General Hospital Transcript Thursday 5/2/13
Provided By Suzanne
Ellie: Damian, I-I need to tell you something of the utmost importance.
Spinelli: It sounds serious.
Ellie: It couldn't be more serious.
Dante: If you're gonna stay here with our good buddy Milo, then so am I.
Lulu: Wait, what?
Dante: I-I'm sorry. Was I not clear?
Lulu: You can't do that. You can't -- you can't stay here.
Dante: Why not? I-is someone gonna stop me? 'Cause if that's the plan, you're gonna need to call in some extra muscle.
Laura: You know, I really wasn't happy that you left the hospital so soon, Nikolas, but you do look fantastic.
Nikolas: Thank you.
Laura: How do -- how do you feel?
Nikolas: Uh, better -- physically, anyway.
Laura: Uh-huh.
Nikolas: Any news on Lulu?
Laura: Uh, well, we don't know where she is or who she's staying with, but we know she's safe, so...
Nikolas: Good. Good. How's Dante holding up?
Laura: Keeping busy.
Nikolas: Tearing the town apart looking for your wife will tend to do that to you.
Laura: Yeah, I just hope that when he finds her, he can actually get through to her. Are you...alone here?
Nikolas: [Chuckles] Uh, yeah. Should I not be?
Laura: Well, it's just that I thought that Elizabeth was going to help you get settled in. You know, you could have called me. I would have come over and --
Nikolas: Elizabeth was here.
Laura: But she's not here now?
Nikolas: No. She left right after I kissed her.
Monica: Uh, e-Elizabeth. I... uh, how did you -- what are you doing here?
Carly: Your mom was so excited at the idea of Elizabeth being in this bed, she's gonna bring up milk and cookies.
AJ: Okay, you know what? Hey, I will throw us out of the window before that happens. No one can know about this, especially my mother.
Carly: [Chuckles] Can you imagine the look on her face if she knew it were me in this bed instead of Elizabeth?
AJ: She's never gonna find out.
[Cell phone rings]
Carly: Oh, God.
AJ: What's the matter?
Carly: Oh, God. It's Mercedes. Hi, Mercedes. I'm so sorry. I'm -- I'm so sorry I'm late. You know, um, something came up -- something that will never, ever come up around me again.
Elizabeth: I know it's late, but I would really like to speak with AJ if that's okay.
Monica: You can't.
Max: What's going on? I thought you would have taken Lulu home by now.
Dante: Oh, apparently, she's not going anywhere.
Lulu: Yeah, and apparently, that means neither is he.
Dante: So, grab a chair, Max. It's about to get real cozy in here.
Milo: Yeah, don't even think about it, huh? See, brothers are supposed to have each other's backs.
Max: I do have your back, dummy. That's why I called Dante.
Milo: You could have called and warned me that you'd actually gone through with ratting me out. If I'd have known he was gonna storm over here, I might have been able to defend myself.
Dante: Please, you're lucky all you got was one punch.
Lulu: Oh, okay, caveman.
Max: He cracked you one, huh? I figured that's what the peas were about.
Milo: Edamame. More protein.
Max: Why do you got to bring your mom into this? Why do you have to do any of this at all? I told you there would be trouble, and look.
Milo: Because of you and your big mouth.
Max: No, no, no, no, no. Don't blame me. Dante is the boss's son. It's our ya-bay [job] To look out for his best interests.
Lulu: What about my best interests?
Max: I'm looking out for those, too.
Dante: Actually, we're all looking out for those -- well, most of us, anyway.
Milo: All I want is to help Lulu, man.
Dante: Milo, if that's true, then you'll understand why I need to be with her.
Lulu: You're seriously staying?
Dante: I seriously am.
Lulu: Fine. Have fun with your testosterone-fest, 'cause I'm out of here.
Ellie: What I'm about to tell you is gonna change everything.
Maxie: No, no, no! No.
Ellie: Maxie, give it back.
Maxie: No. Let go of the phone.
Spinelli: El-Ellie? Ellie, hello?
Maxie: Ellie, hang up. Hang up.
Ellie: No.
