General Hospital Transcript Friday 5/10/13
Provided By Suzanne
Sam: Hey, getting a late start today, jack?
Rafe: Jack?
Sam: Yeah, jack Nicholson -- "you can't handle the truth" -- is what you're doing, right?
Rafe: Who?
Sam: Okay, you and I are gonna have to have a movie night A.S.A.P. If you're not pretending to be jack Nicholson, then what's with the shades?
Rafe: It's sunny out.
Sam: Yeah, but not in. Ouch.
TJ: Looking for Molly?
Rafe: Uh, yeah. Is she around?
TJ: Why? So you can kiss her again?
Rafe: No. We made plans to talk.
Rafe: No, no, you and I made plans, all right? But I ain't trying to talk. All right? Stay away from my girlfriend, all right?! Come again, I'll do worse.
Molly: Oh, my God. Is that my phone? TJ, you are the best.
Tracy: Did you just say you're not going on "the chew"? Is this some royal protocol I'm not aware of? Did you get a case of stage fright?
Nikolas: No. Neither.
Tracy: Then I'm at a loss. Why are you not going?
Nikolas: I'm just not going on "the chew," and neither are you.
Tracy: Well, okay. You might be too frightened to be on national TV -- I understand -- but I am definitely ready for my close-up.
Nikolas: No. No, no, no. That's not happening, Tracy.
Tracy: What are you yammering about? Is the show canceled? Why can't we go?
Nikolas: Because of Elizabeth.
AJ: I can't believe that we're actually here at "the chew." This is so cool! You know, I mean, what a great way to introduce the world to pickle-Lila. I wonder if Mario Batali will sign my copy of his cookbook. You think so?
Elizabeth: I think he's gonna sign you to a cookbook deal once he tastes pickle-Lila.
AJ: I just can't believe this. And once it starts selling, it's gonna pull ELQ back from the brink of financial ruin, and I'm gonna be the guy that saved ELQ.
Elizabeth: Yes, you will have. And I'm really glad that I get to share this big day with you.
AJ: Well, you know, I wouldn't have it any other way. Thank you so much for coming with me.
Elizabeth: You're welcome. And to think, right before the Nurses' Ball, I almost wrote you off as a faithless jackass. [Chuckles]
AJ: Come on.
Elizabeth: Guess I was wrong.
Carly: Spinelli, please call me the second you get this message. Look, I have a job for you, and it can't wait, so call me back as soon as possible.
Anna: Hi, Carly. Are you all right? You sound -- are you okay?
Carly: My son's missing.
[Cell phone rings]
Michael: Morgan?
Morgan: Yeah, bro, it's me.
Michael: Morgan, where are you?
Morgan: Come on, Mikey. Not even a hello for your favorite wayward brother? Long time no talk. You miss me?
Morgan: So, how's PC? Mom and dad still at each other's throats?
Michael: Morgan, don't even try and pretend this is just another normal conversation. Are you okay?
Morgan: Will you ease up? I'm fine. Okay? I just didn't have the chance to call. That's all.
Michael: Okay. Yeah, fine. The definition of "fine" is being in big debt with an online bookie. That's fine.
Morgan: You heard about that?
Michael: The whole family knows.
Morgan: I'm handling it.
Michael: What, by disappearing?
Morgan: You can't disappear when you're already gone. I got this, Mikey, okay? Same way I've handled my whole life since mom outsourced parenting to Sherman-Johnston military academy.
Michael: Look, you know why mom did that.
Morgan: Yeah, I know, to keep me safe, but come on -- safe's boring. Oh, on the plus side, though, I did perfect my salute. However, it hasn't really done me much good since I've been to Vanderbilt, but --
Michael: You may be in college, but you're still part of this family, okay? We're gonna get you out of this. Help is on the way.
Morgan: Wait. Crap. Dad's involved?
Michael: Yeah, he went to your dorm room, and when you weren't there, he had a little talk with your roommate.
Morgan: What did Travis say?
Michael: Before or after he pulled a gun on dad?
