GH Transcript Thursday 6/6/13

General Hospital Transcript Thursday 6/6/13


Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By

[Cheers and applause]

Luke: Death's door. Spencer speaking.

Tracy: What are you doing?

Luke: Well, right now, I'm getting dressed. I was just slowly pulling the zipper up on my pants. You want to know what I'm wearing underneath?

Monica: AJ?

AJ: Hey, Mom. I didn't hear you.

Monica: Are you okay?

AJ: I've been better.

Monica: Still thinking about what happened to Michael, hmm?

Kiki: Mikey, where's Captain Morgan?

Michael: Uh, he's out.

Kiki: What's that?

Carly: Okay. So what happens now? Did you discuss this with Shawn, the timing of it all? We just sit around and wait?

Sonny: Shawn's going to let us know when he's done. Should be soon.

Carly: Yeah. Not soon enough.

Sonny: You got to be patient. You know, we both want Franco dead, but Shawn's got to -- he's got to be careful.

Carly: Well, I won't be happy until he pulls the trigger.

Morgan: Whoa. Pull the trigger? What, are you two plotting a murder?

Connie: Oh, I'm a nervous wreck. Just shaking, literally. [Gasps]

Olivia: Franco. They said you were still alive.

Shawn: Not for long.

Sam: What's going on? What aren't you telling me?

Alexis: Just give him a chance.

Patrick: We can talk privately in here, Sam.

Sam: Patrick.

[Door closes]

Sam: Well? What did Danny's test results say?

Luke: I finished my homework. And I did my chores, Mom. Is there anything else you want to know?

Tracy: Go ahead -- mock me. But I'm gonna stay on top of your health issues whether you want me to or not.

Luke: Yeah, I got that feeling already.

Tracy: Look, Luke, you may be willing to ignore your health issues, but I'm not gonna jump on that bandwagon with you. Did you hear from the doctor? Did you get the test results back? Did they find out if there's something wrong with your liver?

Luke: Well, apparently, they're still searching for some dire disease that I may or may not have 'cause I haven't heard a word.

Tracy: Okay. Just so we're clear about this, this does not fall into the category of your usual lies of convenience. This is not embezzling, this is not philandering. This is your health. You wouldn't lie to me about that, would you? What am I saying? Of course, you would.

Luke: Tracy, if I occasionally massage the truth, smooth things over, just to give you peace of mind, consider that an act of affection.

Tracy: If you are lying to me, I will find out.

Luke: There's nothing wrong with me, kid. How many times do I have to tell you?

Tracy: Call me when you get the test results back.

Ava: Well, well, if it isn't Luke Spencer. Mind if I join you?

Michael: It's, um, just something I'm doing for work.

Kiki: What do you do again?

Michael: I work for my father.

Kiki: You're in the "coffee business," too? Even though your name is Michael, I never really pictured you to be a "Godfather II" type.

Michael: No, it's my other father.

Kiki: Oh. Your bio dad?

AJ: Michael stopped by after you went to the hospital. We talked.

Monica: Well, how's he doing?

AJ: He's incredible. I mean, he goes through something that is absolutely unspeakable, and the kid comes by to make sure that I'm okay.

Monica: That sounds like Michael.

AJ: I know! And it's just that -- it just makes it that much more horrible that he went to prison in the first place.

Monica: I just remember being so shocked at that judge's sentence. I mean, here, this kid was so young. There definitely had to be grounds for self-defense.

AJ: Mom, that judge couldn't see any further than Michael's last name. He sent him to prison to punish Sonny.

Monica: No, I don't think Michael saw it that way.

AJ: You know that video that Franco showed us? I mean, it -- it did seem to exonerate him, you know? I'll tell you what, though -- Sonny and Carly, they're not getting off that easily.

Monica: Well, prison is a dangerous place. Jason tried to protect him, but like you said -- he was just too late.

