GH Transcript Wednesday 5/8/13

General Hospital Transcript Wednesday 5/8/13


Provided By Suzanne

[Knock on door]

Michael: Hey.

Carly: Michael. What are you doing here, baby? I thought you were going to New York with AJ.

Michael: Oh, no, not until we find Morgan.

Carly: Thank you so much for being here.

Michael: Is there any news?

Carly: I heard from your father. He called from Morgan's dorm.

[Door opens, closes]

Sonny: Carly, are you here?

Carly: Please tell me you have something on Morgan.

AJ: Okay. Ah. This is cool.

Elizabeth: Ah. I think my room is down the hall.

AJ: Wait a second. Elizabeth, come here. You got to see this. Oh, man.

Elizabeth: Wow. You can see the entire city. It's like we're on top of the world up here.

AJ: We are, in more ways than one. Tomorrow I'm gonna go on "the chew" and launch pickle-Lila.

Nikolas: [Sighs] [Sighs] Okay -- [Sighs] Your room is down the hall.

Tracy: I am going to crawl into a bath and collapse. But before that, you and I, we're gonna drink a toast. It's going to be a banner day tomorrow. We are going to ambush AJ On "the chew" with pickle-Eddie.

AJ: And the icing on the cake -- Spinelli is tracking down my long-lost niece, Lauren Frank, as we speak.

Spinelli: Lauren -- Lauren Frank, I presume?

Lauren: Who wants to know?

Tracy: And the coup de grace, Luke is finding lost Lauren Frank even as we speak.

Luke: You're not Lauren Frank.

Ava: You sure about that?

Sam: I miss you so much, Jason.

Danny: [Coos]

Sam: We both do. You know, I tell Danny about you every day. [Sniffles] And every day, he reminds me so much more of you. And I get this feeling sometimes that you're still here. I sense that you're gonna walk through the door, and you're gonna come home. But I know it's not true.


Sam: Who's there? When it comes to getting my family to eat breakfast,

Luke: The woman I'm looking for would be considerably younger.

Ava: Well, thanks a lot, jackass. You're not exactly a spring chicken yourself.

Luke: No argument there. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to imply that you were old. You are clearly not. It's just that the woman I'm looking for is --

Ava: Younger.

Luke: She's a kid, like in her early 20'S.

Ava: Good luck with that.

Luke: Wait. Wait. Please. I'm sorry, we got off to a bad start here. Can we start again? My name is Luke Spencer. I'm searching for a young woman named Lauren Frank. I was led to believe that she was here.

Ava: Nobody here but me.

Luke: Well, then, can you tell me where I can find her?

Spinelli: Damien Spinelli, P.I.

Lauren: You're a private investigator?

Spinelli: Licensed by the great state of New York, yes. Um, anyway, I was hired to find Lauren Frank, and my sources guided me here, so I can only assume that you are she?

Lauren: Assuming I am she, what do you want? Who hired you?

Spinelli: Your uncle.

AJ: With Lauren's support, there's no way Tracy can unseat me. I'll run the company as I see fit, which means Michael right by my side.

Elizabeth: Well, that deserves a toast -- to getting what you want.

AJ: I'll drink to that.

[Glasses clink]

AJ: And to the relish victories. Tomorrow we launch the new and improved pickle-Lila, I'm gonna corner the market, and Tracy's mongrel re-branded relish will die a death in obscurity. Pickle-Tracy, we hardly knew you.

Elizabeth: [Laughs]

Nikolas: When do you expect to hear from Luke?

Tracy: He tracked the girl here to Manhattan. He could be finding her now. And tomorrow when we surprise AJ on "the chew" with pickle-Eddie, I'll be able to give him the good news. Oh, gee. He's out of ELQ again. And this time for good.

Sonny: I don't have a location where Morgan is.

Carly: [Sighs] Okay, well, Michael knows everything. He knows about the gambling, the money, and that you went to the school to talk to everybody.

Michael: Did you talk to Morgan's roommate, Travis?

Sonny: I did. I tried. But he pulled a gun out on me.

Carly: A gun?