Morgan: That fool drew on dad? Wait. Where did he get a piece?
Michael: It was a prop gun, Mr. Soprano.
Morgan: [Laughs] Oh, wow. I actually wish I was there for that. Poor Travis, waving a prop gun at dad?
Michael: You're lucky he didn't shoot your roommate, Morgan. And he's gonna shoot you if you don't hurry the hell home now.
Carly: So, Sonny is chasing down some leads, but there's de we really need help from the police.
Anna: Yes, I feel for you, Carly. Really, I do, but I can't help you find Morgan.
Carly: What are you talking about? Your the chief of police. You can do whatever you want. You can at least make a phone call.
Anna: Yeah, his disappearance happened outside my jurisdiction.
Carly: Since when has that mattered?
Anna: Okay. You must be very worried.
Carly: I'm scared out of my mind because my son is missing, and he's not just some kid off on a lost weekend. He's a target because of his father.
Anna: Okay. All right, this is what I'll do. I'll call the national P.D. I will make sure that they're paying full attention to your case. I'll give them logistical support. I don't know that they'll take it from me, Carly, but what you really need to do is hire your own private investigator. That way you'll know that someone is looking after your son.
Carly: Don't you think I've already thought about that? I keep calling Spinelli. He's not answering. I don't kn --
Anna: What? I have to see somebody.
Anna: Okay.
Carly: Okay.
Sam: Ooh. This looks pretty bad. Does it hurt?
Rafe: Only when you touch it.
Sam: Sorry. Sorry. I'm gonna go get you some ice and some aspirin, and --
Rafe: Please don't. I'm okay.
Sam: You got punched in the face.
Rafe: I did not. It was stupid, okay? I -- I came downstairs last night to get something to eat, and I still don't really know my way around here.
Sam: No, no, I know this one. And you walked into a door. Come on, Rafe. I've seen my fair share of black eyes, and trust me -- I've used that excuse before. Who punched you?
Rafe: Look, it's not worth getting into, okay?
Sam: You are my responsibility, and I've got to make sure stuff like this doesn't happen to you. Sit down.
Rafe: Thank you, seriously. But this -- it's on me. It was my fault.
Sam: Does this have anything to do with what you told me the other night about Molly, about you kissing her?
Rafe: Molly did not deck me.
Sam: Trust me. I don't think my sister could hit a ball off a tee, much less clock you, but I do think her jealous boyfriend could. Did TJ do this to you?
Molly: Oh, my God. I was going crazy last night when I got home and I couldn't find my phone. I'm neck-and-neck in a "phrases with family" game. Did you have my phone the whole time?
TJ: Oh, no. Actually, I found it right after you left. Sorry I didn't get it to you sooner. And if you need a winning move for your game, how about "contrite"? You know, "feeling remorse." You know, if you can get a triple-word score, it's big points.
Molly: Nice thinking, smart guy. So, can I have it back?
TJ: Oh. [Chuckles] Yeah, just let me check it. I charged it for you. Here you go. Charged and everything.
Molly: Thanks.
TJ: There a problem?
Molly: I go a whole 12 hours without my phone and not a single text comes in? Lame.
TJ: Are you expecting one in particular, or --
AJ: A faithless jackass. Hey, I guess I'm lucky your opinion of me changed.
Elizabeth: You changed it for me -- with your actions. In fact, you're gonna change a lot of people's opinions today. When pickle-Lila takes "the chew" by storm and ELQ rises from the ashes, people are gonna be forced to see you differently -- see as the stand-up man you've become.
Well, that is the biggest load of crap I've ever heard.
AJ: Excuse me?
Oh, not you. Uh -- tell him the mozzarella better be fresh or heads will roll. Sorry. AJ Quartermaine?
AJ: Yeah.
Todd: Hi. I'm Todd Garrin, the producer of your segment today. We're calling it "clash of the condiments." Alliteration -- makes people hungry. There are studies. And you must be the competition. Tracy?
Elizabeth: Oh.
AJ: No, no, this is Elizabeth Webber.
