General Hospital Transcript Friday 5/31/13
Provided By Suzanne
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Anna: Yes, Robert "Franco" Frank is alive, Mayor Lomax, and I have him in custody. Uh-huh. Full briefing later today. Yes, of course. Thank you. Uh-huh.
Milo: Hi. I'm Milo Giambetti, and I apologize for just barging in.
Anna: Yes, I know who you are. Anyone who saw you perform at the Nurses' Ball wouldn't forget you.
Milo: Okay, thanks, but I'm actually here about something else, Commissioner. I need to report a missing person.
Anna: Oh, yeah?
Milo: Lulu Falconeri. She didn't come home last night.
Dante: [Groans] Lulu? Lulu?
Tracy: Ava, it's Tracy Quartermaine. If you've been trying to get ahold of me, I'm not at home. Call me on my cell phone. I'm actually standing guard outside the hospital room of a very reluctant patient. But I do happen to have a large check for you, so if you get your daughter, my great-niece, to sign on the dotted line, I will give it to you. Give me a call. Luke?
Michael: I'm awake.
Kiki: Okay, that's not my fault. Morgan and I made zero noise last night, because you've been complaining that you haven't been able to --
Michael: Did I say it had anything to do with you?
Kiki: The hell happened to you?
Monica: AJ?
AJ: Mom.
Monica: What happened last night? Who sent the invitation with Jason's picture on it?
AJ: It was his brother.
Monica: His brother? What?
AJ: Jason's twin brother. Franco's still alive.
Guard: Rise and shine, Buddha. You got a visitor.
AJ: According to Franco, he -- he called us all together. He, uh -- he called us all together to set the record straight. I don't know. He, uh -- he had us watch some video footage that -- well, it appeared to prove that he never raped Sam.
Monica: "It appeared"?
AJ: Well, the police are checking it out right now to make sure that it wasn't doctored. Franco claimed that he did this, that he staged this whole thing, to torture Jason -- that he never actually touched Sam.
Monica: Well, that must be a relief for Sam, but it doesn't absolve him from the hell he put her and Jason through.
AJ: Jason and Sam weren't the only ones that went through hell.
Monica: Oh, that's right. That's right. There was Elizabeth and kidnapping little Aiden.
AJ: Aiden was fine. He was too young to remember what happened, like --
Monica: Like what? Like who?
AJ: B-before we go any further, I have to ask you something.
Monica: What?
AJ: Why didn't you tell me that Michael went to Pentonville?
Monica: What does that --
AJ: Would you please -- please -- help me understand? When my 18-year-old son was sent to prison, why didn't you tell me?
Monica: Well, at the time, AJ, you were a fugitive, and there were criminal charges against you. And besides, Jason took care of everything. Somehow, he cut a deal with the court that sent him to prison so he was with Michael the whole time.
AJ: No, Jason was too late, Mom.
Monica: What do you mean too late? Too late for what?
AJ: You better sit down.
Monica: What are you talking about?
AJ: When Michael was in prison -- he was raped.
Monica: [Gasps]
Michael: I'm sorry, okay? I shouldn't have snapped at you.
Kiki: So, you're not gonna tell me?
Michael: What?
Kiki: I asked you what happened, and you apologize and try to leave the room?
Michael: Yeah, exactly.
Kiki: Michael, you know what? Okay. Forget it. It's not like I didn't have a lousy night myself.
Michael: What, you and Morgan have a fight or something?
Kiki: No.
Michael: [Sighs] You, uh -- you can tell me. If you want to. You don't have to.
Kiki: I had a fight with my mom. Turns out she's been lying to me my whole life.
Franco: I was just meditating.
[Shoe thuds]
Carly: You meditating?
Franco: Yep. Wait for it.
[Shoe thuds]
Franco: Yeah. Anxiety can be so debilitating. I am so happy to see you.
Carly: Really?
Franco: Yes. And I am so glad that you finally know the truth about what I did and what I didn't do to Michael. It's gonna be awesome. We can put aside all of the bitterness between us, all of the rancor.
Carly: The hell we can.
Milo: I don't know how much you know about Lulu -- Mrs. Falconeri. Recently, she's been staying at my place.
Anna: I know. Her husband is none too happy with the arrangement, let me tell you.
