GH Transcript Wednesday 5/29/13

General Hospital Transcript Wednesday 5/29/13


Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By

AJ: The gang's all here, everyone who mattered to Jason.

Sonny: Everybody but you, AJ.

AJ: I take it our host hasn't made his or her presence known yet.

Sam: Guys, it's 8:00 now.

[Thunder crashing]

Sonny: Here we go.

Spinelli: Maxie!

Maxie: I'm here.

Michael: Mom, you okay?

Sam: What the hell is going on?

Sonny: It's okay. I'm right here. What the hell is going on?!

Sam: Oh, my God.

Carly: It's you.

Sam: Franco?

Dante: Lulu, what is it? What did you remember?

Lulu: The wedding. My wedding.

Dante: Our wedding in New York.

Lulu: No. My wedding to Stavros on the Haunted Star.

Dante: What is -- what are you talking about? You married Stavros?

[Thunder crashes]

Tracy: So Ava is in the process of getting Lauren to pledge her allegiance to me, and it's all thanks to you, Luke. Luke? What happened? Luke, if this is a joke, it's not funny. Can you hear me? Talk to me. Luke!

Kiki: Okay, well, what is it? What -- what's so serious? Should I be worried?

Ava: It's nothing scary. I promise. It's just something that I needed to speak with you about privately. It's about who you really are.

Kiki: That doesn't sound dramatic or anything. Who I really am? Mom?

Ava: I'm sorry. I'm -- I'm really just trying to figure out a way to start here.

Kiki: Well, God, don't tell me I'm adopted. Oh, my God, am I adopted?

Ava: No! God, no! No, no. I'm your mother, your only mother. I always will be.

Kiki: Okay.

Ava: This isn't about me, Kiki. It's about your father.

Elizabeth: Franco.

AJ: Jason's twin.

Carly: No. Jason killed you.

Franco: Well, that was definitely the plan. Multiple shots to the chest, burned down an entire warehouse to destroy the evidence. Jason... Jason was very thorough. But not thorough enough. Because, as you can see, he didn't kill me.

Sonny: How 'bout if I do it?

Franco: Hello, Sonny. Nice to see you.

Elizabeth: Sonny, don't. We have to let the police handle --

Carly: No, we don't. Shoot him. End his miserable life.

Franco: Doesn't anybody besides Elizabeth object? No one? None of you? Fine. I object. Sonny, please don't shoot me.

Sonny: Give me a good reason why not.

Franco: Isn't Jason enough? Jason, my twin... my other who was my brother. Okay. Let me put it to you this way. I cheated death. Maybe Jason did, too.

Tracy: Monica! Monica! Oh! The one time her presence would be useful.

[Telephone beeps]

Tracy: I've called 911. Just hang on. Hang on. Can you hear me? Don't you die on me. I'll never forgive you. Uh, this is Tracy Quartermaine. I need an ambulance. My friend has collapsed. 66 Harbor View Road. Please hurry. I'll make sure the gate is open.

[Telephone beeps]

Tracy: Hang in there, Luke.

Dante: Look, I know this is difficult, but you got to walk me through this. You married Stavros. You're sure?

Lulu: I remember.

Stavros: Lulu. Lesley Lu.

Lulu: What?

Stavros: She asked you a question.

Helena: I thought you had more of Luke in you, but you're proving to be as vapid as your mother. Pay attention.

Lulu: I'm sorry. Could you repeat the question?

Helena: Ah, there's that Spencer mouth. Stavros will cure you of that in no time at all. Now... answer me. Do you take my beloved son... to be your husband, to have and to hold from this day forward... For better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health... to love and to cherish... till death do you part?

Lulu: I do. I said the words, Dante. I became his wife.

Dante: When we found you on that island, you woke up, and you asked for your husband.

Lulu: Stavros.

Dante: I thought you were confused.

Lulu: It was real. I married him. I'm so sorry.

