General Hospital Transcript Wednesday 5/1/13
Provided By Suzanne
Lulu: Milo, you saved me. So if your boss or Dante comes after you, they're gonna have to go through me first.
Milo: Thanks, but... I can take my own licks. Just as long as I know you're okay. Are you...okay?
Lulu: Yes, Milo. At this moment, I am... just fine.
Milo: Lulu! What are you doing?
Lulu: You and your brother both told me that you were into me. I don't remember, but after spending the last day with you, it kind of seems like it's true.
Milo: That's not the point.
Lulu: Yeah, but it is for me. I -- I don't remember the past, okay? So all that matters is the present, and... this is good, right?
Ellie: [Sighs] This is impossible. If Maxie had a miscarriage, how can she still be pregnant with Dante and Lulu's baby?
Maxie: Don't mind me. I'm still not looking at what you're doing. I just forgot to take my prenatal vitamins.
Ellie: Maxie, you had a miscarriage.
Betsy: Who are you?
Spinelli: Uh, hello, ma'am. My name is Damian Spinelli. Are -- are you Betsy Frank?
Betsy: Whatever you're selling, I'm not buying.
Spinelli: Oh, no, I assure you, I'm not -- I'm not peddling any products.
Betsy: Then what do you want?
Spinelli: Ah. Here is my card. That should clear it up.
Betsy: You're a private investigator?
Spinelli: Yes. Yes, indeed. Um, I'm here to ask you some questions about your son, Robert Frank, A.K.A. Franco, and his connection to the Quartermaines.
Carly: What? What are you waiting for? Oh, don't tell me you have forgotten to toss one back. Let me help you out. I mean, after that whole situation with Brenda and Michael, I got to tell you, I could use a drink. So, here you go. Just lift it to your lips and toss back the pain. Bottoms up.
AJ: Damn you, Carly!
Carly: What are you gonna do? What are you gonna do? Hit me? I dare you.
Nikolas: Look, I know I shouldn't say this, but I can't keep this to myself.
Elizabeth: Keep what to yourself?
Nikolas: I have not stopped thinking about you since I left Port Charles.
Elizabeth: Nikolas...
Nikolas: Listen -- no, if I don't get this out, I may never, okay? I may have left, but I never got over you. And I don't want to -- not ever.
Milo: Lulu, you can't do this. We can't do this. We have to stop -- now.
Lulu: Don't you like it?
Milo: No. I mean, yes, of course I liked it. I've dreamed of kissing you for years, but that's not the point.
Lulu: Yeah, you keep saying that. So can you tell me what is the point?
Milo: The point is, you're a married woman. Your husband is my boss' son and also a cop, and, actually, also, a friend -- or at least he's always been decent to me. But even if he wasn't any of those things, Dante's still your husband.
Lulu: But I'm not his wife.
Milo: Sure you are. You may not remember it, but Dante and you are definitely married.
Lulu: And he has all these expectations of me! Okay, he wants so much from me that I have no idea how to give it. But you... you just accept me for who I am now, and I feel comfortable with you, and kissing you... it made me feel less lonely.
Milo: I'm sorry you feel lonely, and I'm so happy you feel better when you're with me, but it can never happen again.
Lulu: So I don't get to have my own life... have my own feelings. I just have to feel whatever she felt.
Milo: Who's "she"?
Lulu: Lulu.
Milo: But you're Lulu. You just don't remember yet. But you will, and when you do, you're gonna be really, really glad I wouldn't let you kiss me.
Lulu: I seriously doubt that.
Milo: You have to trust me on this, okay? My brother just left to go find Dante and tell him you're here. If Dante finds us together --
Lulu: What's he gonna do? What, is he gonna kill you?
Milo: I don't -- I'm not even worried about me. I'm worried about him. You felt bad when you lost the ring Dante gave you, right?
Lulu: Yes, I did. But this --
Milo: You don't remember, but you realized Dante gave you that ring with a lot of love. I really don't think you want Dante busting down that door to find you kissing another guy. Do you?
Lulu: We can't even be sure that Max said anything to Dante. He's your brother. Do you really think that he would rat you out like that?
[Pounding on door]
Dante: Milo, it's Dante! Open this door.
Maxie: I had a miscarriage? What are you talking about?
