GH Transcript Tuesday 4/30/13

General Hospital Transcript Tuesday 4/30/13


Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Gisele

Maxie: What are you looking at now?

Elizabeth: You really should be recuperating in the hospital.

Nikolas: Oh, I'll be fine right here.

Elizabeth: [Sighs] Under a doctor's supervision.

Nikolas: Why would I need a doctor when I have you?

Elizabeth: I'm not staying, you know. I do have a life.

Nikolas: Do you really?

Elizabeth: Mm, one more crack like that, and I might have to hurt you.

Nikolas: Please do. See if I care.

Elizabeth: If you cared about your well-being, you wouldn't be staying here.

Nikolas: [Sighs] Wyndemere's my family home.

Elizabeth: Ugh. It's creepy. And it's dusty and remote.

Nikolas: I'll have you know that there's a staff coming in tomorrow to take care of the dust.

Elizabeth: Nikolas, seriously, just stay on the mainland where you can get medical attention. You can stay with me and the boys. I have room.

Nikolas: Move in with you? Now, what would AJ think?

AJ: Hey, Elizabeth. It's A.J -- again. Um, you're probably getting sick of all my messages. I -- promise I'll stop. It's just [Sighs] Look, I-I just wish you'd give me another chance. I mean, I realize that I've been a possessive, jealous jerk, and I-I-I just want a chance to make it up to you. I-I think we were on the verge of something really great, and I just don't want to throw it away before it begins.

Elizabeth: I don't really care about what AJ thinks. I'm more concerned about your recovery. If you just follow my lead and not stay here --

Nikolas: Elizabeth, I'm used to it here. Okay, it may be strange and a little sad, but I'm comfortable, and as soon as Spencer arrives --

Elizabeth: Wait. Spencer's coming here?

Nikolas: Yeah.

Elizabeth: I thought you were going back to Italy.

Nikolas: I'm not going anywhere until I know my sister's okay.

Max: Dante, uh, sorry. I didn't hear you come in.

Dante: What are you doing, sleeping, Max? Kind of defeats the purpose of being a guard, doesn't it?

Max: Yeah, well, I'd be grateful if you didn't mention this really, really brief lapse to the boss. I guess you're here to see him?

Dante: Actually, no, I'm here to see you. I wonder if you could tell me where my wife is, and who she's with.

Milo: [Moaning] Oh, Lulu, I told you I can't do this.

Lulu: Now, Milo, we talked about this. We agreed that we both wanted to.

Milo: [Panting] Yeah, that was before. Now there's no --

Lulu: Just relax, okay? It's perfectly natural.

Milo: [Groaning] Oh, not for me, it isn't. It goes against the way -- aah! The way I was. Oh, golly, that hurts!

Lulu: But in a good way, right?

Milo: [Groaning] Oh. No. No! Yes! Oh, gosh, that hurts so good. Hurts so good. Okay. Keep going. Yep, keep going. [Strained] Yep. [Exhales deeply]

Sonny: Hey, Connie.

Olivia: You joining the party?

Connie: Uh, no, I, um -- I hate to be the bearer of bad news, Sonny, but Morgan's in trouble.

Sonny: Morgan's in trouble? What do you mean?

Connie: Yes, you have enemies, and they are after your son.

Ellie: You just snuck up on me!

Maxie: No, I was making a fridge run. Why did you shut your laptop so fast? What are you hiding?

Ellie: I'm not hiding anything. You just -- you scared me.

Maxie: Oh, good, then you won't mind letting me see what you were looking at.

Ellie: I can't. It's personal.

Maxie: You know what else is personal? My medical records. You weren't snooping through those again, were you?

Ellie: No. I wasn't. And even if I were -- which I wasn't -- why would I do it in the living room when I know you could just walk in at any moment?

Maxie: Well, you were doing something private. Oh, how do I explain to you what privacy is?

Ellie: Maxie, you know how small my room is. I just wanted some more space. I'm sorry. I thought you were asleep.

Maxie: I wish I could sleep, but I have to work, and working makes this baby hungry. It's craving relish and marshmallows. Why kind of eccentric offspring am I carrying if he or she wants relish and marshmallows?

Ellie: Well, we're out of relish.

Maxie: We are?! That's okay. That relish sucked, anyway. Maybe we have vanilla pudding and sardines.

Ellie: Ugh.

Maxie: Why?! Get back to your nerd porn.

Ellie: If you must know, I was Skyping with Damian. He's out of town on a case, and we were just catching up.

Maxie: Mm, if that's all you were doing, why did you slam your laptop shut?