Milo: I know. And the boss isn't happy about it, either, but what was I supposed to do? Lulu lost her memory, and I couldn't let her just wander the streets of Port Charles. So, okay, I let her stay at my place, but she didn't come home last night, and I'm worried. I have to find Lulu before the boss finds out I lost her.
Sonny: It's too late.
Dante: Oh, man.
Lulu: Oh. I was gonna surprise you with breakfast in bed. Hey. Do you know what Milo eats for breakfast?
Dante: Oh, I don't care what Milo eats for breakfast.
Lulu: Steamed kale with a side of spelt.
Dante: I hope that's not what that is.
Lulu: [Laughs] No, it's fried eggs with the yolks still in them, bacon, toast with butter, and wait -- hold on. Your coffee -- black with two sugars, just like you like it. Because I remember everything now.
Dante: [Sighs]
Lulu: Are you okay?
Dante: Oh, I don't feel like I have post-traumatic stress or something. I don't want to let you out of my sight.
Lulu: Hey. I am myself because of you, because you never gave up on me.
Dante: And I never would give up on you, ever. I lost you once, Lulu. I'm not gonna lose you again.
Tracy: Damn you, Luke Spencer!
Luke: Did you just use my name in vain?
Tracy: There you are.
Luke: Yeah, call of nature. You know.
Tracy: Why are you dressed?
Luke: Tracy, hospital gowns are the most humiliating garments ever created. Do you really want to catch a gander of my aging ass flapping in the breeze?
Tracy: So you got out of your gown to spare me?
Luke: You and anybody else who might bust in here unannounced.
Tracy: I apologize. I thought you were just trying to get out of doing of those tests, but obviously not, because here you are. Where are your sheets?
Luke: I don't know. Maybe the staff came in while I was powdering my nose.
Tracy: Nobody came in here. I am the only one that has been in here. And guess what -- I don't do sheets. What's this?
Luke: Oh, I don't know. Well, how did that get there?
Tracy: You braided your sheets together? Damn you, Luke Spencer!
Milo: Boss, I swear it's not my fault. Lulu took off. I've been looking for her all night.
Sonny: Relax, Milo. Lulu's fine. I saw her at the Haunted Star last night.
Anna: Oh, great. Well, I'm sure Milo's very relieved. Maybe in the future you two could actually, like, talk to each other, so --
Milo: She didn't come home. You think she stayed on board?
Sonny: She left before things got interesting.
Milo: She left? Left with whom?
Sonny: With her husband, Dante. I assume they're together.
Lulu: I found the spare set of keys in the bowl on the counter, and I said hi to the neighbor's cat, and I got your coffee just the way you like it.
Dante: Since when do you wait on me?
Lulu: Well, you should not get used to it because today -- is -- it's a special treat.
Dante: Yeah. Is it?
Lulu: Mm-hmm. Or we can, um -- celebrate -- how happy I am to have it all back, you know? My life and my memories -- most of all you. I love you.
Dante: I love you, too.
Sonny: Now I need to speak to the commissioner, so you might want to go ahead and go.
Milo: Sure, Boss. Commissioner, thank you for your time. Next time I'll try to remember not to just barge in here. There might not even be a --
Anna: Yeah, okay. I'm glad everything worked out, Mr. Giambetti, okay? Bye. Good. Well, what can I do for you?
Sonny: I want to see Franco.
Franco: You weren't swayed by my explanation?
Carly: They're authenticating the footage between you and Carter. I'm sure it's all gonna check out.
Franco: So you do believe me.
Carly: Oh, I believe you. You pointed a rapist in my son's direction, thought you could control him, but you were wrong.
Franco: And I regret that.
Carly: And you regret my son getting raped. And in your own twisted way, you wanted to protect him. And now that I know all that, what? Everything's supposed to be okay between us?
Franco: Well, even the Buddha has his preferences.
Carly: You're even more insane than I thought.
Monica: Michael was not raped.
AJ: Yes, he was.
Monica: No, he was not. Jason was there and protected him.
AJ: Mom -- Mom, he told me himself last night. Look, after Franco had "proved" that he didn't do anything to Sam -- Carly said that that didn't change what had happened to Michael.