Sonny: Yes, it was -- it was a fake gun from the theater department. Not a big deal.

Michael: He thought he needed a gun to defend himself?

Sonny: Uh, well, Morgan and Travis, they -- they got a message from the guys they owed money to, and those guys were coming after them. Morgan ran off, and Travis mistook me for a collector.

Carly: Okay, um, so, did this Travis guy give you any idea where Morgan might be?

Sonny: Yeah, he did.

Sam: Hello? Anyone there? Okay, Danny. I guess it was nobody.

Danny: [Laughing]

Sam: [Chuckles] I know. [Sighs] We love you, Jason.


Sam: You scared me.

Alexis: What? Did you think I was the hunchback of Notre dame?

Sam: I don't know. I just --

Alexis: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you. Hey, Danny!

Sam: Were -- were you watching us before?

Alexis: No, I just got here. Why?

Sam: I don't know. I just thought that maybe I-I kind of felt like -- for -- forget about it. What are you doing here anyway?

Alexis: Well, I-I wanted to see how you were doing with Rafe, and I left you a bunch of messages. You didn't get back to me, so I-I went to the building and, uh, talked to the doorman. He said you were here. Why? Sam?

Sam: What?

Alexis: How's Rafe?

Sam: Uh, uh, he's fine. He's fine. He, um, he went with Molly. He -- he went to go see Molly.

Alexis: Honey, are you all right?

Danny: [Giggles]

Sam: Yeah, mom, listen, it's just that I-I brought Rafe here to light a candle because he missed his mom.

Alexis: Of course he did.

Sam: And I thought I was helping him deal with his loss, and -- I don't know. I guess I just wound up thinking of my own.

Ava: Sorry. I don't know any Lauren Frank, so I don't know where you'd find her. Now, if you'll excuse me --

Luke: I'll make it worth your while.

Ava: Are you offering me money?

Luke: If that's what it takes. The woman who hired me to find Lauren Frank is a very wealthy woman. Her name is Tracy Quartermaine. Maybe you've heard of her?

Ava: Quartermaine. As in the Port Charles Quartermaines?

Luke: That's her.

Ava: So, this Quartermaine woman wants to find Lauren Frank. Why? She her long-lost daughter?

Luke: No. She isn't her daughter. But unless I'm mistaken, she's yours.

Lauren: I don't have an uncle.

Spinelli: Ooh, ooh, but you do. [Chuckles] Uh, might I come in and explain it? You won't regret it. I can assure you that this conversation will be profitable.

Lauren: You have five minutes. So -- about this so-called uncle?

Spinelli: Yes. AJ Quartermaine. Perhaps you recognize the family name?

Lauren: No.

Spinelli: Well, in any event, AJ -- Alan Jr. -- had a brother named Jason, who was one of my closest and dearest friends, and sadly, he's no longer with us.

Lauren: What does any of this have to do with me?

Spinelli: Right. I'm getting to that. So, it seems that Jason, much to his own surprise, had a twin brother named Robert Frank. Avant garde artist known as Franco. I believe he was your father.

Tracy: What I wouldn't give for a long soak courtesy of Caesar and his rose petals. Tell me again why we're staying here in this hotel.

Nikolas: Right. Uh, did I forget to mention that Elizabeth is staying in this hotel, as well?

Elizabeth: I should probably go unpack and call my boys.

AJ: I-I just want you to know how much I-I appreciate that you -- you came with me.

Elizabeth: I'm really glad you asked me.

AJ: Well, I'm glad you decided to give me a second chance after the -- you know, the whole thing with Nikolas.

Elizabeth: Oh, please, we both overreacted, which is understandable considering our histories. I'm just glad we got a chance to talk and you're clear on where things stand with me and Nikolas.

AJ: Yeah. Yeah, I'm really glad that we straightened that out.

Elizabeth: Me, too. You know, I wasn't gonna tell you about the kiss with Nikolas, but -- I'm realizing that if there's gonna be an us, then full disclosure is the only way to go. Uh, there's something I have to tell you.

Sonny: It took a lot to convince Travis to tell me where Morgan is.

