General Hospital Transcript Tuesday 5/7/13
Provided By Suzanne
Lucy: [Gasps] Hey! Just the second opinion I need. Okay. Tell me the truth -- how do I look?
Scott: Like a million bucks.
Lucy: Well, thank you. I thought so, too. Mission accomplished. Yay! I am meeting Doc right here as soon as his plane...lands. What are you up? What -- what are you doing here?
Scott: The usual -- I'm waiting for Laura.
Laura: Oh.
Luke: Hi.
Laura: Hi.
Luke: I guess we both had the same idea. How's Lulu?
Laura: I haven't seen her. She's out.
Luke: With Sonny's meatball?
Laura: No. No, she's with Dante. Apparently, she agreed to go with Dante and Maxie to Maxie's O.B. Appointment, which I'm hoping is a very good sign.
Luke: Yeah.
Laura: Yeah.
Luke: Yeah. Well, what are you doing here alone?
Laura: I know we're not supposed to crowd her, but I just...can't make myself go home, you know? I -- I'm gonna stay here until she gets back, and I'm just gonna really hope that that doesn't upset her.
Luke: Care for company?
Molly: TJ?
[Cell phone beeps]
Molly: "A question is waiting for you at the table with the yellow flower." [Chuckles] TJ, what are you up to?
The sun is shining down on you so beautiful standing there, you glow with every move the heart, it pounds like a drum you kiss me numb all I think about is me and you will you be mine today? Will you be mine tomorrow?
TJ: That was fast. Thought it'd take you at least 10 tries before you got it right.
Molly: TJ --
TJ: I've got the tux, I got the tickets -- even a limo to get us there in style. Now all I need is the girl. So, um...will you be my date to prom, Molly Lansing Davis?
Molly: No.
Rafe: I'm trying to be strong like you told me, mom, but... it's hard. [Breathes deeply] But I'll make it. And I'll be okay, mom. I promise. I love you.
Sam: You okay? I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I know what it's like to be hovered over, and... I've been asked a million times if I've been okay, too.
Rafe: Are you?
Sam: Yes. Well, you know, as -- as... well as to be expected... considering I did lose the love of my life.
Maxie: Here we are, the place of so many unforgettable memories.
Lulu: Maxie, I've already been to this hospital, and it -- it didn't bring back any memories.
Dante: Right. Let's remember we're not here to pressure Lulu into remembering anything. We just want to include you in the process of caring for Maxie and our child.
Lulu: That is so surreal.
Dante: Which part?
Lulu: All of it. But mostly the idea that the baby Maxie's carrying is really... mine.
Ellie: Damian, if you recall last night when we were on the phone, Maxie snatched my phone from my hand. She's the one who told you I didn't find anything untoward in her records.
Spinelli: Okay. Then, are you saying that there is something wrong with the baby?
Ellie: Yes.
Spinelli: What is it? What's wrong?
Ellie: Maxie had a miscarriage.
Spinelli: I'm s-- a -- a miscarriage? But...that makes no -- what -- huh?
Ellie: It's true. Maxie lost Dante and Lulu's baby. When it comes to getting my family to eat breakfast,
Spinelli: Maxie can't have lost the baby. I just saw her. She's as pregnant as ever. Are you proposing that she's faking this?
Ellie: No. No. Maxie's truly pregnant.
Spinelli: Ellie, what are you saying?
Ellie: She's pregnant again with a new baby -- a different one.
Spinelli: Okay. So, she lost one baby, and now she's pregnant again. How? I mean, whose baby is she carrying?
Ellie: This baby... is yours.
Dante: This is the station. Excuse me.
Maxie: So, is anything coming to you about me or the baby?
Lulu: I'm sorry. For what it's worth, I get the feeling that forgetting you is no easy task.
Maxie: Well, I take that as a compliment. Once upon a time, you wouldn't have minded not knowing me.
Lulu: Well, listen, whatever happened between us in the past, it must be long dead and buried. I mean, a person doesn't just offer to be someone's surrogate without one of those unbreakable bonds of friendship.
Maxie: It's really no big deal.
Lulu: Oh, come on! It doesn't get much bigger. I mean, you must have worried that you were making the wrong decision.
Maxie: Why would I? You're my best friend.
Lulu: Thank you, but, Maxie, carrying my baby for me? Didn't you worry that you would get attached to it, that you might not be able to give it up?
Lucy: Hey, has Lulu thought of healing crystals? Sometimes that's a great way to patch up your -- no, really! And even hypnosis works. What about Laura takes Lulu to see Doc? Because he is a whiz at hypnosis. It might work.