Monica: What do you mean? Franco was the one --
AJ: No. No, he -- he got some inmate at Pentonville. See, he wanted Jason to think that he sent this guy after Michael, but it wasn't true. I mean, he -- he actually ordered the guy to protect Michael.
Monica: This doesn't make any sense.
AJ: I know it doesn't! Of course, it doesn't! Because Franco's crazy! He used my son to hurt Jason. That's the only thing that matters. My son was raped, and all this time, he couldn't tell me.
Monica: I am so sorry.
[Cell phone beeps]
Monica: Oh, my God. Oh, it's the hospital. I will call them and tell them to get somebody else.
AJ: No, you should go.
Monica: No, I can't. I can't leave you.
AJ: No, it's all right. You know what? Michael's dealt with this. He's faced it. I will, too.
Monica: Oh, my God. I'm sorry.
AJ: Yeah, me too.
Ava: Please tell me that wasn't the Chinese piece I saw here yesterday. An 18th-century Qianlong vase went for 800 G's just a few years ago.
AJ: We have insurance.
Ava: Oh, I'm sure you do. But I'm from the art world. Trust me -- this vase was irreplaceable. When something so precious gets broken -- you can't put it together again without losing something along the way.
Kiki: I can't trust my mom. She's the one who told me to come here. She said to go to Port Charles to see if Morgan was okay, and I did. And then I found out that --
Michael: What?
Kiki: Let's just say she had ulterior motives.
Michael: Oh. Did you? With Morgan?
Kiki: Are we seriously back to that? Michael, I did not set him up! I really, honestly thought that he would be able to win that money back! I was just trying to help him.
Michael: By encouraging him to hide out with you. Look, did it ever occur to you that you had parents that were worried about him -- parents that were going out of their minds?
Kiki: Oh, and an overprotective brother that can't let Morgan breathe without him.
Michael: You know why?
Kiki: Yeah. Why? Oh, let me guess. You get extra points by policing Morgan, by spying on his girlfriend? Huh? Do you get extra stars for that?!
Michael: You don't get it, and neither does Morgan! How bad things could spiral out of control. You blink and your entire life is trashed!
Kiki: You haven't done anything bad in your life. How would you know?
Michael: You sure about that?
Kiki: Yes, I am. So don't stand here, acting like you know about things getting trashed. I'm sure if you lost your --
Michael: Well, how about this? I was raped.
Franco: I think you should be very proud of Michael. I think what Michael did was very, very impressive.
Carly: For surviving the rape you set in motion.
Franco: [Sighs] Yes. You have every right to be upset at me about that.
Carly: I don't need your permission to be upset.
Franco: I'm not defending what I've done. What I'm trying to explain to you, Michael's mother, is that I had no intention of Michael getting hurt. In fact, just the opposite. I did everything I could to try and protect Michael.
Carly: Why would you care about protecting Michael?
Franco: He's my flesh and blood.
Tracy: You promised. Oh, of course. That should have been my first clue that you were gonna run as soon as my back was turned.
Luke: No, no, no. You've got it all wrong. I just got a little bored and needed to do some crafts. You know, sheet art, like macramé.
Tracy: Were you seriously gonna climb out a window after you collapsed on my floor less than 24 hours ago? You thought that was a good idea --
Luke: I didn't want to be here. You lock me in this room so that I can be poked and prodded by a pack of quacks?
Tracy: So you chew off your ID bracelet and hurl yourself out a window?
Luke: I'm fine, Tracy. All I needed was a good night's sleep.
Tracy: Good to know. How about your liver?
Luke: My liver is as pink and fluffy as a cloud of cotton candy.
Tracy: Oh, stop it. Why don't you just admit that you're scared?
Luke: Why don't you just go taint some relish?! Don't you have some TV chefs that you need to poison? You know, you really should get that document signed by Franco's daughter for ELQ.
Tracy: And why are you fighting this?
Luke: Because I don't want my insides scanned, and I don't want to be stuck with needles.
Tracy: I think you're running away.
Luke: Would that I could.
Tracy: I think -- you're afraid the doctors are gonna find out there's something really wrong.
Lulu: I'm so sorry I was such a bitch to you and kept pushing you away.
Dante: This was not your fault.
Lulu: When I think about the way I threw myself at Milo...
Dante: Wait. Hang on a second. You threw yourself at Milo?
