GH Transcript Tuesday 6/4/13

General Hospital Transcript Tuesday 6/4/13


Provided By Suzanne

[Elevator bell dings]

Olivia: Dante!

Dante: Hey, ma.

Olivia: Hey, honey, I got your message. I got here as quick as I could.

Dante: Yeah.

Olivia: What is it, honey? Is it Lulu?

Dante: She's in with Dr. Collins right now.

Olivia: Oh, God, honey. What's wrong?

Dante: Nothing's wrong, Ma. Everything is right. Everything is really, really right.

Olivia: What are you telling me? That she...are you saying...?

Lulu: Hi, Olivia. Or should I say, "hi, ma"?

Olivia: Oh.

Patrick: I just wanted to check in, see how everything's going with Britt.

Sabrina: About as expected. It's a bit of an adjustment, but, you know --

[Bell rings]

Britt: Oh, Sabrina!

Sabrina: Can you hold on a second? Her royal highness requires assistance. Yes?

Britt: I need another pillow.

[Clears throat]

Sabrina: Sorry about that.

Patrick: No, no, it's no problem. I just wanted to make sure everything's going okay.

Sabrina: I'm sorry. Can -- can you hold on? Yes?

Brenda: This is scratchy.

Sabrina: So?

Britt: So, my baby doesn't like scratchy. Could you bring me the goose-down one? You know, the one that's in your bedroom?

Sabrina: Send help.

Taylor: So, if I get up around 10:00, I should get a solid eight hours of pool time every day. That is, unless we decide to go to the lake. But no matter what, I have to make it back by 5:00 on Fridays. I need prep time before I go out. You eating those fries?

Felix: Hands off. You already took my freedom. I'll be damned if you're gonna take my fries, too.

Taylor: What's wrong, fee? Don't tell me you're mad mama and daddy decided to let your baby sister stay the summer with you.

Felix: Dose this look like the face of a man who's happy to babysit his sister through Speedo season? I worked all winter for this body. Now it's going to waste.

Taylor: Well, if you didn't want me here, you could have just said no. But you know what would have happened if you did. It doesn't matter now. I'm here, and I intend to make the most of my summer. So, where are all the hot Port Charles boys, anyway?

TJ: [Sighs] You're just saying this to hurt me, right? You're not really going to prom with him, are you?

Molly: Well, why shouldn't I? I don't have a date with you anymore, so I asked Rafe.

Molly: Hey. You want to order a pizza?

Rafe: I'm not really in a pizza mood.

Molly: Or we could raid the fridge. I happen to know where Sam hides the rocky road.

Rafe: You can if you want.

Molly: Um, I'm not really that hungry. How about we veg out and watch TV? What do you say? Do you want to check out what's on pay-per-view?

Rafe: Actually, you should probably just go.

Molly: I don't understand. Why do you want me to leave?

Rafe: The more we hang out, the harder it's gonna be when my uncle makes me leave town with him.

Sam: What do you think you're doing?

Silas: Examining your son.

Sam: Excuse me?

Silas: There's something wrong with him.

Sam: He was perfectly fine before you showed up. What the hell do you think you're doing with my son?

Silas: I have my flaws and failings. Hurting children is not one of them.

Sam: How did something just happen to him?

Silas: Well, that's a metaphysical question that's way beyond my power to answer.

Sam: Why are you being so cryptic right now?

Silas: You need to unclench, lady.

Sam: First of all, do not call me "lady." Second, I don't have to unclench. And third, don't tell me to do anything.

Silas: Drop the attitude and pay attention. Your son is sick. I'm on break sweetheart.

Molly: You shouldn't be so pessimistic.

Rafe: I prefer to think of it as realism.

Molly: Really? You're acting like everything has already been decided.

Rafe: Hasn't it?

Molly: No. You don't know what the judge is gonna say. There's still a possibility he could decide in Sam's favor.

Rafe: Okay, maybe you weren't listening -- you know, when uncle Silas' lawyer couldn't stop talking about what an unfit mother Sam is.

Molly: Okay, it's true. Diane made a strong argument, but my mom is working on a rebuttal right now.

Rafe: And you really think that'll work?

Molly: You'll see. My mom is gonna prove what a great mom Sam is. You're not leaving Port Charles. Not a chance.

