get over to the house as quick as you can, all right? All right. Good luck with the girl. Chip, give me some good news for a change.

Michael: Guess I'll figure it out myself.

Morgan: Kiki, is -- is something wrong?

Kiki: You can say that. Ugh. It's my father. He just walked in the room.

Morgan: Wait, wait, wait. Your -- your father? I thought your father was dead.

Kiki: So did I, but unfortunately, no, he is very much alive.

Morgan: Kiki, I-I-I-I don't understand what you're talking about.

Kiki: [Sighs] Look, Morgan, can you just pack up all of your stuff and get ready to go? I'll, uh -- I'll see if I can send a car over to pick you up or something.

Morgan: You got -- you got your own car? That's nice.

Kiki: Okay, Morgan, I have to go. I have to take care of this, okay? I'll talk to you soon. [Sighs] What do you want?

Franco: Come to Papa.

TJ: Hey, you know, uh, I'm gonna go see Molly. I'll catch you later.

Shawn: I thought you and Molly weren't on good terms right now.

TJ: We're not, but if Danny's sick, then none of the other stuff matters -- the prom, Rafe -- none of it. Molly needs me, and she's the only person I want to be with tonight.

Taylor: O-M-G. That is so romantic. [Chuckles]

TJ: [Chuckles]

Rafe: So, there's not going to be a prom?

Molly: No. It was canceled, because of the shooting at the Metro Court.

Rafe: Yeah, I heard about that. Some poor woman got shot.

Molly: Olivia Falconeri.

Rafe: Well, then, I mean, it sounds like this was for the best. You're worried about her, and we're both worried about Danny, and honestly, I didn't feel much like partying.

[Cell phone rings]

Alexis: I got to take this. Excuse me. Alexis Davis.

Molly: I'm really sorry you rented that tux for nothing.

Rafe: There's one good thing.

Molly: Yeah? What's that?

Rafe: I got to see you in that dress. You look beautiful.

Molly: [Chuckles] Thanks.

Rafe: I mean, I know I'm not really the guy you're supposed to be going to prom with, but...

Molly: I would have been happy to go with you. And since TJ couldn't wait to find someone else to ask, there's no reason to even think about him.

Rafe: Right.

Molly: [Sighs] Anyway, I'm sorry I didn't reach you before you got all dressed up. You look great in a tux, by the way.

Rafe: I feel like a penguin, but thank you.

Molly: A really cute penguin.

Rafe: Hey, you're not supposed to agree with me.

Molly: [Chuckles] Mom, was that Sam?

Alexis: It was Diane. I'm sorry, Rafe. The judge granted Dr. Clay's petition for custody.

Molly: No!

Rafe: So, what does that mean?

Alexis: It means you have to leave Port Charles...tomorrow.

Tracy: You don't know what's wrong with you? What does that mean? Were the tests inconclusive?

Luke: No. I didn't go see the doctor, so I don't know what the test results were.

Tracy: Why not?

Luke: Well, I wasn't really interested, you know? It's gonna be a lot of medicalese, which may or may not be valid.

Tracy: [Exhales deeply] Luke, you seem to be a little hazy on recent events. I, however, remember every excruciating detail. You passed out. I had to call 911.

Luke: And you were a little hasty on that 911 call, Spanky. Whatever happened to throwing cold water on some guy to wake him up?

Tracy: And when I got to the hospital, you were trying to climb out a window!

Luke: Unh-unh. Actually, I was assembling my equipment.

Tracy: Tying bed sheets together -- you call assembling your equipment?! It's entirely likely that, should you have made it out that window, you would have fallen to your death.

Luke: There are worse ways to go.

Tracy: You ultimately agreed to take some further tests to eliminate the possibility of any complications to your liver. All you had to do...was let the doctor explain his findings to you. Instead, you hotfooted it to the nearest bar.

Luke: You know, you missed your calling. You would have been a great reporter. Your powers of observation are staggering.

