GH Transcript Tuesday 5/14/13

General Hospital Transcript Tuesday 5/14/13


Provided By Suzanne

Felix: Unh-unh. You are way too pretty to be looking all sad. Why the frown?

TJ: My girlfriend dumped me.

Molly: Here we go. How is that? Is that comfy, or should I grab your sweatshirt, huh?

Rafe: I think Danny boy's cool. It's pretty nice out.

Molly: Rafe. Hey.

Rafe: I'm not stalking you, so don't worry.

Molly: [Chuckles] I wasn't worried.

Rafe: Sam called and told me to come here instead of going to her -- our place. Is everything okay?

Molly: Yeah, no, everything's fine. Uh, with us, at least. Sam is in New York city on a case. She said it was an emergency.

Sam: Oh, this is perfect. Excuse me. [Gasps] You.

Yes, me. Who were you expecting?

Carly: Morgan?

Woman: Can I help you?

Carly: I'm looking for my son.

Michael: Morgan! Morgan, open up! I know you're in there! Come on! You got to get back to the hospital! Open the door now! Who the hell are you?

Sonny: I know this is more than you signed up for.

Shawn: Sonny, your kid's gone missing, all right? I'd help you out even if it weren't my job.

Sonny: The longer this goes on, the worse it's gonna get. Morgan is gonna be in serious trouble.

Shawn: Look, lining up a $50,000 debt gambling -- that is a cause for concern.

Sonny: Right.

Shawn: But at least Morgan's not doing hard drugs or living on the street. He hasn't been pulled into something that you can't get him out of.

Sonny: Not that we know of.

Mario: Hey, everybody! Welcome back to "the chew" -- clash of the condiments. We have sampled AJ Quartermaine's pickle-Lila --

Michael s.: And Tracy Quartermaine's pickle-Eddie.

Tracy: And we need to know now, which one did everybody like better?

Mario: Fortunately, we have the results, and not a moment too soon. The winner of "the chew's" clash of the condiments is -- pickle -- [Grunts] Pickle --

Tracy: Pickle what? Pickle what?!

Mario: Pickle -- [Vomits]

Carla: Oh!

Tracy: Ugh! What the hell?!

Carla: Mario! Let me get you some water. Oh.

Michael S.: Are you okay?

Carla: I need to sit down. Can you --

Michael S.: I'll get you both some.

[Audience murmuring]

Daphne: Oh, I'm sorry. I -- I can't.

Nikolas: This is horrible. The relish is making everyone sick.

Elizabeth: [Groans]

Nikolas: Elizabeth?

Both: This is your fault!

AJ: I should have known you were gonna pull some psycho crap like this with your rancid relish.

Michael S.: Go to commercial! Why aren't we going to commercial?!

Mario: Why is this happening? Who's responsible for this?!

AJ: There's no problem with my relish. Yours is rancid. It's rancid! It's making people sick.

Who, indeed?

Felix: Okay. Here's the deal. You listened to me pine for magic Milo, taking wishful thinking to the point of self-delusion -- I mean, not that I think that you're in the same boat. But, look -- my point is, you offered support. Time for me to return the favor. Just what's miss Molly's problem? You two are adorbs.

TJ: "Adorbs"?

Felix: That's what I said. You all squishy at the Nurses' Ball, pulling together to perform. By far, the least complicated couple I know. She dumped you?

TJ: Yeah. Right before prom, too. I rented a limo, a tux --

Felix: Oh. Two-button, satin-edged, peak lapel? Whatever you wore, I'm sure it was fabulous.

TJ: I even knew what color corsage I was gonna get Molly. You don't get it.

Felix: Oh. Sounds like you had it all planned out.

TJ: Except for one thing. Molly kissing another guy.

Rafe: Look, I'm -- I'm really sorry about what happened at Kelly's.

Molly: Don't be. You didn't do anything wrong. I mean, TJ's the one who lied, made you think he was me so you'd go over there just so he could give you a black eye.

Rafe: I told you it was a sucker punch.

Molly: Which makes it even worse.

Rafe: No. I just -- what I meant to say is, if I had been ready, he wouldn't have been able to just hit me so easy. You know, I -- I can defend myself.

Molly: But why should you have to?

Rafe: Maybe because -- I started this whole thing -- you know, when I lost my mind and kissed you.

Do we know each other? Watch your back.

Sam: Around you? Always.

You seem a bit upset.