Laura: You kissed Elizabeth?
Nikolas: [Chuckles] Don't seem so surprised.
Laura: Well, I am surprised, to be honest. I mean, I thought the two of you were over. What happened? What changed?
Nikolas: Nothing changed. That's the point. I feel the same about her as I did the day I left.
Laura: And how does she feel? You know, 'cause I was under the impression that she was seeing AJ Quartermaine. Didn't he take her to the Nurses' Ball?
Nikolas: Now, how could you know that when you were halfway around the world, Mother?
Laura: Well [Sighs] She's the mother of my grandchildren, and I guess I make it a point to stay abreast of what's going on in her life. Not to mention, it was in the papers. I mean, to me, she and AJ looked pretty close.
Nikolas: They were. But things are different now.
Elizabeth: Is AJ not home? 'Cause I thought I saw his car in the front?
Monica: Oh, no. Uh, no. He's -- he's home. He's home.
Elizabeth: Well, then, why can't I see him?
Monica: I can't tell you how wonderful it feels to finally approve of a woman who is sharing your bed. Oh, Elizabeth is so far above the women you were seeing when you were drinking.
AJ: Um, Mom, listen. I-I-I should probably get --
Monica: Oh, of course. Oh, of course. Of course. Please apologize to Elizabeth. I'm so sorry I interrupted.
AJ: It's okay.
Elizabeth: Monica?
Monica: Hmm?
Elizabeth: Is everything okay?
Monica: Oh. Oh, yes. Y-yes. Yes, everything is fine. I-I -- well, I was just upstairs, and, uh -- and AJ is asleep...I think.
Carly: I'm going straight home. I'm gonna take two aspirin and hope whatever disease has taken over me tonight will be gone in the morning.
AJ: Great. You'll understand if I don't walk you out, right?
Carly: I don't need you to walk me anywhere.
AJ: Good. Okay! Bye! What? What's with the face?
Carly: Your mom thinks I'm Elizabeth.
AJ: Uh, no offense, but there is no comparison.
Carly: What if she says something to her?
AJ: What, to Elizabeth?
Carly: Yeah. I mean, they both work at the same hospital. I'm sure they run into each other from time to time.
AJ: What is she gonna say? What? "Oh, hey, have fun sleeping with my son the other night?" Talk about awkward.
Carly: You better say nothing.
AJ: What are you talking about? I'm disgusted. I'm not gonna say a word.
Carly: Cone of silence.
AJ: Cone of silence. I'm not gonna say a thing.
Elizabeth: Monica, it's kind of important. It won't take long.
Monica: Elizabeth, I just -- I just know that this is the right time.
Elizabeth: Please. If he's asleep, I promise I'll leave. Let me just run up and check.
Monica: Even if he is awake, he, um -- well, he just seemed really worn-out tonight.
Elizabeth: Oh, that's all my fault. Things we said earlier -- things that I regret -- and I just don't want to leave it until the morning. Like I said, it won't take long.
Monica: Well, I-I-I don't know, really.
Elizabeth: Monica, I highly doubt he's sound asleep. He's probably upstairs tossing and turning.
Monica: Well, that's entirely possible.
AJ: Hey, back for round two?
Carly: Of misery? No, thank you. Elizabeth is here, and she's on her way up right now.
Nikolas: While you were off rescuing Lulu, Elizabeth and I got close again.
Laura: Well, Scotty told me that she practically lived next to your bedside. Well, I-I'm grateful to her for that. I am.
Nikolas: AJ doesn't, uh, share your sentiments, apparently. I mean, I've -- I've seen Spencer react to bad news more maturely.
Laura: What happened?
Nikolas: [Scoffs] He threw a-a [chuckles] jealous rage, showed up at my hospital room beating his chest, warning me to stay away from his woman.
Laura: He didn't say that.
Nikolas: Yeah. Close enough.
Laura: Was Elizabeth there?
Nikolas: No, but when I told her what happened, she wasn't happy about it. She confronted AJ and broke up with him.
Laura: I see.
Nikolas: [Chuckling] Yeah. Paranoia is a powerful thing, apparently. He was so convinced that I was out to steal Elizabeth from him, he ended up driving her away himself.
