General Hospital Transcript Friday 5/24/13
Provided By Suzanne
Lulu: I can't believe I let you talk me into this.
Dante: Kevin's a great doctor, okay? He's gonna be able to help. I promise you, this is gonna work.
Kevin: Dante.
Dante: Hey.
Kevin: Nice to see you again.
Dante: You, too. Thank you for, uh, seeing us. Uh, Dr. Collins, Lulu.
Kevin: Kevin. And it's nice to meet you. Again.
Lulu: Oh -- uh, we know each other?
Kevin: Not well. You were a little girl when I left Port Charles, but I'm well acquainted with your family. So, what can I do for you today?
Dante: Lulu's agreed to, uh -- to talk about what -- what might be blocking her from remembering her life.
AJ: Tracy, I have no reason to tell Elizabeth that I had sex with Carly. Neither do you.
Tracy: And why not, pray tell?
AJ: We're both gonna be exonerated from the food poisoning. There's no reason for you to blackmail me. And there's certainly no reason for you to tell Elizabeth.
Tracy: I may have no reason to tell Elizabeth, but maybe somebody else does.
Nikolas: I called your house. Your grandmother said you were here. I needed to find you.
Elizabeth: Why?
Nikolas: Something I have to tell you.
Elizabeth: Must have been pretty urgent if you tracked me down at Kelly's. What's this about?
Nikolas: AJ.
Sonny: There. You see?
Shawn: That's it. Don't lose your focus.
Sonny: I'm not.
Carly: Better keep that left up.
Sonny: You trying to distract me?
Carly: No, just trying to give you a few pointers.
Sonny: No, I think you came here to give me more than that.
Carly: Yeah, we need to have a little chat about our son.
Kiki: What the hell do you think you're doing?!
Sam: Don't you worry, 'cause we're home. We're not gonna let any mean men take away my boy. Oh. Which key is it? Huh? That one?
[Lock clicks]
Kevin: So, we might as well get started. If you'll come with me --
Lulu: [Sighs]
Dante: Good luck.
Lulu: Thanks.
Dante: And no pressure. I mean, if it doesn't work, you don't remember anything, you're just gonna be subjected to me dragging you around Port Charles and showing you familiar spots to help jog your memory. It's a good way to get the layout of the city.
Lulu: [Chuckles] Yeah, great. Okay. See you in a little while.
Dante: I'll be here.
Kevin: Please. So, usually the first thing I do is take a medical and psychological history, but -- in your case, that might be a little tricky.
Lulu: Since I don't remember it.
Kevin: Exactly.
Lulu: I guess that saves us some time. [Chuckles]
Kevin: Good point. Well, now that we have that over with, why don't we talk about why you're here. Your husband, Dante, feels that you've been having memory flashes.
Lulu: Yeah, that's true.
Kevin: And you don't feel comfortable discussing it with him?
Lulu: I-it's not Dante's fault. He's been nothing but supportive. It's just -- awkward.
Kevin: You don't have to worry about that here. It's my job to listen. It doesn't matter what you tell me. It won't upset me, it won't hurt me, and it won't shock me. This is a safe space for you to talk about your memories, whatever they might be. You think you can do that?
Lulu: I can try.
Elizabeth: Are you seriously still trying to interfere in my relationship with AJ?
Nikolas: Elizabeth, I need --
Elizabeth: You need to stop. Whatever it is, I don't want to hear it.
Nikolas: AJ cheated on Elizabeth already?!
Tracy: Hard as it is to believe that any woman would want to sleep with AJ, but I guess Carly can't be picky.
Nikolas: What? Carly?! No, come on. That can't be true. She and AJ loathe each other.
Tracy: Well, the thin line between love and hate. I guess water seeks its own level. The two of them obviously slithered together in the viscous ooze of a lonely night.
Nikolas: Are you absolutely sure?
Tracy: Yes.
Nikolas: Trust me. You're gonna want to hear this.
AJ: What do you mean somebody else might tell Elizabeth about Carly? There's no one. There can't be. Nobody else even knows about it. Unless you decided to open your big mouth.
Tracy: Oh, you know me -- silent as the grave. Actually, I was thinking about Carly.
AJ: Carly?
Tracy: Yes. Carly. You remember her. Unless there was some other drunken one-night stand you chose to relive. How do we know that Carly isn't darkening Elizabeth's doorstep even as we speak, unburdening her soul?
