General Hospital Transcript Monday 6/3/13
Provided By Suzanne
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Sonny: Shawn, make sure nobody disturbs me and Carly.
Shawn: Alexis, I'll have to call you right back, okay? Hey, look, good luck. Okay.
Sam: Hey, hi. Sorry we're running late. Danny was being a little fussy.
Molly: Danny? The world's most stoic baby? I don't think I've ever seen him fuss.
Rafe: Yeah, it was a new experience for all of us.
Sam: Yeah, but you are doing just fine, aren't you, little guy?
Alexis: Listen. Will you and Rafe take Danny over there and watch him while I talk to your sister?
Molly: Giving me quality time with my nephew and his foster brother? Are you kidding? Let's take him for a ride.
Sam: Okay, so what's the plan?
Alexis: We'll talk about that later. Is it true? Franco is alive?
Sam: I am afraid so.
Franco: Ava Jerome, as I live and breathe.
Ava: If only you weren't doing either. Hello, Franco.
Kiki: Captain Morgan! Rise and shine!
Morgan: All right, all right. I'm up, I'm up. [Groans]
Kiki: About time.
Morgan: Oh, sweet. Nothing better than cold pizza for breakfast.
Kiki: It's hot, and it's lunch.
Morgan: Lunch? Really? Where's Michael at?
AJ: Why didn't you tell me? I've been back for months, and I know that, in the beginning, things were rocky between us, but we've gotten closer, right?
Michael: Yeah. Yeah, we have.
AJ: Then why didn't you tell me what happened in prison?
Ava: I read that you'd been shot and then burned to death. I suppose that was too much to ask.
Franco: You always did say the sweetest things. No, I'm very much alive and very well and not going anywhere anytime soon.
Carly: Okay, we're not at the police station anymore. There are no cops around to hear us. Are you gonna do it or not?
Sonny: Carly, what you were suggesting back --
Carly: I'm not suggesting anything, okay? I'm asking you to kill Franco.
Monica: Tracy, what happened?
Tracy: Luke Spencer is what happened. He's the reason I'm in this chair.
Monica: Oh, my God. What did he do to you?
Tracy: Oh -- he didn't do anything. Never mind. You don't want to get involved.
Monica: Well, actually, you're right. I don't. I have way too much on my mind right now.
Tracy: Oh. So Junior told you the big news?
Monica: You know?
Tracy: Well, of course I know. I have tainted relish, too.
Monica: Oh, no. Oh, Tracy. No, I'm not -- oh, God. I don't give a damn about your relish. No, I was talking about Franco. He's alive.
Sam: Franco used Jason's picture to lure everybody to the Haunted Star. What better place to view the new installment of his latest video?
Alexis: What video?
Sam: Video of our honeymoon, footage that he made Jason believe that --
Alexis: Oh, my go -- he made you watch that video?
Sam: Mom, Franco didn't rape me. It was a setup. He made Jason think that so he would go through the worst-case scenario, but he didn't, Mom. I watched the video. He -- he laid me down on the bed, and he left me there. So all those months I tortured myself, thinking that he was Danny's father, was all for nothing.
Alexis: This is really twisted. Was there, like, a little bit of relief?
Sam: Yes, of course. Yes, a little bit, Mom, but I still feel violated.
Franco: Time's been kind to you.
Ava: Yeah. Flattery will get you nowhere.
Franco: It got me everywhere 20-some-odd years ago.
Ava: I was young and stupid.
Franco: You were never stupid.
Ava: I went to bed with you, didn't I?
Franco: Several glorious times.
Ava: Like I said, stupid.
Franco: Okay, let's agree that you were impressionable. Be nice to yourself. You never really stood a chance. You were such a hot little art groupie.
Ava: And you were a psychopath. If I knew then what I know now --
Franco: I have no regrets about our time together -- if for not other reason than it led to us having our daughter.
Kiki: Mikey left hours ago. Believe it or not, some people get up and on with their lives before noon.
Morgan: That was a joke, right? How much do you want to bet that Mikey ran off to my mom to give her, like, a thorough report of what's going on?
Kiki: I don't think that's it.
Morgan: You know, like, after everything that happened in New York, I thought that Mikey was, like, starting to loosen up a little bit, like maybe there was a cool person hidden deep beneath that responsibility of his.