Sam: You are supposed to be dead. Somebody call the police! This man, he is not a doctor. He is a serial killer.

Well, that's a bit harsh. Don't you think?

Shall I call security?

Sam: Stay the hell away from me.

That's okay. I'll take care of it. Thank you. [Grunts] Uh --

Sam: [Gasps]

I think you dropped something.

Sam: One more step and I'll scream my head off.

So this isn't your phone?

Sam: Lucy said that you were dead. She saw you in the morgue.

Lucy was clearly mistaken.

Sam: No, no, no. She said that you were dead, like not breathing -- gone, completely dead. How is this happening?

I know one thing -- I'm definitely breathing.

Sam: You know what? I don't care how this is happening. I don't care how you think you're gonna do this. You're not gonna get away with this.

Carly: Somebody has to know something.

Why don't you tell me about your son? Are they little guys?

Carly: No. No, one's a freshman in college, and the other's a couple years older.

Well, uh, maybe if you gave me some names?

Carly: Morgan. He's the younger one. He was beaten up, I think. And Michael is the one who brought him in.

Who the hell am I? Who the hell are you? Hey! Are you serious?! You are not gonna walk --

Michael: I'm looking for my brother! Morgan! Morgan, get out here right now!

Morgan: Whoa! Whoa! You don't have to yell.

Michael: What the hell is wrong with you?!

I'm not sure he's the one with the problem.

Michael: I take you to the hospital to get patched up, and you just take off.

Morgan: Okay, chill! I'm patched, dude!

Michael: Okay. So it's cool to take off without telling me?

Morgan: I'm sorry. I was in a hurry to get back.

Michael: Back to what?


Morgan: Oh, Michael, meet my girlfriend.

Michael: Girlfriend.

Yes, girlfriend.

Michael: Wait. You're -- you're "Jerome around the world"?

My friends call me Kiki.

Daphne: Somebody do something!

AJ: What the hell is going on? Why are they getting sick?

Tracy: New and improved? What did you put in your relish? Ugh!

Elizabeth: [Groaning]

Nikolas: I found this. It's the only container left in the entire building. Everyone's sick.

Elizabeth: Not you.

Nikolas: Yeah, I didn't eat the relish.

Elizabeth: [Breathing heavily] [Vomits]

Mario: It had to be the relish.

Carla: Of course, it was. Oh! [Groaning]

Mario: It was something you put in your evil relish!

Both: Not mine!

Tracy: He did it!

AJ: She did it!

Somebody get me some paper towels! I'm sorry. And who are you?

Michael: Well, I

Michael: Well, I guess I should be relieved you're not some shady old perv.

Kiki: Excuse me?

Morgan: Okay. Ignore him.

Michael: When we found out that Morgan met someone online, we weren't exactly sure it was a real girl.

Kiki: You can check if you want.

Michael: No, that's -- that's okay. Thank you.

Morgan: Oh, trust me. She's a real girl.

Kiki: And I'm all yours, babe. Thank you.

Carly: Have you seen Michael and Morgan Corinthos? Last name Corinthos.

I'm not sure. We had a lot of patients today. Must have been a full moon or something.

Carly: Okay. This is them right here.

Oh, yeah, I remember those two. Smart-mouthed kid, that younger one.

You know me?

Sam: Yes, I know you. You're Stephen Clay, a killer who kidnapped me and my son.

Rafe: [Sighs]

Molly: Um, the kiss was -- I don't know -- unexpected. But when I explained I was with TJ, You completely backed off. I told him that.

Rafe: Guess he didn't believe you.

Molly: You think? For him to text you, from my phone -- it was just way out of line, especially since you were just trying to apologize -- you know, make sure we were still friends.

Rafe: It's okay, Molly.

Molly: No, it's not. I -- I hate that TJ Was such a bully. I seriously don't know what got into him.

Rafe: I do. He has you, and he doesn't want to lose that. Besides, what I said, it wasn't -- it wasn't the whole truth. I mean, yeah, I wanted to see you so I could apologize, but I also had something else to tell you, something I told Sam.

Molly: About me? What was it?

Rafe: [Breathes deeply] That I'm in love with you.

Felix: Okay. As a nurse, I have to state for the record -- I do not condone physical violence. But if this Rafe player knew that Molly was your girl and still planted one on her, maybe he deserved the black eye.

TJ: See? I thought so, too.

Felix: Only you're not so sure anymore.

