GH Transcript Tuesday 5/28/13

General Hospital Transcript Tuesday 5/28/13


Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By

[Thunder crashes]

Franco: Storm's coming. Perfect.

[Door creaks]

Carly: Michael?

Michael: Hey.

Carly: What are you doing here?

Michael: Look, I, uh -- I know I said I'd keep an eye on Morgan and Kiki, but, uh... something really important came up.

Morgan: [Sighs] I think I need another shower.

Kiki: I want a rain check.

Morgan: All right. [Chuckles]

Kiki: Okay.

Morgan: [Groans]

[Knock on door]

Kiki: Coming! [Gasps] Mom! What are you doing here?

Ava: I-is this a bad time?

Kiki: What are you doing in Port Charles?

Ava: I have some important business to attend to.

Tracy: Yeah. It's as good as done. Her mother is gonna see to it even as we speak. Ned, I have to call you back.

Luke: How's things with your firstborn?

Tracy: Save it. Our last conversation did not go well. Do us both a favor and leave.

Luke: Not until I've said what I came here to say.

Tracy: If you must, make it quick. What do you want?

[Knock on door]

Dante: Hey.

Sonny: Hello to you, too.

Dante: Sorry, I just -- I-I thought it might have been Lulu coming home.

Lulu: [Chuckles]

Man: We're all done. Sign here.

Lulu: Thank you. It looks great.

Man: So, are you having some sort of screening?

Lulu: Actually, I have no idea. This is what the client wants, so this is what the client gets. Thanks, you guys. [Sighing] Okay. TVs -- check. Bar stocked. Looks good in here.

Maxie: Lulu.

Lulu: Maxie, hi.

Maxie: Hey. You seem a little distracted. I'm...guessing you don't have your memory back.

Lulu: Why would you think I did?

Maxie: Well, I figured that's what this was about.

Michael: "8:00 p.m. I'll be there."

Both: "Will you?"

Carly: Okay, you know what? I have a bad feeling about this. I want you to go home and stay far away from it.

Michael: Well, Mom, whatever this is about, however this connects to Jason, I need to know.

Carly: I don't like it, Michael. Okay? Jason's picture with an anonymous message -- it cannot be good.

Michael: Yeah, well, you're gonna be there.

Carly: Yes, of course. I have to go.

Michael: Yeah, so do I. Look, after everything Jason has done for me, after everything he's given me, I owe it to him.

Carly: You owe it to Jason to be safe.

Michael: To protect and honor his memory. Look, AJ already tried to talk me out of this. You --

Carly: AJ? AJ got an invitation?

Michael: Yeah. Actually, he should have been here by now. I wonder what's keeping him.

[Cell phone rings]

AJ: Hey, Michael. I know I'm running late.

Michael: Uh, Mom's here. She, uh -- she got an invitation, too, and I'm starting to wonder who else did.

AJ: Look, it's not too late to bail if you want me to handle this by myself.

Michael: No. Not a chance. Look, I-I loved Jason, okay? We all did. And somebody's using that against us. I need to see this through.

[Thunder rumbles]

AJ: I'll get there as soon as I can. There's something I need to take care of, first.

[Thunder crashes]

[Water running]

Kiki: Mom.

Ava: Hey. Now can I give you a hug?

Kiki: Yeah. You surprised me.

Ava: Oh, I'm so happy to know I can still do that.

Kiki: Okay, what -- what business brings you in Port Charles? I never even heard of this place until I met Morgan. I didn't think it would be a hub for art dealers or high-end collectors.

Ava: Actually, my -- my business concerns you.

Tracy: Don't sit. You won't be staying long. I'm in no mood for small talk.

Luke: Well, that's good, because I have big things to say.

Tracy: Speaking of big things, I expressly told Alice not to let you in.

Luke: I know. She told me. What can I say? The woman finds me irresistible.

Tracy: And we keep employing her why?

Luke: Don't take it out on Alice. She made me work for it. And my intentions are honorable, if not completely...larcenous.

Tracy: What do you want, Luke?

Luke: I want to apologize.

Carly: [Sighs] Okay, I don't suppose AJ will stay away, huh?

Michael: No. He'll be here soon.