Dante: Lulu, there was nothing you could do. Stavros and Helena, they forced you to marry Stavros.

Lulu: Except they didn't.

Kiki: My father? What about him?

Ava: It's time you knew his story.

Kiki: Now? Now you want to talk about him?

Ava: I know. I know I've been reluctant to say much about this in the past.

Kiki: That's an understatement! My whole life I've begged you to tell me anything about my dad -- what he looked like, sounded like, how you guys even met. All I got was his name was Robert, he was not a good guy, and he died before I was born, every single time.

Ava: I lied.

Kiki: About what? About his name being Robert, he is actually a good guy, or that he's not actually... Are you saying that my father is alive?

Michael: What do you know about Jason?

Franco: I would love to tell you what I know. And I will. Really. Provided Elizabeth abstains from alerting the authorities. This is such an intimate moment. We don't want to ruin it with a bunch of outsiders.

Carly: You're lying.

Franco: I could see why you would say that.

Carly: We know what happened to Jason. It was awful. He was shot in the back by Faison and dumped in the harbor. You weren't here.

Franco: Well, I could have been. It's not like any of you would know. It's not like any of you bothered to look for me.

Carly: You're bluffing. You have no idea what happened to Jason.

Franco: Well, you're not gonna find out if you let Sonny shoot me.

Sam: Sonny, Sonny, put the gun away.

Sonny: Sam, I'm gonna shoot this. Look at him.

Sam: Listen, I-I will help you kill him personally myself. I promise. But what if, Sonny -- what if he knows something about Jason and he dies?

Franco: That's a good point. That's an astute point.

Sam: Come on, this is Jason we're talking about. Please. Please, Sonny.

Sonny: You got five minutes.

Franco: Only five minutes?

Sam: Is my husband alive? Come on! Tell the truth, you son of a bitch!

Franco: Oh, I will. And not just about Jason. We have so much to discuss.

Sam: Well, if it doesn't have to do with Jason, we are not interested.

Franco: Trust me, you will be.

Carly: Just tell us what you know, you freak.

Franco: Hurtful. That's how you see me? You think I'm a freak?

Elizabeth: Guess you bring out the ugly in people.

Franco: Not in you. You're hot. Seriously, look at her. She's gorgeous.

AJ: Shut your mouth right now.

Franco: Wow! Oh, come on, people. Look, it's a party, okay? It's okay to crack a smile. [Chuckles] How 'bout you? You got a smile for your old friend, Maxie? Oh, you're right. My bad. We were more than just friends, weren't we?

Maxie: You were the worst mistake of my life.

Franco: Ouch.

Maxie: Yeah, well, I thought you were a famous artist, not a psycho.

Franco: [Gasps] You only slept with me, so you could drop my name?

Maxie: [Scoffs] Revolting, as usual.

Franco: And you -- not so usual. Wow. When did you let yourself go?

Maxie: I am pregnant, not fat!

Franco: Get out! No, I mean, not seriously. Don't seriously get out, 'cause I want you to stay, but wow! Congratulations. Congratulations.

Spinelli: Uh, I'm -- I'm not the -- I'm not the father, nor is Maxie the mother.

Franco: Oh. So, what, there's like a North Star and three really wise men and...

Spinelli: She's serving as a life vessel for her friend. She's carrying Dante and Lulu's baby.

Franco: [Gasps] Wow. How magnificent. Cool. Yeah. I'll have to congratulate Lulu... if she ever reappears.

Dante: Hey, you're being way too hard on yourself. Okay, they were holding you hostage, at gunpoint, in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. You had no choice but to marry Stavros.

Lulu: No, I did have a choice. He gave me a choice.

Helena: Come, Lulu. Your fiancé awaits.

Lulu: What the hell is this?

Helena: What does it look like?

Lulu: You can't be serious.

Helena: I'm not one for joking around.

Lulu: You're gonna force me to marry him at gunpoint?

Stavros: If you marry me, it will be of your own free will.