AJ: You know, Michael being locked up, being in that cell alone and vulnerable so that bastard could rape him, that never would have happened if Sonny wasn't a lowlife gangster and if Carly hadn't fought so hard to take my child away from me and give him to Sonny. I mean, think about it, Mom. He was raised around violence. He was surrounded by criminals. In my book, what happened to Michael -- well, that's on their heads.

Sonny: Morgan, when I'm in my office, people usually knock first before they bust in.

Morgan: Right. Even your own son?

Sonny: Yes.

Morgan: Yeah. Especially when you're talking about whacking people, right?

Carly: Hey, okay? Enough. No one's talking about whacking people, all right?

Morgan: Yeah. Okay. I heard you, Mom, talking about pulling the trigger. Yeah, very gangster of you.

Carly: That was, uh, a figure of speech, yeah. I was talking to your father about an investment opportunity, and I was expressing my frustration, because the broker hasn't pulled the trigger.

Morgan: Okay. All right. Whatever. But, I mean, you got to admit, you can't be too sure, given the business Dad's in.

Franco: I'm sorry. Do I know you?

Olivia: It's bad enough that you're still alive, let alone walking around the streets like a free man.

Franco: Well, look, I'm not just walking around like a free man. There isn't a thing in this world I can't do as a free man. I'm out on bail.

Connie: That is impossible.

Olivia: What idiot judge is going to grant you bail?

Franco: Okay, if we're going to continue to chat like this, I feel like you two need to introduce yourselves.

Olivia: Olivia Falconeri. You probably remember my son, Dante Falconeri.

Franco: Well, of course, I know Dante. And his lovely wife, Lulu. I know her.

Olivia: Yeah, because you taped her to a chair that was wired with a bomb.

Franco: Okay. You know what? I can explain all of that.

Connie: Oh, I'm sure you can.

Franco: But my lawyer has this really tight-lipped policy. It has to do with self-incrimination. But Lulu has forgiven me. She helped me plan this really nice party the other night.

Olivia: Listen, freak. Listen to me. You stay away from both of them -- my son and his wife. Do you understand?

Franco: I feel like we've gotten off on the wrong foot, and, no, not like that. Here's the thing. Okay, I don't mean Dante or Lulu or anybody else in this town any harm. I'm -- I'm like a doctor. My motto is I live and learn as dig and be dug in return.

Sam: Please, tell me what that awful doctor said is wrong.

Patrick: You mean Dr. Clay?

Alexis: Dr. Silas Clay. I can't imagine why anyone would ever go to him for treatment.

Patrick: He came to the lab wanting to see Danny's test results.

Sam: You didn't show him, did you?

Patrick: No, of course not. I asked him to leave.

Sam: You know, what he did was unconscionable. He had no business saying anything to her about Danny. It wasn't appropriate.

Sam: He told me, in a very blunt, unsympathetic way that my child has cancer, but he doesn't. Does he?

Patrick: Sam, there's something wrong with Danny. I'm not saying it's cancer, but it could be.

Sam: No. Cancer? No, no. That's impossible. Look at him -- he's happy and he's healthy, and this -- this is just a rash.

Alexis: Let's let him finish.

Patrick: Those red dots aren't a rash, actually. It's bleeding from very small blood vessels.

Alexis: How dangerous is that?

Patrick: The bleeding itself is not an issue. It's caused by low platelets in the blood, which are caused by certain conditions, and one of those conditions can be blood cancer.

Sam: But it could be something else, too, right?

Patrick: Along with Danny's swollen lymph nodes, his blood count showed a very high level of white blood cells.

Sam: When you say cancer, what exactly do you mean?

Patrick: Sam, nothing is certain right now. We don't have a diagnosis for Danny, but the signs are pointing to leukemia.

Kiki: Mike-a-Rama, do you want some cereal? I know that it's your cereal. It's not my cereal. I'm just offering to pour it for you.

Michael: That's okay, thank you.

Kiki: Okay, I will buy you cereal. I should buy it, anyway. I should contribute a little bit, right?