Carly: Wonderful. As if tonight wasn't already a nightmare, your father's definitely gonna make it one.

Michael: Wait, whoever set this whole thing up invited Dad?

Carly: Yeah. And I can tell you the first thing Sonny's gonna do is tell you to go home.

Michael: Maybe you can save some time by texting him that we already had that argument and that you lost.

Carly: You know, it just doesn't make sense. It -- it doesn't. You, me, Sonny -- we were all close to Jason. Why AJ?

Michael: I don't know, but AJ's gonna be here as soon as he can.

Elizabeth: AJ got one, too?

[Thunder crashes]

Michael: Yeah. Uh, we all did.

Elizabeth: What's going on?

Carly: I don't know. But someone is reaching out to the people who were closest to Jason.

Sonny: So, Lulu's back? That means things are headed in the right direction?

Dante: [Sighs] Hopefully.

[Door closes]

Dante: I got her into a session with Kevin Collins.

Sonny: How did that go?

Dante: Good, I guess. She hasn't admitted to remembering anything, but, you know, therapy's progress, right?

Sonny: Absolutely. I just want you to know I talked to Milo, told him that Lulu can't stay at his place anymore.

Dante: I appreciate that.

Sonny: But since Lulu's not here, you know, he might need a little reminder that I'm serious.

Dante: No, no, no. She's not with him. She's at the Haunted Star.

Sonny: The Haunted Star? What do you mean?

Dante: Yeah. She's diving back into work. Some guy hired her to host a party there.

Sonny: She say who this guy is?

Dante: No. Why?

Sonny: Because this.

Lulu: I didn't send this to you.

Maxie: Okay. Weird, 'cause, at first, I thought this Jason invite thing was a little morbid.

Lulu: Okay.

Maxie: I mean, I thought, "okay, Lulu's got her memory back now, because she remembers who Jason is, but she's lost all sense of tact." Which never really was your strong suit to begin with. No offense.

Lulu: Uh, none taken.

Maxie: But if you didn't send this to me, that makes it officially creepy.

Lulu: Well, why? Who's the Jason guy?

Maxie: Mm. Short story -- he died last year. Longer story -- he was important to a lot of people, many of whom are also important to you. I mean, I never hung out with Jason. It was more like, uh, he just stood there really still while I rambled on and on about... kind of like what's going on right now, which brings me back to my original point.

Lulu: Which was what?

Maxie: If you didn't send this to me, then who did?

Lulu: Well, um...I-I can't say for sure, but I have a pretty good idea.

Sam: You better tell me what you know right now.

AJ: Hey, Jason. I'm sorry I haven't come to...visit you more, but, uh, then again, I was never a very good brother, was I? I suppose that, uh, this is your way of telling us you're still alive. It's silly. You'd never do that. You'd just show up and say, "I'm alive. Why are you?" Which means that somebody's messing with us. Whatever it is, I don't want Michael mixed up in it. Hell, I-I don't even want Carly to get involved with this. I just wish you could tell me what's going on.

Monica: AJ? [Sighs]

AJ: Geez, Mom. You almost gave me a heart attack.

Monica: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean -- I didn't mean to scare you. I didn't, uh -- I didn't mean to interrupt you, either.

AJ: That's okay. Wh-what are you doing here?

Monica: Well, the gardener said he thought he saw someone lurking around here. Obviously, it's you.

Dante: "I'll be there. Will you?" You don't know who sent this?

Sonny: It's untraceable.

Dante: Well, you got a lot of enemies, Sonny. So does Jason.

Sonny: Don't worry about that. I'll handle it. Wait. Where are you going?

Dante: Well, look, if this is going down at the Haunted Star, Lulu's gonna be right in the middle of it. I'm coming with you.

Lulu: Excuse me. Who the hell are you?!

Maxie: No, no, no. Uh, Sam didn't mean any harm. [Chuckles] Right, Sam?

Sam: Yeah, right. Sorry.

Maxie: Uh, these are my friends. They're also your friends, too. This is Spinelli.

Lulu: Spinelli?

Spinelli: Yeah. Um, I guess you don't remember, but you were my first friend in Port Charles.