Elizabeth: I'm just the backstage cheering section.
AJ: Uh, I wasn't actually aware that my aunt would be joining us today.
Yeah, it's the hook for the segment -- family feud, relish versus relish. It won't work without your aunt. Can't have a taste-off with just one taste.
Tracy: Elizabeth Webber? How does that simpering wimp factor in to our media blitz?
Nikolas: She's important to me.
Tracy: Yeah. Translation -- she has you wrapped around her little finger. So, why does Elizabeth, this fountain of business acumen, say we should alter our profitable plans?
Nikolas: Because those plans would ultimately hurt AJ.
Tracy: Of course. That's the point.
Nikolas: Tracy, Elizabeth has realized that we're in New York to torpedo AJ's appearance on "the chew." She asked me to back off, so that's what I'm doing. I'm backing off.
Tracy: Oh, great. So one word from the insipid object of your unrequited love and you are ready to blow off a billion-dollar payday.
Nikolas: A billion -- come on, Tracy. There's other ways we can market this product.
Tracy: This is relish money, Nikolas. It's the big leagues.
Nikolas: Okay. This is obviously an emotional issue for you, but I care about Elizabeth, and as much as I want to crush AJ, I won't do it if it hurts her. You understand?
Tracy: Okay. Well, there is obviously no reasoning with you.
Nikolas: [Laughing] It's quite debatable which one of us has lost our reasoning. No, I'm not changing my mind.
Tracy: Okay. Okay. If you don't want in on the greatest thing to happen to food since sliced bread, it is your loss. But you know what? I don't need you to get my pickling to the people. Our partnership is over! I will do this on my own, starting with "the chew"!
Nikolas: You were saying?
Anna: [Gasps]
Duke: Hello.
Anna: Did you bring it? Did you bring it?
Duke: What?
Anna: You know what I mean. Did you bring it?
Duke: What did I bring?
Anna: The thing.
Duke: Of course I brought it. Pickle-Lila.
Anna: Oh, fantastic.
Duke: After all the voice messages, the e-mail, and the text messages, of course I brought it.
Anna: I've been dying for this. Wow. The real thing. Pickle-Lila.
Duke: Consider it an advance copy. And I expect to be compensated fully for that.
Anna: I'll express my gratitude. Don't you worry about that.
Duke: I look forward to that. This is nice that you managed to steal some time away from your busy schedule.
Anna: Novel, isn't it?
Duke: Yeah, we should do this more often -- find time for us.
Anna: It's a miracle that I could get away from the PCPD. We're so short-staffed. But you've turned into a bit of a workaholic yourself.
Duke: Oh, yeah. Things are buzzing over at ELQ for the launch of pickle-Lila.
Anna: Oh, my God. That's great. Isn't it today that AJ's on "the chew"?
Duke: Mm.
Anna: You should be very proud of yourself for managing to do that.
Duke: Well, I'm not being modest. I'm going to say that getting "the chew" was quite a coup.
Anna: [Coughs]
Duke: Anyway, while he's been in New York for the rollout, I'm holding down the fort here. I'm expecting a huge success. I mean, barring any unfortunate circumstances, that is.
Anna: What? A global shortage of pickles?
Duke: No. An abundance of one Tracy Quartermaine.
Tracy: Let me down, you troll! Let me down! Oh!
Yes, ma'am.
Nikolas: Just relax, Tracy. This will all be over in the time it takes Carla hall to flat-iron her hair.
Tracy: That's all the time AJ Needs to foist his imposter pickle-Lila on the people and annihilate ELQ with it!
Make yourselves comfortable in here until we need you in hair and makeup.
AJ: Uh, makeup?
Elizabeth: It's the price of fame.
You'll look great. Oh, and help yourself to the snacks. One of the perks of working on a food show -- good food. Don't waste my time! Not you. Clinton will wear what wardrobe wants him to wear, damn it! [Grumbles]
AJ: Uh, Tracy should be here by now.
