General Hospital Transcript Tuesday 6/11/13
Provided By Suzanne
Patrick: We will. And, uh, thank you again for watching the little one. I really appreciate it.
Anna: It's my pleasure. And Duke's.
Emma: Almost done!
Anna: [Chuckles]
Patrick: Anna says Emma's fine.
Sabrina: Good. Good. It's, uh, it's wonderful that she and Anna are so close.
Patrick: And it's wonderful that we're finally alone.
Sabrina: I've never been here when Emma wasn't. I can't believe it's just the two of us.
Patrick: Finally.
Lulu: I can't believe that I could have forgotten this, that I could have forgotten us.
Dante: Well, then you promise me that you will never do it again.
Lulu: I promise. I love you. [Chuckles]
AJ: [New York accent] Nurse! Nurse! I need help! It hurts when I do this.
Elizabeth: What are you doing here?
AJ: Well, I did a little bit of sleuthing, and I found out when you were going on break, and so I come bearing dinner.
Elizabeth: Oh, that's very sweet and needed. It's been a really long shift.
AJ: Yeah, well, you know, actually you'll be doing me a favor, 'cause I could use a break.
Elizabeth: From work?
AJ: No. From my brother, Franco.
Franco: The problem with genius, with understanding everything, is that you're rarely surprised. But you, Carly, you surprised me. I salute your surprise.
Sonny: What the hell's going on here?
Nikolas: Alexis. I thought you might need that.
Alexis: Thank you. Can I have the elephant, too?
Nikolas: [Chuckles] Sure. I actually bought it for Daniel, but I'm sure he wouldn't mind if you borrowed it. I got your message that he was here for a bone-marrow biopsy. How's he doing?
Alexis: He seems fine. He looks fine. I mean, the kid is remarkable. Nothing phases him. Sam's in the room with him. We're just waiting for him to sleep off the sedative. I didn't mean to alarm you. I'm sorry. I just don't like to be alone with the crazy thoughts in my head, and Shawn left to go to work.
Shawn: Damn it, Sonny, get out of the way.
Sonny: What are you doing, Carly?
Carly: Just, uh, clearing the air with Franco.
Sonny: I don't think that's a good idea.
Shawn: [Sighs]
Connie: You were right. Sonny doesn't seem too happy about Franco being out on bail.
Olivia: It's gonna get a whole lot worse before it gets any better. [Gasps] God.
Connie: Liv, what is it?
Olivia: It's -- it's Sonny. His shirt is all covered in blood.
Do you ladies need anything else?
Olivia: I think Franco's gonna kill him.
Connie: Wait. Liv.
Sonny: Carly, let's talk about this right here.
Carly: Not now.
Franco: I don't think Carly wants to talk.
Olivia: Sonny, you got to get out of here.
Olivia: [Sighs]
Sonny: Oh, my God. Okay.
Lulu: I'm so sorry -- everything I put you through.
Dante: Stop. You came back to me. That's all that matters.
Lulu: For the record, I am never going to lose you ever again.
Dante: You know, I thought, you know, when you... were off with Stavros and then with Milo that if I got you back, I could live off love alone. I'm just kidding. I'm so hungry, I could probably eat this blanket.
Lulu: [Laughs] Okay, okay. No. I'm on it. Mwah. What do you want? No, never mind. It's settled. It's Chinese food. It's happening. [Chuckles]
Anna: You've outdone yourself, Emma, really. I mean, this color totally brings out his eyes. He's transformed.
Emma: He looks hot.
Duke: [Chuckles]
Anna: Scorching. He looks scorching.
Duke: Okay.
Emma: But he needs something sparkly.
Anna: Oh, you know, he does. And I think I might have something in my jewelry box. Go have a look.
Emma: Okay.
Anna: All right.
Duke: Thanks a lot for that.
Anna: Oh, I love a little man with sparkle on, you know.
Duke: In that case, by all means.
Anna: Look at you. Ridiculous.
[Both chuckle]
Anna: I think Patrick and Sabrina, they were enjoying their date. I think.
Duke: What about you? Are you okay with that?
Anna: I'm okay with that. I think Robin would be, too. All she ever wanted was for Patrick to be happy.
[Both laugh]
Sabrina: So...
Patrick: So, I-I, uh... I promised you dessert. And, amazingly, I have some.
