GH Transcript Wednesday 6/5/13

General Hospital Transcript Wednesday 6/5/13


Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By

Franco: Oh, I like this place. Yeah. I don't like when the courthouse is rundown and shabby. I think it reflects poorly on the judicial system as a whole. I mean, really, how are we supposed to respect the law when she doesn't respect herself enough to pull herself together? I mean, really. Put on some lip gloss, right? Go out, spend some money, buy yourself a nice pair of shoes. We like that, right? This place is great, though. I think it's suitable for the occasion.

Guard: Why do you care? They're just gonna deny bail, send you back to lockup.

Franco: Oh, I don't know about that. I'm feeling lucky.

Carly: So, what do we do now?

Sonny: We wait.

Carly: Wait. Yeah. I'm not really good at that.

Sonny: Shawn's in. He's gonna do what he has to do to protect our family from Franco.

Franco: Good morning, Ms. Miller. May I call you Diane?

Diane: You may not call me Diane. You will call me Ms. Miller. I'm not ready to be on a first-name basis with you.

Franco: Okey-dokey, ms. Miller. I'm so glad we could come to terms. I feel like, with you on my side, I'll be out spreading good cheer in Port Charles in no time.

[Cell phone rings]

Felix: Mm. Oh, my God. I've turned straight.

Sabrina: Wait. Is that my phone?

Felix: Ah.

[Ringing stops]

Sabrina: Can you remind me again what we're doing out here?

Felix: We were forced to camp out on the couch, because of the invasion of the bed-snatchers.

Sabrina: Huh?

Felix: House pests. Two she-devils that moved in. Maybe we're still asleep. Maybe this is just a nightmare.

[Bell ringing]

Britt: Rise and shine!

Taylor: Good morning, Fee. Good morning, Sabrina.

Patrick: Sabrina, it's me, Patrick. Um, hopefully Britt is letting you sleep in a little bit and getting some rest. I'm really excited about our date tonight. Can't come soon enough. I'll talk to you later. Bye.

Silas: Yeah, I know, I look like my brother. Let's just move on.

Patrick: Excuse me?

Silas: I'm Dr. Silas Clay. I understand you are Dr. Patrick Drake?

Patrick: Yeah, I am.

Silas: Listen, I understand that you treated Daniel Morgan here last night.

Sam: Are Danny's test results back yet?

Ellie: I see that Dr. Drake requested priority rush. Unfortunately, the new lab manager failed to take note of --

Brad: Hey. You'll get the results when they're ready. And that's how it's done.

Ellie: [Scoffs]

Rafe: Was that about me?

Sam: No. No, uh... we're gonna find out about your custody in a few hours.

Rafe: Okay. So, what's wrong?

[Knock on door]

Sam: [Sighs]

All: Surprise!

Molly: Happy birthday, Danny!


Diane: The list of charges against you, Mr. Frank... runs several pages. And this, of course, is separate from the federal investigation, which seeks to tie you to a slate of unsolved killings based on your artwork.

Franco: If someone misinterpreted my artwork and used it as an excuse to kill somebody, then that makes me terribly sad, but it's not my fault. I can't take responsibility for that.

Diane: Well, even if you are telling the truth, which I highly doubt, the crimes we know you committed could send you to prison for several lifetimes.

Franco: What about my recordings?

Diane: Those recordings may or may not exonerate you from the two rapes, but the DA has over a dozen other charges, and you can bet the DA will have expert witnesses, corroborating evidence.

Franco: Mm. A hell of a dress.

Diane: [Clears throat]

Franco: Why don't you just get me out on bail and take it from there?

Diane: I, of course, will ask for bail, but I'm doubtful the judge will grant it, so that cell is going to be your home away from home until your trial.

Carly: I thought you said you couldn't get to Franco while he was in the county lockup. He's gonna be stuck there for a while, Sonny. So how are you gonna do this?

Sonny: I'm handling it.

[Knock on door]

Sonny: Yeah.

Man: A Mr. Lazaro to see you?

Sonny: Mr. Lazaro, thank you for coming.

Lazaro: What's this about?

Sonny: We have something to discuss with you.

TJ: Shawn. Yo, Shawn. Yo. Where were you?

Shawn: Hey. Yeah, I heard about the bad news, man.

TJ: What are you talking about?

Shawn: Molly going to the prom with Rafe.