Lulu: [Grunts] Well, then we're gonna need to call this off right now.

Stavros: As you... wish. You may return to your room.

Lulu: That's it? We're done?

Stavros: See to her family.

Helena: Right away.

Lulu: See to what about my family?

Stavros: Their deaths, of course.

Lulu: What? You can't do that.

Helena: Ah, but we can. Your beloveds are being watched by my agents as we speak. One simple phone call -- they'll all be killed.

Stavros: Your mother, your father... your husband. Even your baby and the woman who carries it.

Lulu: I don't understand. I thought you loved my mother.

Stavros: I love you more. And I will do anything to have you.

Lulu: But if I change my mind and I go through with the wedding?

Stavros: Then your family remains safe... from the Cassadines, at least. The choice is yours. Accept my ring, take your place as my wife, or return to your room, and those you say you love -- leave them to die.

Lulu: I said yes. I chose to marry Stavros. I chose to marry him to protect you and to keep the rest of my family safe.

EMT: Can you tell us what happened?

Tracy: Um... one minute, he was fine, and the next minute, he was on the floor.

EMT: Had he been complaining of any pain?

Tracy: No, not to me. Well, he did clutch his side at one point. Do you see anything wrong?

EMT: Alcohol. Was this his?

Tracy: Yeah.

EMT: Any ideas how much he had to drink?

Tracy: Well, he had one while he was here. I don't know what he had before he got here.

Luke: [Groaning]

EMT: Hang in there. We're out of here.

Tracy: Bourbon is not the problem. It's something other than that. He's got a hollow leg.

EMT: We'll find out at the hospital. Let's go.

Kiki: Mom, are you saying that my father's alive?

Ava: No. I mean, as far as I know, he's dead.

Kiki: As far as you know? As if there could be some confusion. He's either breathing or he's not breathing.

Ava: They never recovered his body. He died in a fire.

Kiki: What aren't you telling me?

Ava: It only happened recently... his death, uh... just a little over a year ago.

Kiki: This whole time? My whole life, my father's been alive?

Ava: Yeah.

Kiki: Why would you lie to me about something like that?!

Ava: I was trying to protect you.

Kiki: From him?

Ava: Everything else I said was true. Robert wasn't a good man. He was unstable. Dangerous. I did what I had to do to keep you away from him.

Kiki: Did he even know about me?

Ava: Yes. But I wouldn't let him see you. It's what I had to do to keep you safe.

Kiki: Why? What was so bad about him? Was he a drug dealer or something?

Ava: No. Sweetheart, your... your father was a famous artist. His name was Franco.

Franco: Well, I'm happy for Lulu. Despite her disappearing act, I'm happy for her. I'm happy for her news. Hey, I call Diaper Genie, all right? When it comes to the shower, none of you get her a Diaper Genie, 'cause I'm getting her a Diaper Genie. Parents love a good Diaper Genie. I just love babies.

Elizabeth: Yeah, you love them so much, you stole my son from the hospital and gave him to your crazy mother.

Franco: My mother is not crazy. She is eccentric. And, really, who isn't? You want to be angry at somebody, you should be angry at me.

Elizabeth: Anger doesn't even begin to describe it.

Franco: Okay, look, I've made mistakes. I've never denied making mistakes. In fact, that's why you're all here, so that I can apologize to you. I caused you a particular kind of misery when I kept your child from you. Believe it or not, I know exactly what that feels like, because the same thing was done to me.

Maxie: You expect us to believe that somebody had a kid with you? Really?

Franco: Come on, Carly, you care to weigh in? You're the one that spilled the beans about Lauren.

Carly: It was a throwaway comment at a Christmas-tree lot. You never said not to say anything, and besides, I don't give a damn.

Franco: Well, I know you don't give a damn about me, but my daughter? I mean, you had to have known what was gonna happen. You had to have known that my money-grubbing relatives were gonna come out of the woodwork and try to manipulate Lauren into doing their bidding.

