General Hospital Transcript Friday 6/7/13
Provided By Suzanne
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Ellie: I cannot tell you how excited I am for a proper date.
Spinelli: "Dates." Plural. I intend to take you on a slew of dates.
Ellie: A slew?
Spinelli: Yes. Maybe that's an awkward word choice. How about a...gaggle of dates? A pride of dates?
Ellie: No, no, no. "Slew" is good. I like "slew." And I would love to go on a slew of dates with you. I'm just not sure my new boss, Brad, will be so accommodating.
Spinelli: That is assuming he remains your boss. See, I am quite certain that I will soon discern how he was able to wrangle that promotion over you.
Ellie: It seems great minds think alike. I'm already on the case.
Britt: Felix! Are you home? I just wanted to tell you that I used the last of your cocoa moisturizer. My bad! Hey. I'm alone. Where the hell are you?
Brad: At work. Where else?
Britt: You're supposed to be here.
Brad: What are you talking about?
Britt: Brad, I need your help. Did I not make that clear when we spoke this morning?
Brad: Wait, we didn't speak this morning.
Patrick: Whoa!
Sabrina: Oh, hi.
Patrick: Hi.
Sabrina: Sorry.
Patrick: It's all right.
Sabrina: No, no, it's -- my mind was somewhere else. On our date. I'm actually heading home to get ready for it right now.
Patrick: Good.
Sabrina: We're still going out tonight?
Patrick: Yes, yes, yes. We are still going out. Nothing's gonna get in the way of that tonight.
Sabrina: I like the sound of that.
Patrick: Good. I'll come by and get you. I just have one last procedure.
Elizabeth: All right, here we go. Oh, it looks like it's someone's big day. Happy birthday, Danny. Are you here for his one-year checkup?
Alexis: Actually, he's here for a bone-marrow biopsy.
Sam: My son may have leukemia.
Kiki: I think we should live somewhere else.
Morgan: I-I wish. But I just asked my parents to help me get a new card, and they shot me down pretty hard.
Kiki: Okay, well, all we need is a studio apartment.
Morgan: Yeah, well, as you know, I'm broke, thanks to our poker buddies.
Kiki: [Sighs]
Morgan: Look, maybe -- maybe it's time to hit up that rich family of yours.
Kiki: You want to live off my relatives?
Morgan: Sadly. I mean, we can't live off of mine. Except Michael. So we either -- we stay here, or you hit up your new family for cash.
Kiki: Well, if we do that, then we'll be playing right into my mother's hands.
Ava: Good! You're both here. We need to talk about Franco.
Franco: Oh, not "Frank O." Frank Q. Like Quartermaine. Look, everybody, Ava's here. Now it's a party.
Shawn: Franco's surrounded by Quartermaines. There's no way to get a clean shot while he's in that mansion.
Carly: What the hell are we gonna do now?
Sonny: I'm not sure there's anything we can do.
Carly: What are you talking about? You've gotten to people in tighter places.
Sonny: Franco's not an immediate threat. I'm not gonna put Shawn at risk of getting arrested.
Carly: So we just let the bastard go?
Sonny: Of course not. But we only got one shot here. We got to bide our time, wait for the perfect moment to hit Franco.
Carly: We can't wait, Sonny. I want Franco dead yesterday.
Franco: Q's, you've met my ex, Ava. But... you haven't met AJ and Tracy -- as I'd like to call them, big bro and auntie. Welcome to the Quartermaine mansion, or as I like to call it, home, sweet home.
Tracy: Ugh!
Elizabeth: Leukemia?
Alexis: We don't have a diagnosis yet.
Elizabeth: Of course. That's what the biopsy's for.
Alexis: Right. Danny's been feeling a little under the weather, and the other tests came back inconclusive, so... this -- these symptoms can mean a lot of things, right?
Elizabeth: Y-yes. Definitely. Um, many times a case that looks serious can turn out to be relatively minor.
Alexis: Do you hear that?
Sam: Where's the doctor?
Alexis: I can go get the doctor, but I don't want to leave you alone.
Elizabeth: Well, I'll be here. I need to get Danny prepped.
Alexis: Okay. All right, so I'll get the show on the road.
Sam: Okay.
Alexis: I'll be right back.
Sam: Okay.
Alexis: And you, my friend, you take care of your mother. Okay? Tell her not to worry.
