GH Transcript Friday 5/17/13

General Hospital Transcript Friday 5/17/13


Provided By Suzanne

Elizabeth: Will you stop worrying? The boys are on their best behavior.

A.J.: That's good to hear. So, how you feeling?

Elizabeth: Better. Just thought I'd play it safe and take the day off.

A.J.: Elizabeth, I am so sorry.

Elizabeth: You have nothing to apologize for.

A.J.: Well, I think we both know that's not exactly true.

Elizabeth: I just don't understand why you automatically assume it was your relish that made everyone sick and not Tracy's.

A.J.: It's like I told you at the hospital. We came out of production too soon. We hadn't perfected the preservation process. I'm not exact --

Tracy: Elizabeth -- Tracy. Hi. Are you sitting down? I want to tell you something about A.J.

Luke: Innkeeper! Oh. It's you. I'll have another.

Mac: I'm not sure that's a good idea.

Scott: What do you say, Lesley? Forgive me?

Laura: It's okay. Mom -- Scotty is the same man I fell in love with all those years ago, when we were just teenagers. And somehow, we have managed to find our way back to each other. And you know why? It's because of Scotty -- because no matter what went wrong, he never gave up on me. And, mom, I'm not giving up on him.

Lesley: Are you sure this is love and not just gratitude or nostalgia?

Laura: Don't you remember you always used to trust Scotty to look out for me, to take care of me? And he did. He's the same guy who went looking for me when I ran away when I was a teenager. You were so worried. Now that I have kids, I know how frightened you were.

Lesley: You were so young.

Laura: Yes, and he kept me safe. He went into New York, found me, and brought me home.

Lesley: You're right. He did.

Scott: I have a lot of regrets for the things I've done, but I've always -- always -- loved Laura, and I just want to make her happy, and I still do, to this day.

Lesley: Okay.

Laura: Okay?

Lesley: I'll give my blessing to this marriage -- for you, not for him. And if you ever -- and I mean ever -- hurt her, I will crush you like the dung beetle you are.

Scott: I understand -- mom.

Lesley: Mm.

Scott: But let me assure you, it'll never come to that.

Lesley: [Sighs]

Lulu: So, did you just keep spouting cheesy pickup lines until you finally wore me down?

Dante: Yeah, you could say I was persistent.

Lulu: Oh. Well, there's a surprise. So, um -- what happened?

Dante: I, uh -- I accused you of being obsessed with kissing me.

Lulu: Sorry. It's not gonna happen -- not now, not ever, not in this lifetime, not in the next lifetime, not ever.

Dante: Wow. You really have thought about this, haven't you?

Lulu: No! I assure you that the thought has never gotten in my head.

Dante: It's probably for the best. I'm probably too much for you right now.

Lulu: Oh! Yeah, that's cute, but reverse psychology doesn't work on me.

Dante: Wow! It goes even deeper than I thought! I mean, this is like borderline obsession. But it's cool. We will work through this together. Although I do say the best thing for your fears is to face them.

Lulu: If I kiss you, would you go away?

Dante: We all have our vices. I mean, for me, personally, mine is vanilla ice cream in chocolate sauce.

Lulu: Please shut up.

Dante: But I got handle on that. I faced that demon. But sometimes, you wake up in the middle of the night, and these things just --

Lulu: Oh, just -- [Laughing] Well, it sounds like I kissed you to shut you up.

Dante: You feel like shutting me up now?

Man: Oh, hey. Oh, did you see that episode of "the chew "? I never miss it. That Daphne is smokin' hot. [Chuckles] That Carla's not too shabby, either. But when they all started hurling -- oh -- I almost tossed my cookies myself.

Yeah, I can't hear you very well.

Man: I said I almost tossed my cookies myself! Just ugh! [Chuckles] I mean, something must have gone wrong backstage. Who do you think was responsible?

Lulu: OH. Okay. Now I get it. Yeah.

Dante: Get what?

Lulu: You didn't really need to drag me all the way out here to assess some -- phony damages to the boat.

Dante: Phony? This boat is riddled with bullet holes. I'm surprised the thing still floats. It got bad out here. I was pinned down at one point. I don't even know how I managed to survive.