Lulu: No. It's not what you're thinking.
Dante: I hope not.
Lulu: Nothing happened with me and Milo.
Dante: Okay. Good answer.
Lulu: I just -- I feel bad about the way I treated him. He was so sweet to me, and I just totally took advantage. I can never face that guy.
[Knock on door]
Milo: Detective Falconeri! It's me -- Milo Giambetti!
[Knocking continues]
Michael: I'm, uh -- sorry. That was completely inappropriate.
Kiki: Why are you apologizing? Have you called the police or checked with a doctor or?
Michael: It's not recent. It happened when I was in prison.
Kiki: You were in prison?
Michael: For manslaughter. I can't believe I'm telling you this.
Kiki: You're actually telling me the truth.
Michael: Yeah. In case you haven't noticed, I'm a very bad liar.
Kiki: [Breathes deeply] Oh, you killed someone.
Michael: It was my stepmother -- Claudia. She was crazy. She, uh -- tried to take my little sister Josslyn right after she was born. And I, uh -- heard my mom screaming, so I grabbed this ax handle, and I hit her -- and I killed her.
Kiki: You went to prison for trying to -- trying to save your baby sister?
Michael: It was complicated. There was a cover-up. And by the time I confessed, the judge wasn't gonna be lenient.
Kiki: How old were you?
Michael: 18. 17 when I -- killed Claudia. 18 when I went to Pentonville.
Kiki: When I was 18, I was at parties -- and I was studying for the SATs.
Michael: It was, uh -- an inmate named Carter. He got me alone in my cell, and, uh -- I thought I knew why he was coming after me, but after last night, I, uh -- found out I was wrong.
Kiki: What do you mean "after last night"?
Michael: [Breathes deeply] Doesn't matter. It doesn't -- doesn't change anything.
Kiki: [Sighs] Mikey -- I know that -- we hate each other's guts. But I'm -- I'm really, really sorry.
AJ: So you're Tracy's new business associate, right? She's not here.
Ava: She just left me a voicemail.
AJ: Oh.
Ava: Do you know where she is?
AJ: No, I don't have a clue. Why don't you check your message?
Ava: Why don't I?
AJ: Mm. Hey, let me ask you something, though. Uh, what exactly is your business with Tracy?
Tracy: Let me refresh the terms of our agreement. I pay you the exorbitant amount of money you extorted from me, and in return, your daughter signs this piece of paper guaranteeing that she will vote with me to oust AJ, my nephew, from ELQ.
Ava: That's between me and Tracy.
AJ: 'Cause I'm gonna guess that it has something to do with Franco's daughter.
Ava: Whose daughter?
AJ: Franco, the artiste.
Ava: Doesn't ring a bell.
AJ: That's weird, 'cause he was kind of a big deal, you know? I mean, before he -- I don't know -- before he went nuts and started killing people. But you would know that, wouldn't you? 'Cause you're in the art world.
Ava: Franco! Yes, you know, I think I do remember. He was something of a self-promoter. Fancied himself a conceptualist. The value of his work went up after he died.
AJ: Got some bad news. I think the value went back down. 'Cause he's still alive.
Anna: I'm sorry, Sonny. You cannot see the prisoner at this time.
Sonny: I need five minutes. I'm unarmed. You can ask your guys at the front desk 'cause I sailed through the metal detector.
Anna: Good. That's comforting. But no, I can't let you see Franco.
Sonny: You have no idea the damage this guy has done. I have questions. I need answers.
Anna: I understand. I do. But I can only allow one visitor at a time. There is already somebody seeing Franco.
Carly: Where was all this family bonding when you had Michael sent to prison?
Franco: Oh. You're upset at me about that?
Carly: Yeah, you played a large part. See, the night that Michael saved his baby sister, by killing Claudia Zacchara, Jason buried her in the Pine Barrens, and you dug her up.
Franco: Yeah, well, it seemed like a good idea at the time.
Carly: Of course, it did. Because you knew Michael was the real killer, and you knew Jason would do whatever it took to protect him. So you used Claudia's body as leverage to get Jason to play your sick game. You blew up your studio, and you disappeared, and you left Claudia's body behind. You had to know that it would all come back to Michael after the investigation. You must have loved the day that my son was sent to prison -- so you could use him and threaten him and make him your pawn.