Ellie: Because he was in the altogether, okay?

Maxie: You were having cybersex with Spinelli?

Carly: Hey. For your face -- if you need it.

AJ: What do you mean "if"?

Carly: Monica's not here. Michael's not here. You know, you don't have an audience for all that sympathy you want, so you probably don't need that ice pack, huh?

AJ: Of course, I need it. Sonny decked me.

Carly: Sonny punched you in the jaw. How much damage could he have done?

AJ: Carly, the guy's a boxer! He could have killed me!

Carly: Then why'd you badger him? Why'd you egg him on?

AJ: Great. You know what? Blame the victim.

Carly: "Victim"? Come on, I don't see a victim here. I see a loser with a big mouth. "Victim." Unless --

AJ: Hey, you know what, Carly? Thanks for the TLC, all right? Go show yourself out, and as a matter of fact, don't worry about a thing. I won't sue you or your fine establishment for that vicious attack that that idiot perpetrated on me!

Carly: Unless you wanted Sonny to hit you.

AJ: Why the hell would I want Sonny to hit me?

Carly: Because you wanted to punish yourself for botching things up with your would-be girlfriend, Elizabeth. That's why.

Elizabeth: I know Lulu's gonna turn up soon.

[Cell phone rings]

Nikolas: And when she does, I'll be right here -- [Groans] Home, sweet home -- creepy as ever.

Elizabeth: Hmm.

Nikolas: Something wrong?

Elizabeth: Well, I missed a call. That's so weird.

Nikolas: Well, you know how cell service is out here.

Elizabeth: Yeah, all the more reason to stay here.

Nikolas: Anyone important?

Elizabeth: [Sighs] Uh, it was AJ.

Nikolas: So, no.

Elizabeth: Could you excuse me for a moment?

Nikolas: I thought you were through with him.

Elizabeth: I am. I just want to hear what he has to say.

Sonny: Back it up. You heard from Morgan?

Connie: No. As far as I know, nobody's heard from Morgan. Johnny called me.

Olivia: Johnny called you about Morgan?

Connie: Yes, he said he needed to see me. It was very important. I thought he wanted to end our marriage, so I went to Pentonville, and that's when he told me about Morgan.

[Silverware clatters]

Olivia: Okay.

Connie: Some of the inmates are still supervising their operations from the inside, one of which is a gambling scam targeting rich kids in private universities, specifically sec schools, and most specifically, Vanderbilt.

Olivia: That's Morgan's school.

Connie: Yes, and there's a long list of people that owe them money. Morgan Benson is on it.

Sonny: Morgan's a good kid. He doesn't get in any kind of trouble.

Connie: Well, he's at a university, Sonny. He's trying to fit in. Don't you think he might stray?

Sonny: But Johnny just -- what, he just happened to overhear?

Connie: No, they wanted to get Johnny in on it. The way he sees it, it's one thing for a bookie to go collecting from a kid named Benson, but if they find out that Morgan is your son, they might use him to get to you.

Olivia: Johnny could be making this up, you know.

Connie: I don't think he would lie to Carly.

Olivia: Yeah, but he might lie to Sonny. This could all be a setup.

Sonny: That's a chance I'm gonna have to take.

Max: I thought you talked to Lulu.

Dante: I did talk to Lulu.

Max: Good. Good. She's okay?

Dante: No, she's not okay, Max. How could she be okay if she doesn't remember anything about her life? I have to get her and take her back to the hospital, but she won't tell me where she is. Look, you and Milo -- you have contacts that I don't have. You can probably have a little more luck than I or the police have had.

Max: Yeah. No -- no problem. We'll ask around.

Dante: Thank you. She was at the Floating Rib last night. She took off with some guy -- tall, well-built, 20s.

Max: Hmm. A lot of, uh, tall, in-shape 20-something guys out there, but, uh, I'll keep an eye out.

Dante: Good. Thank you. I mean, anything could help. Anything could help produce a lead.

Max: I might have a lead.

Dante: What -- what are you talking about? Why are just telling me that right now? What lead do you have?

Max: My brother Milo.

[Both exhale deeply]

Lulu: Did I push you too hard?

Milo: Actually, you can go even harder next time. Thanks. That was a lot of fun.

Lulu: I'm glad.

Milo: [Exhales deeply]

Lulu: [Sighs]

Milo: You okay?

Lulu: Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. Why?

Milo: Because a second ago, you were fine, but now you look all sad.

Lulu: Well, I guess a second ago, we were working out and I could keep my mind off of Dante and what I'm putting him through.

