GH Transcript Thursday 5/16/13

General Hospital Transcript Thursday 5/16/13


Provided By Suzanne

Lulu: [Gasping] Let me go! [Gasps] Let me go! Let me go!

Milo: Lulu, what's wrong?

Lulu: [Breathing heavily]

Nikolas: Hey, Elizabeth. It's me. I'm just calling to -- to see how you're doing. If you need any chicken soup, uh, electrolytes, anything like that, or if you just need someone to watch the boys, I'll be there. All right. So, I'll give you -- I'll give you a call later.

[Doorbell rings]

Laura: Nikolas!

Nikolas: And, uh, I-I'll stop by, okay? And, again, I'm sorry about yesterday. Feel better.

Laura: Nikolas -- oh!

Nikolas: Hi.

Laura: [Laughs]

Nikolas: Mom.

Laura: Hi, how are you? Oh.

Nikolas: To what do I owe this pleasure?

Laura: Well, I came to personally extend an invitation to you.

Nikolas: Oh. An invitation for what?

Laura: My wedding.

Scott: What's this?

Lucy: Hey! That is my résumé. I am going crazy here. I really, really want to get back to work.

Scott: Masters of library science -- that's not really relevant as to who you are now.

Lucy: [Scoffs] But what if some hot job happens to open up at the library of congress? Can't you just see me showing those smarmy senators and the presidents how to get lost in those stacks?

Scott: Ah, forget about that. It would take you out of town. Besides, I got a job for you.

Lucy: You do? W-well, doing what? For whom?

Scott: Working for me. I need you to get mayor Lomax down to the courthouse, 'cause I am finally marrying Laura.

[Seagulls squawking]

Dante: PCPD. Anybody aboard?

Luke: Ahoy, matey. [Chuckling] Hey! Don't shoot, you scurvy dog. I'm unarmed.

Nikolas: I spoke to Scott about your engagement, but not to you.

Laura: Well, I've had a lot on my mind lately. [Chuckles]

Nikolas: I thought you were avoiding the subject. Are you sure about this?

Laura: I thought you liked Scotty.

Nikolas: Well, when did I ever say that?

Scott: Ow!

[Sighs] What was that for?

Lucy: Because you held out on me.

Scott: If you'd have hung around long enough the other night, you'd have heard me tell Laura it was time to make it legal before some other hot dame snatches me up.

Lucy: Mm, some other hot dame? [Laughs]

Scott: That could happen.

Nikolas: Scott was very supportive while I was in the hospital. I was unconscious most of the time, but Alexis said he sat with me for hours.

Laura: I know you so well, Nikolas. You always start an argument with a compliment.

Nikolas: [Chuckles] Do I?

Laura: You object to me marrying Scotty?

Nikolas: I-I -- it's not my place to object to anything.

Laura: But you have reservations.

Nikolas: Well, have you forgotten what Scott did to Lulu?

Laura: [Sighs] Scotty and Lulu have made peace with each other. He was wrong, but he admitted it. And she chose to put that in the past.

Nikolas: Right, but that was before she lost her memory. I-I mean, I thought you were putting the wedding on hold until she got better.

Lucy: Well, then, that is double good news, right? Because Lulu must have gotten her memory back if you and Laura are going ahead with the wedding.

Scott: Well, the wedding's a go, but, uh, Lulu, uh -- she's still clueless.

Lucy: Well, then, I thought Laura wanted to wait.

Scott: Well, she realized that she can't live without me, so all that's left are the "I dos."

Lucy: So, Laura finally came to her senses. I am very, very happy for you, Scotty.

Scott: There's one problem.

Lucy: What is that one problem?

Laura: Look -- there's no telling when Lulu will recover. And it wouldn't be fair to Scotty and me to put our life on hold indefinitely. Especially now that I've said goodbye to --

Scott: Luke.

Dante: What are you doing here?

Luke: Captaining the ship. What are you doing here?