Michael: Well, knowing Morgan, he made him swear not to say anything.

Carly: Wait a minute. Morgan's running from some bookie and his collector. How did this happen? Did you know this gambling was going on, Michael?

Michael: No, he -- he wouldn't tell me. Morgan thinks he can talk his way out of anything.

Carly: Okay. Where did this Travis kid say Morgan was?

Sonny: Doesn't really know, but he thinks that he may be hiding out -- with some girl.

Both: Some girl?

Ava: I don't know what you're talking about. I don't have a daughter.

Luke: My sources tell me that Lauren Frank's mother's name is Ava Jerome. Ava Jerome. Isn't that you?

Ava: Correct. I'm Ava Jerome. Nothing to do with Frank. Didn't you say that was the girl's last name?

Luke: It's her father's name. Robert Frank, better known in the art world and in certain criminal circles as Franco. You ever hear of him?

Sam: I lit a candle for Jason, and I was talking to him, and I was telling him how much I missed him and how that sometimes I feel like he's gonna walk through the door, and then, I don't know, I got this -- this instinct or something that somebody was watching us, and I guess for a second, I thought that -- [Sighs]

Alexis: I know, baby. I know.

Sam: But he's gone, mom, and he's never coming back. It was -- it was just a wish.

Ava: I'm an art dealer, Mr. Spencer. I most definitely have heard of Robert "Franco" Frank. He was a genius. There's an avid market for his work. Sadly, I do not represent his estate.

Luke: I recently paid a visit to his mother. She confirmed for me that he was Lauren Frank's father. And she said, quote, unquote, "that bitch of a mother wouldn't let Franco near his daughter." She also confirmed that that bitch of a mother's name was Ava Jerome and that this was her last-known address. So here I am. And here you are.

Ava: It's true. I did have a daughter with that psychopath.

Luke: I thought you said he was a genius.

Ava: The two are not mutually exclusive. And I had every reason to be a bitch. I was protecting my daughter.

Spinelli: Even if Franco is your father, as I suspect, I'm sure you are a very well-adjusted young woman.

Lauren: It's okay. I'm -- I'm aware that my father was -- well, let's just say my father was nuts.

Spinelli: So, you admit it?

Lauren: Yes. Franco was my father. So, what does uncle AJ Want with me?

Spinelli: Only to give you what is rightfully yours -- your birthright, your inheritance.

Sonny: Did you know anything about a girl?

Michael: No.

Sonny: Are you sure about that?

Michael: We hadn't talked in a while -- just the, you know, occasional text.

Carly: What did Travis say about this girl?

Sonny: He said that Morgan met her on the internet on some gaming site.

Carly: So she's a gambler?

Michael: Don't assume it's a girl. I mean, Morgan could have been catfished.

Sonny: What -- what is that?

Michael: When you meet somebody online and you're not sure who they are. They can be pretending to be anybody. I mean, it happened to that -- that football player.

Carly: So, Morgan thinks he's running off to meet some girl, and it's gonna turn out to be a predator?

Sonny: Okay, more likely it's somebody connected to the syndicate. They tracked Morgan down, and they're targeting him as my son.

Carly: Okay. Who are you calling?

Michael: I'm calling AJ. There's no way I can go to New York now.

Tracy: Why would Elizabeth Webber be in Manhattan staying at this hotel?

Nikolas: You already know the answer to that. AJ invited her.

Tracy: AJ is staying at this hotel? What happened to surprising him tomorrow?

Nikolas: We're still going on "the chew" with pickle-Eddie.

Tracy: No, no, no, no, no, no. The whole point was to ambush him and watch him make a fool of himself on national television. If he knows that we are here, you have ruined it! I thought you were smart!

Nikolas: Tracy, relax! It's a big hotel, all right?

Tracy: No, actually, it's not that big.

Nikolas: Who cares if AJ knows that we're here? We're still gonna show him up on "the chew." It's gonna be fine. Geez!

Tracy: I know that you have money in this venture, but it is my life. It is my family. Do not -- I repeat -- do not screw it up for some sappy attachment.

Nikolas: Good night, Tracy.

