General Hospital Transcript Monday 5/20/13
Provided By Suzanne
Sam: Okay. Thanks for waiting. Danny's down for the count. Rafe is with his counselor. Catch me up. What's going on?
Spinelli: Well, my quest to find the missing Quartermaine heir has hit a rough patch, so to speak.
Sam: How rough?
Spinelli: I failed.
[Door opens]
Kiki: Oh, it's you.
Ava: "Hi, mom. Welcome home. How was your trip?"
Kiki: I'm sorry. I just thought that you were Morgan.
Ava: Why? What happened to him?
Kiki: He's gone.
[Door opens]
Michael: Hey.
Carly: Oh, God. You're okay.
Michael: Yeah.
Carly: I was so worried about you.
Michael: Mom, I'm fine. So is Morgan.
Carly: Where is your brother? I thought he was with you. Where's Morgan?
Morgan: Not to worry, mom. Right here.
Sam: Last time we talked, I thought you had a great lead. What happened? I thought finding Lauren was a done deal.
Spinelli: So did I. But it turns out I was bamboozled by Luke Spencer.
Tracy: I don't want to lose you to drinking, Luke. I don't want to lose you at all.
Luke: You won't.
Tracy: Don't get me wrong. There are times I want to strangle you, but I still care about you. I care about you a lot.
Luke: Likewise.
Tracy: What was that?
Scott: That was Lucy. Mayor Lomax had to cancel.
Laura: Why?
Scott: I don't know. Some impending sanitation strike or something.
Elizabeth: Oh, no.
Laura: So, we don't have anyone to marry us?
Scott: Well, unless we can come up with a justice of the peace, a priest, a rabbi, anybody that's available today.
Lesley: There's me.
Right in here, sir. Hey, do I know you from somewhere?
I don't think so. I've been getting that a lot lately, though. Maybe I just have one of those faces.
[Keys rattling, door unlocks]
Luke: I thought we were having a moment, so I went with it.
Tracy: A moment or a diversion?
Luke: Come again?
Tracy: Let's see -- one minute, we were talking about your drinking non-problem, and the next minute, you were ambushing me.
Luke: My kiss felt like an ambush? I think I'm hurt.
Tracy: Quit stalling. Answer the question.
Luke: Would I divert a conversation away from me and alcohol? Yes, any day of the week. Why? Because, "a," as you just said, it's a non-problem, and, "b," because I'm sick to death of it! But that's not why I kissed you.
Tracy: No?
Luke: No.
Tracy: By all means -- enlighten me.
Scott: Are you a rabbi?
Lesley: Recently, I was ordained online so I could marry two dear friends.
Laura: I didn't know that.
Scott: Well, you're full of surprises.
Lesley: You remember that.
Laura: What kind of ceremony did you perform?
Lesley: Uh, actually, it was based upon... wiccan teachings.
Scott: Wiccan? Like in witches?
Lesley: Like in wiccan.
Laura: Uh, are you really able to marry us?
Lesley: Yes.
Laura: Really? Are you willing?
Lesley: Well, I figure if I'm going to accept him as your husband, I might as well go the extra step and make him your husband. Right?
Scott: Ah! Okay. Well, then, let's get married.
Lesley: So, we're gonna do it, huh?
Scott: Let's do it.
Laura: Oh, that's fantastic.
Spinelli: Quite convincing, this fake mystery heiress. She played hard-to-get at first, until I pulled the "truth" out of her.
Sam: How long did she let you go on?
Spinelli: Long enough to explain the whole story.
Sam: Really? Well, if it wasn't the real Lauren Frank, who was it?
Spinelli: Some struggling actress. Luke called in a favor and convinced her to send me down the wrong path.
Sam: No, this is a good thing. That means the real Lauren is out there somewhere.
Spinelli: Yeah, as elusive as ever.
Ava: What do you mean gone? Is Morgan all right?
Kiki: He's fine. Those lowlifes came looking for him, the ones that he was hiding from.
Ava: They came looking for him here, in our home?
Kiki: Yes. Relax! Everything's fine now, okay?