Kiki: Could you just cut your brother a little bit of slack?
Morgan: You know, you actually had him pegged. He's nothing but a suck-up, a total mama's boy. Anything she wants --
Kiki: Morgan! Would you shut the hell up about your brother?
Michael: And I keep asking myself what I could have done different. Could I have fought harder? Could I have not let him trap me in my cell? Well, I know now that -- if I could have done something, I would have done it. What happened wasn't my fault. It was Carter's. And the more I ran from it, the more I tried to ignore what happened, the more power I was giving him.
AJ: Yeah, but why couldn't you tell me?
Michael: There were times that I wanted to tell you, but it's not exactly the easiest thing to bring into a conversation.
AJ: I should have let you know that you can tell me anything.
Michael: That was clear. Honestly, it was. And I -- [Sighs] I wanted to tell you. It's just that I like our relationship how it is right now. I didn't want this huge shadow hanging over it.
AJ: Yeah. You just -- I don't know. You thought that I would treat you differently, that it would change things?
Michael: I didn't want you to pity me.
AJ: Oh, hey, hey. I don't. I would never do that.
Michael: Yeah, you are, a little bit, but it's okay. Honestly, the reason I didn't tell you was because I knew you would blame my mom and dad.
Sonny: Carly, you need to stop and think this through.
Carly: What's there to think about? You were about to kill Franco on the Haunted Star. You should have then. We could have taken the boat into international waters and dumped his body there.
Sonny: Yeah, that was my original plan.
Carly: Then why didn't you go through with it?
Sonny: 'Cause things change.
Carly: What? Because Franco showed us a video that proved he didn't rape Sam or that he pointed Carter at Michael but then called him off? I don't give a damn about Franco's intentions, okay? Michael was raped.
Sonny: I know what happened to Michael.
Carly: Franco's excuses mean nothing to me.
Sonny: I know who we're dealing with, Carly.
Carly: Then we kill the son of a bitch once and for all.
Alexis: Everyone thought Franco was dead. Why didn't he just stay dead? And why did he come back here? He could have gone anywhere to torture people, so he comes back here, and all he does is land himself in jail.
Sam: Yeah, he said it was a redemption.
Alexis: Redemption. Great. Good luck with that. We got to go inside. Come on, guys.
Silas: Hi, Sam. Sorry it's come to this.
Sam: Then stop.
Silas: Rafe should be with his family.
Sam: I am his family. I provide Rafe with a supportive, secure home. You, on the other hand, are a stranger who looks exactly like the psychopath who killed his mother while making him watch.
Silas: I can't help that.
Sam: Yes, you can. Go away.
Silas: Don't worry. This will all be over soon enough.
Alexis: I hope you have a good lawyer.
Diane: He has the best.
Alexis: Diane?
Diane: Hi, honey. Sam, I am so sorry. I just heard. Is it true that Franco is alive and in lockup?
Sam: Forget Franco. Are you seriously representing this jerk?
Diane: This jerk happens to be a well-respected doctor.
Sam: I don't care if he's cured cancer. He's trying to take Rafe away from the only supportive home he's ever had.
Diane: My client is trying to provide a family for Rafe.
Alexis: Really? Why does it have to be you who represents him?
Diane: I am only thinking of the best interest of the minor, a minor, I might add, that you got me involved with.
Sam: You're not gonna get away with this.
Bailiff: All rise. The Honorable Judge Leland Cole presiding.
Rafe: This is bad, isn't it?
Bailiff: Be seated.
Sonny: It's over. There's nothing left for us to do than let the cops handle it.
Carly: When have you ever trusted the cops to handle anything?
Sonny: What you need to do is you need to go home and not even think about it.
Carly: If you can't kill Franco, I can find someone who will.
Sonny: Okay, you know what?
Carly: What?
Sonny: That's not gonna happen.
AJ: You're damn right I blame Sonny and Carly.
Michael: Well, don't.
AJ: Michael, the only reason that you went to prison was because of Sonny's so-called "business." He exposed you to this life. He exposed you to that violence, and Carly made it happen by insisting that he was a better father than I was.
Michael: This is why I didn't tell you. You guys are already at each other's throats.
AJ: Michael, I don't get why you defend them. I mean, they nearly destroyed you. The reason the judge made an example of you was because of Sonny Corinthos being your so-called father.
