General Hospital Transcript Monday 5/6/13
Provided By Suzanne
Sabrina: And now you're faking morning sickness? Come on, Britt. You're an OB You of all people know this is exactly what every pregnant woman goes through. You're playing Patrick, and he's falling for it again, hook, line, and sinker.
Britt: [Clears throat] Patrick.
Patrick: Sabrina... what are you doing?
Elizabeth: You want me to drop everything and come to New York with you? Are you serious?
AJ: Absolutely.
Elizabeth: [Chuckles] For how long?
AJ: 24 hours. I know you have to get back to the boys, and, uh... I got us booked at the hotel central.
Elizabeth: Oh. Well... as tempting as that is, I'm not sure it's --
AJ: In separate rooms.
Elizabeth: [Scoffs] AJ, I don't know.
AJ: Come on. Come on. It's gonna be great. And then afterwards, you can come with me to a taping of "the chew."
Elizabeth: "The chew"?
AJ: Yeah. Michael and I are gonna be showing our relish in the show, and Tracy is gonna be having a heart attack when she sees us on TV with -- well, with our new version of her beloved pickle-Lila.
Tracy: I cannot wait to see his face when he discovers us with pickle-Eddie. Thank you so much, Nikolas, for making this happen.
Nikolas: Happy to help.
Tracy: Anything to stick it to AJ I know the feeling. Ooh, it's a good feeling.
Nikolas: Our jet is ready and waiting. I'll be over shortly.
Tracy: Well, not too soon. I still have to pack.
Nikolas: It's all right. I got a few things to take care of, anyway.
Tracy: Okay. Oh. So do I, all of a sudden. My favorite ex-husband, who disappeared, once again, without a word.
Luke: I'm sorry to have inconvenienced you. But I was busy saving my daughter from certain death.
Milo: All right, that's it. I'm done.
Lulu: Are you sure? You only did 150.
Milo: Actually, that's a lot. Oh, all right. You got me. Yeah, you're good. Hey, I whipped up your favorite smoothie. Pineapple, carrot, cucumber, and I didn't forget the seaweed.
Lulu: You did? When did you do this?
Milo: When you were sleeping. Enjoy. I got to hit the shower before I go to the gym.
Lulu: Thank you.
Milo: Sure.
Lulu: You're gonna shower before you go to the gym?
Milo: Well, I can't go out all sweaty, right?
Lulu: Mm-hmm.
Milo: Oh.
[Both laugh]
[Knock on door]
[Shower running]
Lulu: Um, can I help you?
Nikolas: Uh, yes. I'm your brother.
Lulu: So, you're Ethan.
Nikolas: No.
Lulu: Well, you're not lucky because I've seen his picture, and you don't match.
Nikolas: No.
Lulu: Those are the only two brothers Dante mentioned, so who are you?
Nikolas: Nikolas.
Laura: So, I'm on my way to Lulu's. I want to show her this photo album, hoping some of these old pictures will jog her memory. You know what I mean? I will call, okay?
Scott: Hold on a second. Before you go, uh... something I want to talk to you about. It's -- it's been on my mind.
Laura: What is it?
Scott: It's us.
Spinelli: Ellie, it is I, Damian. I'm pleased to report that I have returned triumphant to Port Charles, and once I deliver my findings to my client, AJ Quartermaine, I will head over to your abode. We have much to discuss.
Maxie: So, when Spinelli gets here, are you gonna keep your mouth shut, or are you going to tell him this baby I'm carrying is his and not Dante and Lulu's?
Scott: Contrary to popular belief, I do have feelings.
Laura: Oh.
Scott: I know...what you've been going through, and I know you have a lot on your mind.
Laura: And you have been so great through all of it.
Scott: Well, now that Lulu's safe and she's back --
Laura: She's safe, physically, Scotty. She's really fragile.
Scott: What I'm trying to say here is, I love you. I want to marry you. Do you still want to marry me?