Ava: Lauren Katherine Jerome, collectors for a bookie showing up at our home is not fine! It is totally unacceptable.
Kiki: It only got worse.
Ava: Morgan didn't have the money he owed them.
Kiki: And they weren't too happy about it. Actually, Morgan's brother found him on the floor.
Ava: Oh, my God.
Kiki: And he had to take him to the hospital.
Ava: How badly was he hurt?
Kiki: He just had a few bruised ribs, okay? That's all.
Ava: Oh! Oh, well. If that's all...
Kiki: You know, I came up with this brilliant plan for him to get all of his money back, and Morgan was completely on board with it...
Ava: But?
Kiki: But his obnoxious brother wasn't. He was a complete downer. You know what? That brother, Michael, he wouldn't know adventure if it bit him in the butt.
Ava: [Chuckles] Okay. So... everything got ruined. And then what? This -- this Michael, he took Morgan home?
Kiki: No, his father did.
Ava: Oh. Well, you know what? I'm relieved, actually. I told Morgan to have his parents help him. He was adamant about them not being involved.
Kiki: Yeah, well, it wasn't exactly Morgan's choice, okay? His dad practically dragged him out by the ear.
Sonny: Here he is -- the prodigal son.
Carly: You're okay?
Morgan: Uh, yeah, I was. Watch the ribs.
Carly: I can't believe what those animals did to you.
Morgan: Mom, can you stop? I'm fine, seriously.
Carly: Are you sure?
Morgan: Yeah. Never better.
Carly: Positive? 100%?
Morgan: Don't I look it?
Carly: Yes. And now that I know you're gonna live, I'm gonna kill you myself.
Guard: You have one hour.
Heather: So...
Todd look-alike: So...
Heather: It's you.
Todd look-alike: It's me.
Heather: Long time no see. I was living with pain -- all over.
Carly: Do you have any idea how worried we were -- how absolutely terrified?
Morgan: I'm sorry.
Carly: No. Sorry doesn't cut it. I mean, seriously, I don't even know where to begin with you.
Sonny: You can start with the gambling.
Carly: That gambling. Yes, thank you! The gambling. Huge -- huge amounts of money! What were you thinking? Then you take off for New York city, all without even letting your parents know? I mean, my God -- when I think about what could have happened to you...
Morgan: Oh, mom, come on. Stop.
Carly: Stop? I'm not gonna stop. Things happen, Morgan. Terrible things happen. Events spiral out of control, and lives are changed. Don't tell me to stop. And let me tell you something. The second -- the second -- you knew you were in trouble, you should have called us.
Morgan: I know!
Carly: Your father and I would have helped you. Then why didn't you?!
Morgan: Because I just wanted to handle it on my own.
Sonny: In case you hadn't noticed, I just bailed you out.
Morgan: Yeah, okay. And you didn't have to because I was working on a plan.
Michael: Your plan was toast, Morgan. If dad didn't show up, you could have been killed, along with your mastermind girlfriend.
Ava: Can you really blame the man for being upset?
Kiki: I would not call it upset. I don't even know how to describe it, okay? He was... he was very quiet and very calm but very terrifying. I can see why Morgan didn't want him to get involved. This is not a parent that you would want to get in trouble with.
Ava: Well... better his dad than those debt collectors.
Kiki: Just leave it to my boyfriend to get dragged off by his dad all the way home. And he lives in Port Charles.
Ava: Port Charles, New York?
Heather: I had no idea you were back in town.
Todd look-alike: Surprise.
Heather: Something about you looks different.
Todd look-alike: You think?
Heather: Mm.
Heather: Not sure what it is. But it suits you.
Todd look-alike: Thank you. Whatever you're doing suits you. You look great.
Heather: Thanks.
Todd look-alike: Well-rested.
Heather: I've been keeping busy. Doing a lot of reading, perfecting my macramé skills.
Todd look-alike: Ah.
Heather: Getting in touch with my inner child. But I'm sure you didn't come here to exchange pleasantries.
Todd look-alike: No.
