GH Transcript Tuesday 5/21/13

General Hospital Transcript Tuesday 5/21/13


Provided By Suzanne

Molly: All this for takeout?

Alexis: Ah, Shawn just got back from New York last night. Nothing wrong with making things nice. Go away.

Molly: Oh. Uh, well, I have a final tomorrow, so I guess I'll go study.

[Knock on door]

Alexis: Hello, han --

Connie: Okay. So, Morgan's home, and he's safe?

Shawn: Safe but not home. He's staying with Michael.

Olivia: [Sighs] Oh, God. Are you kidding me? What is Sonny thinking? That kid is obviously starving for some adult supervision.

Shawn: Well, Sonny's got a couple of guys keeping an eye on the building.

Olivia: Yeah, well, all due respect, Shawn, a couple of goombahs walking around on the sidewalk is not a substitute for actual parenting.

[Knock on door]

Connie: Thank you for the update, Shawn. I'm just so glad we can put this whole nightmare behind us.

Michael: [Sighs] Well, I hope you don't mind the couch. Where are you going?

Morgan: Where do you think? New York -- back to Kiki.

Michael: Morgan, you can't.

Morgan: Watch me.

Kiki: Surprise! [Chuckles]

[Doorbell rings]

Sam: You?

Silas: Samantha Morgan, right?

Sam: Yeah, that's right.

Silas: It's me. Silas Clay -- the hospital. We met in New York, remember?

Sam: Yeah, I remember.

Silas: Wh--

Alexis: Hi, Rafe.

Rafe: Hi, ms. Davis.

Alexis: Come in. I'm -- I-I'm sorry I called you "handsome." I mean, not that you're not handsome. It's just I was expecting someone else.

Rafe: Yeah, it's -- really, it's no problem.

Alexis: Does Sam know you're here?

Rafe: Yeah, she said it was okay to stop by. It is okay, right?

Alexis: Of course it is. I'm sure you're looking for Molly.

Rafe: Yes, ma'am. I had a question to ask her about prom.

Alexis: Oh, good. Is one of Molly's friends taking you?

Rafe: No. Molly is.

Alexis: Molly!

Milo: Ah, thanks, TJ.

Felix: Whoa, whoa! I'm sorry. I, uh, didn't see you there.

Milo: It's my fault.

Felix: You seem kind of distracted. Is everything okay?

Milo: Yeah, fine. Um, look, I really have to get this food back to her, so I'll see you later.

Felix: What's gotten into him?

Dante: Milo, just the guy I'm looking for. Hoping you can tell me where my wife is.

I now pronounce you husband and wife.

Todd look-alike: Sorry. Didn't mean to startle you.

Lulu: wasn't you -- not entirely. I was just, um, remembering -- I'm sorry. Who are you?

Connie: Sonny. You're back.

Sonny: Yeah. I just wanted to check in, make sure everything's okay. I'll pay for whatever damages...

Connie: No, it's fine.

Shawn: Yeah, I just finished the cleanup. No signs of last night's altercation.

Sonny: Thanks, Shawn.

Shawn: No problem. Glad it all worked out.

Olivia: So, you got your bad boy back.

Sonny: Yeah, he's safe and sound.

Olivia: So glad it all worked out.

Kiki: [Laughs]

Morgan: Ugh! Oh, my God. Mm. Mm. Mm. What are you doing here?

Kiki: Oh, I miss you so much, I literally have not been able to stop thinking about you since you left New York.

Michael: What, less than 24 hours ago?

Kiki: Look, I've decided that I don't want to be anywhere that you're not.

Morgan: I-I feel the same way.

Kiki: You do?

Morgan: Yeah.

Kiki: [Chuckles]

Morgan: I was actually -- I was gonna go back to the city to try to find you. How'd you even know I'd be here?

Kiki: Oh, I didn't. I came here to see Michael.

[Knocking on door]

Sam: Ugh! What?

Silas: May I come in?

Sam: No.

Silas: The least you can do is hear me out after I made the effort to track you down.

Sam: What effort, exactly? I told you my name and where I was from. All you had to do was look me up on the internet.

Silas: We're not all fancy P.I.S, are we?

Sam: Ooh.

Silas: McCall and jackal.