Tracy: I know that you have been rescuing Lulu. You brought her back several days ago. What have you been doing since then?
Luke: You don't even want to know how she is?
Tracy: I know how she is. Nikolas told me. Has she seen a doctor?
Luke: Yeah, Drake, for about five minutes. Her memory is gone, but her personality is intact. She refused to sit still for five minutes so that he could do some tests. She just ran off, and now she's shacked up, I understand, with one of Sonny's Buffy boys.
Tracy: Wow. Certainly hope it's Max because if she doesn't remember Dante and she shacks up with magic Milo -- ooh-ooh!
Luke: I don't know, Tracy. I don't know how to get to her. Every time I try to make a move, she just... well, she gets spooked, and I just had to back off.
Tracy: Luke, I'm sorry this has happened. I know how much you care for Lulu, and I love her, too.
Luke: I know. Thanks.
Tracy: There. Well... my concern for Lulu aside, I entrusted you with a very important task, and if you couldn't complete it, you should've told me.
Luke: What makes you think I didn't complete the task?
Tracy: I am assuming that procuring Lauren Frank's ELQ shares has fallen way off your radar, and I'm gonna have to hire someone else to do your job.
Luke: Oh, Tracy, what have I done to deserve this... lack of confidence? In fact, I do have information regarding the missing heiress.
AJ: Come on. You got to give me a shot at making up for the way I behaved with Nikolas.
Elizabeth: Yeah, well, that you do need to do.
AJ: I do. And you know, it'll also give me a chance to show you how much I -- I appreciate your patience and your grace, your beauty, with a little quality time, alone -- no kids, no hospital. Come on.
Elizabeth: No!
AJ: Come on.
Elizabeth: Okay, listen -- if my grandmother can do it... then I'm in.
AJ: Yes! All right. I didn't think this day could get any better.
Spinelli: I think it can. In fact, I'm certain it will.
Ellie: As the child's biological father, he has the right to know.
Maxie: Have you thought about how badly this could misfire for you? Babies bring people together. Do you really want this child bringing me closer to Spinelli? And have you thought about what it would do to Dante and Lulu?
Lulu: Are you sure that we're related? Because I see less than no resemblance.
Nikolas: I know. That's because I'm your half brother. Laura is our mother. My father is Stavros Cassad--
Lulu: Stavros? That's the psycho who did this to me.
Nikolas: Yes, I know, Lulu, and -- and I'm sorry. You have to know that I did everything I could to stop him. And I'm sorry, but I failed. I -- I even took a bullet in the process.
Lulu: You took a bullet for me?
Nikolas: Yes. Not on purpose, but yes.
Lulu: Wait. So you're saying that your father and my mother --
Nikolas: Our mother. They were -- they were married once. It was a long time ago. It's a long story.
Lulu: So that would make you Nikolas Cassadine.
Nikolas: Correct. But in the interest of full disclosure, my name is Prince Nikolas Mikhail Stavrosovich Cassadine.
Lulu: That's a mouthful.
Nikolas: I know. May I?
Lulu: Uh, yeah. I'm sorry. Yeah, come in.
Nikolas: You usually call me Nikolas, but... actually, that's not entirely true. When you were a little girl, you -- you called me Nikki.
Lulu: Oh. How can you be related to him?
Nikolas: My family has hurt yours in a countless number of ways. Maybe you don't want to remember who I am because I'm a Cassadine, and that's okay.
Lulu: No, it's not true. I want to remember everyone and everything, good, bad, and otherwise. I do.
Nikolas: All right, that's great to hear. But if it's true, I... I have to ask you, Lulu -- what are you doing here?
Lulu: Dante wants me to remember everything right now, and it's too much pressure. I mean, don't get me wrong. I want to remember my husband, but when I look at him, he just loves me so much, you know?
Nikolas: Yes, I do.
Lulu: He keeps swearing that he's never gonna give up on me, but I... I mean, I can see what all this is doing to him.
Nikolas: Well, if love were easy... wouldn't mean much to have it.