Milo: But you told him you're okay.

Lulu: Well, yeah, I did, and that I wouldn't go back to him and not to come looking for me. And I don't know -- I just -- I feel like I could have handled that better.

Milo: But it's not like it's forever, right? Don't get me wrong. I love -- I really like having you here, but maybe if you move back in with Dante, your memory might come back sooner.

Lulu: Yeah, maybe, but until that magic day, every time Dante talks to me or looks at me, he's gonna be searching my face, waiting for me to recognize him or remember how I'm supposed to feel for him.

Milo: Well, it could help, you know, to speed things along.

Lulu: Mm. Mnh-mnh. I would be under constant pressure, and he would be constantly disappointed. Okay, just -- okay, imagine this.

Milo: Okay.

Lulu: You wake up one day, and you have no idea who you are, and then all of the sudden, I'm telling you, "We're married, and I love you, and you need to love me back."

Milo: Yeah. Ooh, man, that'd be rough.

Lulu: Yeah, it's not fair to either of us, and -- [Sighs] -- This is not fair to Dante.

Milo: But you're gonna have to face him sometime, right? I mean, you can't stay here forever.

Lulu: Why not?

AJ: Getting sucker-punched by Sonny had nothing to do with Elizabeth.

Carly: You keep telling yourself that. You know the problem with you, AJ?

AJ: Oh, no. This ought to be good.

Carly: Uh, you're not only a self-destructive masochist, you're a lazy self-destructive masochist. I mean, you get dumped by yet another girl, and instead of just putting your fist through the wall or going to some dive and hitting some stranger, you show up at my posh hotel, and you taunt someone until they attack you!

AJ: No, yeah. You're right. You know, putting my fist through a wall or sucker-punching some stranger -- that would have been a lot more honorable, right?

Carly: What ever happened to the old AJ who would crawl into bed with the only inanimate object who would have him? Hmm?

AJ: You know, Carly, as I recall, you were very animated, especially when you climbed on top of me.

Carly: [Chuckles] You know the good thing about being lazy, AJ? Is that these drinks -- they won't pour themselves.

AJ: [Sighs]

Carly: Bottles don't come to you. You'd have to get off your lazy butt to nose-dive off that wagon, and you won't do that. I'm proud of you.

AJ: You're a real giver, aren't you?

Carly: I do my humble best.

AJ: Yeah, I remember when we were married, you gave it up to Sonny, and when that didn't work out, you gave it up to Jax, and then when that didn't work out, well, you gave it up to Johnny. You know, I bet I've talked to Elizabeth more recently than you've communicated with any of the guys that you've shared your bed with!

Carly: Well, there he is, huh? There is the AJ I know. You suddenly get a case of the owies and to make yourself feel better, you like to make other people feel worse.

AJ: Oh, come on, Carly. I'd never accuse you of having feelings.

Carly: [Chuckles] Talking about you. I'm talking about the situation with Sonny. Yeah. All he did was punch you in the face and bruise your ego. You flopping around on the floor, breathing heavy -- what the hell's wrong with you? What was going on?

AJ: [Sighs] I guess there's no point in hiding it anymore, all right? I -- get panic attacks.

Carly: "Panic attacks"?

AJ: Yeah. Merry Christmas.

Carly: Wow. Panic attacks? Really? Well, I guess the big question, AJ, is what are you afraid of?

Elizabeth: I'm gonna get you some takeout. What do you feel like? Do you want pizza? Chinese food?

Nikolas: Whatever you want. What -- what'd AJ say?

Elizabeth: Oh, there's a new noodle Buddha place.

Nikolas: I'm really not that hungry. So, what'd AJ say?

Elizabeth: He wants to see me. That's all.

Nikolas: Really? That's all?

Elizabeth: And he apologized at some length.

Nikolas: That's great. Easy to apologize to a voicemail.

Elizabeth: That's why he wants to see me in person. He's practically begging me to give him another chance.

Nikolas: He should beg you. He's acting like an angry, over possessive idiot, further proving that he's not really worth your trouble.

Elizabeth: Please, tell me how you really feel.

Nikolas: I will. He's the same as he's always been -- demanding, entitled, self-destructive, never takes responsibility for anything in his life, doesn't know how to act in a relationship with a normal human being, but whatever. You know, that's just me. You're the one who went out with him. I'm sorry. If you want to give him a second chance, don't let me stop you.

Sonny: Morgan? Hi, this is your father. Listen, can you call me as soon as you get this? It's urgent. [Sighs]

Olivia: What, it rang through?