Scott: Yeah, maybe you're right. Let me pass that on -- anything to get Lulu's memory back.
Lucy: That's very sweet of you.
Scott: Well, Laura's not gonna marry me until Lulu remembers.
Luke: "Triceps to die for." Oh. This whole magazine devoted to arms? What's up with that?
Laura: Hmm. Hey, did you talk to Bobbie?
Luke: Yeah, I have. She's back in Seattle, apparently getting reacquainted with Noah Drake.
Laura: Really? Oh, wow! That's great.
Luke: Yeah. How's Nikolas?
Laura: He is out of the hospital, and he's recuperating at Wyndemere.
Luke: That bastion of peace and tranquility, huh?
Laura: Um, he really wants to see his son. My mom's gonna bring Spencer out for a visit. That's gonna be so nice for me to see both of them.
Luke: Yeah. Maybe somebody should warn that Monica that Lesley's on her way.
Laura: Or not. Just sit back, watch the sparks fly.
[Both laugh]
Luke: Yeah, that could be entertaining.
Laura: Mm.
Luke: So... are you still planning to banana-peel it down the aisle with Baldwin? The grand canyon cactus flower
Sam: Hey, what do you say we go get something to eat? Yeah?
Rafe: Sounds good.
Sam: Awesome. I've been craving Kelly's burger like you have --
Rafe: Kelly's?
Sam: Yeah.
Rafe: No, I -- I can't go there anymore.
Sam: Why not?
Rafe: It's where Molly hangs out.
Sam: Well, I thought you and Molly were friends.
Rafe: Not anymore.
Sam: Not any-- what do you mean? What happened?
TJ: Did you say you're not going to prom with me?
Molly: I can't. Not until we talk.
TJ: Are you breaking up with me?
Molly: No! Please, just sit down and let me explain --
TJ: Then why are you shutting me down?
Molly: I'm not. I just need to tell you something.
TJ: You know how deep in debt I am so I could get a limo and everything else I planned? I'll be busing tables for Shawn for months.
Molly: You'd do that for me?
TJ: I would do that for my girlfriend or my prom date, but I don't seem to have either.
Molly: No, no! No, that's not true. I'm still your girlfriend. TJ, Oh, my God, please just listen to me. I want to be your prom date, too, but I can't say yes until we talk.
TJ: Molly, you're just not making any sense.
Molly: I know. I'm sorry. I just -- I need to tell you, but I don't want to hurt you, and I don't know how to say this without --
TJ: Molly, just say it.
Molly: Rafe kissed me.
Sam: You kissed Molly?
Rafe: Yes.
Sam: Yes? Okay. Well, when did this happen?
Rafe: [Sighs] The other night at Kelly's.
Sam: Oh. So that's what's been bothering you.
Rafe: Yeah.
Sam: Yeah. I take it Molly didn't respond the way you wanted.
Rafe: Not exactly. I mean, I want her, but she wants someone else.
Laura: Yeah, we are still planning to get married.
Luke: Oh, nice. I guess my invitation got lost in the mail. Does the dark day draw nigh?
Laura: No. I told Scotty that, uh... the wedding had to wait until Lulu got a little better.
Luke: Oh, that's awkward.
Laura: No, Scotty completely understood that.
Luke: I mean for me.
Laura: How so?
Luke: Well, I want my daughter back. You know, I want her to get better. But the faster that happens, the sooner you will make the biggest mistake of your life by marrying that slug.
Scott: Lulu is Luke's daughter 'cause she's screwing me up with Laura.
Lucy: Geez. How totally not self-absorbed of you, pal. Come on. Do you really, really believe that Lulu wanted to get kidnapped by some demented Cassadine? Do you really think so? I don't think so.
Scott: What if it isn't about Lulu? What if it's about him? That's why Laura's dragging her feet.
I'm sorry, but Dr. Westbourne's a little delayed, but in the meantime, Maxie, I see you have new insurance.
Maxie: Oh, yes, I do. And I should have it right... oh, you know what? I don't think I have it with me.
Lulu: Oh, you know, we should probably reschedule.
Dante: No, I think it's fine, right?
Maxie: Oh, don't be silly. We have plenty of time. She just said Dr. Westbourne was running late, so I will just run home, grab my insurance card, and be back in a jiff. No harm, no foul.
Spinelli: Maxie isn't carrying Dante and Lulu's baby? She's... she's carrying my baby? I'm -- I'm sorry, Ellie. You're gonna have to explain this because I don't understand.