Sabrina: You do?
Patrick: Yes.
Sabrina: Did you make it?
Patrick: I'm trying to impress you here. Now, why would I poison you with my baking?
Sabrina: Very smart.
Patrick: Mm-hmm. Make yourself at home. I'll be back to prove to you that I didn't lure you under false pretenses.
Alexis: Sam and the baby are sleeping right now, which is a good thing. And tomorrow at this time, we'll find out if leukemia is the thing that's causing Danny's high white-cell count.
Nikolas: I'm sorry. I know this is awful for you.
Alexis: I just feel helpless.
Nikolas: I know. But... I can help. I have more to offer than just a latte and a stuffed pachyderm. I can find the best doctors in the world for Danny. You know that.
Alexis: I bet you can. Thank you. And we will be calling on you for that, perhaps. In the meantime, just glad for the company.
Nikolas: Really? And you're choosing me? After I went on and on about AJ and Elizabeth?
Alexis: Oh, that was fun. That was a distraction -- good gossip. Tell me more. Did you tell Elizabeth about AJ and Carly's sort of little tryst?
Nikolas: No, I didn't. And I haven't decided if I will.
Elizabeth: Can't stop thinking about Franco's party. How are you doing, after learning what happened to Michael in prison?
AJ: It makes me sick to even think about it.
Elizabeth: Michael was really strong confronting Franco. It seems like he's healing.
AJ: I'll tell you. He has...he has handled this with such unbelievable courage and grace. Which is A...hell of a lot better than his father's doing.
Elizabeth: Stop. You're always so hard on yourself. And it must be awful to know that your son was hurt in that way. It's a lot to take in.
AJ: Thank you.
Elizabeth: Do you believe Franco when he said that he just wanted to protect Michael and not hurt him?
AJ: You know, that video he made us watch, you know, where he's talking to the inmate, it looked legit. I mean, maybe I just relate to somebody who's done so much damage in his life. It just seems to me like maybe Franco's really trying to make amends.
Elizabeth: That's very generous of you to want to give Franco the benefit of the doubt. I highly doubt anybody else will.
Sonny: Oh, my God. You've been shot. Can you hear me?
Olivia: Sonny? Sonny.
Shawn: [Panting] Olivia? Oh, my God. What have I done?
Franco: Metro court restaurant on the terrace. A woman's been shot. She needs an ambulance. Sonny, put pressure on the wound.
Olivia: [Groans]
Sonny: You're gonna be fine.
Olivia: [Weakly] Sonny.
Sonny: Stay with me.
Olivia: It hurts.
Sonny: Stay with me. Are you calling somebody?
Connie: Liv! Oh, my God! Sonny, what happened?!
Sonny: She's been shot. It's gonna be fine. We got to keep the pressure so we can stop the bleeding. Just calm down.
Connie: Who did this? I was living with pain -- all over.
Lulu: Two wonton soups, a double order of spare ribs, two spring rolls, and, oh, the veggie dumplings.
Dante: Falconeri.
Lulu: Oh, can I also get extra sweet-and-sour sauce?
Dante: What? Where?
Lulu: 682 Paulson...
Dante: Any casualties?
Lulu: ...Apartment 4B.
Dante: Okay.
Lulu: Thank you.
Dante: Yeah, I'll be right there.
Lulu: The food is coming.
Dante: And I'm going.
Lulu: Wait, what?
Dante: There's been a shooting at the metro court.
Lulu: What? Who was shot?
Dante: I don't know. But I got to go.
Lulu: Okay.
Dante: Save me some sweet and sour.
Lulu: Of course. Be careful.
Dante: I will. See you soon.
Lulu: See you.
Dante: Okay.
Lulu: Hey. It's me. Dante was just called away on a big case, and I'm all alone. You want to come over?
Sabrina: [Laughs] Wow. I see Emma's style all over these.
Patrick: She wanted to make you dessert, but, um, as we had discussed, my baking isn't really up to par, so we got decorate-them-yourself cupcakes.
Sabrina: They're beautiful.
Patrick: I'm gonna let you guess which one's yours.
Sabrina: "S."
Patrick: Good job. It's red velvet. Mine's chocolate. Is that okay?
Sabrina: Yeah. Yum. I love red velvet. Thank you.