Lulu: Or to lose it.
Nikolas: I said those words to you once. You remember that?
Maxie: Dante and Lulu are in the middle of a crisis. Dante's wife doesn't even recognize him. Are you going to make him feel even worse by telling him he's not gonna be a father?
[Knock on door]
Dante: Maxie, it's Dante.
Maxie: Not one word.
Dante: You in there? It's important.
Maxie: Hey, come on in.
Dante: Hey.
Ellie: [Sighs]
Patrick: What are you doing? Why are you yelling at Britt like that?
Britt: Yeah, I'd like to know the same thing. Here I am, minding my own business, trying to think of anything else besides morning sickness, and out of nowhere, Sabrina starts screaming at me.
Patrick: Sabrina, I'm pretty sure that you can see that she's not feeling well.
Sabrina: I can see that she wants you to think she's not feeling well.
Patrick: What does that mean? What are you saying?
Sabrina: She's faking. There are women who sacrifice so much.
Sabrina: Elizabeth never actually saw her get sick. She was already on the floor.
Patrick: Well, maybe she passed out when she was alone.
Sabrina: Yeah, well, it's not that hard to fake morning sickness. In fact, it's almost as easy as pretending that you're gonna have an abortion when you have no intention of doing so.
Patrick: What?
Sabrina: Felix and I both think that Britt told you she was gonna terminate the pregnancy in order to manipulate you into stopping her.
Britt: That is reprehensible.
Sabrina: Oh, my point exactly. Reprehensible is Dr. Westbourne's M.O.
Patrick: Sabrina, please...
Sabrina: Patrick, she was manipulating you, okay? And it worked. And now you've promised to take care of Britt and the baby, but you know what? That's not enough for her. So she's gonna fake this morning sickness in order to reel you in even more and... that's working, too.
Patrick: I would say that's pretty elaborate.
Britt: Yeah.
Sabrina: Look, for anybody else? Yeah, maybe. But consider everything she's done to you, to us, to Emma. Do you really think it's that farfetched?
Elizabeth: Oh. It's done.
AJ: Yes! Okay, great! Okay, listen -- go back to your place, go get packed, and I'll pick you up there in half an hour.
Elizabeth: Okay. Looking forward to it.
AJ: All right. Uh -- oh! Spinelli. Yeah, tell me -- what's your good news.
Spinelli: Well, I'm happy to report that after much evasion on Betsy Frank's part, I was able to extract information about your long-lost niece.
AJ: Yes! Ha ha! Score one for the good guys. All right, we're hot on Lauren Frank's trail, and Tracy is still in the dark. Nice work.
Tracy: Luke, you know where Lauren Frank is?
Luke: Once I was sure that Lulu was okay, I put my attention where it was welcome. And I did come up with some information regarding the missing heiress.
Tracy: What did you find?
Luke: Her grandmother. All you need to know about that woman is that she considers Heather Webber one of her closest, dearest friends.
Tracy: Ay. Well, was the obviously disturbed woman any help at all?
Luke: Somewhat. I was able to wrangle out of her Lauren Frank's latest address. She's in New York city.
AJ: So, ms. Frank corroborated what Heather reported, that Franco's former wife, Lauren's mother, not only barred him from seeing his daughter but --
AJ: Who could blame her?
Spinelli: Right. But also barred the grandmother from contact, as well, and, as such, ms. Frank is quite bitter, and so she graced me with a lead about Lauren's whereabouts.
Spinelli: Where exactly are these leads leading us? New York city.
AJ: Great. Good. Get going before Tracy figures out we know something she doesn't.
Tracy: Oh, you great big beautiful bounder!
Luke: Mmm!
Tracy: Oh. I knew that... I would be better off with you than with that bumbling sock puppet that AJ Hired.
Luke: Well, that bumbling sock puppet also found Betsy.
Maxie: What's up? How's Lulu?
Dante: Pretty much the same. I think I made a little bit of progress yesterday, though.