TJ: Well, see, Molly swore that it wasn't what I thought. She said once she explained to him that she and I were still a thing, Rafe got the message or whatever.

Felix: Huh.

TJ: "Huh"? What does "huh" mean?

Felix: Well, if the kid stood down, why go off on him?

TJ: I wouldn't have! Okay. At least, I don't think I would have. But remember how I said Molly left her phone here?

Felix: Mm-hmm.

TJ: Next thing I know, a text comes to her.

Felix: The other man.

TJ: Rafe said he wants to talk.

Felix: Ha! That's the polar opposite of standing down. Please, we know what "talk" means.

TJ: Thank you!

Felix: Clear that his sights were still set on Molly.

TJ: Except they weren't.

Felix: Okay. So much for uncomplicated.

Elizabeth: [Moans]

Nikolas: It's okay.

Elizabeth: Oh, my God. Oh, my God. How could a condiment seriously do this to a person?

Nikolas: I don't know. But the question is, was it AJ's or Tracy's that made everyone sick?

Tracy: Of course it was your relish, you blockhead.

Mario: Oh, God. It's getting worse!

AJ: While you stay here doing nothing, I'm gonna get help.

Tracy: Well, you should. You're the perpetrator of this disaster. Mr. Batali -- oh, Mr. Batali. Can I call you Mario?

AJ: Oh, no. No, Elizabeth, not you, too.

Elizabeth: Oh, AJ.

Mario: Stop touching me.

Tracy: AJ cuts costs, and you pay the price. He's the one that should be regurgitating --

What is going on out there?

Everyone's sick. Came out of nowhere.

Shame. It's a good thing we're safe here.

Do you have a pass?



Well, not on me. I seem to have misplaced it.

I need to check with security, verify they let you in. Your name? Your name.

Todd! Todd! There you are. The set is a mess. We need those paper towels yesterday.

All right.

TJ: All right, Felix, I got to tell you, I did something pretty lame.

Felix: No judgments.

TJ: Remember how I told you Molly left her phone here?

Felix: Yeah, and you saw that Rafe texted.

TJ: Right. So I texted him back.

Felix: As Molly?

TJ: That's how I got Rafe over here!

Felix: Poor unsuspecting soul is walking into an ambush? Look, that's messed up.

TJ: Hey, I thought you said no judgments.

Felix: You don't think that's messed up?

TJ: I do, but worst of all, so does Molly.

Felix: She knows?

TJ: I was forced into coming clean in front of Rafe!

Felix: No!

TJ: I know, I know! It was a like a bad dream. Molly's all looking at me all disappointed.

Felix: I hate that look.

TJ: And I got Rafe just swearing that all he wanted to do was apologize for kissing her that night.

Felix: Did Molly believe him? Do you?

TJ: I don't know. Man, all I know is, I miss my girlfriend. She told me find another prom date.

Felix: Tough love? I don't blame her. If you don't learn to tame that green-eyed monster inside of you, you're gonna drive miss Molly right into Rafe's arms.

Molly: You said that to Sam, that you -- love me? Okay. What did she say?

Rafe: That it might not actually be true love, you know, and that I should take my time and make absolutely sure. And I know what she was getting at. I have this huge hole in my life where my mom used to be. And, yeah, I'm sad and lonely about it, but that doesn't mean my feelings for you aren't real. Yet I just knew --

Molly: Rafe --

Rafe: -- The day I met you on the pier, there was something special about you, Molly. You know, before you even said a word, before you were so nice and took me to lunch -- I could just tell there was something special. You know, and then I got to know you, and I found out how special you were. I mean, you're -- you're smart, you're generous, you quote "streetcar." And you're crazy loyal. I mean, when you showed up at my jail cell -- why did you do that?

Molly: [Sighs] I -- I don't know. For some reason, I just couldn't stay away.

Rafe: See? That's exactly what I mean. There's this connection or whatever you want to call it. I just -- I owe you so much.

Molly: No, you really don't.

Rafe: For helping me get through the loss of my mom. And when I found out my real dad was a psycho.

Ah, Stephen Clay.

Sam: Don't do that. Don't pretend that you're not him.

Oh, I'm not pretending.

Sam: How did you do it? That ring -- that ring you were wearing. It had magic powers, didn't it?

No rings.

Sam: Why aren't you dead?

I'll tell you, lady, if you give me a chance.

Sam: Don't give me any of that vampire crap, either. They have no idea. They think you're a doctor.