Laura: But was he? Paranoid? 'Cause you just kind of admitted that you wanted Elizabeth.
Nikolas: I know, but I wasn't at that point -- not yet.
Laura: But you are now. Nikolas, I'm sorry, honey. I wish I could back you up on this one, but I think this -- this is such a bad idea.
Ellie: Oh, I will not!
Maxie: Do you really think you should be fighting with a pregnant person? I already had one miscarriage. Spinelli. It's Maxie.
Spinelli: Maxie. Uh...what's going on? It sounded like the phone made its way through a wood chipper.
Maxie: It's really windy outside. Probably a poor connection.
Spinelli: Okay, where -- where's Ellie?
Maxie: She had to step out.
Spinelli: In the middle of our conversation?
Ellie: [Sighs]
Maxie: She told me to tell you she would talk to you later.
Spinelli: Well, I mean, that's curious, because she said she had news of the utmost importance to relay.
Maxie: Well, I guess it could wait.
Spinelli: Maxie?
Maxie: Yeah.
Spinelli: Does this have something to do with Dante and Lulu's baby?
Dante: Lulu, please, just give me a chance here, okay?
Lulu: Milo, thank you so much for letting me stay here. Thank you for being so patient and understanding. That was exactly what I needed, and it meant the world to me. Thank you so much.
Milo: Lulu, wait up.
Dante: Uh, no. No. You're not going anywhere.
Milo: She's upset.
Dante: Yeah, and I'll handle it.
Milo: Dante, she doesn't want to talk --
Dante: You don't know what she wants! And she doesn't know what she wants, either. Keep a leash on your brother, please, Max. I'm going to find my wife.
Milo: Maybe we should go look for Lulu.
Max: And piss off Dante even more? You heard him, Milo. He's got this.
Milo: I know he thinks that, but Lulu --
Max: Lulu is his wife.
Milo: Well, she's not feeling it right now. What if she runs away -- for real, this time? Or falls in with bad company? She could end up on Pier 52 -- that place is like a death trap.
Max: What if you stop worrying, all right? Just relax. Dante will find her.
Dante: Coleman, hey. Have you seen Lulu?
Coleman: Yeah. By the jukebox.
Dante: Thanks.
Coleman: You know me, man. No blonde goes unnoticed, brother.
Dante: You, uh, need a couple quarters?
Lulu: What did you do, plant a GPS on me?
Dante: [Chuckles] No. I'm a detective. It's my job to find things.
Lulu: Oh, awesome. So, now I'm a thing.
Dante: That's not what I meant, and you know it.
Lulu: Do you mind? I'm trying to pick out a song.
Dante: [Chuckles]
Lulu: What?
Dante: That's, uh, exactly what you were doing the night we met.
Maxie: What do you mean? What does it have to do with the baby?
Spinelli: I urged Ellie to let it go, but she was convinced that something was amiss and that you were neglecting to be honest about it.
Maxie: Spinelli, I can explain that.
Spinelli: But was she right? I-is there something wrong with Dante and Lulu's baby and, for whatever reason, you feel responsible? Because, Maxie, if that's the truth, you -- I implore you to tell the parents the truth. I mean, they are, after all, your friends, and they deserve to know.
Maxie: Fine. Fine. Y-you want to know what Ellie needed to tell you? She hacked into my medical records.
Spinelli: What?
Maxie: Yeah. Your perfect little girlfriend is a sneak and a thief. She got so wrapped up in this conspiracy, she actually broke the law.
Spinelli: And?
Maxie: And what?
Spinelli: Well, look, I'm not condoning her methods, but I'm curious. Did the search prove fruitful?
Maxie: Oh, yeah. There was plenty of fruit. Ellie discovered that there was nothing wrong with this baby.
Spinelli: [Chuckling] Well, that -- that's wonderful news.
Maxie: Isn't it.
Spinelli: I imagine you're not too happy with Ellie.
Maxie: [Sighs] Well, I was, uh, furious at first, but she knows she messed up, and she was a big enough person to admit it, so, in turn, I've let it go.