Tracy: Your capacity for self-sabotage is also staggering.

Luke: What sabotage? I'm enjoying a libation.

Tracy: No, Luke. You're avoiding the test results. Either you think you're invincible, or you have a death wish. Which one is it?

Luke: [Sighs]

Morgan: [Exhales deeply] Okay. "You have exceeded your credit card limit. Input your credit card number to buy more credit." All right. Can't lose this hand.

[Cash register dings]

Morgan: Yes! Baby, I'm back. All right. Right. No. "Let it ride." Kiki's rich family will stake me.

Michael: What are you doing?

Morgan: Uh, nothing.

Michael: Let me guess. Porn?

Morgan: Uh, yep. You got me, bro.

Michael: [Chuckles]

Morgan: [Grunts]

Michael: So, uh, you're really moving out, huh?

Morgan: Uh, yep. You know, now you can sleep all through the night without hearing me and Kiki go at it, and, uh, boil yourself in all the hot water you want.

Michael: So, Kiki's family came through?

Morgan: Um, not with the money, but we're gonna move in with them. Kiki says the place is massive -- plenty of room, so...

Michael: So, you're moving in with people you've never met and people that Kiki just barely met? Are you sure you want that? I mean, we can make this work.

Morgan: No, no, no, no, no. It's -- it's cool. This place is -- it's too small for the three of us, you know? No hard feelings, bro. It just -- it works out better this way.

Michael: Kiki.

Michael: Yeah. Yeah, maybe you're right.

Franco: That's your cue, buttercup. Come give us a hug.

Kiki: Not on your life, freak.

Franco: Come on, sweetie. Give us some sugar.

Kiki: You know what? Sure. Why not?

[Sugar bowl shatters on the wall]

Alice: Hey! That was a $1,200 sugar bowl!

Franco: Seriously? You ever heard of comparison shopping?

Alice: It was an antique.

Franco: Put it on my tab.

Alice: Well, why don't I just have Dr. Q. send you the bill, instead?

Franco: You know, you don't need to be here. My daughter and I are having a little family squabble. Isn't that what you Q's do?

Alice: Are you okay, sweetheart? Do you want me to get someone?

Kiki: You know what? You could get my boyfriend. Can you get my boyfriend -- just go and pick him up and bring him here?

Alice: But -- but that would mean I'd have to leave you alone with him.

Kiki: I can handle him. I'll give you his address. Thanks.

Alice: Okay, I'll do it. But I'll be back in a flash. You sure you're gonna be okay, being alone with this guy?

Kiki: I think I'll manage. We have a few things to straighten out.

Franco: Thank you. I'm really happy to have some time alone with you.

Kiki: You get away from me, and you stay away.

Morgan: Kiki's so amazing, man. She's only been there for like two seconds, and she already set up with her family for us to stay with them.

Michael: Yeah, it's amazing.

Morgan: I mean, you could be happy for me.

Michael: I'm sorry. I just got a lot on my mind.

Morgan: Like what?

Michael: ELQ. The company's really important to AJ, and I want to help him, you know, keep him in place as CEO. If that means getting along with people I don't like or people I have never met, you know, I can -- I can do that.

Morgan: Well, you haven't even said yet what it's like to have your da-- uh, to have AJ back.

Michael: Yeah, uh, it's not much to say. I mean, he's made mistakes, like everybody. He wants to do better, and he feels like running ELQ is his second chance.

Morgan: I don't understand why it's your job to make that happen.

Michael: I just want to help him, you know? That's all.

Morgan: Right. Well, remember when you're handing out help that I'm the first one in line, so...

Michael: Why? You in trouble or something?

Morgan: No. Far from it. I just -- you know, I like to know that I can count on you.

Michael: Then why do you ask dumb questions when you already know the answers to them?

Morgan: Okay. Fine. Well, I'll finish packing. Sooner I get out of here, sooner you'll have your place back.