I am a doctor!

Sam: No, you are not a doctor! You are a mental patient! You went on a murder spree! Your mind snapped after you lost your wife! Admit it!

Carly: Wait. You treated Morgan? How is he?

Little banged up. Bruised ribs were the worst of it. He'll be okay.

Carly: Is he still here?

I went to get him a script. I came back, he was gone.

Carly: What about his brother?

No, Michael seemed surprised when I told him martin had left.

Carly: Morgan.

Morgan had left. He tore out of here after his little brother.

Carly: Do you have any idea where they went?

Michael: You guys done?

Morgan: Michael, what's your problem?

Michael: Morgan, this girl is playing you!

Kiki: I could have sworn I just told you my name.

Morgan: How is she playing me?

Kiki: And now I'm invisible?

Morgan: Okay, Kiki was at Vassar. When I told her I needed somewhere to go, she said, "come right over." No hesitation. No questions asked. I stayed at her dorm room.

Michael: Her dorm. Yet I find you here.

Kiki: It's my mom's place. She's super-chill.

Morgan: Yeah, her mom let me crash here while she got her hands on the other $40k. Don't you get it? She doesn't owe a penny, and she's helping me out.

Michael: Pretty lucky. I mean, all three of you gamble. You're in a hole, your roommate's in a hole, yet you manage to escape debt-free.

Kiki: I'm sensing some doubt.

Michael: Yeah, and now you're gonna settle on my brother's behalf. Why did you give Morgan all that money? He's just that awesome?

Kiki: Yeah, he is that awesome.

Michael: Look, Morgan, that pain you feel in your side, that ache in your jaw -- that's all from the beatdown you just took earlier, which is only warm-up to what's coming your way. These guys are serious.

Kiki: We know that.

Michael: Yeah, you should know that because you're the one who got Morgan mixed up in this whole thing in the first place. Oh, don't look so surprised. I read all your online chats.

Kiki: So?

Michael: So you egg Morgan on to gamble, to win back the money that he lost. And how did that turn out for you, Morgan?

Morgan: Leave her alone, man!

Michael: You know, for all we know, she's the one who called those thugs over here.

Kiki: Why would I do that?

Michael: To rough Morgan up, make him lean on you.

Morgan: Dude, I already told you, she's getting the money to make those goons go away.

Michael: Oh, okay. Where is it, then? Where's the money?

Kiki: I don't have it yet.

Michael: And there it is. How can you not see it? How would you fall for this? Can't you see that she's playing you now? I mean, come on.

[Doorbell rings]

Kiki: Oh. And there it is.

Sonny: [Sighs] I keep waiting for Carly to bring up my father. But she hasn't yet. But I know she's been thinking about it.

Shawn: I'm not sure where you're heading with this?

Sonny: My dad, he -- he was a gambler, an addict.

Shawn: Mm.

Sonny: Growing up, if he was winning, he'd be around. If he wasn't, he'd be gone. Sooner or later, he was gone for good. Lost contact with him for years, and -- then he drifted back into my life, and we tried to reconnect. Sometimes we would, until the next bad luck came. I can't tell you how many bookies I had to pay off over the years.

Shawn: You're afraid Morgan's heading the same way.

Sonny: No, no. Morgan's gonna have a better life, and I'm gonna make sure he gets it.

Tracy: Now please don't die, Mario. You have so much to live for. All these wonderful delicacies to taste, not the least of which is pickle-Eddie.

Mario: If you say pickle or relish one more time --

Tracy: You're right. I'm sorry. I apologize.

Gordon: More paper towels for you, sir.

Mario: No towels. Get -- get me away from this woman now!

AJ: Elizabeth, talk to me. Are you okay?

Nikolas: Does she look okay?

AJ: Then let's stop wasting time and get her to the hospital.

Nikolas: My car's waiting outside. I'll take her.

AJ: Listen, she came here to New York with me, all right?

Nikolas: So?

AJ: So you're nuts if you think that I'm leaving her.

Nikolas: All right, fine. All right, let's get up. Let's go to the doctor. Come on.

Elizabeth: [Groans]

Tracy: Ugh. [Sighs] If this is a sign, daddy -- I don't know to do with it. How could this happen?

AJ: I'm gonna go find a doctor. I'm gonna be right back, okay?

Elizabeth: Okay.

Nikolas: Are you kidding me? There's not a chair around here? We got to get you off your feet. Oh, God!

