General Hospital Transcript Thursday 5/23/13
Provided By Suzanne
Ellie: Oh, my goodness! [Laughs]
Spinelli: Is it official?
Ellie: Actually, I was just refreshing my messages. They're supposed the send the e-mail out at 1:00. Nothing yet, but it should come any minute.
Spinelli: All right.
Brad: Oh, wow. This is so nice of you.
Spinelli: What?
Brad: Thanks, buddy.
Spinelli: Wha -- I'm sorry. Apologies. Those are for Ellie. She's about to be named the new lab manager, so --
Brad: Yeah, I just met with doc Westbourne.
Ellie: And did the board announce their decision?
Brad: Uh, tough break, ells. Westbourne and the board decided to go in a different direction. I'm the new lab manager.
Maxie: [Sighs] Well, what happened to you? Did you hurt your other leg?
Britt: [Chuckles] No. But you need to find a new doctor.
Maxie: What? No way. As long as you're my doctor, you have to keep all my secrets.
Britt: Well, now neither of us has a choice.
Maxie: Why?
Britt: I've been ordered to go on bed rest for my baby's health. I'm moving in with Patrick.
Patrick: Hey.
Sabrina: [Gasps]
Patrick: Hi.
Sabrina: Hi.
Patrick: Hi.
Tracy: Nikolas, thank you for coming over so quickly.
Nikolas: I almost didn't. It occurred to me that you might want to take revenge for me trying to keep you off of "the chew."
Tracy: Ah, yes. Well, I got there anyway, so no revenge necessary.
Nikolas: [Chuckles] Tracy, you're not known for forgiveness, which is why I decided to wear my, uh, nutty buddy groin protector, in case you decide to pull that move on me again.
Tracy: I don't want to hurt you. I want to hurt AJ.
Elizabeth: You were about to tell me something? About you and Carly?
AJ: [Sighs] You know, I-I really don't want to get into this.
Elizabeth: A.J., Talk to me. Whatever it is, we can work through it.
AJ: [Sighs]
Alexis: All right, look, let's not borrow trouble. At this point, all we know is that Dr. Clay is presumably your uncle. He requested a visit. You denied it. Maybe that's the end of it.
Rafe: Yeah, but what if it's not? What if he doesn't back off?
Alexis: Let's hope that doesn't happen.
Rafe: Wait, so -- so Silas can do something legally to make me see him? I may not even have a choice?
Sam: What the hell is that?
Silas: It's your copy of the papers I just filed. I'm taking Rafe off your hands.
Sam: You're taking Rafe?
Silas: That's what I said.
Sam: Like hell you are. You call yourself a suds-maker?
[Locker bangs]
Sabrina: Looks like that was a rough surgery. You exhausted?
Patrick: The thing about the O.R. Is that it allows me to focus solely on the patient. It -- it gets me out of my head, and I can actually clear my thoughts in other areas of my life.
Sabrina: Anything you want to talk about?
Patrick: Yeah. I'm losing sleep over Britt staying at my house.
Sabrina: Me too.
Patrick: Right, so I realize that there's no way in hell that she can move in with me.
Maxie: You are gonna move in with Patrick? Seriously?
Britt: Is that so surprising?
Maxie: Well, yeah.
Britt: Well, this is his child, too. And my condition requires bed rest. When Patrick heard I couldn't take care of myself, he offered me his home.
Maxie: And he is gonna be there?
Britt: Yes. Of course, Maxie. I mean, the point is I can't be alone.
Maxie: You're really that helpless?
Britt: Well, I wouldn't be so helpless if I wasn't still recovering from a broken leg that your father gave me.
Maxie: There was no proof that my father was involved. And even if he was, you were blackmailing me to do horrible things to Sabrina.
Britt: Oh, you can dial back the guilt. I mean, Sabrina obviously didn't suffer any permanent harm.
Maxie: I just can't believe that Patrick is gonna let you live with him and Emma. Emma hates you.
Britt: You could pretend to be happy for me.
Maxie: I could?
Britt: I haven't told a soul that the baby you're passing off as Dante and Lulu's really belongs to you and Spinelli.
Ellie: Wait a minute. You're the new lab manager?! But Dr. Westbourne assured me the position was mine. I mean, I am by far the most qualified and most meticulous person in this lab.