Rafe: Well, I hope you're right, mainly because, if you get this fired up when we're supposedly winning, I don't want to see what you get like when we lose. Besides, I can't leave you hanging on prom night.

Felix: Is that all you can say -- "where are the cute boys"?

Taylor: Well, there have to be some around here, right? What?

Felix: You know, for a sister, you ain't no sister.

Taylor: What's that supposed to mean?

Felix: How could you do this to me? I'm your flesh and blood. But I guess you don't know anything about that. I don't know what's beating inside that chest, but it sure isn't a heart, not if you can do something so lowdown, so dirty -- just plain mean.

TJ: Can I get you guys anything else?

Felix: Yes, I need a distraction from my misfortunes, so I'll talk to you. Any new developments since I've been gone? Did Molly take you back? Oh, I see that's a no. God, girl's making you work for it. Best not let her down.

Taylor: Uh, rude much? Aren't you gonna introduce us?

Felix: TJ Ashford -- blight on my existence. Blight -- TJ.

Taylor: Taylor DuBois. Nice to meet you.

TJ: Nice to meet you.

Felix: [Sighs] I've got to get going.

Taylor: You're just leaving me?

Felix: I wish. I've got to smooth things over with my roommate before I unleash you on poor, unsuspecting Port Charles. Can you amuse yourself until I come back and pick you up?

Taylor: Take your time.

Patrick: I still cannot believe that I let Britt move in with you.

Sabrina: Well, it was my idea, remember?

Patrick: Yeah, but I didn't have to go along with it. I mean, what was I thinking?

Sabrina: Well, you were thinking that Dr. Westbourne needed help. And having her move in with you and Emma would be a crime against your daughter, and I was thinking that I could step up, and I will. Starting now, no more complaining. I volunteered for this, so it's time for me to suck it up.

[Bell ringing]

Sabrina: Sounds like it's also time for someone's foot rub.

Patrick: Foot rub? You got to be kidding me.

Sabrina: Apparently, they're very soothing. I got to go.

Patrick: Wait, wait. Hold on, Sabrina. Um... listen, I just -- I want you to know how much I appreciate you doing this for me and -- and my baby.

Sabrina: It's no big deal.

Patrick: No, it is a big deal, and I wish I could tell you in person. And I'm really sorry that we haven't spent a lot of time together lately, but I promise you that I'm gonna make up for that, all right? Very soon.

Sabrina: I look forward to it. Talk to you later?

Patrick: Okay, I'll talk to you later. Bye.

Maxie: [Clears throat] I think we can agree that I'm the selfish one in our extended family. I mean, I hold the monopoly on making stupid, self-destructive decisions, so I have to ask -- what are you thinking?

Patrick: Well, I'm thinking you're in the ER in an agitated state. Is everything okay?

Maxie: Oh, I have an appointment with my new O.B. Since Britt told me she's taking medical leave and moving in with you.

Patrick: That's actually not what happened.

Maxie: Yes, fine, she's carrying your child, but have the baby rabies made you crazy, too? You can't put that monster next to Emma.

Patrick: I didn't.

Maxie: You didn't.

Patrick: No, I didn't. She's not moving in with me. She moved in with Sabrina.

[Bell ringing]

Sabrina: What can I get you?

Britt: I need more water.

Sabrina: That glass is full.

Britt: I need a new one. This -- this tastes funny. [Scoffs]

Sabrina: It tastes fine to me.

Britt: Well, now I can't drink it. You just got your germs all over it.

Sabrina: I can get you new water, but it's gonna taste exactly like this one.

Britt: Of course it will. Who knows what's crawling in the pipes here.

Sabrina: I ran it through the water filter. It's fine.

Britt: I told you, Sabrina -- it tastes funny. I mean, really. How did you ever graduate nursing school? Don't you know that pregnant women's senses are heightened. I can taste any imperfection.

Sabrina: I'm pretty sure --

Britt: The water here is probably teeming with lead and chlorofluorocarbons. I know you don't really care about poisoning me, but this is for my baby. I have a very serious condition. If I don't get enough water, I might get dehydrated, and then what could happen? My baby could shrivel up and die. And how are you gonna explain that one to Patrick, hmm?

Sabrina: I'll get different water.

[Bell rings]

Britt: Don't forget the ice.

