General Hospital Transcript Thursday 5/9/13
Provided By Suzanne
[Knock on door]
Tracy: Is that the way you typically answer the door?
Nikolas: You're in luck. I'm overdressed.
Tracy: I-I was hoping that you would be dressed like a man who was about to launch a major publicity campaign on a respected culinary program, not some hunk from a daytime serial who can't find his shirt!
Nikolas: It sounds like you watch a lot of those.
Tracy: Maybe one. Get dressed.
Nikolas: Tracy, we don't have to be at the studio for hours. Come on.
Tracy: We are going to use this time to strategize. We have to rethink our battle plan.
Nikolas: Oh, great. We have a battle plan?
Tracy: The greatest weapon in any battle is the element of surprise. And we have lost that element of surprise, thanks to you and your unhealthy attachment to Elizabeth Webber. AJ knows we're here.
AJ: Yeah, I'm sorry I can't be there with you. Is there anymore news about Morgan?
Michael: No, not yet. Look, I'm sorry I couldn't be in New York with you.
AJ: Listen, you just focus on your brother, okay?
Michael: Hey, look, you don't need me, anyway, okay. I know you're gonna kill it on "the chew" today.
AJ: Hope you don't mean that literally.
[Knock on door]
Michael: You okay?
AJ: Uh, yeah, yeah. It's fine, Michael. Uh, just keep me posted about Morgan, okay?
Michael: Yeah. Uh, I will. Um, I'll talk to you later, okay?
AJ: Bye, Michael. Hey!
Elizabeth: I've got genuine New York bagels. I hear they bring good luck.
AJ: Really?
Elizabeth: Mm-hmm.
AJ: Huh. Well, I could definitely use some of those. Think afterwards we can take a little walk around central park and look for some four-leaf clovers?
Elizabeth: Oh, come on. With a product like pickle-Lila, who needs luck?
AJ: It's not the relish I'm worried about. It's Tracy. She's here -- in this hotel.
Spinelli: I'm having a lovely day, thank you. Unfortunately, I don't have time for pleasantries. I come to you with a matter of utmost urgency. I need the room number of AJ Quartermaine.
Luke: Tracy Quartermaine.
Spinelli: You.
Luke: Me!
Sonny: Yeah, just -- you know what, Shawn? You just got to stay on it, find these bagmen before they find my son.
[Door opens]
Olivia: Hey. Rough night?
Sonny: [Sighs] Your psychic powers tell you that?
Olivia: I don't need a premonition to tell me that. You got it written all over your face.
Sonny: Well, you could always read me.
Olivia: Honey, I am so sorry. I know there's nothing worse in the world than being afraid for your kid.
Sonny: We're gonna find Morgan. We're gonna get Shawn and other guys looking, and Michael is working his angle.
Carly: [Sighs]
Michael: How you doing?
Carly: Uh, ready to pull my hair out, you know. I just -- I was up all night thinking about Morgan.
Michael: Yeah, me too.
Carly: I can't stand this. You know, I can't. I can't stand not knowing where he is, who he's with, if he's okay.
Michael: Waiting around's the worst. Sitting here, just feeling powerless.
Carly: Were you able to get in touch with that hacker -- the one we thought could find Morgan?
[Door opens]
Ava: Morgan? Good morning. Sleep okay?
Sonny: Michael's reaching out to one of Spinelli's friends, some cyber-geek guy who's gonna hack into the gambling site.
Olivia: Yeah.
Sonny: Sorry.
Olivia: So you mean track who's ever hurting Morgan from the inside?
Sonny: Well, that's the idea, but like I said, I got Shawn and other guys working on it, and they're gonna try to look, see what these sites are all about and see what they can find.
Olivia: So basically you can't tell me what else you're doing.
Sonny: I think this is something that's best not to, you know, tell you.
Olivia: Just -- just gentle reminder. Sonny, you got enemies on both sides of the law that would love to take advantage of the situation.
Sonny: I'm gonna do whatever it takes to find my son. You know that, right?
Olivia: Of course.
Sonny: But there's someone I haven't tapped yet.
Olivia: Who?
Sonny: You.