AJ: Because you heard her. She doesn't want anyone to know, least of all Elizabeth.
Tracy: I sympathize. Carly has never been terribly particular, but jumping into bed with you again -- whoo, new low.
AJ: So, we're agreed. Now that it's official that the relish had been tampered with, there's no reason for me to step up and take the blame to protect you. So, you'll keep quiet.
Tracy: Why are we even quibbling about this? I have bigger fish to fry -- namely, getting you out of ELQ.
AJ: Yeah, so I've heard many, many times, and I got to ask you, just out of curiosity, how the hell do you intend on doing that?
Ava: I'm sorry. Am I interrupting something?
Sonny: [Sighs] You d -- you don't mean Michael?
Carly: No. I mean Morgan.
Sonny: I told you, I got Shawn on Morgan, and he's got -- you got some guys on Michael's apartment.
Carly: Well, no offense, Shawn -- your guys aren't doing a great job.
Sonny: Somebody got through?
Carly: Yes, that girl from New York who may or may not be related to the mob family -- Kiki Jerome. She's staying with Michael and Morgan.
Michael: Sorry. I was looking for a pen.
Kiki: A pen?
Michael: Yeah. Figured you wouldn't mind, considering that you've already borrowed half my t-shirts.
Kiki: Oh, yeah. No, it's okay. Uh, you might want to get your eyesight checked, though, because there's a pen right over there on that table.
Michael: Right. Guess I didn't see it.
Kiki: Yeah, no worries. Morgan!
Morgan: What? What's going on?
Kiki: [Chuckles] I caught your brother over here going through my stuff.
Morgan: Oh, yeah? Is that true?
Michael: Yeah, it is.
Sam: Oh, look. It says the highest mountain in Africa is Kilimanjaro. You know what they have there? They've got jackals and cheetahs and hyenas and gazelles and elephants and gorillas. It's time for you to go to bed. I think you need to take a nap. What do you say, huh? Ooh, yeah. It's gonna give mommy some time to figure out why Silas is coming after Rafe. Yes.
[Knock on door]
[Knock on door]
Sam: Be right there! Hi!
Spinelli: Uh, apologies for my unexpected arrival. You're not otherwise engaged, right?
Sam: No, no. Of course not. Come on in. I just put, uh, Danny down.
Spinelli: Okay.
Sam: What's going on?
Spinelli: Well, it's not an urgent matter. It -- it's just that I-I felt like I had to inform you. I've been replaying our last conversation, and I-I just -- I've come to find I regret my half of it.
Sam: Regret?
Spinelli: Yeah. I-I was so discouraged by my failure that I failed to see even the possibility of success, but that possibility exists.
Sam: Oh! Is this about the Quartermaine heir?
Spinelli: Yes, indeed. There is a real chance that we can find the real Lauren Frank. And -- and with our considerable investigative skills, a chance is all we need. A.J. Hired us to find Franco's daughter, and that's exactly what we're going to do.
AJ: Excuse me, how did you get in here?
Ava: Your housekeeper let me in. Tall woman. Looks like she could grind you into dust.
Tracy: Got that right.
AJ: I'm sorry. I didn't get your name.
Tracy: She is a business associate of mine, which means none of your business, A.J.
Ava: So, you're the famous A.J. Quartermaine.
Elizabeth: [Sighs] You have made your feelings abundantly clear. You don't like a.J., You don't trust him, you think he's going to hurt me --
Nikolas: B-because I'm right. Elizabeth, I'm not -- I'm not making things up because I'm jealous or because I want you back.
Elizabeth: And yet --
Nikolas: Yet -- [Sighs] It's -- it's not a secret how I feel about you. I'm so in love with you. I want another chance with you. But you -- you made it clear that you won't allow me to -- to undermine A.J., To do anything to hurt him in any way, and I haven't, honestly.
Elizabeth: That's quite a buildup.
Nikolas: What I have to tell you is a fact. And if you just hear me out, you'll know it.
Elizabeth: Okay. I'm listening.
Nikolas: [Sighs]
Ava: I have to say, I feel like I know you already. I've seen you so much in the news lately. But you're much better-looking in person.
AJ: Thank you, miss --
Tracy: We have business to discuss, so if you'll excuse us.
Ava: Yes, well, Tracy and I do have a meeting. But, as she is having some trouble coming up with the money for our little venture, perhaps you'd like to hear about what I'm offering instead.
AJ: Well, that depends on what the project is.