Michael: Yeah. No hurry. Still got to take a shower, and then I got to go, uh, meet my long-lost cousin.

Taylor: Well? What do you think? I told Felix I was going for a red-carpet look, but it's a knockoff. But it looks totally Cartullo. Don't you think?

Felix: It better. It cost almost as much as the real thing and wiped out my savings.

Taylor: Well, it's not like you're in a position to deny me anything, now are you, Fee?

Felix: You know, Tay, if this actress-model thing doesn't work out for you, you have a real future as an extortionist.

Taylor: Oh, don't be a grouch. It was money well spent. TJ, you didn't tell me what you think of my dress.

TJ: Taylor, uh, hey, your dress --

Taylor: [Gasps] Is that for me? Oh, my God, it's totally gorge. I mean, between the corsage and the stretch limo outside, and you looking oh-so-hot in your tux, I'm in prom heaven.

TJ: Uh...uh, Taylor, actually, there isn't gonna be a --

Taylor: Felix, take our picture. Excuse me. Promgoers only.

[Camera shutter clicks]

[Camera shutter clicking]

Taylor: [Chuckles] I can't wait to post those. We are going to be the hottest couple at the prom.

TJ: Taylor, have you not been listening? There isn't gonna be a prom, all right?

Taylor: Wh-- what?!

[Camera shutter clicks]

Molly: I can't believe this. Rafe not only has to leave, but he has to leave tomorrow? That's got to be a violation of his rights or something. And how could that Dr. Clay get custody when we weren't even in the courtroom?

Alexis: I asked for a continuance. Diane agreed. The judge denied it.

Rafe: Does my uncle understand that Danny is sick?

Alexis: He believes that he's acting in your best interest.

Rafe: He's not.

Molly: This is wrong. They can't decide Rafe's life without giving Sam a chance to fight for him.

Alexis: I think it is wrong, but the judge doesn't agree, and I don't think it helped that Sam couldn't be there.

Molly: Because her son is really, really sick! You know, this is what people mean when they say the system doesn't work. Why is it all set up to help Dr. Clay when this is Rafe's life we're talking about?

Alexis: I know. It isn't fair. It's very frustrating, but the fact is, is the judge's decision is the law, and he has to abide by it.

Rafe: I guess this is it. After tonight, I may never see you again.

Morgan: So, this new cousin is Franco's daughter?

Michael: Lauren.

Morgan: Okay, and because of your great-grandfather's will, Franco and Lauren -- they have shares in the company, and that's getting in the way of AJ's plan for world domination? I mean...ELQ.

Michael: AJ wants me to make friends with the girl and hopefully convince her to vote with us.

Morgan: That's nice, Mikey, but Franco's a psychopath, and, for all you know, so is his daughter, and your bio-daddy wants you to suck up to her? Wow, I'm glad I'm not a Quartermaine, but, hey, maybe she's hot.

Michael: She's my cousin.

Morgan: Well, that sucks for you, bro. Should have bagged a rich one like me.

Franco: If you would just give me a chance...

Kiki: All I know about you is that you are dangerous -- such a complete monster that my mom spent my entire life trying to protect me from you, right? And then the first thing you do when you walk in that door is go, "Come to Papa!"

Franco: Forgive me. I have no experience with this fatherhood thing. I'll tell you what -- Sunday is Father's Day. I'll take you to the zoo. I'll buy you some ice cream.

Kiki: Why would I want to go anywhere with you or do anything with you? You're a horrible person.

Franco: I'm your father. I'm the only father you're ever gonna have.

Kiki: [Sighs]

Franco: I was almost murdered last night, and if it weren't for some unfortunate woman getting in the way, I'd be dead, and then you'd never get to know me. And I would never have a chance to get to know you.

Morgan: Ah, that must be Kiki picking me up to take me to her family compound.

Michael: Right. Uh, well, I'm gonna take a shower. If things don't work out with the rich relatives, you're more than welcome to come back.

