GH Transcript Thursday 5/30/13

General Hospital Transcript Thursday 5/30/13


Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By

AJ: Damn it, Carly. You tell me what the hell Franco did to our son.

Carly: I can't.

AJ: What do you mean you can't? You're his mother, for God's sake. You tell me what that bastard did to our son!

Lulu: I did it, Dante. I agreed.

Dante: [Sniffles] You did?

Lulu: Stavros said that I had a choice, but what kind of choice was that? Consummate the marriage or lose -- everyone that I love. I didn't know what else to do.

Dante: So, you -- you slept with him?

Luke: Everything all right? I can go?

Tracy: What he's trying to say is did you get the lab results back? Is there something wrong with my friend?

Dr. Rashi: I can't be certain yet.

Tracy: Then what good are you?

Luke: What she means is what's the matter? Are the labs not back?

Dr. Rashi: No, they're back. I just haven't had sufficient time to look them over. A diagnosis at this point would be premature.

Tracy: But you have seen the tests.

Dr. Rashi: Yes.

Tracy: So, is Luke all right or not?

AJ: Tracy, please. Don't tell Elizabeth I slept with Carly.

Tracy: Too bad. I think Elizabeth needs to know you and Carly engaged in some -- steamy hate sex.

Alexis: Nikolas? Ni -- oh. [Laughing] Hi. I'm sorry. I let myself in.

Nikolas: You know I'm always happy to see you, Alexis.

Alexis: That's why you're my favorite nephew.

Nikolas: Oh, convenient, as I happen to be your only nephew.

Alexis: How are you feeling?

Nikolas: Eh, you know, almost as good as new, I guess.

Alexis: I can see that. [Chuckles] You want to tell me what's going on with you, or would you like me to leave so you can brood in private?

Nikolas: I don't brood.

Alexis: No? [Laughs]

Nikolas: Okay, fine. I'm concerned about Elizabeth.

Franco: So, none of you bothered to clue in poor AJ? Shame on all of you.

Elizabeth: About what?

Franco: Oh, come on. Really?

Elizabeth: Be a little less gleeful about it.

Franco: I can't even pretend to have sympathy for this knucklehead. You, on the other hand, Michael --

Maxie: What the hell is going on?!

Franco: Maxie, you might want to plug your ears. This is pretty strong stuff for a mother-to-be.

AJ: If you did anything to hurt Michael, so help me God --

Franco: Oh, stop it. If there were a God, we wouldn't even be talking about this, would we?

AJ: You tell me right now what the hell you're keeping from me. No. No! Listen to me. He's my son, okay? And even the great Sonny Corinthos can't change that. And if something happened to him, if he was hurt, then I deserve to know.

Sonny: This has nothing to do with you, AJ. You need to drop it.

AJ: Like hell I will. Carly, start talking! Let's go!

Michael: AJ, just --

AJ: Now!

Sonny: Hey!

AJ: I'm sorry, Michael. I'm worried.

Michael: I know. But this is my story. And I'll be the one to tell it.

Franco: Good for you, Michael. Really. You stand up for yourself. I knew you would.

Carly: You know nothing about my son. Nothing.

Michael: Mom.

AJ: Michael, what is it? W-what is it?

Michael: Well, I didn't really want to tell you like this, but I wasn't given much of a choice.

AJ: [Sighs] Okay.

Michael: The first thing you should know is I spent some time in Pentonville.

AJ: You went to prison? When? For what?

Michael: I was 18. For killing Claudia Zacchara.

Carly: He saved his little sister from a crazy, insane woman.

AJ: Zacchara like -- like the crime family?

Michael: Claudia snapped. She tried to kidnap Josslyn right after she was born. I heard my mom crying, screaming, so I grabbed an ax handle, and when I saw Claudia with Josslyn, I hit her in the head -- and I killed her.

AJ: You were trying to save Josslyn. I mean, that's -- it's justifiable homicide, right? I mean, couldn't you have done anything to keep him out of jail?!

Michael: My mom, dad, and Jason did everything that they could. And Jason even hide the body, but the cops -- they found out anyway.