Patrick: Cheers. You're welcome. [Clears throat]
Sabrina: Oh, it's almost too pretty to eat.
Patrick: I would say that we waited long enough. Don't you think?
Sabrina: Yeah. You're right. Let's not wait any longer. Mmm! Delicious! [Chuckles]
Patrick: Mm-hmm. It is good. Can I try the red velvet?
Sabrina: Mm. Only if I can taste yours.
Patrick: Drive a hard bargain. Ah.
Emma: Look how pretty you are.
Anna: [Chuckles]
Duke: Yeah. I don't think I've ever been quite so...sparkly.
Anna: You are so sparkly. I have to get a picture.
Duke: No, don't take a picture.
Emma: No, uncle Duke isn't done yet.
Duke: I'm not?
Anna: Hmm.
Emma: You have to get dressed. I brought you something.
Anna: Oh.
Duke: I hope she doesn't expect me to fit into something of hers.
Anna: Thank you for letting her do this. She's really enjoying it, as am I. Smile. Yes.
Duke: You know, she's just like Robin when she was little. She's so bright. She's so open, and she's so smart.
Anna: Yeah. Yeah. I think that a lot. There's always a little bit of Robin's soul alive in Emma.
Duke: What a blessing.
Anna: Yeah. It is.
Duke: [Gasps]
Anna: Lipstick.
[Both laugh]
Duke: [Gasps]
Anna: Heavens.
Duke: Where in the world did you find that?
Emma: Sabrina said it was at the lost-and-found at the hospital.
Anna: Oh, my God. I'd love to know the story behind that.
Emma: It's for you, uncle Duke. Put it on.
Anna: Well, boys don't wear skirts.
Emma: But he wore one at the Nurses' Ball.
Duke: Oh, no. No, I didn't. That was a kilt.
Emma: What's the difference?
Anna: Yes. Exactly. You make an excellent point. [Chuckles]
[Cell phone rings]
Anna: Sorry. Hold on. Anna Devane.
Duke: You see, where I come from, Emma, in Scotland, on formal occasions, people wear kilts -- men wear kilts.
Emma: I have a tutu for me, too, so we'll match. I'll show you.
Anna: Right. Okay. Um, I-I'll be down immediately. And I want an officer at every exit of the hotel, please.
Duke: What is it?
Anna: There's been a shooting downstairs in the restaurant. I have to go. Okay, you keep Emma inside.
Duke: Okay.
Anna: Emma? Oh, hi. Um, I have to go out for a little while, all right? And you and Duke are gonna have a fine time without me.
Emma: Oh, we will. We have tutus.
Anna: Yes, you do.
Duke: Okay, you take care of yourself.
Anna: Yes. Thank you.
Franco: The ambulance is on its way.
Sonny: Good. Good.
Carly: Okay, just go tell everybody to stay inside.
All right.
Connie: Honey? No, no, no, no, no, no. Look at me. Look at me. Keep looking at me, okay?
Sonny: Hey.
Connie: The ambulance is coming.
Franco: What just happened here?
Sonny: You got to stay with us. You understand?
Carly: I-I don't know.
Franco: Really? I think I do.
AJ: To add to the lunacy, Franco's daughter -- she's decided to throw herself into the mix.
Elizabeth: Wait, the mysterious Lauren showed up to claim her birthright?
AJ: But she doesn't go by "Lauren." She goes by "Kiki." And Kiki and Franco -- they're staying at the house. Yay.
Elizabeth: That's not good.
AJ: No. Not even a little bit. So Tracy and I -- we've been falling all over each other, you know, trying to -- I don't know -- get them to sway their support behind us. And when I saw Tracy actually warming up milk for Kiki, I just -- I realized how stupid this whole thing is, and I just -- I had to get the hell out of there.
Elizabeth: Okay, but what if Tracy and her warm milk win Kiki over?
AJ: I don't care.
Elizabeth: Come on.
AJ: No, really. Really, I would so much rather be here with you.
Elizabeth: Well, I'm glad you're here, too. There's something I wanted to tell you. Your nephew's here. Danny's in the hospital.
Alexis: So, you think AJ and Carly are still having that little thing?
Nikolas: Are you sure this is the distraction you want? No, I didn't think so.
Alexis: At least it's keeping me from dwelling --
Nikolas: I want to help. Okay? I-I have a rare opportunity to give back a little of what you gave me when I was shot.
