General Hospital Transcript Monday 6/10/13
Provided By Suzanne
Britt: Just because you and I don't like each other doesn't mean I'm not a perfectly normal human being.Felix: That's right. The fact that I can't say anything good about you is irrelevant. That no one can say anything good about you is the point.
Britt: You don't know me.
Felix: Okay. Let's get up close and personal, Britt. Why can't you let Sabrina and Patrick be happy?
Olivia: Aren't they adorable? Sweet young couple who only have eyes for each other.
Your table, Dr. Drake, just as you requested.
Patrick: Thank you very much.
Sabrina: This is lovely. Thank you.
Patrick: You're welcome. There you go.
Sabrina: You realize this is our first date, right? If you don't count the Nurses' Ball.
Patrick: Well, it is worth the wait.
Sabrina: [Chuckles]
Olivia: Do you remember the last time you felt like that?
Connie: Yeah. When I was with Sonny.
[Knock on door, door opens]
Dante: Hey. Got a minute?
Sonny: Yeah. How you doing? How's Lulu?
Dante: Great. Good. I got good news -- she got her memory back.
Sonny: Wow.
[Knock on door]
Lulu: Hang on. Mom!
Laura: Hi. I just got off the plane from HonoLulu. I got your message, and I had to see for myself. Is it true? Oh, Lulu.
Franco: What are you doing here?
Carly: Looking for you.
Franco: How did you find me?
Carly: Heard you made bail. Thought you might want to connect with your family.
Franco: Very perceptive. What can I do for you?
Carly: I have something for you. Ana, what's your secret? Weight watchers online!
Franco: [Gasps] Aww. Okay. It's not that I'm not appreciative, but I really was hoping for a dump truck.
Carly: Don't pretend like you don't remember. You sent that to me. Actually, no -- you sent that to Josslyn. And I kept it as a reminder of how you terrorized me and my family.
Alexis: The baby's asleep. Sam's with him.
Shawn: The doctors say anything?
Alexis: He just said that Danny handled the procedure well and that we would find out if it really is leukemia at the same time tomorrow, although, from everything that I'm hearing, it's inevitable.
Shawn: I'm really sorry the little guy has to go through this.
Alexis: [Breathes deeply] It felt like I was having an out-of-body experience in there, because intellectually, I understood that they were doing this procedure and they were taking a bone-marrow sample, but... I mean, it just -- it doesn't seem real to me. Why -- why is this happening to my grandson?
Shawn: Come here, come here.
Britt: How am I coming between Patrick and Sabrina's happiness? They're out on a big date, and I'm stuck here with you? And, by the way, can we talk about that dress? I mean, what was she thinking? I mean, is Sabrina selling phones on the side?
Felix: I think she looked nice. In fact, I helped her pick it out.
Britt: Of course you did. 'Cause as the whole world knows, every gay man has perfect taste.
Felix: Okay, girl, you went from insulting Sabrina to Patrick to me in 5 seconds flat.
Britt: Your point is?
Felix: You're a Britch.
Britt: Okay, you keep calling me that, but what does it mean?
Felix: Britt plus bitch equals Britch.
Britt: [Scoffs]
Sabrina: Why, Dr. Drake, how extravagant.
[Both chuckle]
Patrick: Only the best for you, nurse Santiago. To you.
Sabrina: No.
Patrick: After everything you've done for me and Emma...
Sabrina: To us.
Patrick: I will drink to that. Cheers.
Connie: You can see how happy and content that girl is being with Patrick. She just lights up. Sonny used to make me feel that way. He used to take me into his arms and give me that big smile.
Olivia: I just want my boy back.
Sonny: You can't put yourself through this is what I'm saying.
Olivia: Maybe this is the time that I lost my -- that I lost my baby.
Sonny: Hey. Our son found his way back to you then.
Olivia: Oh, thank God!
Sonny: Too soon to count our son out. I said I didn't want cake.
Olivia: All right, so I lied.
Sonny: It's my birthday. You can't lie to me on my birthday.
Olivia: Sonny, it's a celebration, okay? Cake is non-negotiable, so why don't you stop your pouting and your punching and just have a good time, okay? For my sake. Yeah, boy knows how to work the dimples.