Sam: Wow. You are a real bloodhound, aren't you? You should probably join the agency. And what's with this whole "I'm Silas Clay -- we met in New York" thing? Do you think you would actually show up on my doorstep and I wouldn't remember you? And then you actually complained about having to come "all this way," as if you had to be in the back of a wagon or something.

Silas: No, all I'm saying is it's not a cab ride across town, is it?

Sam: Clearly, you flew here. Well, what -- you had to sit down, eat some peanuts, get back up? Big deal. When I was in New York, you didn't have the time of day for me, and now you're at my doorstep, introducing yourself to me all over again, complaining about air travel. Why are you here?

Silas: I'm here about my nephew.

Alexis: [Sighs]

Molly: Rafe! Hey! What are you doing here?

Alexis: Rafe was just telling me the two of you are going to prom together.

Molly: Uh...yeah. We are.

Alexis: Is that so?

Rafe: Sorry. I-I thought you knew.

Alexis: Oh, that's a reasonable assumption -- incorrect but reasonable. So, when did that happen?

Molly: Um, last night.

Alexis: Last night? What happened last night?

Molly: Mom, really, what's the big deal if I just decided to go with Rafe?

Alexis: I think your boyfriend might consider it a big deal.

Molly: What boyfriend? TJ and I broke up.

Felix: Was it just me, or did Milo seem a little distracted?

TJ: Huh?

Felix: Okay, is there something in the water? Milo's walking into walls, and now you -- why so down?

TJ: [Sighs] Guess.

Felix: Molly? But you apologized, right? Everything worked out.

TJ: Not exactly.

Milo: I thought Lulu was with you. I haven't seen her since you took her to check out the damage on the haunted star.

Dante: Well, we went to her mother's wedding after that.

Milo: Oh, that's nice.

Dante: Yeah, except it was too much for Lulu. She, uh, freaked out a little bit.

Milo: Where'd you take her after that?

Dante: I didn't, Milo. [Sighs] She, uh, made her own way to your place.

Milo: And you let her?

Dante: Yeah, I let her, because I'm trying to give her her space.

Milo: Yeah, I get that. [Sighs]

Dante: So, I went to your place to check up on her, and there's a note on the door saying you're here getting dinner. So, I thought maybe she would be here meeting you.

Milo: I'm sorry. She didn't.

Dante: That's great. Well, where the hell'd she go, then?

[Glass crunches]

Todd look-alike: You don't know who I am?

Lulu: No. [Chuckles] know me?

Todd look-alike: We've met.

Lulu: I'm sorry. Are we close?

Todd look-alike: No. Not at all.

Lulu: Well [Sighs] Don't be offended if I don't remember your name. Mine's Lulu, but you know that. What's yours?

TJ: [Sighs]

Felix: Wait. So, when you went to apologize to Molly, you saw Rafe all over her?

TJ: Again. After he kissed her, after he texted her, there they were, in each other's arms. I mean, she said it was just a hug, but it sure looked like more.

Felix: Mnh-mnh. This kid may play all innocent, but, clearly, he knows exactly what he's doing.

TJ: Molly said there was nothing going on, and I should have believed her.

Felix: Instead of your own eyes?

TJ: Yeah. I mean, Molly was furious. I've never seen her like this. I messed up big-time, didn't I?

Felix: I didn't say that.

TJ: You didn't have to. I know -- I know I crossed the line.

Felix: Look, the way I look at it, if you both are still breathing and she cares enough about you to be angry with you and you care enough about her that you admit that you're wrong, then there's still hope.

TJ: You really think so?

Felix: Absolutely. Molly's a reasonable person. I think she'll see your side of it once everyone's had a minute to calm down.

TJ: Look, I hear what you're saying, Felix, and I really appreciate the support, but...

Felix: But?

TJ: ...I don't think there's anything I can do to fix this. I've lost Molly forever.

Alexis: So, when were you gonna tell me you and TJ broke up?

Molly: Uh, I don't know. Soon, probably.

Alexis: Oh, you mean, like, "soon, later today," or "when Rafe shows up in his tux on prom night"?

Molly: [Sighs]

Rafe: I'm gonna need a tux?

Molly: [Chuckling] Totally.

Alexis: [Sighs] What happened with you and T.J.?