Olivia: Are you saying that you --

Lulu: 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil, two medium onions, finely chopped, one carrot, five cloves of garlic, one can whole peeled tomatoes, crushed by hand, one pound of ground veal --

Olivia: That's -- that's my Bolognese recipe.

Lulu: One pound of pork...

Both: And 1/4 pound of pancetta.

Lulu: I remember everything! I remember all of your recipes and teaching me how to make Dante's favorite meals, and welcoming me into your family.

Olivia: It was my pleasure. I'm telling you, every single minute -- did I tell you? Did I tell you that this was all gonna work out? And I didn't need any psychic visions to figure it out, either. It was just all mother's intuition. Welcome home, Lulu.

Sam: What do you mean Danny's sick? What's wrong with my son?

Silas: May I? You see this patch of red dots?

Sam: Yeah, I already knew they were there.

Silas: What, did you think the kid got a tattoo when you weren't looking?

Sam: No, for your information, I was gonna take him in to get checked up, but I was too busy getting smeared by your lawyer.

Silas: Fighting me for custody of Rafe was a waste of time. You should have taken Danny to the doctor instead.

Sam: What are you saying? That I'm unfit to protect one kid because I was looking after the other?

Silas: What I'm saying is, maybe you should have been a little more concerned about your own son --

Sam: My son has a rash!

Silas: What he has is a lot more serious than that.

Sam: Is this what you call

Sam: Is this what you call bedside manner? You look at my son's rash and you're trying to tell me that he's seriously ill?

Silas: A rash like that would not result in swollen lymph nodes, which your son is also presenting.

Sam: He's getting over a cold, and he's having a little trouble shaking it. But he's -- he's fine. He's -- I mean, I'm gonna take him to the pediatrician tomorrow. I've rescheduled his appointment. He's gonna go.

Silas: Take him to the hospital today. Take him now.

Sam: Oh, you're deliberately trying to scare me!

Silas: It's not my life you're putting at risk. It's your son's.

Sam: You know what? Go to hell!

Silas: Okay.

Sam: Come on, Danny. Oh, baby, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Mommy didn't mean to use that bad word. Don't listen to that bad man. He doesn't know what he's talking about. He's just trying to scare mommy. You're fine. Yes, you're gonna be just fine.

Molly: I refuse to believe you're leaving. Kristina's already gone for the summer. You have to stick around.

Rafe: Your sister left?

Molly: Yeah, she's taking summer classes at her new school, Wesleyan. My mom is totally thrilled. Actually, I think Kristina is, too. We visited the campus to look around, and it is gorgeous. She likes it there already. And if she does well in her summer classes, she'll be able to start as a sophomore in the fall.

Rafe: Your family's big on academics, aren't they?

Molly: Just a little, yeah.

Rafe: Well, it's a good thing you're so smart, then.

Molly: Not about everything. I've definitely pulled some stupid stunts.

Rafe: Name one.

Molly: Well, I just mean you shouldn't think I'm so great or see me as better than I am.

Rafe: You are great, and I'm not gonna apologize for seeing you that way, Molly. So, I was thinking about all the stuff we could do after prom. I was gonna ask Sam if we could borrow her car and drive up to Niagara falls and watch the sunrise. Unless you think that's lame.

Molly: No, that could be cool.

Rafe: No, we -- we really don't have to. It was just an idea.

Molly: Yeah, and it was a good one. It's... it's just, um...the weather around here can be kind of crazy sometimes, so we should probably wait until it gets closer to prom to decide.

Rafe: Molly, do you not want to make plans because you don't think I'll be here to follow through or because you want to make them with someone else?

Taylor: You know, I was getting a little lonely at that table all by myself. Couldn't keep waiting for you to join me.

TJ: Uh, yeah, sorry. Uh, I've got to work.

Taylor: Well, who's stopping you? I mean, you can work and chat at the same time, can't you?

TJ: Yeah, but I'm really not supposed to.

Taylor: Which is exactly why you should. I make a habit of doing things I'm not supposed to. Trust me -- life's much more rewarding that way.

TJ: Okay.

Taylor: You know, I'm still hungry with the long trip and all. What do you recommend?

TJ: Okay, well, uh... The BLT. I think the BLTs awesome.

Taylor: I was thinking more along the lines of dessert.

TJ: Okay, I make a mean sundae.