Lulu: Pleased to meet you. Again.

Spinelli: Right.

Maxie: Okay. Uh, this well-meaning but pushy lady is Sam.

Sam: And the picture on the invite is of my husband, Jason.

Lulu: Maxie told me that he died last year. I'm so sorry for your loss.

Sam: Thank you.

Maxie: I take it that you guys got the creepy Jason invite, too.

Spinelli: We both did. And I'm guessing so did they.

Elizabeth: Well, Carly, it looks like you were right.

Michael: I'm guessing we're all here for the same reason.

Carly: Yeah. What the hell's going on?

Sam: We're about to find that out. Lulu says that she knows who sent the invite.

Lulu: I-I mean, I-I do and I don't. I'm guessing that it's the guy who paid me to throw this party.

Sam: I just -- who was it, though? Was it -- was it this guy?

Spinelli: Um, Sam.

Sam: What?

Lulu: I-I-I'm sorry. That wasn't the man that rented the boat.

Carly: Okay, Lulu, I don't know what the hell you've gotten yourself into, but you have to tell us what's going on. Who brought us here?

Monica: What are you doing in the mausoleum at this hour? And in this weather?

AJ: I was just thinking about Jason -- I mean, how close we were as kids, how wrong it all went, and how there's no way to fix it.

Monica: I am just sorry that things didn't turn around for you until after Alan and Jason had...gone.

AJ: You know, I-I was really happy that I got to be there for Jason's memorial service. It was -- it was beautiful. You and Sam did a really great job, and when you unveiled his nameplate, there wasn't a dry eye in the house. I just wish it honored who he really was.

Monica: What do you mean?

AJ: My brother's name will always be Jason Quartermaine.

Tracy: You came here to apologize?

Luke: Yes.

Tracy: You don't know the meaning of the word "apology."

Luke: "Apology -- noun. An admission of error accompanied by an expression of regret." I looked it up.

Tracy: Just because you know what it is doesn't mean you know how to do it.

Luke: I hear it's like riding a bike. I hear a lot of things are like riding a bike.

Tracy: Shut up. Word play may work with the help, but it's not gonna make me forget how you hurt me.

Luke: Believe me, I will not forget how I hurt --

[Thunder rumbles]

Luke: [Groans]

Tracy: What are you doing? What's wrong with you?

Luke: [Chuckles] Nothing. I just -- I slept funny. Now, listen, because I'm only gonna say this once. Tracy Angelica Quartermaine, you are the last person in the world I ever want to do wrong by. Don't you get that by now?

Kiki: Oh-tay. I'm listening. What does this important business of yours have to do with me?

Morgan: So, I was thinking that maybe you'd come -- whoa! Ava!

Kiki: [Laughs]

Morgan: I-I am -- I am so sorry. I didn't know that anyone else was here.

Kiki: No, it's okay. You surprised her. She surprised me, so it's only fair.

Ava: It's nice to see you again, Morgan.

Morgan: Yeah, I -- so, what brings you to, uh, my humble stomping grounds?

Kiki: Actually, I was just asking her the same. Apparently, she has some urgent important business and it concerns me.

Morgan: Oh, yeah? How -- how so?

Tracy: You want to apologize? Let's hear it. Now.

Luke: Okay. All right, look, um... I let Baldwin into my head. I know that I should never let that non-entity push my buttons, but...he did, and I took it out on you. And I've learned my lesson, believe me.

Tracy: Go on.

Luke: What I said had nothing to do with Laura. It had to do with Baldwin telling me that I was gonna wind up old and alone. [Sighs] After some thinking about this, I realized that what that sounded like -- probably that I didn't appreciate you, and nothing could be further from the truth. You are not some rest stop between my adventures. Tracy, you're my best friend. You are my partner in crime. Bonnie to my Clyde -- the two of us going out in a blaze of glory, holding off that ambush together. I know the way I live doesn't leave a lot of room to care about people. It's a very short list. But you're on the top of it. I don't want to lose you. Can you forgive me?

Ava: My -- my business in Port Charles is...


Ava: It's actually just a flimsy excuse to check up on you.

Kiki: Seriously?

Ava: Yeah, seriously. I just wanted to know how you and Morgan were doing.