Ellie: I was lying during our earlier altercation. Damian. I was researching your medical records.
Maxie: How did you get your hands on them?
Ellie: I tricked Damian into helping me hack onto the General Hospital mainframe.
Maxie: You what?
Ellie: I'm sorry. I felt it was my only recourse if I wanted to learn the truth about that baby, especially after both you and Dr. Westbourne tried to discourage me.
Maxie: You hacked into my personal medical records? You bitch.
Ellie: I realize I violated numerous professional policies, not to mention my personal code of ethics, but I sensed you were hiding something, and I was worried about Dante and Lulu and that baby. And -- and when I get that -- that feeling, it's like... I'm compelled by some unseen yet extremely powerful force. I had no choice but to follow my instincts.
Maxie: No, you had a choice. You definitely had a choice to mind your own business and respect my privacy.
Ellie: Maxie! Respect for privacy is not more important than the health and well-being of an unborn child. I sensed something was amiss, and I was right. Because that baby doesn't even exist. Empirical evidence proves it.
Maxie: I have your empirical evidence right here, in this baby bump. There's a real baby bumping around, if you would like to feel it.
Ellie: The facts are right here on the screen! Maxie, you miscarried on new year's eve, which must have resulted from the fall you took when that mysterious puppy made an unexpected visit to our apartment. I'm just saying. You fell and you lost the baby. And you've conspired with Dr. Westbourne to keep it a secret.
Maxie: Okay. Then, uh, how do you explain this? And if you say it's a pillow, you better think again 'cause I have sonograms and weird food cravings to prove it.
Ellie: Well, I have to admit, I -- I'm at a loss as to how you can still be pregnant.
Maxie: Well, let me enlighten you. I never had a miscarriage. I've been pregnant with the same baby since Dr. Westbourne implanted Dante and Lulu's embryo in me.
Ellie: No, the records clearly --
Maxie: The records must be someone else's, okay? Maybe you hacked into the wrong file.
Ellie: No, that is not possible. [Sighs] The only way that this makes any sense is... oh, my God. I know what happened.
Betsy: As far as I'm concerned, Bobby doesn't have any connection to the Quartermaines.
Spinelli: Well, while I appreciate your sentiment, and I'm sure you always loved him as your own, I feel compelled to point out that Robert Frank was sold to you as an infant. His biological father was the late Dr. Alan Quartermaine.
Betsy: Alan Quartermaine's son Jason murdered my Bobby in cold blood and got off scot-free.
Spinelli: Yeah. Alas, however much you loved your son, he was a dangerous psychotic, and Jason had no choice but to kill his twin brother.
Betsy: I don't care about Jason or the rest of Bobby's biological family at all. I was the only mother Bobby ever knew, and he loved me.
Spinelli: Yes, of course he did, and how could he not? You did a wonderful thing purchasing him from Heather Webber. You gave him a family, and what I have to tell you in no way detracts from that.
Betsy: What do you have to tell me?
Spinelli: Well, um, as Edward Quartermaine's grandson and Alan Quartermaine's son, Robert Frank would have been entitled to his share of the family fortune. And though he is now deceased... his daughter, Lauren, can still inherit.
Betsy: Bobby doesn't have a daughter. Tell whoever hired you that he's barking up the wrong tree.
Carly: Whoa. What are we doing?
AJ: I don't know.
Elizabeth: I'm sorry.
Nikolas: What? What? What? What's the matter?
Elizabeth: Nikolas, I can't do this again.
AJ: Hold on a second. Wait.
Betsy: Bobby had no children.
Spinelli: I beg to differ. I visited with your friend, the woman who sold you your son Bobby.
Betsy: Poor misunderstood Heather. How she loved those BLTs at the diner.
Spinelli: Yes -- yes, she did. But more importantly, um... she told me that you two remained in touch, and she confirmed that your son Bobby fathered a daughter named Lauren and that the girl's mother never allowed him access to his child.
Betsy: Heather said that?
Spinelli: Yes, she did. And although I will admit that Heather is not the most reliable of witnesses, she seemed... quite lucid regarding this particular topic, so I am quite certain that Bobby fathered a daughter.
Betsy: [Sighs] Can you imagine... a mother keeping a father from his child... and not letting a child know her genius father?
Spinelli: It's unconscionable.