Spinelli: Now for the most important part of the ceremony -- the making of the wish and the blowing out of the candles, or candle, in this case.

Alexis: Make it a good one, Danny.

Rafe: Yeah, don't waste it wishing for more cereal or a chance to try the stairs alone.

Alexis: You're kidding, right?

Rafe: Sorry, but Danny has a danger gene. He loves being up high, and if you take your eyes off him for a second, he heads straight for the stairs.

Spinelli: But not surprising, given who his parents are. But I must agree, young Daniel -- do not waste your wish on a chance to climb the stairs. Go for something special, okay? Think about it. What does your heart desire? Got it? Okay, ready? Blow!

Molly: Maybe Mommy should do the honors.

Sam: [Chuckles]

Ellie: Samantha Morgan is my boyfriend's business partner, and she is worried sick about her little boy. How can you be so insensitive?

Brad: All right, I am going to lunch.

Ellie: Wait. Lunch? You just got here! We have a stack of rush orders!

Brad: Oh. Well, then I guess you better get busy, huh? Text me if you want me to get you something.

Ellie: A new and improved you.

Brad: That's funny.

Britt: My baby and I need breakfast.

Taylor: Mmm. Me too. Oh, and, Fee, if you could make me your special French toast...

Felix: Hmm. When pigs fly?

Taylor: The hogs just grew wings. You know what happens if you refuse.

Felix: [Groans] We don't have any eggs, so no French toast, but I'll think of something -- ow! My back. This -- this is not a bed. This is an iron maiden.

Sabrina: We're gonna have to get a mattress pad.

Britt: Has Patrick seen how much you sweat?

Sabrina: It's hot out here.

Taylor: Not in my room.

Sabrina: Well, you've got AC, and so does she.

Taylor: No window units in the living room?

Britt: Pity. Let me know when breakfast is ready.

Sabrina: Right after I shower. I've got to rinse off.

Taylor: I call first dibs!

Felix: I can't do this.

Sabrina: Just keep telling yourself it's temporary, okay? All we have to do is prove that Britt's difficult pregnancy is just another pathetic attempt to get her claws in Patrick.

Patrick: Well, I understand that your brother terrorized Sam and her child.

Silas: Yeah, and he's... he's dead. And since I hadn't seen him in more than a decade, I'm pretty sure I'm not an accomplice.

Patrick: Well, that's gratifying from a legal standpoint, but as the sane relative, maybe there would have been a different outcome if you would have checked up on your brother.

Silas: Mm. Yeah, listen, uh, Stephen's crimes were his own. I have no interest in trying to understand them, and I'm sure as hell not gonna atone for them.

Patrick: What do you want with Danny, Dr. Clay?

Silas: My interest is strictly professional. I'm really concerned about the boy's condition.

Spinelli: So, will you do the honors on young Daniel's behalf?

Molly: Make a wish.

Spinelli: Hey!

Molly: What'd you wish for?

[Sam runs upstairs]

Molly: What did I say?

Rafe: I'm gonna go check on her.

Alexis: Let's just give her a minute.

Molly: This isn't about Rafe's custody, is it?

Alexis: No. Absolutely not. The judge is making a decision now.

Spinelli: Most likely, it's about the return of Franco --

Alexis: Spinelli.

Molly: What? Franco is alive? No, that's not possible. What are you talking about?

Franco: You're so cynical, Ms. Miller. Why are you so cynical?

Diane: Golly, I don't know. Maybe 'cause I'm a lawyer.

Franco: Well, I'm grateful that you're here. Means a lot to me that you took my case. It's nice to have somebody on my side for once.

Diane: I am not on your side.

Franco: Hey, don't be silly. Of course, you're on my side. If you weren't on my side, you wouldn't have taken the case. Anyway, you took my retainer, so no backsies.

Diane: No backsies.

Franco: Yeah, no backsies. Means you can't take it back --

Diane: I know what it means. As your attorney, yes, of course, I will provide the best defense possible for you because that's my job. But I am also a thinking, feeling human being, and as that, I find you disgusting, Mr. Frank. You're a -- you're a deplorable monster who has brought nothing but pain and suffering to people I care a great deal about. Your brother, your twin -- I still cannot believe you share the same DNA as Jason Morgan. He was a very, very good friend of mine. And I maneuvered his release from Pentonville just so he could hunt you down and kill you, and I'm so very disappointed that he didn't.