Brad: Yeah, you can be a bit of a nag, ells. Maybe that, uh, worked against you.
Ellie: [Scoffs] You make mistakes. Like, huge mistakes. Just last week, you told Dr. Behar that his gall-bladder patient was pregnant!
Brad: Yeah, important info if she's going into surgery.
Ellie: Um, the patient was a man!
Brad: Well, then no harm done, right?
Spinelli: I-I'm sorry. Y-your cavalier attitude is ridiculous and not appropriate for --
Brad: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. If you guys got a problem, take it up with doc "w" and the other board members, all right? Now, I, uh -- I hate to pull rank, ells, but -- you have to fraternize with your boyfriend on your own time.
Ellie: I'm on a break!
Brad: Well, I guess these are mine after all, huh.
Spinelli: Guess again.
AJ: I suppose I might as well just tell you. I mean, I never --
Duke: Good lord. Is that Stephen Clay? I thought he was dead.
Elizabeth: Apparently, that's Stephen's brother.
Duke: Oh, well, that's good news. I can't imagine what the return of a self-proclaimed vampire would do to Anna and the PCPD.
Elizabeth: And you should have heard Lucy when she got a look at him. Luckily, he and Sam were able to explain before she put a stake through his heart.
Duke: Well, there's never a dull moment around here, is there? How are you feeling, Elizabeth?
Elizabeth: Oh, much better. Thank you. However, A.J. Continues to apologize, and I'm just not convinced it was his relish that poisoned all of us.
Duke: Actually, I have some important news about your relish.
Tracy: I have been offered an opportunity to get rid of A.J. Once and for all.
Nikolas: Tracy, I promised Elizabeth I would let A.J. Self-destruct without any help from me, which is why I took steps to prevent you from sabotaging him on "the chew."
Tracy: How'd that work out for you?
Nikolas: Yes, how did you escape, by the way? Tell me.
Tracy: I -- had help.
Nikolas: [Chuckles] The guards I-I hired told me that they were ambushed from behind in the hallway while you were locked inside the room. So come on, please. Tell me who helped you.
Tracy: My father.
Nikolas: Your -- [Chuckles] I beg your pardon.
Tracy: I implored my father to come to my aid. And next thing I knew, I heard a loud noise outside my hotel-room door, so when I checked, I was free and your two goons were unconscious on the ground.
Nikolas: So no, uh -- no knight in shining armor waiting outside in the hallway for your thanks?
Tracy: No. It was my father. Who else could it have been?
Sam: You can't do this.
Silas: I already have. I'm petitioning family court to replace you as Rafe's legal guardian. As his sole living relative, it seems logical that they'll place the boy with me.
Sam: But why? Why are you doing this?
Alexis: Rafe, the truth is, is if your uncle wanted to force contact, he does have the grounds for legal action.
Rafe: I barely know the guy. Aside from him looking like the man who killed my mother.
Alexis: What I can tell you is that Sam said Dr. Clay did everything he could to distance himself from your father. So it doesn't make sense that he'd want to get the court involved. So I want you to try not to worry, all right? I want you to eat something before your appointment. What do you think?
Rafe: [Sighs] Yeah. I always want to eat.
Alexis: Good! Good! That's what I want to hear. All right. Get your shoes on. Where do you want to go? I'll take you anywhere you want.
Spinelli: Ellie.
Ellie: How could they promote Brad? He is a total incompetent.
Spinelli: Yeah, it's got to be political, right? Your work is above reproach. Do you think it has anything to do with Tracy Quartermaine? Are you being penalized 'cause I didn't give her the pickle-Lila recipe?
Ellie: No, no. Miss Quartermaine has her own relish now. She got the recipe away from A.J.
Spinelli: Well, there's got to be some sort of explanation.
Ellie: [Sighs] I know why this happened.
Spinelli: Okay. Please elucidate.
Ellie: [Sighs] It's obviously karma. I'm -- I'm being punished for not telling the truth about Maxie's baby.
Maxie: I'm grateful that you're keeping the secret about my baby.
Britt: I'm a woman of my word. Dante and Lulu will never know the truth from me.
Maxie: Thank you.
Britt: I'll even fudge your records, so your new doctor won't know that's really your own child that you're carrying.