Michael: Look, I finally got contact with Spinelli's friend. He confirmed that Morgan's been in contact with somebody from the gambling site. He also thinks it's possible it was a setup, like Morgan was catfished, that this person was posing as a girl to reel him in.
Carly: Could this get any worse? I mean, Morgan's already running from criminals, and now he's trusting someone online?
Michael: It's just a theory, though, ma.
Carly: But we don't know who this person is, Michael.
Michael: Look, Spinelli's friend has been tracking down Morgan's girl's identity since last night. So soon enough we're gonna find out who it really is.
Morgan: Thank you. I really need this.
Ava: Well, I guess the answer to my question is no. You did not sleep okay.
Morgan: No, I was up all night after you had your surprise visitor. I mean, when you told me to stay out of site upstairs in your office, I thought I was toast. I just -- I figured those dudes that I owe found me. I was completely freaking. I just -- I thought they would do something to you.
Ava: Morgan, I appreciate you worrying about me, but really you had no reason to. My visitor had nothing to do with you.
Morgan: Are you sure? Like, he wasn't just pretending to want something so he could figure out if I was here?
Ava: I promise, he was not looking for you. He was here for my daughter.
Luke: Mr. Spinelli. What brings you to New York? Clearly fashion week is over. Interested in the museums? There's a perplexing exhibition at MOMA at the moment.
Spinelli: Well, few would argue with NYC's considerable cultural prowess. I will not discuss it with you. You tricked me.
Luke: Oh. Well, how could that be? You're a licensed P.I. and a cyber genius.
Spinelli: Flattery will not ease the sting of your underhanded tactics. You decoyed me -- pointing me in the direction of a young woman who turned out not to be the missing Quartermaine heir.
Luke: That is a vicious rumor.
Spinelli: She told me you set me up.
Luke: I object to that slanderous accusation. Did she provide proof?
Spinelli: It was Betsy Frank who gave me the misinformation that sent me off chasing wild water fowl. So I can only assume that you rendezvoused with her before I did.
Luke: I was in the kitchen while you were speaking to her.
Spinelli: [Scoffs] Come on! How'd you get her to mislead me?
Luke: She had already decided to throw in with Tracy. When I saw you drive up, I gave her the address of a young woman whose father owed me a favor.
Spinelli: So I guess when I was chatting up the ersatz heiress, you probably found the real Lauren Frank?
Luke: Mr. Spinelli -- that's between Tracy and me.
Tracy: I can't believe it's come to this. Thanks to your adolescent insistence that we stay at the same hotel as Elizabeth Webber, our whole plan is up in smoke.
Nikolas: Tracy, you've neglected to explain why. So please.
Tracy: I ran into my nephew last night. He was allegedly looking for ice, and I was forced to be somewhat disingenuous.
Nikolas: [Laughs] I can only imagine how difficult that must have been for you.
Tracy: I was forced to swear on my late parents' memory that I am not going to sabotage AJ With "pickle Tracy."
Nikolas: Well, that doesn't seem disingenuous. "Pickle Tracy" doesn't exist.
Tracy: Yes, well, I neglected to mention that I renamed my relish pickle-Eddie.
Nikolas: Then you have nothing to worry about. As far as AJ's concerned, the relish wars are over.
Tracy: With any luck at all, that dope on a rope will have no idea that we're gonna ambush him on "the chew."
Nikolas: No, I doubt he has any idea what we have planned.
Tracy: Won't it be glorious to see him humiliated on national TV? Better yet, it'll go viral. And pickle-Eddie will reign supreme. [Sighs] Did you bring a suit? I really can't concentrate with all that -- ink!
Nikolas: Yes, I brought a suit.
Tracy: Good. This day just gets better and better. Get dressed. I'll meet you downstairs.
AJ: You know, I got to tell you, it was weird. I mean, Tracy is like the last person that I would have thought I'd see here last night.
Elizabeth: Yeah, what's she doing here?
AJ: She says she's here on business.
Elizabeth: Business?
AJ: She swears that it has nothing to do with relish, and the fact that I'm slated to appear on "the chew" is a complete coincidence.
Elizabeth: Do you believe her?
AJ: I didn't, until she swore on the memory of my dead grandparents.
Elizabeth: That's a commitment.