Sonny: Straight to voicemail.

Connie: Maybe he's asleep, and he turned off his phone?

Sonny: I got four kids, and, you know, none of them turn off their phones.

Olivia: You got to call the school.

Sonny: I'm not sure I want to send the campus security to knock on his door 'cause if he did do something, they're gonna kick him out. I got to -- I got to take care of this. I'm gonna go to the office.

Olivia: Do you want me to help you?

Sonny: No, I'm gonna deal with this myself. Um, look, I'm sorry I got to cut out on you.

Olivia: No, no, no. Go -- go -- go take care of your boy.

Sonny: You can go ahead and save me some cake if you want. And, uh, thank you. Thank you for, you know, bringing this to my attention.

Connie: Good luck, Sonny.

Sonny: Yep.

Olivia: [Sighs]

Dante: Milo has a lead on Lulu?

Max: Yeah, but you know how my kid brother is sometimes. He's a -- he's a goof. He gets things backwards. He's got, like, uh, dyslexia of the eyes. I wanted to check the lead myself and not get anybody's hopes up too soon.

[Cell phone ringing]

Dante: Oh, this is the station. It could be about Lulu.

Max: All right. You -- you take that. I'll check with my brother, see if there's anything to this lead, all right?

Dante: Thank you.

[Ringing stops]

Dante: Yeah, you got anything on Lulu? No, I didn't think so.

Milo: You? Stay here permanently? [Chuckling] Yeah, that's a good one. No, no, no. No way. No way.

Lulu: Well, why not?

Milo: [Sighs] This is a studio apartment.

Lulu: This is a big studio apartment.

Milo: Not big enough for two people.

Lulu: Oh. I'm sorry. A -- am I cramping your style?

Milo: No. Probably not. I don't think I have much style to cramp. [Chuckles]

Lulu: Oh, come on, then give it a try. It'll be fun. All right, I'm gonna do the cooking, and then we'll work off the carbs together.

Milo: [Sighs] Where would you sleep?

Lulu: In the bed. Where else?

Milo: Where would I sleep?

Lulu: In the bed. Where else?

Milo: I can't share a bed with you.

Lulu: Why not? I mean, it's ginormous. You could fit three of me in here with you, and none of us would even notice.

Milo: [Sighing] Aw, man. Three Lulus, huh?

Lulu: Oh, come on. Give it a try, Milo. Milo. Milo!

Milo: Huh? No. No, no, no, no, no. It can't work.

Lulu: Wh -- why not? I mean, we get along, right? I thought you liked me.

Milo: That is so not it.

Lulu: Then what is the problem?

Milo: I like you too much, okay? Gosh. I didn't want to say this before because I know you have a lot on your mind already, but I'm, like, totally crazy about you.

Maxie: [Scoffs] It's bad enough you hooked up with my ex at the exact moment I realized I wanted him back.

Ellie: I in no way trespassed --

Maxie: And I grin and bear it when I see the two of you cuddling on the couch. I said not a word the night you reenacted that spaghetti scene from "Lady and the Tramp."

Ellie: What? That never happened!

Maxie: But cybersex in the common area on my upholstery? I could have you evicted.

Ellie: We were not having cybersex.

Maxie: How does that work, anyway? You're fully clothed and Spinelli is naked? Like, what kind of kinky stuff are you into?

Ellie: There's nothing kinky --

Maxie: My country, 'tis of thee

Ellie: Maxie! Never mind. It's embarrassing.

Maxie: Embarrassing how?

Ellie: Well, Damian was just showing me the progress he's made on his "Magic Milo" act.

Maxie: Of all the things I imagined, that's worse.

Ellie: He's actually becoming --

Maxie: No, no, no. I'm satisfied with that answer. At least you were just having cybersex and not prying into my life.

AJ: What am I so afraid of? That, uh -- that's a real good question.

Carly: Hmm. Shall we explore it together?

AJ: Yes, let's, Carly. I really want to open myself up to you 'cause I know you really care.

Carly: Okay. You're right. I don't care, all right? I don't, but I do care about Michael, and since you weaseled your way back into his life, I don't want him to think that it's his job to fix you in case you crash and burn right on schedule, okay?

AJ: You know what?

Carly: Wait. No. Have you talked to a doctor about this?

AJ: I have it under control.

Carly: "Have it under control" like you had it under control earlier when you were falling down and losing your breath? It was like you were having a heart attack!

AJ: I'm getting help! Elizabeth is helping me!