Carly: Just try to remember. Did Michael say anything about where he was going? Maybe Morgan said something about where he was going.

I don't think so.

Nikolas: Could we get some help over here, please?!

Look, I'm sorry. I really have to go. Good luck. Good luck. What happened?

Nikolas: She fainted. She's been really sick. I'm pretty sure it's food poisoning.

Okay, come with me.

Nikolas: Okay.

About Stephen, whatever you think you know, you're wrong.

Doctor -- oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know you had a patient.

Sam: I am not his patient.

I need you in 3.

I'm on my way.

Rafe: Love never dies. Sounds pretty romantic until you meet someone who's convinced they're a vampire and try to bring back their dead wife. And it's even worse when you find out that it's your father. He was crazy. I know it, and you know it. But he believed in his powers, and he was convinced that I was gonna be just like him.

Molly: It's not your fault who your parents are.

Rafe: Yeah, you believe that, Molly, but you're different. You know, that's why.

Molly: "Why" what?

Rafe: Look, I -- I didn't mean to dump all of this on you, okay? I just -- I thought I should take responsibility. I mean, yeah, TJ punched me, but it wasn't entirely his fault.

Molly: Okay.

Rafe: And you probably wish I hadn't said anything.

Molly: No. I don't know.

Rafe: I just thought I should be honest, okay? With you, with myself -- I just hope I didn't blow this friendship with my best -- only friend I've ever had.

TJ: Idiot! Go ahead. You can say it. I'm an idiot.

Felix: You're a little bit of an idiot.

TJ: Oh, man. I just -- I don't know what happens to me. Just the thought of me losing Molly just --

Felix: Jealousy's a bitch, and not the good kind, either. It doesn't do any favors for anybody.

TJ: Guess I learned that lesson the hard way.

Felix: You ready for lesson number two?

TJ: Yeah, I guess.

Felix: Trust your girlfriend, TJ Believe in what you guys have. If Molly says you're her man, you are.

TJ: All right, I will.

Felix: Have confidence.

TJ: Okay.

Felix: Know that she wants you and no kiss is ever gonna --

TJ: I get that now, Felix! But what if it's too late?

Felix: It's never too late.

TJ: You think I can get Molly back?

Felix: Mm-hmm.

TJ: How?

Felix: By eating a whole lot of crow.

TJ: Eating crow?

Felix: Grovel. Beg forgiveness. Any of this ringing a bell?

TJ: Yes. And I can totally do that.

Felix: Excellent. May not know how to fix my own love life, but I'm a genius at fixing everybody else's. Just ask Carly Jacks.

AJ: We need a doctor!

Carly: AJ?

AJ: Carly?

Carly: What are you doing here?

AJ: The appearance on "the chew" was a disaster. Everyone got sick, Elizabeth included. What are you doing here?

Carly: Trying to find Michael.

Michael: Hey.

Kiki: What are you doing?

Michael: How do we know it's not the guys who beat up Morgan?

Kiki: Hey. Relax, big bro bro. Gentlemen! Right on time. You each bring your 10 g's?

Yeah, got it right here.

Think we'd come empty-handed?

Kiki: I'm just making sure. You guys remember where the bar is, right? Help yourselves.

Ooh, don't mind if we do.

Kiki: Now you got to go.

Morgan: Wait. These dudes are just gonna give up the money?

Kiki: Not exactly. But don't freak, okay? They're loaded -- some of the hardest-playing high rollers from school.

Michael: Oh, please don't tell me.

Kiki: Yes, Einstein, they're gamblers, and they're each rolling with 10 G's. I talked them into a little friendly game with us.

Michael: "Us." As in Morgan.

Kiki: Mm-hmm. We're going to take his $10,000 and turn it into the $50,000 he owes by taking down these tools.

Sonny: For a long time, I despised my -- my father. To me, he was weak 'cause he chose a deck of cards over his family. Took me a while to realize that -- it's the addiction that's in charge, not the person. Mike never beat it. My son's gonna be different.

Shawn: Look, I doubt Morgan's a gambling addict in the making. He's just a college kid. Got carried away, and before he knew it, he was in over his head.

Sonny: It's hard that, you know, you barely know your son. You know what I mean?

Shawn: Mm-hmm.

Sonny: Carly sent him off to that military school, and I barely got to know him.

Shawn: Before you felt Carly did it to punish you.

Sonny: No. You know, I understand that now. I mean -- I just think of all the hell that Michael's been through. I mean, the kid was, what -- 17?