Connie: [Chuckles] Exactly. And his eyes... those big brown eyes... no matter how big he'd smile, you could always see the sadness behind his eyes. Made me want to just... hold him in my arms and love his hurt away.
Olivia: Yeah, I know exactly how you feel.
Sonny: I'm happy for you.
Dante: Thank you. Thank you. I mean, I know was talking a good game, that I was gonna hold on no matter what it took, but I was beginning to think that -- that she was changed forever.
Sonny: I know the feeling.
Dante: I know you do.
Sonny: So, everything's good? Lulu's okay?
Dante: Yeah. I mean, all her memories are intact. We couldn't be happier right now.
Sonny: A lot of people love your wife, including her family. Luke and Laura must be relieved.
Dante: Yeah.
Laura: Lulu, I am so happy. Oh. We missed you so much. We were all so worried. Dante must be over the moon. So, how did it happen? What made you remember?
Lulu: It was all Dante.
Sonny: The other night at the haunted star, after you took off with Lulu, I knew something was up.
Dante: She was struggling. You know, part of her wanted to remember and part of her wanted to just... bury it all. But I knew if I got her home, she would remember, and she did.
Sonny: Makes sense, because when she gets home, she's remembering things.
Dante: The big thing was remembering what the Cassadines did to her. If Helena and Stavros weren't already dead, I'm telling you, there's two people I would kill. But, hey, Lulu made it back. I took her to see Kevin Collins. He said the trauma wasn't physical and that she was gonna be fine.
Sonny: To Lulu.
[Glasses clink]
Dante: Salud. It's crazy. You know, when I left the haunted star, I didn't know what was gonna happen next.
Sonny: You know, I was gonna go after you, but things got complicated after you left.
Dante: Yeah. I heard Franco showed up, alive.
Carly: On the video, you said you would be watching over Josslyn. Wasn't a direct threat, but we all know what you meant, and I was scared to death.
Franco: Mm. I'm sorry for that. The only way I could think to frighten Jason was to frighten you, but... I would never have hurt Josslyn.
Carly: Just like you never hurt Michael.
Franco: Done a lot of really stupid things in my life, but... you know, at the time, they always seem like the right thing to do. To lose... some project... this is my work. Oh. Never mind. I can't explain my art to myself. How am I gonna explain it to you? All I can do is tell you that I'm sorry.
Carly: Prove it. If you're looking for help relieving heartburn,
Franco: You know, when I came back to this town, I made myself vulnerable to arrest. I think that that would do something to gain trust in this town, but so far, the only person that trusts me is my new best friend, the district attorney.
Carly: That's because the D.A. Doesn't know you.
Franco: You don't know me.
Carly: I know what you've done. I know you're a violent and uncaring man.
Franco: That's entirely inaccurate. If anything, I care too much.
Carly: I don't know why you're here, but I want you to stay away from my children.
Franco: Okay. No problem.
Carly: I don't trust you.
Franco: Okay. What do I have to do to gain your trust?
Carly: Why don't you leave town and never come back?
Franco: Well, I think that would be a great disappointment to my new best friend, the district attorney.
Carly: Okay. See, you're playing games here. You just like to wind us up like that stupid toy --
Franco: Games I do, but I'm not -- all I'm trying to do right now is demonstrate to you that I have a terrific sense of humor.
Carly: Okay. But nothing's funny here. I haven't slept a night. I'm afraid you're gonna break in to my house, like you did the night I walked in to Josslyn's nursery and you were standing there holding her. That's what I'm afraid of.
Franco: Carly... [Clears throat] ...I was trying to figure out what it would feel like... the experience of holding my daughter.
Carly: You were trying to terrorize me.
Franco: No. You asked me to put her down. I put her down. You said you would be my hostage, and that was great, because I needed leverage. But I would never have used Josslyn. Here -- take this.
Carly: I don't want it. So, all this time, we were harmless, and we just never knew, huh?
Franco: Carly, I'm not harmless, but I'd never hurt your children. Take it.
Carly: I don't want it.
Franco: Is it me, or is this conversation just circular at this point?
Carly: It doesn't matter because we're talking about my family, and I -- I need reassurance.
Franco: Fine. Anything for you, Carly. Really, anything you need.
Carly: You make me believe that you're for real... that you're really trying to make amends... that you're not gonna hurt any of us.