AJ: Look, Elizabeth, there's no doubt about it. Tracy is a poisonous snake. But I just can't see her taking my grandparents' name in vain. I -- what the hell is she doing here in New York?
Elizabeth: Maybe it had something to do with Nikolas. I ran into him here last night.
AJ: Nikolas is here?
Elizabeth: Yes, but he swore it has absolutely nothing to do with you.
AJ: Elizabeth, it has everything to do with me. [Scoffs] Nikolas is Tracy's partner.
Elizabeth: What?
AJ: Yeah, she told me so herself. I mean, look, if Tracy and Nikolas are here together, it's for one reason, and that's for Tracy to sabotage me. And Nikolas Cassadine is helping her.
AJ: If they're both here, it's for one reason. It's to ruin my pickle-Lila performance on "the chew." They're gonna try and bring me down on national television.
Elizabeth: How?! Okay, I know it's a little suspicious that they're both here at the same time, but what can they do to hurt you?
AJ: I don't know. I don't know. But I'm gonna stop it.
Elizabeth: Wait, AJ, where are you going?
AJ: Where do you think I'm going?! I'm gonna go find Nikolas, and I'm gonna keep that jerk away from me and that TV station!
Elizabeth: Okay, you can't go, okay? I'll go talk to Nikolas, and you stay here and concentrate on prepping for "the chew."
AJ: I will concentrate on "the chew" once I deal with him.
Elizabeth: AJ, please don't.
AJ: Look, Elizabeth, you're not gonna stop me, all right? I'm gonna deal with this idiot once and for all.
Spinelli: A bad time?
Elizabeth: No. Actually, this is -- it's good timing. You need to talk to AJ, And I-I need to speak with Nikolas. I'll be back.
AJ: Tell me that you have some good information about Lauren Frank.
Spinelli: Uh, yeah. Afraid not. Luke Spencer misdirected me to a false lead.
AJ: Son of a bitch! Like I don't have enough to deal with with Nikolas and Tracy!
[Pounding on door]
Nikolas: All right!
[Pounding continues]
Nikolas: Tracy, stop! Can I please at least have some time to get dre --
Elizabeth: What the hell was that last night?
Nikolas: What? What?
Elizabeth: You lied to me!
Nikolas: N-no. No, I didn't. I said I was here on business, and I am.
Elizabeth: With Tracy Quartermaine?
Nikolas: Okay, I may have left that part out.
Elizabeth: Did you think I wasn't gonna find out? Did you think that AJ Wasn't gonna tell me that you're bankrolling her in this whole relish war?
Nikolas: Okay, I know it may sound a little ridiculous --
Elizabeth: Or that I wouldn't put two and two together and realize that you're actually going behind AJ's back with this "pickle Tracy"?
Nikolas: Uh, that's not actually true, because "pickle Tracy" doesn't exist.
Elizabeth: So are you denying that you're in business with Tracy?
Nikolas: No, that's not what I'm saying.
Elizabeth: Then what the hell are you saying?
Nikolas: We changed the product name.
Elizabeth: Oh. Oh, lying by omission. I see. I guess that shows how little you respect me, that you can't even be honest with me to tell me what -- what you're doing here, that you're really here with Tracy to sabotage AJ When he goes on "the chew."
Nikolas: That's right. We are.
Tracy: Hi. I got your text. Did you follow up on my great-niece's whereabouts?
Luke: I did.
Tracy: And? Did you get her to sign over her ELQ shares so I can wrest my father's company from AJ's dirty digits?
Luke: Let's don't get ahead of ourselves.
Tracy: You did find my great-niece, didn't you?
Luke: No. But -- I found her mother.
Ava: We don't need to talk about my daughter. Or her father. You've got problems of your own.
Morgan: Yeah. I mean, being in debt to dudes that want to take my head off is pretty much the biggest problem I can think of. But, uh -- you know what's worse?
Ava: There's worse?
Morgan: Yeah. I think my parents found out. They sent me, like, a thousand messages.
Ava: They must be worried sick about you.
Morgan: [Sighs] Yeah. I guess so.
Sonny: I'm losing my mind here, and I'm really -- I really need your help.
Olivia: Sonny, if you want me to use one of my premonitions to find out where Morgan is, it's just -- it doesn't work like that. It's not like ordering a pizza. They don't show up in 30 minutes or less.