Kiki: Allow me to introduce you to the concept of a phone.

Ava: [Chuckles] I know. I know I should have called. I'm sorry.

Morgan: No, no, no, no. Don't apologize.

Kiki: Actually, no. She should apologize, and you should get some clothes on.

Morgan: No. Nonsense, okay? You had me at your house. I'm more than happy to have you here.

Kiki: No! Are you kidding?! Michael hates me already. If he walks in and sees my mom is here...

Morgan: Yeah, but he doesn't stay mad for long. It doesn't matter. He'll be fine.

Kiki: Okay, well, maybe we're the exception. Come on.

Morgan: Okay, look. Your mom's just looking out for you, all right?

Kiki: Get your clothes on!

Morgan: And let me tell you, you are being infinitely less intrusive about it than my parents are. I promise.

Kiki: [Sighs]

Carly: Okay, look. I don't mean to be rude. I know you lost your memory. I've been trying to keep my distance, 'cause I didn't want to pressure you.

Lulu: Do we know each other?

Carly: We're cousins, okay? I need you to tell me everything about the man who rented this place from you.

Lulu: We're cousins?

Carly: Yes. We're cousins. All right. Your father, my mother -- they're brother and sister. I'm Carly. That's my son, Michael. That's Elizabeth. She has two boys with your brother, okay? Everybody else knows everybody here.

Lulu: Can't you just slow down, 'cause I can't process --

Carly: I can't slow down. Okay, I can't slow down, because everybody in this room is either your family or your friend, and the person who hired you is playing mind games with all of us. They're using someone we loved who we're still grieving for to do that. Do you understand me?

Sam: Can't you just tell us who sent the message? What was his name?

Lulu: I-I-I don't know his name. He never told me.

Monica: I know what you mean, but Jason didn't use the name Quartermaine for a long, long time.

AJ: Since I drove him into a tree.

Monica: I didn't say that.

AJ: It's still true. I got blitzed, I got behind the wheel of a car, and I killed Jason Quartermaine. And when he came to, he was Jason Morgan.

Monica: He was still your brother.

AJ: You know, we gave each other so much grief when we were kids.

Monica: [Chuckling] Well, I know you did. And I have the pictures to prove it.

AJ: We always loved each other, though -- no matter what. And then he became someone else.

Monica: He eventually learned to love us.

AJ: You, maybe. Em, definitely. I don't know about Dad. Do you think he -- do you think he ever loved Dad again?

Monica: Yes, I do. In his way, yes.

AJ: [Sighs] Jason Morgan never loved me, that's for sure. [Scoffs] Jason Morgan -- every time I see it, every time I read it, it feels like a-a verdict, you know, but, uh...I guess I can't complain since I'm guilty.

Monica: Listen, you made a terrible mistake, but Jason made a lot of mistakes, too.

AJ: You know, I just -- I just kept thinking that something would bring him back -- that we could be brothers again. And now he's gone, and I've missed my chance.

Monica: Well, the important thing is that we don't forget him.

AJ: Somebody certainly doesn't want us to.

Monica: Why? What do you mean?

AJ: [Sighs] I didn't know whether or not I should tell you this.

Monica: What? [Gasps]

AJ: The reason Jason was on my mind was because somebody sent me this.

Monica: Oh, my...

Carly: Let me get this straight -- some guy rents your boat, and you don't bother to get his name?

Lulu: [Sighs] Look. This is all really new to me. I-I'm doing the best I can.

Carly: It doesn't take a rocket scientist, Lulu, to know that when you do business with someone, you get their name.

Spinelli: Did he use a credit card?

Lulu: No. He paid cash in full, up front.

Sam: Cash?! You didn't find that suspicious?!

Lulu: Look! All I know is that he wanted to rent my boat, and he wasn't pressuring me to all of you people.

Spinelli: Okay, okay. So, he didn't pressure you, which means he's someone you know.

Lulu: Yes. Well, I don't know. That's what he told me, yes.

Michael: Well, he could have just been saying that you make you feel at ease.

Elizabeth: But if he's telling the truth, maybe we all know him, too.

Carly: What did he look like?