Franco: When do you need a list of my reassurances?
Carly: Right now.
Dante: I heard Franco put on a real show at the haunted star.
Sonny: He wants us to know that he's a changed man.
Dante: Oh, really? And innocent, no doubt. He had a recording his meeting with Carly and the convict who raped Michael.
Dante: Yeah, no, I saw that. He left that for me and Jason to find at the museum where he did his performance-art piece.
Sonny: That was something that was staged for Jason. What you didn't see was him telling carter not to touch Michael and protect him.
Dante: What, so he points a rapist in Michael's direction, and then says, "wait a second. Don't hurt the kid. Protect him," and then he considers himself blameless?
Sonny: I don't know what Franco thinks. I don't care.
Dante: You know what? We all played a part in sending Michael to Pentonville -- you and Jason for covering up Claudia's death, Carly for lying on the stand, me for waltzing in to the courtroom and playing God and pointing out Michael as the killer, thinking he was gonna get justice and get a suspended sentence. But Franco put Michael in carter's sights. And I don't care -- no amount of made-up excuses is gonna change that.
Sonny: Michael wouldn't have been anywhere near carter if it wasn't for the cover-up. I conspired with Carly to take the blame off Michael. We let our emotions get in the way, we took the legal system into our hands, and we lived to regret it.
Laura: So, what were you saying about the wedding?
Lulu: Well, the ceremony, it triggered something. I started getting all of these memories -- bad ones. Luckily, Dante came after me. He could tell that I was scared, that something had happened, and... I tried to push him away, but he just hung in there. Until I broke through.
Laura: That's love.
Olivia: Steve used to make me feel that way.
Connie: You really miss him, huh?
Olivia: I do. Yeah, but he made his choice, and... now I just got to accept it, whether I like it or not.
Connie: You ever see yourself moving on with anyone else anytime soon? Can you imagine falling in love again?
Patrick: You know, honestly, I haven't given you a lot to laugh about lately. I just want to say that you've been amazing. Seriously, you've been sweet and kind, and... you love my daughter, and she loves you, and I feel very lucky for that.
Sabrina: Well, you are.
Patrick: Mm. See? And you make me laugh. And not only do you move my ex-girlfriend in, who is pregnant, but you take care of us, so I don't know if that makes you a masochist or just the most wonderful woman in the world?
Sabrina: I think that truly caring about someone means you're willing to get through the tough parts together.
Britt: Just because you don't agree with my assessment of Sabrina's fashion sense, or yours, doesn't mean that I'm a Britch -- I mean, a bitch. I'm a very caring person.
Felix: Yeah? Says who? Nobody. You're the least caring person I've ever met. Why you became a doctor is beyond me.
Britt: I was top of my class.
Felix: I'm not saying you're not educated. I'm saying you lack empathy. You're uncaring.
Britt: That is not true.
Felix: Yeah? Nurses take bribes to stay off your service. You don't have one single friend. And little kids -- they hate you. Face it -- you're a bitch. The only question is, why? Who made you this way?
Britt: My mother!
Felix: You have a mother? I figured you were hatched from dragons' eggs or a spawn, like spores from a poisonous mushroom.
Britt: Oh, I have a mother -- the mother of all mothers.
Felix: What's so bad about her?
Britt: Well, for starters, she's kind of a mad scientist, she holds people against their will, and performs experimental procedures on them.
Felix: Be serious.
Britt: I am. And I haven't even begun to talk about my father.
Felix: Oh, let me guess -- he's an ax murderer.
Britt: He has people for that. Daddy's a deranged criminal on global scale.
Felix: So your childhood is a combination of "rocky horror" and "Austin powers."
Britt: Only not funny -- in any way.
Felix: Huh. Well, of course, you're exaggerating, but I think I get the point -- it's not your fault that you're a bitch.
Britt: I don't expect you to understand. I'm sure you have a perfectly adorable set of parents who dote on your every clever word, kept your artwork on the fridge, patted you on head, and constantly told you how wonderful you are.
Felix: Not exactly. But we're talking about you. You expect me to feel sorry for you? Expect me to forgive your ruthless personality because you had a mean mommy and daddy who were never home? The only one I feel sorry for is that baby you're carrying, having you as a mother. As a matter of fact, I'm gonna start a therapy fund for it because it's gonna need it. The only thing that that child has in its favor is having Patrick as a father, assuming Patrick is the father.