Franco: I keep telling you the same thing, Carly. You're not listening. It was never my intention to hurt Michael. My only intention was to hurt Jason.
Carly: Well, don't worry. You did. Because there's no worse hell than watching a child you love suffer. Okay? And it's a million times worse than suffering yourself.
Franco: I know. I know, I know, I know. I feel terrible about that.
Carly: Really? Why? Why? Why now?! I mean, tell me, after all the time and energy you put in to making Jason suffer, why the hell are you so sorry now?
Ava: Franco is dead.
AJ: Yeah, that's the story, but, uh -- apparently, it's not true, sad to say.
Ava: How do you know this?
AJ: 'Cause I met him -- last night. Yeah, he had sort of a "Surprise! I'm not dead" bash.
Ava: Where?
AJ: Here, in Port Charles.
Ava: I don't believe it.
AJ: That's strange, because, for someone who had so much trouble remembering who Franco was just a few minutes ago -- I don't know -- you look pretty shaken up, which tells me that your business with Tracy -- is all about Franco's daughter.
Michael: I'm okay. I -- I saw a shrink, I went to therapy, and I figured out how to deal with it. Actually, I thought it was over, that I, uh -- moved on -- until last night.
Kiki: What happened?
Michael: The, uh -- Carter -- he didn't find me on his own. Somebody sent him after me. Or so I thought. And I found out last night that I was wrong.
Kiki: I don't understand.
Michael: [Sighs] The person only wanted it to look like he sent Carter after me. He never meant for me to be raped. Uh, he actually wanted Carter to protect me.
Kiki: You mean he never meant for it to happen? Are you kidding? He found this freak Carter, he pointed him in your direction. Of course, it's his fault! Who is this guy? 'Cause I'll find him.
Michael: Can we please stop talking about this? I had to relive the whole thing last night, and it was a wreck. My father -- he -- he almost killed him.
AJ: So, what is the deal? Is Tracy paying you to put her in touch with that psychopath's daughter?
Ava: My business with your aunt -- is confidential.
AJ: Confidential, is it? Really? Confidential? That's Tracy for you. She's always up to something. I got to tell you, though, I can't help but think about your reaction when you found out about the news about Franco.
Ava: It's startling -- anyone rising from the dead.
AJ: Anyone. Okay. You know what I find interesting? The daughter -- Lauren. 'Cause of course we know who the father is, right? But we never have been able to identify the mother.
Ava: That is interesting.
AJ: Mm. It's you, isn't it?
Sonny: Carly's in lockup. Is that what you just said?
Anna: She put in a formal request, and it was granted.
Sonny: She's alone with that lunatic?
Anna: Of course, she's not alone. Come on. There's a guard down there, and Franco's behind bars. She's fine. And in all fairness to Carly, it's not the first time she's had a conversation with a killer.
Sonny: You were not here during Franco's reign of terror. You don't know who you're dealing with. I do. So does Carly.
Franco: I went to see my mother, and after some persuading, she told me that I had a twin brother -- that there was another half. He was like me. He was alone. No one in the world understood him. And he was an artist. The way Jason killed -- that was an art form.
Carly: Jason didn't kill people for pleasure. He did it to defend people.
Franco: He just killed whoever Sonny told him to kill. I wanted to bond with my brother, to be one with him again, before I shared the joyous news with him that we had the same womb, that -- that we literally came into the world together. But Jason rejected me. He tore my heart out, and he stomped on it. So, in recompense, I decided that I would tear his heart out and stomp on it.
Carly: And Michael was Jason's heart.
Franco: Oh, I could make Jason scream like a little girl if I threatened Michael. All that stone-cold, icy detachment? Gone, evaporated. I could make Jason run around in circles until he dropped. And the best part of it was that I wasn't actually even threatening Michael. I would never hurt Michael. Why would I do that?
Carly: You did hurt Michael!
Franco: Yes -- unintentionally! And that's why I'm here, Carly -- to make amends.
Milo: Dante, please, I need to talk to you. Lulu.
Lulu: Hey.
Milo: Thank God. I was so worried when you didn't come home last night.
Lulu: I'm so sorry.