Ellie: It was new year's eve. Remember?
Spinelli: Through a haze of peppermint schnapps, but... yes, I remember. I was waiting for you on the hospital roof to show you how important you are to me. And then you failed to arrive --
Ellie: I tried to get you to you, Damian. I tried.
Spinelli: I know. You... you were hit by a car and on the side of the road.
Ellie: You didn't know that, though. You thought I'd rejected you.
Spinelli: I thought our relationship was over, so I... I proceeded to get drunk, or "polluted" may be more accurate...
Ellie: Then Maxie showed up on the roof.
Spinelli: And something was terribly wrong, but I -- I didn't see it because I was so inebriated and self-absorbed.
Ellie: But she wouldn't tell you why she was in so much pain.
Spinelli: She'd just lost Dante and Lulu's baby, hadn't she?
Ellie: She couldn't think straight, and she didn't know what to do, and she was in desperate need of comfort, and she found it...with you.
Spinelli: We slept together.
Ellie: Yes.
Spinelli: And I got her... pregnant.
Ellie: [Breathes deeply] Yeah.
Spinelli: I'm going to be a father.
Dante: [Chuckles]
Lulu: What? What am I missing?
Dante: Oh, that poor guy's got to give his sample. That is the worst part of the process.
Lulu: What sample?
Dante: Uh...the sample. You know.
Lulu: Oh. Oh.
Dante: Yeah.
Lulu: That's a lot of pressure.
Dante: Yeah, it is. It really is. I had to do that in there, but I had you helping me.
Lulu: Excuse me?
Dante: My brain was all messed up 'cause my mother came by to offer Which is very sweet but not very conducive to what I had to do. I needed special inspiration.
Lulu: Problems?
Dante: I couldn't do it. I mean, I've got my mother in my head, and then that -- that nurse guy...
Lulu: Yeah. That really spoiled the mood.
Dante: Yeah, yeah. You're right. It's just too weird.
Lulu: Yeah. Yeah.
Dante: You know, this should be special, like you said. This is our baby, you know? Our son or our daughter.
Lulu: Well, maybe we'll get lucky and we'll have both.
Dante: You, uh... saved the day. Do you remember?
Ellie: Say something. Damian?
Spinelli: I can't believe it. I mean, I'm with you, and you tell me you don't want kids, so I... I resigned myself to that, and now you're -- you're telling me I'm having a -- a baby. A baby jackal, and -- just like Olivia predicted.
Maxie: Oh, no. What did Olivia predict now?
Spinelli: That the baby you're carrying is ours.
Maxie: What?
Spinelli: It's no use, Maxie. I know that you miscarried Dante and Lulu's baby, and that the baby you're carrying is the one that we created on new year's eve.
Maxie: You told?
Ellie: I'm sorry, Maxie. I couldn't hold it in.
Spinelli: Don't blame Ellie! She did us and our -- and our baby a good turn -- an amazing turn.
Maxie: She did?
Ellie: I did?
Spinelli: By proclaiming the truth, she freed you from the secret and... cleared the way.
Maxie: For what?
Spinelli: For us. I-I'm sorry, Ellie. I don't mean to hurt you, but I'm going to be a father. And our child... needs both of its parents, together. And in love... the way they're meant to be.
Ellie: Oh.
TJ: You and Rafe kissed, huh?
Molly: No, we -- no, no, we didn't kiss.
TJ: You just said you did.
Molly: No, I said Rafe kissed me.
TJ: You didn't kiss him back?
Molly: No! It was totally one-sided, and I stopped him as soon as it happened.
TJ: Unbelievable. You got to be joking me.
Molly: TJ -- No, no, no, please don't freak out. I told Rafe it could never happen again. I am with you. TJ, I'm your girlfriend. Rafe gets that. It was one kiss that I didn't even return. It doesn't mean anything. But I couldn't keep it a secret from you because it felt like I was lying. So... um, now that that's all out in the open, we can move on to other things, like going to prom. Yay! Right?
TJ: I'm gonna kill him!
Sam: Molly has a boyfriend.
Rafe: That doesn't change the way I feel.
Sam: Look, Rafe, Molly -- Molly is my little sister, and I'm gonna tell you right now, you are never gonna find anyone that has a stronger heart or a bigger sense of loyalty.
Rafe: I know. There's no one else who would have done what Molly did. You know, from the first day she took me to lunch to breaking me out of jail and then to not stopping until I was out of that group home... Molly's the first person who's ever cared about me besides my mom.