Sabrina: I have a confession to make.
Patrick: Don't tell me you're a vegan now.
Sabrina: [Chuckles] I -- I'm nowhere near as kind and wonderful as you think. I had an ulterior motive letting Britt move in.
Patrick: Okay. I'm listening.
Sabrina: I still think she's faking her condition, and Felix and I are trying to prove it. And I know how upset you got the first time I mentioned it because the lab work you saw backed up her story.
Patrick: I did.
Sabrina: But given everything that I know about Britt... Felix and I were trying to take a blood sample and run new tests. Unfortunately, she managed to worm her way out of it.
Patrick: Okay. Look, Sabrina, just because she's pregnant with my child, it doesn't mean that I don't acknowledge what she's done or understand what she's capable of.
Sabrina: Do you mean that? Because while we're on the subject of what she's capable of, we still don't know for sure if the baby she's carrying is actually yours.
Laura: I can't stop thinking about the nursery.
Lulu: Well, actually, I think that we are gonna keep the baby in the bassinet next to the bed for the first six months or so. And, uh, Dante talked to our landlord. He thinks that something larger might open up in the next year, or maybe we might get a house.
Laura: Oh. Oh, Lulu, it's all so exciting, all of these changes. You know, you have everything to look forward to.
Lulu: Tell me about you. How was the honeymoon? How was Hawaii?
Laura: Oh, it was glorious. Absolutely glorious. The water, the flowers, the moon... you know, you'd think that Scotty and I would be sort of spoiled having lived in the most romantic city in the world, but, no. Hawaii is romantic in a whole other kind of wonderful way.
Lulu: Oh. I'm so happy for you, mom.
Laura: Thank you, sweetheart. Oh! That reminds me. I have a little something for you. Well, actually, for the baby. [Chuckles]
Lulu: Oh, no. Wait. Aah! Okay, it's the cutest thing I ever saw. Aah! Dante will love this.
Laura: I hope so. And there's some other little things for you and Dante in there.
Lulu: Chocolate macadamia nuts?
Laura: Oh, yeah.
Lulu: Okay, this is a test of our marriage because I love him more than my own life, but I don't want to share these at all.
Laura: Honey, are you sure you turned the stove down?
Lulu: Oh, no. Dante's meatballs are burning.
Dante: I can't believe the judge gave Franco bail.
Sonny: The man should not be walking around.
Dante: All I can think of is that the D.A. On this case, Lazaro, he's sketchy, man. I bet you Franco paid him off.
Sonny: Well, you know what? Wouldn't be the first time someone's on the take. Speaking of which, Connie's trial's today.
Dante: Didn't you hear? The judge tossed the case.
Sonny: What do you mean?
Dante: Yeah, that's right. Connie's free.
Connie: Come on, cuz. Spill the beans. You ever think about meeting someone?
Olivia: You know, I've had a little bit of time to live with it, and I have had to realize that Steve made a choice. You know? He made a choice not to defend himself, take a longer sentence, and, uh... I got to take him at his word. He doesn't want me to wait for him, and I'm not gonna wait. I sent the ring back. It's over.
Connie: Well, you know what? I think you made the right decision, and I know there's someone out there that's gonna make you very happy.
Olivia: I hope so, and soon, too, 'cause I'm not getting any younger.
Connie: Okay. What are you talking about? Are you kidding me? You are gorgeous, Liv. You are smart and you are successful. You're gonna be beating them off with a stick. I mean it. You deserve the best. You deserve a man who makes you feel like Sonny made me feel.
Franco: Sit down. Let's chat. It's the perfect opportunity. You know, my aunt Tracy and my big brother AJ are upstairs fighting over my daughter.
Carly: They found Lauren?
Franco: Oh, Lauren found them, only she doesn't go by Lauren. Imagine that. Been pining after this girl her entire life, and I've been calling her the wrong name.
Carly: I feel so sorry for you.
Franco: Oh. I have a lot to make up for in my life. Please, sit down. Let's chat.
Carly: Not here. You know, I think we need to be somewhere in public, where I feel safe.
Franco: This is a conversation. We're not exchanging hostages.