Sam: [Sighs]
[Door opens]
[Door closes]
Elizabeth: Do you have any questions about the biopsy? Just so you know, the procedure is very safe. We perform it routinely on patients that aren't even Danny's age. And you don't have to worry about him being in any pain. We'll put him under a conscious sedation. He's not gonna feel anything. It's gonna be okay.
Sam: How can you of all people say that? [Sniffles]
Sonny: You don't think I want to wipe that freak off the face of the earth? We just have to be smart.
Shawn: We need to trust Sonny on this.
Sonny: There's too much attention right now put on Franco. I mean, you know --
Carly: Franco is not sitting around and waiting. Okay? He's gonna do what he wants when he wants. And thanks to us, he's free to do it. Because we're the ones who brokered the deal to get him out of jail. So while we're sitting around waiting, Franco could be out there hurting a number of people that we love.
Sonny: He took a chance coming back at all. He's not gonna screw it up.
Carly: He threatened Josslyn. He hurt Michael. Who's next? Morgan?
Kiki: I just don't think it's a good idea for me to look up my long-lost relatives. They're fighting over the family business. My mom is trying to use me to get in on all of their action.
Morgan: So just leave your mom out of it. Go straight to the source.
Kiki: What do you want me to do, walk in and just introduce myself?
Morgan: Yeah. Why not? It's your inheritance, not your mom's. Where do these people live?
Kiki: Believe it or not, they live in Port Charles.
Morgan: Okay, then we're in luck, 'cause I know, like, all the rich people in town. Who are they?
Michael: Who's what? What are you talking about?
Tracy: Don't you ever touch me again, you disgusting --
Franco: I think the word you're looking for is "long-lost heir." Really? My charms are lost on you? I find that surprising. Women usually find me irresistible. Isn't that right, Ava?
Ava: You repulse me, you son of a bitch.
Franco: You used to be so much more creative with your insults.
Ava: What are you doing here?
Tracy: Besides torturing us?
Franco: I'm out on bail. Where else would I go but to the bosom that is my family? Bigger question is what are you doing here? And I think I know the answer to that.
Sabrina: You have another procedure? I thought you were done for the day.
Patrick: Well, my shift's over. There's just something I need to follow through on.
Sabrina: Well, it's good of you to see it through. I hope your patient's all right.
Patrick: Actually, not my patient. Just a friend that I want to support.
Sabrina: See... [Chuckles] That's what I love about you. I-I didn't mean love like I love you. Oh, my God. That's not -- what I mean is --
Patrick: I get it. I get it. It's -- it's good. So get out of here. I don't want you to be late.
Sabrina: Good idea. I'm still getting a hang of the makeup. Might be a while.
Patrick: Mm. With or without makeup, you're beautiful to me.
Sabrina: Thank you.
Patrick: Okay. Oh, and, hey, don't let Britt slow you down, all right?
Sabrina: Don't worry about her. I'm on it.
Britt: Of course, we spoke this morning.
Brad: No, we didn't.
Britt: Okay, then to whom did I speak?
Spinelli: So you've done some snooping of your own?
Ellie: Well, I've nosed around a bit. Taking inspiration from your technique, of course. But I'm just an amateur. You are the pro. So tell me, where has your trail led?
Spinelli: Uh, well, I had a chance encounter with Brad at Kelly's this morning and seized the opportunity to question him about the merit of his promotion.
Ellie: Okay, and what did he say?
Spinelli: He was less than forthcoming. Not surprising, given that he's clearly into something nefarious. But his cell phone was quite chatty.
Britt: We spoke this morning. I called you at 10:30.
Brad: 10:30...10:30... yeah, I was at Kelly's then. But I had my phone with me. I didn't get any calls.
Spinelli: Brad stepped away but obligingly left his cell phone.
Ellie: And were you able to search it for information?
Spinelli: I was about to, but before I could crack the password, the device rang with an incoming call from Dr. Britt Westbourne.
Britt: What happened to you today? Did you have some kind of neurological event? We spoke on the phone. I called, and you answered. I told you about Sabrina and her rainbow coalition after me.
Brad: All right. Then what did I say?
Britt: I don't remember. Some nonsense about having a cold.
Brad: I said I had a cold?
Britt: Yes, that's why you were all stuffed up.