Michael: It's okay. Really, it's fine.

Kiki: Okay, here.

Michael: No, thank you. You going to get dressed anytime soon?

Kiki: After I'm done with my breakfast. Where did you say Morgan was again?

Michael: I don't know. I haven't seen him. I think he must have left early.

Kiki: Look, I -- I didn't tell Morgan about --

Michael: Thank you. Appreciate it.

Kiki: Yeah.

Michael: I know I got to tell him at some point. Just, you know, on my own time.

Kiki: Of course. Yeah, I understand. I've been thinking about it a lot, and I'm really, really sorry about what happened to you.

Tracy: Oh, AJ, good. I wanted to talk to you.

AJ: Tracy, do you think we could just, just for today, please take the day off from sniping at each other? I'm just not in the mood to talk about relish.

Tracy: I don't want to talk about that, and I don't want to fight. Monica -- she told me what happened to Michael in prison.

AJ: You what?

Monica: Well, I was upset, AJ, and it, uh, just came out.

AJ: Go ahead, you know? I'm sure you're going to find some really scathingly witty way to lord it over me that I was off hiding to try and save my ass while my son was being raped in prison.

Tracy: I just want to say I'm sorry.

AJ: What?

Tracy: I have two sons of my own. And although I can't pretend to know what you're going through, if anybody hurt Ned or Dillon like that, it's unimaginable, and I'm sorry for Michael, and I'm really sorry for you. And despite everything, we are family, and if there's anything I can do, just ask.

[Glasses clink]

Luke: It's a pleasure to meet a woman who appreciates a stiff drink at noon.

Ava: You know what they say -- it's 5:00 somewhere. Besides, I wouldn't want you to drink all by your lonesome.

Luke: So, I hear that you've reconsidered your objection to your daughter getting involved in the Quartermaine family business.

Ava: I told you I was going to think about it, and that's exactly what I did, and I decided that Lauren can handle it. They are her family.

Luke: Her rich family. I'm sure that the fat payday that Tracy offered in exchange for Lauren's proxy voting rights had something to do with your decision.

Ava: What mother doesn't want to be able to provide for her offspring?

Luke: I'm touched by your maternal devotion. But since you haven't completed the contract, it hasn't been sent back to Tracy, I take it there's some snag in your daughter wanting to sign?

Michael: I'm fine. Don't worry about me. What about you? You made up with your mom yet?

Kiki: [Scoffs] I haven't heard from her since we had our fight. And if that's how she wants to play it, then that's fine with me.

Sonny: Morgan, do I have to remind you who got you and your little girlfriend out of trouble when you needed it?

Morgan: No. I know, Dad, and I'm sorry, but for the record, I didn't ask for your help, so --

Carly: Hey, you need to quit while you're ahead.

Sonny: Okay. You know, I assume you're here 'cause you need something. What is it?

Morgan: Yeah, well, I was going to ask you, Dad, to ask you, Mom, to back off Kiki, but since I'm here and you're here, I guess I'll just ask you directly. Can you back off Kiki, please? Okay? I know you asked Michael to spy on her, and he did, and she found him going through her bag yesterday, trying to find dirt on her, and he admitted that you asked him to look after her.

Carly: Yeah, I did. I'm concerned. Morgan, you met the girl on the Internet. That's one strike. Her last name is Jerome, the same as a mob family. That's strike two.

Morgan: What are you talking about? They're dead, right?

Sonny: Hey. Your mom's right. It's an unsettling coincidence.

Carly: Yeah, and since you met Kiki, you have racked up a $50,000 gambling debt, and you were beaten within an inch of your life.

Morgan: Okay, you're exaggerating.

Carly: Whatever! I'm exaggerating! But Kiki is trouble.

Morgan: Look, I get that you might not understand that someone would want to spend time with me rather than just ship me off to military school but --

Sonny: Morgan, wait, wait, wait! She's just trying to help. She's just trying to help.