Carly: Sonny took the fall for Michael. He did, and he was arrested. But then Dante found out the truth, and he told the courts.

AJ: Wait, Dante? So, your -- your cop son -- he turned him in, right? Is that it?

Sonny: Dante thought he was doing his job, AJ.

AJ: [Sighs] Well, wait. None of this makes sense. Claudia was stealing a baby. She was stealing your sister. I mean -- I mean, you didn't mean to clock her like that, right?

Carly: Sonny and I both perjured ourselves. There was no way to prove that Michael was innocent. The judge said that we were playing the system, and he sentenced Michael to five years for manslaughter.

Michael: AJ, it wasn't their fault or Dante's.

AJ: Well, then, whose was it? Yours? Did you do this? Did you put some judge up to throwing the book at him?

Michael: No.

Carly: No. It was much worse.

AJ: Okay, Michael, whatever this secret is -- I mean, it can't be as bad as you going to prison. My God, Michael, what happened to you?

Luke: Yeah, I'm all right. I feel fine.

Tracy: Yes, and you finished medical school -- when was that? Oh, that's right. Never. He lost consciousness in the middle of a conversation.

Luke: Ah, conversation might be stretching it a bit. She was yapping. I was listening. Hey, maybe that's it. Maybe my ears just needed a rest.

Tracy: I'd appreciate a diagnosis right about now.

Dr. Rashi: Uh, well, Mr. Spencer's blood shows decreased albumin levels, raised AST and ALP and abnormal bilirubin values.

Luke: Abnormal bilirubin -- isn't that that pianist with 11 fingers?

Tracy: We don't speak medicalese. Would you translate?

Luke: [Sighs] I would apologize for her rudeness, Doctor, but the insults are just beginning.

Tracy: We're waiting.

Dante: That bastard -- he forced you to sleep with him? It's okay. You can tell me, Lulu. I can take it, I promise you.

Stavros: You might actually surprise yourself and enjoy this. I know I will. I promise to be gentle. Come, my dear. It is our wedding night.

Lulu: No.

Stavros: No, what?

Lulu: I'm not going anywhere or enjoying anything with you. You're disgusting!

Stavros: You don't mean that.

Lulu: Yeah, I do.

Stavros: Do you forget the consequences of denying me? Surely you want to keep your loved ones safe.

Lulu: Yeah, of course, I do. My family is my world, but they would not want me to throw away my life for theirs. They love me too much, and I am going to honor that love.

Stavros: By having them killed?

Lulu: By doing this. I'm through with this so-called marriage. My husband is Dante Falconeri. He gave me these rings on the day I became his wife. I love him. And nothing you do can change that.

Lulu: I couldn't do it. And by not sleeping with Stavros, I put all of your lives at risk -- especially my brother's.

Michael: Mom, listen --

Carly: You don't have to do this. You don't -- not here, not now, not in front of everybody.

Michael: I'm -- I'm not ashamed.

Carly: Are you sure?

Michael: Yeah. He doesn't get to have control anymore.

Carly: I love you.

Michael: I love you, too. Well, uh, this is what you wanted, right? So, let's do it. I'm ready. [Sighs] Look, uh -- most of you already know what I'm gonna say, but for those of you who don't, I'm okay. It took a while, but I've -- I've moved on. [Sighs] When I was in prison, somebody -- assaulted me.

AJ: What, you mean, like, they pulled out a knife or they came after you --

Michael: No, no. I was raped. One...

AJ: No.

Michael: His name was Carter. He was another inmate. And, at first, he was, uh -- protecting me from a guard who was giving me a hard time.

AJ: About what?

Michael: My dad. [Sighs] And then Carter demanded payment, and -- I tried to fight him off. It worked the first time, but not after that. He raped me. You know, and for a while, I-I-I couldn't even say the words, but, really, I've -- I've dealt with it, and I-I swear I'm okay.

AJ: I don't know how. I'm so sorry.

Dante: Hey, you did the right thing -- not sleeping with Stavros.

Lulu: Don't lie to me.

Dante: I'm not.

Lulu: You said that I did all that I could when you thought I kissed him.