Molly: He's acting like a jealous, possessive jerk, that's what. I explained to him that Rafe and I are just friends. TJ couldn't trust me, and he [Sighs] Hasn't been very nice to Rafe.

Rafe: Well, in all fairness, I did --

Molly: Nothing that warranted T.J.'S treatment of you.

Alexis: You're going to prom with Rafe. Doesn't that validate TJ's concern?

Molly: No, because if he hadn't been jealous when there was nothing to be jealous about, then I wouldn't be doing anything that he might be jealous about now. [Chuckles] Anyway, it's fine. I'm fine. The whole thing is fine.

[Knock on door]

Molly: Oh, no.

Rafe: What's wrong?

Alexis: It's Shawn.

Rafe: TJ's foster dad.

Molly: Okay, let's go. Uh, follow my lead, say nothing, and don't look back. Hi, Shawn. Bye, shwozn.

Shawn: Where is she going in such a hurry, and why --

Silas: Am I going to stand out here all day, waiting for you to let me in? Might get a little tedious for me. At some point, it'll probably get very inconvenient for you, but, by all means, if that's what you need to establish control, knock yourself out.

Sam: I told you that your dead brother had a son and he left him behind an orphan because your brother killed your nephew's mother right in front of him and practically forced him to watch, and you didn't really give a damn.

Silas: In all fairness, it was a lot of information to process.

Sam: So, you figured, what, you would come here, introduce yourself to Rafe so you would feel like less of an ass before you made your way back to New York city? Not gonna happen. Rafe's already been through enough.

Silas: I hadn't seen my brother in years. And you show up, and you tell me he's dead, he hurt a lot of people, and I have a nephew. I didn't know how to react, so I didn't react at all, and then I had some time to think about it. Rafe's my only family. I thought I owed it to the kid to at least come by and say hello.

Sam: Rafe's not here...right now. Goodbye.

Silas: Samantha, please -- I came all this way.

Sam: Yeah, you mentioned that.

Silas: You can't just give me one minute?

Sam: Why? You didn't have a minute for me.

Silas: I know. I'm sorry about that.

Sam: Okay. Come on in. Ugh. I'm gonna regret this, aren't I? [Sighs]

Dante: I'm trying to give her her space. How am I supposed to be okay with never knowing where she's gonna turn to next?

Milo: Maybe give her some more time to process everything she's been through.

Dante: Time? Look, I've given her plenty of time, okay? Now I'm losing time with my wife. You said you were gonna keep her safe, and I trusted you, even though I didn't want to.

Milo: I'm not the one who lost her this time, Dante.

Dante: Excuse me?

Milo: Look, I was just trying to bring Lulu some food she actually likes. Turns out a girl can only eat so much wheatgrass and roughage. Look, I honestly thought I'd be back before she came home.

Dante: It's not her home! Okay?! It's your home! It's your apartment -- your studio apartment with one bed in it that you sure as hell better not be sharing with my wife!

Milo: I'm not! I prom--

Dante: Her home is with me and her family and our -- soon, our baby! Our baby! Okay? So, I am done with this game of house that you two are playing, okay?! It ends now!

Todd look-alike: You want me to tell you my name?

Lulu: Actually, you know what? Don't tell me your name.

Todd look-alike: Don't tell you my name?

Lulu: Yeah, nothing personal. I've just been inundated with so many introductions that -- ugh, reintroductions, I should say -- I can't even keep all the names straight. [Sighs] Laura, Lucky, Lesley -- those are just my family members.

Todd look-alike: Oh, Lordy, Lulu. That's a lot of "L's."

Lulu: Yeah. I'm in "l" hell. [Chuckles]

Lulu: I'm sorry. You...don't need to hear any of this.

Todd look-alike: No, no. No worries. I'm here to listen.

Lulu: [Chuckles] Thank you. Um, it's been really difficult. Everyone here is expecting me to be this person that they want me to be, and I don't know if I'm ever gonna be that person again, or even if I want to be.

Todd look-alike: Yeah. Yeah. No, I know. Everybody's always got this idea of you, and they want you to fit into that idea, and it just... doesn't give a man room to grow.