Carly: Look, I did that because I was trying to protect you.

Morgan: Okay. Then why are you so paranoid? Kiki's not hiding anything. She's not up to anything. She's a nice person, which you would actually see if you would just ease up and give her a chance.

Carly: You're acting like I'm torturing the girl. I've barely spoken a word to her.

Morgan: Okay, but she doesn't need this right now. She's got her own family problems, all right? She just found out her mom's been lying to her about who her dad is.

Franco: I feel like I know you.

Connie: You do know me. I'm Connie Falconeri. But you knew me as Kate Howard.

Franco: Oh, of course. Kate Howard. Oh, great. I was hoping that someday I'd get a chance to properly thank you for sponsoring my first art show in Port Charles. If you and your magazine hadn't been so supportive, I never would have gotten to know this gem of a town.

Connie: Well, I was assured you were a genius and that sponsoring your show would be a coup for Crimson. Boy, was I wrong.

Franco: Oh, no, not at all. I thought it was a really interesting show. Very powerful. In fact, I'd like to talk to you about maybe putting up another one. But I'm interested in something. Hold on a minute. You are not the person that you used to be.

Connie: That's right. I'm Connie Falconeri.

Franco: Was there something wrong with being Kate Howard?

Connie: It's none of your business, Blondie.

Franco: Oh, that's hostility. Right? That's hostility? Okay, I'm -- I'm very sorry if I've done anything wrong to you, but I don't remember what it is that I might have done.

Connie: Sonny Corinthos is my ex.

Franco: Of course -- Sonny! Right! Sonny was at that party I was talking about before. He greeted me by pulling a gun on me, like that was some kind of a standard greeting for him. But I'll tell you, he's really grown as a human being, because he didn't shoot me.

Olivia: You don't have time for this son of a bitch, okay? Come on. We got better things to do.

Franco: Lovely talking to you both.

Sam: Leukemia?

Patrick: Like I said, Sam, it's not a confirmed diagnosis, but we did a full blood work-up, and all the signs point to leukemia.

Sam: Are you sure it has nothing to do with the beta thalassemia, the blood condition he was born with?

Patrick: No, that's not an issue here. Sam, I understand that this is a shock. You're probably asking why Danny and why cancer, and believe me, even with my medical degrees, I would be asking the same questions in your position.

Sam: I just thought it was a rash.

Patrick: Well, there's no reason for you to think that it would be anything more than that, and for reason that we don't know, leukemia happens. And it looks like it might be happening in your son.

Olivia: Are you sure you're okay, honey? Running into that psycho Franco is not a good way to start off a trial.

Connie: I have more things to worry about than that lunatic. Liv, today could be the day that I have to face the music for all the crap that Connie caused.

Olivia: But I thought Diane said this is all just procedural stuff. That can't be so bad, right?

Connie: It's going to be really bad, Liv. Trust me -- I don't want to go through all that again.

Olivia: Honey, if anyone says anything to rile you up, you just -- you look at me, okay? I'll help you be strong. That's what I'm here for. I'm with you no matter what, through thick and thin. You know that. Right?

Connie: Thank you so much, Liv. I love you.

Olivia: I know. I love you, too.

Connie: I don't know what I'd do without you. You're all I've got.

Olivia: Where is everybody. I thought this thing was going to be starting in a couple minutes.

Connie: I don't know. Diane said she'd be here. She said that --

[Cell phone rings]

Connie: It's Diane. Hello? Diane? Yeah, where the hell are you? I'm -- say again? What? Are you sure? Oh, my God. That's -- that's really great, Diane. Thank you so much. I will call you later. Okay.

Olivia: What happened?

Connie: They tossed the case!

Olivia: What?!

Connie: I don't know. She was in the judge's chambers. She said that she made her rule on a --

Olivia: No! I don't want to hear about legal mumbo jumbo! You don't have to stand trial, right?

Connie: I'm free, Liv! I have to tell Sonny!