Morgan: Okay. Later, bro.

Michael: Later.

Morgan: May I help you?

Alice: Are you the boyfriend?

Morgan: Excuse me?

Alice: Kiki sent me. You ready to go?

Morgan: Oh, uh, yeah. Yeah. I just got to get my bag over --

Alice: I got it.

Morgan: Oh, you might want to be careful. That's, uh -- that's kind of... heavy.

Alice: Let's go.

Morgan: Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa, wait. I know who you are.

Luke: Look, this is just the corporate medical establishment flexing its muscles, trying to squeeze every last dime out of a healthy person. Did it ever occur to you that there may be nothing wrong with me?

Tracy: Yes, because perfectly healthy people pass out cold all the time for no reason.

Luke: It may have been my blood sugar. I hadn't eaten anything all day.

Tracy: Absolutely right. You know what? Let's solve this. Let's call your doctor and ask him.

Luke: You've got my doctor on speed dial?

Tracy: Hi. It's Tracy Quartermaine. I'm calling for Luke Spencer. He would like to make an appointment to come in and discuss his test results.

Luke: No, he wouldn't.

Tracy: You know there's something wrong, or you wouldn't be fighting me this hard.

Luke: I'm not fighting you, Tracy. You're badgering me, and I'm enduring it.

Tracy: Do you think that if you don't find out what's wrong, it's gonna go away? Because that's magical thinking, far too irrational for somebody who prides himself on his rationality.

Luke: I'm being completely rational. I have major objections to the way the medical system operates.

Tracy: Save it, Michael Moore. I am sick to death of you hiding behind your medical-industrial-complex rant.

Luke: The medical world operates for profit. If they can't make people believe they're ill, they can't get any richer.

Tracy: And sometimes people are really sick. And sometimes people really need treatment. You just might -- you might be one of those people.

Luke: Or not.

Tracy: Oh. You know, you're a lot of things, but one thing I never thought you were was a coward!

Molly: Mom, can't we appeal? Isn't there some way we can fight Dr. Clay? Rafe can't leave -- not now. Sam and Danny need him. We all need him.

Alexis: Yes, we will keep fighting. Of course, we will. But, honey, that takes time, and while we're appealing, Rafe is going to have to reside with the court-appointed guardian.

Rafe: Uncle Silas.

Alexis: The court knew that this would mean a move for Rafe, and yet they still chose to place him with Dr. Clay. I'm sorry. He's right. He has to go.

Taylor: [Sighs] This is awful.

Felix: No kidding. Olivia Falconeri almost died.

Taylor: What?! Oh, yeah. That too. I just -- I can't believe there's not going to be a prom. This -- this is a tragedy.

Felix: No, an innocent woman getting shot is a tragedy. Canceling of a prom is a minor setback.

Taylor: And after all that time you spent doing my hair?

TJ: Look, guys, I'm sorry that it was all for nothing, but I guess you'll just have to go home, right? Have a good night.

Taylor: No, I'm not going anywhere. No.

TJ: You're not?

Taylor: I got the dress, the shoes, the makeup, the hair. I look good, okay? And I'm not wasting it. TJ, you and I are going on a date.

TJ: A date?

Taylor: Mm-hmm.

Felix: Okay. Allow me to clarify. You and TJ were supposed to go to the prom, but the prom was canceled. No prom, no date.

Taylor: This night was supposed to be so awesome. I mean, having fun with you, TJ, and meeting your friends and dancing. I love dancing. I mean, I spent all day getting ready, and now I'm just supposed to go back to your dumpy apartment and sit on your lumpy sofa and stare at the walls?

Felix: Okay, if you think the sofa's lumpy to sit on, you should try sleeping on it. And I know you're incapable of making a graceful exit, but look -- we got to go.

TJ: Maybe -- maybe we should just go out, anyway.

Taylor: Really?

TJ: Yeah. Yeah, we can, uh, go someplace really dressed up.