Spinelli: Well, that's very generous.
Maxie: Yeah, so, um, that's the really important thing that Ellie needed to tell you. I wanted you to hear it directly from her, but since you kept badgering me...
Spinelli: You know, I'd like -- I'd actually like to hear it from her as well, so when she gets back, could you have her give me a call?
Maxie: Not a problem, Spinelli. Bye.
Ellie: What are you doing?
Maxie: What does it look like?
Ellie: That was a stall at best, Maxie. I'm telling Damian the truth.
Maxie: Not until you hear me out first.
Ellie: [Sighs]
Nikolas: Perhaps we should talk about something else.
Laura: Just hear me out, please.
Nikolas: Okay. Okay.
Laura: Your relationship with Elizabeth was anything but simple.
Nikolas: Understatement.
Laura: It had huge, huge consequences, practically destroyed your relationship with Lucky. You almost lost your own brother.
Nikolas: Mother, I-I-I know that. I know that. I thank God every single day that he's been so forgiving.
Laura: And what if he's not so forgiving the second time around?
Nikolas: What if he's not? He's in no position to forgive -- to forgive anything. He's not married to Elizabeth. I mean, he hasn't even been back here to visit her in over a year.
Laura: That doesn't mean that he's indifferent to her. Look, she has every right to move on with her life, but if he finds out that she has moved on --
Nikolas: I know that. I know that.
Laura: With you, it's gonna be incredibly painful for him. And I know that we all think of Lucky as a rock. And God knows [Sighs] we expected far too much of him growing up.
Nikolas: Mother --
Laura: But after everything he's been through, Nikolas...
Nikolas: I know Lucky, okay? That's -- that's why I let Elizabeth go. And she -- she went off to be with Lucky, who turned around and went to Ireland, okay? He's there. I'm here. These -- these are the circumstances. Wh-what do you want me to do?
Laura: So, because your brother's not here, it makes it all okay?
Nikolas: No. It's not about that. It's because AJ Quartermaine is pursuing Elizabeth, okay? He's not a good person. Of all the Quartermaines, he is, by far, the worst. She should not be with him. There. I said it.
Laura: So, then, why did she leave when you were kissing her?
Nikolas: To go see AJ but only because she felt that there were some things left unresolved. That's it.
Laura: Can't you see what's happening here? Look, if she works things out with AJ and you continue to pursue her, you are setting yourself up to be a homewrecker all over again.
AJ: Hey. Stay here. Don't move. Don't say a word, all right?
Carly: [Scoffs] Could this night get any worse?
Elizabeth: Monica, just give me five minutes, and I promise I'll get out of your hair.
Monica: This really isn't a good time. I'll make sure I tell AJ that you were --
Elizabeth: Monica, what --
AJ: Elizabeth, I thought I heard you.
Monica: Oh, well, AJ. Look who's here.
Elizabeth: Did I wake you?
AJ: Uh, no. No. I was, uh, just doing some reading.
Elizabeth: What happened to your mouth?
AJ:'s -- it's a long story. You know, let's -- let's go in here and talk.
Elizabeth: Okay.
AJ: Okay. I, uh -- I got to be honest. I'm kind of surprised to see you.
Elizabeth: I didn't like the way we left things.
AJ: Yeah, me either.
Elizabeth: And I was hoping that it's not too late to fix them.
Monica: I don't know who you are, but you are not Elizabeth Webber. After many destructive, disastrous relationships, my son has finally found someone who is good for him. And I am not, under any circumstances, going to let anybody ruin it.
Monica: Carly. This isn't happening. You and AJ didn't --
Carly: No! No, we -- we didn't. I mean, this is not at all what it looks like.
Monica: Oh, really? Oh, really? Because what it looks like is you and my son just had wild sex.
Elizabeth: I've been thinking about us and what happened and how I treated you and --
AJ: Elizabeth --
Elizabeth: No, please, let me just get this out.
AJ: Okay.
Elizabeth: I realize now the confrontation you and Nikolas had -- I-I kind of overreacted.