Sonny: It's not that. It's something a little more concrete.
Olivia: What?
Sonny: Need you to go to Pentonville, talk to Johnny.
Olivia: Johnny?
Sonny: I'd do it myself, but I don't think he's gonna give me anything. You two were close. I think that maybe you can get him to cough up some information, maybe talk to somebody on the inside, one of his pals, you know. I don't even want to ask you this, but, you know, I told you I'm gonna do whatever it takes. So, what do you say? Will you help me, Olivia?
Woodrow: I got here as fast as I could, even skipped my second cappuccino. Grabbed this on the way, figured it would make up the difference. Good morning, miss Jacks.
Carly: Hi, Woodrow. Look, um, I didn't know that you were a, um --
Michael: A friend of Spinelli.
Carly: Yeah.
Woodrow: We prefer the term "F.O.S."
Carly: Whatever you want to be called. I'm grateful. Thank you very much.
Michael: You said you were gonna try and hack into the gambling website. Were you able to get into Morgan's account?
Woodrow: The site has some pretty serious encryption. My skills don't begin to match the jackal's cyber dominance, but, yes, using Morgan's credit-card information, I was able to crack that baby wide open.
Carly: Okay, did you get any information on the person we think Morgan's with?
Woodrow: Well, there are a number of variables at play here, any number of which --
Carly: Woodrow, can you help me find my son?
Ava: You guess your family is worried? Didn't you listen to their messages?
Morgan: I -- you know, I don't think I should use my phone. Those collectors could use it to track me here.
Ava: Morgan, I think it'd be okay if you turned your phone on for your message playback.
Morgan: I don't know. The last thing I want to do is put you at risk.
Ava: Well, thank you. But I'm not worried. Call your parents. Hear what they have to say, okay? If my daughter were in trouble and I'd called her dozens of times, it would break my heart if she didn't listen to a word I said.
Morgan: Okay.
Olivia: Look, Sonny, you know that I would do anything in my power to help you, but I've got to be honest. Um -- I already went to see Johnny.
Sonny: When?
Olivia: When you and Shawn were down in Tennessee looking for Morgan, was afraid that you were walking into an ambush, and I was afraid you were walking into a trap. I-I went down there and I got him to look me in the eye and swear that this wasn't some kind of a setup. And thank God he was telling the truth.
Sonny: There's a first time for everything, right?
Olivia: He's legitimately concerned for Morgan.
Sonny: Okay, go back and get some information for me. Go back and get some information.
Olivia: I think that that well is dry. Besides, I go back there, all he's gonna do is give me more grief about my relationship with you.
Michael: My brother is in serious trouble, okay? We need to know everything that you found.
Woodrow: Well, first things first. Morgan's online handle. "Captain Morgan." It's pretty clever, don't you think?
Michael: We need something we can use to find him.
Woodrow: I have to say this gambling site is genius. They sucked your brother in. I don't even think he saw it coming. They let him win, which allowed him to raise the limit of his wagers, at which point he began precipitously losing.
Michael: How precipitous?
Woodrow: Does Custer's last stand mean anything to you?
Carly: We know all this. We need to know where Morgan is. Could you find any information about the girl he's been talking to online?
Woodrow: Well, I think the better question is who wasn't he talking to? Morgan was a popular dude. He IM'd a lot of people on this site. But there was one he communicated with a lot more than the others.
Carly: Who?
Woodrow: Well, she's either a college chick or somebody who's really good at pretending she is. I couldn't find her real name, but her screen name is "Jerome around the world."
Michael: Morgan, it's Michael. Call me. Mom and dad are really worried and so am I.
Carly: Morgan, it's mom. I don't even know if you're getting these messages, but, honey, please, if you can, call me. Let me know you're okay.
Sonny: Son, hi. Listen, it's me again. I know what the story is. Tell me how much money you need. I'll take care of it and get you back home.
Ava: Why don't you let your father help you?
Tracy: You found Lauren's mother? What did she say?
Luke: She told me that she had met Franco when she was a gallerina, new to the art scene. She was entranced by his talent. And one night he showed her his etchings, if you know what I mean.
Tracy: Yeah, well, I assumed they slept together. They do share a child.