Morgan: Seriously, Mikey? You're looking through my girlfriend's stuff?
Michael: She's staying in my apartment, and her purse is open
Morgan: Oh, so, you're a lawyer. Wait, wait. Are you a cop? Oh, that's right. You're neither.
Michael: I'm just your brother trying to watch your back.
Morgan: [Scoffs] By violating Kiki's privacy?
Kiki: [Chuckles]
Michael: I told mom I'd keep an eye on her.
Kiki: What are you saying? Mommy told you to spy on me?
Shawn: Look, Sonny. I don't know what to say, man. I apologize.
Sonny: There's nothing to apologize for. You didn't know a girl was gonna get into the apartment. Your guys were looking for a threat, not a -- not a kid.
Carly: I wouldn't write her off just yet. Sonny, did you ever find out if she was related to the Jerome crime family?
Sonny: I didn't think it mattered. I didn't know she would show up.
Carly: She's clearly chasing our son, which scares me for a lot of reasons. Morgan got into trouble because Kiki pressured him.
Sonny: Well, I'm sure Morgan would have gotten into trouble all on his own, and the girl didn't bet for him.
Carly: She might as well have. When Morgan started losing, she convinced him to keep racking up the debt. As far as I'm concerned, she's the reason he got beat up.
Sonny: Maybe he'll be a little more careful next time.
Carly: Okay. What about the second fight he got into? The one where Michael stepped in to defend his brother? What if one of the neighbors would have called the cops, Sonny? Michael could have been arrested. This isn't just about Morgan being careful. Michael could have gotten into serious trouble. I'm talking to you!
Sonny: I-I got there in time, and I'm sure he got the message.
Carly: No. No, he didn't. He badgered Michael into letting Kiki stay with them.
Sonny: There is no law that says that Morgan cannot have a girlfriend.
Carly: Not this girl, Sonny! She could be involved in the gambling organization. She could have been the bait that lured Morgan in. She could be the one who called the thugs on Morgan.
Sonny: But you don't know that for sure.
Carly: You don't know her at all. Hell, for all we know, she could be connected to a rival crime family.
Sonny: Nobody has heard from the Jerome family since the '80s. For all we know, they could all be dead.
Carly: I don't care.
Sonny: This girl could not be related at all.
Carly: I don't like her, and I don't trust her, and that's why I have Michael watching her.
Kiki: I thought you were the big, bad older brother, Mikey. But here your mommy still tells you what to do.
Michael: Why don't you leave me mom out of this? This is between you and me.
Kiki: You know, she asked you to dig, and you say, "hand me the shovel," right? Look, I wouldn't want to get you in trouble. She might put you in a timeout. [Laughs]
Michael: You know, you seem a little defensive there, Kiki, like maybe you got something to hide.
Morgan: Oh, don't be like this, Mikey, okay? You're my brother, not my bodyguard.
Michael: Would you rather have Max and Milo?
Kiki: Who are Max and Milo?
Morgan: Okay, they're no one, and, please, just excuse my brother. He doesn't mean to be a total jerk. He just has this, like, conditioned reflex to do whatever my mom wants, even when he knows better.
Michael: I happen to agree with mom. I don't trust Kiki. Even though you can't see it, I think she's working you.
Kiki: Okay. You know what? No worries. My life's an open book. Go through my stuff, mama's boy. Make mommy proud.
Dante: [Sighs]
Olivia: Hey, honey.
Dante: Mom. What are you doing here? You okay?
Olivia: I'm fine. Just a -- just a checkup. What about you? What about Lulu? Did she remember anything?
Dante: Actually, with any luck, that's what's, uh, happening right now.
Kevin: Your family found you on Cassadine island. Is that where these memories take place?
Lulu: No. Well, I mean, I-I don't know. I'm not sure.
Kevin: That's all right. You're in charge. You tell me what you remember.
Lulu: I-I think that it happened on the boat -- on the haunted star.
Kevin: Now, what's the first thing you remember about the haunted star?
Lulu: [Gasping] Let me go! [Gasps]
Kevin: Everything's okay. Can you tell me what you saw?
Lulu: There was a man, and he carried me onto the boat.
Kevin: That's good. Now, stay in that moment. What happened next?
My favorite dress
Nikolas: Look, I don't particularly like involving myself in other people's business. I'm only telling you this because I care about you, because I'm worried about you.
Elizabeth: No matter how many times I've told you I can take care of myself?