Maxie: I'm not worried about you or my new doctor. I'm worried about Ellie Trout. She found out this baby belongs to me and her boyfriend.
Patrick: I don't know what I was thinking saying yes to Britt stay at my house. I mean, Emma is literally terrified of her. I can't inflict Britt on Emma. You and I are just getting to know each other. I don't want her around for that. I should have said no right from the get-go, but honestly she came up with this story, made herself sound like Fantine, like she's gonna be sick and on the street, pregnant with my baby.
Sabrina: Did she sing "I dreamed a dream"?
Patrick: Almost. She made me feel like I didn't have any other choice. But Britt staying with me can't be the only way to make sure that her and the baby are safe and healthy.
Sabrina: So what are you gonna do instead?
Nikolas: Edward Quartermaine was capable of a great many things. Taking down my guards from the grave isn't one of them.
Tracy: Don't be so sure.
Nikolas: I think you freed yourself, Tracy. One of the guards who chased you into the lobby said you downed him with a martial-arts-style move, as he put it.
Tracy: Uh-huh. Alice taught me a few tricks.
Nikolas: Mm. Including that knee to the groin that you gave me?
Tracy: I am sorry.
Nikolas: Not exactly a moving apology.
Tracy: How about you let me make it up to you by giving you a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity?
AJ: Really hoped we'd seen the last of the relish headlines.
Duke: No, well, I'm afraid not. I just heard from Bridgett. She's with "the chew's" publicity department. They sent both relishes out to a lab to test to see how they'd been tampered with.
AJ: It was ours, wasn't it?
Duke: Yes, it was.
AJ: So this really was my fault.
Duke: No, no. Let me clarify. Both relishes had been tainted, not only yours, but also Tracy's, pickle-Eddie.
AJ: What the hell? Wait, how could they have both gone bad?
Duke: They didn't go bad. Somebody had tampered with them intentionally.
Elizabeth: Why would someone do something so awful?
AJ: Who the hell would want to do that to us?
Alexis: I can't find my sunglasses. Why is everything always at the bottom of your purse when you're looking for it? Never mind. Got 'em. Here you go. Let's go.
[Elevator bell dings]
Alexis: Perfect timing.
Rafe: You look like an Italian movie star.
Alexis: Ciao, bello.
Silas: Rafe is my brother's son. I mean, isn't that what you were saying to me in the hospital in New York?
Sam: Yes. Yes. And -- and when I said that, you made it clear that you didn't want to be involved. I think your exact words were, "it has nothing to do with me."
Silas: Well, I'm sorry I didn't process the news of my brother's death in the way that you wanted.
Sam: Wait, so you're saying that grief is making you act like such an arrogant ass?
Silas: You seem determined not to like me.
Sam: You make it very easy.
Silas: And your attitude is influencing Rafe.
Sam: My attitude? Look at the way you just showed up, like you came out of the sky, ready to stake your claim!
Silas: I'm expressing an interest in my nephew!
Sam: And look at what happened! You saw him at the house. You saw how scared he was when he saw you. And how couldn't he? You look exactly like the madman who murdered his mother.
Silas: He seemed upset, yes.
Sam: And then you go and you file a claim against him anyway. I-I don't get it. It doesn't make any sense. You went from not wanting to have anything to do with him to just wanting to meet him to now requesting guardianship over him. Something just doesn't add up.
Silas: You sound so paranoid. Is this the P.I. In you talking?
Sam: No, it's the mother in me talking. You're playing a game with Rafe, and I want to know what it is.
[Lock clicks]
Todd look-alike: [British accent] Hello? Anybody home? Candygram. These Mr. Clean guys, they're like a clean team.
Silas: Lady, I am not playing games.
Sam: Why are you suddenly trying to take Rafe away from me?
Silas: You know, I-I started to think about what you said to me about Rafe being my nephew. And then I remembered how you spoke about Stephen. You called him a monster.
Sam: He was.
Silas: Which implies that my nephew is somehow tainted.
Sam: No, I never said that.
Silas: No, for better or worse, you and everybody else will always see him as the son of a madman. But to me, he's family!
Sam: B-but he was the --
Alexis: Dr. Clay?
Silas: Yes. Hi. Um -- hi, Rafe.
Alexis: I see the family resemblance.
Rafe: Sam, what is he doing here, and what is that?