Carly: With you, one never knows.
Franco: Fine. Where would you like to have this conversation, Carly?
Carly: My hotel. We can have dinner at the metro court.
Franco: Are you asking me out?
Carly: Don't even try and charm me.
Franco: Fine. The metro court it is. I'll need a few minutes here to finish up.
Carly: That's fine. I'll meet you there. I'll need a few minutes to, um...make the arrangements.
Franco: Great. Totally unexpected. What a terrific idea.
Carly: [Chuckles] Yeah. I feel like it's my only recourse.
Shawn: You've got to let this out. You're scared, you're sad -- it's brutal.
Alexis: He's just so little. It's... I'm not doing this, because if I start, I won't stop.
Shawn: Look, that's okay. Okay, you be the way you need to be, 'cause I'm right here.
Alexis: And -- and I'm really grateful for that. And if I haven't -- haven't said that enough... I'm grateful that you're in my life.
Shawn: Hey. I love you, Alexis.
Alexis: I... love you, too. I... I hope you know how hard that is for me to say.
Shawn: Well, if it came too easy, it wouldn't mean anything.
Alexis: It does... mean everything... for me to have you here with me.
[Cell phone rings]
Shawn: I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
Alexis: It's bad timing. That's all right.
Shawn: I got to take this.
[Ringing continues]
Alexis: I'm gonna go check on Sam.
Shawn: Okay. [Sighs] Hello?
Carly: It's Carly. The hit's back on.
Patrick: I've been wondering from the beginning if the baby was mine. As far as I know, Britt wasn't sleeping with anybody else, so... and then she decided that she was gonna have an abortion, so I didn't really think too much about it. Then she decided she was gonna keep the baby, so I wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt and support her, and when the time was right, we'd get an amnio to find out if the baby was mine. When that time came... she got sick, so...
Sabrina: If she really is sick. Maybe that was Britt's way of avoiding a paternity test.
Britt: Of course it's Patrick's baby. What are you talking about?
Felix: Well, we only have your word, and we know what that's good for.
Britt: You may be chasing everything in pants, but I've only been with one person in the last year -- Patrick.
Felix: When you ambushed him in the shower.
Britt: And how would you know that?
Felix: If you're gonna have sex in public places, expect to be seen. 'Course, in the case of Patrick, it was a one-time thing.
Britt: Do they not teach basic reproduction in nursing school? Once is all it takes. This is Patrick's baby.
Felix: Okay. To quote my friend, Carly -- prove it.
Shawn: The hit's back on? I thought Sonny wanted to wait.
Carly: No, it's back on, all right? Our friend is gonna be on the terrace at the metro court restaurant. I'm gonna leave the door open to room 1202. That room overlooks the terrace, okay? You're gonna have a perfect shot from there. I want you to enter the hotel from the grant street entrance. I will make sure the security cameras are off.
Shawn: Any chance this can wait?
Carly: It cannot wait, okay?
Shawn: What about Sonny? Are you sure he's okay with moving forward with this?
Carly: It was his idea.
Sonny: So, uh, they dropped the charges against Connie?
Dante: Yeah. Diane miller -- she found a pretrial motion arguing that Connie was lacking intent because of the D.I.D. the judge kicked the case.
Sonny: Well, that's a weight off.
Dante: Yeah.
Sonny: Last thing I would want is Connie to go to prison for something she can't control. I'm sure she's having a happy birthday.
Dante: Today's her birthday? You're serious?
Sonny: [Chuckles] Yeah, I bought this for her... way back when she was going through therapy and before she broke it off with me. I don't know what to do with it. Throw it away -- I don't know.
Dante: What're you talking about? You two are crazy about each other.
Sonny: Well, that's the problem, see, because she says that she loves me so much that being with me literally drives her crazy.
Dante: I don't buy that for a second.
Sonny: I don't, either. But Connie does, and... I got to respect that.
Dante: Hey. Look. I was really beginning to doubt that I'd ever get Lulu back. But we found a way. Who knows? Maybe the same thing will happen with you and Connie.
Olivia: Why are we even talking about me right now? It's not my birthday. You're the birthday girl. You're healthy. You're -- you're back on --
Connie: You got your eye on someone, don't you. You have your own on someone. What are you not telling me?