Taylor: Perfect. One sundae, please. Uh, two spoons.

Molly: No, Rafe, really, I am so excited to go to the prom with you.

Rafe: We both know that I'm just a substitute for the guy you really want to go with.

Molly: You're not a substitute. You're a friend.

Rafe: Okay, if you really want to be my friend, then be honest. You didn't ask me to go because you like me. You asked me to go to the prom so you could punish TJ.

Maxie: How could you sic Britt on poor, defenseless Sabrina?

Patrick: Okay, Sabrina is not defenseless.

Maxie: For someone who was such a player back in the day, you really are clueless about women.

Patrick: I never said I knew what I was doing.

Maxie: Let me lay it out for you, okay? Sabrina seems like a kind, loyal individual, who's nobly standing by you, even though you stupidly -- and let's be honest, recklessly -- impregnated Dr. Evil.

Patrick: Whoa. Dr. Evil?

Maxie: The Britch? Wicked witch of the Westbourne? The list goes on.

Patrick: Really?

Maxie: And the crazy part is, those are names are accurate. The woman is diabolical.

Patrick: Okay, hold on a second, Maxie. Now, look, Britt is going through a health crisis right now. Somebody had to make sure that her and the baby are okay. My first impulse was to have her move in with me.

Maxie: Unbelievable! That woman can't be in proximity with Emma.

Patrick: I know that. And Sabrina agreed, which is why she's taking one for the team. Look, I'm not crazy about this situation, but we're gonna give it a shot. And if it doesn't work, then we'll... I don't know, but we'll try something else.

Maxie: I hope you know how lucky you are. 'Cause I can count on one finger the amount of women who would let their boyfriend's crazy ex move into their home.

Patrick: I know how lucky I am to have Sabrina.

Maxie: You know, I didn't think anyone would be good enough for you after Robin, but Sabrina might just come close, and I think Robin might even approve, so just... don't mess it up, okay?

Patrick: I'll do my damnedest. Come here. And speaking of Robin's approval... she would be very proud of what you're doing for Dante and Lulu. I can't think of anything more selfless.

Sabrina: Your water.

Britt: Oh, too cold. This is too cold.

Sabrina: You said you wanted ice.

Britt: Yeah, this is too much. But if this is too much trouble --

Sabrina: It's not. It's not too much trouble. No matter how badly you want it to be, it's not. I can take whatever you have to dish out.

Britt: Hey. This was all your idea to keep me away from Patrick. If this doesn't work out, you'll only have yourself to blame. And Patrick will blame you, too.

[Keys rattling]

Felix: Honey, I'm home.

Both: What the hell is she doing here? This day calls you.

Felix: Am I dreaming? Is this real? Or am I in some sort of crazy purgatory where nothing makes sense -- not now or not ever?

Sabrina: I --

Felix: Because there is no reason on God's green, good, and fertile earth that this -- this crime against nature should be camped out on my couch!

Britt: Your couch? This is my couch now, nurse.

Felix: Sabrina, would you care to explain what the britchness is doing in our apartment?

Britt: Yeah, funny. You never mentioned anything about a roommate when you invited me to stay here.

Felix: Sabrina invited you to stay in our apartment?!

Sabrina: Felix, if you'll just let me explain. Britt needed help, and --

Britt: You know what? I'm gonna let you two work this out. The last thing my baby needs is to hear the thought process of dumb and dumber. If you could keep your volume at a low shriek, that'd be fantastic.

Felix: Wait, wait, wait. Unh-unh-unh. That's my room.

Britt: Oh, that explains the Zac Efron poster.

Sabrina: Felix, I know that this is bad. I know this is bad, but it's only temporary.

Felix: You're damn straight it's temporary! 'Cause I'm about to throw this duplicitous hag out the window! And stay out of my nightstand drawer!

Sabrina: Felix, I can understand why you're angry, okay?

Felix: Angry? No. No, no. This isn't angry. This is pleasant. This is a summer breeze. Just answer me one question. Can you do that for me?

Sabrina: Yes.

Felix: What possessed you?

Sabrina: You did.

Maxie: Don't give me too much credit. It's almost always a mistake. The last thing I am is a model of benevolence.

Patrick: Well, I don't know about that. I think you've changed. You're an amazing person.

Maxie: Oh, Patrick, stop. Right now.