Lulu: Yeah. Now, please, admit it -- you brought me out here to try to re-create our first kiss.

Dante: Would that be so bad?

Lulu: [Sighs]

Dante: I mean, what's that saying -- "a kiss is just a kiss"? What could it hurt? Except that maybe you won't like it, except that -- I'm pretty sure you will like it.

Lulu: No chance that you're being overconfident?

Dante: All modesty aside --

Lulu: Ah! You did not just say "modesty."

Dante: -- I'm a pretty great kisser.

Lulu: Oh. And you're humble and self-effacing.

Dante: And here's your chance to find out for yourself.

Lulu: Do you really think that I'm gonna fall for this? Wow. You must not respect me very much.

Dante: I respect you so much, it hurts.

Lulu: Doesn't look like you're hurting very much to me.

Dante: Look closer.

Lulu: Oh, my God. You really think this is gonna work. You think you can just talk me into kissing you.

Dante: You never know if you don't try. What if you do and you not only like it but you remember it? What if -- what if you remember us?

Scott: So, in all the fun we've been having, I forgot to tell you that Nikolas texted me and said that we're gonna have our wedding -- here.

Laura: Nikolas offered up his house, and I just couldn't refuse him. I hope that that's all right with you.

Scott: Well, I just hope that we'll be able to hear our vows with all the screaming of the souls that are trapped in the walls of this old mansion. But if that's what you want, then -- that's what I want.

Laura: Well, I think it was a lovely gesture from Nikolas, and that is all that matters to me. I just want to have as much family around me as I can possibly have.

Luke: This is a bar, is it not?

Mac: It is.

Luke: Well, then I'd like another drink. Unless, of course, you've run out of booze or lost your liquor license in the last two minutes.

Mac: No, we got plenty of booze, and my liquor license is up to date.

Luke: Then what's the problem, bubba?

Mac: Are you sure you should be drinking?

Luke: Why? You know something I don't?

Mac: I was under the impression you, uh -- swore off alcohol more than a year ago.

Luke: Well, you're under the wrong impression. So, now that we have that cleared up, get over here and pour.

Mac: A lot of people who love you staged an intervention.

Luke: If you're referring to the night that I was knocked out and tied to a chair, that was a stupid mistake that even the people you mention will tell you was a waste of time.

Mac: Maybe they could have picked a better way to go about it. But they didn't have a choice after you --

Luke: After I what?

Mac: After you killed Elizabeth's son.

Elizabeth: Tracy, what is going on? Why did you take A.J.'S phone?

Tracy: To tell you that he is a cheat, a liar, and a sneak, not that that's news.

Elizabeth: Hello?

A.J.: Elizabeth?

Elizabeth: What was all that?

A.J.: Uh, I think I'm gonna have to call you back.

[Knock on door]

Elizabeth: Okay. Call me back. Coming.

Nikolas: Hi.

Elizabeth: Hi. I got your messages. Did you get my text?

Nikolas: I did, I did. It was good to hear that you're feeling better.

Elizabeth: Thanks. What are you doing here?

Nikolas: Well, we brought you something.

Elizabeth: [Gasps]

Spencer: For you.

Elizabeth: Oh!

Nikolas: [Chuckles]

A.J.: What the hell were you doing?

Tracy: Does it really need explaining? I was telling Elizabeth your secret. Of course, I should probably be more specific. Who knows how many sleazy transgressions you are trying to hide. I was referring to the tryst with Carly. I was gonna tell Elizabeth how you slept with Carly behind her back.

A.J.: What about it?

Tracy: Do I need to speak more slowly? You did not live up to your end of the bargain. You did not take full responsibility for the tainted relish.

All I can say is two words -- P.R. Disaster. I mean, how can ELQ let that happen?

Well -- maybe someone did it on purpose. When it comes to getting my family to eat breakfast,

Tracy: My terms are clear -- either you take responsibility for the tainted relish, or I tell Elizabeth all about you and Carly.

A.J.: I already met your terms! I went to Mario batali's hospital room! I gave him back his orange clog! I told him that it was my pickle relish that gave everybody food poisoning and not yours.