Luke: Yes, well that's all they share. As soon as she discovered she was pregnant, she also discovered -- an eccentric artist, he was also a budding lunatic, so she cut him out of his daughter's life.
Tracy: Well, she obviously has a weakness for reprobates. She must have been putty in your hands.
Luke: [Chuckles] Oh, you flatter me.
Tracy: How long did it take you to wheedle it out of her? You did get my great-niece's location.
Luke: Mm -- not exactly.
Elizabeth: You set this whole thing up yesterday, didn't you? The entire time I was telling you about my trip to New York, you already knew you were gonna pull this on AJ.
Nikolas: No, in the beginning, one had nothing to do with the other. Tracy came to me with a business deal, and I took it.
Elizabeth: Tracy. Tracy, the woman who was so spiteful to Emily. Remember? You hate her. You have enough money, so the only reason why you must be going into business with her is to stick it to AJ.
Nikolas: You're right. You're absolutely right. I agreed to partner with Tracy just to stick it to AJ.
Elizabeth: I knew it!
Nikolas: Wait. Hold on. Tracy -- Elizabeth! Tracy made her business proposal to me that afternoon in the hospital when you left and went to Kelly's to confront AJ. He was -- he was already being territorial with me, warning me to stay away from you, and I'm sorry. I didn't like it.
Elizabeth: Well, I didn't like it either! But AJ and I have -- we've moved on from it.
Nikolas: Damn it, I haven't! You deserve better than him!
Elizabeth: Oh, and I supposed that someone is you?
Nikolas: Yes!
Spinelli: It's a long story, but I would be happy to regale the details of Luke's subterfuge to you if you like.
AJ: No, just cut to the chase.
Spinelli: Right. Well, suffice to say, I found myself in a tête-à-tête with the faux Lauren, and I wasted the good part of an hour trying to convince her to come to your side when she finally admitted that she was an imposter and that I had been, as they say, punked.
AJ: Luke set it up, right?
Spinelli: Yes, and I can only conclude that while I was spinning my wheels, he was probably with the real Lauren and now he's relaying those details to Tracy. I ran into him in the lobby.
AJ: Luke?
Spinelli: Mm-hmm. Tracy's staying in the hotel.
AJ: Yeah. No, I know that.
Spinelli: Oh, sorry. I thought maybe you didn't.
AJ: [Sighs] Not only are they gonna make me look like a colossal idiot on "the chew," she beat me to the tie-breaking ELQ shares.
Spinelli: It would appear so.
AJ: Gah! You know what? It's unbelievable. You know, all my hard work is gonna go down the drain. She's gonna kick me and Michael out of the company.
Spinelli: We don't know that.
AJ: No, I know it. I know it. It's the same thing all the time. No matter what I do so I don't come off as a screw-up, nothing changes! You know, I just -- I claw and I claw my way out of a hole, and I can see success. I can see it. And then you know it just -- it starts falling apart. Just -- it just starts fa --
AJ: [Grunts]
Spinelli: A-AJ, Are you --
AJ: [Gasping] [Grunting] [Gasping]
Spinelli: Oh, my. When did you know that grandma was the one?
Spinelli: Um, AJ, what's wrong?
AJ: [Gasping]
Spinelli: Are you having a heart attack? C-can you describe maybe some of your symptoms? Yes-or-no questions. Okay. Does your arm hurt? Uh -- do you have crushing pain in your chest? Um, okay, no -- no -- no self-diagnosis. Maybe perhaps you'd rather just have me call 911. AJ, what do you want me to do?
AJ: Call -- call Elizabeth. Call Elizabeth.
Elizabeth: So, this is how you fight for me? You try to win me back by lying to me and by hurting a man I care about?
Nikolas: I don't like AJ. I don't want to see him succeed on any level, not at ELQ and most definitely not with you.
Elizabeth: Did you think if you destroyed his business I would come running to you?
Nikolas: No, that's not what I thought. You know what? You know what? I don't know what I was thinking.
Elizabeth: What is wrong with you? You were not like this before.