Brad: Well, do I sound stuffed up now?
Ellie: Wait. Why would Dr. Westbourne call Brad? It's not like she needed lab results. She's on leave from work.
Spinelli: It seemed strange to me, as well, but I couldn't squander such an unexpected opportunity. So instead I took immediate and drastic action. I answered the call and pretended to be Brad.
Ellie: And she didn't recognize your voice?
Spinelli: Well, I claimed a case of the sniffles.
Ellie: Fraudulent! But ingenious. Okay, so what did she say?
Spinelli: Well, Dr. Westbourne demanded Brad's help because Sabrina Santiago and Felix DuBois were watching her like hawks.
Britt: You might be a great lab tech, Brad, but let's face it. You're a little scattered. And your penchant for hydroponics doesn't help.
Brad: Look, I'm telling you, we did not speak. All right, maybe the pregnancy hormones are, uh...
Britt: Okay, Brad, I need you to focus. I need you here right now with your phlebotomy kit.
Brad: My phlebotomy kit?
Britt: Yes. I need to get new labs, so that I can prove to these nitwits that I have hyperemesis gravidarum. Do I make myself clear?
Felix: Crystal.
Sonny: I'm gonna do everything I can so nothing happens to my family.
Carly: See, you're in the same position Jason was. Franco never went after Jason directly. He targeted the people Jason loved. And who do we love the most, Sonny? Our kids.
[Cell phone rings]
Shawn: It's Alexis. Hey. What's up?
Alexis: I'm at GH.
Shawn: The hospital? Why? Are you hurt? [Sighs] What can I do? Look, I'll be there soon, okay? Yeah.
Sonny: Alexis at the hospital?
Shawn: She's fine. It's, um, it's her grandson, Danny. He's... he's sick.
Sam: I'm sorry. I know you mean well. It's just that I've got all these doctors telling me that Danny might have leukemia. Elizabeth, cancer.
Elizabeth: I know. It's hard to wrap your mind around. But like I told your mom, nothing is conclusive. So don't -- don't jump to conclusions till you have all the facts, okay?
Sam: Okay. I know. I know. I'm trying to be optimistic. I really am. But [Sniffles] I just -- I think about the year that Danny's had. He's gone through so much already.
Elizabeth: There's nothing worse than seeing your child suffer. You feel helpless.
Sam: I know. God, I wish I could take it. I wish I could take the pain away, go through it myself. I really do.
Elizabeth: I know exactly how you feel. But, Sam, I mean, if you can't take this away from Danny, he's got the next-best thing. He's got you as a mom. And right now, he needs your strength and your absolute belief that he will get better. You just have to be positive, let the doctors do their thing, know that he's got the best care possible, and take one step at a time.
Sam: [Sighs] I wish it were that easy.
[Danny cries]
Sam: Oh.
Elizabeth: And when it gets too tough, you can always lean on me. It's my job.
Sam: I miss Jason so much.
Elizabeth: I know.
[Danny continues crying]
Sam: Danny, it's okay.
Ellie: Why would Dr. Westbourne feel threatened by Sabrina and Felix?
Spinelli: I imagine that they suspect her of some dirty dealing, which is not entirely unfounded. I mean, do you remember the night of the Nurses' Ball, that Patrick and Sabrina had just embarked on their relationship when Dr. Westbourne announces that she's pregnant in front of a live TV audience.
Ellie: Oh, that was unfortunate timing.
Spinelli: The baby must be a source of stress for Patrick and Sabrina. I mean, can -- can you only imagine if another woman said that she was pregnant with my baby?
Ellie: Yeah. Um, that would be most upsetting. Um, but why would Dr. Westbourne expect Brad to help her cause?
Spinelli: Perhaps he owes her. Maybe for helping secure his promotion.
Ellie: You know, that would explain the file I found hidden away in his desk.
Spinelli: What file is that?
Felix: Your water, your highness.
Britt: I'll speak to you soon.
Felix: Oh, don't stop conspiring on my account.
Britt: For your information, I was catching up with a girlfriend.
Felix: Like any female of the species would come within 50 feet of you. What do you do, bribe them with Botox?
Britt: Oh, sounds like someone needs a nap.
Felix: Like I could get any beauty sleep on that torture rack masquerading as a sofa bed.