Franco: Well, if you hate me so much, why did you take my case?

Sonny: Do we understand each other, Mr. Lazaro?

Lazaro: Yes, Mr. Corinthos.

Sonny: Good. You can show yourself out.

[Door closes]

Carly: I forgot how good you were at this kind of business.

Shawn: Look, I know I've been distracted, but I promise -- listen, I'm paying attention now, so tell me -- what happened?

TJ: Okay. So, last night, Molly showed up. Said she was sorry, that she wasn't gonna go to prom with Rafe. She wanted to go with me.

Shawn: So it's all good.

TJ: No. It's too late.

Shawn: What do you mean?

TJ: By the time Molly changed her mind, I already asked someone else.

Taylor: Mm! Skim milk? Ew!

Britt: And it's warm.

Taylor: Right? And this juice.

Britt: Yeah, and there's extra pulp?

Taylor: You need a fork.

Britt: Totally.

Taylor: Hey, Fee, I like your disabled roomie. You were asleep when we came in last night. And if my brother remembers his manners, maybe he'll introduce us.

Felix: Britt, this is my terror of a little sister, Taylor. Taylor, this is the Britch.

Britt: It's Britt. Your brother doesn't like me.

Taylor: Why not?

Britt: Because I'm pregnant, not disabled.

Taylor: Wait. Wait. Felix knocked you up?

Felix: [Laughs] No. God forbid.

Britt: His best friend's boyfriend did the honors.

Patrick: I have patients.

Silas: I won't keep you. I just want to have a look at Danny's labs.

Patrick: That's not your job, because you don't have a job here.

Silas: Danny's sick. I'm pretty sure he doesn't need a neurosurgeon.

Patrick: I treated Danny because I was in the ER when Sam brought him in, and Sam trusts me. And believe it or not, neurosurgeons can read a blood test.

Silas: Not like I can.

Alexis: I was kind of waiting for the right time to tell Molly.

Spinelli: I apologize for my precipitous announcement.

Molly: So this is real. Franco is alive.

Alexis: Yes. But he's in custody, and he's not getting out anytime soon.

Molly: Well, no wonder Sam is freaking out.

Alexis: I'm gonna go check on her.

Molly: Okay.

Alexis: Here you go, babe.

Spinelli: Molly, I'm sorry. We were so shocked and dismayed when he appeared at our midst at the party.

Molly: Wait. What party? Was Sam there? Is that why she's so upset?

Spinelli: Your mother should probably be the one to tell you this. Uh, give Samantha my apologies.

Molly: No, no, no! Spinelli, you can't just leave without telling us what happened.

Spinelli: That I can still walk with both my feet firmly planted in my mouth is nothing short of a miracle. Uh, forgive me.

[Lock clicks]

Molly: Oh, my God. I can't believe it. Franco is alive.

Rafe: Who is he, and why are you so scared of him?

Alexis: Oh, honey. Look, I know how hard this is for you. I really do. There's Franco, and I know it's Danny's birthday today. You miss Jason. I get that. And then Rafe and the custody -- it's awful. And Diane -- I swear to God I will never forgive her for what she said to you in the courtroom.

Sam: Mom, I can... I can handle all that.

Alexis: You know that Dr. Clay is the one that's behind all this. He's the one that told her to go for the jugular.

Sam: Actually, it's what Dr. Clay said about Danny that upset me.

Molly: I never told Sam or my mom, but I researched Franco -- his art, his career. He's considered groundbreaking and visionary. Most critics agree he's a genius.

Rafe: A genius who kills people.

Molly: Well, they've never been able to prove that Franco's a serial killer. I mean, there were a bunch of copycat murders where he would do art pieces and then an actual murder would take place that looked exactly like it, but there was never any physical evidence to tie the killings to Franco.

Rafe: Well, do you think he did it?

Molly: I honestly don't know. You know, for a while, we thought that Franco might be Danny's father, and it was just so scary to think that Danny would inherit a killer's DNA.

Rafe: Yeah. It's pretty scary.

Molly: But it's nothing like with you and your, um... Stephen Clay.

Rafe: Right. 'Cause Danny is Jason's son, not Franco's.

Molly: Yeah, but that wouldn't have mattered. Danny is his own person. He may just be a year old, but you can already tell that he's sweet and good. You're your own person, too.