Nikolas: I'll tell you what's wrong with me. I got shot, and my heart stopped twice. And if I would have died, I would only have two regrets -- leaving my son behind and lost time with you. That's it. That's it. This -- this whole past year, Elizabeth, after lucky left, we were alone. We were both alone, on opposite sides of the world, apart from each other. And -- and what for, really? Out of guilt, out of some sort of -- some sort of penance? I mean, seriously, what a waste that would be. I'm alive. Look at me. I'm alive. I'm here. And I don't want to waste the chance to get what I want. And, God, I want you.
Elizabeth: So this is how you get me?
Nikolas: I want you to see that AJ Hasn't changed. He's still entitled. He's still careless. He -- right?
Elizabeth: [Sighs]
Nikolas: He causes damage everywhere he goes. And then he just steps back, takes a step back, and lets someone else come in and do the cleanup. He does it every time.
Elizabeth: Must be nice to be so perfect.
Nikolas: Oh, co --
Elizabeth: To be able to judge people who are struggling.
Nikolas: Elizabeth, you're doing it again. You're doing it right now. You're defending him.
Elizabeth: And why shouldn't I?
Nikolas: Because he's gonna hurt you!
Elizabeth: So you're gonna hurt him first?!
Nikolas: I thought that the sooner you saw him for his true colors, the sooner that you would try and get away from him, put your life back together.
Elizabeth: And?
Nikolas: And I'd be right there to pick up the pieces. I want you to know -- would you please look at me? Would you please look at me? I want you to -- I want you to feel -- how much I love you.
Elizabeth: Nikolas, if you really love me, then you're gonna back off AJ.
Nikolas: [Sighs] [Chuckles]
Elizabeth: You'll stop trying to put him down every chance you get, because he doesn't deserve it.
Nikolas: And what if I disagree?
Elizabeth: It isn't a fair fight! Don't you understand? You have every possible advantage. If you go after him, you just -- you're being a bully, and I know you're not like that. Whatever you and Tracy were gonna do to AJ At "the chew" today, please, I'm asking you to not go through with it.
Spinelli: There's no time to get Elizabeth. But fear not. I know -- I know CPR. Okay. All right, here we go. No, no. Don't talk. You'll interfere with my counting, and, besides, you should focus on breathing. Oh, breathing. Right. Right. I should do -- I should do mouth-to-mouth.
AJ: [Gasping]
Spinelli: All right. Oh, here we go.
Elizabeth: AJ? AJ? What's happening?
Spinelli: What? He -- he collapsed, so I thought he was having a heart attack, so I started doing CPR.
Elizabeth: He's not having a heart attack.
Spinelli: Oh, he's not?
Elizabeth: No, it's a panic attack.
Spinelli: That would explain his lack of enthusiasm for CPR.
Elizabeth: AJ, hey. I'm here. Hey, can you hear me? Okay. You just need to breathe. You're gonna be all right. Okay, remember? Let's breathe in for five. And breathe in. One, two, three, four, five. Hold for two. Now let it out. Let it out. One, two, three, four, five. Okay. Deep breaths in and out. Okay? Do it one more time. One, two, three, four, five.
Luke: The woman told me she had a daughter with Franco. Beyond that, bubkes.
Tracy: You're losing your touch.
Luke: I left her the ELQ proxy agreement, which she promised to look over and would give it to Lauren to consider signing.
Tracy: Ah, the conniving bitch.
Luke: That's not exactly the reaction I was hoping for.
Tracy: She knows that her daughter is the deciding factor in the war for ELQ, so mama bear is gonna capitalize on her cub's position.
Luke: Maybe she's just a mother trying to protect her daughter from getting involved in the Quartermaine madness. You can hardly blame her for that.
Tracy: When did you become so altruistic?
Luke: Well, when it comes to me, never. But I can't understand a mother reluctant to have her daughter dropped into the middle of that quagmire of dysfunction you call a family.
Tracy: She's gonna dangle that kid in front of us until we give her the sun, the moon, and a pile of cash.
Ava: Your father is practically begging you to let him give you the money. Why don't you take him up on the offer?
Morgan: No. No. It was my own stupidity that got me into this, which means it's my responsibility to get myself out.
Ava: Oh, who says? Is there some rule book you're following? 'Cause clearly it isn't your father's.
Morgan: I don't want my dad to bail me out. I don't want him involved. At all.
Ava: You think he'll judge you?