Milo: It's okay. I talked to the boss. He said he ran into you at the Haunted Star, that you were fine, and, well, here you are, in, uh -- Dante's shirt. And there's Dante with no shirt.
Lulu: Yeah, um -- my memory came back. I remembered where I belong -- here at home.
Milo: Absolutely. Great. All right, then, I'll see you.
Lulu: Milo, please wait.
Milo: Yeah?
Luke: I don't do fear. I've lost count of the times that I've faced death. You think that I'm afraid of a few needles and a CAT scan?
Tracy: Yeah. 'Cause if you weren't afraid, why would you try to escape?
Lulu: Thank you so much, Milo, for taking me in and making me feel safe. You were a really good friend. I am so sorry that you got dragged into all of my problems.
Milo: You needed help. I'm glad I was there. And if I, uh -- I got my hopes up, then it's my own fault. Dante, you're a lucky man, but I'm sure you know that. I got to get to the gym.
Lulu: Could you just push me out of a window?
Dante: Okay.
Lulu: Ugh. I hate hurting him.
Dante: All right. But you know what? It's you -- it's you that I'm worried about.
Lulu: Hey, look at me. I'm fine.
Dante: Okay. Can we just do one thing, maybe?
Lulu: What?
Dante: Can we just go see Dr. Collins once and just have him give you a final okay? And then we can put this whole mess behind us and move forward.
Lulu: Okay. On one condition.
Dante: Whatever.
Lulu: Right after I see Kevin, I really want to go tell my family. My mom's on her honeymoon, but my dad's in town. I think he's gonna be really happy.
Dante: Okay.
Lulu: Okay. Mm.
Tracy: You asked me not to tell Lulu that you collapsed. I kept up my end of the bargain. Your turn.
Luke: If you think that was a binding agreement, I want a lawyer.
[Knock on door]
Tracy: Just let them run the tests. The sooner you do it, the sooner we get out of here.
[Knock continues]
Man: Mr. Spencer, you have an appointment in Radiology.
Tracy: What's it gonna be, Luke? You gonna cooperate or not?
Ava: Will you be making a point anytime soon? Or are you just gonna keep fishing for answers you ain't gonna get?
AJ: [Chuckles] I'm sure Tracy's paying you a bundle. I'll top it. Significantly.
Ava: I'll keep that in mind.
AJ: There's one more thing. If Tracy asks your daughter to sign any documents -- [Chuckles]-- Don't let her do it.
Kiki: How long have you known that I've been related to the Quartermaines? Long enough for you to realize that it would benefit you, right? Long enough to go to Tracy to sell me out?
Ava: It's not as ugly as you're making it sound! I get some money to tide me over. Tracy regains her rightful position as CEO, and you --
Kiki: How do you even know that it's rightful?
Ava: -- And whatever else your inheritance entails! Everybody wins!
Kiki: Except you! You lose me!
Ava: I can guarantee you that won't happen.
Kiki: You never told Sonny what happened to you?
Michael: He knows. I'm talking about my biological father. I didn't really know him growing up. He's sort of, uh -- been out of town until this last year.
Kiki: It's funny. I just found out who my father was last night.
Michael: Is that what your mom was lying to you about?
Kiki: One of the things. I should wake up Captain Morgan. Wouldn't want him sleeping in all day.
Michael: Hey, uh -- can you, uh, do me a favor?
Kiki: Sure.
Michael: Morgan knows I was in prison, but he doesn't know what happened to me.
Kiki: Just another way of protecting him?
Michael: He's my little brother. He can be a pain in the ass, but, uh -- I want him to enjoy his life, do what he wants -- within reason. I just don't want him to worry about the consequences.
Kiki: So you're just gonna do all the worrying? Follow him around and make sure he stays out of trouble?
Michael: I don't want to control him. I just don't want him to do anything stupid, something that could wreck him.
Kiki: You're not wrecked.
Michael: Look, I could handle what happened to me, but if something happened to Morgan, I -- I -- I don't know what I'd do. Um, I'm sorry about all this.
Kiki: Would you stop apologizing, Mikey? Look, you don't have to worry about Morgan. He's not going to go to prison over some bad bets, especially now that Sonny paid them off.
Michael: Yeah, you're right.
Kiki: Anyway, I won't tell him.
Michael: I know I got to tell him at some point, what happened, I just -- [Breathes deeply] I'm really not ready to dive into that just yet.