Dante: Well, we got a call the haunted star drifted in out of the fog, which is kind of strange, 'cause I thought she was, uh, anchored to Cassadine island.

Luke: Well, she was, but the WSB tugged her over to New York. I took over, brought her up the seaboard and down the St. Lawrence.

Dante: Wow. That's commitment.

Luke: Well, I'm fond of her.

Dante: I thought you said she was cursed.

Luke: She was. But I figure since Helena's finally dead, my impulse to send her to the bottom of the Atlantic would be a terrible waste of a good old tub.

Dante: That's just as well. Lulu put a lot of her efforts into this boat and the business. She'll be happy to see it waiting for her.

Luke: How is Lulu? Any improvement?

Dante: Nope. She'll still shacked up with Milo Giambetti.

Luke: [Sighs]

Milo: I was doing crunches when I heard you scream.

Lulu: Sorry if I broke your concentration.

Milo: It's okay. It's all right. You -- you said something, though, sounded like, "let me go." What happened?

Lulu: I'm not sure. I think it was Stavros. Oh, God. [Sighs]

Milo: It's gonna be okay.

Nikolas: You said goodbye to Luke? What does that mean, exactly?

Laura: It means that we both acknowledged that it's over. You know, we've both moved on and changed and, yes, we have a history together and a family together, but those feelings are just not there anymore.

Nikolas: I'm sorry.

Laura: Why?

Nikolas: Well, you loved him very much.

Laura: Yes. But he will always be a part of my life. But, you see, nobody stays frozen in time. We -- we keep living and growing and -- and we change, and then what we want changes.

Nikolas: So, no doubts, huh?

Laura: I'll admit that I had some before we went to look for your sister, but I don't now.

Nikolas: Okay. Yeah, I mean, I guess it does seem like things are somewhat resolved, doesn't it? I mean, Helena's gone. My father's gone -- although he was less of a consideration. There's no more vendettas. No more waiting for Helena's next atrocity. You and Luke are officially free of the Cassadines.

Laura: We are free of our past, honey. There is one Cassadine that I could not live without. It's very important to me to have your blessing.

Nikolas: Mother, all I want is your happiness. If Scott can accomplish that, then you absolutely have my blessing.

Laura: So, you'll come to the ceremony?

Nikolas: Of course I'll come to the ceremony.

Laura: Oh, good! Speaking of which, I really do have to run, because it's gonna be this afternoon in the courthouse at 5:00, all right?

Nikolas: In the courthouse?

Laura: Yeah. The mayor, um, agreed to marry us. Well, actually, she did before, but Scotty thinks that he can convince her to officiate this afternoon.

Nikolas: Oh, all right. Okay. Um -- well, listen, if you want the mayor to conduct your ceremony, that's, of course, your decision, but -- why not have the wedding here?

Laura: [Laughs]

Scott: Laura has assured me that it's over with Spencer. Done. Finished. Kaput.

Lucy: Okay -- then why are you getting so worked up?

Scott: I'm not getting worked up.

Lucy: That is the face of a man who is worked up. That is not a face of a happy person who's about to get married to the woman that he loves who he's carried a torch for since high school. From my experience, that is a face -- who is possibly feeling threatened and possibly thinking of doing something underhanded, which, I can assure that face, that is the absolute worst possible idea. Laura has chosen you. You can trust her.

Scott: It's Spencer I don't trust. That old fool is liable to show up and try to grab the bouquet just to stick it to me.

Lucy: Oh, really? Like you never, ever did anything like that to him, huh?

Scott: Et tu, Lucy?

Lucy: Okay. I want you to breathe. Breathe. Remember your yoga.

Scott: Oh, that silly yoga that you and Sabrina were teaching me at the firehouse. How is that down puppy going to work things out with Laura? Huh? How?

Lucy: Okay, okay. Stop. Stop. [Inhales deeply] Come on. Inhale. Deep breath. Come on.