Betsy: Yes, it is. And, yes, Mr. Spinelli... Bobby fathered a daughter. But we hardly ever spoke of her. It only broke Bobby's heart.
Maxie: You think you know what's going on when I'm obviously still pregnant but my records say I'm not.
Ellie: Uh, if you remember, I aided in the fertilization process. I introduced Dante's sperm to Lulu's eggs, thus creating three embryos. The first one Dr. Westbourne implanted into you, and the remaining two I froze, to be held in reserve. Clearly, you didn't want Dante and Lulu to know that you had lost the baby, so while they were away in turkey, you had Dr. Westbourne implant you with one of the remaining embryos.
Maxie: That's completely crazy.
Ellie: Oh, is it?
Maxie: Where do you think you're going?
Ellie: Well, I'm going to the lab, and I bet I know what I'll find.
Maxie: No, Ellie! You can't...go to the lab.
Lulu: No, no, no, no, no! Please. Please don't open it.
Dante: Swear to you, I'll break it down!
Lulu: Yeah, no, he sounds serious and really angry, which -- which is why I should open the door.
Milo: No, no, no, it's okay.
Lulu: No, no, no, no, no! I don't want him to hurt you, okay? Not after you've been so great to me.
Milo: Lulu, please...
Lulu: [Breathes deeply]
Dante: Lulu. Lulu, thank God you're okay.
Lulu: I told you I was fine. Leave it at that.
Dante: Wait.
Elizabeth: Oh, my God.
Nikolas: I take it you were surprised.
Elizabeth: Just a little.
Nikolas: Look, we made such a point to stay out of each other's lives, but now I realize that there's nothing standing in our way anymore.
Elizabeth: That's not true.
Nikolas: You haven't said much about why lucky left, but it's clear that he's not making you wait, right?
Elizabeth: No, he's not.
Nikolas: No. So then you're free, and so am I. Come on.
Elizabeth: It took lucky a really long time to forgive us. Remember? And if we get back together, he's gonna find out, and it doesn't matter whether he lives next door or halfway around the world. He is still your brother!
Nikolas: I know that, and he'll always be my brother, but that doesn't mean that I have to stay away from you.
Elizabeth: And I don't want to destroy the peace that I've made with him. He is Cameron and Aiden's father. I will forever be tethered to him because of that.
Nikolas: And he's in no position to dictate what we do or what we don't do right now.
Elizabeth: But he could get hurt. He could get hurt. And don't you remember how betrayed he felt and how you took the blame for everything and how devastated you were over losing your brother?
Nikolas: Yes, I remember, and I was devastated to lose you, too.
Elizabeth: This is crazy. This is crazy.
Nikolas: Listen to me.
Elizabeth: Don't you remember how it ended for the three of us last time?
Nikolas: Yes, of course I remember! But there's more to our relationship than the mistakes that we've made, Elizabeth. Look at all the years of friendship that we had. You have to tell me -- why should we stay apart?
Elizabeth: To protect ourselves? To protect our hearts?
Nikolas: Protect what? There's no more obstacles in the way. Don't you understand? We can do this. I know that we can. And all the feelings are still there. I could feel it in that kiss. Couldn't you?
AJ: [Laughing]
Dante: You're here. Max told me you were, but I didn't believe it. And I know Milo. Used to like him. Anyway, never mind. Forget all that. Look -- come home with me, please. Your clothes are there, your bed is there. Everything's gonna remind you --
Lulu: Look, look, I'm sorry that I worried you, okay? But I want to stay here.
Dante: What do you mean you want to stay here?
Lulu: I feel more comfortable.
Dante: Milo, what the hell is going on?
Milo: Listen, Dante, I can --
Dante: No, why didn't you call me when you found her? You knew I was looking for her. You said you would help me --
Milo: Right, right. I know, and that was extremely difficult --
Dante: So, wait a second. Why did I find out from your brother, Max, that Lulu was in your apartment instead of you?
Milo: I wanted to tell you, really, but Lulu asked me not to. Believe me, when I ran into you at the Floating Rib today, I felt awful.
Dante: Wait -- wait a second. What are you saying? What are you saying?
Milo: I wanted to tell you, okay? But, listen, maybe I can make it up to you. Do you want one of my special shakes?