Heather: So... why the visit, after all this time?
Todd look-alike: We need to talk about Samantha Morgan.
Sam: This is not like you, Spinelli. Giving up? It's not too late to find the real Lauren.
Spinelli: I respectfully disagree. Luke revealed that he'd already located the long-lost Quartermaine. In fact, it's safe to say he was quite openly gloating. So, as far as I know, the missing heir is now on team Tracy already, and Tracy has all the votes she needs to regain control of ELQ...
Sam: Spinelli!
Spinelli: And AJ and Michael will be ousted immediately, and all of the above will be my fault. [Breathes deeply]
Luke: Why all the ruckus? It isn't like we haven't kissed before. We used to be married. Our connubial bliss was flying in every direction.
Tracy: "Used to," as in "not anymore and not in a long time."
Luke: It hasn't been that long, has it?
Tracy: Yeah, it has. And, by the way, have you forgotten what it took for us to become friends, or at least the closest approximation of friendship you and I are capable of?
Luke: Well, it has been a bumpy ride.
Tracy: So don't throw in a pothole now!
Luke: Okay.
Tracy: Repeat after me -- "there will be no casual kissing between us" -- not that that kiss felt casual in the slightest.
Luke: I'm sorry, but you are making way too much out of this.
Tracy: Okay. So, if that kiss was not a distraction from our conversation about drinking, what was it? Luke!
Luke: Laura's getting married.
Lesley: Are you ready?
Laura: Yes.
Lesley: Laura, do you now commit to love, honor, and respect Scott, to be a support to him in times of sickness and health as long as you both shall live?
Laura: I do. [Giggling]
Lesley: And do you, Scotty, commit to love, honor, and respect my daughter... to be a support to her in times of sickness and health as long as you both shall live?
Scott: I most certainly do.
Lesley: Well, I guess there's nothing left then but to say I now pronounce you husband and wife.
Laura: We did it.
Scott: We did.
Laura: [Laughing]
Elizabeth: Aww. Yay!
Elizabeth: Good job, guys.
Laura: Thank you.
Cameron: That was such a good smooch.
Scott: Oh, thank you.
Lesley: I now pronounce you husband and wife.
Dante: Tell me what happened. Did you remember something about our wedding?
Lulu: No. I'm sorry. Okay? I don't -- I don't remember anything. I need to go congratulate... the happy couple. That was beautiful.
Laura: Thank you.
Scott: It means a lot.
Lulu: I'm sorry.
Laura: For what?
Lulu: That I don't remember, that I can't bring our history to your ceremony. I could see from your smile that you were really happy, and I'm really happy for you.
Laura: Yes.
Lulu: And I am glad that I came.
Laura: Oh, sweetie, I am, too. Are -- are you sure you're okay?
Lulu: Yeah, I'm fine. The last thing you need to be doing right now is worrying about me.
Laura: Well, you have to get used to that when that's what mothers do.
Lesley: She's right.
Laura: [Chuckles]
Lulu: I'm just a little overwhelmed.
Laura: Okay.
Lulu: If I could, um... if it wouldn't be rude, I would like to --
Laura: You want to get going?
Lulu: Yeah.
Laura: Go.
Lulu: Really?
Laura: Oh, absolutely. We completely understand, don't we?
Scott: Yes, that's what families do.
Laura: I love you, Lulu.
Lulu: Congratulations, again.
Tracy: Laura's getting married today, so you kissed me because you can't have her!
Luke: No, no, that's not -- I don't care if Laura's getting married.
Tracy: Really?
Luke: Look, what we had is over, and you know it. It's been over for a long time.
Tracy: Forgive me if I don't believe a word of what you're saying.
Luke: Why?
Tracy: Oh, I don't know. Maybe because when I asked you what was behind that kiss, you blurted out, "Laura's getting married." Kind of tipped me off.
Luke: Well, I wasn't thinking about Laura. I was thinking about Baldwin and something that he said to me earlier.
Tracy: Really? Did the two of you have a moment?
Luke: Well, if that's what you want to call him chasing me down to make sure I don't crash his wedding.