Michael: The only person to blame for me going to prison is me.
Carly: Are you gonna kill Franco or not?
Sonny: I'm not gonna have this conversation.
Carly: Then let go of me. There are plenty of hired guns in Port Charles who will take my money to kill that son of a --
Sonny: Damn it, Carly, I don't want you to be part of this.
Carly: Part of what? You're already planning on taking Franco out, aren't you?
Tracy: Franco is alive? Monica, Jason -- Jason killed him.
Monica: Well, obviously not. Because he had a gathering on the Haunted Star last night to announce his return. Sonny and Carly and Sam and Michael and AJ, and I don't know who else.
Tracy: You weren't included?
Monica: AJ insisted that I didn't come, and I'm sorry because -- because he got some horrible news.
Tracy: Worse than finding out his psychotic half-brother is alive?
Monica: Oh, this is about Michael.
Tracy: He likes Uncle Franco better?
Monica: My grandson got raped.
Michael: I was in prison, because I killed Claudia.
AJ: You were defending Carly and your sister. You never would have been in that situation in the first place if it wasn't for Sonny's mob vendetta.
Michael: My dad wasn't there that night. I'm the one who picked up the ax handle and swung it at Claudia without giving her a chance to put Josslyn down. Claudia's death is on me, nobody else.
Morgan: Wait, wait, wait. Did I miss something? Because when I went to sleep last night, you couldn't stand Michael. And, I mean, just yesterday, you were tearing into him.
Kiki: Yeah, 'cause he went through my purse.
Morgan: No, no, no, no, no. But -- but -- but it's more than that. You've been riding him since you met him. Actually, you've been harder on him than I have.
Kiki: That's -- that's not true. I --
Morgan: "That's not true." Are you serious? You kicked him out of his room, you flashed him your boobs, and you've made him feel completely uncomfortable in his own home. And now you're all, "Leave your brother alone"? Like, what -- what changed all of a sudden?
Franco: So -- how is our dear, sweet Lauren? Is she all grown up? You know, just because you wouldn't let me see her doesn't make her any less mine.
Ava: By the time she was born, I realized how twisted you really are. There are no limits with you, Franco, no brakes. You -- you don't see the lines between right and wrong, between fantasy and reality, between love and possession. It makes you a great artist. It also makes you a great killer, apparently.
Franco: Now flattery will get you nowhere. I would never do anything to hurt Lauren.
Ava: Even if that were true, I didn't want you influencing her. And after everything I've read about you, I definitely made the right call.
Franco: I have made my share of mistakes, but my daughter, our daughter, is not one of them. And as soon as I'm out of here, I'm gonna go find Lauren, whether you like it or not.
Carly: If you've been planning to kill Franco, why deny it?
Sonny: I don't want you near this because you know what? This is what I do. It doesn't concern you.
Carly: It does concern me, Sonny. After what that freak did to Jason and Michael? I need to be a part of this, okay?
Sonny: When the cops ask you what happened, I want you to honestly tell them you don't know.
Carly: I'm suddenly not a reliable liar?
Sonny: I don't want to take you down with me. Think of the boys, think of Josslyn.
Carly: I'm thinking of Josslyn because that freak threatened my daughter and my sons, okay? He tortured my best friend, and he's responsible, directly or not, for Michael being raped. So when he leaves this world, I want him to know it's because of me. Don't deny me that.
Franco: I'm gonna find my little girl, and sooner rather than later.
Ava: Not with all the charges you're facing.
Franco: Not as many as you think.
Ava: Murders, kidnappings, a rape.
Franco: That never happened.
Ava: Okay. So just the murders and the kidnappings, then.
Franco: Semantics.
Ava: Iron bars or padded walls -- either way, you are spending the rest of your days in a cell, and even if you did get out, you will never find my daughter.
Franco: Sure, I will. I'll just find a huge trail of bread crumbs left by my wealthy but dim-witted relatives.
Ava: What are you talking about?
Franco: Lauren's family, my family, the Quartermaines. Really? Are you gonna stand there and be super hot and pretend that you didn't know that our princess was an heiress?
Kiki: Nothing changed, Captain.