AJ: No. Look, you were insulted. I mean, it's completely --
Elizabeth: And obviously, I didn't -- I wasn't happy with the way you dealt with things, but I didn't deal with them well, either, and I-I shouldn't have gone off on you like that, AJ. I'm really sorry.
AJ: No, please. Please, don't apologize. I mean, look, if anyone overreacted, it was me. I acted like a Neanderthal, you know -- marking my territory and then going postal when he answered your phone.
Elizabeth: Well, you didn't know I was gonna be with Nikolas. I get it.
AJ: Well, I get that there's nothing going on between you two. I mean, you guys were friends for years before you, you know, became more than friends, and, uh -- I don't know. You know, I was an idiot to think that -- that he had any kind of romantic intentions. I'm sorry.
Elizabeth: Actually, you're not too far from the truth.
Nikolas: Wow, homewrecker?
Laura: That came out a lot worse than I intended it to.
Nikolas: Lucky and Elizabeth were engaged. What she and I did was blatant betrayal -- something I own, by the way. But she -- she and AJ -- they're barely dating, if that. He's -- he's half the man that Lucky is.
Laura: Well, I won't argue with you on that.
Nikolas: He's never given anyone any reason to trust him, let alone respect him.
Laura: So, because you feel that way about AJ, it's fair to break up Elizabeth's relationship -- one that she seemed to be happy in until you came back to town?
Monica: You are detestable.
Carly: Tell me how you really feel.
Monica: Destroying my son's life once wasn't enough for you? You had to worm your way back in again?
Carly: I want nothing to do with AJ's life.
Monica: Oh, really?
Carly: Yeah, really. I mean, you might think he's terrific, and you adore him, and you enable him. And you might think that there's someone who desires him, and maybe somewhere out there, somebody does. That's not me, okay? The thought of AJ makes me nauseous.
Monica: Then why did you have sex with him?!
Ellie: Talk all you want, but even if I don't call Damian, he's not gonna be away on Quartermaine business forever. The father of your child will come home.
Maxie: Don't call him that.
Ellie: Why, Maxie? That's what he is. Damian Spinelli is the father of your child. You know it. I know it. And Damian deserves to know it, too, not to mention Dante and Lulu.
[Cell phone ringing]
Ellie: That's him, isn't it? Think about it, Maxie. Yes, you can put off this conversation for now, but you can't put it off indefinitely.
[Ringing continues]
Maxie: Watch me.
[Ringing stops]
Ellie: I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Have a great day!
Spinelli: [Sighs] Ellie, it -- it's me. Um, look, I know I was supposed to wait for your call, but I-I just wanted you to know that I spoke -- I spoke to Maxie, and, um, she told me what happened. I'm thrilled that everything is copacetic with the baby, but I can't -- I can't help but wonder... when you asked me for help getting onto the hospital mainframe, was your intention all along to hack into Maxie's file? Because, if so...I'm a bit miffed. As you may recall, I clearly asked you to let that matter lie, and clearly, that was not an option for you, so I think we should discuss why.
Maxie: You don't realize what this will do to Dante and Lulu after everything they've been through trying to conceive -- to lose the baby now.
Ellie: They already lost it, Maxie, on new year's eve when you miscarried. And the baby that you're carrying isn't theirs.
Maxie: It could be. It should be, and that's the point.
Ellie: No. The point is you're lying. And the supposed parents deserve to know that's not their baby.
Maxie: Why ruin their dreams when we don't have to?
Ellie: Because it is wrong.
Maxie: Dante and Lulu want a child, and I'm gonna give it to them.
Ellie: Maxie, you are supposed to be their friend.
Maxie: I am. I love them like they were my family. And that's not easy for me to say. I'm doing this because I love them. You know, on new year's eve, when I had that miscarriage, I thought it was over. [Chuckles] The prospect of having to have the conversation with them -- "Um, I'm sorry. I know you planned all your hopes and dreams on my uterus, but it seems it's as messed up as I am." No. No. That -- that thought made me sick. And it made me do something colossally stupid.
Ellie: Like sleep with my boyfriend?
Maxie: But that mistake turned into a-a blessing, and I saw this perfect solution to a nightmare of a problem.