Carly: So is that what this is about, this stupid party -- payback, because I spilled the beans about your daughter?

Franco: So disappointed in you for throwing in with my blockhead half-brother.

AJ: Hey, psycho, you're nothing to me.

Franco: Okay. Poor AJ. He doesn't understand the concept of DNA. Okay. Alan. You and I are both Alan's sons. That means that we're the same, you and I. We are both Quartermaines. And so is my daughter.

Ava: Have you ever heard of Franco?

Kiki: I did hear about a museum in Los Angeles where a performance-art piece got out of control and someone died.

Ava: A man jumped from the roof of MOCA. It appeared to be a murder, but it turned out to be a suicide. It was always like that with Franco. Puzzles. Games. Like a maze folding back in on itself. Nothing was ever as it seemed.

Kiki: Then why were you with him?

Ava: He was so talented. He was so charming. Incredibly mysterious. But he was also very troubled. Underneath that unique exterior, there was something very, very wrong. They -- they say that he killed people.

Kiki: Oh. Okay, so my father was a murderer.

Ava: You see why I didn't want to tell you. Because what if, God forbid, you got it in your beautiful head that you were like him. I could not burden you with that!

Kiki: I get it. What I don't understand is why you've decided to tell me right now.

Ava: Something came to light recently.

Kiki: About Franco.

Ava: And after a lot of consideration, I decided that I could not keep it from you.

Kiki: Okay. So what is it?

Ava: You and Franco have something else in common besides your genes. You both grew up not knowing who your father was. But now you know. And now I know who Franco's father was, too.

Kiki: What does that have to do with anything?

Ava: They're from here... Port Charles. It's a family called the Quartermaines.

EMT: Male found unconscious at the scene. BP -- 84/48. Pulse -- 66. Respirations -- 22.

Dr. Rashi: Are you his wife?

Tracy: Uh, ex-wife.

Dr. Rashi: Is he on any medications? Does he have any medical issues that we should be aware of?

Tracy: A, uh, heart attack. Um, he had a... quadruple bypass.

Dr. Rashi: When was this?

Tracy: Oh, it was '08. '08.

Dr. Rashi: Anything else?

Tracy: Uh, he doesn't take pills, so I don't think it's medication. He smokes the occasional cigar. He's been shot 12 times, but so far he's been invincible.

Luke: [Groans]

Dr. Rashi: Mr. Spencer? My name is Dr. Rashi. You're at General Hospital.

Luke: [Weakly] Tracy...

Tracy: I'm right here.

Luke: What happened?

Tracy: Well... we're not quite sure. We're gonna find out. And you scare me again like this, I'm gonna kill you.

Luke: [Groans]

Dante: You did the right thing. The only thing. If the Cassadines threatened to kill your family, they would have done that.

Lulu: I wish I knew you better.

Dante: Why?

Lulu: Then I'd know if you were just saying that.

Dante: I'm not. Lulu, from where I'm sitting, you're a hero. Your mom, your dad, me, our child... we owe you our lives. Hey, that marriage wasn't legal. You're already married to me. And you were blackmailed into it, so no feeling guilt or ashamed, okay? We just -- we move on from this.

Lulu: No, you don't understand.

Dante: Yes, I do.

Lulu: No, you don't.

Dante: Okay, then make me understand. Make me understand. Stop. Make me understand. I know -- I know I'm a virtual stranger to you, but you can trust me. Okay, you can tell me anything.

Lulu: It's not just that I married Stavros. There's more to it than that.

Franco: So, AJ, have you or our aunt made any progress in finding my daughter? Because, I've been --

Sam: You know, this is enough. Nobody cares about your reunion with your daughter.

Franco: You are so hostile.

Carly: What do you know about Jason?!

Sonny: Clock's ticking.

Sam: Come on, it kills me to ask you for anything. I hope you understand that. But please, if you know anything about Jason, anything at all.