Morgan: Okay, so yesterday, you couldn't stand Michael, and now today, you're telling me to lay off. So, I mean, something had to change your mind in the middle there.
Kiki: You're right. Something did change.
Michael: When I was running up to the cabin, I heard my mom begging Claudia not to take Josslyn. When I heard that, I went into a rage, and I had a hard time controlling my temper back then, and it was -- it was pretty scary. I ran through that door, and I saw Claudia standing there with a gun in one hand and Josslyn in a basket in the other and my mom screaming on the couch, and I swung as hard as I could at her. I'd never hit anything that hard in my life. And she -- she fell to the floor, dead.
AJ: Michael. Come on, it's okay.
Michael: And when I confessed, the judge asked me if I meant to kill Claudia, and I told him I didn't care what happened to Claudia. I was just trying to protect my mom and my little sister. And I still feel that way. I feel bad that Claudia died, but I'd do the same thing. I learned that about myself, that I can kill and it's a part of me that's never gonna go away.
AJ: Yeah, but you're not saying that you deserved what happened to you in prison, I hope.
Michael: No, no. But I have to own what I did. I can't blame anybody else but me. And I need you not to blame anybody else, either, because if you do, I'm never gonna move on.
AJ: Listen to me. I love you. And nothing -- nothing in this world is gonna change that.
Monica: I can't believe I'm talking about this. I can't -- I can't even believe it happened. Oh, my God, Tracy. When AJ told me, you -- you should've seen his face. He was just shattered.
Tracy: Of course, he was.
Monica: You could see it in his eyes. All he was thinking is why wasn't he there to protect his son? And I'm thinking, maybe if Alan and I had fought to raise Michael, he would never have gone to prison in the first place.
Tracy: No, Monica. Monica, I will not let you blame yourself. Monica, look at me. This is not your fault. Rape is a crime of unspeakable violence. The only person you blame is the rapist.
Monica: We should have done something.
Tracy: Stop! This is not a discussion. I will not allow you to punish yourself.
Monica: Oh, my God. [Crying]
Diane: Your honor, Dr. Clay is Rafe Kovich Jr.'s only living blood relative. He has ample means to provide a stable and enriching home for the boy in Manhattan. Samantha Morgan, on the other hand, is a temporary foster parent. It's all very cut and dried, your honor.
Alexis: Your honor, Miss Morgan is Rafe's foster parent, because Rafe requested that. He is not only close with Sam, he has a relationship with her family. He has absolutely no relationship with Dr. Clay, nor does he want one. Rafe is exactly where he wants to be, and I hope the court takes that into consideration when you make this decision.
Judge Cole: Rafe, how do you feel about your uncle's petition for guardianship?
Rafe: My mother used to live here in Port Charles, but before I was born, she had to go on the run to get away from my biological father. His brother, Stephen Clay, looked me in the eye and smiled while he killed my mom in front of me.
Sam: Rafe.
Rafe: Since my mom died, her friends have protected and supported me, along with other people that I've met since I got here. This is the first place that I've been that feels, like, permanent and safe. It feels like home. So please let me stay with Sam.
Judge Cole: Any response, Ms. Miller?
Diane: Oh, yes, your honor. While young Mr. Kovich's story is certainly extremely moving, it ignores some simple facts. Dr. Clay is not his brother. He is a healer, not a killer. The fact that he so closely resembles his late brother should not be held against him.
Judge Cole: I'll bear that in mind. Anything else?
Diane: Yes. One very simple fact that I intend to prove today.
Judge Cole: Which is?
Diane: Samantha Morgan is an unfit mother.
Alexis: Objection, your honor. Opposing counsel is making outrageous and prejudicial claims. My daughter, Miss Morgan, is hardly an unfit mother.
Judge Cole: Let Ms. Miller make her case. Then you can object.
Diane: Thank you, your honor. It is a matter of public record that she is the widow of a career criminal, a man who was tried twice for murder who was arrested --
Alexis: Objection. Again. Whatever allegations she's leveling at Miss Morgan's late husband, he was never convicted in a court of law. He served time because he pled no contest for a Class-"D" felony. That does not prove that he's a career criminal.
Diane: Your honor, I wasn't finished.
Judge Cole: Miss Davis, your objection is overruled for now. Ms. Miller, wrap it up.