Sam: Rafe, Dr. Clay, um --
Silas: I'm gonna be your legal guardian.
AJ: Both relishes were poisoned, which means somebody's out to get both me and Tracy. Does the lab have any idea who it is?
Duke: No, unfortunately, it's impossible to determine the source of the bacteria. And unfortunately over the years, the Quartermaines have made a lot of enemies, so there's a very long list of suspects. It is under investigation. The authorities have promised to keep me informed.
Elizabeth: See? You were so quick to blame yourself, and you didn't even have to.
AJ: You're right. I didn't. And now I don't have to --
Elizabeth: You don't have to what?
[Cell phone rings]
Elizabeth: I'm sorry. I've got to take this. It's gram, and Cameron's home sick today.
AJ: No, no, it's okay. Go ahead.
Elizabeth: Okay. Thank you. Hi, gram.
AJ: This is fantastic news.
Duke: What? I don't see how. I don't -- sabotage on national television? How is that a good thing?
AJ: Now I don't have to hurt Elizabeth by telling her what I did.
Tracy: Do you remember my telling you that Jason's twin, Franco, had a daughter who was entitled to ELQ shares?
Nikolas: Uh, yes. Because Franco was Alan's son, Edward gave shares to all of his grandchildren and great grandchildren.
Tracy: Exactly. Well, Luke found the girl's mother, and she is willing to convince her daughter to sign her shares over to me so I can once again regain control of ELQ from A.J.
Nikolas: Congratulations. Where do I come in?
Tracy: The mom wants money. And I am, unfortunately -- a little cash poor at the moment, so I thought I would take a loan from you to be paid back with interest as soon as I take control of ELQ.
Nikolas: Tracy, perhaps I wasn't clear the first 10 times I explained it to you. If I -- if I damage A.J.'S business in any way, hurt him, undermine him, I'll lose any chance I have with Elizabeth.
Tracy: What chance? Hasn't she proved to you she's not interested?
Nikolas: She's interested. She's just stubborn and determined to believe in A.J. I just need to wait for him to make a mistake.
Tracy: He's already made a mistake.
Nikolas: What do you mean?
Tracy: He slept with another woman behind Elizabeth's back.
Maxie: Remember when you caught Ellie Trout trying to access my medical records? Well, she figured out how to do it, and she found out that I had a miscarriage.
Britt: That's violation of hospital policy. I could get her fired.
Maxie: No, don't.
Britt: Now I don't feel so bad not giving her that promotion.
Maxie: What are you talking about?
Britt: Oh, it's not important. Um, so why did you tell Ellie that it was Spinelli's baby?
Maxie: Well, I had to. She accused me of stealing one of Dante and Lulu's embryos to get myself pregnant again.
Britt: So?
Maxie: So she was gonna check and see if another one was missing.
Britt: And so now it's all out in the open?
Maxie: Well, not exactly. I convinced Ellie that Dante and Lulu would be devastated if they found out this baby wasn't theirs.
Britt: Well, that's -- generous of Ellie.
Maxie: Trust me, it had nothing to do with generosity.
Spinelli: Ellie, you're a scientist. You don't believe in karma.
Ellie: Well, maybe I was wrong. I mean, the universe is full of checks and balances, and I've done something egregious, and now I have to pay. [Sighs] I wish I never pried into Maxie's private medical records and discovered her subterfuge.
Spinelli: I mean -- it is unsettling that Maxie didn't tell Dante and Lulu about losing their baby and that she convinced Dr. Westbourne to re-impregnate her --
Ellie: And now I'm all mixed up in her conspiracy and lying about that baby.
Spinelli: Okay. We're in this together. I mean, I, too, am loathe to be a keeper of Maxie's secret, but -- I'm less troubled than I was.
Ellie: Really?
Spinelli: Yeah, I mean, Maxie will deliver a baby that was created by Dante and Lulu, and that's all that counts. It's a victimless crime. No one gets hurt.
Ellie: No, you're wrong, Damian. Someone is getting hurt.
Maxie: Ellie didn't agree to keep my secret out of the goodness of her heart. I-I convinced her that if Spinelli found out this baby belonged to him, she would probably lose him. And she would.
Britt: But wouldn't that be a good thing? I thought you wanted Spinelli.