Tracy: You think that's enough.

A.J.: It's what you wanted!

Tracy: A.J., you told one person. Well, two if you count Elizabeth and Nikolas. But look -- it is all over the newspaper. I want you to fully exonerate my pickle-Eddie from this "hellish relish" debacle.

A.J.: How am I supposed to do that?

Tracy: Oh, my God. A.J., you issue a press release. You go to the media, you go to television, radio, the internet, every social platform available. I don't care how you do it. Just make sure that everybody in the world knows that your relish is toxic and mine is pure, or I sing like a canary. Not if I sing first, tweetie-pie. I'll tell Elizabeth myself.

Tracy: [Laughs] Bluff away, puffin. You had your chance yesterday, and you chickened out. You're gonna chicken out today.

A.J.: Watch me.

Tracy: I will. Like a vulture watches for roadkill.

Elizabeth: Spencer, they're beautiful. Thank you so much.

Spencer: Dad bought them.

Nikolas: I wanted you to be able to look at something pretty while you were convalescing. It's good to see you're feeling better.

Elizabeth: Thank you. Spencer, when did you get here?

Nikolas: We got here this morning. Lesley brought him, finally. I was hoping to get him reacquainted with his cousins. What do you think?

Elizabeth: Yes! They would love to see you. Hey, guys, look who's here. It's your cousin Spencer! Come here! Come say hi. Come here, Aiden. Can you say hi to Spencer?

Cameron: Hi.

Spencer: Hi.

Elizabeth: Why don't you guys sit at the table and color? Want to color with the boys? That'll be fun. Oh, look at them! Can't believe how tall he is.

Nikolas: Oh, please don't remind me.

Elizabeth: I wish that I had something planned. If you had let me know in advance, I could have arranged an official play date.

Nikolas: That's okay. I'm sure Spencer would have loved that, but unfortunately, we have another engagement. My mother is marrying Scotty Baldwin today.

Elizabeth: You're kidding me.

Nikolas: No, I'm not. I'm hosting the festivities at Wyndemere, and, uh -- I was hoping -- to get together as much of my family as possible, which, of course, includes Lucky's boys -- and you.

Lulu: Let me go!

Dante: What -- what -- what happened? What's wrong?

[Cell phone rings]

Dante: No, no, don't answer that.

Lulu: Um -- it -- it says that my mom is calling. She's a nice lady. I should probably answer it. Mom? No, I'm not busy. What's going on? Oh. Okay. Um -- I'll have to think about it. My mom is marrying someone named Scott today.

Dante: Today?

Lulu: Yeah, she says she doesn't care if I remember. She -- she really wants me to be there.

Dante: Where's the wedding?

Lulu: Someplace called "windy mare"?

Dante: [Chuckles] It's Wyndemere. Your brother lives there -- Nikolas.

Lulu: Oh, Nikolas came by the other day. I like him. He's weirdly polite.

Dante: He is like that. You know, if he's hosting the wedding, you should go. Your mother would like it a lot. I don't even know where Wyndemere is.

Dante: Well, it's right out here. That's Spoon Island.

Lulu: Wait. Are you saying that Nikolas, my weirdly polite brother, lives in a castle?

Dante: [Chuckles] Yeah, it's a long story, but, yeah, you got to take a boat to get there, and --

Lulu: Yeah, I mean, you got to be joking! 'Cause I don't know how to drive this thing.

Dante: Well, you don't take this boat. You take another boat, the launch. I can take you, if you like.

Laura: Do you think I was too pushy?

Scott: No, there's nothing pushy about asking your daughter to your wedding.

Laura: I know, but I just didn't want to put too much pressure on her. She's been so skittish since we got her back from Greece. I don't want to upset her.

Lesley: Somewhere deep down, Lulu knows how important it is for all of us to be together. I certainly would love to see her, even if she doesn't remember any of us.

Scott: But even if Lulu doesn't make it, we're still gonna have a terrific wedding. Right, Lesley?

Lesley: Of course. I am here to support you, along with Nikolas and Spencer, and if I know Nikolas, he's off right now rounding up other people that you love.