Dante: Wait. Stop, stop, stop. What are you telling me? What are you saying, Milo? That -- that Lulu was here in your apartment when I saw you at the Floating Rib?
Milo: Yeah. Yeah, she was there, but I just went there to go try and find her ring, okay? When Lulu woke up this morning, she realized that she --
Dante: Whoa. When she woke up this morning? Wait a minute. So you're the guy -- you're the guy the bartender says she left with last night! Last night, my wife was spending the night here in your apartment?!
Lulu: Dante, enough! Oh! Oh, my gosh!
Ellie: Oh, and why don't you want me going to the lab? It's because I'm right, aren't I? I'm not gonna find two of Dante and Lulu's frozen embryos. I'm only gonna find one.
Maxie: No. They're both still there.
Ellie: I don't understand. Because you had a miscarriage, and you're still pregnant. I had a miscarriage. And I'm pregnant. But I didn't get this way because of one of Dante and Lulu's embryos.
Ellie: What do you -- what do you mean? And if you're gonna come up with another lie or another cover story, just don't bother.
Maxie: Ellie! This is not Dante and Lulu's child.
Spinelli: It is painfully unfair that Lauren grew up not knowing her father, and I speak from experience. I, myself, never knew my parents, and I've regretted it all my life.
Betsy: Then you understand. None of this was Bobby's fault. He did nothing to deserve that sort of treatment. And neither did poor Lauren. Her mother won't even let me see my grandchild.
Spinelli: That -- that's terrible.
Betsy: She treats Lauren like she's her property -- her little prize. It'd serve her right if Lauren finally turned on her. Let her be the one with the broken heart.
Spinelli: I might be able to help you with that.
Carly: Wow.
AJ: Yeah.
Carly: That was, um...
AJ: Unbelievable.
Carly: No, no, no. This cannot be happening again.
AJ: What just happened?
Carly: Temporary insanity. That has to be the only explanation.
AJ: What the hell was I thinking? All I wanted to do was just forget that I ruined everything with Elizabeth.
Nikolas: I could tell when you kissed me you felt the same feelings I did... the same way we felt the first night we were together.
Elizabeth: Yeah, I remember.
Nikolas: We can feel that same way again, Elizabeth, only this time, we don't have to sneak around, carry around the -- the guilt and the regret. You know, I can... I could finally take you to dinner... take you for -- for a walk, to a party. I can... and then I could take you home.
Elizabeth: Nikolas...
Nikolas: Listen... every time that you left me, I wanted you to stay. The only -- listen to me -- the only thing I wanted more was for you and Lucky to be happy. That's the only reason why I gave you up, the only reason why I went away. But I never forgot you. I never forgot what we had together. I miss you.
Elizabeth: Oh.
Nikolas: Listen, I miss you so much... and I feel so empty. I mean, it literally hurts my chest. Elizabeth, I dream about waking up next to you. You understand?
Elizabeth: But we were wrong. We were wrong.
Nikolas: But we're not -- we're not wrong now. Despite all the -- the guilt and the shame and the pain that we've carried, we had something amazing, and it's still there. I could feel it.
Elizabeth: Yes, and I could feel it, too. And I know that it's more than just our friendship or our history. I know that there's always gonna be something special between us. I know that it'll be forever. But I can't do this. I can't do it --
Nikolas: Will you please just listen to me for a second? All that time in the hospital... and you were sitting there next to me, willing me to live, I did. I did, because of you, because of the strength that you gave me. We can get through this. I promise, we can get back -- we can get back everything that we had. We can get back everything that we had, and then everything will be all right.
Elizabeth: I can't. Nikolas, I'm sorry. I -- I can't.
Nikolas: Is this more than just about Lucky, or -- or is this about AJ Quartermaine, too?
AJ: Okay. This changes nothing.
Carly: Oh, I still hate you.
AJ: I despise you more than I ever did.
Carly: Good to know.
AJ: So, if we both hate each other as much as we ever have, what the hell just happened?
Carly: I don't know, and I don't care, but if you tell anybody about this, I will kill you.
AJ: Feel free, okay? Because if anyone ever finds out about this, I'll wish I was dead.
Carly: Then agreed. It never happened, right?
AJ: Great. What a nightmare.
Carly: Well, the nightmare's over, all right? Never to be spoke of again.
AJ: Oh, God. I'd rather cut my tongue out than tell anyone about this.