Franco: Sam, you have waited this long --

Sam: You are a bastard! You know what? I'm not playing these mind games. That's what this is, a mind game.

Franco: I think you can wait a few more minutes. And believe me. You're gonna want to hear what I have to say.

Sam: Really? What could be more important than what you did to Jason?

Franco: What I did to you. I've done a great deal of harm to a great number of people. Isn't that right, Sam?

Spinelli: Leave her alone, you freak. Haven't you done enough?!

Franco: So... things got a little out of hand on your honeymoon.

Sam: You mean when you raped me?

Franco: Is that what I did?

Carly: You got another word for it?

Franco: Well, the way I remember it, you were passed out in the shower.

Sam: That's because you drugged me.

Franco: True dat. But you were out cold.

Sam: So?!

Franco: So? How can you possibly remember what really happened in that room?

Kiki: And how did you find this out?

Ava: A man who works for your Great Aunt Tracy paid me a visit in New York. He's the one who told me who Franco actually was and that his grandfather, your great grandfather, Edward Quartermaine, passed away last year.

Kiki: I don't mean to be insensitive, but we never even met him. Why should we care?

Ava: The Quartermaines know you. Or of you. They recently learned that you were Franco's daughter and that you are entitled to an inheritance.

Kiki: This Edward guy left me something, even though we had never met?

Ava: His will was very clear. All grandchildren, all great grandchildren, they'll all be allotted shares of his company.

Kiki: What company?

Ava: It's called ELQ. And it's big, baby. Real big. Do you understand what this means? You're rich.

Kiki: How rich?

Ava: Stinkin'. All you have to do... is sign this.

Dr. Rashi: Can you describe what happened before you lost consciousness?

Luke: Uh... well... Tracy was yammering on about ELQ. And next thing I know, I'm here.

Dr. Rashi: Your chart indicates that you were drinking alcohol prior to collapsing.

Luke: Oh, does it?

Dr. Rashi: How much did you have to drink?

Luke: Why don't you ask the chart?

Tracy: Don't you turn this around on me. You could have been dying, for all I knew. I had to tell the paramedics everything.

Luke: Well... I had... one drink on an empty stomach. That's probably what it is. So let's just... mystery solved. Can I go?

Dr. Rashi: No labs, no discharge. Sit tight. We'll check back soon.

Luke: [Sighs] What are you doing?

Tracy: Calling Lulu.

Luke: No, you're not.

Lulu: I didn't think that it could get any worse. But the wedding was... it was just the beginning.

Helena: I now pronounce you... husband and wife. Well, go ahead, Stavros. Kiss your bride.

Stavros: Going back on your decision so soon?

Lulu: I married you, didn't I?

Stavros: And now you act as my wife. Or your family pays the price.

Helena: One simple phone call.

Lulu: Fine.

Stavros: That's my good princess.

Lulu: [Gasps]

Stavros: And make me believe it.

Dante: I'm so sorry. The thought of -- the thought of that monster and you... okay, look. Look, you did what you had to do. Okay? You humored Stavros. Okay, you gave him one stupid kiss. That doesn't mean anything.

Lulu: It wasn't just one kiss.

Sonny: You know what you did to Sam, you son of a bitch. Stop playing games.

Franco: Games are the one thing in this world that I'm good at. I love games. [Chuckles] Favorite person in the world to play games with is my brother. Not you. The golden one. Jason. So many people in this world wanted your love, and only a precious few ever received it. Sadly, I was never one of them.

Carly: That's all that mattered to you, right? Getting Jason to notice you. Well, congratulations. You raped his wife. I think he noticed.

Franco: Is that really what you believe happened?

Sam: I mean, I... I wasn't -- I wasn't sure. I mean, at first I tried to... I tried to forget about it, and then I got pregnant, and everything that didn't matter suddenly mattered to me a lot. Um... someone told me that's what you did, so of course --

Franco: Right. Heather Webber. Wow, she's been a busy bee. I'm surprised she even found the time to switch the DNA results. I mean, hey, how is d-- I'm sorry. Not Daniel. Danny.