Alexis: Did I ever tell you that I-I was in the E.R. the night that Luke told me you were already in there?
Nikolas: No. What were you doing in the E.R.?
Alexis: Shawn was involved in a shooting on that same night.
Shawn: What was she even doing there?
Alexis: Dante and Anna were pursuing the guy that shot you when they got a report that he may have fled to the park. They spotted Shawn in the park with a gun. They thought he was the gunman. And while they were questioning him, the real gunman took a shot at Anna and -- and Shawn got hit trying to protect her.
Nikolas: Whoa. Back up. So Shawn just happened to be in the park with a gun?
Alexis: No. It was after Lulu disappeared, so he was just keeping an eye on the loft for suspicious activity in case the cops missed something.
Nikolas: Why? Is he some sort of a vigilante? Why would he do that?
Alexis: [Sighs] Guess I forgot to tell you that Shawn works for Sonny.
Anna: I'm on the way to the terrace, okay? And tell everyone in the restaurant they need to be held for questioning. Right.
Connie: Keep looking at me, babe.
Carly: What do you think happened?
Franco: Bullet wasn't meant for Olivia. Who would want her dead?
Carly: No one.
Franco: Sonny is a different story, right? People lined up around the block to kill that guy. So that just leaves you, Carly. Or perhaps me.
Connie: Come on, look at me. There you go.
Pulse is thready.
Carly: I can't believe this is happening.
Franco: I know. It's hard to believe it's happening.
Carly: A woman was shot, you know.
Franco: Right. And you find that upsetting.
Carly: Yes. Olivia is my friend. She was shot here at my hotel.
Sonny: She gonna be okay?
EMT: Sir, we need to get her to the hospital as soon as possible.
Sonny: We're gonna get you patched up. I'm right here with you.
Connie: Me too, Liv. I love you. Liv? Liv! Liv!
[Knock on door]
Lulu: [Sighs] I'm so glad you came over. It feels like ages since we've been alone together.
Maxie: Enough of that. Tell me I smell Chinese food.
Lulu: [Chuckles] Spare ribs, dumplings, the works.
Maxie: Oh, well, move aside. I'm eating for two, and I'm enjoying it.
Lulu: It's quite the change from the girl who lived four months on black coffee and protein bars.
Maxie: Priorities, Lulu. I want to make sure this baby comes out healthy. And it's a good thing I feel that way, because look at how huge I'm getting.
Lulu: You look wonderful. You're glowing. I know that that's a cliché, but in your case, it's true. You are.
Maxie: [Groans] I had no idea a pregnancy was gonna be like...this.
Lulu: Oh. Hi. Little widget is gonna be here soon. I can't wait to see if it looks like a Spencer or a Falconeri.
[Both chuckle]
Anna: Dante, good.
Dante: Hey. You know who's shot?
Anna: No, I don't.
Dante: I was asking one of the police officers who was canvassing --
Anna: Oh, here we go.
Dante: What the hell? What the hell? Stop! Stop! Stop! Mom? Mom. Oh, my God, mom. You okay?
Elizabeth: You need to speak with Sam. She's up on the fourth floor.
AJ: You know, a hospital is no place for a kid. Yeah, no child should have to go through that.
Elizabeth: Yeah, I know.
AJ: Elizabeth, I'm so sorry. This must take you right back to losing Jake. It just never goes away, does it?
Elizabeth: No. No, it never does. I miss him so much.
AJ: Are you okay?
Elizabeth: Yeah. Yeah, it just hits me sometimes, you know? But I'll be fine.
AJ: You don't have to be fine right this second.
Elizabeth: Actually, I do, because I have to get back to work, and you really should go see about Danny.
AJ: Are you -- you sure?
Elizabeth: Yeah. Thank you. Thank you for knowing that I needed to see you.
AJ: Yeah.
Nikolas: [Clears throat] So Shawn works for Sonny. I thought he ran kel-- here. I thought he ran Kelly's and made BLTs.
Alexis: He moonlights for Sonny.
Nikolas: Oh, I see. So Shawn makes the sandwiches the way Sonny makes coffee. Is that how it is?
Alexis: No, no. That is not how it is. No. He's an ex-marine. And he was doing, uh, work for Jason. He was his bodyguard. And then Sonny recruited him when Jason was killed.