Lulu: Did they...let you... grow? [Chuckles] Well...that's funny. Yeah. Well, it's kind of why I stopped by. Never mind. You know what? Why don't you and I talk business?

Lulu: Oh, um, okay. How 'bout we skip the introductions and get down to business? What can I do for you?

Michael: You wanted to see me?

Morgan: Yeah. What could you possibly want with my pain-in-the-ass older brother?

Kiki: To see you, dummy. After your father dragged you off, he made it very clear I was persona non grata.

Michael: Okay. So, you figured after suckering my brother into gambling way more money than he actually had...

Kiki: Okay, I was trying to boost his confidence.

Michael: ...Getting him in deep with people who beat him up and could have killed him...

Kiki: I didn't know that there would be violence involved.

Michael: ...Oh, yeah, staging a poker game with four so-called suckers so my brother could win back the money that he owed -- okay, you figured after all of that, I'd tell you where to find Morgan?

Kiki: Uh, yeah. And I was hoping that you would give me some pointers on how to win over your father.

Olivia: So, what happened? Or do we not even want to know?

Sonny: No, yeah. Well, I paid them off and, you know, warned them not to go anywhere near my family, sent them away, and then brought Morgan home.

Olivia: To live with Michael? You sure that's a good idea?

Sonny: Well, Carly and I didn't want to fight 'cause Morgan's been [Sighs] Through that already, and being with Michael was the compromise.

Olivia: And Michael's okay with this?

Sonny: Yeah. I mean, I think he is. It's neutral territory. The brothers can get back to bonding.

Olivia: [Sighs] You know, and Michael's a responsible kid.

Sonny: Yeah.

Olivia: I get that. I just -- it just seems like Morgan is a bit of a handful right now, and maybe Michael would rather take the blame than let his brother suffer the consequences of -- you know what? It's none of my business. No, no -- I'm sure whatever you're doing, it's gonna be fine.

Sonny: What about you? Are you okay?

Olivia: [Sighs] You mean after being terrorized and held hostage and then holding the other guy hostage? Yeah, I'm good. I'm good.

Sonny: [Exhales deeply] You two really helped me out. You led me to Morgan, and I can't thank you enough.

Olivia: You know I'd do anything for you, right?

Sonny: Yeah.

Connie: Okay, for crying out loud, enough already.

Silas: Place is nice. Your husband must do all right.

Sam: My husband? I make a perfectly good living on my own, thank you very much.

Silas: Sorry. I didn't know P.I.S made penthouse money. That's a nice photo.

Sam: My husband is none of your business.

Silas: Well, if he's raising my nephew, then he's sort of my business.

Sam: Well, he won't be, so don't worry about it.

Silas: Why is that? Is he out of the picture?

Sam: No, my husband's dead. Any other questions?

Todd look-alike: So, I just got back to Port Charles after what I'm calling an involuntary absence.

Lulu: And by that, you mean...?

Todd look-alike: Now, there I go again. I think I've said too much.

Lulu: Oh, no. Don't worry about it. [Grunts] It's none of my business. My business is apparently this boat.

Todd look-alike: Which is what I wanted to talk to you about. I want to -- careful!

[Silverware clatters]

Lulu: Ooh. Got it.

Todd look-alike: ...Rent your boat for tomorrow night.

Lulu: Uh, you're planning a cruise? 'Cause I got to warn you -- I have no idea if we do cruises.

Todd look-alike: No, no, the boat does not have to leave the dock. I want to have a big party right here tomorrow night. I want to invite all the movers in town, all the shakers in town.

Lulu: Tomorrow night? That's -- that's a little short notice.

Todd look-alike: No. No, no, no. The urgency will add to the allure. I can't think of a better way to reintroduce myself to all of the people that I've left behind.

Kiki: Oh, Mikey-mike, I'm guessing that you are your parents' favorite. Am I right? No offense, Cap'n.

Morgan: Oh, none taken. Mikey is everyone's favorite.

Michael: That's not true.

Morgan: Oh, mom, dad, josh, Krissy, Molly -- the list goes on and on.

Michael: Our parents love us the same, Morgan. Come on.

Morgan: Whoa! Why are you getting mad? You're my favorite, too. I mean, you can be kind of annoying, but you're good in a fight, and I know you would have given me the money if you could have got into your trust fund, which actually would have been very nice, because then dad wouldn't have gotten involved and he wouldn't have this irrational prejudice against Kiki.

