General Hospital Transcript Wednesday 6/12/13
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By
Patrick: You okay? You're sure?
Sabrina: No. I-I mean, yes, I am. Um... I really want to be with you, Patrick, so much.
Patrick: That's good. 'Cause I want to be with you, too.
Sabrina: It's just I'm, um... I'm -- I'm kind of nervous.
Patrick: This... Sabrina, this isn't your first time, is it?
Taylor: Well? What do you think?
TJ: Nice.
Taylor: Just nice? Do you know how much these puppies cost? Okay, but they are so worth every one of my brother's pennies. Trust me, they are perfect with this dress. Don't you think?
TJ: Yeah, you're gonna look great.
Taylor: [Sighs] I cannot wait for prom. Come on. Show a little excitement.
TJ: [Laughing] Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! I'm not ticklish! Stop! Stop tickling me. Really? Are you serious?
Franco: Who were you on the phone with, Carly?
Carly: Uh, I was calling the head of security. You know there was a shooting here.
Franco: I know. I think I also know who is responsible.
Dante: Yeah. Thanks, Connie.
Anna: What did she say?
Dante: Uh... my mother is stable...for now. And she's going into surgery. But they don't -- they don't know if she's gonna make it.
Olivia: [Weakly] Hey. Hey. You're okay.
Sonny: Yeah, I'm fine.
Olivia: Thank God.
Sonny: You're gonna be fine, okay?
Olivia: Yeah.
Sonny: 'Cause, you know, you're gonna get better. You have to. You got a son, right? He needs you. And I don't know if I ever said this, but I-I need you around. All right?
Olivia: Okay.
Sonny: You are strong. You're uncomplicated. I need that in my life right now.
Connie: Sorry to interrupt.
Olivia: Come here. Come here. Come on. Okay.
Connie: No, no, no, honey. Don't talk. Please don't talk. Save your strength.
Sonny: Olivia not talking? I never thought I'd see that day. Okay.
Connie: How did this happen, Sonny? Who did this to her?
Alexis: You're a popular man tonight. More business with Sonny?
Shawn: That wasn't Sonny.
Carly: Are you saying the shooting's on me? How's that work?
Franco: Well, this is your hotel. As you've mentioned several times tonight. So, liability and all that.
Carly: Right. Yeah. Yeah.
Franco: Wait. What did you think I meant?
Dante: I want to find the bastard who did this. There's got to be something in this room that points to whoever --
Anna: There is.
Dante: What is that, a shell casing? You just found this?
Anna: Under the chair. Presumably from the weapon in question. Okay?
Dante: So Franco was right?
Anna: Mm-hmm. The bullet that shot your mother came from this room. So now we've got a lead. You should get over to the hospital. All right?
Dante: Yeah, okay.
Anna: I'll get this to ballistics as soon as I'm finished here.
Dante: Let me know when you hear anything.
Anna: Yeah. You do the same.
Dante: I will.
Anna: Hey, Dante. We'll get the person who did this.
[Door closes]
Alexis: Okay, Mr. Mysterious, if that wasn't Sonny on the phone, who was it?
Shawn: TJ. He's -- he's in a pretty bad place over the Molly thing. Had to talk him down.
Taylor: Okay, so now that you've seen the whole color scheme I've got going, you know exactly how to dress to impress tomorrow night.
[Crash, spraying]
Taylor: I think something just exploded in your kitchen.
TJ: Great.
Taylor: Well, don't leave me alone too long. Who knows what I might get up to?
TJ: I'll be right back. Don't worry.
Taylor: [Chuckles] [Chuckles] [Sighs] I am so loving this day. [Chuckles]
Alexis: I'm sorry. With everything going on, I forgot to check in about TJ and Molly. Did something new happen?
Shawn: I probably shouldn't get into it. You know, we agreed not to let their issues come between us, right? Besides, you've got enough going on tonight.
Alexis: So if I knew, I'd be worried?
Shawn: No, it's just teen stuff. Come on, you know how that goes.
Alexis: Vaguely remember. Are you okay?
Shawn: [Chuckles] Yeah. Why?