Taylor: Oh, TJ, you're the best! Okay, okay. I -- we'll still have fun. You'll see. Okay, now put on your jacket and let's go.

TJ: All right. All right. Uh, just one second. Uh...Shawn, uh... you mind helping me with this a little bit?

Shawn: Sure.

TJ: [Sighs] She's so disappointed, all right? She was the only person I know in Port Charles. I couldn't just send her home like that.

Shawn: You're doing a good thing, TJ, okay?

TJ: Look, will you do me a favor? Can you go over and check on Molly and make sure she's all right? Let her know I'm thinking about her?

Shawn: Uh...yeah. You got it. I'll check up on her.

TJ: Thanks, man.

Shawn: Felix. Look, I've got to go take care of something. You're in charge, okay? You guys have a good time. Be safe.

Taylor: [Sighs] Goodbye, Felix.

Felix: You heard the man. I'm in charge.

Alice: You know me?

Morgan: Yes, yes. Of course, I do. You're the Dominator. I'm a huge fan.

Alice: Oh, you've seen me wrestle?

Morgan: Yeah, yeah. Me and my roommate -- we watch you online. In fact, I-I bet on you. I saw when you trounced bugaloo Bambi at the LPWC finals, which was awesome.

Alice: Yeah, well, she really gave me a run for my money.

Morgan: Yeah, for like five seconds until you got her in the groin buster, which was a huge hit amongst me and my roommate.

Alice: Oh, well, thank you.

Morgan: Yeah, your submission holds are sick. Plus, I won like 3 grand on you.

Alice: Really? Well, you know that's illegal.

Morgan: Yeah, I mean, if you get caught or whatever, but... So, you work for Kiki's family now?

Alice: Yeah, it's my day job.

Morgan: That's awesome. That's awesome. Uh, I-I-I got to tell my brother. I'm sorry. Uh, hey, bro! Get out here, dude! Can you -- can you wait for just like five minutes? He's in the shower, and I know he would love to meet you.

Alice: You know, I'd like to, but Kiki's really looking forward to seeing you, and I got to get back to the house. I got work to do.

Morgan: Okay, okay. Yeah. I'll tell him later.

Alice: Good. Another time.

Morgan: Cool. Yeah. All right.

Alice: Okay.

Morgan: All right. Lead the way.

Michael: Morgan?

Kiki: Interesting. So, if you would have died, you would have expected me to grieve for a father that I never even met, even when he's a monster like you are.

Franco: Look, I've done some terrible things, but not everything I've done --

Kiki: There's no need to explain it to me, because I know all about your pretentious art, your crazy, little mind games, and your murders.

Franco: H-hold on. My work is...complicated. Not everyone understands it, but I've been called a visionary.

Kiki: Not by me.

Franco: As for hurting people... there's always been this small part of me that I couldn't control. And the other parts of me hated that part of me, but that part of me seems very far away, very dim to me now, Lauren.

Kiki: I go by the name "Kiki," and you're not making any sense right now.

Franco: I discovered that I had a twin brother named Jason. That's his photo right over there. And I became...obsessed with him. And obsession is a dangerous thing. I wanted to hurt him. And the only way I could think of to really hurt him was to seemingly hurt the people that he loved.

Kiki: "Seemingly"? As in you actually didn't hurt anyone? Because you did.

Franco: I know. I know. But then he died. [Voice breaking] And, Lauren, everything changed.

Kiki: So, what -- it was all his fault?

Franco: No, I'm -- I'm saying that when he was gone, that evil part of me had nothing to feed on, and since it couldn't feed on anything, it starved and it died... and I was free. And you would think that that would be great... but all I felt was empty. Empty. And I had to come to grips with everything that I had lost and everything that I'd sacrificed, like a chance to get to know you.

Kiki: And you wanted a chance?