Michael: It's pretty rational.

Kiki: Gee, thanks.

Michael: Look, you should know when my dad makes his mind up about somebody, it's almost impossible to get him to change it.

Morgan: Okay, don't listen to him. I'm working on it. We can change my dad's mind.

Kiki: Mm-hmm.

Michael: Well, you want my advice? Go back to New York. Leave my brother alone.

Kiki: No.

Morgan: [Chuckles]

Kiki: I mean, unless you want me to, Morgan.

Morgan: Oh, I definitely do not.

Kiki: Okay, good. Then I'd better look for a cheap hotel around town...

Morgan: Uh...

Kiki: ...'Cause I'm going to be staying in town.

Michael: Good. I-I recommend the rendezvous motel.

Morgan: Are you serious? That's, like, all the way across town, man.

Michael: Oh, how 'bout that?

Kiki: Well, I'm sure if Michael's recommending it, it must be wonderful.

Morgan: No. No, it's not wonderful, and you're not gonna stay in a motel, okay? You can stay here with me.

Olivia: Connie, you okay?

Connie: Yes. I'm so sorry.

Sonny: Is there anything I can do?

Connie: It's just been a long day.

Sonny: 'Cause I told you I'd pay for the damages.

Connie: It's fine. Sonny, I'm really grateful that you came by to check on us and fill us in about Morgan, but I think you should go now.

Olivia: Honey, he was just checking in.

Connie: I know, and I'm very grateful that Morgan's home, but, Sonny, you know my situation. I'm -- I'm not supposed to be around you.

Sonny: Oh, I get it. I get it. And, you know, look -- I'm sorry. I didn't -- I didn't want to drag you into this -- either of you.

Connie: It's fine. It's all worked out, right?

Sonny: See you around, Liv.

Olivia: You okay?

Connie: Yeah. Sorry about that.

Olivia: No, I get it. I get it. I get it. You got to stay away from Sonny, and Sonny's got to stay away from you.

Connie: Thank you.

Olivia: But I-I got to ask. What just happened there -- were you upset because of Sonny, or were you upset because of Sonny and me?

Milo: I'm not trying to come between you and Lulu. She's just confused, and she needed a friend to be there for her.

Dante: A friend?! A friend wouldn't try and keep her from the people who care about her!

Milo: I care about Lulu, too, and, come to think about it, I've cared about her longer than you have, Dante.

Dante: Milo, Milo, please stop. What -- what do you expect to come from this, her staying with you? What are you trying to prove?

Milo: I'm not the one that has anything to prove. I accept Lulu exactly the way she is, and maybe that's why she prefers my company right now, is because I'm not pressuring her all the damn time.

Dante: You're not pressuring her because you know she's gonna leave you as soon as she remembers her life with me!

Milo: I don't know, Dante! I think if Lulu wanted to remember you, she'd have done it by now, so maybe you should just back off!

Sonny: I would not do that. With depression, simple pleasures can simply hurt.

Connie: [Chuckling] Why would I be upset with you, Liv? You didn't do anything wrong. Sonny didn't do anything wrong. Things are just --

Olivia: I-I -- honey, I know how -- I know how things are, and I saw, when Sonny walked in here, it was hard for you, and you kept your distance, and that's all good. That's all well and good. But it wasn't till he and I started talking that you --

Connie: I snapped.

Olivia: Yeah. So, again, I got to ask you. Were you...upset because of me?

Connie: Look, Liv, Sonny's a free man. You' Besides, there's nothing going on between you two. Is there?

Sonny: Okay. Somebody want to tell me what the hell's going on here?

Dante: It's nothing.

Milo: Boss, I can explain.

Dante: How's Morgan? Did you find him?

Sonny: Relax. Morgan's fine. The only one of my kids that I'm worried about right now is you, Dante.

Milo: I'll leave you two to talk.

Sonny: You're not going anywhere. Wait for me inside.

Silas: I'm sorry. I, um -- I didn't know about your husband.

Sam: Now you do.

Silas: May I ask how he...?

Sam: No, you may not. Look, I'm sure you're here with the best of intentions...