Maxie: Is she starting to remember?
Dante: Sort of. We were at the Floating Rib. I was telling her how we met there, and it seemed like something was coming back to her, and then Milo walks in, and then whatever memory that was was gone.
Maxie: Well, that sounds like progress.
Dante: Right, right. So I want to take advantage of that. I think if she sees you now, it'll help nudge her in the right direction, especially when she sees how pregnant you are with our kid.
Nikolas: Lulu, you just finished my sentence.
Lulu: I did.
Nikolas: I said that to you many years ago. Do you remember? Love comes and goes when it wants. What we're left with is what we're meant to carry, I suppose. I mean, if it were easy... wouldn't mean much to have... or lose.
Lulu: [Scoffs] No, it... it's gone. It's gone.
Nikolas: That's all right.
Milo: Hey, Nikolas.
Nikolas: Milo.
Milo: I heard you were up and around after taking that bullet.
Nikolas: Yeah, and I heard that you were harboring my traumatized sister against Dante's wishes.
Lulu: No, please don't be mad at Milo, okay? I want to be here. I -- I feel really safe here.
Milo: Yeah. You got to know that I would never, ever do anything to hurt Lulu.
Nikolas: You better not, or you'll answer to me. Not good.
Milo: Get in line.
Nikolas: Listen, Lulu, I'm sorry, but I have to run. I have a business trip, okay?
Lulu: Oh, um, well, how long will you be gone?
Nikolas: Just a couple of days, and I promise I'll come back and see you as soon as I return.
Lulu: I would really like that.
Nikolas: Listen... if you remember nothing else, just remember this one thing, okay? People who love you... they won't abandon you, no matter how tough it gets for them. You're worth too much to everyone.
Milo: You okay?
Lulu: Oh, God, Milo. I'm hurting so many people.
Dante: So, you come with me, come see her?
Maxie: Well, Connie gave me the morning off so I could go to my checkup, but if we hurry, we could see Lulu before my appointment. Come on.
Ellie: Detective Falconeri, wait! This day calls you.
[Doorbell rings]
Elizabeth: AJ's here.
Tracy: Spinelli found Lauren Frank's grandmother, too?
Luke: That's what I just said.
Tracy: Well, why are you still standing here saying it? Could you please head Frodo off at the pass?
Luke: Relax, Spanky. Spinelli is not gonna be a problem.
Tracy: Why am I not reassured? Oh, I know. Because every time you say something's not gonna be a problem, it always ends up being a problem.
[Door closes]
Tracy: If AJ beats me to the punch...
AJ: Did I hear somebody say something about a punch?
Tracy: Yes. Want one?
AJ: Mm. You know, Tracy, maybe you ought to really consider getting out of the relish game. I don't know. Maybe consider, uh... non-carbonated soft drinks. I mean, anything's better than that poor excuse for a condiment that you're calling pickle-Tracy.
Tracy: If you are referring to the relish formerly known as pickle-Lila, I have complete confidence in the quality of my product.
AJ: Yeah, I don't know. I just think that maybe the branding is off, you know? Maybe you ought to change the name to, um... sour-Tracy. And that way, the name will match the face on the outside. Luke.
Luke: AJ.
Tracy: What my nephew doesn't know is that my relish is no longer called pickle-Tracy. I give you... pickle-Eddie.
Luke: You put Edward's face on the jar?
Tracy: Pickle-Eddie and I are going to ambush AJ on "the chew" tomorrow.
Luke: Oh, daytime TV. How industrious of you.
Tracy: Well, actually, it's my new business partner -- Nikolas Cassadine. He used his princely influence to get us booked. My father would be so proud to know that his face and I are gonna be on national television.
Luke: Well, personally, I would never eat anything with this crusty old curmudgeon's grumpy face on it. And adding Nikolas Cassadine to the mix doesn't exactly make it more appetizing.
Tracy: I'm gonna assume that your sudden mood swing has something to do with your concern over Lulu's well-being. Or maybe it's... Laura.