Alexis: You seem distracted.
Shawn: No. I just feel bad for the kid. That's all.
Alexis: So go check on him.
Shawn: No, no, no. I don't want to leave you.
Alexis: I'm fine. I'm okay.
Shawn: You're sure? Okay, look, I'll be back as soon as possible, okay?
Alexis: Okay.
Shawn: Bye.
Connie: Are we here because of your enemies? Was the bullet meant for you and Liv got in the way?
Sonny: Wouldn't be the first time --
Olivia: [Weakly] No, don't. It's not his fault.
Connie: I'm not saying that he meant for it to happen.
Sonny: I don't know.
Connie: But sometimes these things just happen, Sonny.
Sonny: I don't know what went down tonight, if someone was coming after me or what. But I do know that I'm gonna find out, and I promise you I'm gonna do something about it.
Sonny: Hey, Olivia, I'm gonna go ahead and take off, okay?
Olivia: Yeah.
Sonny: You listen to what your cousin says, all right? You're gonna be fine. Take care of her.
Connie: Always.
Shawn: Excuse me. Hi. Can you give me an update on Olivia Falconeri? She was brought in tonight --
Sonny: Shawn. Shawn. We need to talk now.
Carly: How would I know what you meant? You talk in riddles half the time, and you're a full-blown psychopath all the time.
Franco: Don't be silly. Nobody's one thing all the time. And my sanity is still a matter of public debate.
Carly: Not in my world. I'm just saying I'm not responsible for everything that happens in this hotel.
Franco: But you are.
Carly: If someone burns their mouth on soup, it's not my fault!
Franco: If I slip and fall on a piece of bar fruit, I'm pretty sure that with a good lawyer, we could be renaming this place the Franco Court.
Carly: I know what liability is. Thanks for the lesson.
Franco: You're welcome.
Carly: My point is, I cannot control the actions of every person that walks in and out of this place.
Franco: Carly, don't be silly. I'm not talking about the actions of every single person. Just the one person that you hired to kill me.
Sabrina: You're asking if I'm a virgin?
Patrick: Yeah. Yes, I... yes, I guess I am.
Sabrina: [Laughs]
Patrick: Does that -- does that -- does that mean no?
Sabrina: No.
Patrick: No?
Sabrina: No! No!
Patrick: Okay, I'm sorry.
Sabrina: No, no, no, no, no. Don't -- don't -- don't be sorry. No, I'm -- I'm -- Patrick, I'm 27 years old. I mean, I've had sex. I've had a lot of sex.
Patrick: Oh.
Sabrina: Yeah.
Patrick: Okay. Um... how much is a lot of sex?
Sabrina: I-I didn't -- no. I -- when I said that I had a lot of sex, I didn't mean that --
Patrick: I shouldn't have asked. I mean, obviously I have an extensive his--
Sabrina: "Extensive"?
Patrick: Yeah. I'm sorry.
Sabrina: How extens-- no, you know what? Don't -- don't even -- forget I asked.
Patrick: Forget it.
Sabrina: Okay. Okay. So... [Laughs] Here's the thing. I've had a normal amount of sex. It's just only been with the same one person.
Patrick: Seriously?
Sabrina: Yeah. It was my boyfriend from -- from back home. We were together through high school and past college.
Patrick: That's...that's very sweet. You must have really cared about him.
Sabrina: I did.
Patrick: Do you mind me asking, um... what happened between you guys?
Sabrina: Um... well, we -- we grew up.
Patrick: Mm.
Sabrina: You know, he wanted to get married, have kids, like, right then and there, and I wanted to become a nurse. And... I guess we just didn't -- we didn't fit together. I mean, not with him being so traditional. He... [Chuckles] He actually said that a mother's place is at home with the children.
Patrick: Ooh.
Sabrina: Yeah.
Patrick: I would have loved to see your face when he said that.
Sabrina: Well, yeah. It wasn't pretty. Um... but right around the time that we were having trouble, my cousin Juan told me about the nursing program here in Port Charles, and I-I felt like it was a sign, you know, like it was fate telling me to go for it. [Chuckles]
Patrick: Remind me to thank this "fate" person next time I see him.