Elizabeth: Why are you so worried? If she doesn't show up, then you automatically win the clash of the condiments.
AJ: I have a bad feeling about this -- I really do. I think she's just -- I just feel it. She's up to something.
Elizabeth: Unless she simply decided to bow out... which means Nikolas did get through to her.
Nikolas: Please look after these while our guest is detained. I don't want her contacting the outside world.
Tracy: Nikolas, you're making a big mistake. This isn't gonna win you any points with that meretricious ninny. In fact, it's gonna drive Elizabeth even faster into the ample arms of my nephew.
Nikolas: Make yourself comfortable, Tracy. I'll be back soon.
Tracy: Nikolas, please wait! This isn't just about you or AJ Or Elizabeth or even me. It's about the entire Quartermaine family. An appearance on "the chew" could save my family legacy. Please -- don't do this.
Nikolas: I'm sorry, Tracy. My future's Elizabeth, not relish.
[Door closes]
TJ: Well, were you expecting a specific text?
Molly: You mean from Rafe? TJ, I told you that kiss was just a one-time thing. Rafe understands that we're just friends, and he's backed off.
TJ: Sure about that?
Sam: Come on, Rafe. Was it TJ That hit you?
Rafe: Look, I have it under control, okay? I'm going to talk to TJ Right now.
Sam: Excellent. While you're talking to TJ, I will be talking to Shawn.
Rafe: No.
Sam: What do you mean no?
Rafe: You can't. You'll just make things worse by tattling on TJ
Sam: You had to defend yourself the whole time you were in a group home. The last thing I want is for you to have to defend yourself every time you walk in a door and TJ Is there.
Rafe: It's all good, okay? I promise. I'm just going to clear the air.
Sam: But, Rafe, I don't think it's a good I --
Carly: Thank God, Sam. You're here. I need you.
Rafe: Uh, that sounds really important. I'll see you later, okay? And don't worry.
[Door closes]
Sam: In case you didn't just realize, I was in the middle of some domestic drama.
Carly: Morgan's missing. I need your help.
Morgan: No, I'm not coming home until I'm square with the guys that I owe, okay?
Michael: Look -- dad can take care of it. He can pay them off or something.
Morgan: Something? What, meaning fitting them for cement shoes? No, forget it, okay? I'm not running to daddy every time I have a little problem. I can clean up my own mess.
Michael: Okay, I understand you not wanting dad to help, but at least let me help. We can figure this whole thing out together as brothers. You don't want mom and dad in on this. I get that. But I'm not mom or dad. I want to back you up, Morgan.
Morgan: What? Like you always do?
Michael: Yeah, I'm your older brother. That's the way it's supposed to work.
Morgan: Okay. How are you gonna fix this, anyway? What are you gonna do? You gonna tap in to one of dad's offshore accounts? You gonna raid your trust fund? I thought you couldn't even get near that money.
Michael: The first thing I want to do is see you, okay? Then we'll figure the rest out together.
Morgan: It's not your job to take care of me.
Michael: I'm not taking care of you, okay? I'm standing by you. That's what brothers are supposed to do, right? Look, you don't -- you don't have to do this alone.
Morgan: I'm not alone.
Michael: Okay. So, what -- you're counting on this "Jerome around the world" person for backup?
Morgan: How do you know about her?
Michael: So she really is a she?
Morgan: Yeah, of course, dude. She's really a she. What do you think? How do you know about her?
Michael: Spinelli's friend hacked into her account. We know her screen name. We know that she's been pressuring you to gamble, raise your stakes to make up for all the money that you lost, so you wound up losing even more money.
Morgan: It's not like that. You don't know her.
Michael: You're right. I don't know her, but neither do you. I'm your brother. She's a stranger, okay? You have to trust me. Just tell me where you are, and I'll be there.
Carly: Morgan's been missing for days, and Anna won't help find him. I mean, her granddaughter wanders off to feed a duck and the whole town mobilizes, but when you have the last name Corinthos, nobody wants to help you!