Silas: I am.

Sam: ...But, clearly, now is not the time, and -- and maybe when you actually [Chuckling] Find the time, you could call first before showing up.

Silas: Hey, look... I said I'm sorry. I'm sorry about New York. I'm sorry about your husband. But I can't be flying back and forth, trying to time my visit for the perfect moment when you feel receptive.

Sam: Me? This isn't about me.

Silas: You're the only person in the room.

Sam: Rafe is the one that we're talking about here, and unless you can provide stability for him as his uncle, then I think you should go home -- now.

Silas: Hey, if it's all the same with you, I think I'll stay till he gets back.

Sam: At least let me talk to him first, and if he's interested in meeting you, then I'll --

Silas: I'm interested. That's why I'm here.

Sam: I am not gonna put Rafe through the wringer again to satisfy some arrogant jerk who thinks he's God's gift to the planet.

Silas: I wouldn't say "God's gift." In fact --

Sam: Well, why don't you get out of here before I call my security?

Silas: Your security? [Chuckles] Now, why does someone like you have their own security?

Sam: Would you care to find out?

Silas: No. I'm not leaving town till I see Rafe.

Shawn: So, Morgan is back in Port Charles, safe and sound.

Alexis: So are you and Sonny, and you didn't even call me to defend you and get you out of court, because I know you were doing something that you shouldn't have been doing, so I'm really glad you're back. It's always the cherry on my cake of the day.

Shawn: [Chuckles] Quid pro quo. Now, I told you everything about Morgan. Care to fill me in on what's going on with Molly and Rafe?

Alexis: Yeah, they're kids. You know, they're just making a big thing out of nothing.

Shawn: Such as?

Alexis: [Sighing] Well, yeah, it -- it -- it -- it turns out that, um, Molly and Rafe are going to prom together.

Shawn: Wait, what? Molly is going to prom with Rafe?

Alexis: Molly and TJ broke up.

Shawn: Yeah, and Rafe is waiting in the wings. The kid doesn't scare off easily. I'll give him that.

Alexis: Well, he did just face off Heather Webber and the madman who murdered his mother. I mean, honestly, how intimidating can TJ be?

Shawn: Well, I'm not talking about TJ. Look, I told Rafe to stay away from Molly and that Molly belonged to TJ obviously, he didn't listen.

Alexis: I'm sorry. What did you just say?

Felix: You had it rough growing up, huh? Not used to getting what you want?

TJ: [Sighs] Is it that obvious?

Felix: Yeah. You got to get over that.

TJ: That's easier said than done, Felix.

Felix: Look, everything is easier said than done, especially the worthwhile stuff. Not that I have much experience, but when you're in love, you don't give up that easily.

TJ: Maybe you're right.

Felix: Of course I am. You mull that over, and I'll be right back. What happened to you?

Milo: I got into a fight.

Dante: Go easy on Milo. Sonny, I swung first. He's just looking after Lulu.

Sonny: I'll deal with Milo in a minute. Him and I need some clarification, but in the meantime, I'm guessing that punch had something to do with you and Lulu aren't back on track.

Dante: Not yet. In fact, right now, she seems farther away than ever.

Lulu: I really would like to help you throw this party, and I wouldn't want to stand in the way of you reconnecting with everyone.

Well, then don't. Help me out.

Lulu: Unfortunately, I don't remember the first thing about any of this, so... I'm sure there's a staff I'd have to hire, liquor and food to be ordered.

No, no, no. You don't need to do a thing. I can find people to do all of that. All you need to do is provide me with the venue.

Lulu: Sounds like you're a pretty big deal. Are you famous or something like that?

Something like that. I'll be right back.

Rafe: You're back.

Silas: Back?

Sam: Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait a minute.

Rafe: You said you were immortal.

Sam: No, this isn't Caleb -- I mean Stephen Clay. He's -- he is gone, and he is not coming back. I promise you that. This is his brother.

Molly: His brother?

Silas: Stephen's older brother. I think that makes me your uncle. I'm Silas. It's nice to meet you, Rafe.

Alexis: Molly does not belong to TJ.

Shawn: Okay, look, I didn't mean it that way.

Alexis: Molly does not belong to anyone.

Shawn: Still, she can't treat TJ like some kind of project until some other stray wanders in.