Scott: What if -- and this is a big "what if" -- what if she doesn't get her memory back?
Laura: I need my daughter to be at our wedding. Until she gets her memory back, there isn't gonna be a wedding. Sorry. Non-negotiable.
Scott: I know, but you got to be realistic. I mean...this could go on for a very long time.
Laura: Yeah. It could.
Scott: So, you're okay with the wait. Are you sure that this is about Lulu, or are you delaying our wedding because of Luke?
Milo: Can you tell me what happened with Nikolas?
Lulu: Well, he said he's my brother -- my half brother. And obviously, he cares about me, and he seemed really, really nice. And I just wish that I had any idea who he was at all. And Dante? Dante tried so hard last night to help me remember the first time we met, and I...
Milo: Did it work?
Lulu: A little. I... I think it did. There was, like, this tiny flash of something, and, uh... and then you walked into the bar, and... it was just gone.
Milo: I'm sorry.
Lulu: No. Don't be if anyone should be sorry... it should be me.
Milo: Why? What did you do?
Lulu: That's the point. I haven't done anything. Poor Dante is... he's trying too hard. And I'm not trying at all -- not really. I... he's full of so much hope, Milo, and I... I let him down. I just keep letting him down. I'm letting everyone down.
Dante: Ellie, is it important?
Ellie: I... I just wanted to say I hope Lulu recovers.
Maxie: Oh, great. Come on. Come on, Dante, let's go.
Dante: Yeah.
Spinelli: Oh. Dante, Maxie --
Maxie: Sorry, Spinelli, we don't have time!
Spinelli: Okay. Hey. Uh... were they rushing out because something's wrong with the baby?
Ellie: Um, no. They just wanted to see Lulu to try to jog her memory.
Spinelli: Well, I hope it works.
Ellie: Yeah, as do I.
Spinelli: Ellie, I know that face. That's your crisis face. So that begs the question... what crisis is brewing now?
Ellie: [Sighs] You have no idea.
Spinelli: You know, I think I do. You lied to me about Maxie's baby.
Britt: It's okay, Patrick. I haven't really given Sabrina any other reason to think -- oh. Oh, I am -- I'm so sorry. I just -- I need to close my eyes for just a minute.
Patrick: Relax.
Britt: Oh.
Patrick: Once we get the blood work back, we'll put an I.V. In and combat the dehydration. In the meantime... here. Drink this.
Britt: Thank you.
[Door opens]
Patrick: Excuse me for a second. Sabrina. Hey.
Sabrina: Patrick, how can you give her the benefit of the doubt?
Patrick: I'm sorry, okay? Look, I'm sorry for going off on you. I was just surprised to walk in and see you yelling at her like that.
Sabrina: I was only yelling at her because she's lying.
Patrick: Probably. Yeah, she's probably lying.
Sabrina: Okay. So you don't believe her.
Patrick: Frankly, she's probably lying about everything. Look, I know that she did terrible things to you and Emma, and I don't trust her.
Sabrina: But what?
Patrick: But, Frankly, I... I can't jump to the same conclusions that everyone else is jumping to.
Sabrina: I didn't jump to any conclusions. I just took a few small steps, and there the conclusions were.
Patrick: Listen to me -- as a doctor, but, more importantly, as a father to that child, I have to take her health at face value, all right? As far as her manipulating me with the abortion --
Sabrina: She did. She was, just like she's manipulating you with the pregnancy.
Patrick: It doesn't matter anymore.
Sabrina: Patrick, I really think Felix is right about this. And Britt is not gonna stop.
Patrick: Sabrina...
Sabrina: Okay. Look, did you get a chance to talk to Britt's OB? I mean, is this terrible morning sickness new, or has she had it all along, and if so, how come she didn't say anything about it?
Patrick: Her OB was on her way to delivery. They took blood work yesterday. I'm waiting for the results.