Carly: Eli -- she was, until you showed her that you're a possessive, jealous jerk! Those were your words. You know, you could always hire someone to terrorize her. That worked so well with Courtney. It did.

AJ: I'll get Elizabeth back. Look, I'm not about to let the best thing that's happened to me since Michael agreed to take me back into his life -- I'm not gonna lose it.

Carly: Okay. I'm not telling you this for you. I'm telling you this for Michael. Figure this out. Face it head on, and get some help, and let Elizabeth go. She's clearly moving on to Nikolas, so you should move on, too.

AJ: The hell I will.

Elizabeth: Look, I know how AJ was before he -- died, but he's really trying to change, and I don't know. I -- I have compassion for him.

Nikolas: Then go see him. Maybe it's best if you hear him out. I don't know.

Elizabeth: Reverse psychology?

Nikolas: No. No, I'm serious. If you want to, go. The launch is ready. I'll be fine here by myself.

Elizabeth: I don't -- no. It's better that I just stay away. 'Cause whatever was between us -- this flirtation thing -- it's best that it burned out quickly 'cause it could have gotten really messy.

Nikolas: Yeah. Well, maybe, uh -- maybe AJ did you a favor, giving you a glimpse into who he truly is.

Elizabeth: He's not all that bad.

Nikolas: He's bad enough.

Elizabeth: Okay. I'm gonna go see if there's anything edible in your kitchen. [Sighs]

[Door opens]

[Cell phone ringing]

[Door closes]

Nikolas: Elizabeth, your phone.

[Ringing continues]

Nikolas: Elizabeth's phone. Nikolas Cassadine speaking.

Sonny: Hey, Dante.

Dante: Hey.

Sonny: Any word on Lulu?

Dante: Not yet. I got Max helping out with the search. He's gonna check out a lead for me.

Sonny: Good. Good.

Dante: What's up with you?

Sonny: You got a lot on your plate.

Dante: That's okay. I'll make room. What is it?

Sonny: Morgan -- Lulu might not be the only family member missing tonight.

Lulu: Your brother mentioned that you had a crush on me, but I thought he meant it was past tense. I thought you were over that.

Milo: Right. Yeah. Past tense. Because I like you, but I don't like you, like you.

Lulu: But you did -- like me, like me.

Milo: [Sighs] Yeah.

Lulu: And what about me? Did I -- like you, like you?

Milo: It wasn't meant to be.

Lulu: Why not?

Milo: You took up with another guy -- an unfriendly.

Lulu: Unfriendly to whom?

Milo: The boss.

Lulu: I was involved with a rival mobster?

Milo: Only for a while, and then you married a cop, who's also the boss's son. Although, when you met him, he was working undercover, so you thought he was a mobster at the time. Anyway, that'd be Dante.

Lulu: Why wouldn't I want to be with you? Were you really different back then?

Milo: No. I've always pretty much been me.

Lulu: Okay, well, then I definitely don't get it, because why wouldn't I want to be with a guy who's cute, sweet, cooks like a gourmet, is in pretty decent shape?

Milo: I...I guess you were just looking for something else back then.

Lulu: You were right in front of me the whole time. And now here we are.

Milo: In my apartment?

Lulu: Yeah. Yeah. In your apartment.

Milo: [Chuckles] Hey, bro. Care for some wheatgrass juice?

Max: What's going on?

Milo: Nothing.

Max: Really? 'Cause it looks like something.

Lulu: We were just talking, Max.

Milo: And that's all we were gonna do.

Max: Well, then why are you both still in your underwear?

Lulu: These are workout clothes.

Max: Oh, well, then I suggest you put on your civilian clothes, so you don't look like you just stepped out of a sauna when you see Dante.

Lulu: I'm not going to see Dante. I can't see Dante.

Max: You've got to 'cause he's going crazy without --

Lulu: I know he is, okay?

Max: You can't keep doing this to him, Lulu.

Milo: Ease up, okay? She's doing her best, but --

Max: Hey! Try harder. If not for you or for Dante, do it for your gym buddy, Milo. The boss will bury you if he finds out you've been hiding Lulu here.

Lulu: How is he gonna find out? No one's seen me. Nobody but the two of you even knows I'm here, and you aren't gonna say anything, right?

Max: Wrong. See something, say something. I've seen something, so I'm gonna say something. Sometime soon.

Milo: What?

Dante: So, Johnny claims Morgan's in hock to some bookie?

Sonny: And if that bookie finds out that Morgan's my son, he's gonna do more than scare him.