Tracy: You be careful. Do not let yourself be seen.

AJ: I-I want you to know that this, us, it's really -- it's important to me, you know? And I just -- [Sighs] Whatever might have happened with you and Nikolas in the past or -- or -- or what happened with me in the future --

[Cell phone ringing]

AJ: -- I-I just -- I feel like I need to be honest --

Elizabeth: You want to get that?

AJ: It's Michael. I can call him back. Michael, hang on a second, okay?

Elizabeth: No, talk to him. I have to call my gram before she goes to bed, okay? We can talk tomorrow. I can't wait. Good night.

AJ: Hey, uh, Michael, what's going on?

Michael: Look, I-I can't go to New York. My brother's still missing.

AJ: Oh, uh, okay. Yeah, no, I understand. I'm sorry. Uh, just, you know, do whatever you have to do.

Michael: I'm sorry for leaving you to handle it alone.

AJ: Well, I'm not exactly alone. I have Elizabeth to keep me company.

[Door beeps]

Elizabeth: Nikolas, what are you doing in my hotel room?

Nikolas: You mean my hotel room? It's -- it's fine. You're welcome anytime.

Elizabeth: No, no, this is 1604. It's me.

Nikolas: 1604 -- would be me. Uh, I'm sure there's a mix-up. I'll just call the front desk and have it changed.

Elizabeth: Wait, what are you doing here?

Nikolas: I have some business in town.

Elizabeth: You flew here tonight, checked into the hotel where I'm staying, and now you're standing in my hotel room.

Nikolas: I know. What are the odds?

Elizabeth: A little too high to calculate. I told you I was coming here. I told you where I was staying. You really expect me to believe that this is all just a coincidence?

AJ: Yeah, I'll -- I'll call you right after the taping, all right? Hey, Michael, listen, uh, I-I really wish you good luck with finding Morgan. Okay, bye. [Sighs] What the hell are you doing here?

Carly: Um, what did AJ say?

Michael: Uh, he understands, but he's got Elizabeth with him, so at least he's not alone.

Carly: That's good.

Sonny: Okay, uh, Michael, can you call Spinelli and have him hack into the -- the site so we can track down the girl Morgan's talking to?

Carly: Let's hope it's a girl.

Michael: Actually, Spinelli is out of town. He's tracking down something for ELQ. With any luck, he's found what he's looking for.

Lauren: I have an inheritance?

Spinelli: Yes. Your great-grandfather, Edward Quartermaine, recently passed away.

Lauren: These Quartermaines are dropping like flies.

Spinelli: Yes, well, um -- Edward left his company to his heirs, and as a great-grandchild, you are entitled to 6% of the --

Lauren: Of the whole company?

Spinelli: Of the preferred stock, which is a tidy sum. But you are also entitled to a vote on company matters.

Lauren: What's a tidy sum?

Spinelli: Quite honestly, I wouldn't know. But I-I'm sure that your uncle could explain it all to you, and your uncle is very eager to meet your acquaintance. You see, he is currently embroiled in a bit of a fight with some of the other shareholders, and he -- he needs your vote.

Lauren: Even though I've never met him.

Spinelli: Well, AJ Is the C.E.O. of ELQ international, but one of the members of the family wishes to see him unseated but doesn't have the proper votes to do so.

Lauren: So, who's my uncle's opponent?

Spinelli: That would be your great-aunt Tracy.

AJ: This ought to be rich. So, Tracy, what brings you to the big apple? You know, scratch that. I think I know. You trailed me to New York.

Tracy: Why would I trail you anywhere?

AJ: Oh, I don't know. Maybe you found out about my appearance on "the chew" with pickle-Lila, huh? Then you got your little spies working on me. Is that what it is?

Tracy: [Laughs] You know, it's charming -- no, wrong word -- it's delusional how important you think you are.

AJ: Who was it, huh? Luke Spencer?

Tracy: I don't know what you mean.

AJ: Really? Let me tell you something. If you think for one second that you're gonna sabotage my appearance on "the chew" tomorrow, you are insane.