Michael: Say his name again and see what happens.

AJ: Michael, come on.

Carly: Danny is Jason's. Not yours. So I guess there is a God.

Franco: Come on, it's a mixed blessing, right? I mean, I'm really... it's great you fathered a child with your husband. But you're still plagued with the same unanswered question.

Sam: This is my life that you're talking about!

Franco: Yes.

Sam: Please! Why are you standing there and acting like this is nothing?!

Franco: No human life is ever nothing.

Sam: Well, then prove it! Tell me what happened in Hawaii!

Franco: Well, I could. But wouldn't it be so much more interesting... if we watched the recording?

Sam: Oh.

Elizabeth: There's a recording?

AJ: God, I hope not.

Maxie: You made a rape tape? What the hell's wrong with you?

Sam: There were cameras set up where Jason and I spent our honeymoon. Even in the bedroom. He forced Jason to watch.

Franco: No. I just wanted Jason to watch long enough that he could assume what happened next. But there was another tape. Here, you know what? Why don't we watch? Why don't we just remove all doubt?

Sonny: Hey, you know what? You think you got -- when you got caught in that fire, you felt pain? I'm gonna hurt you now, Franco.

Franco: Sonny, you can't hurt me more than I --

Sam: No, no, Sonny!

Sonny: That tape does not see the light of day. You destroy it.

Sam: I have to see this! Please! Please.

Franco: [Clears throat] [Sighs]

Dante: Hey, you can tell me anything if you want.

Helena: Well, welcome to the family, Lulu. And do try to be a better wife to my son than your ungrateful mother was. Well... shall we hug? Congratulations, my darling.

Stavros: Thank you, Mother.

Helena: I would imagine that you want to continue your wedding night in peace.

Stavros: Mm... we would.

Helena: The stateroom is ready for you and your bride... I hope to your satisfaction.

Stavros: I'm sure it's perfect... just like my Lulu.

Helena: Well, enjoy yourselves.

Stavros: We will.

Lulu: I couldn't believe it was actually happening. But it was. He wanted...

Dante: He wanted what?

Lulu: Stavros wanted me to consummate the marriage.

Luke: Do not call Lulu.

Tracy: She's your daughter, Luke. She needs to know you're in the hospital. You need your family around you.

Luke: I have my family right here. I don't want you to bother her with this.

Tracy: I'm protecting myself! She will kill me if she finds out I didn't let her know.

Luke: She'd have to remember you to kill you. And me too. No. I mean, even if she was her old self, I wouldn't want to involve her in any of this.

Tracy: How can you be so casual?

Luke: Well, look, Spanky, I hate to break it to you, but I am not the most spring-like of chickens. This is just natural wear and tear. That's all.

Tracy: That's all?

Luke: That's it. I mean, I chalk it up to a life well lived. [Sighs] Let's talk about what we were talking about. You tell me about, um... your imminent victory over AJ. And this deal you've made with Ava Jerome. Ava Jerome?

Tracy: Yeah, that must have been when I was yammering on about my family business.

Luke: Oh, yeah. That was that. Uh-huh. Well, I'll bet you that Ava's getting her daughter to sign on the dotted line right now, which is gonna make you undisputed master of ELQ. [Chuckles]

Kiki: What is this, exactly?

Ava: It's just your run-of-the-mill bureaucracy mumbo jumbo. You know, for the lawyers.

Kiki: Wouldn't a lawyer want to be here to witness?

Ava: It's really not that involved. You don't even have to read it.

Kiki: I'd like to know what I'm signing.

Ava: And I just told you it's for the legal team. Just do it, sweetie.

Kiki: Hey, well, hold on. It's not exactly reading like a will. It's talking about me signing over my shares.

Ava: No, no. The shares will always be yours.

Kiki: Wait, except in this case I would be letting this Tracy person...