Britt: Then I guess you'll have to stay ugly, 'cause I'm not due for months. That's if the baby's on time. First ones rarely are, though, you know.
[Door opens]
Britt: Mm! Aren't you a sight for sore eyes.
Sabrina: A-are you serious?
Britt: Of course not. But Felix seems to be put upon by my simple request for water.
Sabrina: Oh, well, you're just gonna have to deal with Felix for the meantime. I have plans.
Britt: And who agreed to that?
Felix: I did.
Britt: Well, why wasn't I privy to these negotiations?
Felix: You were. Guess you just blocked it out of your memory. Sabrina has a date with Dr. Dreamboat.
Sabrina: And I have to get ready. But first I have to get your blood sample.
Kiki: Mikey, we were having a private conversation. Nothing for you to worry about.
Morgan: Yeah, all you need to know is that we'll be out of your apartment soon enough.
Kiki: Yeah, we wouldn't want you to have to take another cold shower. In the meantime, if you come up with any other ways for us to make your life a little easier, please send all of your requests to Morgan, because I have other engagements. I'll see what I can dig up.
Morgan: Wait, wait, wait. I can -- I could come with you.
Kiki: [Sighs] If I show up holding a guy's hand, it might give them the wrong idea.
Morgan: You're always a step ahead of me, huh.
Kiki: Does it bother you that I have the brains in the relationship?
Morgan: No, 'cause I'm prettier. Good luck. I hope your family's good people and generous.
Tracy: Okay, whatever dealings you have with Ava, you can do them out of my house.
AJ: Uh, this house belongs to my mother.
Franco: Oh, I know.
Tracy: Really?
Franco: Our father gave it to her -- Alan. I got that right?
AJ: He did.
Franco: Good. I'm pretty sure that Alan would want you to show hospitality to his long-lost son.
Tracy: No, he wouldn't.
AJ: Hang on a second, Tracy. I'd really like to hear what my brother has to say.
Franco: Oh, gee, thanks, AJ. This is what I have to say. Us Qs need to stick together 'cause I think Ava's trying to use my daughter to get herself a big piece of the Quartermaine pie.
Ava: Please do your best to excuse Franco. He intermittently loses touch with reality.
AJ: Had a feeling you were Lauren's mother.
Tracy: Yay, AJ! Run along to the kitchen, and Alice will give you a cookie. Now, if I'm not mistaken, you and I have business to attend to, and if you've lived up to your end of the bargain, I am ready to pony up.
AJ: Okay, you know what? If Tracy is trying to, uh, buy you to get Lauren's support, I will double it, whatever the offer is.
Tracy: Lauren's shares are mine.
Franco: You sure about that?
Tracy: Ava and I have a deal.
Franco: Oh. You didn't say that. Well, if you have a deal, then there shouldn't be a problem, because Ava's never gone back on a deal.
Ava: Don't listen to him.
Tracy: Is my degenerate nephew telling the truth? Are you playing me?
Ava: Of course not.
Tracy: Good. Then you'll have no problem producing Lauren's proxy.
Franco: Better yet, why don't you produce my daughter... again?
Alexis: Look who I found.
Patrick: Hey.
Sam: Hey.
Patrick: How you feeling?
Sam: Hanging in there.
Patrick: Good. Sam, this is Dr. Singh. He's gonna be doing the procedure on Danny.
Dr. Singh: What do you say we get this done? I bet Danny's got some blocks he wants to get back to.
Sam: Yeah, that sounds like a good plan. Thank you for being here.
Patrick: Absolutely. It'll be over before you know it.
Elizabeth: Dr. Singh, here you go.
Sam: That's a big needle.
Patrick: I know it looks scary. It's got to be a strong needle in order to get a good sample of the solid bone marrow. We're gonna give Danny a sedative, and he's not gonna feel a thing. Sam, this is the best way to get the information that we need in order to find out what's going on with Danny. Once we do, we start fighting, and we beat this back to submission.
Sam: Okay.
Patrick: Okay?
Brad: How'd I miss this? [Sighs] What is wrong with you?!
Spinelli: Oh, gosh. I'm so sorry. You should probably go dry that off before it makes an embarrassing stain. [Sighs]
Spinelli: What was inside the file?
Ellie: I didn't look. I couldn't bring myself to delve into it.