Dante: This is a lot to absorb, okay? I'm trying to be supportive. There's a big difference between kissing someone and sleeping with them.

Lulu: I just don't want you to say what you think I want to hear.

Dante: Deal. So, what happened after you said no?

Stavros: Are you positive you don't want to reconsider?

Lulu: I've never been more positive in my life.

Stavros: Fine. Then I will be eliminating your family one by one. Let's start with -- hmm, let's see. How about your brother Nikolas?

Lulu: Nikolas? He's your son. You wouldn't do that.

Stavros: Unfortunately, you have forced my hands. Do you have a bead on Nikolas? Excellent. Kill him.

Lulu: No!

Lulu: Nikolas could have died. And it would have been my fault.

Nikolas: Spencer and I -- we had a great life in Italy, you know? But I-I just could not stop thinking about Elizabeth. My feelings for her now are as strong as they ever were.

Alexis: And, yet, you stayed away.

Nikolas: Look, I couldn't hurt Lucky any more than I already did.

Alexis: Ah, see? You're always noble and always gracious, and, by the way, you didn't get any of that from me.

Nikolas: [Chuckles]

Alexis: But you're still here. I mean, I know you came back for Lulu, and you got shot, and then you got better, but you're still here.

Nikolas: I know. I guess, uh, staring death in the face like that changes things. What I feel for her, I can't push down anymore.

Lulu: I got Nikolas shot.

Dante: Hey.

Lulu: My own brother.

Dante: Hey, your brother -- he's fine.

Lulu: Yeah, yeah. What's a gaping bullet wound, right?

Dante: You know what? The hospital stitched that up. There's nothing gaping anymore. Your brother's alive. No one was hurt that badly -- except for you. Why don't you tell me what else you remember? How did you wind up in that room -- that lab where your parents and I found you?

Lulu: What did you do to my brother?

Stavros: Same thing my mother and her guards will do to Dante, Luke, and Laura when they get here.

Lulu: They're coming to the Haunted Star?

Stavros: Don't get excited. By the time they get here, you'll be long gone.

Lulu: Where?

Stavros: Cassadine Island. I plan to reward your -- coldness with a deep freeze of my own.

Lulu: I put your life at risk, Dante -- all of your lives -- just to save myself. I don't deserve to remember any of you.

Dr. Rashi: The markers in your blood could mean any of several issues.

Luke: See, what that means is a hospital bill that I can't afford. You're playing right into their hands. He's a doctor. His whole job is to tell people something's wrong with them. Otherwise, how is he gonna get his big, fat salary?

Dr. Rashi: Well, it's nice to know that you think so highly of the medical profession.

Tracy: Could we just stop beating around the bush? What is the diagnosis?

Dr. Rashi: This is, by no means, a conclusive --

Tracy: I get it. I got it. Do you know who I am?

Luke: Oh, here we go.

Tracy: But, more importantly, do you know who my sister-in-law is? She is your boss, Monica Quartermaine, and I can make your life as miserable as she makes mine. Now, what is wrong with my friend?

Dr. Rashi: Maybe nothing. But the results seem to indicate that Mr. Spencer could be suffering from liver damage.

Alexis: Just so you know, Elizabeth was by your bedside 'round the clock. It is very clear that she cares about you.

Nikolas: But?

Alexis: But I think she's seeing AJ Quartermaine.

Nikolas: Yes, I know. And she's made her choice very clear.

Alexis: Choice? So, you told her how you feel?

Nikolas: Well, yes. Of course, I did.

Alexis: And she chose AJ? Whoa. Wow. Sorry. That must have been a little hard to handle. But at least now you know, and things are settled between the two of you.

Nikolas: No, not exactly.

AJ: I should have been here, and if I had any idea, I would have been --

Michael: Hey. It's over. It's over. Or at least I thought it was until tonight.

AJ: It never should have come to this. Somebody should have been here to protect you.

Carly: Somebody did. Jason pled no contest to charges and got himself sentenced to Pentonville, so he could be close to Michael and protect him. He was -- too late.