Sonny: What do you mean, Kiki's mother lied to her? Who's her father?

Morgan: Look, Kiki grew up thinking that her dad died before she was born, and apparently, her mom just told her that he died only about like a year ago.

Carly: Oh, God. Well, that's got to be difficult. I mean, to find out that he was alive all that time? And now it's too late for her to make a connection.

Morgan: Yeah, and it turns out the dad's part of some rich family, and they've been trying to track Kiki down.

Michael: Sorry things are rocky with you and your mom.

Kiki: Yeah, I thought I knew her, and it turns out she's been lying to me about my whole life.

Michael: Well, uh -- maybe she's afraid.

Kiki: Afraid?

Michael: Yeah. Well, not really sure how this applies to you, but my mom kept some things from me. Partly because, uh -- she was protecting me and partly because she wasn't proud of what she did. She didn't want it to change how I felt about her.

Kiki: But this is different. My mom acts like she cares so much about me my entire life, and then she tries to trick me into signing those documents.

Michael: What documents?

Luke: Looks like I hit a nerve. So, you having a little bit of trouble getting your daughter to sign up with team Tracy?

Ava: It's complicated.

Luke: What's the complication?

Franco: Our little Lauren is the great-grandchild of a Quartermaine, which is really cool in a tiebreaker kind of way, but I am the grandchild of the late, great, and powerful Edward Quartermaine, which gives me an even bigger piece of the pie.

Ava: And I should care why?

Franco: Because, my shares make Lauren's shares irrelevant. And you have nothing to gain by having irrelevant shares. However, you and I can, once again, just for old time's sake, come up with an arrangement that is mutually beneficial.

Ava: If you think I'd give you face time with Lauren to get those shares, you are insane.

Franco: We have already established that you consider me completely insane. There is, however, a deal on the table. So what do you say?

Ava: My complication is none of your beeswax.

Luke: You know, I've got a daughter, too. There are times when she can see right through me. It's so irritating. Is that what happened here? Maybe things are testy between you and Lauren, because she realized Mommy's going to try to use her as a cash cow.

Ava: I am not. And everything is fine between us. I'll prove it to you.

Kiki: My mom showed up with these documents, and then she started to tell me abo --

[Cell phone rings]

Kiki: It's probably Morgan.

Michael: Uh, right. All right, I'm gonna take a shower and get changed. You can tell me about your mom later?

Kiki: Mm-hmm.

Michael: Okay.

[Ringing continues]

Kiki: [Sighs] Mom, if this is about me signing those papers that Quartermaine lady gave you, forget it.

Ava: No, no, sweetheart. I just wanted to talk to you and make sure you're all right after what we discussed the other day. See if you had any questions.

Kiki: I don't believe you.

Ava: Lauren? Hello? Lauren?

Luke: [Laughing]

Ava: [Chuckles]

Luke: Oh-ho-ho, man! That went well. [Laughing]

AJ: Thank you. Thank you for what you said about Michael. I really appreciate that.

Tracy: Bottom line, AJ, is we are both parents.

AJ: You're right. We are. And we're family. Sometimes we're the family from hell.

Tracy: [Chuckles]

AJ: So, did Mom tell you that Franco is still alive?

Tracy: Yes. And being alive, he is counted as one of Daddy's living grandchildren.

AJ: Yeah, that little point wasn't lost on me, either.

Monica: Are you kidding me? That psychopath can inherit?

AJ: Mom, listen. You know, strictly speaking, according to Grandfather's will, he's entitled to a share.

Tracy: Yeah, and voting rights at ELQ.

AJ: Yeah, kind of puts a whole new spin on things, don't it?

Tracy: A nauseating spin. I can't believe we're even having the conversation. That maniac is not part of this family.

Franco: Oh, now, is that any way to talk about the newest member of your tribe? Peace. I come in peace, fellow Quartermaines.