Carly: You know what? At least we agree on something.
[Knock on door]
Monica: AJ? Is everything okay in there?
Ellie: The baby you're carrying isn't Dante and Lulu's?
Maxie: Well, you were half right. I did have a miscarriage... on new year's eve. I was -- I was gonna tell Dante and Lulu. I mean, I invited them over, and I planned out everything I was gonna say, and... after everything they've been through, I just couldn't disappoint them. So when they had to suddenly rush off to Turkey to rescue Luke, I thought, "This is the perfect solution," so asked Dr. Westbourne to implant me with one of Dante and Lulu's remaining embryos.
Ellie: But she wouldn't?
Maxie: She couldn't. When she tested me to see if I was ready for the procedure, it turned out that... I didn't need to be implanted again because --
Ellie: Because you were already pregnant.
Maxie: Yeah.
Ellie: But not with Dante and Lulu's baby.
Maxie: No.
Ellie: With Damian's.
Spinelli: The bond between parent and child, be they present or absent, is a complex and a permanent one, and as Franco -- as Bobby's mother, you, no doubt, would do all you could for his daughter.
Betsy: Why do you think you can help me? How could you possibly pry Lauren from her mother?
Spinelli: My employer, Alan Quartermaine Jr., is Lauren's biological uncle, and all he wants is to give his niece what is rightfully hers -- a portion of that enterprising and incredibly successful family's fortune. Now, I understand that you might hate the Quartermaines, but Lauren may feel differently. She may embrace them as her family, and -- and their wealth could provide her with the means to break free from what sounds like a stifling and possessive mother, and... wouldn't that make you happy, Mrs. Frank? Isn't that what you want?
Betsy: More than anything.
Spinelli: And if she gets some distance from her mother, perhaps she'll realize how isolated she's been all these years, and... she'll want to get to know you, as well.
Betsy: I've been hoping for that myself.
Spinelli: Then let me make your dream come true, Mrs. Frank. Just tell me where Lauren is.
Lulu: Milo, are you okay? Are you okay?
Milo: Oh, man, that was quite a punch.
Dante: What the hell are you thinking? You had Lulu in here since last night?
Lulu: So what if he did? That doesn't give you the right to assault him. I'm calling the police.
Dante: I am the police! Look, Milo's in the wrong here. I'm actually the good guy.
Lulu: Milo has been nothing but nice to me. Milo listens to me. He actually tries to support me, to understand what I'm going through. Milo doesn't want anything from me, unlike you.
Dante: I'm trying to help you.
Lulu: You expect me to come home with you and be your wife and prepare for this baby that I don't even remember. You storm in here and punch the guy who's been helping me since last night. Milo has been a perfect gentleman. You should be thanking him, not punching him in the face. What would you have done if he decided to hit you back? Oh, but he can't hit you back because he works for your dad, and he doesn't want to get fired, which means you took unfair advantage of --
Dante: I took unfair advantage of the -- he knows your condition! He knows I'm looking for you!
Lulu: You're the bad guy, and you owe Milo an apology!
Elizabeth: I've been thinking a lot about what happened between me and AJ and how he told you to stay away from me, and I was upset.
Nikolas: Upset? You were furious.
Elizabeth: But I didn't go to Kelly's with the intention of breaking things off with him. I -- I just wanted him to know that I knew what he had done and that it wasn't okay.
Nikolas: Well, something must have happened for you to take it further and break up with him.
Elizabeth: He told me he was concerned because you and I had had an affair, and that just threw me over the edge.
Nikolas: AJ is in no position to judge either one of us.
Elizabeth: Still, I overreacted. I mean, he even said I did.
Nikolas: Elizabeth, he's manipulating you, trying to get you to doubt your own feelings.
Elizabeth: But I was hurt. I was hurt, and I don't... my reaction had more to do with me than AJ. I feel bad about our affair. Nikolas, I still feel incredibly guilty.
Nikolas: I know. Look, whatever feelings you have about our past, it doesn't excuse AJ. He's acting like a jealous idiot who's trying to claim you like you're his property.
Elizabeth: But he wasn't really wrong, was he? I mean, you just -- you just told me you had feelings for me, and he knew before I did. And when you answered my phone, that just validated his suspicions.
Nikolas: I feel like you're giving him too much of a break, Elizabeth.