Ellie: Maxie, look, I understand why your mind would go there. I-I truly do. Breaking someone's heart -- it's a terrifying prospect, especially when that heart belongs to your best friend, but you have to understand that sometimes the right choices are the toughest ones. Dante and Lulu deserved to know the truth from the beginning. They still had other embryos. They -- they could have found another surrogate, and they could have been expecting a child right now.
Maxie: They -- they are expecting.
Ellie: A biological child.
Maxie: Biology does not matter to Dante and Lulu.
Ellie: You are not, honestly, using that as a justification!
Maxie: You know, if I have to tell Dante and Lulu the truth about this child, that means I'm gonna have to tell Spinelli, too. And you need to be honest with yourself. Do you want that anymore than I do?
Ellie: [Sighs]
Milo: That's it. I'm going to look for Lulu.
Max: Turn around. Whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Milo: Why do you have to tell me what to do all the time?
Max: 'Cause I'm older and bigger.
Milo: I could beat you in an arm wrestle any day of the week.
Max: Oh, yeah? Yeah? You want to put that to the test, little brother? At least it'll keep you from running out the door.
Milo: What's so wrong with me looking out for a friend, Max?
Max: Lulu's not your friend. She's the girl you've been crushing on for years, who also happens to be married to the boss's son. What do you think Mr. C's gonna do, huh, when he finds out you've been hiding Lulu from Dante?
Milo: Nothing good.
Max: Nothing good. So, sit your butt down and relax. Here. Take the peas.
Milo: Edamame.
Max: Why do you got to keep bringing her up?
Lulu: That's not fair.
Dante: What's not fair?
Lulu: I don't remember the night we met, so you could be making this all up.
Dante: That's true. Guess you got to take my word for it.
Lulu: [Scoffs] Right here?
Dante: Right here. I mean, it was called something different back then. It was called Jake's. But that jukebox, four years ago. Ask Coleman. He was here that night. I was talking with him at the bar when you walked through that door.
Lulu: Coleman. I am so glad you're here. I am desperate.
Coleman: I'm all yours.
Lulu: Yeah?
Coleman: Yeah.
Lulu: Um, I need you to have another karaoke night as soon as possible.
Coleman: Sure, but, uh, you and the Maxettes gonna sing again?
Lulu: [Chuckles] I don't know. Actually, this is about Spinelli.
Coleman: God, was he great or what, huh? Did he send you over here?
Lulu: No.
Coleman: Oh.
Lulu: He wants to marry Maxie, and he got her this ring, and she took it even though she's nowhere near ready to marry him.
Coleman: Ah, and you think if he's obsessed about singing his heart out to her, he'll stop obsessing about marrying her.
Lulu: Yes. Exactly. How did you know that? [Chuckles]
Coleman: That's what joints like this are for. It's all about love and the lack of it.
Dante: You walked over here to the jukebox. Some creepy guy was hitting on you. I chased him off.
Lulu: Are you sure that's what I wanted?
Dante: [Chuckles] Yeah. I'm sure that's what you wanted. You were picking out a song for your friend Spinelli.
Dante: So, when's karaoke night?
Lulu: I don't know. You'll have to watch for signs.
Dante: Isn't it great, being in the Maxettes?
Lulu: Who are you?
Dante: I'm just the man of your dreams.
Lulu: [Laughs]
Dante: So, who are the Maxettes?
Lulu: Oh, it's a karaoke thing.
Dante: Who's Max?
Lulu: My boyfriend.
Dante: [Chuckles] Liar.
Lulu: Could be true.
Dante: You do care a lot about your friends. I like that.
Lulu: How do you know how I feel about my friends?
Dante: Well, let's see. It's all about Spinelli, really, whoever he is. He wants to marry Maxie, whoever she is -- wait. Maxie and the Maxettes, right?
Lulu: Who are you?
Dante: What else? Spinelli gave Maxie this amazing ring, which she took, but she doesn't know that she wants to marry him, at which point, Coleman figured that if he gets obsessed with singing about her, he's gonna forget about marrying her, which is unlikely, by the way.