Spinelli: As I recall, you had no compunction delving into Maxie's medical file.
Ellie: No! I did have compunction, not to mention reservations and qualms and scruples. But I fought all of them in order to slake my thirst for knowledge.
Spinelli: Apologies. I know you have a most moral conscience, and I didn't mean to suggest otherwise.
Ellie: It was a low moment in my life when I looked at Maxie's file and an action that I deeply regret. The information definitely didn't satisfy my curiosity. Instead, it just opened up a veritable Pandora's box. I don't want to make that mistake twice.
Spinelli: Well, these situations could not be more dissimilar. I mean, as I recall, your reasons for looking into Maxie's pregnancy, if I may say, were complicated and torturous. And in this case, we have a most straightforward motive -- our near certainty that Brad is crooked. And if it's true that he colluded with Britt to steal your promotion, that file may prove it.
Ellie: [Sighs]
Britt: Excuse me? You're -- you're going to draw my blood?
Felix: Who else is? Neither of us is pregnant and ailing from hyperemesis gravidarum. [Chuckles] Say that five times fast.
Sabrina: We want to make sure that you're getting the best care possible. And the only way to do that is to keep updated labs.
Britt: Okay, I mean, if you two butchers think I'm letting you poke me full of holes in search of a vein, you're out of your gourds.
Felix: We're completely professional nurses.
Sabrina: Who better to draw your blood?
Felix: This'll only take a second.
Sabrina: Don't you want what's best for the baby?
Felix: Or are you hiding something?
Carly: Danny's sick?
Sonny: What's wrong?
Shawn: Well, they're still trying to make a diagnosis. You know, Alexis said we shouldn't worry.
Carly: We shouldn't worry? Danny's in the hospital.
Shawn: For tests. That's it.
Carly: Damn him. I can't believe this.
Sonny: What do you mean "damn him"?
Carly: Am I the only one making the connection here? Danny's in the hospital because of Franco.
Franco: What you waiting for, Ava? Where's Lauren? Like to reintroduce myself to her. I'd like to apologize to her for not being there for her for her entire life.
Ava: You will never get the chance.
Franco: She's fully grown, Ava. You can't hide her anymore.
Michael: Morgan, uh, you don't need to clear out of here so fast, okay, not on my account.
Morgan: Oh, yeah? What -- what changed all of a sudden? Are you not finished going through Kiki's toiletries for proof of criminal intent?
Michael: Look, I'm sorry about that, okay?
Morgan: What, sorry that you did it or sorry 'cause you got caught?
Michael: From this point on, I promise I won't be doing anything shady again.
Morgan: Oh, no, I know. I know you won't. 'Cause I talked to her mother. You remember her, right? Your boss. Yeah, she says you'll both back off.
Michael: All right, look, Morgan, I'm not gonna apologize for worrying about you, okay, or being suspicious of Kiki. But, yes, I acted badly, and I'm sorry about that. But, look, we're still brothers, and I've hardly seen you since you've been back home. So just -- just stay.
Morgan: So we can have brotherly bonding, or so you can hook up with my girlfriend?
Ava: If you think I'm going to so much as pass a "hello" on to our daughter on your behalf, you are crazier than I thought you were!
AJ: Can we please just settle this?
Ava: The only way you will ever see her is over my dead body!
Franco: What an interesting thought.
Ava: Try it. I dare you.
Tracy: Oh, joy. Our new homicidal relative is threatening his ex right here in our study.
Franco: She's all grown up, Ava. One of these days, she's just gonna show up.
Spinelli: You know, I can -- I can breach the lab alone. I have a foolproof plan to retrieve Brad's file on Britt. You needn't be involved.
Ellie: You think I'm gonna make a mistake and compromise the break-in.
Spinelli: No, no. I merely wish to spare you from a potential crisis of conscience.
Ellie: Well, you have convinced me that it's in everyone's best interest for me to take a gander at that file. So that's exactly what I'm gonna do. And I am gonna figure out what Brad is hiding about Dr. Westbourne.
Felix: Don't be shy. This is for your own good.
Sabrina: And especially for the baby. I'm sure as a concerned mother you want to do everything possible to ensure a healthy pregnancy.
Felix: Trust us. This won't hurt a bit.