Excuse me, Dr. Drake, I have Dr. Westbourne's blood work from yesterday and today. Dr. V left instructions to give this directly to you.
Patrick: Thank you. Thanks.
Sabrina: I'm willing to bet that those results prove that she's lying her heart out in there.
Patrick: We'll find out if you're right. Septic system breakdowns affect over 1 million homes a year...
Elizabeth: What are you doing here?
Nikolas: Obviously, I came to see you. And it looks like I got a bonus! Is that Aiden? Huh? Come here!
Elizabeth: Aiden, this is your daddy's brother. It's Uncle Nikolas.
Nikolas: Come here. Give me a hug. Give me a big hug. Look at you. Here. Here you go. Oh, gosh, the last time I saw you, you a little peanut. So big. I'm sorry. I hope you don't mind me surprising you like this.
Elizabeth: No, it's -- it's fine, always.
Nikolas: I mean, I did -- I did warn you that I wasn't gonna give up on you, didn't I?
Elizabeth: Nikolas... AJ and I worked things out.
Nikolas: You did.
Elizabeth: In fact, he's on his way over here right now. He's taking me to New York for the night.
Nikolas: Oh.
Scott: You were gone with Luke for a very long time.
Laura: Yes, searching for our daughter.
Scott: Okay, but look at it from my perspective. Night after night, Laura, I didn't know whether you were dead or alive.
Laura: Scotty, there was no way to reach you. If I could have called, I would have.
Scott: You asked me to look after Nikolas, and I did. I got very little sleep waiting for him to recover while you were off on some adventure with Luke looking for your daughter.
Luke: Laura and I weren't exactly on a pleasure cruise, Spanky.
Tracy: Exactly my point. It was more of an adventure.
Luke: It was a rescue mission to save our daughter from a madman.
Tracy: Yeah. There is nothing romantic about that.
Luke: Will you get off this sentiment?! It doesn't wear well on you. Stick to the facts.
Tracy: Such as?
Luke: Such as she's planning to marry that reptilian shyster Baldwin.
Tracy: [Laughing] Oh! There's the dark mood.
Luke: No, the dark mood has to do with you heckling me about a subject that is, has been, and forever will be closed!
Tracy: Really? And what exactly were you doing right before you found out that Stavros had nabbed Lulu? You donned your superhero cape and swooped into the courtroom and prevented Laura from marrying the wrong groom.
Luke: Your point?
Tracy: Why don't you stage a repeat performance?
Laura: We were so worried about our daughter, we didn't have time to reminisce.
Scott: Yes, but before Lulu disappeared, he interrupted our wedding.
Laura: I recall.
Scott: Okay. So what are you gonna do the next time we go to get married and he interrupts?
[Knock on door]
Milo: I should get that.
Dante: What the hell is this?
Maxie: Hi, Milo. Nice abs. What you working on there, an eight-pack?
Milo: Just doing a little --
Dante: Dude, go put some freaking clothes on! You're in here with my wife, for crying out loud.
Maxie: Huh.
Lulu: Dante...
Dante: Lulu, this is Maxie.
Maxie: Hi, Lulu. I'm Maxie, your best friend, although you do get mad at me sometimes.
Lulu: Maxie. Right. Of course.
Dante: You remember her?
Lulu: Um, no. Just what you told me... that, um... you're carrying the child that Dante says we want.
Maxie: Yeah. See? It's your baby in there, rolling around like it's running laps.
Dante: If -- if I may?
Spinelli: You promised me that you would refrain from delving into this alleged mystery of Maxie's, and then you turn around and, in one phone call, you took advantage of my trust and of my technical prowess. Ellie, you tricked me into helping you hack into Maxie's personal medical records, which is not only unethical but it's illegal.
Ellie: I was convinced that Maxie and Dr. Westbourne were hiding something. I thought there could be a serious problem with the baby. You knew how concerned I was.