Tracy: And what did he say, Luke?
Luke: I don't know. Something about he and Laura being all safe and warm and me being alone in the end, miserable. [Chuckles] I believe the words "doddering old coot" were used.
Tracy: And what do you care about being alone, Luke? All the better to vanish on a moment's notice.
Luke: Well... you know, once that's over, it would be nice to have someone to come back to, someone to share the rest of it with.
Tracy: What do you want from me, Luke?
Luke: I want... I want you to be... my home fires burning in the distance, I guess. I want you to be my true north. That's what I want.
Carly: Girlfriend? Okay, so this is the person you met online? She's a girl? She's not some catfish?
Morgan: No, she's not some catfish, okay? Or some shady old perv. She's a girl, and I like her a lot, and all she wanted to do was help me get out of trouble.
Sonny: You're making a lot of assumptions there, Morgan.
Carly: Did you meet this girl?
Sonny: Yeah, yeah. Her name is Kiki.
Carly: Kiki?
Sonny: It's a nickname for Katherine. Her last name is Jerome.
Carly: Well, that explains the stupid screen name "Jerome around the world."
Sonny: But it could be more than that.
Morgan: No. No, dad. We already talked about it.
Carly: Stop. What do you mean it could be more than that?
Sonny: Okay. The Jeromes were a very powerful family back in the '80s. They controlled most of Port Charles.
Carly: Is this girl one of them?
Morgan: No! Absolutely not.
Michael: How can you be sure? Just because she didn't tell you does not mean she's not tied to a mob family.
Morgan: Can you stay out of this, Michael?
Carly: Hey! Why don't you try thanking your brother? 'Cause he put his life on hold to come chasing after you.
Morgan: Okay, yeah. Oh, thank you, Mikey, so much for providing me with assistance that I didn't want or need. Oh, and wait, wait, wait. What did I drag you away from that was so important, anyway?
Michael: Just looking for the long-lost Quartermaine heir.
Kiki: Yeah, he's from Port Charles, New York. Why? Have you heard of it?
Luke: I'll make it worth your while.
Ava: Are you offering me money?
Luke: If that's what it takes. The woman who hired me to find Lauren Frank is a very wealthy woman. Her name is Tracy Quartermaine. Maybe you've heard of her.
Ava: As in the Port Charles Quartermaines?
Luke: That's her.
Kiki: Mom. Hey, what's going on? Do you know something I don't?
Heather: Why must we talk about Samantha Morgan? You know I can't stand her.
All because she wouldn't deliver a letter to your son.
Heather: An extremely important letter. She came to me wanting information. I held up my end. Told her everything she wanted to know about Jason's birth and all the circumstances surrounding it. And I ask her for one teeny-weeny little favor --
She paid for that, didn't she? You made that woman suffer.
Heather: So did you.
Sam: Voila. I bought it for Rafe.
Spinelli: Oh. He must -- he must have a real penchant for ice cream.
Sam: Well, he needed some cheering up. Not that he actually ate it. I -- I needed some cheering up. So, go ahead. It actually works.
Spinelli: If I may be so bold, why did your spirits need lifting?
Sam: I failed at something, too. Morgan went missing, and I went with Carly to New York to go find him.
Spinelli: Mission not accomplished?
Sam: Not by me, no. Sonny's on his way home with Morgan now, if he's not here already.
Spinelli: OH. Well, I am most relieved to hear that.
Sam: Yeah. Crazy thing is, while I was looking for Morgan, I actually... found someone else.
Spinelli: Who?
Sam: Ready for this? Him.
Luke: That's not exactly the turn I expected this visit to take.
Tracy: Then you're a bigger fool than I thought you were.
Luke: What the hell is going on here right now?
Tracy: That's what I am to you, Luke? A fireplace with a compass?
Luke: I never meant that.
Tracy: And while we're throwing out metaphors, why don't we try this one? How about home base? Some innings, you make it home. And some innings, you don't.
Luke: I did not say that.
Tracy: Oh, but you did.