Nikolas: Look, I don't think I can run your life better than you can, if that's what you're implying.
Elizabeth: Mm, now that you put it that way --
Nikolas: What I do know is that you tend to give everyone the benefit of the doubt -- to see the best in them, whether or not they deserve it, and that's the mistake you're making with A.J. Right now.
Elizabeth: Do you even hear how judgmental you sound?
Nikolas: I'm telling you the truth.
Elizabeth: Okay. [Scoffs] I know your family's a nightmare. I wouldn't wish the Cassadines on my worst enemy, but you have always been very spoiled, Nikolas. You are rich and you're athletic and you're -- you're good-looking. Things come very easily to you, and I know you've made mistakes. I know you've even failed, but you bounce back. You're -- resilient.
Nikolas: Well, let me --
Elizabeth: It's not a strength everybody has.
Nikolas: Let me ask you this. Are you -- are you actually attracted to A.J., Or do you just feel sorry for the guy?
Elizabeth: [Sighs] I admire him. I admire him for having the courage to start over, even though he's been knocked down so many times.
Nikolas: Elizabeth, you don't have all the facts. You deserve to know what the man you're seeing is really like.
Tracy: There is no need to involve A.J. In matters that don't concern him. I have your money.
AJ: Hey, I got to tell you, your business venture sounds fascinating, whatever it might be. Why don't you tell me all about it?
Tracy: You know what? I'm feeling a little chatty myself. In fact, I think I'm gonna go call our mutual friend Elizabeth. She and I have so much to catch up on, so I'll do that now, and that will give you an opportunity --
AJ: You know what? Actually, I'll tell you what. That -- that won't be necessary. Um, why don't you guys finish your meeting, okay? And no chatting with Elizabeth.
Ava: You say you have the money? I'll take it now.
Tracy: No, no, no, no, no. You produce your daughter first.
Kiki: What are you waiting for, Mikey? Start digging. You never know what you're gonna find in there. You could find a pack of gum. [Gasps] Or maybe a tampon.
Michael: You know, you never, uh, mentioned, Kiki -- do you have any brothers or sisters?
Kiki: What?
Michael: Anyone who you're concerned about, who you wouldn't want them to get scammed by somebody they met online who helped them rack up $50,000 in debt?
Morgan: Oh, give it a rest! I bet the money, not Kiki.
Michael: I'll give it a rest when you engage your brain. Look, you know nothing about Kiki except for what she wants you to know, which could be all lies.
Morgan: Yeah, well, maybe you're just jealous 'cause I have something good and you don't.
Michael: You know, forget it. I'm out of here.
Morgan: Yeah! And don't forget to file your little report with mom, too. I know you hate to disappoint her.
[Door opens]
Morgan: But you can find anything on Kiki, 'cause there's nothing to find!
Michael: I'm going for a walk. She's your problem.
[Door closes]
Morgan: [Sighs]
Sonny: All right. You know what? We should worry about this girl. We should keep an eye on her.
Carly: Thank you. What's the problem?
Sonny: The -- the problem is, is Michael okay with it? He's gonna be spying on his brother's girlfriend.
Carly: Michael doesn't trust Kiki, either. Even if she didn't have an agenda, she's not the most considerate houseguest. Michael had to sleep on the couch so Morgan and Kiki could have sex in his bed.
Sonny: Did you really have to tell me that?
Carly: Look, Morgan has been running wild way too long. We have to keep an eye on him and make sure he doesn't make any more stupid choices, Sonny.
Sonny: What are you gonna do?
Carly: I'm gonna call Michael and see if he's found out anything about that girl.
Sam: I don't like the idea of searching for Franco's daughter. Just saying his name makes my skin crawl.
Spinelli: It stands to reason that you would want to have nothing to do with that man or his offspring.
Sam: [Sighs] Oh, I mean, it's not her fault. You can't choose your parents, but, still, I'd -- I'd like to keep her at a safe distance. Besides, Spinelli, I've got my own problems to deal with. Stephen Clay -- his brother, Silas, has filed for legal guardianship over Rafe.
Spinelli: I'm sorry -- didn't you tell me before that he wanted nothing to do with his young charge?
Sam: Nothing to do with him. I know. He changed his mind.
Spinelli: How does Rafe feel about that?
Sam: Obviously, he's not happy about it. And who can blame him? The guy is arrogant. He is entitled, not to mention, he looks exactly like his broth-- that's funny. The DVD player is open, and I haven't watched a DVD in days.