Sam: Listen, I get that you're scared, and fear easily turns into anger, but I don't think Anna has any jurisdiction over Nashville.
Carly: I need to find Morgan, okay? Look, I will hire you to help me.
Sam: You want to hire me as a P.I.?
Carly: Spinelli's out of town, and I need you, okay? Will you do it? I'll pay you whatever you want.
Sam: No, you don't have to pay me. If Jason were here --
Carly: He'd be my first call. Morgan is -- he's missing, and he's in trouble, okay? And you can relate to that.
Sam: Yes, of course. You know I can.
Carly: Would you help me?
Sam: Of course I will help you. Start from the beginning, and tell me everything you know.
Molly: TJ, I told you last night. I talked to Rafe, and I told him that I care about him but not the way he wants. I have a boyfriend -- a wonderful, smokin'-hot boyfriend that I'm totally into, a boyfriend that I cannot wait to show off at the prom.
Molly: Oh! Mom and I are going dress shopping later today, so hopefully, I will be able to tell you what color corsage to get. And I'll order your boutonniere. I can't wait.
TJ: Yeah. Uh, neither can I.
Molly: What's wrong? Would you rather not wear the boutonniere? 'Cause I promise it won't be pink.
TJ: Molly, it's not about the boutonniere. Uh, I have to tell you something.
Molly: Okay. Tell me what?
TJ: Last night, after you left, I did something that maybe I shouldn't have --
Molly: Oh, my God! Rafe, what happened? Who hit you?
AJ: [Sighs]
Elizabeth: [Chuckles]
Okay, we're ready for our star in hair and makeup.
AJ: You talking to me?
Who else would I be talking to?
AJ: Um, I guess it's time to pretty me up.
Elizabeth: Yeah, but not too pretty, please.
AJ: Certainly not as pretty as you. I'll see you in a while?
Elizabeth: I'll be here, eating pickle-Lila, grinning like a fool. Knock 'em dead.
Tracy: [Sighs] Oh, come on, guys! You have got to let me out of here now for your own good!
Sorry. You heard Mr. Cassadine.
Tracy: Do you hear those bells? Those bells are tolling for the crumbling Cassadine dynasty. Nikolas and his son are the last two remaining generations of a decrepit, inbred family. His father is dead -- again. His grandmother is dead, finally. Their riches are dwindling. Their holdings are few. In short, the Cassadine gravy train is coming to an end. I am on the ascent.
Tracy: [Chuckles] My relish ship is about to come in. And when it does, it's gonna be "move over, Oprah. Sit down, Hillary. Tracy Quartermaine is back, and she's on top!"
Tracy Quartermaine?
Tracy: That's me! Look, I am offering you the chance to get in on the ground floor. I will make you the head of ELQ security but only if you let me go about my business. So, what do you say? Are you gonna -- share an empire with me? Or you gonna walk the unemployment line with Nikolas Cassadine?
Elizabeth: [Sighs] All right. One for now -- and one for later.
Nikolas: Busted. I saw that. Enough about the book, I want to hear about your date.
Duke: You know, Tracy could flood the internet with false criticisms and say this is the worst relish that people have ever tasted, and she could have the FDA recall the entire batch of it.
Anna: Mm-hmm.
Duke: Well, she could also break in to every home in America and steal their televisions, and then people wouldn't get to see AJ on "the chew."
Anna: Mm.
Duke: Don't forget to come up for air, dear.
Anna: Mm-hmm. What?
Duke: You really are enjoying this relish, aren't you?
Anna: It's very good. It's not quite the way I remember it, but it's delicious, I must say.
Duke: Well, good. I hope it's gonna be a great success. My future depends on it.
Anna: You got nothing to worry about.
Duke: Well, I hope not. If this relish doesn't compete, well, I'll just have to resort to a life of crime.
Anna: Well, then I'll have to arrest you. It's win-win.
Duke: I'm sure I could elude you. Aren't you short-staffed at the PCPD?
Anna: I think I'll catch you on my own, though. Pretty sure.
[Both laugh]
Elizabeth: So, you decided to show up after all?