Dante: Hey, hey, I, uh -- I'll go with you. I'll take you wherever you want to go.
Lulu: I really just want to go home.
Dante: You do? That's great.
Lulu: Oh, no. No, I meant...
Dante: Uh, yeah. Right. You want to go to Milo's.
Lulu: I'm so sorry. I --
Dante: No, stop. Okay? It's whatever you need. Stop apologizing.
Lulu: Thank you. And thank you for offering to come with me, but... I can find my own way.
Dante: I -- I'd really rather you not go by yourself.
Lulu: I'll be fine. Please, go enjoy the celebration. Everyone looks re-- really happy.
Scott: Okay, okay. Time to cut the cake.
Laura: Well, let me at it.
Scott: All right.
Laura: Okay. Here it is.
Scott: Come on.
Laura: Okay.
[Both chuckle]
Laura: Here we go. Who wants cake?
Scott: Cake?
Laura: You do. Okay.
Scott: All right.
Laura: Let's get some plates.
Scott: Let's get some sugar in these kids.
Laura: [Laughs]
Kiki: Mom. Say something. You're freaking me out. Why the big reaction when I mentioned Port Charles?
Luke: As a Quartermaine, your daughter has a vote. She needs to give that vote to Tracy.
Ava: Why?
Luke: Because the current C.E.O., Tracy's nephew, AJ is a mess. He's a chronic screw-up. He's never done anything successful in his life, and he's guaranteed to drive this company into the ground. He's already started that process.
Ava: Um, it -- it's just that the news story, about the hellish relish -- the people who made it, they're from Port Charles. I was just trying to figure out why the name was so familiar to me. Anyway, back to you and Morgan. You really like him, huh?
Kiki: Yeah. A lot.
Ava: Then don't give up on him.
Kiki: Wait. Are you actually in support of the guy that I'm dating?
Ava: I got to know Morgan when he was standing here. He seems like a very nice young man.
Kiki: He is.
Ava: Shame it has to end just because his father made him go home.
Kiki: Wait. What am I supposed to do about it?
Morgan: Congrats, Mikey. I'm sure another Quartermaine heir kind of takes the pressure off of you, doesn't it? Oh, so, uh, who's your long-lost cousin?
Michael: Apparently, Franco had a daughter named Lauren Frank.
Morgan: That freak had a kid?
Michael: Yeah, we're trying to track her down to swing the vote for ELQ.
Sonny: This is AJ's idea, isn't it? Did it ever occur to him that this girl can be as crazy as her father?
Morgan: Hey, I think there's a real cause for concern here, mom and dad. Michael's going off chasing some girl that's a psychopath, and he could benefit from your guidance.
Carly: Nice try, but I think you're the one that needs watching. You're the one who got caught up in gambling, and then you went and stayed with some girl you met online.
Morgan: Her name's Kiki, and I can guarantee that she's not the daughter of a serial killer.
Spinelli: Stephen Clay? What was he doing in a hospital in New York?
Sam: No.
Spinelli: They were treating him, weren't they?! He survived his so-called lethal injuries!
Sam: Spinelli, no.
Spinelli: No to what?
Sam: No to all of it. Although, I mean, I thought so, too. It's pretty convincing.
Spinelli: That must have been unnerving.
Sam: Not my best day.
Spinelli: I'm sorry. I'm confused. The resemblance is uncanny. So, who...?
Sam: Yes, I know. Yes, Spinelli, this is not Stephen Clay. It's his brother -- Dr. Silas Clay.
Todd look-alike: I know that I hurt Sam. And I wanted to make up for it. I wanted to make amends, but... I had to leave town. You know that. Now's my chance.
Heather: Yippee.
Todd look-alike: Well, I'm glad you feel that way because I need your help.
Tracy: Luke, if you had your way, I would exist solely for your comfort and your convenience.
Luke: Not true.
Tracy: And to stave off the wedding-day curse of Scott Baldwin. Why are you even listening to Scott Baldwin? I know why. Because you're getting older, like the rest of us. You don't want to be alone. You want backup. You want a safety net. Well, I'm sorry. I can't be that for you. I can't be that for anybody.