Ava: I didn't know Franco was insane when I met him. I was working at a gallery in SoHo. I believe they now call girls with those entry-level jobs "gallerinas."

Luke: And, uh, Franco was, in the art world, considered a rising prodigy?

Ava: He had just done this huge graffiti installation on a bank wall. Totally illegal. He just showed up one day and started painting, a hód stopped him. By the time the building owner notified the police, it was too late. The mural had captured the public imagination. People would stand out on the sidewalk watching him paint. Schools were taking kids on field trips. When the building owners tried to have the mural removed, one of the public arts trusts sued to keep it in place, and they won based on the fact that the painting was public property. By the time the mural was completed, every dealer in the city was clamoring to represent Franco.

Luke: And of all the galleries in all the towns in all the world and so forth.

Ava: [Chuckles] He was -- sexy -- charming -- I hung his first show, and he brought me a bunch of artichokes wrapped in a silk -- silk ribbon to say thank you.

Luke: Artichokes. That's far more creative than roses.

Ava: [Chuckles] Art is often about commerce. People trying to buy themselves good taste. And Franco was different. More than a flavor of the month. He was talented. Even gifted. Especially in those days, his early work wasn't so -- relentlessly dark. Everyone wanted to know Franco, wanted a piece of him, and he was showering me with attention. It was seductive. I lost my objectivity, and we ended up in bed. I got pregnant. In retrospect, I never should have told him.

Luke: But you did.

Ava: He was thrilled.

[Book thuds]

Ava: Too thrilled. It was as if the baby -- it was like -- he'd made her, like she was his work of art. She wasn't her own person. She was something he owned, that he could change and mold like Clay. That's when I started to see what I had refused to see before. Franco was extremely eccentric, and there was a very scary side to him. I wanted no part of it.

Alexis: You've done so well handling this, but I know you see him everywhere, you dream about him. I mean, every time you look at Danny, you -- you see him. You look just like your daddy.

Sam: Yes, he does. Oh, mom, I was so scared and confused. All those months I thought that Danny was Franco's.

Alexis: Well, he would have been your son no matter what, right?

Sam: Oh, yes. I mean, I was prepared to love Danny regardless, and I know Jason was, too. This little boy right here is our little miracle, and I love that whenever I look at his face, I see Jason.

Alexis: [Chuckles]

Sam: And not that psychopath.

Ava: I didn't want Lauren to know anything about Franco or his side of the family.

Luke: You mean his mother.

Ava: As far as I know, that's the only family he had. I cut all ties. And just so we're clear, my daughter is Lauren Jerome. Lauren Frank was just wishful thinking on Franco's part. I did not want her to have his name.

Luke: She doesn't. Technically, her name is Quartermaine. The battle against germs on hands

Carly: Morgan's in trouble. Spinelli needs to stop doing whatever he's doing for ELQ and help us.

Michael: Maybe it'd be faster if we just called the F.O.S.

Sonny: The F.O.S.?

Michael: Friends -- friends of Spinelli. Friends of Spinelli. He has a network. One of them actually works at the metro.

Carly: Wait a second. I have someone working for me that -- that's in F.O.S. And I didn't know anything about this?

Michael: Maybe he can hack into the site and find out who Morgan's girl really is.

Carly: Thank you. Thank you. I'm so worried about your brother, but I'm so glad you're here.

Michael: He's my brother. I'd do anything for him. He's gonna be okay.

Sonny: Yeah, he's gonna be okay. And I'm proud of you, mike.

Michael: Just wait until I find something. I'm gonna track down this F.O.S. And let's just hope he's as good as Spinelli.

Lauren: So, why AJ And not Tracy? I mean, what's the difference?

Spinelli: Well, I mean, you're free to research both candidates, of course, but what you'll find is that Tracy -- Tracy used mob money to bail out the company after she practically bankrupted it, and then when the family finally forced her out, she leaked her own malfeasance to the press and basically tanked the company. But fortunately, your uncle is about to release a new product that is sure to be a major success. The stock will go through the roof -- unless Tracy takes over.

Lauren: She's that bad?

Spinelli: She's worse. So, all we're asking is that you allow your uncle to make you rich.