AJ: Oh, great. I mean, at least Jason did something, right? Too little, too late, but at least he tried! You know why he went to jail? 'Cause of whose kid he was. He was Sonny Corinthos' kid. This is on you and this is on you! You got to be kidding me. This -- this is who you chose to be Michael's father? This is who was so much better than me?!

Sam: You are not, honestly, making this about yourself right now.

Michael: Everybody just calm down, okay?

AJ: You. You took our boy through hell -- both of you. I hope you're proud of yourselves.

Sam: Hey, you want someone to blame? Blame him right there. That is the pig who put Michael through this.

AJ: So, Franco's responsible for what happened to Michael.

Sam: He paid that slime Carter and ordered him to attack Michael.

AJ: And where's that dirtbag now?

Carly: Carter's dead. Jason killed him, and before he died, he told Jason, "Franco says, 'Hello.'"

AJ: You did this?

Carly: And we have proof, right, Franco? See, he was thoughtful enough to provide us with a DVD of the meeting he had with Carter where he spelled out, in no uncertain terms, what he wanted that bastard to do to Michael.

AJ: I'm gonna kill him.

Michael: AJ!

Sam: No, wait, wait, wait!

AJ: [Grunting]

Dante: Hey, listen to me. This is not your fault. Okay, some deranged lunatic tried to make you sleep with him. I don't care what he threatened you with. You said no. That's the Lulu I know.

Lulu: I just couldn't think anymore about what he had done to Nikolas or what he was gonna do to all of you. It -- it's like everything in my mind, it just -- stopped. And Stavros dragged me into that cold place.

Dante: And that's when you lost your memory. It's over now, okay? Stavros is dead. There is nothing stopping you from reclaiming your life.

Lulu: I don't deserve to.

Dante: The hell you don't. The hell you don't, okay? When you said you wouldn't give your life up for ours, that was the right thing. You did the right thing, okay? Look at me. Baby, look at me. Standing up to Stavros -- that took guts. Okay, I wouldn't have expected anything less. I'm proud of you.

Lulu: You make me sound like a badass.

Dante: [Chuckles] You're the baddest.

Lulu: [Chuckles]

Dante: Please. Please, just let all this go. Your family's still here, and we still love you. So, come back to us, okay? Your mother --

Stavros: Your mother --

Dante: Your father --

Stavros: Your father --

Dante: Your husband --

Stavros: Your husband --

Dante: Maxie, her child --

Stavros: Even your baby --

Dante: We're all still here.

Stavros: And the woman who carries it --

Dante: So, come back to us, Lulu.

Dante: So, Lulu, do you, uh -- do you come here often?

Luke: I'm all for you being you.

Lulu: I can't believe this. That's our baby.

Lulu: Oh, just --

Lulu: Oh, my God.

Dante: What?

Lulu: I remember.

Dante: What?

Lulu: My life. Everyone. I remember you.

Dante: What do you mean? You do?

Lulu: [Laughing] I remember you. I remember everything.

Dante: You do?

Lulu: Yeah.

Dante: Well, tell me a memory. I don't care what it is. Just tell me whatever memory you remember.

Lulu: [Laughs] Uh -- do I have to bust out my Yankee's jersey?

[Both laugh]

Dante: Lulu.

Lulu: Hi. Hi.

Tracy: Liver damage. Is that from Luke's drinking?

Luke: Oh, God, you couldn't wait to get back to that, could you?

Tracy: Yes. Because talk of your corroded organs is what I live for.

Luke: How much alcohol I may or may not consume has nothing to do with this.

Dr. Rashi: And, uh, how much is that, exactly?

Luke: That and this have nothing to do with each other.

Tracy: Fact or fiction? Alcohol can cause liver damage.

Dr. Rashi: Fact.

Tracy: See?

Dr. Rashi: But so can a host of other things.

Luke: See?

Dr. Rashi: Look, I'd like to admit you, run some tests, and figure out what's going on.

Tracy: Done.

Luke: Over my dead body.

Alexis: So, what's with the "this isn't settled" talk?

Nikolas: Uh, well -- AJ did something behind Elizabeth's back -- something big that could potentially hurt her.

Alexis: That's -- vague.