[Knock on door]
Britt: Is someone gonna get that? I mean, clearly I can't. I'm debilitated by this --
Felix: So you've told us. Oh, Brad's here. How convenient.
Brad: Hey, Fee. Nice place.
Felix: Take it all in, 'cause it's the last time you're gonna see it.
Sabrina: Can we help you?
Brad: Oh, I'm, uh, here for Britt.
Britt: I-I called him over here, since I needed someone to take my blood for labs.
Brad: Like the furniture. You should come over to my place sometime and, uh, feng my shui.
Sabrina: Thanks for stopping by, Brad, but Felix and I are more than capable of drawing Dr. Westbourne's blood. I mean, we're registered nurses, so who better than us?
Britt: Maybe a phlebotomist? Which is what Brad is. Besides, shouldn't you be in your room getting ready for your big date? And take your fairy godmother with you.
Sam: [Chuckles]
Alexis: That's it.
Patrick: That's it.
Elizabeth: You did a good job, Danny. You were a perfect little patient.
Sam: Oh, he's pretty much perfect at everything, aren't you? Can I take him home?
Dr. Singh: Not just yet. I want to keep him for observation, make sure there are no complications. Bye, Danny. You did a great job today. [Chuckles]
Elizabeth: I'm gonna get this to the lab.
Patrick: Okay. You tell Brad to put a rush on it.
Elizabeth: I will. Oh, and, um... take care, Sam.
Sam: Thank you.
[Door closes]
Elizabeth: Ellie, hi. Oh, hi, Spinelli. Have you seen Brad?
Ellie: I haven't. Why?
Elizabeth: I need to get this to the lab.
Ellie: Oh, I'm actually headed there right now. I'll drop it off.
Elizabeth: Great. Thank you. Oh, will you let them know that Dr. Drake wants to put a rush on it? It's a very important patient.
Ellie: Sure. Yeah. Daniel Morgan. Got it.
Elizabeth: Thank you.
Spinelli: I'm sorry. Daniel Morgan? What's wrong with him?
Carly: Franco's not back for redemption. He's picking up where he left off. He's targeting the people Jason loved.
Sonny: What are you thinking? Franco poisoned Danny?
Shawn: He's just a kid.
Carly: So was Josslyn. How many times did he threaten her? She was younger than Danny when he broke into her nursery. I walked in the room, and he was holding her. He could've done anything he wanted to her.
Sonny: But he didn't.
Carly: Because he took me as a hostage instead. But he wasn't finished with Josslyn. He kept threatening Josslyn to make Jason jump, and she was just his goddaughter. Danny is his son.
Shawn: Okay, we know next to nothing about what's going on with Danny. Okay, we don't know what he has or how he got it. We don't even know if it's something he can just get either by getting poisoned or from another person.
Carly: Okay, it's not a coincidence that Danny gets sick when Franco decides to resurface. There are no accidents with Franco, okay? Everything is planned out. Everything is a game. We can't let this go any further! This is Danny, Sonny. Franco has to die! And he has to die now.
Kiki: Mom, what's going on?
Tracy: Finally.
AJ: I'm guessing you're Lauren Frank.
Franco: Hello, Lauren. I'm your father.
Kiki: I thought you said he died.
Ava: Yeah, well, I thought he had. He was supposed to have been shot and his body burned. You have to believe me, sweetheart.
Kiki: Why should I have believed you in the first place, with your stellar record of telling the truth?
Franco: Your mother was just lying to try and keep us apart, but it doesn't matter now. It's so lovely to meet you. Lauren, you are beautiful.
Kiki: Okay, first, I don't go by that name.
Franco: We have so much to catch up on.
Ava: You will back off, or I will kill you where you stand.
Michael: You think that I'm interested in Kiki.
Morgan: You were awful close with nothing but towels on.
Michael: You knew nothing was going on there. Come on.
Morgan: Or what about the time you got an eyeful of her rack? What about that?
Michael: She -- she took her top off right in front of me. What was I supposed to do?
Morgan: Yeah, and did you look away? No. You sat there, and you stared directly at her yabbos!
Michael: All right, look -- look, as far as I'm concerned, that girl needs a serious attitude adjustment, okay? I've tried to be cool with her for your sake, despite all the crap that she's given me. So if it's not working out with all three of us living here, then fine. Yeah, maybe you should go. Okay, sorry, but good luck with your plan, but get out.