Dante: I can't imagine Morgan being in any trouble. We e-mail all the time. He doesn't say anything to me about gambling. But then why would he? I'm his older brother and a cop. But, still, it doesn't make sense. He grew up in your business. He was exposed to everything. He should know better than to get into this kind of debt.

Sonny: Yeah, but that's where you're -- Morgan hasn't really been exposed to my business 'cause Carly had him locked up in that military school. I haven't been able to teach him anything. I haven't been able to guide him in any kind of way -- who to watch out for, who not to watch out for. I will say if somebody -- if somebody hurts your brother, there will be hell to pay.

Olivia: So, how is Johnny surviving Pentonville?

Connie: Oh, we -- we didn't talk about him very much, but he seemed okay.

Olivia: Well, it's good he reached out to you.

Connie: Yeah, I really wished I could have told Carly about Morgan.

Olivia: Well, Sonny -- he'll get word to her.

Connie: I'm really glad he was here.

Olivia: Yeah. We were just, uh, celebrating his birthday.

Connie: I know. [Sighs] I didn't say anything -- [Sighs] -- Because one year ago today, I trashed his life, not to mention his cake.

Olivia: Hey, honey. You were in a bad way.

Connie: Yeah. I was at war with myself, and a part of me blamed Sonny.

Olivia: That's all...

Connie: What have I done to him?

Olivia: It's all in the past, honey. All that craziness is over.

Connie: And the only way I can make that craziness stay over is if I cut Sonny out of my life, and I stay away from him -- no matter how much I want to be with him.

AJ: Nikolas, what are you doing answering Elizabeth's phone?

Elizabeth: Naturally, your cupboards are bare --

Nikolas: Actually, hold on, AJ. She's -- she's right here, and just so you understand, this isn't what it seems.

AJ: Oh, I understand perfectly. Hey, thanks for clarifying things for me.

Nikolas: Well, you're wel --

Elizabeth: [Sighs] AJ?

AJ: Oh, so now you'll talk to me? Hey, let me ask you something, Elizabeth. How long did you wait? What, an hour? Two hours?

Elizabeth: Wait for what?

AJ: It hasn't even been a day since you broke things off with me, and what, now you're playing -- playing house with Nikolas?

Elizabeth: Wait, that -- this is not what's going on.

AJ: I got your message loud and clear, Elizabeth. You have a nice life.

Elizabeth: AJ? Hello?

[Cell phone clatters]

Carly: Boy, that's a tough break.

[Glass thuds]

Carly: Whoa. What are you doing?

AJ: Having a drink.

Maxie: Coming through! Don't mind me. Just moving along.

Ellie: Back to work?

Maxie: Why, yes, Ellie. I have to get back to work, and I will be working to the wee hours of the morning since I blew off my first day back at Crimson trying to stop my roommate from accessing my medical files. Fortunately, I still have a job because integrated Connie is... much more compassionate than her separate personalities, and who can say that about their boss?

Ellie: Look, Maxie, I'm sorry I did --

Maxie: Whatever, okay? I just -- I have to get this mountain of work done so Connie doesn't lose it and I have three bosses yelling at me in all their different voices. I'll let you get back to your semi-nude shenanigans with Spinelli. Whatever it is you guys are doing, I don't want to know.

Ellie: [Sighs]

Connie: I'm just glad Sonny had someone to share his birthday with.

Olivia: Well, the way I saw it -- the whole night could have been a total flop -- it still would have been better than last year. I'm kidding --

Connie: [Chuckles]

Olivia: -- Mostly.

Connie: Liv, I do not disagree with you.

Olivia: It's been a rough year for Sonny.

Connie: I know, thanks to me.

Olivia: No, no. Thanks to a lot of things. I just wanted to take him out and get his mind off of his problems for a minute, but -- of course, I forgot the main rule of Sonny's life.

Connie: What's that?

Olivia: Well, the minute one disaster clears, there's always another one waiting on the horizon.

Dante: We got to talk to Jax and Carly.

Sonny: I called Jax. He hasn't heard from Morgan. I can't get a hold of Carly 'cause no one's answering their phone.

Dante: Okay. Look. Everything's gonna be fine. You just got to sit tight.

Sonny: I can't sit tight, Dante. Not if I don't know what the hell's going on at that school. I've got to go -- I'm flying over there myself.

Dante: Okay, then I'm coming with you.

Sonny: No, you're not 'cause you're gonna stay here and focus on Lulu.

Dante: Look, if Johnny's telling the truth and someone's using Morgan to get to you, you need protection. You can't go there alone.