Nikolas: It -- at first, I thought that she should know.

Alexis: And now you're not so sure.

Nikolas: Any advice would be welcomed, please.

Alexis: How can I give you advice if I don't have enough information?

Nikolas: Okay. [Clears throat]

AJ: Tracy, please. Don't tell Elizabeth I slept with Carly.

Tracy: Too bad. I think Elizabeth needs to know you and Carly engaged in some -- steamy hate sex.

Nikolas: Is that enough information for you?

Elizabeth: AJ, stop it. Stop. Don't do this.

AJ: He had my son raped!

Franco: Oh, you're wrong about that.

Sam: Let him go, AJ. He still hasn't told us anything about Jason.

AJ: What did you say, huh?

Franco: I said you're wrong. [Coughing] You're wrong. I realize that's not unfamiliar territory for you.

AJ: Smug son of a bitch.

Franco: [Groans]

Carly: Wrong about what? You're gonna say now that you weren't behind the rape, you lying piece of garbage?

Franco: No, I-I didn't lie.

Carly: Jason saw the DVD.

Franco: No, Jason saw what I wanted him to see. There's more to it. There's a whole other recording. I -- I want you all to see it. I want you to know the truth. You all thought I was being disingenuous before when I said that I hadn't raped Sam, but the video proved it.

Carly: No, you just made her think you did.

Franco: Will you just watch the footage? My entire conversation with Carter's there, start to finish.

Sonny: I don't want you plastering that guy's face on the screen.

Michael: Dad, it's okay.

Sonny: No, it's not okay. I don't want -- you should never have to lay eyes on that lowlife again.

Michael: I can handle it.

Carly: Hey. It's his call.

Sonny: You all right with this?

Michael: Yeah.

Sonny: You sure?

Michael: Yeah. [Sighs]

Franco: Thank you, Michael.

Franco: I'm gonna make a little movie of our chat.

Carter: Always wanted to be a star.

Franco: [Chuckles]

Carter: You ready? So, what do you want me to do to this kid, Michael Corinthos? Michael seems like a nice enough kid. What did he ever do to you?

Franco: Michael is a means to an end, as are you. You don't need to tax your mental capabilities contemplating my motivations. You just need to do as you're told. Do you think you can do that?

Carter: You're the guy with the checkbook. Care how I go about it?

Franco: Yes. You must surprise yourself. You must be creative.

Carter: I can do that.

Franco: And you must mention my name to Jason when he comes after you, because he will.

Carter: Good. What do you want me to say?

Franco: You tell him Franco said "Hi."

Franco: Okay. Here -- here's the part that Jason didn't see.

Carter: Okay. I got it.

Franco: No, you don't -- you don't got it. You don't got it. You don't got anything, Carter. You don't got it. [Clears throat]

Carter: You just told me to do a number on this kid.

Franco: And that was solely for my brother's benefit. I'm making this film so that I can torture Jason. The goal is for Jason -- never Michael. Never Michael. Do you understand? Say it. Say you understand. Say, "I understand."

Carter: I understand.

Franco: You don't touch Michael. In fact, just the opposite. You do everything you can to protect Michael.

Carter: Okay.

Franco: Okay. Okay, what?

Carter: I'll do it.

Lulu: [Chuckles]

Dante: Oh, you really are back. I can tell from that kiss.

Lulu: It was pretty good, right? Better than our first.

Dante: You remember?

Lulu: I remember everything. I remember our first kiss and our first fight and our first date at the opera. And I-I remember Maxie and our baby.


Lulu: We're having a baby. We're gonna be parents -- you and me.

Dante: You know, I missed you so much. It was really starting to hurt.

Lulu: I missed you, too. I didn't even know it. It was -- it was like there was this emptiness that I was carrying around with me like I'd lost something, but -- besides my memory -- but it was you.

Dante: Now that you're here, I can tell you that I was really scared that, uh -- well, that we might never -- never have this again.

Lulu: Who do you think that you married, hmm? When have you ever known me to give up on anything?

Dante: Never. Never. Especially not when we're fighting.

Lulu: And especially not on us. [Sighs] I found my way back.

Dante: You sure did.