Rafe: Sweet and good?

Molly: [Chuckles] More like resilient, loyal, brave.

Rafe: You really think that?

Molly: I really do.

Rafe: So, what happened last night? Did you end up telling TJ you wanted to be his date to prom after all?

Molly: I did.

Rafe: And?

Molly: He'd already asked someone else.

Taylor: You're my brother's BFF?

Sabrina: Yeah.

Taylor: I thought you were just his beard.

Britt: [Laughs]

Taylor: Right here, Britchy. Yes!

Felix: I don't need a beard. I'm out and proud.

Britt: Yeah, we've heard, endlessly.

Taylor: No comment. I need money, Fee.

Felix: For what?

Taylor: The perfect prom dress.

Felix: What prom?

Taylor: The one I'm going to with my brand-new boyfriend.

Felix: New boyfriend?

Taylor: TJ.

TJ: So I asked Felix's sister to be my date for the prom.

Shawn: Mm. Oh, Felix has a sister?

TJ: Yeah. She's here for the summer. And I kind of told her how things were with Molly, and she kind of offered to be my date, and I said sure. Only then, Molly walked in, said she was sorry, that she wanted to go to prom with me, and we could be together. What could I say? Taylor was right there.

Shawn: Okay. So let me make sure I get this straight. You've got two girls wanting to go out with you?

TJ: Yeah, sure. Taylor's pretty, and she seems nice, but I barely know her. I really want to go with Molly. There's no way I can, like, disinvite Taylor?

Shawn: [Laughing] Boy...

TJ: I'm serious.

Spinelli: I just had an unsettling experience at Danny's birthday party. Could you take a break?

Ellie: [Sighs] I wish, but I'm completely inundated. Brad decided to go to lunch and left me with an enormous pile of rush orders. I do not understand how he got that promotion. You know, I should be running this lab.

Spinelli: Uh, perhaps I can ascertain why.

Ellie: How?

Spinelli: Uh, I'll call you if my plan bears any fruit. Brad.

Brad: Unh-unh, unh-unh. If you're here to whine about my promotion, I already told you to take it up with Westbourne.

Spinelli: I tried. She's on medical leave. So, how much of your soul did you sell to win that promotion over Ellie?

Alexis: What did that pompous ass say about my grandson?

Sam: I caught him examining Danny at the courthouse.

Alexis: What do you mean examining him?

Sam: Well, Mom, he's a doctor, and Danny has a rash on his arm, and he picked up on it.

Alexis: Probably prickly heat. All babies get that.

Sam: And he also noticed that Danny had swollen glands, and he was really concerned about that.

Alexis: Honey, he's trying to make you look like you're negligent.

Sam: Mom, I don't think so. I -- I really don't. Well, he said that he thought that Danny was seriously ill.

Alexis: By examining for two minutes in a courtroom? That's silly.

Sam: He thinks he has cancer.

Silas: With all due respect, Doctor, Danny's labs should be reviewed by somebody who knows what they're looking for.

Patrick: Now this makes sense. You're that guy.

Silas: What guy?

Patrick: The idiot that scared Sam half to death, telling her that her son has cancer. Based on what? I don't know. Dr. Clay, you are not gonna see these results.

Silas: Hey. We're not done here.

Sonny: You having second thoughts?

Carly: Are you?

Sonny: No, but that's why I didn't want you involved.

Carly: I couldn't be more involved. The man threatened my children. He caused Michael unspeakable pain. He needs to be gone.

Sonny: Gone, eliminate, all those kind of words. It's just polite for "kill." Let me explain something to you. Once we see Franco dead and buried, you are gonna carry that around for the rest of your life. If you have any regrets, you need to tell me now. I will call it off.

Diane: I am defending you for two reasons, Mr. Frank -- God help me -- money and publicity.

Bailiff: All rise. Court is now in session. The Honorable Judge Amber Chua presiding.

Judge Chua: Be seated. This is an arraignment hearing for Robert James Frank.

Franco: Oh, please -- call me Franco. It's just one word, like Bono or The Edge.

Judge Chua: Muzzle your client, Ms. Miller.

Diane: Absolutely.

Judge Chua: Your counterpart, where is he?

Diane: I don't know, your honor, but if the DA cannot be bothered to attend, I would like to request a dismissal of all charges on behalf of my client.