Sam: You may have a crush on her, but I think that you got to remember that TJ --
Rafe: This isn't a crush. I'm in love with her.
Scott: I'm in love with Laura. But what if she's not in love with me? What if she's still in love with Luke?
Lucy: Okay, look. I don't know the answer to that. I don't. But if -- and it's a great big fat if -- if she really is still in love with Luke, then don't you want to know that now, before you actually marry her?
Scott: No! Yes! [Sighs] I got to get Spencer out of the picture!
Laura: Luke, please, it's gone on so long. Really, don't you think it's about time to put this rivalry that you have with Scotty to rest?
Luke: Did I imagine the last 30 years of slime and dirty tricks? He's a worm, Laura. He'll always be a worm. He's not good for you or anybody else.
Laura: By the way, you've had worse reviews. And I have never let other people's opinions stop me.
Luke: Maybe you should have.
Laura: Oh, please, Luke. I knew exactly what I was doing when I married you. People could say whatever they wanted about you. They could tear you down.
Luke: And they did.
Laura: And it didn't matter. Because I loved you. And I have never regretted a single day of our life together.
Luke: Despite all the reasons I gave you.
Laura: I was pretty far from perfect myself.
Luke: They were wonderful days.
Laura: Yeah.
Luke: We had more highs than lows.
Laura: Yes.
Luke: We had something good going there for a while.
Laura: We had something great. You know, when we were out there, chasing after Lulu and... I don't know -- it -- it almost seemed like...
Luke: Like what?
Laura: Like maybe we still have something. [Chuckles] Probably just the adrenaline rush. Sorry.
Luke: Well, maybe.
Laura: Yeah.
Luke: Maybe not.
Scott: Maybe if I hadn't pressured her to move up the wedding, then Spencer wouldn't have showed up to try and stop it. Maybe if I'd let them work out their feelings, then that would have been the end of that. Maybe all I did was light a fire underneath them.
Laura: That was... familiar. [Chuckles] But it was... it was kind of different.
Luke: Not exactly the way I remember it, either.
Laura: It didn't quite feel right?
Luke: Do you remember that sweatshirt that Lucky had when he was 10 years old? It had a logo of some kind of heavy-metal band on the front.
Laura: Oh, yeah!
Luke: And he wore it day after day for months.
Laura: Yes, I know, with the mysterious stains on it and frayed sleeves and...
Luke: And he wouldn't let us get rid of it.
Laura: I know. Even when it didn't fit him anymore. We don't fit anymore.
Luke: And it's time to let it go.
Molly: No, no, no. Hey, if you go after Rafe, you can forget about prom.
TJ: Prom? All I can think about is this jerk trying to get with my girlfriend!
Molly: Rafe wasn't trying to get with me.
TJ: Molly, he kissed you! What would you call it?
Molly: Rafe is all alone. He just wants a friend.
TJ: No. You don't kiss girls when you want to be just friends, right? This guy's been after you for the very beginning.
Molly: Okay, if you're gonna blame Rafe, then you have to blame me, too, because the kiss wasn't all his fault.
TJ: What? I thought you just said --
Molly: No! Yeah, I didn't want Rafe to kiss me, but maybe he thought I did. Rafe has lived his whole life running from place to place with just his mom. He never had the chance to make any friends. He doesn't know how. Maybe he just confused my friendship for something else.
TJ: Why do you care about the guy at all?! Seriously, Molly, why can't you just leave the guy alone?
Molly: I feel bad for Rafe, TJ. His mom died. She was his only family. He's in a bad place. Kind of like the place you were in when you lost your father. Can you put yourself in Rafe's shoes, just this one time? Can you please just give him a break?
Sam: You love Molly, huh?
Rafe: I shouldn't have said anything.
Sam: No, no, no! Of course, you should have said something to me. I'm glad that you told me. Look, I have feelings, too. I have been in love, as well. I also have thought that there were times when I was in love and it turned out to be something a little bit different.
Rafe: And you're saying that I just think I'm in love... that the feelings aren't real?
Sam: No. Um, no. I don't know. I'm just saying that I can only go from my experience and what it felt to -- to be in love.
Rafe: How did it feel?
Sam: Oh, wow. I don't know. I guess it -- it felt like that I had finally found a home... someone that I could trust, someone who... made me trust and believe in myself, and it wasn't always easy or -- or perfect. But when I fell in love, I knew that I would fight so I wouldn't lose it.