Patrick: Wow. See? Look at that. You're even modest. Look, Maxie, I know this is a difficult situation. It takes a ton of commitment. Are you sorry that you became a surrogate for Dante and Lulu?

Maxie: I'm only sorry for this baby that I'm carrying. Dante and Lulu wanted a family so much when Lulu was herself, but now she doesn't even remember Dante, much less love him. So when this baby is born, it'll already be down one parent, and I know what that's like. It's the last thing I wanted for this child. Just doesn't seem fair. That's all.

Patrick: Well, maybe it's not fair, but I promise you, this baby's not gonna want for love.

Maxie: I hope so.

Patrick: This baby's gonna get a ton of love -- from Dante and his family, from Lulu's family, and from you. I have faith in you, Maxie. You're not gonna let this baby down. And, plus, Spencers -- they have a way of surviving. If anybody's gonna come back from this, it's gonna be Lulu.

Rafe: You've always been straight with me. Don't change now. You asked me to promise you could punish TJ, didn't you?

Molly: Okay. Um... I admit that I wanted him to feel bad... but there was more to it. I wanted to have fun that night, and I know I'll have fun with you. We can go have a good time, can't we? As friends, right?

Rafe: Yeah. Friends.

Molly: So that's okay with you?

Rafe: It has to be. I don't have any other choice. But you do. I asked you to be honest with me, Molly, and, honestly, wouldn't you rather go to the prom with TJ? It's not too late, and if that's what you want, I think you should go make up with him. I mean, it's okay. I won't be offended.

[Doorbell rings]

Rafe: Saved by the bell. No, you can't just show up here like this, okay? The judge hasn't even made a decision.

Molly: Hey, I will be notifying my mother that you're here because I'm sure it's a violation of some rule or statute since you don't have custody, and now you're never gonna get it.

Silas: That's very impressive, Molly. It's too bad your sister didn't have you representing her in court today. It wouldn't have changed the outcome, but it might have made things a little less one-sided.

Molly: You don't have custody. You don't get to see Rafe.

Silas: Well, then it's a good thing that's not why I'm here.

Rafe: It's not?

Silas: No, is Sam... is ms. Morgan here?

Rafe: No.

Silas: Well, maybe she took my advice.

Molly: About what?

[Elevator bell dings]

Sam: Hey, Patrick. Can you help me?

Patrick: Yeah. What's going on?

Sam: I don't know. There's this doctor. I barely know him, and to be honest with you, I don't trust him, and he said that Danny's sick.

Patrick: Okay.

Sam: I just want to be safe. So can you take a look at him for me, please?

Patrick: Yeah.

[Both laugh]

Maxie: What's going on? You guys look like you just won the lottery.

Olivia: Even better.

Maxie: What could be better than winning the lottery?

Olivia: Well, I'll tell you what. We got our Lulu back.

Maxie: For real?

Lulu: Uh, Kate's latte -- must be a medium, extra hot, light foam, nonfat. If two designers call at once, Kate is not available for either of them, and the designer most recently on the cover gets the first call back. The first assistant --

Maxie: Lulu! It's really you!

[Both laugh]

Lulu: Oh! I remember everything, especially the fact that you still haven't returned my red Cartullo sling-backs.

Olivia: [Laughs]

Maxie: You said those looked better on me.

Lulu: Maxie, I'm kidding. You can keep them.

Maxie: Seriously?

Lulu: Yes. I think it's a fair trade, considering. Pretty soon you're gonna be giving me a baby.

Maxie: Oh, right, the baby.

Lulu: I cannot believe how much I've missed. How have you survived without me monitoring everything you eat and how long you sleep and whether you're getting an appropriate amount of stress-relieving exercise.

Olivia: Not to worry. Not to worry. This baby is doing great. Better than great.

Dante: Maxie's taken really good care of our baby.

Maxie: And it's gonna be okay now that his or her mother is back. I was starting to worry that you had buyer's remorse.

Lulu: How could I forget my own child?

Maxie: Hey, it's just a temporary setback, okay? So, what happened? Did you just, like, wake up this morning and remember everything?

Lulu: No, it started last night on the haunted star. Oh, my God.

Dante: Lulu, what?

Olivia: What's wrong?

Lulu: I just remembered something. Something horrible.

Molly: Why do you want to see my sister?