Shawn: Mm-hmm.

Sonny: When he killed Claudia, and he was 18 when he went to Pentonville. Carly couldn't risk that happening to Morgan, so she sent him someplace safe, right?

Shawn: Mm-hmm.

Sonny: To protect him. The thing is -- we couldn't protect him. 'Cause we protected him too much, you know? So now Morgan doesn't know who he is.

What happened?

Nikolas: She passed out from a bad case of food poisoning.

Okay. Do you know what she ate?

Nikolas: Bad relish.

Tracy: Mr. Batali? Mr. Batali, we need to talk. I have your clog. I'm offering it as a gesture of --

Tracy: Mr. Batali? Where's Mario?

Where do you think? He's been rushed to the E.R., Along with the others who nearly died from that relish.

Nikolas: She gonna be all right?

Her vitals are good. Symptoms are consistent with food poisoning. Start an I.V. Of N.S. Notify me if the levels drop.

You got it. She'll be opening her eyes before you know it.

Nikolas: Thank you.

She a friend of yours?

Nikolas: Yes, since we were kids. I can't believe we're back in the hospital again.

You two make a habit of this?

Nikolas: [Chuckles] Uh, well, a few weeks ago, um -- it was the other way around. She was sitting at my bedside waiting for me to wake up. Guess it's my turn.

She's real important to you, isn't she?

Nikolas: You have no idea.

AJ: Why would you be looking for Michael here? He wasn't supposed to come to New York.

Carly: Plans change, okay?

AJ: What does that mean? Did something happen?

Carly: Nothing happened to Michael. Morgan, all right? Apparently, he took a beating from one of those men he owed. Michael found him, they called me. They were gone before I got here.

Sonny: Simplest way to get to me is through my children. Michael understands it, Kristina does, finally, and Dante, he's a grown man, he's a cop. So, you know, I still want to protect him, but he's gonna make his own decision. Morgan's different. He's a kid. He doesn't know what to look out for. He doesn't know what to guard against. You read the transcript, right?

Shawn: The chats between Morgan and his online girlfriend, "Jerome around the world"?

Sonny: Did you see how much she encouraged him to keep playing? And then when, you know, he would lose, she would have him bet more?

Sonny: You think she's hustling him?

Sonny: Somebody's hustling him. Somebody's hustling my son. Out of all the fancy college kids, my son's the only one with a $50,000 debt -- and then she invites him over, you know, to hide out, to break off all contact with his family.

Shawn: Well, we don't know if "Jerome around the world" is the reason Morgan is not returning calls.

Sonny: We don't even know if she's really a girl, if this is some kind of setup, some kind of ambush.

Shawn: Well, it's a good thing you've got backup, isn't it?

Sonny: They don't know who they're messing with. I want to do whatever it takes to find my son. I'm gonna -- bring him home.

Kiki: This game should be interesting. What do you think?

[Indistinct conversations]

Michael: You're not doing this.

Morgan: Why shouldn't I?

Michael: You want the reasons in alphabetical order?

Morgan: You heard Kiki. She said if we'll win, we'll win.

Michael: She said that before, didn't she? Didn't exactly pan out.

Morgan: But this is different. You heard her -- these guy are losers. Wiping them out's gonna be cake.

Kiki: So, listen up -- this guy is a real loser. I am talking no luck, no skill, and no brains.

That's just the way I like them.

Girls or gamblers?



Kiki: You guys are going to kill him! You're gonna take his money so fast, his little head will spin. And then we can get down to celebrating.

Michael: Did you hear that?

Morgan: What?

Michael: She's setting you up.

Morgan: No, no, she's setting them up.

Kiki: Take it easy on him at first, let him win a little, and then go in for the kill.

Michael: I don't like this.

Morgan: When did you become such a wuss?

Michael: When I saw just how bad things can get, when things spiral out of control so bad, at the point when your entire life is trashed.

Morgan: Okay. It's not like that.

Michael: No, not yet. I'm not gonna let it happen, either, because this ends now.

Morgan: Why don't you just chill and let little brother show you how it's done.

Michael: You gonna show mom, too?

AJ: Carly, where are Michael and Morgan now?

Carly: If I knew that, don't you think I'd be there?

AJ: Have you asked anyone?

Carly: Obviously, AJ! The nurse who treated Morgan said he took off, and Michael went after him. I'm so afraid those thugs are gonna come back and finish the job.