Luke: A good bartender pours without a spout and minds his own business.

Mac: You asked what my problem was.

Luke: Jake's death was a terrible accident.

Mac: You admit you'd been drinking that night.

Luke: I was not impaired, officer. Jake was 4-years old. He was in the road. It was dark. I didn't see him. No one, including you, would have seen him.

Mac: Well, we'll never know, will we? Just like we'll never know how much alcohol was in your system or how your reaction time would have been, if you hadn't have been drinking.

Luke: That's right. We'll never know.

Mac: Coleman told me you paid to change the name of this place because you didn't want a little boy's name on a bar. You wanted to memorialize Jake in a more fitting way. So, I have to ask you, why would you go to all that trouble and then come in here, of all places, and drink?

Luke: That's the first thing you've said that makes any sense. Why would I? Why would I spend my money in a place where I can't have a drink in peace, where I have to listen to some self-righteous, moralizing ex-cop give me a lecture? Here. Thanks for the drink. Keep the change. Ooh, you must really miss Frisco Jones.

Felicia: What was that all about?

Dante: Spoon island's a pretty tricky place. I just want to make sure you get there okay.

Lulu: And you know a lot about boats?

Dante: I'm reasonably proficient.

Lulu: That's kind of a surprise. Didn't you say you grew up in Bensonhurst?

Dante: It's true, yeah. Didn't spend a ton of time on the water as a kid, but don't worry. I wouldn't be piloting the launch myself. We got a professional, I'm sure, over there who will do that for us.

Lulu: Oh, okay. So then why would I need you?

Dante: Well, I wouldn't want you to get lost, you know, between here and the launch or at Wyndemere dock and the main house. You don't want to be on that island all alone.

Lulu: Yeah, no, I wouldn't.

Dante: Yeah, bogs and moors and patches of poison ivy.

Lulu: You know, um -- what about Milo? I mean, he'll be expecting me home soon.

Dante: Yeah, you know, Milo -- I'm sure he can find something to amuse himself with or, hopefully, someone. Come on. Might be fun. What do you say?

Elizabeth: You want me to go to your mother's wedding?

Nikolas: Well, yes, of course I do. I mean, I'll understand if you're still under the weather. It looks like A.J.'S relish has caused quite a bit of damage.

Elizabeth: Well, I'm not convinced it was A.J.'S relish, but I'm fine.

Nikolas: Good, then. You'll come?

Elizabeth: I appreciate the invitation --

Nikolas: But?

Elizabeth: Did your mother really extend it?

Nikolas: Yes. Why is that such a surprise? You used to be her daughter-in-law. You're the mother of her grandchildren. Why wouldn't she invite you?

Elizabeth: Did she?

Nikolas: Elizabeth, why does it matter who invited whom? It's a family wedding, and you're part of the family. And, seriously, we've had enough pain to last a lifetime. We finally have something to celebrate, right? My mother deserves to be surrounded by people that love her as she starts a new life. Come on. The more the merrier, or whatever you Americans say. [Both laugh] I really want you and the boys to come, so how about it?

A.J.: How about what?

Man: Seriously. So you think that someone did something to that relish on purpose?

Strangers things have happened.

Man: Yeah, I guess, but -- but to poison a condiment on national television? [Laughs] Whoever did that has to be one sick puppy.

I wouldn't go that far.

Man: I would. The guy is a food saboteur.

Maybe somebody just wanted to screw with ELQ and send it into a tailspin, make the company ripe so someone could take it over.

[Door opens, closes]

Tracy: Oh, A.J., back so soon? I can't wait to hear the details. Was it an epic fail?

Luke: Something like that.

Tracy: Luke. I was wondering when you were gonna come over and console me on my dreadful experience at "the chew." You do know that it was A.J.'S relish that poisoned everybody, not mine. I can't wait to tell you how I got A.J. to fall on his sword. Turns out you're not the only person that can blackmail his family. No hello?

Luke: Hello.

Tracy: What's got you in such a foul mood?

Scott: Laura, in the perfect world, we'd love to have everyone here, like Serena and lee and gale and Lucy and all your kids, but... I'm too selfish. I don't want to wait. Unless you do.