Sam: It's okay. It's going to be okay. Mommy's okay, and you are okay, Danny, because you are strong and healthy. You're my little miracle.

Alexis: That's right. You are a miracle, and we are going to get through this.

Sam: There is a chance that it's not leukemia, right?

Patrick: Right. That diagnosis is not confirmed yet.

Alexis: How do you confirm it?

Sam: Or disprove it?

Patrick: We do a bone-marrow biopsy.

Sam: Please tell me that's not as bad as it sounds.

Luke: Ah, so your daughter hung up on you, huh? I know that feeling.

Ava: I caught her at a bad time, that's all.

Luke: Well, you better catch her at a better time. Tracy's not going to hand over that money until she gets Lauren's signature on the dotted line.

Ava: You know, I do have other options besides Team Tracy, as you so eloquently put it.

Luke: What options?

Ava: Team AJ.

AJ: What the hell are you doing here?

Tracy: I cannot believe the incompetents at the PCPD let you escape.

Franco: Oh, perish the thought. I'm all about law and order now. My lawyer made a compelling argument. The DA agreed. I posted bail. God bless the American judicial system.

Olivia: You just said you were going to go tell Sonny. I thought you were determined to stay away from him.

Connie: Yeah. I am, Liv. It was just reflex, you know? Just a moment of relief and happiness. The first thing that popped into my head was to run and tell Sonny.

Sonny: I'm sorry Kiki's going through a rough time.

Morgan: Yeah. Yeah, it really sucks when families fight, huh?

Carly: Okay. Okay, I'll tell Michael to back off a little.

Morgan: Okay. Thank you.

Carly: Have to finish talking to your dad about our conversation, so --

Morgan: Right, right, right. About the business investment.

Carly: Yes.

Morgan: Okay. Oh, uh, by the way, so, they canceled my credit card, because I maxed out -- just trying to get cash advances for the poker guys I owed and stuff. So, can one of you co-sign for a new one, please?

Carly: Uh, we'll think about it.

Sonny: Morgan, here's an idea -- get a job.

Morgan: Yeah. Oh, yeah. I can come work for you.

Carly: I don't think so.

Sonny: That wasn't funny.

Carly: Unh-unh.

Morgan: All right. I'm sorry. And I will -- I'll think about the gainful-employment thing. I will. But in the meantime, the card. Are we good with that?

Carly: We'll talk about it. Get out of here. I love you.

Morgan: I love you, too. Bye.

Carly: Bye. [Sighs] That kid is not as charming as he thinks he is, huh?

Sonny: I give the kid $50,000 to get out of the gambling debt, and that maxed-out credit card is probably, you know, in the mail, that bill. And now he wants another card.

Carly: Not going to happen.

Sonny: Well, I mean, of course, it's not going to happen.

Carly: Do you think he heard us talking about taking out Franco?

Sonny: No, I think he bought your excuse.

Carly: The sooner this happens the better. Why haven't we heard from Shawn?

Sonny: Because Shawn is following Franco. That's why we had to bail Franco out, because we couldn't do it behind bars. It's just a matter of time.

Franco: You must be my stepmother, Monica. So nice to meet you.

AJ: You made bail. How?

Franco: Well, I already mentioned -- I have a great lawyer. I think you know her, actually. I think she represented you, too, AJ. Diane Miller.

Tracy: A felon's best friend.

Franco: She is fantastic! Let me tell you, she is very well put together. Hey, bro, you hit that? It's a heartwarming story, I think. Three brothers, separated by circumstances, and yet united by one common element -- you, me, Jason -- all represented by Diane Miller.

Tracy: I could just shoot that woman.

Franco: Whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Whoa, Auntie Tracy, please, mind what you say. No one's going to be shooting anyone.

Michael: Kiki!

Kiki: What?

Michael: Look, just because you're upset with your mom does not give you the right to use up all the hot water in the entire building.

Kiki: [Laughing] What? Relax. It's a shower.

Michael: It's my shower, and it was freezing.