Ava: Your great aunt.

Kiki: ...Use my votes? What are you getting me involved in?!

Ava: Nothing! This is about getting what you're owed. All you have to do is sign.

Kiki: Why is there a rush?

Ava: There's no rush.

Kiki: There's not? Okay, well, then you won't mind me taking this to someone, so that they can look it over really quickly.

Ava: That is a complete waste of time.

Kiki: Why is that?

Ava: Just sign the papers!

Kiki: And if I don't?!

Ava: Then I don't get the money!

Sam: This was supposed to put that nightmare to rest, and that tells me nothing.

Franco: Because it's not finished.

Sam: There's more?

Franco: After I obscured the camera's view, I switched Jason's feed to some pretaped footage.

Sam: The toy monkey?

Franco: Yes. Jason never saw what really happened. But it's all right here.

Sam: Play it.

Franco: Okay. Please... this is a small token of my penance. Cue toy-monkey playback. I don't mean to hurt you. Just trying to hurt Jason, because he rejected me. You're safe, you know. Not gonna touch you. But Jason will always wonder if I have. I'm so sorry. I didn't rape you. But I am so sorry that I let you think that I had.

Sonny: How do we know it's legit?

Franco: You don't believe me?

Sonny: Not as far as I can throw you, you freak.

Franco: I would be happy to provide you with corroborating footage if that's something you'd like.

Spinelli: I'll take you up on that.

Franco: No problem. That video was not edited or altered in any way. What you saw happening is what happened, Sam. I never forced myself on you.

Carly: Maybe. Maybe you didn't attack Sam the way you led Jason to believe, but that doesn't change what you did to my son.

Kiki: Money?! What, are you on the verge of a windfall or something?

Ava: Tracy Quartermaine offered me a deal. Your signature for a lump sum.

Kiki: Why?

Ava: She's in a fight with her nephew for control of the family company. She needs your votes to break the deadlock.

Kiki: So she just said that she would buy them? Hmm. Was that her idea or yours?

Ava: Kiki...

Kiki: Unbelievable. Unbelievable. So this whole confession about -- about my psycho father and my brand-new family -- that was all to set me up so you could use me as your personal little ATM machine?

Ava: You make it sound as if I'm stealing from you.

Kiki: Well, aren't you?!

Ava: No!

Kiki: No. Okay, well, then tell me this. How long have you known that I've been related to the Quartermaines? Long enough for you to -- for you to realize that it would benefit you, right? Long enough to go to Tracy to sell me out.

Ava: It's not as ugly as you're making it sound. I get some money to tide me over, Tracy regains her rightful position as CEO, and you...

Kiki: How do you even know that it's rightful?

Ava: ...You get to keep your stock and whatever else your inheritance entails. Everybody wins!

Kiki: Except you! You lose me.

Ava: Kiki! Honey! Don't!

Luke: Why aren't you "Zip-a-dee-doo-dah"-ing all over the place?

Tracy: I have never "Zip-a-dee-doo-dah"-ed in my life.

Luke: Well, maybe you should try it, Brer Rabbit. I'll bet you Ava is getting her daughter to sign on the dotted line as we speak, cementing you as CEO.

Tracy: You think?

Luke: She strikes me as a very proficient manipulator.

Tracy: She doesn't even have to be proficient. It's one measly signature. How hard can it be?

Luke: Well, good? Everything all right? I can go?

Tracy: What he's trying to say is, did you get the lab results back? Is there something wrong with my friend?

Dante: How did you respond?

Lulu: I told him no chance in hell. How do you think I responded?

Dante: And then?

Lulu: He said, fine. He said that it was my choice... but that if I made it that... I left him without one. He was gonna come after you, Dante. He was gonna come after you and my parents and our baby. So I did it. I agreed.

AJ: Will somebody tell me what any of this has to do with Michael? Son, you can tell me. Will somebody say something? Please! Damn it, Carly, you tell me what the hell Franco did to our son.

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