Sonny: Shawn, I want you to go to the hospital, check in on Sam, see if there's anything going on with Danny, any connection between Danny and Franco.
Shawn: You got it.
Sonny: All right. Once we know what we're dealing with, we're gonna make our next move.
Carly: Got it. Um, we're done here? 'Cause I'm gonna go.
Sonny: Listen to me. The hit is off until further notice. So don't do anything until you hear from me.
Carly: I hear you.
Sonny: Okay, like, I mean anything stupid. You understand?
Carly: Killing Franco will be the smartest thing I ever did.
Michael: Door's open. No one's forcing you to stay with the jerk who's trying to steal your girlfriend.
Morgan: Listen, I'm sorry. Okay? I shouldn't have said that. I know that you wouldn't betray me.
Michael: No. Of course not. So what's the problem?
Morgan: Kiki! No, no, no, no, no. No. Not Kiki. It's... [Sighs] It's just I find it increasingly impossible to be cool around this girl.
Michael: You? Mr. Charming?
Morgan: Yeah, I know. Crazy, right? The thing is, Michael, is... I don't even want to say it, 'cause you're gonna think I'm lame.
Michael: Well, that would be an improvement.
Morgan: The thing is, is I like her. I mean, she's really cool. She's a lot of fun. The sex is absolutely incredible. I find myself sitting down sometimes, thinking, like, what would life be like without her, and, dude, it blows. God, I should like a tool right now.
Michael: No, you should like you're falling for her. I don't blame you. I mean, for being protective. Look, you've got nothing to worry about.
Morgan: Yeah, I know that. I just -- I got insecure, and I lashed out. I'm sure you're used to that by now.
Michael: No. Possibly.
Morgan: So, are we cool?
Michael: Yeah. We're cool.
Morgan: We're still gonna get our own place. Kiki's off dealing with that right now.
Michael: Off where?
Tracy: Oh, no, no, no, no. It's time to get to know our eccentric relations, not murder them. Lauren, I'm Tracy.
Kiki: Okay, I go by "Kiki."
Tracy: Oh, yes. Of course, you do. Kiki. I knew a Kiki in boarding school, actually. Tremendous girl. Did great fake IDs. In fact, I'd like to show you her picture in my yearbook.
AJ: Hi, Lauren, I'm AJ Quartermaine. And I wouldn't do that. The last person who went off with Tracy wound up in a gingerbread house. It did not end well.
Tracy: Yes, it should have been you in the oven.
Ava: You don't have to be a part of this, sweetheart. Why don't we go?
Franco: No, she's not going anywhere until I get a chance to know --
Ava: She doesn't know you!
[All shouting]
Kiki: [Whistles loudly] Would you all just... please shut the hell up?!
Elizabeth: I can't violate a patient's confidentiality. But I can say if you had a business partner who was in need of some support, you could find her in exam room three.
Ellie: Hey, are you okay?
Spinelli: I-I honestly don't know how to answer that. Something's wrong with Danny.
Ellie: I think you should go be with Sam.
Spinelli: But we have that file to procure.
Ellie: No, no, no. Don't even worry about the file. I can handle it. I'm sure Sam could really use the Spinelli brand of solace right about now.
Spinelli: You're the best. Have I told that to you before? Because if I have, it bears repeating.
Ellie: I'm just doing what I know you would do if our positions were reversed.
Spinelli: I can assure you that I would. But if you need any help --
Ellie: Stop. Go. I can handle it. I'm gonna ferret out Britt and Brad's secret.
Britt: Now, all you have to do is come up with some results that corroborate my claim.
Brad: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know. I know. You want everyone to think you're suffering from hyperemesis gravidarum. So, uh, does Felix ever... talk about me?
Britt: Listen to me, Brad, and listen good. Do not screw me on this. Because if you do, I promise that you will regret it.
Brad: Yeah, I already do.
Britt: [Scoffs]
Brad: After we got off the phone, I found out who actually talked to you this morning -- my underling's boyfriend, that dopey gnome spumonti or --
Britt: Spinelli? He's a PI.
Brad: [Sighs] Well, that's not good.
Britt: Okay. Okay, there's no need to panic. There's nothing to connect us, I mean, other than that phone call, and that's -- that's completely easy to explain away. I mean, it's not like he knows anything. And he'd need evidence, and there is none.