Laura: No. No, I am ready to start a life together, and I am grateful for whoever wants to join us.

Scott: Well, we have everybody we need. We have your mother, and she thinks it's gonna be a great wedding.

Lesley: Mm-hmm. In spite of the fact that you're marrying the wrong ex-husband.

Cameron: A.J.!

A.J.: Hey! How you doing, Cameron?

Cameron: We're showing Spencer our coloring books.

A.J.: Oh, cool. I'll be over in just a second. I got to go talk to your mom.

Cameron: All right.

A.J.: All right. So, what's Nikolas doing here?

Nikolas: Well, I came by to wish Elizabeth a speedy recovery. I wasn't sure she'd be back on her feet after she was poisoned by your relish.

A.J.: Mm. Well, actually, I need to speak with Elizabeth, so if you're done --

Elizabeth: Just a second. Um -- Nikolas was in the middle of inviting me to his mother's wedding, and I was about to give him an answer. Yes. Yes, I accept your invitation. I assume that includes a plus-one? A.J., would you like to go to the wedding with me?

A.J.: I would love to.

Elizabeth: Great. Thank you for the invite. I'll see you there.

A.J.: Wow. Just when I didn't think you could look any more beautiful -- you prove me wrong.

Elizabeth: Thank you.

A.J.: Thank you for inviting me to Scott and Laura's wedding. Something tells me that Nikolas didn't intend for there to be a plus-one.

Elizabeth: Oh. No, he didn't. But he was pressuring me, and I'm just really glad you showed up when you did. Anyone ever tell you you have perfect timing?

A.J.: You know, I used to wait for moments like that -- being in the right place at the right time for something good to happen -- and I realized somewhere along the way that you got to make those moments, and when you're lucky enough to do that, you got to make sure that you don't throw them away.

Elizabeth: Is that what you're thinking? This is one of those moments?

A.J.: Elizabeth --

Elizabeth: Yes?

A.J.: There's something I need to tell you.

Scott: No, no, Lucy, I need mayor Lomax here at Wyndemere, not at the courthouse. Okay. Good, good. Thanks. Goodbye. Oh, hey, Nikolas, Spencer. How you doing? Nice to see you again.

Nikolas: You need to go get ready for the wedding, all right? All right, go on.

Scott: Listen, I want to thank you for hosting the wedding here. It's very important that your mother has a great day.

Nikolas: Yes, it is. Where is she?

Scott: She's getting dressed with your grandmother. And speaking of Lesley, she was hoping that you were out corralling some other family members.

Nikolas: I was. Elizabeth is coming with cam and Aiden.

Scott: Elizabeth? Is she your date?

Nikolas: Actually, no, she's not. I tried to trick her into coming with me, but she beat me at my own game.

A.J.: Listen, you, uh -- you may want to rethink what you said about this being a good moment.

Elizabeth: What do you mean?

A.J.: Look, I wouldn't tell you this -- not now, with us about to go out -- but it's important.

Elizabeth: Does this have anything to do with Tracy taking your phone earlier?

A.J.: Yeah, in a way. Do you think we could just sit down for a second?

Elizabeth: Oh, lord. Okay.

Cameron: We're ready.

Elizabeth: Hey, guys! Oh, look at you! You look great! Do you need help with your tie?

A.J.: Come here. Get over here. Come here. I can help you out. Can't have one of the most important guests at the entire wedding running around with his tie all crooked like that. Gonna get you all ship shape right here. Button this, too. Now you look awesome.

Cameron: Thanks, A.J.

A.J.: Pound it out. Attaboy.

Tracy: Someone must be responsible for this display of bad humor.

Luke: Mac Scorpio.

Tracy: Really? When did you start feuding with Mac Scorpio?

Luke: If he wants to give sermons, he should have gone to the seminary.

Tracy: Okay. I'll bite. What did Mac sermonize about?

Luke: This.

Mac: I thought I was doing him a favor by stopping him at one.

Felicia: You were.

Mac: Who am I to tell Luke what to do? I'm a bartender. My job is pouring drinks. If I didn't know Luke and everything he'd been through, I wouldn't have said anything.