Kiki: I understand.
Michael: Thanks.
Ava: If I may -- did Franco happen to mention his daughter last night?
AJ: Um, yeah. Well, he knew we were looking for her, so, uh... I mentioned that he might want to try and find her himself.
Ava: And do you happen to know where he is?
AJ: He was arrested. He's in jail, where he belongs.
Franco: When I saw Jason at my performance-art piece, "Francophrenia," at MOCA -- I could tell -- not just from what he said but from the way he said, what Carter had done to Michael --
Carly: Raped him. He raped him.
Franco: Then all of a sudden, my game wasn't fun. All right? And I wanted my game to be fun. So I planned Hawaii, with Sam, and it wasn't like with Michael. In Hawaii, I controlled all of the pieces. I could make sure that Sam didn't get hurt, that the only person that was hurt was Jason.
Carly: You don't think it hurt to think you were raped by a psychopath?
Franco: That thought did occur to me -- later -- and that's when I thought, "Well, okay." I'll let Jason kill me. That's my small way of making things up to him.
Carly: Then why aren't you dead?
Franco: Because life is an amazing adventure. So, I let Jason kill me, and then I could get back to my life -- get back to my work. And then Jason goes and gets himself killed. I mean, really -- who saw that one coming? Here we seem so invulnerable. And to think -- right? -- After all the crap that I put him through, he goes and gets himself shot in the back and drowns. I mean, how can that be?
Carly: I don't know.
Franco: I don't know, either. That's when it hits me. I was wrong. I made a mistake. All I wanted to do was get closer to Jason, and all I did was make an enemy of him. And I couldn't undo it. But what I could do was try and make things right with all of the people that Jason loved.
Carly: Right. Make amends.
Franco: Yes, tell the truth, make you see I'm not a monster.
Carly: No, not at all, huh?
Franco: Carly, the footage --
Carly: The footage. Let's talk about that. You could've turned yourself in, right? Sent in the DVD through your lawyer? But no. You had to play one last game, didn't you? Summon us to the boat, make us all jump through hoops. You haven't changed a bit. At all. As far as I'm concerned, we were all better off when you were dead.
Luke: All right, fine. I'll take the damn tests. But don't you tell anybody about this.
Tracy: I gave you my word last night. I promise.
Man: Uh, where's your ID bracelet, Mr. Spencer?
Luke: Stolen.
Man: I'll tell Admitting. Just have a seat.
Luke: I am not riding in that thing.
Tracy: I apologize for him. He has a personality disorder.
Lulu: Dad, it's me.
Luke: Lulu?
Lulu: I remember everything!
Luke: Oh, my God, baby! Welcome home!
Lulu: I am so sorry for everything that happened, and I love you so much. I love you so much, Dad.
Luke: Me too.
Tracy: Take it there have been some positive developments.
Dante: You could say that. She remembers everything.
Tracy: That's wonderful.
Lulu: No kidding. It would be impossible for someone to explain how important you are to me, Tracy. I -- I wouldn't believe it if they just told me!
Tracy: Are you sure you're fully recovered?
Lulu: Well, I have to check with the doctor, to get all checked out, but --
Tracy: That's definitely the mature thing to do.
Lulu: Why are you here? Why are you here? Is something wrong?
Luke: No. No, no. Tracy is just having some routine tests. Nothing serious at all, as a matter of fact. But you know how she is. She makes a big drama out of everything. So --
Tracy: Ow!
Luke: -- I am taking her down to Radiology myself. Can you believe she was making a rope out of bed sheets? You bad girl. Now put on that gown.
Man: Mr. Spencer!
Michael: Hey.
AJ: Hey. How you doing?
Michael: Oh. I'm okay.
AJ: Michael, why didn't you tell me? Come here.
Guard: You're popular today. You got another visitor.
[Ava looks at Franco in his cell]
Sonny: Anna told me you were down in the cell with Franco? What the hell were --
Carly: Yeah, I -- I wanted to see him.
Sonny: Why? So he can lie to you a little more? That's what he does. He plays mind games.
Carly: I didn't believe a word he said.
Sonny: He's a freak. What are we gonna do about him?
Carly: The only thing we can do -- wipe him off the face of the earth.
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