Silas: I'm sorry. Is your name Sam?

Molly: N-no.

Silas: Well, then this doesn't concern you.

Rafe: Are you always this much of a jackass?

Silas: I guess you're gonna find out. Rafe, the judge is gonna find in my favor. I know it's gonna be an adjustment for you, but... you belong with me.

Rafe: Oh, in New York City?

Silas: It's a big world out there, kid. Open your mind. You might like it. Good night.

Molly: Hey. Just forget about him, Rafe. He's so not worth it.

Rafe: For all we know, this could be my last night in Port Charles, Molly, which is exactly why you need to find TJ and patch things up, before it's too late.

Taylor: So... what do you like to do for fun? And do you do it with your girlfriend?

TJ: You know I just got dumped. Your brother said it right in front of you.

Taylor: Did he? I must have missed that. Besides, I mean, it doesn't make any sense. I mean, who would be dumb enough to dump you?

TJ: Her name is Molly, and she's not dumb. She's, uh... just a little gullible.

Taylor: Gullible's not so great, either.

TJ: Well, we went out for a year, and I loved being with her. It was great.

Taylor: So, what went wrong?

TJ: Not really what, but who. Poor little orphan Rafe showed up and played on her sympathy.

Taylor: So, that's the gullible part?

TJ: Pretty much.

Taylor: Still, what's this Rafe got that you don't? Besides a stupid name.

TJ: I don't know. I guess 'cause he's all troubled and brooding -- whatever. He's a hopeless cause, and Molly loves hopeless causes. I mean, this guy was like a bird with a broken wing that needed rescuing. It's not me.

Taylor: Definitely not. From where I'm sitting, you don't need rescuing at all.

Olivia: What's wrong?

Dante: What is it? Something to do with Stavros?

Lulu: Franco.

Dante: Franco? Franco's dead.

Lulu: No, he is the one that I rented the haunted star to last night.

Dante: What are you talking about?

Maxie: No, it's -- it's true. After you and Lulu left, the monitors that he had installed switched on, and this video collage of Jason started. And then the lights went out and turned back on, and Franco was standing there.

Dante: What, some kind of performance-art piece like he did at the museum?

Maxie: Yeah, except this time he was there to set the record straight.

Dante: Oh. How? He talk about how he tortured everybody?

Maxie: Not everything Franco did was what it seemed. I mean, he was trying to mess with Jason, so he went after people that Jason loved, but they were never supposed to actually get hurt.

Lulu: Did you believe that?

Maxie: No matter what Franco's intentions, people did get hurt. Hello -- you were taped to a chair that was wired with explosives.

Lulu: I can't believe I sat around talking to that freak. I rented him the boat.

Dante: Someone called this in, obviously, right?

Maxie: Yeah, the police came and got him after Sam knocked him out cold.

Sam: See? Right there.

Patrick: Yeah, these little red dots. When did they appear?

Sam: Um, a couple days ago.

Danny: [Coughs]

Sam: Oh, you okay, buddy? Yes, and his lymph nodes are swollen, too.

Patrick: Yeah, they appear that way.

Sam: You know, I was gonna bring him in for his one-year checkup in about a week or so, but I figured, you know, I would just bring him in now so I could stop worrying 'cause it's probably nothing. I's nothing, right?

Patrick: Has his health been okay, otherwise?

Sam: Yeah, perfect. I mean, he's big and strong. He's actually in the top 90th percentile for his height and weight. He sleeps really well, and he obviously eats like a champ. The only thing I've really been worried about is this cold because he hasn't really been able to shake it.

Patrick: Any allergies that you know of, Sam?

Sam: No, not that I'm aware of, but they don't really show up right away all the time, do they?

Patrick: Well, not always.

Sam: Do you think it could be his beta thalassemia?

Patrick: Oh, I don't think so, but we'll take a look.

Sam: I really thought that his cold was nothing, and then this doctor, he made me think that my son had the plague or pneumonia or something, and mind just started going in all kinds of directions, and...

Patrick: Yeah, I get that. Every time Emma has a fever, I freak out the same way.

Sam: Yeah. It just -- it starts racing, and you can't make it stop.

Patrick: Especially after the year that you guys have had. I will, um... I'll take some blood, all right?

Sam: Okay.

Patrick: We'll get some tests. We'll do this one step at a time.