Felicia: Mac, you did the right thing. It's not your problem. It's his problem. Nobody tells him what to do. Nobody ever could.

Luke: Last thing I need from a bartender is the 12-step tango. Bubba even brought up the fact that I -- had that rat hole's name changed because of Jake. Not that that's any of his business, but I did it because I didn't want Elizabeth to have to drive past it every day. Didn't want her to have to have that big red neon reminder of what happened next to the roadside. I was not trying to avoid what happened. There is no avoidance of that little boy's death, ever. I just don't need any lectures about it, especially from Mac Scorpio.

[Chuckles] The son of a bitch wouldn't even serve me a drink. Can you believe that?

Tracy: I can. [Whistles] [Whistles]

Man: So you think that some guy was trying to take down the whole company? Well, that's not just crazy. That's diabolical.

High praise.

Man: [Chuckles] What, are you one of those conspiracy theorists?


Man: Wait a sec. You look familiar to me. Do I know you from somewhere?

I'm certain that you and I do not know one another.

Man: No, no, no. No, I know you. Maybe it's from, uh -- like, a conference or something. Are you a life coach?


Man: Motivational speaker.


Man: Oh! Unh! I was sure that was it. [Chuckles] I mean, your face is just -- just so positive. I mean, at least I have a positive association to it. It's like a spotlight that's shining on it. It's -- it's just positive. Are you famous?

Well, that depends on what you mean by "famous."

Man: [Chuckles] Okay. Yeah, I know I know you. I just can't put my finger on it, but --

Scott: Okay, tell me that story again.

Spencer: So, I was running at second, I slid at second base --

Nikolas: Glad you could make it.

Cameron: Hey, Nikolas.

Nikolas: Hi.

Aiden: Hey, Nikolas.

Nikolas: Hi. Wow. You look beautiful.

Elizabeth: Thank you.

A.J.: That's what I told her.

Nikolas: Well, we finally agree on something.

Aiden: It's him again.

A.J.: [Laughing]

Laura: Hi, Spencer! Oh! Cameron and Aiden! Hi, sweetheart. How's my baby? I'm so, so glad you're here. Elizabeth, thank you for bringing them.

Elizabeth: Oh, of course.

Laura: And what a wonderful surprise. I have you to thank for all of it.

Nikolas: I just want you to be happy, mother. That's all.

Laura: I am. Everybody's here. Well, almost everybody.

Felicia: Maxie and I are having a blast planning our wedding.

Mac: Uh-oh. Should I be worried?

Felicia: No. She has great taste.

Felicia: No question. But she's not real good with limits or a budget.

Felicia: This is gonna be a perfect wedding. We're gonna do it up right this time. Maxie suggested that we get a salsa band.

Mac: Mmm. [Chuckles]

Felicia: What do you think? Oh, and she said a candy bar.

Mac: Oh. Just one?

Felicia: Very funny. No, it's a buffet with different kinds of candy. We can get those little kinds of gummy fish that you like. 'Cause we were thinking that we would make it into a beachy theme with a cantina feel. Maxie says that the starfish is the on-trend decorative element of the season. What's wrong, Mac?

Mac: Not wrong, really. Just -- I've been thinking a lot about the wedding.

Felicia: What are you thinking?

Mac: That maybe we don't need to do -- all that.

Felicia: So you don't want a big wedding? Don't want any band or candy or starfish?

Mac: Actually -- maybe no wedding at all.

Scott: I don't think Lulu's gonna show up.

Laura: Yeah, I know. That's okay. I will miss my daughter, but -- I am so glad that all of you are here, really. And I am very grateful that, uh -- that you wanted to spend our day with us.

Scott: Well, then, you ready to get married?

[Door closes]

Laura: Yep.

Laura: Lulu.

Lulu: Hey. Hi, honey. Can I have a hug? Thank you. Thank you so much for being here. I love you. And I am ready now. Let's get married.

Cameron: Aunt Lulu!

Dante: Hey, Cameron. How's it going, buddy?

Lulu: Uh, Cameron, hi. Hi.