Judge Chua: Nice try, but no. I need a plea from your client and a bail request. See what's keeping the district attorney.

Lazaro: I'm here, your honor.

Patrick: Do I have to call Security?

Silas: You might. Listen, I... I just want to make sure that Danny receives a prompt and accurate diagnosis. It's important. That boy could be in trouble.

Patrick: Dr. Clay, if you're really a physician, you know that GH is a top-tier hospital. We will take care of Danny. Now, if you don't leave, I'll have you thrown out.

Alexis: Dr. Clay told you that Danny has cancer?

Sam: Yeah.

Alexis: You do not just eyeball a baby for a minute and a half and then give a diagnosis of cancer. That is ridiculous.

Sam: Yeah, I know, Mom, but he's a doctor, and he seemed pretty sure of himself. He said Danny has cancer, and then he walked away like he diagnosed him cutting a tooth or something.

Alexis: Of course, he did, because he's a jerk. He is trying to wow you, and that was a very irresponsible thing to do.

Sam: Mom... when I think cancer, I think of everything that you had to go through and the treatment and how scared everybody was.

Alexis: Let's not go there. All right, here's what we're gonna do. We're gonna go to a pediatrician, and we're gonna get this whole thing cleared up.

Sam: I went to GH last night, and I talked to Patrick. And he had, um -- he had some blood tests done.

Alexis: I'm sure he told you everything was fine, right?

Sam: You know Patrick. He's very thorough. And then I didn't hear anything back from the lab, so I called them myself, and they said, "Well, we'll just let you know when they're ready."

Alexis: Okay. So we're gonna go down there right now, we're gonna put a fire under the lab, and we're gonna get some answers.

Sam: Okay.

Brad: See, I actually deserved that promotion. I got it on my own merits.

Spinelli: That's your story.

Brad: Happens to be the truth.

Spinelli: Despite the fact that Ellie has a superior education and a flawless work record.

Brad: Maybe all those months she was away from the job after getting hit by that, uh... beep-beep... counted against her.

Spinelli: Yeah... I suppose you make a valid point. Forgive me for doubting your merits. Oh. You also appear to be somewhat of a technocrat. Cool computer. Can I look at it?

Brad: What is wrong with you?!

Spinelli: Oh, gosh! I'm so sorry! You should probably go dry that off before it makes an embarrassing stain. Sorry. [Chuckles]

Taylor: You're such a good brother, Felix. I really appreciate the update on TJ's girl problems, because you now gave me the perfect opening.

Sabrina: I thought that TJ was in love with Molly.

TJ: He is. You got to stay out of that, Tee. No poaching.

Taylor: Too late.

Sabrina: Taylor, we just don't want you getting hurt. TJ and Molly have been together for quite a while.

Britt: Oh, please. Teenagers break up all the time. Seriously. Besides, Taylor's got it all going on over that insipid little bookworm.

Felix: Molly wrote the opening to the Nurses' Ball.

Britt: Exactly. She has the sex appeal of sliced cheese.

Taylor: [Laughs] Could you be cooler? Okay. Love the brows, by the way. But why the wheels?

Britt: Hey. Oh, I have the same condition Kate Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge, had early in her pregnancy.

Sabrina: Except she's not in a wheelchair. She's out marching in parades and going to weddings...

Felix: Traveling to distant lands. I'm just saying.

Britt: Kate is further along.

Sabrina: Not by much.

Britt: The heat out here is dehydrating. I am gonna go to my room. And can you fix the cell reception today?

Sabrina: Oh, you know, I don't think that's possible.

Felix: Yeah, something about the ceiling and the walls.

Taylor: Need a pilot?

Britt: Thanks, Tay. Sabrina's never offered.

Taylor: Oh, and, Fee, don't forget my money.

Felix: This sucks.

Sabrina: I know why I'm doing Britt's bidding. Why are you doing Taylor's?

Rafe: Who is TJ taking to the prom? Someone from school?

Molly: No. I've never seen her before. She showed up at Kelly's.

Rafe: She was there?

Molly: Mm-hmm. I apologized to TJ, asked him if we could still go to prom together, and before he could respond, there she was. "I'm his date to the prom. Sorry."

Rafe: And what did TJ say?

Molly: I don't know. I made up some lame excuse and took off before he could say anything. I was so embarrassed.