Lulu: I don't know. He was, uh -- he was a guy. He was --

Carly: Oh, come on, Lulu! Was he short, tall, fat, skinny?

Lulu: He was good-looking in a quirky way. He was like 6 feet tall. He had blond hair. That's everything I know.

Carly: That's all you know? Come on. Okay, how did he dress? Did he have any distinctive marks? Did -- you know, light blond hair, dark blond hair? Was there a scar? Was there anything?

Lulu: Look, I've told you everything that I know.

Carly: And was he in shape how? Was he in shape like Michael or Milo?

Lulu: This is not helping me.

Carly: I need to know what's going on here!

Dante: Leave her alone.

Monica: Who sent this?

AJ: I wish I knew.

[Thunder rumbles]

Monica: Well, how -- how many other people have, uh, received this invitation?

AJ: Michael and Carly for sure. I don't know who else. Look, whoever it is, he seems to be concentrating on whoever Jason was close to.

Monica: Well, I...haven't gotten an invitation.

AJ: Yeah. Maybe that means something.

Monica: What?

AJ: Maybe for whatever -- maybe for some reason, he doesn't want Jason's mother there.

Monica: Well, why not?

AJ: Just a guess -- maybe it has something to do with, you know, what Jason used to do. Maybe it was an old enemy. He wants to confront us about something. But, in any case, he doesn't want to involve Jason's mother.

Monica: [Chuckling] I don't care. He is my son, and I don't care how many mistakes he has made. I'm not going to tolerate somebody who thinks they can walk over my son's grave.

Dante: Come on. You don't need to deal with this.

Carly: Lulu has got to tell us who invited us here. Someone sent us an invitation with Jason's picture on it, Dante.

Dante: That's great. You'll have to wait till they get here to find out who he is.

Carly: We need to talk to her and --

Sonny: Carly. I get it. You're worried, but you got to take it easy on Lulu. You know what she's been through.

Carly: What about what Sam's been through?

Sonny: What has Sam been through?

Carly: Whoever this twisted bastard is made Sam think that Jason could still be alive.

Dante: You okay?

Lulu: Yeah. Just those people won't let up.

Dante: I know. Look, Carly needs to back off. You have enough going on without having to deal with this Jason thing.

Helena: [Echoing] I now pronounce you husband and wife.

Lulu: [Breathing shakily]

Dante: Wh-wh-what is it? What -- are you remembering something?

Morgan: Ava, um, I-I really want to apologize again for everything that went down at your place. I-I feel like I took advantage of your hospitality, and I-I'm sorry.

Kiki: Buttering her up much?

Morgan: I just -- I want to make a good impression. Can you blame me?

Kiki: Actually, I can blame you.

Ava: Well, once again, Morgan, I appreciate your apology. And as much as I wish that you hadn't gotten involved in all that mess, I can tell you that I do sympathize.

Morgan: Whoa, whoa, wait. You do?

Ava: Yes, I do. I've been known to spend a night at a blackjack table. But you have to be careful...both of you. You're young. You get in too deep, and you might not get any older, huh?

Morgan: Yeah, no. I know. I definitely got that message. [Chuckles]

Ava: I hope so. So, Kiki said your father paid off those goons.

Morgan: Uh, yeah, yeah. He, uh -- he did.

Ava: Good. That's a good thing. And maybe one day soon, you can try to pay him back.

Morgan: No, I mean, I absolutely will. If only I weren't broke, you know?

[Both chuckle]

Kiki: Yeah, speaking of...since you did come all the way here to check up on us...

Ava: Yeah?

Kiki: ...I was thinking that maybe you would like to treat us to dinner, and then maybe you could explain to us your other plans while you're in town.

Ava: That's not a good idea.

Tracy: Is that it?

[Thunder rumbles]

Luke: That's it.

Tracy: You still haven't said you're sorry.

Luke: Tracy, I'm sorry. I am truly, deeply, sincerely sorry.

Tracy: I forgive you.

Luke: [Sighs] Thank you.

Tracy: As long as you understand what that means.

Luke: Ah...conditions.

Tracy: Luke, I can't be the person you come home to between walkabouts. I deserve a romance that is in and of itself an adventure. You can't offer me that, can you?