Diane: Certainly. Under her maiden name, McCall, and numerous other aliases, Miss Morgan herself has a rap sheet that's a mile long.
Judge Cole: Ms. Miller, do you have documentation substantiating these allegations?
Diane: I wouldn't waste the court's time otherwise, your honor. Here are the arrest records for both Jason Morgan and Samantha McCall Morgan.
Alexis: Objection, your honor. Jason Morgan is dead. Any crimes that he allegedly committed are immaterial to this case.
Diane: All right. Then Miss Morgan's record should and would be sufficient. Your honor, may we wrap this up so that Rafe may be on his way home with Dr. Clay as soon as possible?
Judge Cole: I'm sure nothing would please you more, Ms. Miller, but first I'd like to hear what Miss Morgan has to say for herself.
Kiki: Like you said, I've been a bitch to Michael ever since I met him.
Morgan: Well, I didn't -- I didn't say the "B" word, okay?
Kiki: I just think that we're taking advantage of Michael's hospitality. Right? We barge in on him. You could have been staying with your parents this whole time. I could have never seen you, you know?
Morgan: Yeah, yeah. I mean, yeah, that's true.
Kiki: Right, and you said that Michael was going through a bad breakup, so he's just in a really vulnerable place right now.
Morgan: Wow. That's actually -- that's very understanding of you.
Kiki: I'm not completely heartless, you know. Besides, I have enough drama going on with my mom.
Morgan: Yeah. Yeah, yeah, when you walked her to her car last night, um, why -- why didn't you -- why didn't you say anything when you got back?
Kiki: I just wanted to go to sleep. I didn't really want to talk about it.
Morgan: It sounds like some kind of fight.
Kiki: She dropped quite the bombshell on me.
Morgan: Oh, yeah?
Kiki: Mm-hmm.
Morgan: About what?
Kiki: About my father.
Franco: My biological mother was a woman named Susan Moore. She gave birth to twins. My mom, Betsy, was one of her nurses. My mom bought me from Susan Moore's cousin, a very challenging woman named Heather Webber. And guess who my twin brother was. No, really, go ahead. Guess.
Ava: I'm sure you'll tell me.
Franco: Jason Morgan.
Ava: Jason Morgan. Why is that name so familiar?
Franco: Because he killed me. He shot me and left me for dead in a burning building. Jason's father, my father, was Alan Quartermaine. That makes my little Lauren a Quartermaine, too.
Ava: And these Quartermaines are, what, some rich, uppity family around here?
Franco: Don't play games with me. The Quartermaines have been looking for Lauren for months, and I'm willing to bet that the trail will eventually lead to you.
Sonny: I need you to be absolutely certain. When this thing goes down, there's no taking it back.
Carly: Okay, it's not like I haven't been a part of your business before, Sonny.
Sonny: You never ordered a hit, Carly.
Carly: So? There's a first time for everything.
Sonny: You may want Franco dead --
Carly: I do, badly, okay?
Sonny: But to make it happen, hmm.
Carly: I can handle it.
Sonny: Killing somebody -- you carry that for the rest of your life. I know what that's about, and so does Michael.
AJ: I am so sorry that you had to relive all that -- all that last night with Franco.
Michael: Yeah. Well, now that we know he's alive, we have to work even faster to find his daughter now, right?
AJ: Yeah, you're right about that, but it might not be that much work. Her mother's already in town.
Michael: Wait, Lauren Frank's mother is in Port Charles?
AJ: Uh-huh, and you've already met her. I think she was that woman that was here last night.
Ava: Well, if anybody is looking for Lauren, they haven't found her, and no one has even approached me.
Franco: Really? Ava, after everything we've shared, you're gonna lie to me? Okay. You tell me. Why are you in Port Charles?
Ava: Why else? To see if you were actually still alive.
Franco: Up until last night, nobody knew that I was breathing, so you either made really great time or you were here already. So, tell me, why would someone who looks like you be in a two-bit town in upstate New York if you weren't here to squeeze the Quartermaines?
Ava: You always did have a vivid imagination.
Franco: You always did love my vivid imagination, if I remember correctly. I'm imagining something right now, Ava. Would you like to guess? No, not that. I'm imagining that the Quartermaines have already approached you, and if that's the case, then you already know that Lauren has a controlling voting share of ELQ. And I'm imagining something else. No, still not that. I'm imagining that you figured out a way to use it to your advantage. Now, Ava, I think that you should imagine something. You should imagine -- that I might have a problem with that.