Elizabeth: I think I need to go talk to him.
Monica: AJ, are you all right? What's going on in there?
AJ: Just a second, Mom. I'll be right there! Coming! Mom.
Monica: Oh. What happened?
AJ: Oh, it's a long story.
Monica: Well, I -- I heard a noise, like something breaking.
AJ: No, that's -- that was nothing.
Monica: Well, it didn't sound like nothing. It sounded like something went crashing to the ground. Are you sure you're all right?
AJ: I, uh -- I knocked over a lamp.
Monica: Not the Italian one.
Carly: No, it was another one. Uh, listen, I'm sorry. I'll -- I'll reimburse you for it.
Monica: I don't care about that. You're very flushed, AJ.
AJ: No, no, I'm fine. I'm okay.
Monica: Wait a minute.
AJ: Mom, what are you doing?
Monica: Your pulse is racing. Why didn't you call me?
AJ: Why?
Monica: Because you're obviously having a panic attack.
AJ: Mom, I'm fine.
Monica: We got to get you to bed.
AJ: Mom, I'm not having a panic attack. I promise, I'm not.
Monica: Well, you're flushed, you're sweaty, your pulse is racing. What is it?
AJ: Mom, no, it's not a panic attack.
Monica: Oh. Oh!
AJ: [Chuckles nervously]
Monica: Oh.
AJ: Yeah. See?
Monica: Oh, my -- you're not alone.
Nikolas: I think it's a really bad idea to go talk to AJ right now.
Elizabeth: It's not your decision.
Nikolas: Wait. Wait a second. I know -- I know you feel bad about the way you ended things, but, honestly, I think it's the best thing that you could have done.
Elizabeth: [Sighs]
Nikolas: AJ -- he's no good. Okay? Think of all the damage he's caused, all the times he's hurt his own family? Nearly killed his brother, his father, hired a psychopath to kidnap three children -- one was his own.
Elizabeth: All right, all right, I know that he's made a lot of mistakes.
Nikolas: A lot of people have tried and failed to save AJ for one simple reason, he does not want to be saved. He's his own worst enemy, Elizabeth. Yeah, he'll say that he's changed, but we both know there will come a point in time where he'll make another monumental mistake, and you'll get caught in the crossfire. I just think you're better without him. That's all.
Elizabeth: I just don't want to leave things like this, not after everything he's done for me. He was there for me when my brother got hurt and when they pulled him off to prison. And you know what? He supported me the entire time you were in the hospital. And I just feel like I at least owe it to him to find out what it is that he wanted.
Nikolas: Elizabeth... I'm not giving up on you.
Elizabeth: Nikolas...
Nikolas: When I got shot, I came about as close to death as a person could. I came back... I came back because of you... not just because you sat next to me in the hospital. I came back, because I was meant to have a life... with you.
Monica: Of course, you have someone in there. What was I thinking?
AJ: It's okay.
Monica: No, it's not okay. I should mind my own business. It's just that -- well, I heard this bang, and I thought something had happened, that you were hurt.
AJ: No, I'm not hurt. Let's just leave that, okay?
Monica: I am so glad that you and Elizabeth are getting closer. See? It pays to pay attention to your mother sometimes. I'm so glad you didn't let Nikolas steal her away from you.
AJ: Right.
Monica: You deserve someone like Elizabeth, someone who's good and decent, makes you happy. And I can't tell you how wonderful it feels to finally approve of a woman who is sharing your bed. Oh, Elizabeth is so far above the women you were seeing when you were drinking.
AJ: Uh, Mom, listen -- I should probably get --
Monica: Oh, of course, of course, of course. Please apologize to Elizabeth. I'm so sorry I interrupted.
AJ: It's okay.
Carly: I have got to get out of here.
Dante: You want me to apologize to the guy who hid my wife from me?
Milo: It's okay, Dante. No apologies necessary.
Dante: No kidding!
Lulu: Dante, if you really loved me like you keep saying you do, then you'll prove it -- by saying you're sorry to Milo.
Dante: Okay. Milo, I'm sorry I hit you.
Milo: It's all good. It's fine.