Sonny: I'm gonna bring Shawn, and you -- Max and Milo can help you.

Dante: All right. Deal.

Sonny: By the time I get home, maybe Lulu will be back, too.

Milo: You're gonna rat me out to the boss?

Max: Only if you leave me no choice. I'm trying to protect you.

Lulu: You can't do this to him, Max.

Max: I won't have to if you go back to your husband and work this out.

Lulu: I can't! Don't you understand that Dante is a complete stranger to me?

Max: He's your husband. You're his wife. You know how every husband and wife start out? Complete strangers.

Milo: He's got a point, there.

Max: Go to Dante. Talk to him. Start to get to know him again.

Lulu: Yeah, if I thought for one second that I could get to know him again without him shoving pictures in my face and telling me stories to try to force me to remember. You know, if Dante and I could get to know each other at the same time, maybe that would work.

Max: Let me talk to him.

Lulu: You honestly think that Dante can put aside everything he knows about me -- that he could just let go of all of his memories and, what, start over from nothing?

Max: If he had to.

Lulu: He shouldn't have to. When I look at him, I see a man who loves his wife so, so much, and that kills me, okay, because I don't know who she is.

Max: Nice try [Chuckles] But it's obvious you don't care about him.

Lulu: That's not fair.

Max: Oh, so you do care about him.

Lulu: Well, I care about what he's going through -- how unfair this is to all of us!

Max: What about my brother?

Lulu: Well, what about Milo?

Milo: Yeah, what about me?

Max: Lulu, the longer you stay here, the more you're messing with my brother's life. If you care about Milo, you'll leave here, and you'll take that target on his back with you.

Lulu: Max is right. No, he's right. I'm putting you at risk. I can't stay here.

Max: Good. Then it's settled. I'll drive her over to Sonny's. Dante's there now.

Lulu: I said I would go. I didn't say I'd go with you.

Max: But that's what I meant.

Lulu: I can't see Dante, okay? Not yet.

Max: Where are you gonna go, Lulu, huh?

Lulu: I guess we'll see.

Milo: You're not going anywhere, Lulu. You're staying right here.

Max: She can't stay here, you idiot!

Milo: I made Lulu a promise. I told her she would be safe here. If this is where she wants to be, Max, I'm not gonna throw her out.

Max: You're making a big mistake -- both of you.

Lulu: Well, I guess it's our mistake to make.

Max: I can't protect you anymore.

[Door slams]

Elizabeth: I can't believe the way he was just talking to me! He basically called me a slut -- again.

Nikolas: It may not entirely be AJ's fault. I mean, if I hadn't answered have your phone, then maybe he wouldn't have gone off like that.

Elizabeth: Why did you answer my phone?

Nikolas: Well, because I saw that it was him, and I figured that I could clear the air.

Elizabeth: Are you sure you weren't trying to give him the wrong impression, allowing him to jump to the worst possible conclusion that you and I had gotten back together?

Nikolas: That's the worst possible conclusion?

Elizabeth: I can't believe he accused me of playing house with you. I know he wasn't in Port Charles when you and I were together, but everyone in town knows what happened between us is now over.

Nikolas: Do you know that? Because I don't know that -- not at all.

AJ: You want a shot?

Carly: No, and you don't, either.

AJ: [Chuckling] Oh. How wrong you are.

Carly: Okay, stop joking around.

AJ: I'm not joking.

Carly: You're not drinking, either.

AJ: No, you were right, Carly. I messed up! Right now, Elizabeth is getting all cozy with Nikolas!

Carly: So what? And this is how you deal with it?! You get a brush-off from one girl, and you're gonna jump right off the wagon?

AJ: Why the hell do you care? Come on, Carly! This is the moment you've been waiting for. Huh? You get to watch me get smashed and prove to Michael that I'm the same guy that I've always been -- that I haven't changed! And here's the kicker -- you don't even have to lift a finger, do you? Yeah, there's no drugging. There's no laundry carts. There's no dumping me off in some alley! All you have to do is watch me drink my life to pieces. So, put your feet up, Carly -- 'cause it's gonna be a hell of a show.

Carly: Fine. Go ahead. Make my day.

[Mouse clicks]

Ellie: [Sighs] You shouldn't be doing this, Ellie. It's illegal, immoral, unethical, and fireable to peruse someone's personal medical files without authorization. But it's even more wrong to put a baby's health and maybe even life at risk. [Exhales deeply] In situations like this, there's only one question to ask -- "What would Kierkegaard do?" Well, given that this fetus may not have the luxury of time, I think dear Soren would consider this a suspension of the ethical. Thank you, Kierkegaard. [Breathes deeply] Okay. Here goes nothing. [Clicks mouse] Maxie had a miscarriage? This is impossible. [Sighs] If Maxie had a miscarriage, how can she still be pregnant with Dante and Lulu's baby?