Sabrina: Breaking up with my boyfriend and leaving Puerto Rico... [Chuckles] ...Hands down, hardest thing I've ever had to do in my life. But... seeing where I'm at now, I'm just... I'm so grateful that I took the leap.
Patrick: So am I.
Molly: I can't believe this is happening. Leukemia?
Alexis: I know. It's gonna be okay, sweetie.
Molly: Well, what if it's not? What if... Mom, people die from this.
Alexis: And people survive cancer. I did.
Molly: Okay, but this is different. Danny is so little.
Alexis: We don't even know yet if it is leukemia. If it is, he's gonna beat it. I know that.
Molly: Okay. You're right. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have even gone there.
Alexis: It's all right. We just got to hope for the best, okay?
Molly: Okay. I just wish there was something I could do.
Alexis: You look pale.
Molly: I'm okay.
Alexis: When was the last time you ate something?
Molly: I was gonna get something on my way to the hospital, but I kind of lost my appetite.
Taylor: I heard banging and cursing. Okay, what's going on back there?
TJ: Something burst loose in the sink's pipes. I don't know.
Taylor: That explains the shirt, but, I mean, is the kitchen flooded or what?
TJ: Not yet. I tied a rag around to fix the leak. It's holding for now. I just got to call Shawn.
Taylor: Who's that, your boss?
TJ: And sort of my dad. Long story. Just... damn it. Voicemail.
Taylor: Well, anyone else who could help you out?
Alexis: Last thing I need is for you to pass out. Of course, you'd be in the right place for it.
Molly: Mom, I'm not gonna pass out.
Alexis: Humor me. Get yourself a snack.
Molly: Okay. Do you want anything?
Alexis: God, no. Uh, I mean, not right yet. Thanks. [Sighs]
[Cell phone ringing]
Alexis: Hello?
TJ: Hey, hey, hey! Ms. Davis, it's TJ.
Alexis: Hi, TJ. How are you?
TJ: Hey, I'm okay. Uh, are you with Shawn, by any chance?
Alexis: Uh, no. I thought he was with you. Didn't you just speak to him?
TJ: No. Why?
Sonny: Olivia was shot. How the hell did this happen?
Shawn: Is she all right?
Sonny: Doctors don't know. She's going in and out of consciousness. The only chance she has is surgery. They're going in right now.
Shawn: Look, Sonny. I'm sorry, man. I thought I had a clear shot, okay? Olivia came -- she -- she came out of nowhere.
Sonny: What the hell are you talking about?
Carly: Oh, so this whole redemption thing is exactly what I thought. It's crap.
Franco: It's not. Why is it crap?
Carly: Because you're crazier than ever. You -- you think I hired someone to try and take you out?
Franco: Carly, you hate my guts. I had a party. Sonny was there. He pointed a gun at me, and you said exactly these words. You said, "Go ahead, end his miserable life."
Carly: Yeah, I said that. I meant it.
Franco: And then miraculously you have a change of heart, and you show up in my brand-new family's living room, and you beg me for a sit-down, and when I beg you to sit down, you say, no, it has to be here, in public.
Carly: So?
Franco: So we don't dine here where there are witnesses. We're whisked off to the terrace, where we're all by ourselves. And then all of a sudden, the bullets start flying, and I could have died, which is exactly what you wanted, isn't it, Carly?
Carly: That's an interesting story.
Franco: And you get an "A" for effort, a "T" for nice try. I mean, really, it's a good plan. Who could blame you, the victim's dinner guest, if a sniper starts shooting at the table? You could have walked free -- me dead, you out buying yourself another... pair of beautiful shoes, by the way. It's really too bad that that Falconeri woman got in the way.
Connie: [Voice breaking] Baby girl, you've got to fight right now, harder than you've ever fought in your life. You need to be my tough cuz.
Olivia: [Groans]
Connie: Can you do that for me -- l-Liv? Liv?