Rafe: I guess you do understand.
Ellie: Damian, what are you doing!?
Spinelli: Ellie, I'm sorry. I care about you -- I really do -- but I love Maxie. I always have, and I can't give her up again, not when she's -- not when she's carrying our child.
Ellie: You don't mean this.
Spinelli: Maxie and my child need me. I must let you go.
[Door opens]
Lulu: Maxie, what is it?
Dante: Hey, what's going on?
Maxie: Lulu, Dante, I have something to tell you.
Spinelli: We have something to tell you.
Maxie: The child that I'm carrying is not yours and Dante's. It's mine and Spinelli's. It's a really long story, and I promise to give you all of the details, but you have to -- you have to understand that this is the truth. I never meant to hurt you. I lost your baby.
Lulu: How could you do this?
Dante: Oh, no, no, no.
Lulu: You were our friend. You know how hard we tried to have a baby! You let us fall in love with that baby -- with our baby -- and now you're gonna take it away from us? I will be damned if I'm gonna let that happen!
Ellie: Aah!
Lulu: Aah!
Spinelli: Ellie, are you okay?
Ellie: Uh...what? What did you say?
Spinelli: I just asked you a question. If -- if Maxie lost Dante and Lulu's baby, then... whose baby is she carrying?
Dante: Do you remember that day in the exam room? Yeah, you know, however many we have, this is our -- this is the start of a family, and I don't want to do this without you.
Lulu: I can't say that I mind, but, uh... is it allowed?
Dante: Oh, who cares? Lulu. Lulu, hey. You're remembering something, aren't you? This day calls you.
Spinelli: Ellie, I -- I know this is upsetting, but... please tell me -- whose baby is Maxie carrying?
Ellie: The baby... the baby is Dante and Lulu's.
Spinelli: Okay. Well, I thought the big secret was that she lost their baby.
Ellie: She did. But...Dante and Lulu still had two viable embryos preserved in the lab, and so when they left to go to turkey to look for Lulu's father, Maxie convinced Dr. Westbourne to implant her with a second embryo, and it worked. So, Maxie was pregnant again by the time Dante and Lulu returned home. Damian, say something.
Spinelli: Well... I don't believe it.
Ellie: What? You don't?
Spinelli: No, I mean, I believe it because you're telling me, so it must be true, but it just... well, I guess it does explain Maxie's recent strange behavior -- the episode with the phone when she wouldn't let you talk to me.
Ellie: Maxie... you know, she blamed herself for the miscarriage, and so she didn't want anyone to know, especially Dante and Lulu.
Maxie: Found it. Turns out I just left it in my car, so I didn't have to go all the way home. How lucky is that?
The doctor's ready for you folks.
Maxie: Oh, great. Shall we?
Dante: Okay, just one minute, please? Lulu, talk to me.
Lulu: Dante, the doctor's waiting.
Dante: I know you remembered something. I saw it, okay? I know.
Lulu: It was nothing. I'm sorry. It was nothing.
Laura: I don't know which is worse -- having to say goodbye to you or having a relationship compared to a sweatshirt.
Luke: A loved sweatshirt, a cherished... sweatshirt. And we can never say goodbye. We have two incredible children together... Lucky and Lulu.
Laura: Luke.
Luke: Mm.
Laura: I wish you nothing but the best.
Luke: And I wish you the same.
Laura: Well... well, um... so, by any chance... would this mean that you might give me and Scotty your blessing? You know, or at least not try to... stand in the way?
Luke: Have I ever been able to stand in the way of your doing anything?
[Both laugh]
Laura: No!
[Cell phone beeps]
Lucy: I think that's me. That's me. It's me, it's me. And... Doc. He, um... he had an emergency with a patient, apparently, and he missed his flight, so he's not gonna come home at all. So I got all dressed up for absolutely no reason at all.
Scott: Let me take you to a nice lobster dinner. Who knows how long I'll be waiting for Laura?
Lucy: Can I have a steak?
Scott: Why not?
Lucy: Thanks.
Luke: I'd love to just hang out, wait for Lulu, but I have a plane to catch.
Laura: Oh, you're gonna leave town, really? Now?
Luke: Just for a day. I have some TAQ business.
Laura: Excuse me?
Luke: Uh, Tracy angelica Quartermaine. She's starting her own empire.
Laura: Of course she is.
[Both laugh]
Luke: Yeah. Well, I hope Lulu's okay. I mean, I'm sure she will be. Don't give up on her.
Laura: Mnh-mnh. Never.