Nikolas: I was invited.
Elizabeth: Oh, no, no, no. You and Tracy plotted to get on the show to upstage AJ
Nikolas: Well, we have a relish to market. "The chew" is a natural venue for that.
Elizabeth: To embarrass the man I'm seeing and to make yourself look like the superior choice, which, right now, Nikolas -- hate to break it to you -- but you don't look so good.
Nikolas: Yes, Elizabeth, I know that.
Elizabeth: You do?
Nikolas: Yes.
Elizabeth: Well, then what are you doing here? Why would you and Tracy show up, if not to bludgeon America with your relish?
Nikolas: Do you see Tracy around here anywhere?
Elizabeth: I'm sure she's lurking in the shadows.
Nikolas: Elizabeth, she's not here, and she's not coming. I stopped her.
Elizabeth: Why?
Nikolas: Because you asked me to.
Tracy: So, what'll it be, gentlemen? Hanging your hopes on a dying dynasty or betting on good all-American know-how?
"The chew" is coming on soon. I hear there's a great segment on relish coming up.
Tracy: [Sighs]
Carly: Sonny went down to Nashville to see what he could find out on Morgan's campus, okay? He interrogated Morgan's roommate. The kid didn't know much, except that Morgan had been in some kind of correspondence with this girl on a gambling site. So we hired a hacker to break into the site and download all Morgan's chats.
Sam: "Jerome around the world" -- does this name mean anything to you? I mean, well, they've got to know each other pretty well if they've got nicknames. She's calling him captain. Morgan has never said anything about having a girlfriend?
Carly: Not a word, no. But why should he, right? He's been away from his family so much, he probably feels like we abandoned him.
Sam: It's not uncommon for kids that are in college.
Carly: Come on, Sam. You know what I mean. I sent Morgan away to shield him from Sonny's business. I enrolled him as Morgan Benson to keep him safe. After everything I went through with Michael, you know? Everything Michael had to pay because of Sonny's life and Sonny's business? I just wanted to keep Morgan safe. And look -- [Chuckles] Morgan gets tangled up in Sonny's world all by himself.
Sam: We're gonna untangle him. Why don't you punch his number in the phone, please? Morgan's.
Carly: Well, good luck. I mean, his whole family has been trying to talk to him, and he hasn't responded.
Sam: Well, good thing I'm not family. I'm "Jerome around the world."
Michael: Come on, Morgan. Just tell me where you are, and we'll take care of this together.
Morgan: Thanks for the offer, bro, but, I mean, you know how this is gonna end. You're gonna give me up to mom and dad.
Michael: Morgan, I'm not a snitch, okay? When I have not had your back?
Morgan: Okay. Not on purpose, but forget it, Mikey. I mean, you know how this will end up. You'll run into mom and dad, they'll know something's up, you'll lie to them, they're not gonna believe you, and then they'll convince you to tell them where I'm at.
Michael: I'll tell them I'm taking a trip on ELQ business.
Morgan: You are the worst liar, Michael. That will not work.
Michael: Look, I'll avoid mom and dad, okay? They'll never see me. You have to trust me, Morgan.
[Cell phone beeps]
Morgan: Wait. Hang on, Mikey. I got -- I got a text.
Molly: Rafe, are you okay? Who hit you?
Rafe: Fine. I just ran into a couple guys from the group home again.
Molly: You mean those jerks who fought you before?
Rafe: Still not fans. Apparently, they have a hate on for children of vampires, and they let me know that when they jumped me.
Molly: But they can't just jump you whenever they see you. We have to do something.
Rafe: Molly, it's fine. They weren't following me or anything. It was just bad luck. I'm sure I'll never see them again.
Molly: No, no, no. This is wrong. Silence implies consent. You're making it okay for those pigs to bully you. We have to stop them.
TJ: Molly, Rafe said he didn't want to do anything --
Molly: No, no, this isn't just about Rafe. Because I'm sure those jerks aren't just hurting him. If those guys are hurting other people, too, then we have to do something. I mean, look -- there's Anna. If anybody, I'm sure the police commissioner can do something about this.