Lauren: By voting for him.

Spinelli: You know what? I just happen to have a proxy document here, which will just require your signature. So, miss Frank -- do we have your cooperation?

Ava: Franco was a Quartermaine?

Luke: His adoption was as illegal as they come.

Ava: So, Robert Frank was actually Robert Quartermaine?

Luke: Which means his daughter, your daughter --

Ava: Is a Quartermaine.

Luke: [Sighs] I don't know if you're aware of it, but the Quartermaines have been through a spot of trouble recently.

Ava: Yeah. I read something about them fighting over a company?

Luke: As a Quartermaine, your daughter has a vote. She needs to give that vote to Tracy.

Ava: Why?

Luke: Because the current C.E.O., Tracy's nephew, AJ, Is a mess. He's a chronic screw-up. He's never done anything successful in his life, and he's guaranteed to drive this company into the ground. He's already started that process.

Ava: So that's why Tracy wanted you to find Lauren? My daughter's a tie-breaker in some battle for control of ELQ?

Luke: You are admirably quick on the uptake, miss Jerome. Yes. Tracy needs Lauren to help unseat this irredeemable jerk -- and thereby save the family fortune. Will you help us do that?

AJ: Admit it. You're here to sabotage me.

Tracy: [Laughs] Why would I do that? You're perfectly capable of sabotaging yourself. You've been doing it your whole life.

AJ: You know, Tracy, I'm on to you, you and whatever little scam you have planned.

Tracy: How did I never see this before? Your paranoia is just another way of ducking responsibility. You know you're gonna screw up, and you're already trying to blame me.

AJ: Okay, you know what? Let's get one thing straight. Don't even think about setting foot on "the chew" stage with your -- your down-market pickle-Tracy.

Tracy: I promise you I will not show up on "the chew" with pickle-Tracy.

AJ: And I should believe you because you're such a bastion of truth and honesty?

Tracy: I swear on the memory of my late lamented father, Edward Quartermaine, there is no pickle-Tracy.

Elizabeth: So, how'd you do it? Did you bribe the front desk to get them to send me to the same room?

Nikolas: No, no, no. I would be absolutely shocked that a hotel of this caliber would have staff that, uh, took bribes.

Elizabeth: I see. That's not a denial.

Nikolas: Well, you know, what would be the point? I know not to argue with you. And you can be very stubborn, Elizabeth.

Elizabeth: Yes. You do know me very well.

Nikolas: Well, after all these years, it kind of goes without saying, doesn't it?

Elizabeth: Nikolas, you showing up here, whether it was intentional or not, it -- it's not gonna get you anywhere.

Nikolas: Well, that's -- that's a good thing because I don't have any expectations.

Elizabeth: Nothing is gonna happen between us. I already told you that because it can't -- and I want to see where things go with AJ.

Nikolas: Right. Right. Well, if AJ stays true to form, uh, I don't really see how that can happen.

Elizabeth: Okay. I don't want to talk to you about this. Why don't you put your clothes on and just go get your own room?

Nikolas: Actually, I was here first. But this, uh, this bed here is, uh -- it's very spacious. You're welcome to share it with me.

Sam: And I'm not sorry that -- that Franco is dead. I am not. He -- he destroyed the last few months that Jason and I had together, and I don't think I will ever be able to forgive that.

Alexis: You have got to let go of this anger. You have to try, because if you hang on to it, you're giving him all this power, and you don't want to do that, do you?

Sam: You're right. No, I don't want to do that, mom. You're right. Okay. Let's -- let's get out of here. Enough talking about Franco. We got to get this little guy home.

Alexis: You bet.

Sam: [Chuckles]

Alexis: All right.

Sam: [Sighs]

[Door closes]

Elizabeth: We can't do this.

Nikolas: Can't do what?

Elizabeth: This. This. We can't do this. I can't share a bed with you or a room or even a conversation because -- because this isn't fair. It's not fair for you to tease me like this.

Nikolas: You think I'm teasing you?

Elizabeth: Yes. Okay, fine. Fine. If you don't leave, I will. I'm gonna go downstairs and get my own room.