Nikolas: Jason was Sonny's enforcer. Is Shawn now filling those shoes?
Alexis: No.
Nikolas: No. Look, I'm not -- I'm not judging you. Okay? I mean, the way I've conducted my life, uh, I'm certainly in no position to criticize. But...
Alexis: Go ahead.
Nikolas: But you tend to follow a pattern. Yes? Sonny, Ric Lansing, Jerry Jacks.
Alexis: Shawn is not like that.
Nikolas: Good. Because I would hate to think that my moral, principled, law-abiding aunt is with a man that fries other people's bacon, which he makes killer BLTs with.
Anna: So I want you to question everyone that was in here during the shooting and have the CSU come in here to process the crime scene.
Yes, commissioner.
Sonny: Dante, we got to get your mom to the doctor.
Dante: Okay, that's great. I'm coming with you.
Connie: No, honey, your father and I will do it.
Dante: No, I said I'm coming with you, okay? This is my mother.
Sonny: You got to stay here and find the son of a bitch who did this!
Connie: Dante, I swear to God, I will call you if anything happens. Just get the S.O.B. That did this to my cousin.
Dante: Okay. Okay, ma. Be good, okay? You come back, okay? You got a little grandkid waiting for you.
Anna: What happened?
Carly: Uh, we, uh, had just sat down --
Anna: "We"? Who "we"? Who were you eating with?
Carly: With Franco.
Anna: You're dining with Franco?
Carly: Yeah, I was trying to find out if he was, you know, as blameless as he was claiming. And then Sonny came out, and he was trying to get me to leave.
Franco: Right. Sonny didn't want me breaking bread with his ex.
Anna: Oh.
Carly: And then Olivia came running out, and she was frantic and trying to yell something at Sonny, and the next thing we know, we heard a shot, and she was on the ground, bleeding.
Dante: Either of you see the shooter?
Carly: I didn't.
Franco: I did.
Patrick: This okay?
Sabrina: Yeah. It's more than okay.
Patrick: I don't know if I told you, but Emma's staying the whole night with her grandmother and Duke.
Sabrina: So we're alone alone.
Patrick: I don't want to be presumptuous, but I was... Hoping that you would spend the night with me. If you're looking for help relieving heartburn,
Sabrina: Are you sure?
Patrick: Sabrina, I've been thinking about this for a while. Is there a reason why you would think I'm not ready? I mean, this doesn't have to do with anything with Britt and the baby, does it?
Sabrina: No, no. I know how you feel about Britt.
Patrick: Okay. So?
Sabrina: Well, this is about Robin. This is your home, Patrick, yours and Robin's. You shared your life with her here.
Duke: How do I look?
Emma: Scorching. See? Boys can wear skirts. Now we're both ready.
Duke: Ready for what?
Emma: To dance the way you and grandma did at the Nurses' Ball.
Duke: Oh, okay. Your wish is my command. [Chuckles]
[Tango music plays]
Duke: May I?
Emma: [Giggles]
Shawn: How's everything going?
Alexis: About the same as it was when you left.
Shawn: Yeah.
Alexis: I have company now. I don't know if you've met my nephew. Nikolas, Shawn.
Shawn: Hey. Shawn butler.
Nikolas: Shawn, pleasure. Nikolas.
Shawn: It's good to see you up and about.
Nikolas: Yes. I guess I owe you a debt of gratitude for chasing down the man my father sent to kill me. I understand you got shot for your trouble.
Shawn: Ah, minor injury. It's all part of the job.
Nikolas: Right. Anyway, it's nice to finally meet the man that makes my aunt so happy, even if the circumstances aren't the best. I'm gonna go check in on Sam, see if she needs anything.
Alexis: Don't -- don't wake them if they're still sleeping.
Nikolas: I know.
Shawn: Hey.
Alexis: So your business with Sonny is done for the night?
Shawn: Yes, yes. I'm sorry I had to go. I hated to leave you here.
Alexis: Would you mind if I asked you what it is you were doing?
Dr. Rashi: What do we got?
EMT: GSW, left interior chest. Lost a lot of blood on scene. B.P. -- 80/46. Pulse -- 144.
Elizabeth: Cubicle 2 is free. Olivia?
Nikolas: What are you doing here?