Olivia: Oh, my God. What the hell is he doing here?
Shawn: How's Sam?
Alexis: She's napping in the chair, and the baby's still sleeping, so I'm just gonna let them rest.
Shawn: All right. Um... are you gonna be all right?
Alexis: Why?
Shawn: Look, I -- I really don't want to leave you right now, but I have to, uh... some business.
Alexis: Why do I think this has nothing to do with Kelly's and everything to do with Sonny? Does he have something for you to do? Dry mouth definitely affected my self confidence.
Alexis: Sorry. I -- I don't have any right to judge you. I mean, I'm on Sonny's retainer, so I effectively work for him. It's just not the same thing.
Shawn: No, it's not.
Alexis: I've never asked you what you do for him. I don't want to know. Really. It's just that I'm -- I'm worried -- take that back. I'm scared, and I'm feeling very vulnerable right now, and I -- I need you to be here for me. Again, hard for me to say. But I want you to be careful.
Shawn: All right. I'll be back before you know it. Look, you know I'm coming right back.
[Elevator bell dings]
Franco: Hello, ladies. Nice to see you again.
Connie: Gonna have to ask you to leave, Mr. Frank.
Franco: Franco. Thought we settled that. And just so we're clear --
Olivia: You're not welcome here. Okay? You can either leave on your own power, or I can have security escort you out.
Carly: He's with me.
Connie: With you?
Carly: Yep. That's right. And our table's right over there.
Olivia: What in the hell is she doing here with him?
Connie: And I thought I was the crazy one.
Lulu: Olivia has been trying to teach me to cook since before Dante and I got married, and every time I think I've got it down, disaster strikes.
Laura: Honey, it's gonna be okay. Just let this cool down a little bit, and then you can trim away the burnt parts. Is the sauce scorched, you think? Because if it's not, you can just chop up what's left and throw it in there, and you'll make Bolognese.
Lulu: Yeah, but Dante likes meatballs.
Laura: Sweetheart, Dante likes you.
Lulu: Honestly, sometimes I wonder why. I am always up to my neck in some sort of a disaster, everyone in my family is certifiable -- no offense -- and to top it all off, I can't even cook.
Laura: Lots of people can't cook. Listen, Dante loves you for who you are.
Lulu: He was so amazing. I rejected him over and over and over, and he just hung in there. I just wanted to be able to cook him a nice meal to say thank you.
Laura: Listen, he would be happy with cereal, as long as he had you.
Lulu: You know, grandma called it. She told Dante that I was trying to forget certain things. She was right. When I finally remembered, it was Dante who... who convinced me that I didn't need to feel ashamed or feel guilty -- that it really wasn't my fault.
Laura: No, sweetheart, it wasn't.
Lulu: But he's so strong and smart and funny, and he knows who he is, and he stands for what he believes in, and I can trust him because he trusts himself. I don't know what I would do without him.
Dante: Do without who?
Lulu: Who do you think?
Dante: Hey.
Lulu: Hey.
Dante: Laura.
Laura: Hey.
Dante: Welcome back.
Laura: Oh, thank you.
Dante: You gonna stay for dinner?
Laura: No, honey, no. I'm just on my way out. I want you two to enjoy each other. I'm gonna go home and enjoy my husband.
Lulu: Tell Scotty I said hi.
Laura: I will, sweetheart.
Lulu: I love you, mom.
[Both smooch]
[Door closes]
Lulu: [Sighs]
Dante: What happened here?
Lulu: That is my pathetic attempt to show you how much I love you.
Dante: Come here. You don't have to prove anything to me. Okay?
Britt: "Prove it"? What is that supposed to mean?
Felix: You're the gynecologist. Do an amnio.
Britt: I'm not gonna subject myself or my baby to an invasive procedure just to make you happy. I'm sick. That would put undue stress on my body.
Felix: Point taken. But as you're aware, there's a completely noninvasive paternity test now. You just need to do a blood draw and have that compared to Patrick's DNA. What do you say?
Patrick: I doubt that Britt is going to agree to an amnio, especially now that she's so sick -- assuming she's sick.
Sabrina: Well, there's a noninvasive test. All that's needed is a blood draw and a DNA sample from you.
Patrick: Okay. I've got a great idea.
Sabrina: We should stop talking about Britt.