Sam: Like Rafe, I grew up without roots. I did a lot of crazy things, but I left those years behind me, and I've spent the past 10 years trying to make a stable life for myself here in Port Charles.
Judge Cole: And your husband's associations?
Sam: Well, the only threat to me and my family related to my late husband would be his twin brother, Robert "Franco" Frank, who was not a business associate.
Judge Cole: Miss Morgan, about your husband's business --
Alexis: Your honor, if I may. Miss Morgan had nothing to do with her husband's business. And, by the way, according to his tax returns, he was a coffee importer.
Diane: Well, you can't exactly put "enforcer" and "hit man" on a 1040. Withdrawn.
Judge Cole: Okay, I've heard about as much as I can stand. You may step down, Miss Morgan. I'm going to go over all of the testimony and evidence, and this hearing will reconvene tomorrow morning. [Bangs gavel]
Bailiff: All rise.
Alexis: What the hell was that?
Diane: That was me doing my job.
Sam: Trashing me is one thing, but Jason was your friend, not to mention a client. How could you betray him like this?
Silas: Because I told her to.
Morgan: Wait. Didn't you tell me that your dad died before you were born?
Kiki: That's what my mom told me, and guess what. She lied.
Morgan: So he's still alive?
Kiki: Oh. Well, no. He's dead all right. It's just that he only died a couple of years ago.
Morgan: Why would your mom lie about that, though?
Kiki: Because she said he was an unstable person. Actually, he was really dangerous, so she just wanted to keep him as far away from me as possible.
Morgan: Hey, I'm sorry. That's really a lot to deal with, but, I mean, I just don't get why your mom would bring that up now.
Kiki: Well, it turns out that my father was the black sheep of a very, very rich family, and now they're trying to find me.
Monica: [Blows nose] [Crying] I mean, just the fact that Michael -- for him to have survived what he did -- I mean, an assault and in prison, no less.
Tracy: He's something else. Do not tell him I said that.
Monica: But then to have to dredge it all back up again -- how is he gonna get through that?
Tracy: People do, with counseling and a lot of support. They don't forget, but they move on with their lives. We'll make sure Michael gets through this.
Monica: We?
Tracy: Monica, we're Quartermaines. We have each other's backs.
Monica: Thank you. Damn Franco. I mean, as sick as he is, how could he stoop to exploit Michael for some twisted reasons of his own?
Tracy: How about the fact that he has Quartermaine blood flowing through his veins?
Monica: Oh, God.
Tracy: Oh, no.
Monica: What?
Michael: Okay, so, since Tracy already met with Lauren Frank's mother, does this mean that Tracy has Lauren's vote?
AJ: Not yet. I made her a counter offer. All she has to do is put us in touch with Franco's daughter, and we'll do the rest.
Michael: And we have more to offer than Tracy does.
AJ: [Sighs] Michael, listen to me. ELQ is in shambles after the incident at "The Chew." I mean, Frankly, we're ripe for a hostile takeover. Tracy and I are deadlocked. Lauren is our only swing vote.
Michael: Not necessarily.
Ava: Your delusional disorders are getting the best of you. Or are conspiracy theories your new hobby? It's been a while, so I wouldn't know.
Franco: Certainty is my new hobby. And I can say with reasonable certainty that you have figured out a way to spin Lauren's controlling shares of ELQ to your advantage.
Ava: And what if I have?
Franco: See? Doesn't that feel so much better? You're forgetting one thing. Lauren is not the only long-lost Quartermaine.
Carly: Sonny, are we in this together?
Sonny: [Sighs] Looks like we are.
Carly: Okay. Let's call Shawn -- tell him to go over to the police station and end this.
Sonny: Okay, but it's not gonna go down at the police station 'cause Anna and Dante don't want this happening --
Carly: We can't make this about protecting Dante.
Sonny: I don't want to involve him. Besides, it's too risky to whack Franco behind bars.
Carly: I hope you have a Plan "B." 'Cause it appears that Franco is gonna be in lockup permanently.
Sonny: Let me worry about that.