[Cell phone beeps]
Sam: Is that you?
Spinelli: Oh. Uh, yeah, it's me.
[Cell phone beeps]
Spinelli: But that would be you. [Chuckles]
Sam: Oh, that is me.
[Cell phone beeps]
[Cell phone chimes]
[Cell phone beeps]
Elizabeth: Excuse me.
[Cell phone rings]
Carly: Oh, my God.
Sam: Look. We're here at Nashville's renowned jimmy Kelly's steakhouse,
Sam: What is this? Why would someone send me a picture of Jason?
Spinelli: Look -- I received the same image, as well. And it's not just a photograph. It also appears to be some sort of invitation.
Sam: "Haunted star. 8:00 P.M. I'll be there. Will you?" What the hell does that mean? Who sent this?
Elizabeth: This doesn't make any sense.
Nikolas: What is it? Show it to me. That a photo of Jason? All right, what -- what is that supposed to mean?
Elizabeth: I don't know. I-I don't know. Why would I get this? Why would someone send it to me?
Sonny: You okay?
Carly: Someone texted me a picture of Jason.
Sonny: They send you a message?
Carly: "Haunted star. 8:00 P.M. I'll be there. Will you?"
Sonny: Who the hell sent that?
Carly: "I'll be there. Will you?" I -- who would do something like this?
Sonny: Somebody's messing with you, Carly.
Carly: Using Jason? That's sick.
[Cell phone beeps]
Shawn: Somebody's messing with you, too.
Michael: Hey.
AJ: Michael, come here. Look at this. Look what somebody just sent me. What the hell do you think this means?
Michael: I have no idea, but I got the same thing.
Tracy: I don't actually have to meet your daughter personally, but she does have to sign the document that my associate gave you, and just in case you misplaced it, I do have another one right here. Let me refresh the terms of our agreement. I pay you the exorbitant amount of money you extorted from me. And in return, your daughter signs this piece of paper guaranteeing that she will vote with me to oust A.J., My nephew, from ELQ. Clear?
Ava: Crystal.
Morgan: Hey. Hey. Don't worry about my brother, okay?
Kiki: That's easy for you to say. He didn't go through your purse.
Morgan: Yeah, it's a good thing, too, because I got a lot of incriminating stuff in there.
[Both chuckle]
Morgan: Look, I'm gonna talk to him -- I promise you -- and my mom.
Kiki: You honestly think that that's gonna work?
Morgan: Yeah. Yeah. My mom just has trust issues. You know, she's very skeptical of new people, and -- [Sighs] You know, she'll -- whatever she's freaking out about, she'll get over it.
Kiki: Yeah, or she just hates me -- and your brother, too. What did I ever do to them? I-I know it's more what they think I did to you, but --
Morgan: No, you did nothing but try to help me when I was in trouble, okay?
Morgan: I convinced you to keep betting, even though it was the worst advice I could have given you, but I honestly did think that you would win back that money.
Morgan: I know.
Kiki: Unfortunately, your brother was right about that much.
Morgan: No, listen. My brother -- he's just very protective, you know? It's not his fault. Just -- things were crazy when we were growing up, and he kind of caught the worst of it. So, he overcompensates. He feels like he needs to take care of me, even when he doesn't.
Kiki: Or he just flat-out doesn't like me.
Morgan: No, he -- he will like you, okay? I promise -- once he gets to know you. My whole family will.
Kiki: I don't know, Morgan. I don't think they're gonna give me a chance. I think it might be better if I just leave.
Dante: Whatever Lulu remembers, she's -- she's not ready to confide in me. I just keep pressuring her, and I don't want to do that.
Olivia: Honey, you're allowed to want your wife back.
Dante: I know that, mom, but if I keep pushing her, I'm gonna push her away along with those memories, and that's why I think Kevin can help.
Olivia: Like a neutral party.
Dante: Yeah. Lulu's not gonna be expected to be anyone that she's not, and maybe she can just focus on the memories.
Olivia: Okay. [Sighs] I'm so proud of you, honey.
Dante: Why?
Olivia: Well, because you're doing the right thing for Lulu. I mean, Kevin's a professional. I'm sure he's got all sorts of shrink tricks up his sleeve or something. She's -- she's gonna come back to you in no time. I know it.
Dante: I don't know about that.
Olivia: Why not?