Scott: [Inhales deeply]

Lucy: And if inhaling doesn't help you find your inner peace, then I want you to remember --

[Singsong voice] Laura chose you.

Scott: Yeah, but --

Lucy: [Normal voice] No, no, no. No, come on. Focus. No "buts." I am not gonna let you self-sabotage. I'm not gonna let you snatch defeat out of the hands of victory. Breathe. Breathe.

Scott: Aah. [Muttering]

Lucy: Wait. No, no, no. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Look at me. You won. This is your moment. You've got to seize it. You've got to embrace it. Your love is finally requited. [Laughs]

Kevin: And my love is the arms of her ex.

Scott: Uh-oh.

Lucy: Doc.

Kevin: Can't leave you alone for a minute, can I?

Luke: Well, that is very disappointing. I mean, I thought spending time with you was gonna trigger some memories.

Dante: Well, you know, I have to give her credit. She tried. She -- she came with me to one of Maxie's appointments.

Luke: Really? And nothing? Seeing Maxie, listening to the heartbeat -- still nothing?

Dante: You know, there was a moment. I looked in her eyes. I saw a glimmer of recognition, and then I thought I was gonna try and build on it, and soon, we got interrupted, and it was gone.

Luke: So, there was just that one time at the hospital.

Dante: No. There was another time at the Floating Rib and maybe one or two other times other than that, but the same happens. I think she's gonna recognize me and remember stuff, and then we get interrupted.

Luke: Well, it sounds to me like you're gonna have to be proactive, son.

Dante: What do you mean? Talk about the past? Show her pictures? I've been there, done that.

Luke: It's not rocket science. If she's that close to advancement, you need to get her alone and -- advance her.

Lulu: I'm sorry. I-I'm such a mess. I'm sorry.

Milo: Hey, you should see me after a week without Pilates. [Chuckles]

Lulu: Did you just tease me?

Milo: You're shocked right?

Lulu: [Chuckling] Yeah.

Milo: I usually get a little bashful around you.

Lulu: Why?

Milo: Because you're -- you.

Lulu: Well, that's just it. I'm not.

Milo: That's probably why you're having these nightmares. Hey, I remember one time, I had this awful dream -- I went to Kelly's and I ate two double cheeseburgers and a whole plate of fries.

Lulu: This is a bad dream?

Milo: Oh, it's the worst. [Both chuckle] I had to do a three-day juice fast just to cleanse my brain. But I-I'm sure your nightmare was much more serious.

Lulu: And we're assuming this was a dream. It might have been a memory.

Dante: Wow, Luke. Get her alone. Have some alone time. What a great idea. Why didn't I think of that?

Luke: Yeah, just a suggestion.

Dante: No, it's a great one. Get her alone and I-I'm positive she would remember something about our life together, but the problem is she won't set foot in the loft. Not only that, we -- we don't get more than five minutes of time alone together.

Luke: I'm troubled by this defeatist attitude of yours, son.

Dante: I'm not defeated. I'm not defeated. I promise you, I am not. I will do whatever it takes for the rest of my life to try and get her back, but the problem is she is so stubborn.

Luke: [Chuckling] Yeah. That part of her personality, at least, is intact.

Dante: Yeah, I keep pushing, I'm gonna push her away. I need to find moments. I-I need to pick specific times where I can find an opening.

Luke: All right. Look. The last time I checked, you can't bring a seagoing vessel into this harbor without the owner signing for a slip. You're a cop. Bring her down here, tie her up -- in red tape, and get to reminiscing.

Dante: You know, that's not -- not a bad idea.

Luke: You're welcome.

Milo: So, you think it was a memory?

Lulu: Had to be more than a dream, right? How could I just conjure something like that up with nothing to base it on?

Milo: Well, let's just break it down and see if we can figure it out. You were yelling at someone to let you go. Any idea who that was?

Lulu: [Sighs] No. I -- just some man. He was dragging me up on the deck. He was carrying me, and I -- I wanted him to -- to let me go. God, that had to be a memory, right? What did that bastard Stavros do to me?