Spinelli: And you knew how loathe I was for us to get involved in Maxie's personal affairs. And, ultimately, this breach of trust and breaking the law was for nothing, right? The only positive outcome of this relentless pursuit is that your suspicion has been disproved. Dr. Westbourne and Maxie aren't hiding anything.
Ellie: Yes, they are.
Patrick: Your OB, Dr. V, gave me permission to go over your blood work, and I'm... I'm afraid there's an issue.
Britt: What is it? There's not anything wrong with our baby, is there?
Patrick: Your blood work shows that your suffering from hyperemesis gravidarum.
Britt: Oh, my God.
Patrick: It happens. You know, it's the same illness that put Kate Middleton in the hospital in her early pregnancy. Because of your low potassium levels, there's concern for cardiac arrhythmias in both you and the baby, and I don't have to tell you that that... could be fatal.
Britt: Well, Sabrina... I really wish I was faking. If you're looking for help relieving heartburn,
Laura: I don't want to talk about Luke. I just want to see my daughter.
Scott: I'm sorry. I don't mean to badger you. It's just an occupational hazard.
Laura: [Laughs]
Scott: You know, I just -- I just missed you, and I want us to get married before anything else happens.
Laura: Nothing's going to happen. In fact, I will take you out to dinner tonight to prove it to you.
Scott: You're taking me to dinner tonight?
Laura: If you're accepting.
Scott: I'm accepting.
Laura: Okay, great. I'll meet you here in the lobby at 7:30.
Scott: Okay. Well, I've wasted enough of your time. Let's get these pictures over to Lulu and hope she gets her memory back.
Laura: Thank you.
Scott: So there's no reason for you not to marry me.
Luke: What you're saying is, instead of sniffing out Lauren Frank, I should be snuffing out Laura and Baldwin's wedding.
Tracy: Oh, Luke. That is exactly what I'm not saying. You have plenty of time to thwart your rival's next attempt to marry your stupid soul mate. What you should be doing is looking for the errant heir with the ELQ shares.
Luke: I'll get right on it.
Tracy: Thank you.
Luke: Soon.
Tracy: No. The nature of getting "right on it" is now, not soon.
Luke: First I have to make sure my daughter is okay.
Tracy: Well, I agree. You have to make sure Lulu is okay, and once you are sure she is safe, bring me my niece before Spinelli finds her for AJ.
Luke: Thank you for your compassion.
Tracy: [Sighs]
AJ: [Laughs] Wait a second. Hold on. Don't tell me. Don't tell me. You just tried to bribe Luke to coming back to you, but even he's not that desperate for cash, right?
Tracy: Nice luggage. You finally going to rehab, or are you getting extradited? I know you're not leaving mommy's home to make it in the big world as an adult.
AJ: You'll find out soon enough. Bye.
Tracy: Yep. Nikolas and I will be there to see you.
Nikolas: So, uh, you and AJ going to New York for fun or...?
Elizabeth: For me, yes, but AJ's gonna be on the TV show "The Chew." He's showcasing his grandmother's relish.
Nikolas: Really? A little soon for overnights.
Elizabeth: We're in separate rooms.
Nikolas: Well, I'm sure, if AJ stays true to form, there will be a mix-up with the reservation, and the only room available will be the honeymoon suite --
Elizabeth: That'll be perfect. And then he can sleep in the heart-shaped Jacuzzi.
Nikolas: So, where you staying?
Elizabeth: Hotel central.
Nikolas: Oh, nice.
Elizabeth: I'm sorry if I'm hurting you. I just feel like I at least need to see where things go with AJ
Nikolas: It's all right. I'm not hurt. I'm jealous. But, you know, I get it, just as long as you get that it doesn't change anything. I want you.
Elizabeth: I need to go back.
Nikolas: Okay. You have fun in New York. And, uh, I'll see you around, okay?
Elizabeth: Okay.
Sabrina: You two probably need to talk. Excuse me.
[Door closes]
Patrick: How long have you had the symptoms for?
Britt: Not too long.
Patrick: Why didn't you tell me?
Britt: I didn't want to trouble you.