Morgan: No. Not the way you mean. He'll just assume I screwed up. [Scoffs] Which I did. But he'll also assume that I can't handle it. And I can. I can fix this myself. I'm not a kid.
Sonny: Johnny's giving you a hard time about your relationship with me? What does he think, there's something going on with us?
Olivia: Johnny had run out of information to give me about the thugs that are after Morgan, so he just spent the rest of the visit needling me.
Sonny: Well, if he's giving you a hard time, you got to let me know.
Olivia: It's nothing like that. He was just on my case about why was I so worried about you in the first place, and he's got this -- some crazy idea that I'm falling for you.
Carly: What else can you tell me about this girl Morgan's been messaging with? I'm assuming it's a girl. I mean, "Jerome around the world." Jerome is a man's name. So this could be a predator, right?
Michael: Not necessarily, mom. I mean, there's a lot of reasons for someone to come up with a screen name.
Woodrow: Here. I printed up all their correspondence, every single word.
Ava: I didn't mean to suggest you're a kid. You're not.
Morgan: I'm -- I'm sorry to jump defensive. You've been great.
Ava: You're dealing with a lot. You're allowed to be moody.
Morgan: You know, that's what they say about my dad. He's moody.
Ava: Well, then maybe he'd be in a perfect situation to empathize with you.
Morgan: You don't know my father. I mean, once he gets involved --
Ava: All I'm saying is that you have a family that cares about you. Take it from me. That is exceptional. Not everyone is so fortunate.
Carly: "Good morning, captain hotness. I dreamed we woke up together in my bed." This girl's saying this to my son.
Michael: "And I dreamed about what we did before we went to sleep."
Carly: He's saying that to her. Wow. Okay, then she goes on to say, "tell me all about it. I want every detail -- from top to bottom and every place in between."
Michael: Mom, I don't think we should be reading that.
Carly: No, she's either blatantly hitting on him -- or she's trying to manipulate him. I mean, look at this, Michael. Morgan says, "when can I meet you for real?" And she says, "let's keep the fantasy going." And then look. This is the last thing. "I'm in deep with these dudes." "I'm in deep with these dudes. And they say they're going to find me and mess me up." And then she says, "I feel responsible since I'm the one who encouraged you to keep betting even when you started losing."
Michael: "Text me your phone number, and I'll tell you where to find me. Trust me, captain. You'll be safe with me." Then he says, "texting now," and --
Carly: That's it.
Michael: That's it.
Carly: Those are Morgan's last words. Can you find this girl?
Sonny: Johnny thinks you're falling for me? That's ridiculous.
Olivia: That's what I said. He kept going on about how you and Connie weren't together anymore and Steve's in prison now and we're both alone and yada-yada-yada.
Sonny: I guess there's not a lot to think about in prison.
Olivia: I reminded john that any romance between us was a long time ago in high school. Now we're Dante's parents, and obviously we're still friends, but anything other than that in our relationship right now is completely insane.
Sonny: Nuts.
Olivia: Yeah.
Michael: So, were you able to hack into this Jerome around the world's account?
Woodrow: I tried. And I got pretty close. But the site has awesome security. It realized what I was doing and shut me out.
Carly: So you're telling me that we're not closer to finding Morgan than we were an hour ago.
Michael: Mom, for all we know, she really could be a girl honestly trying to help Morgan.
Carly: Right. Okay. Um, I need to, uh, go talk to your father and tell him everything that's going on. Can you stay with Josslyn until Mercedes can get here?
Michael: Yeah.
Carly: Okay, thank you. Thanks. And, oh, Woodrow, thank you very much. I really appreciate it.
Woodrow: I'm sorry I couldn't do more. But, hey, in life, as in hacking, there are an infinite number of possibilities. I mean, who's to say what happened? Maybe your brother's okay. Maybe he got lucky with that Jerome chick.
Morgan: Are you going somewhere?
Ava: I had a business trip in the works before you got here. I'm not happy about it, but I guess that's why they call it "work," huh?
Morgan: D-do you want me to clear out?
Ava: No. Stay.
Morgan: You don't mind?
Ava: I just want you to be safe, Morgan.
Morgan: [Chuckles]
Luke: I'm not sure Ava can be bought. She lives in some pretty fine digs.