Luke: We'll get our daughter back.
Laura: You're right. We will.
Laura: Hey, Luke, wait a minute. It's one of my favorites, and I want you to have it now. I'd want you to remember that we will always be with you.
Luke: I'll keep it very close.
Laura: Okay. Travel safely.
Ellie: I guess Maxie somehow convinced Dr. Westbourne to keep it a secret. I think she thought that telling them would cause unnecessary heartache. And what difference does it make, anyway, right? I mean, Dante and Lulu are gonna get their baby.
Spinelli: Suppose that's true.
Ellie: So you promise you'll keep it a secret?
Spinelli: Uh, yeah, yeah. Yeah, I do. Look, I'm sorry I have to cut this short, but I have to go to the airport.
Ellie: Oh, relish business?
Spinelli: Relish-related, I guess you'd say. I'm going to track down A.J. Quartermaine's long-lost niece, the missing Quartermaine heir, Lauren Frank.
Luke: Stop! Just listen to me, Tracy. I'm on my way to find Lauren Frank now. Yes. Right now.
TJ: All right, fine, Molly. I won't go after Rafe for kissing you.
Molly: Thank you!
TJ: Just make sure that he knows that you guys are just friends and that's all you guys are ever gonna be, all right?
Molly: Yeah, absolutely. I was very, very clear with him.
TJ: Good.
Molly: Oh, wow! I have to go. My mom was expecting me home 10 minutes ago. Skype me later so we can talk about prom, okay? That is, if you still want to go with me.
TJ: Definitely. Get home safe.
Molly: Okay. Bye.
TJ: Bye.
[Cell phone vibrating] Oh, Molly, you forgot your phone! Uh...
Sam: I think you made the right move. Talk to Molly, and I bet you guys can work this out.
Rafe: It's from Molly.
Sam: Uh-huh.
Rafe: Yeah, she wants me to meet her at Kelly's.
Sam: Aw. See what I told you? Do you need me to drop you over?
Rafe: No, it's fine. I'll just walk.
Sam: Are you sure?
Rafe: Yeah, definitely. It'll give me time to think of exactly what I want to say.
Sam: Okay.
Rafe: Sam...
Sam: Yeah?
Rafe: Thank you for listening. You're great.
Sam: You're welcome. [Chuckles]
[Cell phone vibrating]
TJ: "Can't wait."
Ellie: How was your checkup?
Maxie: Fine.
Ellie: Maxie...
Maxie: Yeah.
Ellie: I had a realization today.
Maxie: And?
Ellie: And I understand. Telling Damian the truth about your baby would be a disaster for everyone.
Maxie: Really.
Ellie: Your secret's safe with me.
Laura: I'm late.
Scott: It's okay. Did you see Lulu?
Laura: Yes, I did, but it didn't work. She didn't remember anything.
Scott: I'm sorry. But you know what? I know this is really hard on you. It's gonna get better.
Laura: Yeah. I think it's going to get better, too. I also saw Luke.
Scott: Oh, yeah?
Laura: Yeah. We had a really big talk -- a good one. We cleared the air.
Scott: And?
Laura: And we said goodbye. So, I don't know if you've got your calendar on you, but, uh... I'm kind of ready to circle a wedding date.
Scott: Just like that?
Laura: Yeah. I think it's time.
Scott: What about Luke?
Laura: Luke... is my past. And you are my future. Mmm! [Laughs]
Luke: Tracy, I'm here, as promised. About to come face to face with Lauren Frank.
Spinelli: I have arrived. And, A.J., I am confident that I have located the elusive Lauren Frank.
Luke: Break out the party favors, Spanky. ELQ is all but yours.
Spinelli: Felicitations. ELQ shall remain in your hands.
[Doorbell buzzes]
[Doorbell rings]
Luke: You're not Lauren Frank.
Spinelli: Lauren Frank, I presume?
TJ: Looking for Molly?
Rafe: Uh, yeah. Is she around?
TJ: What, so you can kiss her again?
Rafe: No. We made plans to talk.
TJ: No, no, you and I made plans, all right? But I ain't trying to talk. All right? Stay away from my girlfriend, all right?! Come again, I'll do worse.
Sam: I miss you so much, Jason. We both do. I tell Danny about you every day. Gosh, there's so much about him that reminds me of you. Right? And I still feel like... I get the sense that you're still here... that you are, at any time, just gonna come home and walk through that door. But I know that's not true.
[Wind blows]
[Wood creaks]
Sam: Who's there?
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