TJ: Molly, stop, stop! Stop. Look -- Rafe lied about his black eye.
Molly: What?
TJ: Those boys from the group home didn't jump Rafe. I did.
Molly: You're the one who hit Rafe? What are you talking about? Is this true? Oh, my God, Rafe. I am so sorry. This is all my fault.
Both: Your fault?
Molly: Yes, I -- I felt like I needed to be honest with TJ., So I told him you kissed me.
Rafe: That's okay. I mean, I didn't expect --
Molly: No, it's not okay, because when I told TJ About the kiss, I also told him that I had been clear with you that I wasn't available and you understood that.
Rafe: Yeah, I do.
TJ: What a lie. Because Rafe texted you last night asking to see you to talk. Like we all don't know what that means.
Molly: Um, I don't have a text from Rafe. If Rafe sent a text last night, why isn't it here?
TJ: I deleted it.
Molly: You what?
TJ: I saw the text on your phone after you left, and I texted him back pretending I was you so I could get him over here.
Molly: So you could beat him up.
Rafe: He would have never won in a fair fight, okay? He sucker-punched me and then ran away.
Molly: I can't believe this. You actually pretended to be so you could set up a trap for Rafe? Who would do something so shady?
Carly: Sonny said something like this was bound to happen to Morgan.
Sam: What, the gambling debts or the disappearing?
Carly: All of it.
Carly: He has this theory, you know, that Morgan has half my DNA and half his, so, you know, it's bound to be trouble.
Sam: Well, you and Sonny aren't the easiest.
Carly: I know this is terrible to say, but I wish it were Michael. I mean, don't get me wrong. If Michael were missing, I would be terrified. I'd be frantic. But, you know, Michael's strong. And he's not perfect. He makes mistakes. But he knows how to deal with problems, and he faces them straight on. He doesn't dig himself deeper. And Morgan -- you know, he's just -- he's reckless.
Sam: Well, I think a lot of kids his age are.
Carly: But Morgan is the son of a major crime figure, which makes him a target. I don't think he's gonna believe that you're his friend.
Sam: Just give it a minute.
Carly: Sam, what if Morgan is with this "Jerome around the world"? He's gonna know that your text is a fake.
Sam: Which means we are no worse off than where we were five minutes ago. There's no harm in trying to make contact, Carly.
[Cell phone beeps] Oh.
Carly: Is it Morgan?
Sam: Yes. [Chuckles] It says, "what happened to your phone?" See? I told you. We got our foot in the door. Now we just have to kick it in a little further.
Morgan: "Lost it. Got a new one. Are you free to meet? Need to talk." Michael, you still there?
Michael: Yeah. What's going on?
Morgan: Nothing. I had to send a message. Um, where were we?
Michael: You're about to tell me where you are.
Sam: "Can't talk. On the phone with my bro."
Carly: His bro? He's talking to Michael?
Sam: Do you know where Michael is?
Carly: He's in my house.
Sam: Let's go.
Elizabeth: You kept Tracy from appearing on "the chew" for me?
Nikolas: Does that really surprise you?
Elizabeth: Well, you made it very clear how you feel about AJ?
Nikolas: Elizabeth, you asked me not to get in his way, so I won't. Trust me -- AJ Will crash and burn without my help. He can do that all on his own. He's already lying about something.
Elizabeth: Excuse me? What? What's he lying about?
Nikolas: I have no idea. But with him, there's always some sort of a shortcut, a cover-up, some disaster that he won't face. Only the details change. And when it falls apart, and it will, he'll just shift the blame, make it someone else's fault. I just hope you don't get hurt in the process.
Elizabeth: He's not the same person. He's changed.
Nikolas: We'll have to agree to disagree on that. Because when AJ Does fall, my hands will be clean, but I promise you, in the meantime, I won't, you know, push him along. 'Cause that's not the way to win you over. And I will win you over.