Tracy: Well, much as I would like to stand here and debate the possible larceny of a woman I never even met, Nikolas is late, and that's just what I get for jumping into bed with a dilettante.
Luke: Excuse me?
Tracy: You know what I mean. I'm going to fetch the dissolute prince.
Luke: Well, I don't usually sympathize with Nicky, but in this case --
Tracy: I can take comfort in knowing that AJ is not finding the Lauren Frank girl, either, thanks to you foresight in sending Spinelli in the wrong direction.
Elizabeth: Better?
AJ: Yeah. Much. Thank you. [Grunts] Um -- Spinelli, thank you. I hope I didn't scare you too much.
Spinelli: It is I who am contrite. I -- may I inquire after your ribs? I hope they're not fractured.
AJ: They're okay. They're just a little bruised, along with my ego. I'm just glad you didn't give me mouth-to-mouth.
Spinelli: Yeah, I suppose CPR was not the proper response.
AJ: Yeah, well, you were trying to save my life, so there's worse things.
Spinelli: Like the news I delivered, which incited this response?
Elizabeth: Wait, you brought this on?
Spinelli: I'm afraid it was my bad tidings that sent AJ on this unfortunate trajectory. So, perhaps I should just take my leave before the spiral furthers. Okay. I bid you both adieu.
Elizabeth: What happened?
AJ: Tracy found Lauren first.
Elizabeth: Oh. And you're afraid that Tracy's gonna take her shares and force you out of ELQ?
AJ: That's about the size of it. So, how did, uh, how did things go with Nikolas?
Elizabeth: Well, you were right. He and Tracy are here to ambush you on "the chew." I tried to talk him out of it, but I don't know if it got through to him. Nikolas, if you really love me, then you're gonna back off AJ.
[Pounding on door]
Tracy: Nikolas! What on earth are you doing in there?! Open up the damn door!
Nikolas: Okay.
Tracy: Well, at least you're dressed. Come on. Let's go. "The chew" waits for no man. Let's go, prince charming.
Nikolas: I'm sorry. I can't.
Elizabeth: You are gonna be great on "the chew." I just know it, okay?
AJ: [Sighs] Look, I really -- I really want to thank you for going to bat for me with Nikolas.
Elizabeth: Oh, well, like I said, I don't know if it'll do any good.
AJ: [Sighs] Well, I just want you to know how much it means to me. Even if he were to change allegiances to team AJ right now, I mean, there's no way that he could talk my crazy aunt out of sabotaging me. Elizabeth, what the hell do you think she's gonna do to me on TV?
Elizabeth: It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. Because you're gonna be able to handle it.
AJ: I'd like to think so. But, I mean, what if it's all for nothing? What if -- what if I fail again? I mean, at least if Spinelli had found Lauren and I had her shares, you know, I'd know she's on my side. As it stands, I've got no one.
Elizabeth: I'm on your side. I mean, after this is all over, at the end of the day, I'm still gonna be here.
AJ: Guess I must have done something right.
Elizabeth: Come on. Let's go rock daytime TV -- and make you and pickle-Lila a huge success. [Chuckles]
Tracy: Did you just say you can't go to "the chew"? Is it some royal protocol I'm not aware of? Or you have a sudden case of stage fright?
Nikolas: Neither.
Tracy: Then I'm at a loss. Why can't you go?
Nikolas: Tracy, I'm not going on "The Chew," and neither are you.
Ava: There's an extra set of keys on a hook in the kitchen.
Morgan: Oh, here. Let me help you with this.
Ava: Ah. Your parents must have raised you right.
Morgan: [Chuckles]
Ava: Hey -- do me a favor. Just think about giving them a call. If my daughter were missing, I'd be desperate to know that she was okay. Don't do that to them.
Morgan: [Chuckles]
Carly: Sonny --
Sonny: What? Is this about Morgan?
Carly: Michael's techy friend got transcripts of Morgan's online chats. Whoever this is knew exactly how to play our son.
Sonny: Well, how are we supposed to find this -- Jerome around the world?
Morgan: Thank you. For everything.
Ava: I enjoyed having you.
Morgan: [Chuckles] [Sighs]
[Cell phone rings]
Michael: Morgan?
Morgan: Yeah, bro. It's me.
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