Nikolas: I'm disappointed.

[Door opens]

Elizabeth: [Chuckles] Well, you should be. Think about all that bribe money you wasted.

Nikolas: At least I can take comfort in knowing you're not spending the night with AJ Quartermaine.

AJ: So, you're really swearing on grandfather's memory?

Tracy: [Scoffs] I'll swear on my mother's, as well, if you don't believe me. There is no pickle-Tracy. You were right, AJ. It -- it would never work.

AJ: Well, then, what are you doing here?

Tracy: I'm a businesswoman, and I am, uh, trying to make my way after some very difficult months. I'm meeting with some people to see if I can get -- something new off the ground.

AJ: I don't trust you.

Tracy: AJ, I realize that victory is a very new feeling for you, but I think you should recognize it when it falls into your lap. You should get some rest. I'm gonna get some rest, too. Good luck on "the chew" tomorrow. I hope you get everything you deserve.

[Door opens]

Tracy: [Sighs]

Spinelli: So, if you will just sign here where it says "Lauren Frank" --

Lauren: Sorry. No can do.

Spinelli: Uh, uh, why not?

Lauren: Because I'm not Lauren Frank. I'm -- I'm not Franco's daughter.

Spinelli: Uh, I'm sorry. But you -- you said that you were, so --

Lauren: I lied.

Spinelli: Why?

Lauren: Because a man named Luke Spencer paid me to. Oh, and he left you a message. "Spinelli, you've just been punked."

Ava: I assume this AJ is also looking for Lauren.

Luke: Yes, but he won't find her. I've taken care of that.

Ava: I'm sure you have. You are clearly very resourceful.

Luke: Thank you. I try.

Ava: And I assume there's money in this for you somewhere?

Luke: A nominal fee. I'm doing this for a woman who would do the same for me. Tracy is scary smart, and by rights, the company belongs to her.

Ava: I just don't know if I want my daughter to get involved.

Luke: I understand. But what you need to know is that, as a Quartermaine, your daughter is entitled to everything that that entails -- money, prestige, connections.

Ava: These people sound miserable.

Luke: Isn't everyone, Ava? Really? It's been my experience that money may not eliminate misery, but it certainly makes it easier to bear.

Ava: Excellent point.

Luke: Just make sure that she signs this, which guarantees that she turns her vote over to Tracy.

Ava: I'm gonna have to think about this.

Luke: Fine. Think about it. But don't wait too long.

[Door closes]

Carly: You can go ahead and say it.

Sonny: Say what? That I'm afraid for our son? I am. So are you.

Carly: I got you to sign over custody to me because I was gonna keep him safe.

Sonny: Yeah, but that's over. You know, he's a legal adult now. He gets to do whatever he wants.

Carly: I sent him away to school because I wanted to protect him, Sonny. Now he's in worse danger than he would have been if he just stayed here.

Sonny: Maybe. Maybe not. But you know what? We kept Michael close. Look what happened to him.

Carly: Michael's fine now.

Sonny: And Morgan's gonna be fine, too.

Carly: He just -- he kept coming up with excuses not to come home, you know? He would go away with friends or he'd stay for a study program. Do you think it's because he -- he didn't think we wanted to see him?

Sonny: No, I think that he was -- he wanted to avoid us fighting. And who's to blame him? He's not like Michael. He's not a peacemaker. He's -- you know, he's always looking for distractions.

Carly: Yeah. [Sniffles] Think that's where the gambling came from?

Sonny: No. Here's -- here's what I think. I think he was having a lot of fun, right? He got in way over his head. And you know what? He's a -- he's a kid. Look, who's more reckless than us?

Carly: [Laughs]

Sonny: He's our kid. He's our DNA. Did you really think he wasn't ever gonna get in trouble?

Carly: [Sighs] No. [Laughs] You're right. I mean, he's, you know -- we didn't keep an eye on him, really, and he's independent.

Sonny: Yeah.

Carly: But I-I just don't understand how this could happen. Look at him. [Sniffles] He's so young.

Ava: The coast is clear. You can come out now.

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