Olivia: [Groans]
Connie: Okay. Okay. You can rest. You're gonna pull through this. Hear me.
Dante: Damn straight she is.
Shawn: I-I keep reliving this over and over and over, and after what happened in Afghanistan, I swore I would never hurt another innocent, ever. But by the time I saw her, I'd already pulled the trigger.
Sonny: Are you telling me... you shot Olivia?
Alexis: TJ, are you absolutely positive that you didn't speak to Shawn?
TJ: Yeah, I'm positive. I tried a couple times. It went straight to voicemail. Ms. Davis, what's going on?
Alexis: Um, no, nothing. I must have misunderstood. You sound upset, TJ. Is everything all right?
TJ: I've got a little situation at Kelly's, but if you see Shawn, just let him know that I called, all right?
Alexis: Oh, you can count on it.
Sonny: From the second that shot went off and Olivia hit the ground, I've been racking my brains, trying to figure out who and what enemy did this to me, and you're telling me that it was you?
Shawn: I'm sorry.
Sonny: I don't want to hear "sorry."
Shawn: Look, I was aiming for Franco, and then Olivia came. She ran out --
Sonny: Why?! I told you to stand down!
Shawn: I did. I did, man. Look, I did until Carly called me...
Sonny: Carly?!
Shawn: ...Told me that...
Sonny: Wait a minute.
Shawn: She said things had changed.
Sonny: Wait a minute! You telling me Carly ordered the hit?
Carly: How do you know that bullet was meant for you? Sonny was on the terrace.
Franco: That's true. Lots of people want to kill Sonny.
Carly: Yeah, they do. But for argument's sake, let's say you were the target.
Franco: Yes. Let's.
Carly: I'm far from the only person in the city who hates you. In fact, you'd be hard pressed to find someone who doesn't.
Franco: That's hurtful. I saw your reaction, Carly. I saw the look on your face when that Falconeri woman hit the ground.
Carly: That's because Olivia's my friend and my colleague. She was shot right here in my hotel.
Franco: It's more than that. I think you know that there was blood on your hands, and you'd better hope she doesn't die. Or her death would be on your hands.
[Monitor beeping]
Dante: How's she doing?
Connie: She's, uh... she's stable, Dante. She's -- she was awake for a bit. She tried to talk to me.
Dante: That sounds like my mom.
Connie: She's drifted off again.
Dante: You know, after everything she's been through this year, and now she gets shot... [Sighs] I don't understand what the hell is -- is happening here. [Sniffles] I mean, you were with her at the Metro Court, right?
Connie: Yeah, she took me there for my birthday. We were sitting in the main dining room, um... and then Carly walked in with Franco.
Dante: What -- what was she even doing with this guy, of all people?
Connie: But they were there together, and they went out to the terrace to dine. And then a few minutes later, Sonny walked in. And when he found out that Carly was with Franco, well, forget about it.
Dante: He wasn't gonna let that happen.
Connie: Absolutely not.
Dante: I just don't understand. I don't get it. You guys were inside.
Connie: 'Cause your mother had a vision that Sonny was covered in blood. So she went out to the terrace to save him, to protect him -- I don't know. But it wasn't Sonny's blood that she saw, Dante. It was hers.
Dante: Where's Sonny now?
Sonny: You work for me, not Carly. She doesn't call the shots, especially without my consent.
Shawn: Look, I thought she did, okay? That's what she told me.
Sonny: Okay, okay. I need you to be clear on this. What exactly did she say?
Shawn: Carly said the whole thing was your idea.
Carly: This conspiracy theory is just as delusional as you are.
Franco: Hey, I wonder if the commissioner will agree with that.
Carly: Don't.
Franco: Hi, Commissioner.
Anna: Hi.
Franco: Just the person I wanted to see.
Anna: [Sighs]
Patrick: What are you thinking?
Sabrina: Nothing. I don't know. Everything. I just... I'm happy.
Patrick: Really?
Sabrina: [Chuckles] Do I not seem it?
Patrick: No, you do. You do. I just want to make sure that... We're not going too fast.
Sabrina: We're not. We're not going too fast. I'm exactly where I want to be with exactly the person I want to be with.