Dante: No. No, Lulu's right. I lost my temper for a second, there, and I took it out on you, and I shouldn't have done that. See, the problem is, my wife doesn't remember me. She disappears without a word, and I find her in my father's bodyguard's apartment, and she seems more comfortable with him than she does with me... not to mention the fact that you knew I was looking for her, and you let me go on and on and on at the bar, asking you for help.
Lulu: Quit while you're ahead, dude. You had me at "sorry."
Dante: Okay. I did what you asked me to do. Now will you do something for me? It is a request, not an order.
Lulu: I'm listening.
Dante: Will you please come home with me? Lulu, you have been through a serious trauma. Okay, we still don't even know everything that happened to you yet, but we do need to deal with it, and you need to -- to heal. And I think the best place for that is at home, where you can rest and relax and just... be.
Lulu: I can't --
Dante: Wait. Stop. I won't pressure you. I promise. You have my word -- I will not pressure you. I will take good care of you, just like our good buddy Milo here did. [Breathes deeply] You are the love of my life... and I miss you... so much. Please come home with me.
Ellie: Oh, my God. You're having Damian's baby.
Maxie: Believe me -- I was as shocked as you are now. And I really wish you weren't such a good detective, because if you hadn't kept digging, I mean, no one would have known. I really thought I had this whole thing under control.
Ellie: You mean... you were just keeping it a secret from Dante and Lulu?
Maxie: Yeah.
Ellie: They don't have a clue?
Maxie: No.
Ellie: Neither does Damian, does he?
Betsy: As much as I might want to help you, I have no relationship with my grandchild.
Spinelli: It is my understanding that she's no longer a child -- rather, almost a grown woman.
Betsy: Don't remind me. It just makes me realize all the time I've lost.
Spinelli: Well, there may be a way to regain the tempus fugit. Look, I -- I really need your help to locate Lauren. You must have some idea of where she and her mother might be.
Betsy: [Sighs] I did have an address. But it's a few years old. Who's to say it's still accurate?
Spinelli: It's a start, and that's all we need.
Betsy: Oh. Here it is. Hmm.
Spinelli: Thank you. Thank you so much.
Betsy: Don't thank me. My son suffered a cruel fate. I just hope you're never kept from knowing your offspring the way my Bobby was.
Maxie: No, Spinelli does not know that I'm having his baby.
Ellie: Maxie... that is wrong. Damian needs to know that... and I have to tell him.
Betsy: That nosy Quartermaine P.I. is gone! Finally. You can come out now.
Maxie: Ellie, what are you doing?
Ellie: I'm calling Damian. He needs to know the truth.
Maxie: No! Please, can we talk about this first?
Ellie: Maxie, there is nothing to talk about! You are carrying Damian's baby, and you're keeping it from him! That is so wrong!
Spinelli: The effervescent Ellie -- I was just about to call you. I met with Betsy Frank.
Ellie: Damian, listen to me. Um, I need to tell you something of the utmost importance.
Dante: Let's go home.
Lulu: I'm so sorry, but I can't. I know you're not trying to pressure me, but I'm not ready to go back to a place I don't remember.
Dante: How do you know if you've never been there before? I mean, we spent so much time there, and maybe just being in that space will bring things back.
Lulu: You don't understand, okay? I -- I've tried. I went onto Milo's laptop, and I looked up who I was and who you were and what we meant to each other, and I... I tried to feel what that smiling woman in all those photos was feeling, but I couldn't, okay?
Dante: Okay. So let's try again. Let's try again. Maybe me being there with you will make it easier.
Lulu: I feel more comfortable here with Milo, okay?
Dante: All right. All right, I -- I, uh... I understand, and I respect your decision. And I'm not gonna force you to go home if you're not ready to go home.
Lulu: Thank you. Maybe you're right. Maybe you're one of the good guys.
Dante: Ah. Nice that you're finally starting to realize that. But if you're gonna stay here with our good buddy Milo... then so am I.
Nikolas: [Sighs]
Carly: Can you please help me find my clothes?
AJ: Look, I want you out of here as much as you want to get out of here.
Carly: Your mother was so excited about the thought that Elizabeth was in this room, she's gonna bring up milk and cookies.
AJ: You know what? Hey, I'll throw us both out of the window before that happened. No one can know about this, especially my mother.
Carly: Can you imagine the look on her face if she knew it were me in this bed instead of Elizabeth?
[Doorbell rings]
Monica: Coming!
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