Lulu: I...don't know if that would be classified as listening or just plain eavesdropping.
Dante: That's a little bit of both, actually. Buy you a beer?
Lulu: Sure. Why not?
Dante: You, uh, shoot pool?
Lulu: A little. Now and then.
Dante: You were trying to get Spinelli to stop obsessing over Maxie.
Lulu: Maxie -- she's the one that's --
Dante: She's pregnant with our baby. You remember that?
Lulu: No. I mean, yes, but only because you told me.
Dante: Right. You should, uh -- you should know that you're really good with your friends -- loving, loyal. It's kind of weird, actually.
Lulu: What is?
Dante: Well, that night, you were trying to help Spinelli forget, and here I am trying to help you remember.
Max: I hate fighting, but you've got to trust me on this. You know, it's better if you just stay here and stay out of the way of... idiot!
Elizabeth: Nikolas admitted he still has feelings for me. And it didn't end there.
AJ: Where did it end?
Elizabeth: We kissed. But I didn't let it go any farther.
AJ: You mind if I ask why not?
Elizabeth: [Chuckles] I'm still trying to figure that out myself. Partly because of Lucky and the fact that I still feel guilty over what happened the last time Nikolas and I got together... and partly because of you. I kind of thought we had a nice thing going. And I would like to see what happens if you do.
AJ: Yeah, I do. Very much. Look, I-I really appreciate you coming over here. I know that this could not have been easy for you.
Elizabeth: Yeah, well, I figured if we have a chance at anything, we can't hide things from each other.
Carly: This is will go down as the worst mistake of my entire life.
Monica: It will be in plentiful company, that's for sure.
Carly: Ugh, I need an exorcism or lobotomy to get rid of the memory and the image in my -- ugh.
Monica: Well, the image of you and my son in my house on my linens --
Carly: Okay, okay, okay! Enough, enough!
Monica: I'll tell you something. If you have destroyed the relationship with AJ and Elizabeth, so help me --
Carly: What is wrong with you? Don't you have any compassion for Elizabeth? I mean, at all? She's been through hell in her life, and AJ -- he's a walking disaster.
Monica: Anybody is better than you.
Carly: Well, then, you better not say a word.
Monica: Oh, do you think I would be tempted to do otherwise? This is one secret I would never tell.
Maxie: You think when Spinelli finds out that I'm carrying his child, that will not have a serious impact on your relationship -- probably not in a good way?
Ellie: I'll take my chances.
Maxie: For someone who's so smart about molecules, you are crazy naive. When Spinelli finds out I am the mother of his child, that will change everything.
Ellie: Maybe. But maybe not. But, Maxie, this isn't about me. It's about Damian's right to know that that is his baby and Dante and Lulu's right to know that it's not theirs.
Lulu: So, what? You're just bailing on your story?
Dante: Well, it's our story, actually. And I didn't think you'd want to hear it. You want to play? You're actually pretty good.
Lulu: Now, that doesn't surprise me. Move.
Dante: It really is like that first night all over again. You know, you haven't even told me your name yet.
Lulu: Trixie.
Dante: Nice to meet you, Trix. I'm Thor.
Lulu: No, you're not. My turn?
Dante: Yeah, go ahead.
Lulu: I'm really Angelyne.
Dante: Mm. I'm really Biff -- Biff Beauregard.
Lulu: Biff Beauregard. [Clears throat] Okay. Now you've insulted me. Tell me your real name.
Dante: No, you first.
Lulu: I'm Lulu.
Dante: So, Lulu, do you, uh... do you come here often?
Lulu: Oh, no. You did not just say, "Do you come here often?"
Dante: That's when your brother Ethan showed up and, uh, called me out on my lame line.
Lulu: I have a brother Ethan?
Dante: Yeah.
Lulu: Well, he was right.
Dante: [Chuckles]
Lulu: It's a pretty lame line.
Dante: But it was a damn good time.
Lulu: Trixie.
Dante: D-did something just happen? I just -- it looked like you remembered something right now.
Milo: Lulu, there you are.
Lulu: I...
Dante: Milo, please, not now. We're in the middle of something.