Rafe: I'm really sorry, Molly.

Molly: It's my own fault. I never should have told TJ that I didn't want to be his date. I was just trying to teach him a lesson after he punched you.

Danny: [Laughs]

Sam: Is he okay?

Molly: Yeah, he's fine.

Sam: Where's Spinelli?

Molly: He had to leave. But he told us about Franco. Sam, no wonder you're freaking out.

Sonny: We can still call it off.

Carly: No, we're not gonna call it off. We're gonna get rid of that sick bastard before he hurts anybody else.

Sonny: Okay.

Shawn: You want to get out of taking this Taylor to the prom?

TJ: It's not like we're dating or anything. She's just doing me a favor, so I don't have to show up alone.

Shawn: Well, just try to handle it, so you don't hurt her feelings.

TJ: Yeah, okay.

Shawn: Under other circumstances, I would say you should honor your invitation you gave Taylor, but I'm afraid if you take another girl to that prom, you and Molly might end up too far apart to make it right again.

[Cell phone rings]

Shawn: Look, I've got to go, okay? But, TJ, look -- do what you got to do, all right? Protect what's important to you.

TJ: Okay.

Judge Chua: Three counts of vandalism, one count of malicious intent to destroy a dwelling by fire, one count of vehicular assault, five counts of kidnapping, two counts of assault, one count of conspiracy to commit rape, one count rape, one count of attempted murder, one count of murder. This is quite a resume, Mr. Frank. How do you plead?

Franco: Stand up?

Diane: Yeah.

Franco: I'm innocent.

Diane: No, you're not guilty.

Franco: Well, that's not the same thing.

Diane: Ms. Miller, I'll hear a request for bail.

Diane: Sit. Of course, the District Attorney will insist that bail be denied, your honor, but I would like to point out one thing. My client was presumed dead and, therefore, free to enjoy the rest of his life. But he came back to Port Charles knowing exactly what that would mean. Why? Because he wants to make amends, your honor. He gathered together all of the people that he has allegedly harmed, so he could explain his actions and give them some peace of mind. He's produced evidence that exonerates him on two counts. More evidence, of course, will be produced. But my client wishes to clear his name. So based on this very good-faith gesture and the partial proof of his innocence, we are requesting a reasonable bail.

Judge Chua: Mr. Lazaro.

Lazaro: I have no problem with that, your honor.

Sabrina: What's going on with your sister? And I'm not saying that she's not smart and adorable and --

Felix: I think sleeping on the couch has really affected your brain.

Sabrina: Okay. Well, she's young, but she's a little --

Felix: She's obnoxious.

Sabrina: And she's got you wrapped around her tiny little finger.

Felix: Ain't it the truth.

Sabrina: I just want to know why.

Felix: I mean, she -- she's my little sister, you know? She knows how to push my buttons.

Sabrina: Mm-hmm. Sounded like blackmail to me.

Felix: Blackmail -- no, look, we just -- we don't got time for this. We just got to focus on busting the Britch.

Taylor: Britt said to remind you that she needs another pillow.

[Cell phone beeps]

Taylor: It's TJ. He's desperate to see me.

Felix: Nice to meet you.

Taylor: Funny. So, what's it gonna be? Paper or plastic? Or both? I can't buy rain boots with that. Okay, we're talking a prom dress, shoes, a bag... much better.

Sabrina: How bad are the goods she's got on you?

Ellie: I just finished Daniel Morgan's analysis.

Patrick: What was the hold-up?

Ellie: I apologize for the delay.

Patrick: Are these right?

Ellie: Yeah, I ran the tests twice to make sure.

[Telephone rings]

Ellie: 10th-floor lab.

Britt: Who's this?

Ellie: Ellie Trout. Is that you, Dr. Westbourne? I thought you were on leave.

Britt: Put Brad on. Sorry. He's at lunch, but I'll make sure and leave a -- message.

[Cell phone rings]

Spinelli: [As Brad] Hello?

Britt: Brad?

Spinelli: Uh, yes.

Britt: You sound funny.

Brad: Oh. [Coughs] Bad -- [Coughs] -- Cold.

Britt: Get over it. I need you. Sabrina and Felix are watching me like hawks.

Sam: Ahh, that's my boy.

Alexis: Uh, of course, Sam is worried about Franco. We all are, but... we're gonna try not to worry, right, Sam?