Dante: Well, because Kevin thinks that -- that when she was gone, something -- happened.
Olivia: Something like what?
Dante: Things that Lulu doesn't want to remember. Her grandmother said the same thing -- that this memory loss is the result of her blocking out one traumatic thing that happened.
Kevin: Lulu, we don't want to force the memories. We just want to let them come to you. Now, think about where you were when you had them and what prompted them.
Lulu: I was at my mother's wedding. I was at my brother Nikolas' house. Well, it's not a house. It's -- it's more like -- it's a castle on an island.
Kevin: Wyndemere.
Lulu: Yeah, a-and when my grandmother pronounced them husband and wife, I heard this voice. And it was telling me the same thing, and I could see my hands, and they were holding this bouquet. It was on that boat.
Kevin: Dante told me that you got married in New York.
Lulu: [Breathing shakily] It wasn't Dante that I was marrying. It must have been -- it must have been Stavros.
Dante: You got to go?
Olivia: Yeah. My appointment. I'm sorry, honey. I wish I could wait for you.
Dante: No, it's okay. You go. Go. Do what you got to do.
Olivia: It's gonna be okay.
Dante: Yeah.
Olivia: Okay? She's gonna remember you and how much you love her.
Dante: Well, I hope so. You know, I took her to the haunted star. I was laying it on pretty thick about how heroic I was at the shootout, and she was giving it right back to me.
Olivia: Yeah.
Dante: Just like she did when we first met up there, and no matter what I said, she'd shoot me down. But she had this smile on her face. I'd do anything just to see that smile again. I love her so much, mom.
Olivia: I know you do, baby. [Smooches] It's gonna be okay.
Dante: Yeah.
Lulu: Is it possible? Could I have married Stavros?
Kevin: If that's what happened, you have nothing to be ashamed of. He kidnapped you. He forced you to participate. And it certainly wasn't legal. Lulu, you didn't do anything wrong. You understand? Did something else happen?
Lulu: I'm sorry. I don't know. I can't remember anything else.
Kevin: Can't -- or won't?
Tracy: I think that covers everything. You can see yourself out.
Ava: I think I can manage to find my way.
Tracy: Good, because the sooner you leave, the sooner you can come back with that document signed and I can give you your check.
Ava: I look forward to that.
Tracy: There's not gonna be a problem, is there -- getting your daughter's cooperation?
Ava: Oh, don't worry. I know my daughter. She'll be more than happy to help. You know, you must want to take over ELQ pretty badly, seeing how much you're willing to pay for it.
Tracy: I am willing to do whatever is necessary to reclaim what is rightfully mine.
AJ: Why the hell would somebody send me a picture of my dead brother?
Michael: I don't know. Somebody's trying to get a reaction from both of us.
AJ: I'd say it worked.
Ava: Good day, gents.
Michael: Who's that?
AJ: That's some business associate of Tracy's.
Michael: What kind of business?
AJ: Yeah, that's exactly what I'd like to know.
Morgan: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, hey, hey. You're not going anywhere.
Kiki: I don't want to leave you, captain. I just think it might be best.
Morgan: It's not best for me. It's not best for you, either, unless you really want to bail on me.
Kiki: This isn't about you. This is about your dad, who thinks I'm a mobster, and your mom and your brother, who just flat-out can't stand me.
Morgan: No. Like I said, okay, things were crazy when we were younger, all right? My mom's solution was just to send me to military school. It's pretty crazy, right?
Kiki: So, they think I'm a threat?
Morgan: No. The thing with Michael -- and this isn't an excuse, this is just a reason -- is that, you know, he's going through kind of a bad breakup right now, and that crack I made at him earlier about, you know, him being jealous because I have something good and he doesn't, you know, was cheap. It was cheap, but it was -- I mean, it was true. I do have something good.
Kiki: So, you are happy?
Morgan: Are you kidding me?! Yes! Of course I'm happy. I'm crazy about you. You know that.
Kiki: Well, I'm crazy about you, too.
Sonny: Is this some psycho's idea of a joke?
Carly: [Sighs] Wow. Seeing his face, you know --
Sonny: [Sighs]
Carly: I think about him all the time. I dream about him. [Chuckles] It's always something ordinary, you know, where I, um, walk into Jake's, and he's there playing pool. Or I go to the apartment, and he opens the door. [Voice breaking] And I'm so relieved, because he's okay. [Normal voice] But he's gone. He's not coming back. God, I miss him, Sonny. I miss him so much. [Sniffle]
Sonny: And think whoever sent that invitation -- knows that.