Morgan: Yeah, I just don't get why you got to get on my case or Kiki's.
Michael: You were worked over by two professionals, Morgan. It would have been a lot worse if dad and Shawn didn't show up.
Morgan: Please. Come on. The way he took down the first guy, we would have had them both in another two minutes.
Carly: Michael, you were fighting?
Michael: Mom, it's okay.
Carly: No, it's not ok-- Morgan, he cannot get involved with these kind of things.
Sonny: It's handled, Carly. The losers who went after Morgan, they're not the type of guys who are gonna press charges.
Carly: That's not the point, Sonny. Morgan, your brother cannot be in a fight. He has a criminal record.
Morgan: Yes, I know. That's why I didn't want Michael involved.
Michael: I wasn't gonna stand there and watch these guys beat up you or that girl.
Carly: I understand that. But you got to be careful. You can't go around hitting people.
Morgan: Yeah, Mikey, you got to be more careful.
Michael: You know what? Here's an idea. Next time, don't bet money you don't have. And if you do, call your parents before the collectors show up.
Carly: Not gonna be a next time, right?
Morgan: No. No, definitely not. Lesson learned.
Carly: Way too easy. That was way too easy.
Sonny: Hey. He's safe. Right? He's here. So let's leave it at that. Come on. Let's go.
Carly: Whoa. What do you mean, "come on. Let's go"?
Sonny: He's gonna come to my place.
Carly: No, he's not. I mean, I appreciate everything, but he's gonna stay with me.
Sonny: After what just happened, it would be better if I just kept an eye --
Carly: Send all the guards you want, but I want him in his bedroom.
Morgan: Can you stop? I hate it when you guys fight over me. Just how about I stay with Michael? Perfect compromise, right? Nothing's gonna happen to me when I'm with my big brother.
Sonny: It works for me.
Michael: Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hold on a second. That's not --
Carly: It's not a permanent solution, okay? I love you.
Morgan: I love you, too.
Carly: All right. Michael.
Michael: Mom, maybe we should talk about this arrangement.
Carly: And you know what? Do not let him out of your sight.
Sonny: Keep your phone on, and I'm gonna check on you.
Carly: Yeah.
Heather: You want me to help you make amends?
Todd look-alike: That's correct.
Heather: With Samantha Morgan, of all people?
Todd look-alike: Correct again.
Heather: Why in the world would I do anything to help that piece of garbage?
Todd look-alike: You wouldn't be helping her. You'd be helping me. You don't hate me, do you?
Heather: No. Of course not. I could never hate you. Well, we have had our moments, but... we have a bond, after everything we've been through together.
Todd look-alike: So you will help me with Samantha?
Heather: As if I could ever say no to you.
Sam: Silas was estranged from Stephen, claimed not to know anything about his criminal behavior.
Spinelli: But you informed him.
Sam: Dr. Clay didn't seem surprised at all that his brother convinced himself that he was a vampire. In fact, he didn't say it in so many words, but he implied that he got points for style.
Spinelli: Was he aware that he had died? No. And did he have any reaction?
Sam: I mean, apparently, they weren't that close, but that's not the thing that gets me. The thing that gets me is, when I told him that he had a nephew, who I was taking care of --
Spinelli: A nephew who saw his mother killed in front of him by his own father.
Sam: I know.
Spinelli: Still nothing?
Sam: Nothing. Not a shred of human emotion.
Spinelli: Well, surely, he must have been concerned for his nephew.
Sam: No. It was like he didn't want to have anything to do with Rafe.
Spinelli: Did you tell Rafe that?
Sam: No. Rafe has already lost so much. I don't want him to know that he
Sam: No. Rafe has already lost so much. I don't want him to know that he actually has family out there that doesn't give a damn.
Spinelli: It's a sad situation, indeed. I don't suppose you thought of forcing the issue of getting the courts involved?
Sam: No. No. Rafe deserves better than somebody who doesn't want him.
Spinelli: Well, he couldn't have done better than with you.