Patrick: Yes.
Sabrina: Okay.
Patrick: And how about we, uh... go back to my house... for some dessert?
Sabrina: Dessert.
Patrick: Mm-hmm. Something sweet.
Carly: Should be nice and quiet out here. We can talk without disruption.
Connie: What the hell is Carly doing with Franco? She hates that guy.
Olivia: I don't know.
Connie: Oh, look who just came in. Hi, Sonny.
Sonny: I'm not staying. I just wanted to give you something. Uh...
Connie: Oh, no, I --
Sonny: Wait, wait. Just hear me out. Happy birthday. Don't have to get mad 'cause I bought this -- take it, 'cause I bought this before we broke up, and I just, you know, thought you should have it.
Connie: Where did you get this? What is this?
Sonny: Bensonhurst, the jewelry store you used to work at. Remember?
Connie: Maddens, yeah.
Olivia: Me too.
Connie: I loved that place.
Sonny: They were gonna shut it down. They were shutting it down, so I, uh... I remembered how you used to say that you loved a gold charm there and that you were gonna save up your money... and buy it. Maybe you already bought it. I don't know. But, um...
Olivia: Those charms were always so cute. I liked them, too. I used to work there, too. Remember?
Sonny: So I went down, and I, uh -- I bought it before they shut it down. I got that for you.
Connie: I don't know what to say.
Sonny: You don't have to say anything. I did what I got to do, so I'm gonna go ahead and go.
Olivia: Sonny, Sonny, there's something else you should know.
Sonny: What?
Olivia: Franco is here.
Sonny: What do you mean?
Olivia: With Carly.
Felix: For argument's sake, let's pretend you have nothing to hide... that you're an admittedly selfish, possessive bitch who went after a man who initially returned your feelings but then dumped you -- for good reason, but I digress. You have sex just once, but -- oops! You accidentally got caught with his child. You've been acting in good faith ever since, just trying to give your little bundle of joy a fair shake in the world. Don't you want that known? Take the paternity test. Prove that the baby's Patrick's, and you're in the clear.
Britt: I refuse to submit to a DNA test. I have nothing to prove to you.
Felix: True. But eventually, you're gonna have to prove it to Patrick.
Patrick: And just to let you know, Emma is staying with Duke and Anna tonight, so... we have the place to ourselves.
Sabrina: That sounds wonderful.
Patrick: Good. I was hoping you would say that.
Lulu: I really thought that I was gonna nail those meatballs this time.
Dante: Next time.
Lulu: Next time, I'll probably burn down the apartment.
Dante: You know, I have a feeling you're actually gonna be a really good cook.
Lulu: Really?
Dante: Yeah.
Lulu: Mm.
Dante: Yeah. Something I know about you, Lesley Lu Spencer Falconeri, is that when you put your mind to something, you always find a way.
Lulu: But in the meantime, we do have to eat. Maybe your mom will comp us a couple meals down at the metro court.
Dante: You know what? I don't want to do that.
Lulu: Mm?
Dante: 'Cause I can't think of anything more perfect than just being here with my wife.
Lulu: Really?
Dante: Yeah. That okay with you?
Lulu: Mm-hmm. [Giggles]
Sonny: Where are they?
Olivia: They're on the terrace.
Sonny: Excuse me.
Franco: You know the problem with genius, with understanding everything, is that you're rarely surprised. But you, Carly -- you surprised me. I salute your surprise.
Sonny: What the hell's going on here?
Shawn: Damn it, Sonny, get out of the way.
Sonny: What are you doing, Carly?
Carly: Just, uh, clearing the air with Franco.
Sonny: I don't think that's a good idea.
Shawn: [Sighs]
Connie: You were right. Sonny doesn't seem too happy about Franco being out on bail.
Olivia: This is gonna get a whole lot worse before it gets any better. [Gasps] Oh, God!
Connie: Liv, what is it?
Olivia: It's -- it's Sonny. His shirt is all covered in blood.
Waiter: Do you ladies need anything else?
Olivia: I think Franco's gonna kill him.
Connie: Wait, Liv!
Sonny: Carly, let's talk about this right --
Carly: Not now.
Sonny: Now!
Franco: I don't think Carly wants to talk about this right now.
Olivia: You got to get out of here!
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