Nikolas: Hey, let's give Lulu some room, all right?

Elizabeth: Come on, honey. The wedding's about to start.

Lulu: This is my family, right?

Dante: Yeah. Hey, it's okay. You can do this.

Lulu: How do you know?

Dante: Because I'll be by your side the whole time.

Tracy: You're siding with Scorpio?

Tracy: I'm not siding with anyone except you. You came back to Port Charles -- you weren't drinking. Now you are.

Luke: I'm not an alcoholic.

Tracy: Have I said a word to you about your drinking? No, I have not. I know you too well.

Luke: Better than anyone.

Tracy: I knew the reaction I would get if I confronted you. And I want to keep my head, thank you very much.

Luke: So why are you saying something now?

Tracy: Because you brought it up, and I am concerned.

Luke: Why?

Tracy: Let's see. Because I care about you. With depression, simple pleasures can simply hurt.

Lesley: I'm your grandmother -- Lesley.

Dante: That's my bad. I keep forgetting to do the introductions.

Lulu: Um, nice to meet you. I'm sorry. That sounds weird.

Lesley: No, it's all right.

Lulu: I really want to remember.

Lesley: You will. And when you do, you'll know just how much I love you. Oh, Lulu, we're all so glad you're here.

Elizabeth: Of course you guys are gonna get cake, but we have to wait for them to get married first.

Nikolas: It's good you could join us, A.J.

A.J.: Well, thanks for having me to your castl -- your home, Nikolas. It's very, uh -- warm and inviting, much like yourself.

Felicia: You don't want to get married?

Mac: What's the point? We're already together. Why bother with all that paperwork? I love you. You love me. Isn't that all we need?

Felicia: Should've known you didn't want a ceremony. You didn't even get me a ring.

Mac: We don't need one. You're my wife in every way that counts. Right? We're married in spirit. Come on, we don't need all that superficial stuff like candy bars and starfish and --

Felicia: Rings? This isn't Lulu's, is it?

Mac: No. It's yours.

Felicia: [Giggles] You had me going. I believed that you didn't want to marry me.

Mac: No. Nothing could be further from the truth. So...

Felicia: [Laughs]

Mac: Felicia -- will you marry me?

Felicia: No.

Mac: What do you mean no?

Felicia: Gotcha.

Mac: Okay. I deserve that. Don't keep me hanging on any longer. Will you marry me?

Felicia: Yes, Mac, I will.


Scott: No, no, no, no. That's unacceptable. We -- we got to get this done. It's crucial.

Lulu: That's who my mom's marrying.

Dante: That's him.

Lulu: Is it weird that I don't like him?

Dante: [Chuckles]

Lulu: What?

Dante: It'd be weird if you did like him.

Lesley: Elizabeth is dating A.J. Quartermaine? Monica's son?

Nikolas: Don't worry. It won't last.

Laura: Dante, I just wanted to have a minute with you.

Dante: Yeah. You look beautiful, by the way. I haven't told you yet.

Laura: Oh, thank you for the compliment. But mostly I want to thank you for convincing Lulu to come along. You have no idea how grateful I am about that.

Dante: No, I uh -- I'm just glad she said yes.

Laura: Mm.

Dante: Hey, maybe she'll have some memories of our own wedding from being here. I don't know.

Laura: I hope so.

Dante: Yeah, me too.

Laura: It's gonna be okay.

Scott: Laura, let me talk to you.

Laura: Sorry. Just a second. What's the matter?

Scott: We may not be getting married at all.

Luke: You care about me? Did you really just say that?

Tracy: I don't want to lose you to drinking, Luke. I don't want to lose you at all.

Luke: You won't.

Tracy: Don't get me wrong -- there are times I want to strangle you, but I still care about you. I care about you a lot.

Luke: Likewise.

Man: I know I know you.

Maybe you just think you know me from one of your past lives.

Man: Ah! It'll come to me the second I'm off this plane. Oh, speaking of, looks like we're about to land in Port Charles. All right.

That's fortunate. It's been a longer flight than I anticipated.

Man: So, uh, what brings you to this neck of the woods? Business? Pleasure?

With any luck, a little bit of both.

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