Maxie: Not if it means hurting my best friend and her husband. I'm not like you. Not anymore. I don't trample on other people to get the man that I want.
Patrick: I started scouting apartments and looking for around-the-clock home healthcare. I called about a dozen agencies, and the cheapest one I could find is 20 bucks an hour, which is like $13,000 a month.
Sabrina: When did you have time to do all of this? I thought you just decided you didn't want Britt living with you.
Patrick: I wasn't thrilled about the idea from the get-go, but I didn't think I had a choice.
Sabrina: So where does that leave you?
Patrick: I honestly don't know. But she can't stay with me.
Sabrina: I have an idea. I'm Phyllis, and I have diabetic nerve pain.
Britt: You and Ellie are giving Dante and Lulu a baby that isn't theirs, and you're criticizing me? [Chuckles] At least I'm really carrying Patrick's baby. If your, uh, new ob-gyn does any genetic testing, game over. You lose.
Spinelli: I know you have a profound sense of responsibility, as evidenced by your objection to bringing another child into a world of overtaxed resources, but I don't understand. Who is Maxie hurting by implanting another one of Dante and Lulu's embryos?
Brad: Ells, we got a slew of blood work here that's not gonna process itself.
Spinelli: Hey. Why the tears? I-is this -- is this about Maxie or about being passed over for the promotion?
Ellie: Damian, it's about everything. [Voice breaking] I'm just -- I'm just really upset.
Spinelli: Hey, look, this isn't karma, Ellie. You're -- you're not doing anything wrong by keeping Maxie's confidence.
Ellie: I really should go.
Brad: About time, ells.
Ellie: It's "Ellie"! E-L-L-I-E!
Patrick: I don't know about this.
Sabrina: I do. Look, it's perfect, okay? Britt will get the help she needs, and she won't be terrorizing Emma.
Patrick: Sabrina, are you sure?
Sabrina: I'm positive. Let's do this, okay?
Britt: Oh, good. Patrick, you're here. I was afraid your surgery would delay you.
Patrick: [Sighs] No. All done. Successful surgery.
Britt: Well, there's no surprise there. You're a brilliant surgeon. Oh, I'm sorry. I'm, um -- I'm not feeling very well. I just need to clear my locker, and then we can -- you take me to your home.
Patrick: Actually, um, there's been a change of plans. You're not gonna come home with me anymore.
Britt: Excuse me?
Sabrina: You'll be coming home with me instead.
Duke: Well, that sounds serious.
AJ: Yeah, and it gets worse. Tracy found out, and she threatened to go to Elizabeth unless I took the public fall for the food poisoning on "the chew." I was gonna block her by telling Elizabeth first.
Duke: Yeah, but now that we have proof that both relishes were tainted -- Tracy can't force you to take the blame.
AJ: Exactly. And Elizabeth doesn't have to find out about my -- serious indiscretion.
Nikolas: A-AJ cheated on Elizabeth already?
Tracy: Hard as it is to believe that any woman would want to sleep with A.J., But I guess Carly can't be picky.
Nikolas: W -- Carly? No, come on. That can't be true. She and A.J. Loathe each other.
Tracy: Well, the thin line between love and hate. I guess water seeks its own level. The two of them obviously slithered together in the viscous ooze of a lonely night.
Nikolas: Are you absolutely sure?
Tracy: Yes. I heard the two of them talking about it in New York. I actually have been holding it over A.J.'S head so that I could get him to tell the world that it was his relish that made everybody sick, not mine.
Nikolas: I wondered why A.J. Jumped to take the blame. He was suspiciously honorable, which is completely out of character for him.
Tracy: Unsurprisingly, he has refused to follow through. It's been days. He has not taken his mea culpa public, so it's only fair that I use his grotesque tryst with Carly to make the world a better place.
Nikolas: By staging a coup at ELQ?
Tracy: And saving Elizabeth from the black hole that is my nephew.
Nikolas: Do you have any actual proof that A.J. Cheated on Elizabeth with Carly?
Tracy: Of course. And it could be yours in exchanged for the money I need to buy the ELQ shares from Franco's bad seed.
Rafe: No way. This cannot be happening.
Sam: Don't worry. We're gonna fix this. Do you even have a shred of sensitivity? What is wrong with you?
Silas: I was answering the kid's question. What would you have told him?