Lulu: I couldn't have done it without you. [Chuckles]

Dante: All right. Come here.

Luke: Well, it's been a blast, but I have places to go.

Tracy: Wait, wait. Stop. You have not been discharged.

Luke: I'm gonna do the whole against-medical-advice thing.

Dr. Rashi: I wouldn't recommend that.

Luke: I didn't think you would.

Tracy: Would you excuse us, please? That's actually not a question. You don't want to witness this. Get back in the damn bed.

Luke: I am leaving this bacteria bedlam before the germs have a chance to nest.

Tracy: What was that you said before? Oh, yeah, right. Over my dead body.

Alexis: Carly? Carly slept with AJ?

Nikolas: Apparently.

Alexis: Mm. And she just told you that out of the goodness of her own heart?

Nikolas: Nah. More like out of greed and a burning desire to destroy anything AJ. Tracy needed money, and she offered this up in exchange.

Alexis: And your first impulse was to tell Elizabeth.

Nikolas: Well, yeah. Of course. And just as I was about to fill her in on the details, we got interrupted. Come on. You're a wise and experienced woman.

Alexis: Thank you.

Nikolas: Tell me what to do. If you were her, would you want to know?

Franco: I never, ever intended for you to be hurt.

Michael: Just Jason, right?

Franco: Of course, Jason. I was trying to -- I was trying to mess with Jason. The only way I could think to get to him was through you. Jason loved you more than anyone else in this world. I wanted him to think that I painted a target on your back, but I didn't paint a target on your back. The video proves it.

Spinelli: Yeah, we'll -- we'll see.

Carly: So, what? I don't give a damn if that tape is legit.

Michael: Mom.

Carly: No. So, what? So, you didn't sic that monster on my son. He still raped him. How the hell do you explain that?!

Franco: How can I explain something like that?

Carly: That's all you got? You can't explain it? Nothing?

Franco: No. Who can explain something like that? I thought -- I thought I could control Carter, but I was wrong. I made a mistake. I thought that Carter was gonna protect him, and, instead, it turns out that he was a sexual predator. I was as horrified as you were when I found out what happened.

Carly: I doubt that.

Franco: Michael -- I made a mistake. And it changed your life forever, and for that, I am truly sorry.

Elizabeth: AJ, I'm so sorry.

AJ: I just couldn't help him.

Franco: I hope you can accept my apology, Michael -- if not tonight, then at some point in the future.

Michael: You said that Jason loved me more than anybody in the world. I felt the exact same way about him.

Franco: Of course. You two had a special bond.

Michael: He was like a father to me for the first year of my life and, in his own way, every year after that. He was the best friend that I ever had. He respected me. He trusted me. He protected me from people like you.

Franco: I understand.

Michael: No, you don't understand. I only got through the rape because of Jason. He taught me how to be a man. He didn't judge. He didn't push. He just listened. How you two could be related absolutely blows my mind, let alone be twins.

Franco: Blows my mind, too.

Michael: So, don't just sit there and say, "I only meant to hurt Jason, not you." No, screw you!

Carly: See, it doesn't matter what you meant to do, because all of this happened because of you. You pointed that pervert in Michael's direction. You planted the idea in his head. Hey! You did!

Franco: It is not important to me what you think. It is important to me what you think.

Carly: Stop! Shut up! We don't want to hear your apologies or see your stupid movies anymore!

Franco: Michael --

Carly: We don't! It means crap to me!

Franco: I would never do anything, I would never arrange for you to be harmed. If you believe anything that I've said tonight -- you need to believe that.

Tracy: Luke, you heard the doctor. He wants to run more tests.

Luke: Come on, Tracy. Look at me. I'm vertical. I'm conscious.

Tracy: Wow. What a feat.

Luke: And I want to go home.

Tracy: And I want you in that bed. Come on. Do it for me.

Luke: You're gonna resort to emotional blackmail?

Tracy: Yeah. If that's what it takes. You know, before you hit the deck, you offered me a rare apology. You told me how much you cared about me. You said you were sorry, and you said you didn't want to lose me.

Luke: All true.