Lulu: Yeah, I'm fine. I-I want to go. I want to go right now.
Dante: No, no, no, no, no. Listen, listen, listen. Wait. Wait, please. Don't go. All right, now, okay, you remembered something. And don't tell me you didn't, because I know your face. Did you see what happened next? Your other brother Lucky, he came in. And he and Ethan -- they kicked the crap out of me. [Chuckles]
Lulu: You probably deserved it.
Dante: But is that what you remembered?
Milo: Maybe you should back off a little.
Dante: I got the crap kicked out of me. I took a beating with a smile on my face, because I wasn't giving up on you. Not then and not now.
Lulu: I have to go. I have to go. Let's go. Let's go.
Maxie: I know this situation is complicated and messy.
Ellie: But?
Maxie: Sorry, the baby just moved.
Ellie: Just -- just right now?
Maxie: At first, it was like a flutter, but now it's [Chuckling] turned into this full-fledged roll. Do you want to feel it? Here.
Ellie: Okay.
Maxie: Did you feel that?
Ellie: Oh, my God. [Sniffles] Yeah. That's definite movement. I can't imagine what it's like from the inside.
Maxie: This baby is real, Ellie. I'm not trying to be mean or deceitful. I...honestly think that this will work.
Ellie: Not for Damian.
Maxie: Yes. Yes. Even for Spinelli. Look, I-I know he wants kids, but on his own terms, not with me, not when I'm not ready, and not when it's gonna cost Dante and Lulu everything. They're his friends, too.
Ellie: I don't know, Maxie.
Maxie: I think you do. Spinelli will want to be a father, so keeping this quiet is what's best for everyone -- Dante, Lulu, Spinelli, you, and this baby -- but if you disagree with me, then, please, tell him.
[Cell phone ringing]
Spinelli: [Sighs]
[Ringing continues]
Maxie: It's him.
[Ringing continues]
[Ringing stops]
Ellie: Damn you, Maxie.
[Door slams]
Maxie: [Sighs]
Monica: Hold it. You stay right there. Get out. And don't you ever, ever touch my son again.
Carly: That is a promise I can keep.
Monica: [Whispering] Get out.
Elizabeth: I should go.
AJ: Really?
Elizabeth: Yeah. It's late, and your mom was not a fan of me showing up like this.
AJ: Well, I'll tell you what -- I'm a fan.
Elizabeth: [Chuckles] Well, yeah?
AJ: Yeah. Um, I-I think it's really great that -- that this is -- that us, we -- we're important enough that you're willing to fight for it.
Elizabeth: Us? Oh, so it's official? We get a do-over?
AJ: Absolutely. I think I'm just gonna pretend these last 24 hours never happened.
Nikolas: Mother, I-I don't know what's fair or what's not fair anymore.
Laura: Well, you don't have to figure it all out tonight.
Nikolas: Thank you.
Laura: [Chuckles] Get some rest, okay?
Nikolas: I will. And thank you for all the -- all the groceries. I appreciate it.
Laura: You're welcome. I love you, Nikolas.
Nikolas: I love you, too.
Laura: Just one more piece of advice, okay, hon?
Nikolas: [Chuckles] Like I could stop you.
Laura: It is entirely up to Elizabeth whether or not she continues to see AJ, and the best thing that you can do here is to stay out of it.
Nikolas: What if I can't?
AJ: So, we'll talk soon?
Elizabeth: You have my number.
AJ: Um, I'm gonna take that as a "yes."
Elizabeth: [Chuckles]
AJ: Elizabeth, good night.
Elizabeth: Good night.
AJ: [Sighs]
Monica: Hello.
AJ: You scared the crap out of me!
Monica: For the first or second time tonight?
AJ: So, I guess you know that that wasn't Elizabeth up there.
Monica: Carly?
AJ: I know.
Monica: AJ, what were you thinking?!
AJ: I wasn't. I wasn't.
Monica: Have you started drinking again?
AJ: No. I was...completely sober.
Monica: Let me tell you one thing. If Elizabeth ever finds out about what happened tonight, your little do-over is gonna go right up in smoke.
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