Sam: Not that.
Silas: So you wouldn't have told him the truth?
Sam: No, that's not what I'm saying.
Rafe: Sam, this -- this isn't possible, is it?
Sam: We're not gonna let him take you. Don't worry.
Rafe: I mean, can he even do this, miss Davis, just take me away from Sam like this? Great. That's my answer. [Sighs]
Sam: Rafe, I don't care if it's legally possible for Silas to be your guardian. I'm telling you right now we're gonna fight this. Right, mom?
Alexis: Absolutely.
Rafe: Kids at the group home always talked about how relatives had more rights than other people.
Silas: There's a reason for that. I know I may seem strange to you now, but perhaps miss Morgan seemed strange when you first met her.
Rafe: No, she didn't.
Silas: You know, it took my brother's death for me to realize how important family is. Whether you like it or not, you and I are blood, Rafe. There's no one else who can understand you the way I do, no one else who won't judge you for what your father did or refuse to see the gifts that he gave you.
Rafe: Gifts? He was a psycho.
Silas: Don't let anyone make you feel ashamed of who you are. Before he got sick, your father was a brilliant man. But he couldn't accept the death of the person he loved more than anything, more than his own life. That's tragic. That does not make him evil.
Rafe: No, but killing my mother does.
Alexis: Go on. Go after him. I'll deal with Dr. Clay. You say you want to help Rafe. You know the best way that you could help him? You leave town and don't come back.
Rafe: You guys are my family, okay? You and Danny. Not that freak in there.
Sam: Look, I know. We feel the same about you. I know you have to get to your counselor meeting. I'll drive you. I'll take you.
Rafe: No, it's fine. You have Danny. I mean, at least I have a lot to talk about, right?
Duke: Well, I understand now why you felt the sabotage was a good thing. I'm glad you got the Tracy Quartermaine monkey off your back. Congratulations.
Elizabeth: On what?
Duke: A.J.'S relieved that he doesn't have to take the blame for the food poisoning, especially as you were one of the unfortunate people involved.
AJ: It feels really good to have it off my mind.
Elizabeth: I'm sure it does. You know, you're awfully hard on yourself.
Duke: Well, anyway, I, uh, better get going. I will keep in touch with you if I get any word on the saboteur.
AJ: Okay. Hey, uh, so how's Cameron doing?
Elizabeth: Oh, he's fine. A little of gram's homemade chicken noodle soup, and he'll be back to good.
AJ: Good.
Elizabeth: So, let's get back to whatever it is you wanted to tell me.
Tracy: It is such a pleasure doing business with you. I have just sent you the recording of A.J. Admitting to his sleazy indiscretion with Carly.
Nikolas: I certainly won't take any joy in telling Elizabeth this. She really believes in A.J.
Tracy: Well, as long as this check clears, I don't care what you do with the information.
Nikolas: I don't want to see her hurt, you understand?
Tracy: Well, then, why don't you spare her the pain of any further relationship with A.J.? Get her out of it before he plows her into a tree or worse. She's gonna be embarrassed that she trusted him, and she will seek shelter in your arms. Win-win.
Nikolas: Winning her this way is wrong.
Tracy: Nikolas, if you truly believe that Elizabeth is the love of your life, you better go after her with everything you've got. Because the next time the grim reaper takes a swipe at you, you're gonna find yourself alone, regretting that you didn't reach for love when you had the chance.
AJ: I'm sorry, Elizabeth. As much as I dislike Tracy, I just -- I feel like I have to tell her that both relishes were tainted before it hits the news.
Elizabeth: Seriously? After the horrible way she's treated you? You really are a good man.
Maxie: Oh!
Spinelli: Maxie. Uh, salutations. Wait, a-are you okay? I trust nothing's amiss with the baby.
Maxie: I'm fine. Oh, uh, we're fine. I-I had to see Dr. Westbourne. She's taking a leave of absence -- some complications to her pregnancy.
Spinelli: Oh, well, I'm sorry to hear that. But nonetheless, I've come here to confront her about an inexplicable decision to pass over Ellie for a promotion she justly deserves.
Maxie: Oh, well, the explanation is simple. Dr. Westbourne's a bitch.
Spinelli: Right. Succinctly put. I-is she inside?