Milo: It'll come back. You just -- you have to be patient.

Lulu: Well, you know, I-I know next to nothing about myself, but I'm pretty sure that patient is not my best event.

Milo: You have to remember -- the brain is just -- it's part of your body. And the body always takes its time.

Lulu: Well, how much time? 'Cause I feel like I'm stuck in limbo right now. I sound so selfish, after everything you've done. I'm sorry. You -- you've let me crash here, and you -- you're so generous and sensitive and -- Milo, you are a really good friend.

Milo: It's, uh -- nice having you here. It's also nice -- being your friend. You're so -- nice.

Laura: You want me to have the wedding here at Wyndemere?

Nikolas: Of course. It's a new day, remember?

Laura: [Chuckles]

Nikolas: I mean, this house doesn't have to be a perpetual symbol of all the pain the Cassadines have caused, does it? I mean, it can just be a house, right? A big, uh, drafty, maybe a little gothic kind of house, but --

Laura: [Laughs]

Nikolas: Yes. I'll put the staff to work. I think with enough flowers, we can cheer this place up.

Laura: That is so sweet of you, but, really, I don't want you to go to all that trouble.

Nikolas: Mother. I offered, and it's my pleasure. Consider it your wedding gift.

Laura: You're a wonderful son.

Nikolas: [Chuckles]

Laura: [Laughs] Thank you.

Nikolas: You're welcome.

Laura: That is a such lovely offer, and, yes, I accept.

Nikolas: Good.

Laura: Oh, now I really do have to run, because I got to let Scotty know that there's a change of location.

Nikolas: Okay. Well, is there anyone you need me to -- to reach, to invite or --

Laura: Mm, I really wish that lucky could be with us, but he's still in Africa. I finally got in touch with him, and he's well. But he's really busy. This charity work that he's doing is so important to him, and I-I didn't want to interrupt that and summon him home.

Nikolas: I-I think I can speak for lucky on this. As long as you're happy, that's all that matters.

Laura: I'm so glad that I'm gonna have you with me. We'll get the rest of the family together later.

Nikolas: Okay. You got it.

Lesley: Would you settle for some of the family right now? Well? How about a hug for your mother?

Lucy: [Laughs] [Smooches] You're home.

Kevin: Yes. And not a moment too soon, judging by that clinch with Scott.

Lucy: Oh, hey. Don't be silly. I'm just congratulating him because Scott and Laura are getting married today.

Kevin: Hey! Well, let's hope this one takes. Maybe somebody should send Luke Spencer out of town on a wild-goose chase.

Lucy: [Clears throat] Excuse me. I don't think you meant to sound as snarky as you just sounded.

Kevin: No, I --

Lucy: No. No! You did not, because you're a sensitive, brilliant, gorgeous psychiatrist who knows that this whole dynamic of Luke and Laura and Scott is -- it's very complicated and very, very emotional.

Kevin: Not to mention none of our business.

Lucy: [Sighs] I am -- I'm just trying to reassure my dear, dear friend of Laura's love for him and that he does not need to do anything underhanded to try and get Luke out of town.

Scott: You know what? I-I'm gonna take, uh -- Kevin has a very good point there, so, uh, get mayor Lomax, and I'll see you later.

Lucy: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Where are go -- what are you gonna do?

Scott: I'm gonna do what Kevin said to do. I am gonna make sure that this wedding to Laura happens.

Nikolas: [Grunts]

Laura: Mom, you look wonderful.

Lesley: Oh, baby, so do you.

Laura: [Chuckles]

Spencer: Did we surprise you?

Laura: Yeah.

Nikolas: You sure did. I didn't expect you till next week.

Lesley: Oh, somebody wanted to see his daddy.

Nikolas: Thank you for bringing him. I appreciate it.

Laura: Aww, come here, you.

Nikolas: Oh, go see grandma.

Laura: Grandma missed you.