Patrick: Good. I like that.
Sabrina: [Chuckles]
Patrick: This and you... this means a lot to me.
Sabrina: Ask me again.
Patrick: Hmm?
Sabrina: What I'm thinking.
Patrick: [Chuckles] Okay. What are you thinking?
Sabrina: This.
[Both chuckle]
Patrick: What?
Sabrina: I just keep thinking about Felix.
Patrick: Hmm? We have sex for the first time, and all you can think about is Felix?
Sabrina: Well, I just can't get him out of my head.
Patrick: If I didn't know Felix was...Felix, I would be jealous of that.
Sabrina: Hmm?
Patrick: Hmm?
Sabrina: Do you know what he'd be saying right now?
Patrick: Mnh-mnh.
Sabrina: "I told you so." He called it from the very beginning. Somehow, Felix knew that we were gonna end up together. I thought he was insane.
Patrick: Why?
Sabrina: Well, 'cause, Patrick, you... you're the most gorgeous man I've ever laid eyes on. Never in a million years did I think someone like you could fall for someone like me.
Patrick: [Chuckles]
Alexis: What did you get?
Molly: Brookside Chocolates.
Alexis: Mmm. They look good.
Molly: Yeah. I'm not very hungry, but I figure something chocolate might make us feel better. I mean, who knows how long we're gonna be sitting here hoping Danny's okay.
Alexis: Well, I have a feeling we're gonna be sitting here for awhile, and, unfortunately, there really isn't much we can do about it, so...let's eat chocolate. These are good.
Molly: Mm-hmm.
Alexis: Mmm. Okay, give me some more and then tell me about tomorrow night. Prom.
Molly: I'm not going.
Alexis: What do you mean you're not going? Of course, you're going to prom. Everyone goes to prom. It's a rite of passage. It's an awful, excruciating rite of passage, but you are going to have a wonderful time.
Molly: It feels too strange. I'm supposed to go out dancing while Danny's in the hospital? Rafe will understand.
Alexis: Rafe will understand, but he's not going to have to, because you are going to your prom.
Molly: No!
Alexis: Sam would not want you to miss it.
Molly: [Sighs]
Alexis: She knows how much you've been looking forward to it.
Molly: Okay, yeah. But that was back when I thought I was still going with TJ.
TJ: [Sighing]
Taylor: How's it going?
TJ: Hey.
Taylor: Hey. Need an assist?
TJ: Um, you really shouldn't be back here.
Taylor: Well, then I guess you shouldn't tell anyone. [Chuckles] So, what's the deal?
TJ: Well, I don't know. I've never really fixed a leak before.
Taylor: I'm sure you can figure it out. [Sighs] You look pretty handy to me.
TJ: Yeah?
Taylor: Show me what you got.
TJ: See that.
Carly: You're not gonna bug Anna. I mean, she has important things to do, like solve crimes.
Franco: I am aware.
Anna: Do you have some information about the shooting here tonight? Huh?
Franco: No. Of course not.
Anna: So, what, I'm just the person that you wanted to see because why?
Franco: Well, because I want to know if you have any updates about Olivia Falconeri. Is she okay? She's alive, right?
Anna: As far as I know. She's in grave condition, though.
Carly: And she's gonna be okay, right? She's gonna pull through?
Anna: I sincerely hope so. Yeah, the last I heard, she was being prepped for surgery.
Franco: That is a huge weight off of my shoulders. I'm sure Carly feels the same way, her being your star employee and all.
Connie: Sonny went to check in with his associates.
Dante: To see if he was the target?
Connie: More or less.
Dante: When does this end? When does -- when does all this stop? So, I need you to, uh, teach Lulu how to make meatballs. And then when you're done teaching her, then you have to teach her again, because she burned them tonight. Who burns meatballs?
Connie: Your mother doesn't, that's for sure.
Dante: No. See, Lulu needs you. [Sniffles] [Voice breaking] I need you. See, I can't -- I can't picture my life without you. I don't want to. [Sniffles] You and me against the world. That's what you said to me. [Sniffles] So, you got to hang in there, all right? Because I got a little baby coming. I need to make sure that you're there to spoil my kid rotten.