AJ: I came to see my nephew and Sam. I heard Danny's having some tests done.
Nikolas: Mm-hmm. Well, they're asleep right now. Alexis will have your head if you disturb them... which would be perfectly fine with me.
AJ: Mm. Well, no surprise there. I guess I'll come back later.
Nikolas: Uh, wait a second. Uh, just something I need to tell you real quickly.
AJ: Let me guess. You're still pining after Elizabeth, huh, Nicky? Well, no surprise there either.
Nikolas: Well, this may come as a surprise to you. I know you slept with Carly.
Carly: You saw the shooter?
Franco: No, I-I didn't see a person. What I saw was like a glint, like a shift of light. Like a reflection, right...
Anna: Where?
Franco: ...There. That window.
Anna: This room?
Franco: Mm-hmm.
Anna: Can you get me to that room?
Carly: Yeah.
Lulu: Is there anymore sweet-and-sour chicken left?
Maxie: I'm sorry. I think there's only a pineapple chunk.
Lulu: Okay, I have to order more for Dante. He's gonna be starving when he gets home.
Maxie: When's that gonna be?
Lulu: I don't know. Could be 10 minutes. Could be all night. He got a call that there was a shooting. He ran out without getting the details. What does your fortune say?
Maxie: Um.. nothing.
Lulu: What? Can't say nothing. Let me see. [Grunts] "Soon the truth will come out." "The truth." What does that mean?
Maxie: I don't know. That's why I said nothing. Um, what does yours say?
Lulu: Uh, let's see. "Something of yours may be lost to you forever."
Maxie: Oh, my God.
Lulu: Okay, that is a really depressing fortune. That's weird, right?
Maxie: Not that weird. I think I know what it means.
Dr. Rashi: Start a second line with four units of "O" neg. Get a...
Elizabeth: I'm sorry. You guys, you have to wait outside.
Connie: Please let us in.
Elizabeth: The team can work faster without you guys in here. It's what's best for Olivia.
Sonny: Elizabeth, can you let me know when she's okay?
Elizabeth: Of course.
Sonny: How the hell does this happen?
Connie: She had a premonition, Sonny. She was terrified.
Sonny: What does that mean?
Connie: She said that Franco was gonna kill you. She said that -- that you had blood all over you.
Sonny: Not -- she didn't see my blood. She saw her own blood.
Lulu: Something of mine might be lost to me forever. What?
Maxie: Well, your fortune said something may be lost to you forever, the operative word being "may," so...
Lulu: [Gasps]
Maxie: Here you go.
Lulu: My red shoes!
Maxie: Yeah, the ones that you mentioned to me when you got your memory back. I borrowed those from you on memorial day over a year ago.
Lulu: You know I was just teasing you. You love these shoes. You don't have to do this.
Maxie: I wanted to. I'm trying to be a better friend to you. I felt like I might have lost you forever.
Lulu: It's really sweet, Maxie.
Maxie: Besides, they're so 2012.
Lulu: Oh! Well, I still love them.
Maxie: If you want to know the truth, my feet are getting so swollen, I can almost not wear heels anymore.
Lulu: Oh, Maxie. Oh, I guess we know what the cookie meant about the truth coming out.
Maxie: Yeah.
Carly: Our friend is gonna be on the terrace at the metro court restaurant. I'm gonna leave the door open to room 1202. That room overlooks the terrace, okay? You're gonna have a perfect shot from there. I want you to enter the hotel from the grant street entrance. I will make sure the security cameras are off.
[Footsteps approaching]
Anna: Carly, you got the key?
Carly: Yeah. Yeah. Here.
Dante: You're sure no one's staying in this room?
Carly: Not tonight.
Anna: Someone must have known it was empty.
Dante: Stay back, Carly.
Carly: Yeah.
[Lock beeps, clicks]
Dante: Clear.
Anna: Clear! Okay, Carly, it's empty. I want you to come in. Don't touch anything. Tell me if anything's out of place. What do you got?
Dante: Clear line of sight from here to Carly and Franco's table on the terrace. Bastard who shot my mother was sitting right here.
Shawn: Are you asking me what I did for Sonny tonight?
Alexis: I am.
Shawn: Where is all this coming from? I mean, you never asked before.
Alexis: I need to know.