AJ: Listen, Michael will take care of Morgan.

Carly: Who's gonna take care of Michael?

AJ: Michael's a big --

Carly: Michael will risk his life to protect his little brother. And, yes, AJ, it could be that bad.

Sam: Hey, I'm just checking in. How's Danny?

Molly: He's great. Enjoying the fresh air.

Sam: You're outside?

Molly: Just on the porch. Don't worry. He's warm enough. I keep checking.

Sam: But you're outside with him.

Molly: Yeah. Sam, what's going on? You sound kind of weird.

Sam: Nothing. I'm just being an overprotective mother. That's all.

Molly: Well, I wonder where you get that from.

Sam: Great. It's genetic. Davis gene. Um, can you just -- can you give him a big kiss for me and tell him that mommy will be home soon?

Molly: I will. Bye.

Sam: Okay. Bye. Screw this. I'm calling the police.

Rafe: What are you thinking?

Molly: Um -- I'm not really sure. So, when you said you just wanted to be friends --

Rafe: I meant it. I -- I know it's a lot to ask, now that you know I have these feelings, but -- I promise I won't let them get in the way of us. I mean, for us and for you and TJ.

Molly: If there even still is a me and TJ.

Rafe: I think you should give him another chance.

Molly: You do?

Rafe: He makes you happy. I swear, Molly, that's all I want. So, what do you say?

Molly: I'd really like it if we could still be friends.

Rafe: Yeah?

Molly: Yeah.

Sam: All I have to do is press send. You can give your explanation to the cops.

Well, that just seems like a lot of wasted energy. They come down here, sirens blaring, they question you about the call, they question me about who I am, when I could just tell you. I'm not Stephen Clay. He's my brother.

Tracy: Do you know where Mario Batali is?

I have no idea.

Tracy: How could you have no idea? He's a world-famous chef!

I'm sorry. We are swamped with patients right now, sick from some rancid relish.

Nikolas: [Breathes deeply] Hey.

Elizabeth: Hey.

Nikolas: Doctor said you'll be fine. How you feeling?

Elizabeth: Where's AJ?

AJ: Obviously, you've tried calling Michael.

Carly: I was going to, and then you came around the corner, so --

AJ: Okay, well, start there.

Carly: [Sighs]

[Cell phone rings]

Hey, Kiki. We playing or what?

Kiki: Yeah.

Morgan: You told mom? You swore you wouldn't.

Michael: That was before you got the crap kicked out of you.

Morgan: This is unreal.

Michael: What was I supposed to do, Morgan? She was terrified.

Morgan: Well, as soon as I take these guys' money, she'll have nothing to worry about.

Michael: In case you missed it, there's a difference between showing your independence and walking over everybody who cares about you. What, did you lose your heart along with all that money?

Kiki: You ready?

Morgan: Hey, he told my mom where we were.

Kiki: What? When? How long till she gets here?

Michael: A while, considering I gave her the address at the hospital, not here.

Morgan: You were bluffing?

Kiki: And you bought it, okay? You better step it up when the cards get dealt. Let's go. Come on. Sit down, captain. Ready, gentlemen?

Let's do it.

Kiki: Let's play.

Carly: Michael's not answering. He was the only one who was in touch with Morgan. Now both of them are missing.

AJ: We're gonna find Morgan and Michael. I just need to stop by and check on Elizabeth and make sure she's okay. What's with the face? Don't give me the face. She has been nothing but amazing -- coming with me to New York, supporting me, standing up to Nikolas. And what happens to her? She winds up getting poisoned.

Carly: I could say something like, you know, "there's always collateral damage with you," but food poisoning is minor, so since you're being so supportive, I'll refrain.

AJ: You know, could you try -- could you just try -- to dig deep down and find just a little bit of compassion? I feel terrible about what's happening to her, and I feel even worse about the fact that I slept with you behind Elizabeth's back.

Daphne: [Groans] How you doing?

Michael S.: I'm not begging for death anymore.

Daphne: You?

Carla: I'll live.

Michael S.: What the hell happened? Do not open that, Carla. One whiff and I'll be running for the bathroom.

Carla: I won't. But they tasted fine. I mean, better than fine.

Daphne: But one of them must have gone bad, right?

Michael S.: Either that or someone tried to poison us.

Carla: Are you for real? Who would do that?

I'm done here. I'm ready to go. Well, Port Charles, of course.

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