Kiki: Okay. Well, a lot of people take cold showers in the world.

Michael: Look, you've already taken over my whole life. The least you can do is --

Kiki: Which you keep reminding me about! Thanks.

Michael: Can't you just say that you're sorry?

Kiki: I'm sorry. Happy now?

Michael: Kiki.

[Door opens]

Morgan: Hey. What the hell's going on here?

Luke: Team AJ. Hmm. Word to the wise, pretty lady -- don't throw your lot in with AJ Quartermaine. That would be a terrible mistake. He is a chronic dry drunk with a bad track record.

Ava: So you say. But there are, as I'm sure you are aware, many degrees of bad.

Luke: Do the words "chronic screw-up" mean anything to you? I mean, don't take my word for it. You do your research, you'll find out AJ Quartermaine leaves a wide swath of failure and destruction behind him. I'd steer clear of him if I were you.

Ava: You're not me. Thanks for the drinks.

Luke: My pleasure.

Michael: Your girlfriend here used up all the hot water.

Kiki: You know, why don't you just go through my purse again? Maybe you'll find some hot water in there.

Morgan: Hey, hey, Michael's not going to spy on you anymore, okay? I talked to Mom. Told her to back off. Same goes for you.

Michael: Yeah, whatever. Just stay out of my face.

Franco: Can't we all just get along?

AJ: Why are you even here?

Franco: Why do you even ask, brother? This is the family home. Su casa and now mi casa. Aww. Dear old dad. Alan, right? Oh, shame. I never even got to meet him.

Monica: Get your hands off that.

Franco: And Grandfather. The patriarch -- that means head of the family. "The head of the family." Wow. Look at that face. I guess it's true -- he was an inspiration.

Tracy: Luckily, he didn't live long enough to see you in this house, not that you'll be staying. Monica, that's your cue.

Monica: Get out of my house, Franco.

Franco: Do you really want me to leave?

Monica: Yes.

AJ: I could help you.

Franco: If I leave, I'll be taking my controlling shares of ELQ with me. So, do you still want me to leave?

Patrick: To do the biopsy, we insert a needle into Daniel's pelvic bone, and we extract bone marrow. I know it sounds scary, but it's actually a relatively simple procedure.

Sam: Will Danny be in any pain?

Patrick: No, no. He'll be on an IV, and he'll be on painkillers and the sedatives.

Alexis: Will he be under anesthesia? Is that risky?

Patrick: No anesthesia. He'll be conscious, but he won't feel anything. The whole procedure only takes a few minutes.

Alexis: And how soon can you do this?

Patrick: Right away.

Sam: Okay. I think we should do it. I want to know what we're up against.

Patrick: I'll set up the biopsy now.

Sam: Okay.

Patrick: Sam, I promise you that Danny's going to get the best care possible.

Sam: Thank you. I mean, I know that he's in good hands with you.

Patrick: Okay.

[Door opens, closes]

Alexis: Are you okay?

Sam: I'm terrified. Mom, look at him. Look at him. He looks so healthy and happy, and --

Alexis: Look, we don't know if anything is going to happen. The test may come back he's going to be perfectly healthy.

Sam: Yeah. What if it comes back -- that Danny's sick?

Alexis: We are going to take this one step at a time, okay? And we will get through this.

Morgan: [Chuckles] So much for that truce you guys had going. Michael's so stubborn, he's in there freezing his butt off right now. Maybe a cold shower will calm him down, though, right? Sorry you guys got into it again. Hey. You okay? You can't take Michael so seriously.

Kiki: It's just -- we're all just living on top of each other. You know, we're bound to get into it every once in a while. It's nothing.

Morgan: Yeah, no, I know. Michael's already uptight to begin with, so --

Kiki: I think we should find somewhere else to live.

Morgan: I wish. I just went to my parents to try to get a new credit card, and they shut that down pretty hard.

Kiki: Okay, well, all we need is a studio apartment.