Shawn: [Scoffs] Okay, as you just pointed out, we both work for Sonny. I thought we had an unspoken agreement not to get into it.
Alexis: Well, I'm thinking that maybe now we should.
AJ: Me and Carly in the sack together? [Scoffs] Yeah, maybe when hell freezes over. We hate each other.
Nikolas: Yes, I know. You told Tracy the same thing in New York when she confronted you about it. Unfortunately for you... she recorded that conversation and eventual confession. And guess what. I now have that recording.
AJ: Yeah, I just ran into Elizabeth. She didn't say --
Nikolas: She doesn't know. And I'm not gonna tell her, even though I know it'll probably break you two up.
AJ: What's the catch?
Nikolas: No, there's no catch. There's no catch. See, unlike you, AJ, I don't want to hurt Elizabeth.
AJ: Really?
Nikolas: Really.
AJ: Hmm. Then why don't you erase the recording?
Elizabeth: Hey.
Connie: How is she?
Elizabeth: Dr. Rashi was able to stabilize her.
Connie: [Exhales sharply] Thank God.
Elizabeth: But we need to get the bullet out, and we're prepping the O.R. Right now.
Sonny: Elizabeth, is she gonna make it?
Elizabeth: It's too soon to say, but we know how strong Olivia is.
Connie: She's a Bensonhurst girl. She doesn't give up.
Sonny: Can -- can we see her?
Elizabeth: One at a time. She's barely conscious.
Connie: Go ahead. I have to call Dante, anyway.
[Monitor beeping]
Sonny: [Sighs] Olivia...
Patrick: Yes, this is my home. This is where Robin and I shared our lives. But it's also where you babysat Emma and made both of our lives better. And I don't really see a lot of venue choices for us right now. Short of selling the place.
Sabrina: At my apartment, we'd have to share a pull-out sofa with Felix, since his sister and Britt have both of the bedrooms.
Patrick: [Chuckles] No thanks.
Sabrina: [Chuckles]
Patrick: Look... right before Robin died, she, uh, she had an HIV scare with her medication, and there was a moment there that she wasn't sure that she was gonna make it. And she made me a DVD basically telling me to find somebody to love... that would love me... and that would love Emma. And I feel like I found her. Yes, Sabrina, this is my house. This is where my life is. This is where my heart is. But you're a part of it now. And I really want you to be comfortable. Are you?
Anna: I need the hotel security footage from tonight -- all of it.
Carly: Of course. I'll get that right now.
Dante: Commissioner, what are you thinking?
[Tango music playing]
[Cell phone rings]
Dante: Yeah?
Connie: Dante, it's Connie.
Dante: How's my mother?
Sonny: Connie told me you went out on the terrace 'cause you thought something bad was gonna happen to me.
Olivia: You're okay.
Sonny: I'm fine. I'm fine.
Olivia: Thank God.
Sonny: You got to get better, 'cause, you know, our son needs you. I don't know if I ever told you, but I... I like having you around. 'Cause you're strong, you're uncomplicated. I need that in my life right now. You're gonna be fine. [Smooches]
AJ: All right, Nikolas. If your intentions are every bit as noble as you say, why don't you give me back the recording?
Nikolas: [Chuckles] Wouldn't that be convenient for you?
AJ: You said it yourself that if Elizabeth found out I slept with Carly, it would hurt her.
Nikolas: [Chuckles] You're always looking for the easy way out, aren't you, AJ? You have no problem crossing the line, but you never want to pay the consequences. Too bad. That recording's my little insurance policy. Make one wrong move with Elizabeth, and I'll make sure she hears about your pathetic little fling with Carly.
Alexis: I think we should clear the air about your work with Sonny.
Shawn: Alexis --
[Cell phone ringing]
Alexis: Go ahead. Answer it.
Shawn: I really should.
[Ringing continues]
Shawn: Hello?
Carly: What the hell happened?
Shawn: Olivia came out of nowhere. What happened? Is she --
Carly: No! She's on her way to the hospital.
Shawn: That's where I am right now.
Carly: You need to find out if she's okay or what's going on. I need to know.
Shawn: Yeah, I'll get back to you.
Carly: What the hell do you want?
Franco: Who were you on the phone with, Carly?
Carly: The head of security. There was a shooting in my hotel.
Franco: I know. And we both know who is responsible.
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