Sam: Okay. Thank you.

Felix: I'm sorry. I must be hearing things. Are you somehow suggesting that I am somehow to blame for your decision to move Britt in here without my knowledge or consent?

Sabrina: I -- I didn't say "blame." I was trying to think like you.

Felix: Then you failed miserably.

Sabrina: Okay, just hear me out, please? Britt was trying to guilt her way into Patrick's house. I couldn't let that happen. How horrible would that have been for Emma?

Felix: [Sighs] Compared to the Britch, the wicked queen in "Snow White" is a bush-league bad girl.

Sabrina: Exactly. So I thought, "WWFD? What would Felix do?"

Felix: Easy -- I would have pushed the succubus down the stairs. You actually think I would invite that hellhound into our apartment?

Sabrina: Yes. What do you always say?

Felix: "Hooker, please"?

Sabrina: Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

Felix: But not "sharing the bathroom" close. I don't see what you have to gain by having Britt underfoot.

Sabrina: Proof! By having Britt live in my house, I can prove that she doesn't have hyperemesis gravidarum, and then everyone will know that she's faking and this is all just part of her plan to get Patrick back. You're the one who's always insisting that Britt is faking.

Felix: Of course, she's faking. That doesn't mean I want her camped out in my bedroom.

Sabrina: Exactly. There's no way she can keep this up 24/7, not under both of our noses.

Felix: Don't be so sure. That woman is a highly creative liar.

Sabrina: Dude, we're nurses. If anyone can get the truth, we can. And who knows? Maybe we can even lift our own samples from Britt, run our own labs...

Felix: You mean instead of sending them to her partner in crime, Brad the skeevy lab tech.

Sabrina: Exactly. Soon as we get the real results, we prove that she's faking, and then her charade is over.

Felix: I have to admit, it's a good plan, but...

Sabrina: But?

Felix: But I don't want to know how you intend to "lift" those samples off of Britt. I -- you can leave me out of that part of the plan.

Sabrina: Does this mean you're with me?

Felix: I have to admit, it does bear a certain panache of a DuBois scheme. You're learning, Padawan.

Sabrina: So you're really not mad at me for inviting someone to move in with us without running it by you first?

Felix: [Sighs] How could I be mad at you? Especially since I kind of sort of did the same thing.

Taylor: You know, it sounds like you lucked out cutting loose from this Molly chick. She was bound to cheat on you, eventually.

TJ: She didn't cheat. Molly happens to be a really good person with a big heart. Sometimes that just gets her in trouble.

Taylor: Are you serious? You're actually propping some girl who couldn't drop you fast enough.

TJ: It's not like I didn't give her a reason. She told me nothing was going on with her and Rafe, and I still wouldn't shut up about them. I acted like a jealous fool, and what do I get? She's going to prom with Rafe, and I'll be sitting at home all alone. I had the whole night planned out -- tux, limo, and tickets. No date.

Molly: You're right. I...I do miss TJ, but he doesn't trust me. How am I supposed to be with someone who thinks I'm always looking over his shoulder at some other guy?

Rafe: Come on. We both know that TJ only gets suspicious around me. And he's not wrong. I did want to be more than friends with you, Molly. And TJ was just trying to back me off.

Molly: Yeah, by acting like a jealous jerk.

Rafe: You could look at it like he's jealous or you could look at it like he's really into you and doesn't want to lose you. I mean, that's how I'd see it if I was in his shoes. You're amazing. You're totally worth acting stupid over.

Molly: That's, like, one of the most weirdly nice things anyone's ever said about me.

Rafe: Yep. That's me -- weirdly nice. Or nicely weird. I'm not too sure. You should really give TJ another chance. You like him too much not to. Uh, what -- what's that for?

Molly: You're pretty amazing, too. I mean, look at all the things you're going through, and you still found a way to bail me out.

Rafe: That's what friends do.

Molly: Thank you. Really. I'm gonna go find TJ don't lose faith in Sam and my mom, okay? They will come through for you. They're gonna beat Silas.

[Door closes]

Patrick: There you go, buddy. All done. All done. You're a champ.

Sam: Yes, he is, 'cause he's just like Jason. He's got his genes, you know? And his superpower strength.

Patrick: Oh, I don't know about that. His mom appears to be pretty tough herself. I'm gonna get this down to the lab. I'll get them to put a rush on it, okay?