Dante: Look, I know you weren't happy with Carly for sending Morgan away, but she did it to keep him safe, especially after everything that Michael had been through. There was some merit to that.

Sonny: So?

Dante: So, Morgan is my little brother. If he is in trouble, I'd like to do better by him than I did by Michael. Let me know.

Sonny: I'll call you.

[Cell phone rings]

Sonny: [Sighs] Hold on. Everything okay, Olivia?

Olivia: Yeah, were you able to get in touch with Morgan? I'm just checking in.

Sonny: Yeah, I'm gonna go take care of this myself. I'm gonna take Shawn with me. I'm gonna check it out myself.

Olivia: Well, take care of yourself, okay? You got a lot of people here that care about you.

Sonny: Yeah. Yeah. Uh, and if you get any of your, you know -- those -- you know, when you --

Olivia: Visions? Premonitions? Hallucinations? You will be the first one I call, okay?

Sonny: Yeah, I'll see you real soon. All right, you need to take care of yourself, and don't push Lulu too hard.

Dante: [Sighs]

Sonny: No, 'cause I tried that with Connie, and it -- it didn't go very well.

Max: Hey, boss.

Sonny: Yeah, listen. Uh, I'm on my way to get Shawn. Uh, we're going out of town.

Max: Is this a business-related issue?

Sonny: I'll let -- I'll let Dante fill you in. Just do me a favor. Do what you got to do to find Lulu.

Max: All right.

Dante: Max, what do you got? Does Milo know where Lulu is?

Max: Yeah. He does.

Dante: So, where is she?

Max: Look, Dante, I know how much you love her. I know how concerned you are for Lulu, but this whole situation's got you wound up.

Dante: Max, Max. Wait, stop. Just tell me where my wife is, please.

Max: Milo's. They're together.

Milo: Max tells the boss, and [Sighs] You don't remember the boss, but he can be excitable. He's very protective of his kids, and Dante's his kid, and Dante won't be happy, so the boss won't be happy.

Lulu: You can still get out of this, okay? I'll leave.

Milo: No. No, no, no. I made my decision. I'm sticking to it.

Lulu: Thank you. But if it gets to be too much, just tell me, okay?

Milo: That's not what's bothering me. I just never thought my own brother would turn on me like that.

Lulu: That was my fault.

Milo: It's not about fault. It's about blood. Max has always looked out for me from the time I was a kid. He even got me my job, and now I just threw it all away. [Sighs]

Lulu: You did that for me. I won't forget what you did for me today -- everything you've done for me. You saved me, Milo. So, if your boss or Dante comes after you, they're gonna have to get through me first.

Milo: Thanks, but I can take my own licks -- just as long as I know you're okay. Are you -- okay?

Lulu: Yes, Milo. At this moment, I'm just fine.

Elizabeth: Nikolas, what are you talking about?

Nikolas: I know better, but I can't keep this to myself.

Elizabeth: Keep what to yourself?

Nikolas: I have not stopped thinking about you since I left Port Charles.

Elizabeth: Nikolas.

Nikolas: If I don't get this out, I may never, okay? I may have left, but I never got over you. And I don't want to -- not ever.

Carly: Go ahead. Drink. Down the whole decanter. Let's face it, AJ. Your college years weren't a total waste. No one could chug vodka like you.

AJ: Yeah, you'd like that, wouldn't you? You'd like it, wouldn't you?

Carly: Am I stuttering? Drink! The sooner you get smashed, the sooner things will go back to the way they're supposed to be. Michael will see you for the loser that you are. Hell, by the time you wake up in the drunk tank after your first bender, Sonny and I will look like complete angels. You will lose your son, and we'll get ours back.

AJ: Oh, Michael's better off without me, right? Is that it?

Carly: Oh, my God! Finally! Finally! We agree on something! Right? Come on. What are you waiting for? Oh, don't tell me you have forgotten to toss one back. Let me help you out. [Chuckling] I mean, after that whole situation with Brenda and Michael, I got to tell you -- I could use a drink. So, here you go. Just lift it to your lips and toss back the pain. Bottoms up.

AJ: Damn you, Carly!

Carly: What are you gonna do? What are you gonna do? Hit me?! I dare you!

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