Brad: Except your file, the one with your real test results.
Britt: What are you waiting for?! Get rid of it! My gosh! I'm surrounded by idiots.
Ellie: I just hope Brad hasn't moved that file.
Brad: Hi, Dr. Drake. Bye, Dr. Drake.
Britt: He was here to take a blood sample.
Patrick: You all right?
Britt: I think so. Just routine tests, you know.
Patrick: Okay. Wow.
Sabrina: [Chuckles]
Patrick: You look beautiful.
Sabrina: Thanks.
Patrick: You ready to go?
Sabrina: Yeah. More than ready. As long as Britt's okay.
Britt: Actually, I could use --
Felix: Don't you worry. She'll be fine. I'll take good care of her.
Patrick: Thanks, Felix.
Britt: P-Patrick, come here.
Patrick: Britt, we have a reservation.
Britt: No, please. This will only take a moment.
Patrick: Yeah.
Britt: [Chuckles] Do you feel that? The baby. It kicked. [Sighs] Oh! [Laughs] Right there. Did you feel it kicked again?
Patrick: It's amazing.
Felix: Enough dawdling, you two. I'd hate for you to miss your reservation. Feel free to, you know, stay out as late as you want.
Sabrina: Thank you, Felix.
Patrick: Thanks, Felix.
Felix: Alone at last.
Ellie: All right, Brad. Time to give up your secret.
Brad: What do you think you're doing?
Ellie: Trying to find out why you and Dr. Westbourne are suddenly so close.
Brad: Listen, Ells... if you know what's good for you, you'll stay out of my business. And that goes for the gremlin you're dating, too.
Spinelli: I heard Danny was feeling a might under the weather.
Sam: He could be in a little trouble.
Spinelli: Trouble does tend to find the Morgan family. Good thing for him he has someone as resourceful as you to see him through. Not to mention Jason's hearty genes.
Sam: [Chuckles]
Spinelli: We'll get through this.
Shawn: You rang?
Alexis: [Sighs] I'm glad you're here.
Shawn: I'm sorry I couldn't come earlier.
Alexis: Well, I told you not to.
Shawn: And that's the last time I'll listen to you. Hey, tell me everything. What happened?
Alexis: [Crying]
Michael: So, where'd she go?
Morgan: Uh, Kiki's out tapping a new line of credit. As soon as she gets a cash infusion, then we'll get our own place.
Michael: Well, does it involve PCU freshman poker players getting played?
Morgan: No, no, no. Nothing that shady. Turns out that she's owed a lot of money from this über-rich family that she never knew she had. Only in Port Charles, right?
Kiki: Would you all just stop fighting?! I'm not ready to wade into your business war! I just came to introduce myself and to ask to borrow an advance on my inheritance. Okay, my boyfriend and I, we need rent money.
Tracy: Quartermaines don't rent. We buy.
AJ: Well, or freeload, right, Aunt Tracy? Listen, there's plenty of room here at the house.
Tracy: Absolutely. You should move in. Bring the boyfriend.
AJ: The more the merrier.
Tracy: Yeah, why don't you take the yellow room? It's right down the hall.
AJ: Actually, I think you'd be a lot more comfortable in the east wing, which is a lot closer to my room.
Franco: Well, well, well. Looks like I'll be getting a chance to bond with my daughter after all.
Sonny: Shawn, you find anything? How are Sam and Danny?
Shawn: Well, we're in a holding pattern until the tests come back.
Sonny: So we don't know anything yet?
Shawn: Not yet. But I don't see any way Danny's condition could be connected to Franco. Well, maybe hearing that will, you know, help calm Carly down.
Sonny: And maybe not.
Ava: If you so much as breathe in Kiki's direction, I will finish what I started with that letter opener.
Franco: You of all people know I'm hard to kill. Kiki -- you couldn't even tell me what name my daughter goes by.
Ava: A bit ironic, isn't it?
Franco: Mm.
Ava: Robert "Franco" Frank.
Franco: I get it. I know. You know me. I'm a big fan of the symmetry. We both have nicknames. Who knows what else we might have in common?
Ava: Nothing! And you never will.
Franco: I'm going to have a relationship with my daughter, whether you like it or not.
Ava: You're gonna regret this.
Carly: Hello, Franco.
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