Franco: Yes, Kiki. Kiki. That's beautiful. You're strong. You're courageous. And I hope that you're brave enough to open your heart to me. I'm hoping that there's a little part of you that will take a chance on getting to know me.

AJ: Is everything all right in here?

Kiki: I have to go.

Franco: Where are you going? Hey! Hey!

AJ: What was that all about?

[Door slams]

Franco: That, my blundering brother, was about you ruining my reconciliation.

[Glass crunches]

Tracy: Has AJ been blundering again? He does that. Want to get back at him? I have a perfect way.

Taylor: Okay, we don't need a chaperone.

Felix: You can't be cruising around town in a limo.

Taylor: No? Well, why don't I just call Mama and Daddy and ask them? Of course, while I'm on the phone, I'll also tell --

Felix: Fine. But listen, party girl. No drinking. Understand?

Taylor: Duh.

TJ: Felix. [Chuckles] Don't worry about it, man. Trust me. We'll be all right.

Felix: [Laughs] Oh. You poor, poor boy.

Taylor: Goodbye, Felix.

TJ: [Chuckles]

Taylor: [Sighs]

TJ: So, where do you want to go?

Taylor: Oh, who cares? Wherever we go, it'll be fabulous, because I came prepared. Come on!

TJ: Oh.

Shawn: Hey, um, I told TJ Danny was sick. He wanted me to make sure you were all right.

Molly: Uh, I'm okay. I'm -- I'm just worried about Danny. Tell TJ thanks.

Alexis: I'm sure you heard, uh, the prom was canceled... because of the shooting at the Metro Court.

Shawn: Yes. I heard.

Molly: Uh, hey, Rafe and I are gonna go for a walk.

Rafe: We are?

Molly: Yeah. Uh...

Rafe: Yeah. We are.

Molly: Is that okay?

Alexis: Yeah.

Molly: Okay. Come on.

Shawn: Look, Alexis, I know you all must be upset about Danny. You know, but, you know, the kid's a fighter. You know, he's a tough little boy who's --

Alexis: Is that really why you came here -- because TJ wanted you to check up on Molly?

Shawn: I also wanted to check on you.

Alexis: You're really gonna stand there...and not say why you lied to me when you said you went to see TJ when you clearly didn't?

Shawn: [Sighs]

Alexis: Okay, fine. I'll say it. You were the one who tried to shoot Franco.

Franco: What are you talking about, Aunt Tracy?

AJ: Oh, please, would you just ignore her? Don't you get it? She'll say absolutely anything to make me look bad.

Tracy: And now you can do that all by yourself.

AJ: Okay, you know what, Franco? If something upset my niece just now, you and I both know I had nothing to do with that.

Tracy: You want to know how you pay AJ back for ruining your chances with Kiki? You throw your lot in with me, and together, we oust AJ from ELQ once and for all.

Kiki: Morgan! Morgan!

Michael: Hey, uh...Morgan's gone. He left when I was in the shower.

Kiki: Great.

Michael: I thought you came and picked him up.

Kiki: No, that was the maid that did that. I was hoping I would be able to stop him.

Michael: Why? Did something happen? Morgan said he was gonna live with you and your rich relatives.

Kiki: Yeah, he was supposed to, but I don't think I can live there anymore.

Michael: Why not?

Kiki: You grow up and... [Sighs] And -- and you're told one thing, and then you find out that the truth is something else, and then that truth is awful, and the more you find out, the worse it gets. [Voice breaking] And the worse it gets, you just want to believe that everything's -- ugh! I don't know what I want to believe!

Michael: It's okay.

Kiki: [Sobbing]

Michael: What are you talking about?

Kiki: My father.


Alice: Welcome to your new home.

Morgan: [Chuckles] I can't believe I'm gonna be living in the same place as the Dominator. Hey, wait a minute. I know this place. This is the Quartermaine mansion.


Luke: Yeah, hello, this is Luke Spencer. I'd like to make an appointment with the doctor to come in and...discuss my test results.

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