Patrick: Okay, no more of that. This is our child, and we have to do this together.
Lulu: It's moving. Ah! It just kicked. [Laughs] Wow. Wow.
Dante: That's our baby, Lulu. We saw the baby's sonogram picture. I mean, it was -- it was really something else.
Dante: That's a strong heartbeat. I mean, that is a strong heartbeat, right?
Britt: Everything looks perfect.
Lulu: I can't believe this. That's our baby. You still think it looks like an alien?
Dante: Are you kidding me? That is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. It's a little part of you and me. We heard the baby's heartbeat that day. It was the most amazing sound we'd ever heard. It was one of the greatest moments of our life together. What is it? What is it? Something's coming back, right?
Lulu: Yeah.
Milo: I am dressed now, so it is all good.
Dante: Milo, did anyone ever tell you you have the worst timing ever?
Lulu: You know, I don't -- I don't know if I'm remembering it, or maybe I'm just imagining what you're describing. I'm not sure.
Maxie: I have an idea. Why don't you come with me to my doctor's appointment?
Lulu: Is that okay?
Maxie: Yeah. You guys were doing it all the time, and maybe if you're at the place where you saw the sonogram for the first time, you'll remember something.
Spinelli: Is there something wrong with the baby?
Ellie: The baby's healthy, but Maxie and Dr. Westbourne are definitely keeping a secret.
Spinelli: But you already told me that you searched Maxie's medical records and found nothing amiss.
Ellie: Not true. I most definitely found something amiss.
Patrick: Are you okay?
Sabrina: Yeah, I'm fine. Look, I do regret going off on her the way I did before. It was unprofessional, and I didn't have any evidence.
Patrick: It's understandable. After everything Britt pulled on you, it's no wonder you think she's faking. Believe me, I've thought the same thing.
Sabrina: And then we got the test results.
Patrick: And it's conclusive. Look, like it or not, Britt is pregnant with my child, and I am her sole source of support, okay? Sabrina, I have to make sure that this baby's healthy.
Sabrina: Of course. I understand.
Britt: Thanks again for helping me out. I really appreciate it.
Brad: Yeah, no problem, as long as you remember to keep up your end of the deal.
Britt: Yeah, yeah, don't worry. I'll make sure you get that promotion. Quid pro quo. [Giggles]
Spinelli: Is there a problem with the baby?
Ellie: Yes.
Spinelli: Well, what is it? What's wrong?
Ellie: Maxie had a miscarriage.
Dante: Come on, let's go. We'll check it out. If it's too much trouble or difficult for you, I'll bring you back.
Nikolas: If love were easy, it wouldn't mean much to have it.
Lulu: Okay. Okay, uh... let's go see how that baby's doing.
Tracy: We are booked at the Columbia.
Nikolas: Uh, yeah, cancel that reservation.
Tracy: No. That was my father's favorite hotel.
Nikolas: We're staying at the hotel central.
Tracy: The Columbia has much bigger rooms.
Nikolas: Hotel central has a better view.
AJ: You ready for our trip to the big apple?
Elizabeth: I don't know, but I'm going.
AJ: Okay. Hey, I promise you 24 hours you're never gonna forget. Hotel central, here we come.
Laura: Is Lulu here?
Milo: Oh, no, I'm sorry. She went to a baby appointment with Dante and Maxie, but I think Dante's bringing her right back.
Laura: Okay. Since we're alone for a minute, I hope you don't mind my asking -- how is she doing?
Milo: A little better. She might even be starting to remember stuff.
Laura: Really? Oh, that's wonderful. Oh. Would you mind terribly if I just sort of hung around here and waited until she came back?
Milo: Not at all. No, no. Please. I'm on my way out, but please make yourself at home.
Laura: Thank you. Thank you so much. And thank you for taking care of my girl.
Milo: It's my pleasure. It's all yours.
Laura: Thanks. [Chuckles]
[Knock on door]
Laura: [Chuckles]
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