Sam: Okay. Can I take him home?

Patrick: Yes, I think you can. Whatever's going on, I don't think he's in any danger. Just the most important thing right now is to try and get some sleep, and we'll know the results tomorrow.

Sam: Yeah, well, that, my friend, is easier said than done.

Patrick: Right. Just try and put it out of your mind. And, of course, if anything happens, just give me a call or call his pediatrician, okay?

Sam: Okay. Thank you for humoring me.

Patrick: Of course. I'll see you later. Bye, bud.

Sam: Hey, you know what? I think Patrick was right and mommy is just a little overprotective, especially after the year we've had. You're gonna be just fine. Yes, you are.

Silas: I hope you don't mean that. Lying to yourself, that's one thing. Don't tell that little boy he's okay, because he's not.

Rafe: [Sighs]

TJ: [Sighs]

Molly: Hey.

TJ: Hey.

Molly: Can I talk to you for a second?

TJ: Go ahead.

Molly: About what happened with Rafe... I was wrong. I shouldn't have acted the way that I did. Treated you the way that I did. I completely overreacted, and it turns out Rafe wasn't totally innocent, either. [Sighs] I guess what I'm trying to say is... I wish I hadn't broken up with you.

TJ: Me, too.

Molly: I should never have asked Rafe to take me to the prom instead of you. I miss you. And I want you back. I-I-I want things to go back to the way they were. And if you still want to go with me...

TJ: [Chuckles]

Molly: ...I really want to go to the prom with you.

Taylor: Sorry. Too late.

Molly: I'm sorry?

Taylor: I said, "too late."

Molly: No, yeah, I heard you. It's just I-I have no idea who you are.

TJ: Uh, Taylor, this is, uh -- this is Molly.

Taylor: Oh. Molly.

Molly: And you are?

Taylor: TJ's date to the prom.

Sabrina: Hold up. You invited your little sister to move in with us?

Felix: "Invite" is such a strong word.

Sabrina: I thought you couldn't stand Taylor.

Felix: I can't, but the little ingrate didn't give me much of a choice.

Sabrina: What does that mean?

Felix: It means we're gonna be very crowded with yet another roomie.

[Knock on door]

Britt: Uh, did I just hear you say we're getting another roommate?

Felix: Okay, if we're all gonna be living under one roof, we need to establish some ground rules. Rule one -- no eavesdropping in my apartment.

Britt: Well, then you need to abide by rule number two -- keep your voice down.

Sabrina: Patrick, hi.

Patrick: Hi. How are you?

Sabrina: Good.

Patrick: Good. I just wanted to come and see how everybody's doing here. How are you feeling?

Britt: Hanging in there. You know me. But I'm afraid I'm a little dehydrated.

Patrick: Well, why don't you drink some water?

Britt: Oh, I would, but the bottle kind is better for me and the baby, and what do you know? We're all out, and Sabrina hasn't gone shopping.

Patrick: All right, well, I'll get some delivered tomorrow.

Britt: I'm sure that's not necessary. Sabrina doesn't mind going.

Patrick: Well, maybe not, but um... she won't have time tomorrow.

Britt: Why not?

Sabrina: What's going on tomorrow?

Patrick: I'm taking Sabrina out for a long-overdue night on the town. Of course, if you're okay with that.

Sabrina: I'd love that.

Dante: Thanks, Anna. Yep, Anna says Franco's in custody.

Olivia: Oh, thank God. Thank God. So, now that that's all out of the way, can we all just agree to please never speak that sick freak's name again?

Lulu: Yeah, I am fine with that.

Maxie: Me too.

Olivia: Oh, good, because we need to celebrate. You guys, we got so much to be thankful for. We're so lucky. We got our Lulu back, and pretty soon we're gonna be welcoming my new grandbaby into the world.

Lulu: [Laughs] Thanks to Maxie.

Sam: Are you stalking me?

Silas: No, relax. I just wanted to make sure you got Danny checked out.

Sam: For your information, yes, I did. I had blood work done, and the results will be in tomorrow.

Silas: These people didn't tell you what he's got?

Sam: No, they said it could be a few different things.

Silas: No, Sam, it's not a few different things. It's just one thing.

Sam: [Laughs] Really? What's that?

Silas: It's cancer.

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