Sam: Aww. Thank you.
Spinelli: Hey, I should go. I have a date.
Sam: Got a date? Ha ha! Say hi to Ellie for me.
Spinelli: I will. You know, thank you for the ice cream. It really does work.
Sam: [Chuckles]
[Glasses clink]
Scott: Here's to my beautiful bride, that I have loved, well... forever.
Laura: Literally.
Scott: And a true love that only gets better with age.
Elizabeth: Aww.
Laura: I love you.
Lesley: Sweet.
Scott: Let's eat cake!
Laura: Okay.
Elizabeth: He said, "let's go eat cake." Go on! Go get the cake. Go and look at it.
Both: Would you like some cake?
Elizabeth: Really? Just forget your cake.
Luke: To be honest --
Tracy: There's a first.
Luke: [Sighs] I don't get why you're so upset. It was one measly kiss.
Tracy: It was not measly.
Luke: Thank you.
Tracy: That is so not what I meant.
Luke: I really thought it was a compliment, Tracy... telling you that I wanted you to be my true north.
Tracy: Luke, what do I get out of it? I keep the home fires burning for...months, years... while you do whatever, wherever, and whenever. What kind of life is that for me? Gee, Luke, if you've got something to say, spit it out!
Luke: All right. I was gonna say, I don't see how that is any different than the life you're living right now.
Tracy: In what respect?
Luke: Do you have any plans to leave Port Charles?
Tracy: No.
Luke: Are you dating someone that I'm unaware of?
Tracy: No!
Luke: Well, then why isn't it to our mutual benefit to keep going the way we're going and, in the end, have each other?
Tracy: 'Cause I don't want to keep going the way we're going! I see how it all works out for you. You get to make Scott Baldwin wrong! Yippee! You get to travel the world. And nobody ever says you're alone or you're doddering because you've got me waiting for you! And what do I get?
Luke: Me?
Tracy: When? When? When?! In a decade? I want more than that! I want a soul mate!
Luke: Since when?
Tracy: Since always. What... you and Laura had -- God knows how... I never had that!
Luke: And that's what you want?
Tracy: [Laughs] Clearly, you find that surprising by my demeanor. But, yes. I want -- I dream... what every single woman dreams of -- true love.
Luke: Well, I'll be damned.
Tracy: And guess what. I'm not gonna give up on that dream... until my last dying breath. So don't you dare come in here and kiss me and feed me scraps. I am sick to death of making a meal out of crumbs. I want the whole meal. And I am not giving up... until I get it.
Tracy: That's all you have to say?
Luke: Give me a minute. [Breathes deeply] You deserve all that. And more.
Tracy: But?
Luke: But I'm -- I don't want to be rude.
Tracy: No. Never.
Luke: Well, don't you think it's a little late in the game for such grand romantic dreams?
Tracy: It's never too late. And it doesn't have to be a dream. I'd like you to leave.
Luke: Look, Tracy --
Tracy: And if you want something to cuddle up to between adventures... try this.
Luke: Oh, we're back to this.
Tracy: We're back to nowhere, Luke. See yourself out.
Ava: So that's why Tracy wanted you to find Lauren. My daughter is a tiebreaker in some battle for control of ELQ.
Luke: Yes. Tracy needs Lauren to help unseat this irredeemable jerk... and thereby save the family fortune. Will you help us do that?
Michael: Well, I hope you don't mind the couch. Where you going?
Morgan: Where do you think? New York, back to Kiki.
Michael: Morgan, you can't do that. Morgan.
Morgan: Watch me.
Who was that guy that visited you? He looks so familiar.
Heather: Oh. Just an old friend.
[Doorbell rings]
Sam: You?
Lesley: Lulu left, huh?
Dante: I think this was all just a little bit too much for her.
Lesley: You know, Dante... Lulu's memory loss may not be just from physical trauma. There could be psychological aspect.
Dante: What do you mean?
Lesley: Well, if she's not remembering her past, it may be because there are things buried back there that she doesn't want to remember.
Lesley: I now pronounce you husband and wife.
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