Elizabeth: I'm sorry.
Nikolas: No, it's all right.
Elizabeth: It's just a shock to see Jason's face suddenly appear on my phone. What do you -- what do you think this means?
Nikolas: I-I don't know, but someone clearly wants you to show up at the haunted star tonight.
Elizabeth: Who?
Nikolas: I don't know the details surrounding Jason's death, just that he was shot at the docks. That's all I know.
Elizabeth: Yeah. By Cesar Faison, who was masquerading as Duke Lavery, which is completely bizarre -- something your family would do. But Faison confessed to shooting Jason in the back and then -- and, yeah, dumping him in the harbor.
Nikolas: But they didn't find his body, did they?
Spinelli: Can you trace who sent this message?
Spinelli: [Sighs] Not through here. I need more sophisticated equipment.
Sam: But there's a number on there, isn't there?
Spinelli: Yeah, but it appears to be a dummy number set up for exactly this purpose -- so that it would be untraceable. So, I'm afraid our sender remains a mystery, as does his reason for sending us a picture of Jason.
Sam: But, Spinelli, we both got the same exact message at the same exact time -- a picture of Jason.
Spinelli: Right. Your husband, my trusted friend and mentor, as well as a summons to the haunted star tonight at 8:00 P.M., But, I mean, who would -- who would want to see us both?
Sam: "I'll be there."
Spinelli: Sam, are you okay?
Sam: You don't think -- I mean, that this could be from Jason?
Tracy: Ned? [Laughs] I'm glad to hear your voice, too. And you're gonna be a lot happier when you hear my news. I'm about to get Franco's daughter's signature on the dotted line! It's as good as done. Her mother is seeing to it even as we speak.
Kiki: [Sighs] [Giggles]
Morgan: You're not leaving me, are you?
Kiki: After that?
Morgan: Oh, wow. It's that good?
Kiki: [Laughs]
Morgan: Worth putting up with my insane family?
Kiki: Worth everything.
Morgan: I think I need another shower.
Kiki: I want a rain check.
Morgan: All right.
Kiki: Have fun. [Chuckles]
[Knock on door]
Kiki: Coming. [Gasps] Mom! What are you doing here?
Dante: Hey. How did it go?
Lulu: We talked. He's a really nice guy, but if -- if you were hoping for some sort of big breakthrough, it didn't happen. I'm sorry.
Dante: That's okay. I mean, it'll take -- it'll just take whatever time it takes, right? So, are you free for a scenic tour of, uh, Port Charles tomorrow with yours truly?
Lulu: Yeah. Maybe. I, uh -- I-I just -- I have to get over to the haunted star. You know, I've got that party to host.
Elizabeth: Whatever you're gonna tell me about A.J. is just gonna have to wait, 'cause I can't even think straight right now.
Nikolas: I understand. It's okay. Are you sure you're okay? I mean, you look like you've just --
Elizabeth: Seen a ghost?
Nikolas: Yeah.
Elizabeth: Yeah, well, that's how I feel.
AJ: I feel like I just got a message from the grave.
Michael: So, what are we gonna do about it?
Sonny: I don't like this -- using Jason's picture. It means something. So, what do you want to do?
Carly: What choice do we have?
AJ: So, we don't have any choice. Not if we want to find out what this is all about.
Elizabeth: I don't understand this at all. But one thing I know for sure -- I have to be at the haunted star at 8:00 tonight.
Carly: We got to go.
Sonny: We could be walking into a trap, Carly.
Carly: Sonny, I got to know. "I'll be there. Will you?" Come on! We got to know who sent this. You said yourself, it has to be some psycho. It wouldn't be Jason. He wouldn't do that to us.
Sonny: You're right. If we want to get answers, we got to show up on that boat.
Spinelli: Sam, Jason's dead.
Sam: I know, Spinelli. It's the first thought I have when I wake up in the morning, and it's the last thing I think about before I go to sleep. Jason is dead. I know. But getting this -- it just -- I'll be there. Haunted star. 8:00 P.M.
[Danny crying]
Spinelli: I'll be there, too.
Sam: I got to check on Danny.
Spinelli: Of course. And I'll get to work on who sent us this.
Sam: Thank you.
Spinelli: And I'll see you later.
Sam: Yeah.
[Crying continues]
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