Luke: You deserve far more than I could ever offer you.

Tracy: I know. So, we can't be lovers. We can be friends -- family, even. I want you in my life. And we can make Baldwin wrong, as usual. Because even if you end up old and alone... we're still family.

Luke: You are the best.

Tracy: I know it.

Luke: [Sighs] So, what do you say? Can we have a toast to admissions of error and forgiveness in kind?

Tracy: What are you doing? It's happening now.

Luke: Problem?

Tracy: We haven't finished our conversation about your drinking.

Luke: What is there to say? I drink. End of conversation.

Tracy: Uh, as your friend -- you recall that we just reaffirmed that friendship?

Luke: I recall.

Tracy: I told you that I was concerned about your drinking.

Luke: I remember that, too.

Tracy: I still am.

Luke: Tracy, I will tell you again, I am not an alcoholic.

Tracy: Do I need to point out that every alcoholic says those very same words?

Luke: You know who else says those words? People who aren't alcoholics. The only time I ever have problems with booze is when people preach to me about it. I can handle my drink. Thank you.

Tracy: Even after what happened with Jake?

Luke: [Sighs] Oh, God. That was a tragic accident. He ran into the street. That is a night that I will never forget, and I will live with every day for the rest of my life. And I am not an addict.

Tracy: Whether or not you're an addict is completely beside the point. You ran him down, and you kept driving, because you mistook him for a pothole.

Luke: Tracy! I respect your life choices. I need you to respect mine. Can you do that? Or shall we just call this whole thing off?

Kiki: So, you fly all the way up from New York, and you can't spend money to take me and my boyfriend out to dinner?

Ava: No, no. That's not what I meant at all. I'm -- I'm just a little tired from traveling. But I would be more than happy to pay for the two of you to have a wonderful, romantic dinner somewhere.

Morgan: Well, that -- that's so nice of you, Ava. Seriously, you're a sweetheart.

Kiki: Where did I put that shovel?

Ava: [Chuckles] I'm gonna head out. Kiki, would you walk me to my car?

Kiki: Okay.

Morgan: Uh-huh. Yeah, I get it. You guys want to talk about me, don't you?

Ava: Am I that transparent?

Kiki: Just a little.

Ava: Bye, Morgan.

Morgan: See you soon.

[Door closes]

[Cell phone beeps]

Monica: Maybe I should just invite myself to this gathering in Jason's honor.

AJ: Mom, you coming to the Haunted Star is not a great idea. We have no idea what we're stepping into.

Monica: Well, that's all the more reason why I should go with you.

AJ: Whatever this is, Jason would not want you putting yourself through it. Please, will you do him -- do me a favor? Please, don't come.

Monica: [Sighs] All right. If that's what you want.

AJ: All right. Thanks.

[Door creaks]

Franco: I thought you'd never leave. [Groans] [Sighs] No wonder you were so quiet. Everyone in your family talks too much. Oh, boy. 15 minutes to showtime.

[Door creaks]

Dante: Lulu, what is it? Are you remembering something? Lulu, come on!

Spinelli: Uh, Maxie, are you all right?

Maxie: Yeah, no, I'm fine.

Spinelli: Okay. Uh, just making sure you and the Spencer/Falconeri offspring are proceeding apace.

Maxie: The baby I'm carrying for Dante and Lulu is fine, and so am I. [Chuckles]

Spinelli: Good. Maybe you should leave.

Maxie: Why would I leave?

Spinelli: Well, whoever sent these messages might have some nefarious purpose in mind, and why -- why put the baby at risk by staying?

Maxie: Because it's Jason's face on the invitation. He was best man at our non-wedding, and he saved my life at least three times, maybe more. No matter how many times I got on his very last nerve, he never said so. And you loved him, so, yeah, I do need to stay.

Dante: Lulu, wait!

Lulu: I'm not getting back on the boat.

Dante: Okay. Okay, hey. That's -- that's good. I don't want to go back to that boat. I got a better idea. Why don't we go home?

Lulu: Yeah, thanks, but today's been long and crazy enough as it is. I don't need you and Milo getting into it again.