Sam: Yeah.

Molly: Where you guys going?

Alexis: To the doctor.

Molly: Why? Is Danny sick?

Alexis: No. Uh, just a checkup. One-year-old checkup. That's all.

Sam: Can you get my bag?

Molly: Oh, are talking S-H-O-T-S?

Rafe: Ouch. Be brave, birthday boy. I'll be here when you get back.

Sam: Yes, you absolutely will be here when I get back. My mom and I will make sure that that arrogant jerk, Dr. Clay, doesn't get his way. Right, Danny? We're gonna be fine. Okay. Got to go.

Rafe: I can't believe I just made this all about me when Sam has that Franco creep on her mind.

Judge Chua: Let me see if I understand you, Mr. Lazaro. You are not opposing bail for the defendant?

Lazaro: No, your honor.

Judge Chua: May I ask why?

Lazaro: I'll admit I was prepared to object, but Ms. Miller makes a good point. Mr. Frank was not apprehended by agents of law enforcement. He chose to return, which makes him no flight risk. I'm confident he'll appear at trial.

Judge Chua: On your recommendation, Mr. Lazaro, bail is set at $100,000. Mr. Frank, once you've seen the clerk, you're free to go. We're adjourned. [Bangs gavel]

Diane: Well, that was easy.

Franco: A little too easy.

Shawn: Hey. What's up?

Sonny: Franco made bail. Should be out of the courtroom soon.

Shawn: I'll be waiting for him.

Sonny: You got everything you need?

Shawn: Yeah.

Carly: Good luck.

[Door closes]

Sabrina: It's gonna be a long, hot summer if we don't get rid of our house pests.

Felix: And unfortunately, we can't touch my little sis, but the Britch is fair game. Do you have any ideas how we can out her that don't involve me coming onto that skeeve Brad?

Sabrina: Oh, yeah. I most certainly do.

Ellie: [Sighs] Sticky notes for messages, scrap paper -- anything work-related?

Spinelli: You sound stressed, Doctor.

Britt: Because those two freaks were all over me. You have to help me.

Spinelli: Do what?

Britt: Did you forget I got you that promotion? Just get the hell over here.

Spinelli: Uh, where?

Britt: Have you gone stupid? You know where I am.

Taylor: Hang on. TJ, the dress that I want for the prom is in stock at Wyndham's. It's to die. Okay, and wait till you see the shoes. We are so gonna rock this prom. Sorry. Yes. Can you hold it for me? Taylor -- T-A-Y-L-O-R. Yeah. I'll be right over. So, uh, what'd you want to ask me?

TJ: Oh, uh, nothing. I was just gonna ask your dress color, so I could order the corsage.

Molly: Danny didn't even get to open his presents.

Rafe: Kind of little for that, don't you think?

Molly: Yeah, but Sam could have opened them.

Molly: Hey, um... did she say anything to you this morning about Danny having a doctor's appointment?

Rafe: No. But I hardly saw her. I was holed up in my room, wondering if today's the day my uncle's gonna take me away from Sam and Danny...and you.

Diane: Your personal effects. Incredible as it is, you are free until your trial.

Franco: Oh, great. So, I'm free for dinner.

Diane: I'm not. Ever.

Franco: Oh, hey. I know you. Serial killer's brother. We met at the pier.

Silas: Sympathetic guy. I remember. That's right. I just need to talk to my lawyer.

Franco: Oh, Ms. Miller's your lawyer? You'll be winning then, too, won't you?

Silas: That would be the plan.

Diane: Stay out of trouble. No killing, no maiming, no kidnapping.

Franco: None whatsoever?

Diane: None. Do yourself a big favor and stay out of that guy's orbit.

Silas: I'm leaving for Manhattan as soon as I get custody of my nephew. When can I take Rafe home?

Alexis: There he is. Hi. Uh, we've been calling the lab for test results, and to say they've been unhelpful is an understatement.

Patrick: I have the results here.

Alexis: Okay. So hopefully you'll tell Sam that there's nothing wrong, right?

Patrick: We'll go talk privately. Follow me.

Carly: So what happens next? Did you discuss all this with Shawn? The timing thing? Hello? Do we just sit around here and wait?

Sonny: Shawn will let me know when it's done. Should be soon.

Carly: All right. The sooner the better.

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