Tracy: So, put your money where your mouth is and agree to be admitted. I don't want to lose you, either, Luke.

Alexis: Doesn't really matter what I think.

Nikolas: Oh, I knew you were gonna say that.

Alexis: It matters what you want and what you expect from Elizabeth.

Nikolas: [Sighs] Are you questioning my motives?

Alexis: Well, what are your motives? Are you trying to keep her from being hurt by AJ, or do you want to break them up so she'll go running to your arms?

Nikolas: Maybe a little of both.

Alexis: Oh, well, all right. How do you think she's gonna react?

Nikolas: I don't know.

Alexis: There are only two options. Either she's gonna be happy that you told her the truth and run into your arms --

Nikolas: Option number two?

Alexis: She's gonna shoot the messenger. And the last thing you need is another bullet in you.

Nikolas: Thanks.

Sonny: Are you finished here?

Carly: Yeah. He's all yours.

Sonny: You want us to watch any more shows?

Franco: No. I'm really sad to say it's all over.

Sonny: Yeah, good. Now, we've done everything you wanted. Now it's your turn to do what we want. The way I see it, the only thing between you and a bullet -- is Jason. You said you had information. Cough it up.

Sam: No more games. No more runaround. Is my husband alive?

Franco: [Sighs] Jason was a lucky guy. So many people in this world loved him.

Sam: Loved.

Franco: And I just -- I wanted to ask your forgiveness. I wanted to bring peace to the people in the world that -- that meant the most to him -- his friends, his family.

[Gun cocks]

Sonny: I'm not hearing any information.

Franco: And I knew that you wouldn't show up for me. But if I told you that it was something about Jason --

Carly: You lied.

Franco: I-I don't know anything more about my brother than you do.

Carly: What the hell is wrong with you?

Sam: You evil son of a bitch.

Franco: I'm sorry.

Carly: So you keep saying.

Franco: Well, because I am.

Sonny: Okay. That settles that, right? This is for Jason.

Franco: Fine. You know what? Go. I made my peace with you.

Sonny: You ready?

Sam: No! You know what? No, Sonny. No.

Sonny: Move.

Sam: Give me the gun.

Sonny: Move out of the way.

Sam: Give me the gun! Let me do it!

Sonny: You want to do it?

Sam: Give me the gun.

Sonny: Go.

[Sam points the gun at Franco]

Lulu: [Sighs] That was better than I remembered. [Chuckles]

Dante: Oh, you're telling me. I mean, the other times were good, right? Those other memories were still pretty good.

Lulu: How did I ever look at you and not remember you?

Dante: I don't know.

Lulu: I love you so much.

Dante: I love you, too. Welcome home, Lulu.

Lulu: Is it okay if I never leave?

Dante: Yeah. That's completely fine with me.

Luke: All right. You are playing dirty.

Tracy: Does that mean you'll stay?

Luke: I'll stay for you -- only for you.

Tracy: Thank you.

Luke: And I'm only staying 24 hours.

Tracy: Deal. I'm gonna go find the doctor and tell him how grateful you are that he's gonna find out what's wrong with you.

Luke: I'm not grateful. There's nothing wrong with me! And I want a private room!

Alexis: You're the one who asked me for my opinion.

Nikolas: I'm currently rethinking that.

Alexis: [Chuckles] I just want you to be happy.

Nikolas: I know, and I love you for it.

Alexis: And I love you back. Mm. I have to go, because I have an early meeting.

Nikolas: Okay.

Alexis: I feel like I left you with more questions than answers.

Nikolas: No, it's -- it's for me to figure out, not you.

Alexis: All right. Well, good luck with whatever you decide.

Nikolas: Thank you.

Alexis: [Smooches]

Nikolas: [Clears throat]

Sam: Look around. Look around! You have caused these people nothing but pain and suffering. But at least they know the truth now. You know who will never know the truth? Jason. He left this world haunted. Everything inside of me wants to pull this trigger. But I can't, because my son will grow up knowing his mother. You know who he will never lay eyes on? You. Your torturing days are over. Enjoy prison. Maybe you'll even find a Carter of your own. A girl can dream.

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