Dante: No, okay, I-I wasn't talking about Milo's place. I was -- I was hoping we could go to our home.

Sonny: Hey.

Sam: Hey.

Sonny: You okay?

Sam: Actually, no. I'm not okay. I feel like an idiot. I feel used, and the combination of the two -- it's just -- it's pissing me off right now.

Sonny: That's understandable.

Sam: Sonny, I spent months in denial. It took me so long to accept Jason's death, and I finally did, and I get this text, and, all of a sudden, I-I-I get this feeling where I'm hoping that he's alive again.

Sonny: We all want Jason to be alive. I understand that. But I will promise you this -- whoever's doing this, they're gonna answer to me.

Sam: They already got what they wanted. They used every single one of us and lured us here, because we all knew Jason one way or another.

Carly: Why? Why? To remind us of our grief? To let us know he's never coming back? What's the point to this?

Sonny: I don't know. But it's almost 8:00. Looks like we're about to find out.

[Both laughing]

Carly: This is great. All right? Instead of getting Lulu to tell us who this guy is who sent us the invitation, we have to wait around till 8:00...

[Door closes]

Carly: ...To meet this sick son of a bitch.

Michael: Hey, someone's coming.

AJ: Hey.

Carly: I thought it was Jack the Ripper. Now I wish it was.

AJ: A pleasure as always, Carly. You got one of these, too?

Elizabeth: Yeah.

AJ: Wow, so the gang's all here -- everyone who was important to Jason.

Sonny: You're the only one who isn't.

AJ: So, I take it that our host hasn't made his or her presence known yet.

Sam: Hey, guys. It's 8:00 now.

[Thunder crashes]

Sonny: Here we go.

[Thunder crashes]

[Up-tempo rock music plays]

Yeah! I've been coming 'round, hoping for the sound of you yeah don't shoot me down and put me in the ground say, "yeah" yeah! You keeping me guessing, so what's the lesson? And how am I supposed to know?

Morgan: [Sighs] I've done this before. I can do it again. [Sighs] I'm gonna win back that money I owe you, Dad.

Kiki: Okay, Mom. We can stop walking now. I know you didn't park this far away from the garage.

Ava: It's just a little farther.

Kiki: [Chuckling] A little farther, and we'll be in the harbor. If wanted some alone time, why didn't you just say so?

Ava: Fine. You caught me.

Kiki: Okay, well, what is it? [Chuckling] What? What's -- what's so serious? Should I be worried?

Ava: It's nothing scary, I promise. It's just something that I needed to talk to you about privately. I-it's about who you really are.

Tracy: You've said your piece. Can I say mine?

Luke: Please proceed.

Tracy: I don't like your drinking. And if you ask me, not that you have, I believe that you are drowning in a booze-filled river in Egypt. But I will back off for now.

Luke: You will?

Tracy: If that's the cost of our friendship, so be it.

Luke: I knew I could count on my Bonnie.

Tracy: I didn't get the chance to update you on the mysterious Quartermaine heir.

Luke: Oh, have there been developments?

Tracy: There have. Ava Jerome paid a visit to the house, asked an exorbitant... amount of exchange for Lauren voting my way. I didn't have the money to pay her off. Nikolas was willing to help. So, now Ava is in the process of getting Lauren to pledge her allegiance to me. Luke? Luke?

Lulu: This is where you live?

Dante: This is where we live. You don't like it? [Chuckles]

Lulu: Uh, no. No, it's good. It's nice. It's a little more lived-in than I imagined. [Chuckles]

Dante: You never had a problem with that before.

[Thunder rumbles]

Helena: [Echoing] I now pronounce you husband and wife.

Dante: Lulu, what is it? What -- what did you remember?

Lulu: The wedding. My wedding.

Dante: Our wedding. Our wedding in New York.

Lulu: No. My wedding to Stavros on the Haunted Star.

Spinelli: Maxie?

Maxie: I'm okay.

Michael: Mom, you okay?

Carly: Yeah, I'm fine. What is going on?

Sam: Sonny?

Sonny: I'm right here. Don't worry about it. What is this? What the hell's going on?!

Carly: Oh, my God.

Sam: Oh, my God.

Carly: It's you.

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