Alexis: How dare you talk about my daughter like this?!

Shawn: TJ is my responsibility, and it's my job to protect him.

Alexis: Maybe TJ is the one who made a mess out of this in the first place.

Shawn: I think Rafe had something to do with it.

Alexis: Well, according to Molly, he overreacted to this whole Rafe thing and he has unwarranted jealousy.

Shawn: Unwarranted? She dumped TJ last night, and Rafe is already taking her to prom.

Alexis: Actually, Molly is taking Rafe to prom because they can do that now. Never mind. That is a terrible counterargument.

Shawn: Rafe swooping in this quickly proves the kid's point. Molly strung TJ along.

Alexis: Molly did not string anybody along. [Sighs]

Shawn: [Sighs]

Alexis: What are we doing?

Shawn: [Chuckles] We sound crazy, don't we? Arguing over our kids' problems. I... [Inhales deeply]

Alexis: Yeah.

Shawn: [Exhales deeply] [Chuckles]

Alexis: We've got other things to talk about.

Shawn: Yeah.

Alexis: [Sighs] I haven't seen you in days. Why don't we just focus on us, okay?

Shawn: You're right. Truce?

Alexis: Truce. We let the kids fight their own battles, and we get on with the rest of our evening.

Shawn: I've got a better idea.

Alexis: Hmm?

Kiki: Mm. I missed you so much.

Morgan: Oh, I missed you, too.

Kiki: Do you have any idea?

Morgan: Mnh-mnh.

Kiki: I can't wait to be back in your arms.

Michael: All right, knock it off. Knock it off. Look, you staying here -- it's not gonna happen.

Kiki: What are you talking about? I thought it was all decided.

Michael: Nothing's been decided. Look, Morgan, you're a guest here, okay? You can't just invite people over to stay. Plus, my brother's still recovering from that beatdown he got while you were supposedly helping him.

Morgan: Oh, Mikey, relax, okay? My ribs are much better.

Kiki: [Giggles]

Michael: All right, look -- all you've done is cause trouble, okay? So, I'm sorry, but you got to go.

Kiki: Okay. If you say so.

Morgan: Uh, no, don't even think about it. You're staying.

Michael: This isn't your decision, Morgan.

Morgan: Okay, I owe her. She and her mom took care of me in New York.

Michael: Okay, now I'm taking care of you. You're my responsibility.

Morgan: Okay. Look, Michael, I get that you're upset. I do. Oh, you know what? I'll even concede that I messed up. But Kiki's not to blame, okay? And if you kick her out, I'm just gonna chase right after her, and then you're gonna have to tell mom and dad why I ran off again, so how's that?

Kiki: You see that, Michael? Morgan's helping you, too.

Olivia: Is there something going on between me and Sonny?

Connie: Because if there is, it's none of my business, Liv.

Olivia: There's not! Wowwee! Where the hell did that even come from?

Connie: I don't know. I don't even know why I asked you that.

Olivia: I mean, is this about high school?

Connie: High school?

Olivia: Yeah, because maybe there's some resentment hanging on because he and I went out together before you. You know, we were over before I even knew I was pregnant with Dante, and we're friends now.

Connie: I know that. I know that, and I-I just -- I got a little confused for a second.

Olivia: I'll say.

Connie: Look, when you said that -- you asked me if there was something that I was confused about -- "you and Sonny" -- it just sounded like that you were making yourself a couple for a second.

Olivia: No, I meant -- all I meant was I was thinking that maybe you thought that when he came in here, like, I didn't have your back or something like that.

Connie: I don't need -- honey, I don't need you to have my back. I am perfectly capable of talking to Sonny by myself.

Olivia: I get it. You made this incredibly tough decision to cut Sonny out of your life, and I've -- I've kept him a part of mine, and maybe it didn't really occur to me that it feels to you like I'm choosing my friendship with Sonny over my family.

Connie: No. No, Liv. Sonny is your family, too. You have a son together. I...get that, and I would never ask you to give him up.

Olivia: But just so you know, you come first to me, always, and I hope you know that.

Connie: I know. I know. Liv, I know.

Olivia: Okay, bring it in. Bring it in.

Connie: Bring it in.