Nikolas: So, what do you think of Wyndemere so far?

Spencer: It's bigger than our house.

Nikolas: Well, Wyndemere's our house, too. You just haven't been here in a while. Come on. Let me go show you around.

Laura: Oh.

Nikolas: You spend time with your mother. [Grunts]

Laura: All right. Have fun. I'll see you later.

Nikolas: Okay.

Laura: [Chuckles]

Lesley: [Sighs] Now that it's all over, I don't mind telling you how scared I was.

Laura: I'm sorry.

Lesley: Don't you dare apologize. Of course you had to go after Lulu. If it had been me and you had disappeared, I would have gone after you no matter what.

Laura: I have no doubt.

Lesley: I'm -- relieved that everybody came through okay.

Laura: Not everybody.

[Knock on door]

Lulu: You should get that.

Milo: Right. Get a grip, Giambetti.

Dante: Do you ever wear clothes?

Milo: Sorry. I was about to get dressed.

Lulu: Hi.

Milo: Relax. I'm not here to be your tour guide on some trip down memory lane. I'm here on police business.

Milo: Should I call ms. Davis and have her meet us at the station?

Dante: No. Milo, not this time. It's not about you. I'm here for Lulu.

Milo: Okay. I'll just throw some more clothes on.

Dante: It's about your boat.

Lulu: I have a boat?

Dante: Yeah. The, uh -- the Cassadines commandeered it to take it out of the country with you on it, and the government wants to bring it back, but, you know, there's papers to sign and damages and, you know, repairs to assess -- all that stuff.

Lulu: Now?

Dante: Yeah, now. I mean, your boat is damaged. It's unattended. It's -- it's -- you know, it's a public hazard.

Lulu: Right, and that -- that's my responsibility.

Dante: Well, it's your boat. It says so on the registry. I mean, you can't just, you know, push this off on someone else.

Lulu: How will I find the boat that I don't remember having?

Dante: It's cool. I'll take you to it. It's no problem. It'll be painless. I promise.

Lulu: Hmm. Okay.

Luke: How did you find me?

Scott: You're not as mysterious as you think you are, Spencer.

Luke: What do you want?

Scott: I just want to let you know it's official. Laura and I are getting married.

Luke: Well, let's see if you can make this one last.

Scott: Oh, I have no doubt about that, because she is very clear on how she feels about me and how she doesn't feel about you.

Luke: Great. Where do I send the gravy boat?

Scott: The only gift I want from you is your absence. Do not try and stop my wedding again. I like to color my hair.

Milo: Have you had breakfast? I can make you an egg-white omelet.

Dante: Milo, what do you think is going on here?

Milo: I'm just trying to be polite to a visitor is all.

Dante: By keeping my wife from her family?

Milo: Just giving her a place to stay, Dante.

Dante: Yeah. That better be all you're giving her.

Milo: What does that mean?

Dante: [Sighs] It means you're a nice guy, Milo. And I think you had the best of intentions when you started this whole thing, but I also know you've had a thing for Lulu for as long as I've known you. And suddenly, you're her hero -- the only person she'll voluntarily spend any time with.

Milo: I'm just being her friend - trying.

Dante: Yeah? Then think what happens when she does remember. Don't take advantage of her.

Lulu: I'm -- ready.

Dante: Okay. Let's go.

Lulu: I'll see you later.

Milo: See you.

Lesley: Nothing has changed?

Laura: No.

Lesley: Lulu still can't remember anything?

Laura: No. She hasn't retrieved any of her memory at all. I -- you know, I worked so hard to put my own life back together again, and now my daughter has been stolen from me -- really stolen from herself, 'cause she's -- she's just adrift. She doesn't know who she is. She doesn't know where she's

Lesley: We'll have to help her find her way.

Laura: But what if she never gets her memory back?

Lesley: We'll build new memories. That's what you and I did. When we first reconnected, we had nothing. We had no past. We had no memories. We started from scratch. It can be done. [Crying] We're living proof.