Maxie: No, she's gone. I should go, too. I need to talk to Dante about getting a new doctor.
Spinelli: Oh. Uh, right. That explains your earlier preoccupation. I mean -- how are you gonna keep your future doctor from discovering the truth?
Maxie: Truth about what?
Spinelli: Well, about the baby.
Britt: I'm not going anywhere with you. Um -- Patrick and I already agreed that -- that I was [Clears throat] Gonna stay with him.
Patrick: Right, and I had to step back from the situation and actually think about your health, and this is better, because she's a nurse, and she can have fellow nurses take care of you when she's at work or when we're together.
Britt: But the baby, and I'm on bed rest.
Patrick: I understand that, which is why this is better, because Emma would just add to your stress.
Sabrina: She's at that rambunctious age.
Patrick: And let's be honest. You're not really crazy about her.
Britt: Well, I mean, it's true Emma and I aren't best friends, but we could get along --
Sabrina: Britt, we're only thinking of your comfort. Trust me, once you get used to it, you'll be happy to be my roommate.
Patrick: I mean, Britt, you made it sound like you didn't have any other choices, but if you do, please, I'm all ears.
Brad: Whoa! Hey, hey! Watch it!
Ellie: Sorry. I'm sorry. My -- my mind was elsewhere.
Brad: Yeah, I bet I know where. [Sighs] Look, ell -- Ellie -- I'm really sorry I got promoted instead of you.
Ellie: What? No. What -- no. It wasn't -- it wasn't about that. That's not what I was thinking about. It's about my relationship.
Maxie: Oh. What truth about the baby?
Spinelli: Maxie, I know -- that -- I know that you had a miscarriage and you didn't want to tell Dante and Lulu, so you used one of their remaining embryos to get pregnant again.
Maxie: Ellie promised she wasn't gonna say anything.
Brad: Well, at least you have a relationship to worry about.
Ellie: I'm hiding something from Damian. And I hate myself for it.
Spinelli: Of course Ellie told me. I'm her boyfriend. We don't keep secrets from each other.
Patrick: Britt -- do you have any other options besides staying with Sabrina?
Britt: No.
Sabrina: Great. Then it's settled.
Britt: I guess it is.
Sabrina: You know what? Don't even worry about getting your stuff. You just take care of that baby, and I'll take care of everything else. From now on, I will be by your side, taking very good care of you.
Britt: Fine. I'm gonna go say my goodbyes. [Clears throat]
Patrick: Is it weird that I kind of enjoyed that?
Sabrina: Look, everything's gonna be just fine.
Patrick: Are you sure about this? Because it's not gonna be easy having her stay with you. I mean, you don't have to do this.
Sabrina: I-I kind of do. Look, it solves everything, and I promise I'm gonna make sure that that baby stays healthy.
Patrick: Thank you. And now that that's out of the way, we have more time to focus on me and you.
Sabrina: Sounds good to me.
AJ: Tracy! Have you heard the news?
Tracy: You're an idiot. Oh, no. Wait, that's not news.
AJ: "The chew" had our relishes tested. Pickle-Lila and pickle-Eddie were tainted.
Tracy: You're lying. How could both relishes go bad at the same time?
AJ: That's what I'm saying! Come on. The food poisoning wasn't because of spoiled ingredients. Somebody tampered with our relishes. Look, the news isn't online now. It will be soon.
Tracy: Sabotage? Who would do that?
AJ: I don't know, but what it does mean is I have no reason to tell Elizabeth that I had sex with Carly.
Nikolas: Elizabeth.
Elizabeth: Hi.
Nikolas: Hi. Uh, I called your house. Your grandmother said you were here. I had to find you.
Elizabeth: Why?
Nikolas: Something I need to tell you.
Alexis: Just tell her I'll deal with it when I get back to the office. Thanks. I thought you left.
Silas: Not without my nephew.
Alexis: You listen to me. I am not only Sam's mother, I am her attorney, and you will regret it if you try to take that kid away from my daughter.
[Elevator bell dings]
[Danny coos]
Sam: Huh? Did Dr. Clay make you as mad as he made mommy? Well, you don't have to worry, because we are gonna fight him, and we're gonna win. And you don't have to worry, because now we are home, and we're safe. There are no mean men here trying to take away my little boy. Mm.
[Keys jingling]
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