Olivia: Bring it in. I'm so glad we got that all settled.

Connie: Me, too.

Sonny: Do you think Lulu's trying to block the memory of something that happened on that island?

Dante: It's the only place Stavros held her captive... [Groans] ...Except for the haunted star. That's -- that's where he took Lulu the night she was taken.

Sonny: You think she's going back to the haunted star?

Dante: There's only one way to find out.

Lulu: Well, I guess I can't let my business go under just because I'm experiencing some personal difficulties.

Todd look-alike: You know, you're really hard on yourself, and you don't need to be. Everybody does crazy things after they go through traumatic experiences. Please. I know all about that.

Lulu: All right, you know what? Let's do this. If you've got the money, then you got yourself a boat. I promise I will spruce things up [Chuckling] Before tomorrow night -- that is, if you don't have your own sprucer people, too.

Todd look-alike: No, no. Please. Feel free. Spruce away.

Lulu: Okay. I'll see you soon.

Todd look-alike: You certainly will -- you and everybody else in Port Charles.

Michael: Why do you want to stay here, anyway? Look, there's one bed, where I'll be sleeping in. That means one of you is gonna have to sleep on the floor.

Kiki: You're right. Well, those sleeping arrangements won't work at all.

Morgan: Mm-hmm.

Kiki: We should stay in the bedroom, right, because we're the couple? Yeah, exactly.

Morgan: Yeah. Yeah, you don't mind the couch, do you, Mikey?

Michael: Um...

Kiki: Ohh, Morgan was right. You are a great guy, mike-- okay, Cap'n, show me to our bedroom. [Giggles]

Morgan: [Chuckles] Whoo!

Kiki: [Giggles]

Silas: Come on, kid. Don't leave your uncle hanging.

Rafe: You're not my uncle.

Silas: Look, this came as a shock to me, too, but, uh, your father was my brother.

Rafe: Stephen Clay was never my father! [Sighs] I'm sorry. This -- this is just too weird.

Silas: Rafe, I came a long way to see you. Can we just talk?

Rafe: Why? You're nothing to me.

Molly: Rafe, hey.

Sam: We did it your way. Are you happy now?

Silas: Mm. You were right. Should have waited. I didn't mean to freak the kid out.

Sam: Well, you did. So, well, this is good. Now you met your nephew. You can check it off the list and head back to New York city.

Silas: I don't give up that easy.

Sam: What the hell does that mean?

Silas: Good night, Samantha Morgan.

Shawn: [Sighs] You sure do know how to work up my appetite. [Chuckles]

Alexis: Having dinner after dessert was a very good idea.

Shawn: Mm-hmm.

Alexis: Look, I know that things have changed between Molly and T.J., Yes?

Shawn: And there's nothing we can do about it.

Alexis: Mnh-mnh.

Shawn: Right?

Alexis: Right. It's their relationship. We're gonna let them handle it.

Shawn: Mm.

Alexis: Because I really don't want anything to get in the way of our relationship, okay? So, you're not just TJ's guardian, and you're not just some guy I'm seeing. I-I...

Shawn: What? Hmm?

Alexis: I don't know what I'd do without you in my life.

Shawn: Good, because you won't have to worry about that.

TJ: I don't know. M-maybe this could help.

Milo: Thanks, TJ.

Felix: What happened?

Sonny: Milo -- now.

Milo: [Sighs]

TJ: That didn't look good.

Felix: No, it didn't.

Milo: Boss, I'm so sorry about the fight. I didn't ever see it getting to this --

Sonny: Forget about all that. You and I are gonna have a little chat about why you're shacking up with my daughter-in-law.

Lulu: This is gonna take forever. [Sighs] [Sighs]

[Cork pops]

Raise your glasses to the bride and groom.

[Glass shatters]

Dante: Lulu. Are you okay? What's wrong? What happened? Lulu, wait!

Olivia: So, you want to grab some dinner?

Connie: Oh, sure, as long as it's not pizza again.

Olivia: Oh, no, no, no, no. We're going to a nice, relaxing dinner with table service and a nice bottle of wine...

Connie: Ooh.

Olivia: ...Where no one is being bound or gagged or held at gunpoint.

Connie: Did you make reservations?

Olivia: [Laughs]

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