Laura: You're right. We are. [Chuckles]

Lesley: You have faith. You will be able to help your daughter.

Laura: Thank you, mom.

Lesley: I love you so much.

Laura: I love you, too.

Spencer: We're having a wedding!

Nikolas: [Chuckles]

Lesley: What?

Nikolas: Hey, Spencer. We have to go meet the housekeeper so we can tell her to buy up all the flowers in Port Charles, 'cause this place is gonna need a little decoration, don't you think?

Spencer: Okay.

Nikolas: Yeah, okay. Okay.

Laura: [Chuckles]

Lesley: Nikolas is getting married?!

Laura: No, mom. Not Nikolas. Me.

Lesley: Oh!

Laura: I-I'm marrying Scotty.

Luke: If Laura wants to be the bride of Satan, that's her hell to pay. She has my blessing.

Scott: Good. Glad you finally have accepted reality, because Laura's gonna be very happy, and she's gonna be very safe.

Luke: Well, whether she is or whether she isn't, it's her life -- her decision.

Scott: We're gonna have a great life, unlike you who's gonna end up as a doddering old coot, miserable and alone.

Lulu: This is mine.

Dante: You are the owner/proprietor. It says so on the deed.

Lulu: Okay. Um, where are the damages you were talking about?

Dante: Uh, here.

Lulu: That little scratch?

Dante: Well, if you follow the trajectory, you'll see there's a bullet imbedded right here.

Lulu: A bullet.

Dante: Yeah, there was some shooting.

Lulu: Okay. I'll bite. Why was there some shooting on my boat?

Dante: Well, you were kidnapped, and your parents and I -- we gave chase, but I'm talking -- this was in the middle of the ocean at this point. So, your parents get on board. They're searching for you. Helena's guys get to them pretty quickly. I swim over from the WSB vessel.

Lulu: Wait, wait. This is in the middle of the ocean that you're swimming?

Dante: Yeah. They had to stay out of range, so I get on board and start recon. Helena's guys start shooting, and I get the drop on them, have the old lady at gunpoint for a minute or two -- long enough for your parents to find your brother Ethan. And then they outnumbered me and threw me overboard. [Chuckles]

Lulu: So, you're saying that you almost died -- for me?

Dante: I would do anything for you. Anyway, that is how you got bullets on your boat.

Lulu: It sounds like quite the adventure. [Sighs]

Dante: Strangely enough, it's not the most memorable moment I've had on this deck.

Lulu: That's a setup for something, right?

Dante: No. Not at all. What are you talking about?

Lulu: Well, no, what? Please, you are totally trying to bait me. You want me to ask.

Dan: . No, no. I don't. I don't. Let's go finish the tour. Let's go to your office --

Lulu: Okay, no. Fine. Okay, I want to know. What is the most memorable thing that happened to you on this deck?

Dante: We, uh -- we had our first kiss.

Lesley: You are marrying Scotty Baldwin?

Laura: That's the plan.

Lesley: You already married him once, and it didn't end well.

Laura: Yeah, but I think it's safe to say that we have both grown up an awful lot since then, right?

Lesley: You have. Yes. Scotty, I'm not so sure about. Are you absolutely 100% certain that he isn't using this marriage to make a point that you were wrong to have left him all those years ago?

Laura: Mom, you know that Scotty and I have been spending an awful lot of time together, right?

Lesley: Ugh, yes. It's part of why I was happy to stay with Nikolas -- I didn't have to watch Scotty romancing you.

Laura: He wasn't romancing me, per se.

Lesley: [Scoffs] He showed up in Paris 10 minutes after you did. He got an apartment three blocks away. He was always around. He was inviting himself over for dinner. He was taking you on little romantic outings.

Laura: Yeah, because we enjoy each other.

Lesley: Have you forgotten what that man did to you -- what he did to your family?

Laura: Scotty made mistakes. And so did I.