Tracy: Think, Tracy, think. I've got Huey and Dewey at the door, so the door is out. The window is -- well, it's way too high. Window's out. Maybe there's a vent.
Coming up soon on "the chew," it's aunt versus nephew as we pit two relish recipes from the same family against each other in a head-to-head taste test. Here comes condiment combat on "the chew."
[TV shuts off]
Tracy: [Breathes deeply] [Voice breaking] That's it. It's over. [Breathes deeply] Daddy? Are you there? It's me -- Tracy. Got your message. It took me a while to decipher it, but I -- finally realized that you -- you wanted me to save ELQ. I was too late. I -- I spent too much time thinking that you had sent it as a parting insult -- not a challenge to be the -- leader you always knew I could be. I was so close. I was so close. I was gonna make you proud of me, finally. But I failed. I failed! I failed! Now I'm trapped in this hotel room while AJ is stealing my victory! [Sighs] I am so sorry. Daddy, can you forgive me? Can you forgive me -- for never coming through? For wasting the last chance you gave me?
[Bodies thud]
TJ: Look, Molly, I know you're not happy about what I did, but this wouldn't have happened if Rafe hadn't touched you in the first place. You said you shut him down after he kissed you, but he kept on dogging you.
Rafe: That's not how it was. I came to apologize to you and to you, too.
TJ: Then send an e-mail! You don't need to get it together in person.
Rafe: I wasn't gonna hide behind an e-mail.
TJ: Just give it up, all right? Nobody's buying it. I know that you were just moving in to angle in on Molly. And now she knows it, too. Right, Molly?
Molly: No, I don't know that.
TJ: So, what? You believe Rafe?
Molly: You're the one I can't believe. I asked you to back off, and you said you would leave Rafe alone, and then you immediately did the opposite!
TJ: Okay! I'm sorry! What was I supposed to do?
Molly: Yeah, I'm sorry, too! I'm sorry you thought it was okay to trick Rafe, and I'm sorry you thought it was okay to hit him! Excuse me -- sucker-punch him. You know what? You can find another date to prom, because I won't be going with you -- not now.
[Door opens]
Anna: Ooh.
Duke: Mm. AJ wants me to spread the word about the launch of pickle-Lila. I'm not too sure how to work this thing. How do you Twitter?
Anna: Tweet?
Duke: I beg your pardon.
Anna: The verb is tweet. Give it to me. What do you want to say?
Duke: Oh, I want to say, "don't miss the launch of pickle-Lila on hash 'the chew.'"
Anna: What? Hashtag.
Duke: Hashtag "the chew."
Anna: Pound hashtag, not pounds sterling. How did you even find that?
Duke: I knew that.
Anna: Don't ever change.
Tracy: Hello?! Is somebody there? What in the name of Richard Simmons went on here? Who did this? Daddy, you did it! You saved me! Thank you, thank you, thank you, daddy! I will not let you down. Get ready, Batali! Pickle-Eddie and I are gonna knock your crocs off!
Elizabeth: You know I'm here with AJ.
Nikolas: Yes, I know. I'm not trying to pressure you, Elizabeth. I'm simply letting my feelings and intentions be known. I want you in my life. You understand? I'll back off, but I'm not gonna back down. I still feel like there's something real left between us. I feel it every time we're together, and I believe you feel it, too. Something that makes us... happier, better people together. I don't want to give up on that.
AJ: Elizabeth, s -- show's just about to start.
Carly: Michael! Michael! Michael, I know you talked to Morgan! Where the hell is he?
[Knock on door]
Morgan: Oh. Finally! So glad you're here.
Morgan Corinthos.
Thought you could hide from us, huh?
We're still waiting on our $50,000.
Morgan: Okay, you'll be happy to know I actually have the first installment.
Installment? Do we look like mortgage brokers to you?
We need to have the full amount or you're gonna get hurt.
Morgan: I'm getting the rest. I got to finalize the arrangements.
Morgan: Oh!
Come here.
Now here's a little incentive to speed along the process.
Morgan: Unh! [Coughing]
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