Shawn: You didn't give Carly the go-ahead?
Sonny: Why'd I call off the hit at the Quartermaines'?
Shawn: Too -- [Sighs] Too many bystanders, potential for injury was too great.
Sonny: So, knowing that, you think I'd give the okay for this to go down at the Metro Court in a crowded place? What I did not want to happen happened, and now she, Olivia, is barely hanging on.
Shawn: I don't know what to say, man.
Sonny: Okay. You say nothing. You don't talk to anyone. The person I want answers from is Carly.
Carly: I haven't had a chance to talk to the head of my security team yet, but I'm about to do that, and you are welcome to any and all security footage.
Anna: The sooner the better. You know, because the more time that passes, the more difficult it's gonna be for us to find this guy.
Carly: You haven't identified a shooter?
Anna: No.
Carly: And you have no leads or anything?
Anna: Well, nothing I can share with you at the moment.
Carly: Yeah. I just -- sorry I'm being nosy. I just can't believe that it happened here and... [Sighs]
Anna: We can't confirm that the shots were fired from that room. You know, that room that you claimed you saw movement out of the corner of your eye. Yeah.
Franco: Just glad I could be helpful.
Anna: Yeah. Right. So, I'm gonna get back to the crime scene.
Franco: Hi.
Carly: What?
Franco: Okay. [Taps table] You told me that you were on the phone with your head of security, but you just told Anna that you hadn't spoken with security yet, so you were either lying to me or you were lying to her. Either way, you have something to hide.
Carly: I don't get you. You obviously get off on messing with people -- me, in particular. Why didn't you tell Anna about your theory? That I was the one that tried to kill you?
Franco: You're having a hard time accepting this, but it might be that you're having a hard time understanding it. So let me explain myself to you. I screwed up. Hugely. Tragically. I wanted to punish my brother. Everybody else got hurt. I hurt you, Carly. And I cannot undo that. But I can try and make amends. And pointing the police in your direction does not accomplish that.
Carly: You want me to say thank you? For something that's only in your head?
Franco: Well, I'm gonna take the high road whether you do or not.
Anna: We need to get this place taped off. Can you start that? Can I talk to you for a second? Do you happen to recall who was sitting where at Ms. Jacks' table tonight?
Waiter: Yeah, I think so. Ms. Jacks was sitting over there, and her guest was in this chair.
Sonny: Where's Carly now?
Shawn: Still at the hotel doing damage control with the cops.
Sonny: There shouldn't have to be any damage control. You know that, right?
Shawn: Yeah.
Dante: They're taking her to the OR.
Olivia: Sonny.
Sonny: Hey.
Olivia: Sonny.
Sonny: No, hey. You -- you -- you -- you just don't worry about me. You focus on getting better. Okay? Listen to me. Listen to -- no, no. No, no. You're gonna kick this surgery's butt. You're gonna do that for me and for our son, okay?
Orderly: We need to go.
Patrick: I don't understand. What do you mean someone like you? That doesn't make sense to me.
Sabrina: Sure it does.
Patrick: No, it doesn't. Sabrina, you are a smart... caring, beautiful, loyal friend, dedicated nurse. And what else is there?
Sabrina: [Chuckles]
Patrick: Oh. An amazing role model for my daughter, who she absolutely adores. Seriously, if anybody should be surprised or grateful, it's me. Inside and out, you are a beautiful person. With a...
Sabrina: [Laughs]
Patrick: ...Killer bod, I might add.
Sabrina: Stop.
Patrick: You want me to stop?
Sabrina: No, no. I'm just kidding. No, don't stop.
Patrick: Because I wasn't going to.
Alexis: Rafe is a nice boy. You have fun with him. Don't you think you would have a good time with him?
Molly: Yeah, I do. I just don't want things to be awkward.
Alexis: Why would they be awkward?
Molly: Rafe might think of me as more than a friend.
Alexis: Might?