Lesley: [Sighs] If you really loved him -- if you really were 100% certain that this marriage is the right thing, you would have invited me to the wedding.

Laura: Did it ever occur to you that I might not have told you about the wedding because I was trying to avoid the scolding that I'm getting right now?

Lesley: Oh -- [Scoffs]

Laura: Hmm?

Lesley: Mm. Does Luke know about this?

Laura: Luke is my ex-husband, mother. He doesn't get to weigh in.

Lesley: Well, I certainly hope your mother still gets to weigh in, because I refuse to let you make the same mistake.

Laura: Mom, please, I'm --

Lesley: No, I mean it Laura. I mean it. You marry Scotty Baldwin, it will be over my dead body.

Scott: But we would miss you so much.

Lesley: [Gasps]

Lucy: You are never, ever allowed to leave me again.

Kevin: My patients?

Lucy: Oh, just let them go. They'll have to do without you. You can't keep going to Seattle and other far-flung places.

Kevin: I missed you, too.

Lucy: No, I'm serious. Who was so important that you had to abandon me?

Kevin: Mm.

Lucy: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Oh! It was Bobbie, wasn't it?!

Kevin: I can't discuss my patients. You know that.

Lucy: It was. No, it was. It was Bobbie Spencer. She finally snapped.

Kevin: No. But we had coffee. And she wanted me to tell you that Noah Drake is romancing the hell out of her.

Lucy: Oh, gee. That's delightful. I really care. I don't. I just want us to focus here on us, doc. You really -- you got to cut your ties with those far-flung patients. I think it's time you refer them to somebody else, even though another psychiatrist will never, ever be as brilliant as you. Nobody will be. [Sighs]

Kevin: Well, you know, referrals can work in many cases. But not all.

Lucy: [Sighs] Why not? What is so special about this particular patient?

Lulu: Our first kiss happened on this boat?

Dante: Yeah. It did. Actually, pretty much right where we're standing now.

Scott: Come on, Lesley. Can't you give your once and future son-in-law a proper hello?

Lesley: Would you settle for goodbye? I allowed you to marry Laura once. Never again.

Scott: But we used to be so close. When did this all go south?

Lesley: Gee, I'm not quite sure. Um -- maybe it was when you killed me husband!

Lulu: So, how did this kiss happen? I mean, what led up to it? Were we on some romantic date and then you brought me out on the boat?

Dante: [Chuckling] No. We weren't even on a date. You -- you barely even knew me.

Lulu: But I kissed you anyway, so you're saying that I was easy.

Dante: Oh, believe me, that kiss was anything but easy.

Lulu: Then what happened?

Dante: Your brother was cheating me at cards, and you put a stop to it, and I wanted to thank you.

Lulu: [Sighs]

Dante: Wait! Lulu! Lulu, wait, wait.

Lulu: Please just stop following me.

Dante: I just, uh, wanted to thank you.

Lulu: For what?

Dante: For, uh, proving me right. I had this gut feeling that you liked me.

Lulu: Uh, yeah, since when?

Dante: Well, since your brother, uh -- interesting accent, by the way -- conned me, and you, uh, called him on his scam. Why would you do that if you found me so repugnant?

Lulu: Because Ethan had it coming to him.

Dante: Ah, you're still mad at him for beating me up with lucky?

Lulu: [Chuckling] Oh, no. No. Believe it or not, this actually has nothing to do with you.

Dante: Oh, yeah. Well, either way, yeah, I would have been out next week's milk money if you hadn't stepped in, and I owe you. And all flirting aside, I want to show you my gratitude. That's how my mother raised me.

Lulu: Mm.

Dante: Do you like ice cream?

Lulu: Forget it. You are not taking me out for ice cream for stopping my brother.

Dante: Well, I guess I could just, uh, kiss you instead.

Lulu: [Laughs] Oh, yeah. No, sure. Sure. Yeah. When hell freezes over.

Lulu: Wow. Was I a bitch or what?