Morgan: Well, thanks to our poker buddies, I'm broke, as you know. Hey. Maybe it's time to look up that rich family of yours.

Franco: You've all forgotten about my shares of ELQ. We need to have a meeting. We need to have a family meeting and discuss the family business. Stepmother, may I please have a few moments with my auntie and my brother? "Stepmother." I don't want to call you stepmother. Would it be okay with you if I call you "Mummy"?

Monica: Don't you dare call me anything. And I'm not going anywhere. This is my house.

Tracy: Monica, just do it.

Monica: What?

AJ: Mom, please, just -- we have to deal with him.

Franco: How can you ignore such a heartfelt, if not self-serving, plea from your own son?

Monica: Well, at least I won't have to look at your face anymore.

Franco: I feel the same way, Mummy. All right.

[Glass breaks]

Franco: I call this meeting to order. You two have been squabbling over the leadership of ELQ since Grandpa Teddy died --

Tracy: Eddie.

AJ: Eddie.

Franco: -- Since Grandpa Eddie died -- but I'm here to tell you now that, from this moment on -- everything is going to change.

[Cell phone rings]

Luke: Spencer.

Mr. Spencer, I'm calling from General Hospital. Your test results are in. Your doctor would like you to come in now to discuss them.

Luke: Thank you for telling me.


Tracy: Call me when you get the test results back.

Luke: Innkeeper, another drink.

Olivia: Honey, I'm so sorry you can't share your good news with Sonny.

Connie: No, I accept that I have to stay away from him as part of my recovery. I just miss him sometimes.

Olivia: Yeah. Well, hey, that doesn't mean that we can't celebrate, right?

Connie: What are you talking about? I'm not celebrating when I don't feel like --

Olivia: Oh, come on, come on. I'm not just talking about your case being thrown out. It also happens to be your birthday.

Connie: You remembered.

Olivia: Who are you talking to? Who worked every Saturday in their dad's garage for like a month, so I could go buy you that stupid purse for your birthday?

Connie: Yeah, yeah, right. Remember, you got his permission to take the subway into the city?

Olivia: Yes.

Connie: And we walked into that shop on Madison, and we asked that snooty little salesgirl to give us a bag.

Olivia: Yeah, she practically refused to look at us.

Connie: And then you slapped the money on the table, and you said, "Listen, bitch, if you want a commission, you better show us some manners."

Olivia: That's right. She was up that ladder so fast.

Connie: I still have that bag. It's in my closet.

Olivia: Yeah? If it ever comes back in style, I promise I'll borrow it. So, what do you say? We're going to go celebrate?

Connie: [Breathes deeply] All right. You talked me into it.

Olivia: We're going to have a good time, trust me. I know I'm not substitute for Sonny.

Shawn: After Franco made bail, he ran into Connie and Olivia.

Sonny: At the courthouse? Yeah, Connie's on trial today. Did he approach them, give them any trouble?

Shawn: Just the opposite. Olivia and Connie gave it to him pretty good.

Carly: Okay. So you couldn't get to Franco at the courthouse. Now what?

Shawn: Well, I followed him to the Quartermaines. He, uh -- he staged a little family reunion.

Franco: As one of Edward's living grandchildren -- I am entitled to shares of ELQ, which, when you think about it, is downright poetic.

Tracy: That was not my father's intention.

Franco: I don't know. I think Edward would've liked me. You know, if nothing else, he would have respected my intellect because -- let's face it -- now that Jason's gone, I'm a lot smarter than some of the other grandchildren. Who knows? Maybe Eddie is smiling in his grave. Maybe he finds it amusing that my shares are what's tipping the balance in your little power struggle.

Ava: Good. You're both here. We need to talk about Franco.

Franco: No, not Franco. Frank Q. For Quartermaine.

Shawn: Franco was surrounded by Quartermaines. There's no way to get a clean shot as long as he's in that mansion.

Carly: What the hell are we gonna do now?

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