Molly: Okay, definitely. Or he definitely used to. I don't know. I mean, he says everything is cool now, but the last thing I want to do is lead him on.
Alexis: Sounds complicated.
Molly: Tell me about it.
Alexis: Well, if it makes you feel any better, Shawn talked to TJ. He's not that thrilled with the whole situation.
Molly: Why not? He already has another date.
Alexis: He does?
Molly: Mm-hmm. Felix DuBois' little sister is spending the summer in Port Charles. Five seconds after she got here, TJ asked her out.
Alexis: Out? Like, "He's taking her to prom" out?
Molly: Yeah. So, don't worry about TJ, because he's fine.
Taylor: See? You're a natural.
TJ: I think I almost got it. Hold on.
Taylor: [Squealing] Oh, my God!
TJ: Wait, wait, wait! Hold on!
Taylor: [Gasps]
TJ: I'm sorry. Come on. Wait! Oh!
Taylor: [Squealing]
TJ: Hold on! Wait!
Taylor: [Laughs] [Gasping] [Coughing] [Gasping]
TJ: Oh! Oh, look. I'm so sorry. I'm so, so sorry.'re soaked.
Taylor: [Laughs] That's okay. You mind throwing this in the dryer for me?
TJ: Uh, yeah, sure.
Taylor: You know... Should probably throw yours in, too.
TJ: Um...
Sabrina: This night was perfect.
Patrick: Perfect? Mm.
Sabrina: [Laughs] Do you have another word for it?
Patrick: No, I don't.
Sabrina: It's like when it's spring and... ...and everything's new and fresh and exciting. It's just...perfect.
Patrick: Well, perfect is good, but it's a lot to live up to. But I'm gonna really enjoy trying.
Sabrina: Now?
Patrick: You don't want to now?
Sabrina: Oh, no. Now's -- now's good.
Patrick: Good.
Alexis: Molly, why don't you go check and see how Sam's doing?
Molly: Okay.
Alexis: And don't wake her.
Molly: Yeah, I won't.
Shawn: Hey. Hope I wasn't gone too long.
Alexis: I had Molly to keep me company. How's TJ?
TJ: I, uh...I'll get these to the dryer.
Taylor: Well, hurry back.
TJ: [Sighs]
Connie: I can't stand this. I'm gonna go to the OR and hover. I know it's not gonna change anything, but I'm just gonna -- I got to go.
Dante: Let me know if you hear anything.
Connie: Okay.
Sonny: Olivia's gonna be okay.
Dante: Yeah, I know.
Sonny: She's a fighter. She always has been, ever since we were kids.
Dante: Connie said you were checking in with your people. To see if you were the target. Were you? Is that the reason my mother got shot?
Shawn: TJ's fine, you know? Gave him a pep talk. It's all good.
Alexis: Yeah, because you said he was really upset.
Shawn: Yeah, well, you know... guardian's touch, I guess.
Alexis: Said guardian is full of it.
Shawn: What?
Alexis: TJ called me while you were consoling him. He said he never got ahold of you, and you didn't even speak.
Shawn: [Sighs]
Alexis: You're a liar. And what business would make you do something like that?
Shawn: Look, Alexis, I --
Alexis: I'm going to see my daughter.
Carly: You really need to let this go. Especially if you're trying to move on with your life. I had nothing to do with what happened here tonight.
Franco: Okay. [Pounds table] [Sighs] To be perfectly clear, the man who would have hurt you, the man who would have turned you in in a heartbeat... I am not that man anymore.
Dante: Was someone gunning for you, Sonny? Is that how my mother got hurt?
Anna: How's Olivia doing? Sonny.
Dante: She's in surgery. We haven't heard anything yet.
Anna: Did you manage to speak to her before she went in?
Dante: Yeah.
Anna: Good.
Dante: Everything good with the crime scene?
Sonny: Well, you guys got business.
Anna: No, you know what? I'd like you to hear this, actually.
Dante: Why? Why? Was he the target? Is that what happened?
Anna: No, I don't think so. I believe Franco was. You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you? Perhaps we should continue this down at the station.
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