Franco: Our little Lauren is the great grandchild of a Quartermaine, which is really cool in a tie-breaker kind of way. But I am the grandchild of the late, great, and powerful Edward Quartermaine, which gives me an even bigger piece of the pie.
Ava: And I should care why?
Franco: Because my shares make Lauren's shares irrelevant. And you have nothing to gain by having irrelevant shares. However, you and I can once again, just for old time's sake, come up with an arrangement that is mutually beneficial.
Ava: If you think I'd give you face time with Lauren to get those shares, you are insane.
Franco: We have already established that you consider me completely insane. There is, however, a deal on the table. So what do you say?
Ava: I say go to hell.
Franco: Been there, done that.
Silas: Tell me -- your late husband's alleged line of work -- how did he walk on all those charges? I, uh, I asked Diane, but she wouldn't tell me.
Alexis: So you do know how to honor attorney-client privilege.
Sam: And when you were researching my late husband, that's how you found Diane?
Silas: Figured a custody case would be a walk in the park for a mob lawyer.
Diane: Alleged mob lawyer.
Silas: Excuse me. I stand corrected.
Sam: Well, that's interesting, coming from somebody who didn't care about Rafe just a few weeks ago.
Diane: Okay. Okay. I can see that you are upset, so I am going to do us both the favor of letting you calm down before we discuss this further.
Silas: If you'll excuse me --
Sam: Oh, where do you think you're going?
Silas: Back to my hotel to take a bubble bath if you let go of my arm.
Sam: No, you're not. We are gonna have this out right here, right now.
Morgan: So, I mean, it's just been you and your mom this whole time, and now you got new family. That's got to be exciting.
Kiki: I guess.
Morgan: So, what are we talking about? Are we talking about, like, half-sisters and half-brothers or...
Kiki: Oh, just an uncle and a great aunt.
Morgan: When are you gonna meet them?
Kiki: I don't know if I am.
Morgan: Why -- why not?
Kiki: I didn't know my father my whole life. Just because they're blood relatives doesn't make them family.
Morgan: Okay, but have you looked any of them up yet? I mean --
Kiki: Why should I? All rich people are the same.
Michael: Franco's Jason's twin, which means he's a Quartermaine.
Tracy: Franco's a Quartermaine. A living, breathing Quartermaine. Daddy's grandson, no less!
Michael: [Sighs] And, uh, since Franco's your brother --
AJ: He's my half-brother.
Tracy: Here, AJ and I have been traipsing all over the country, looking for the daughter, when it's Franco that has the real voting leverage. Can you imagine the kind of damage he can do with that?
Monica: It is a troubling thought. I'll grant you that. But I assure you, Tracy, there isn't much harm that Franco can do to the family when he's behind bars.
Guard: [Tapping] Yo, freak. Ladies just can't stay away from you today. [Chuckles]
Franco: So good to see you, sweetheart. I knew you'd come around. I knew we'd make a -- deal.
Diane: Actually, I don't believe we've ever had the pleasure. I'm Diane Miller. You asked to see me, Mr. Frank.
Franco: Please, call me Franco.
Alexis: Look, as your lawyer, I'm gonna suggest this is not the time or place --
Sam: No, actually, Mom, I think it is a good time and it's the perfect place, if you would take Rafe home for me -- and by "home," I mean my place, where he lives -- that'd be great.
Alexis: Okay. All right. Just be careful you don't say anything that Diane can use against you.
Sam: I'll be fine.
Alexis: All right. Let's go, kids.
Sam: What do you think you're doing?
Silas: Examining your son.
Sam: Excuse me?
Silas: There's something wrong with him.
[Danny fussing]
Shawn: [Sighs] So, what's all this about?
Sonny: Uh, we got something to discuss with you.
Carly: A job.
Shawn: Okay. What do you want me to do?
Sonny: We want you to take out Franco. Do you have a problem with what we're asking?
Shawn: [Breathes deeply] Man's hurt a lot of people. Even went as far as to threaten Josslyn. So no -- I don't have a problem with taking Franco out.
Franco: I understand you did excellent work for my brother.
Diane: Yes, he was a valued client.
Franco: Well, he's dead, so he can no longer afford your retainer. I can.
Diane: [Laughs] Oh, I don't need the money that badly.
Franco: I'll give you anything you want. All I need from you is to get me out of here.
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