Dante: You were a challenge.

Lulu: Oh, yeah. Let me guess. Just one you couldn't resist.

Dante: Oh, you were definitely irresistible. But you'd been hurt. You had your guard up, and you didn't know me from Adam, which, coincidentally, you -- you still don't.

Lulu: I guess what they say is true -- those that don't know their history are doomed to repeat it. Here I am being a bitch to you again.

Dante: It's okay. I mean, it's cool. I got you to kiss me before. I'll get you to do it again.

Lulu: Yeah, how? How did you get from "when hell freezes over" to a kiss?

Lucy: Naturally, I do respect the privacy of your patients, just like I respect this mystery patient -- whatever dire things they've gotten themselves into -- but I just think they should find a more geographically appropriate psychiatrist.

Kevin: Geographically appropriate?

Lucy: Yes. Like maybe in the same state -- of physicalness. Like the same state like the state of Washington --

Kevin: I get it.

Lucy: -- Not the same state of mind. You know, like, because probably this mystery patient is a couple tacos short of a combo platter.

Kevin: You can't stand that I'm withholding information, can you?

Lucy: And that's just a fancy way to say that you're keeping secrets from me.

Kevin: Well, you don't tell me what goes into coecoe's anti-aging eye cream.

Lucy: I don't have to. It's clearly printed on the label. The FDA requires me, which I try to do -- follow those rules.

Kevin: And when the day comes the government tells me I have to share all the information about my patients, I will. But they haven't, and they won't. But I can tell you that your concern, though much appreciated, is misplaced.

Lucy: Well, then, could you sort of reassure me, like, pronto?

Kevin: You're gorgeous and delightful and the love of my life.

Lucy: Okay. That's good. But you're changing the subject. I-I want to talk about this -- this whack-job -- this emotionally lovely, unstable patient of yours that is taking all of your time.

Kevin: What I can say is that when it comes to this particular patient, I have the situation well in hand.

Dante: Well, I'm not saying it was easy. You were very stubborn. You didn't want to give in, but -- but you were drawn to me.

Lulu: No, really.

Dante: No. Like, you couldn't keep your eyes off me. It was the kind of thing where you asked me to leave so many times that it became very obvious that you really wanted me to stay.

Lulu: There's no chance that you were just -- I don't know -- seeing what you wanted to?

Dante: You liked me. A lot. And we both knew you wanted me to work for it.

Lulu: It?

Dante: The -- kiss and pretty much everything that happened after that.

Lulu: Okay. Yeah. No, no, no. Let's just stick with the kiss for the moment.

Dante: All right. So, like I said, it wasn't easy. You -- you were being very tough, you know, but I cracked that shell and -- and you melted.

Lulu: And I melted?

Dante: Yeah.

Lulu: Oh! [Laughs] What, do those lines really work?

Dante: You like those lines. You find them adorable, actually.

Lulu: Oh, really? Are you sure that I wasn't just attracted to your bashfulness and innate modesty?

Dante: That, but more to do with my good looks and charm and -- and sincerity.

Lulu: Right. So, did you just keep spouting cheesy pick-up lines until you finally wore me down?

Dante: Yeah, you could say I was persistent.

Lulu: Oh. Well, there's a surprise. So, um -- what happened?

Laura: Mom, do we really have to do this now? This -- this is our wedding day.

Lesley: Not if I can help it. Laura, you are about to marry the man who killed rick and then left you to take the rap.

Laura: What happened in the attic was a horrific misunderstanding.

Lesley: That's what you're calling it? A misunderstanding?!

Scott: I will always regret Rick's death. I never meant for Laura to take the blame. Rick was hurting her. She was screaming and she was yelling, and I hit him. It happened so fast. I was just trying to protect Laura, because I love her, and I'm gonna marry her today with or without your blessing. I would like to have it, and I know it would mean the world to Laura, so -- forget about me and just think about her.

Luke: To Scott and Laura Baldwin and moving on.

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