General Hospital Transcript Monday 4/29/13
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By
[Door opens]
Johnny: Thanks for coming.
Connie: What's this about, Johnny? Why am I here?
Johnny: Because... someone's life depends on it.
Connie: Are you in some kind of trouble?
Johnny: No, no, this isn't about me. It's about Carly.
Carly: Oh, wow. My night couldn't get any worse.
AJ: It's nice to see you, too, Carly.
Olivia: There you are. Would you answer your phone once in a while?
Sonny: Hello to you, too, Olivia.
Olivia: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I just thought that you would want to know what was going on with --
Sonny: Okay, is this about Dante and Lulu? Just wait. There you go.
Olivia: Okay. Apparently -- apparently she's okay.
Sonny: What does that mean, "Apparently"?
Olivia: Well, uh... she wouldn't tell Dante where she was.
Sonny: But Lulu's safe.
Olivia: She is safe. I guess it's just too much for her, all these people that think they know her and she doesn't know them.
Sonny: Okay. You know what? I'll go ahead and get Max and Milo, and I'm sure that, you know, it can work out, if you know what I mean.
Olivia: Okay, Dante already reached out to them, and they said that they would help.
Sonny: Okay. Well, I'm glad he reached out.
Olivia: Yeah.
Sonny: Is there anything else I can do for you?
Olivia: Actually, there is.
Shawn: Whoa-ho-ho! What's the occasion, good-looking? Or do I need to ask?
TJ: Well, uh, Molly and I are finally back on track.
Sam: Rafe? Rafe?
Rafe: Uh...sorry. What's up?
Sam: You okay?
Rafe: Me? Yeah. Fine.
Sam: Yeah? You just, uh -- you seem a little distracted.
Rafe: No. I'm good.
Sam: You know you can talk to me, anytime you want. I'm on your side.
[Doorbell rings]
Rafe: Do you want me to get that?
Sam: I don't know, Danny. Do we want Rafe to get that? Is he allowed? Yes, he's allowed. It's your house. Of course. Go get it. [Chuckles]
Sabrina: So much for our big first date, huh?
Felix: Well, if it's any consolation, Patrick felt really horrible about it.
Sabrina: Yeah, I know, but what else could he do, you know? Patrick's a good man. He wasn't about to abandon Britt when she needed him to be there.
Felix: I would have.
Sabrina: Felix, no, you wouldn't have, okay? Britt might be a... a bitch, but... she's human, and she's carrying Patrick's baby whether we like it or not.
Felix: But not for long.
Emma: Sabrina!
Sabrina: Oh, hi!
Emma: What are you doing here? You're supposed to be on a date with my daddy.
Britt: I appreciate you coming with me. I know you had plans.
Westbourne, Britt? Dr. Rouhani will see you now. Are you ready?
Britt: No, I'm -- I'm not.
Emma: Why are you here?
Sabrina: Well, um... your daddy had... a conflict, and he couldn't make our date.
Felix: So Sabrina decided she would come help me babysit. Good idea, Sabrina. Emma and I have big plans to give her dolls a makeover.
Sabrina: Ooh!
Felix: You can join. We're thinking of upgrading them all to princess status. What do you say, Emmalicious?
Sabrina: Where's Daddy?
Patrick: What's going on?
Britt: I'm sorry. Uh...nerves. Um, would you go in there with me?
Patrick: I'm not allowed in the room for the procedure, I don't think.
Britt: No, I -- I know that. Just -- just for the consult. I don't know this doctor, and I'm sure she's fine... but I'm -- I'm just too nervous to really listen, and... there's bound to be some important things being talked about, and... I mean, obviously, I'm just not a very good patient, and... ne-- never mind. Never mind.
Patrick: That's all right. I'll go in with you.
Britt: Really? You will?
Patrick: Yeah. Sure.
Britt: Thank you.
Rafe: Uh, come in.
Molly: Um, I'm so glad I caught you. How are you guys settling in?
Rafe: Great.
Sam: Really great, actually. Turns out having Rafe with us is just what we needed. Right, Danny?
Molly: I'm so glad. I mean, you both know I love to be right, and I am just really glad I was right about Rafe living here. It's the perfect arrangement.
Rafe: Yeah, I mean, I even have my own room. It's the first time in my life.
Molly: That's so great! And how about you, Danny? How are you liking having another man around the house?
Sam: "Hey, I love it!"
Alexis: Sorry I'm late!
Sam: Hey! Look who's here.
Alexis: Give me that baby!
Sam: Look who's here. We didn't expect her. Say, "Hi, Grandma."
Alexis: You know, it's so fun when you guys call me Grandma. I really love it, but don't feel obligated to say that, because "Alexis" is good.
Sam: Oh, really? So, to what do we owe the pleasure, Alexis?
Alexis: Molly wanted to see how the three of you were doing. You want to put that in there? Oh, boom! Yay! Good job.
Sam: We're doing good.
Rafe: Yeah, I'm really grateful to all of you.
Alexis: Terrific. Then I've got some paperwork for you to sign. Here you go, Dan.
Sam: Paperwork? That's just a formality, right? Social Services already signed off on us?
Alexis: Well, that's what we want to confirm.
Sam: Well, I hope there's a spot in the form where I can say how wonderful Rafe is with Danny.
Rafe: You make it sound like I'm the one doing you the favor when really it's the other way around. I mean, you stepped up to be my foster parent when nobody else could. I won't forget it.
TJ: With the whole Molly and Rafe situation, obviously, I didn't like it -- maybe even overreacted a little bit.
Shawn: Well, man, not surprising. Molly's a special girl.
TJ: Anyway, I just wanted to thank you for talking me down and let you know that I honestly appreciated the advice, man.
Shawn: Well, I'm glad it worked out. You and Molly are good together. What you waiting on, man? Get out of here. Your girlfriend's waiting.
TJ: About that. Um, I was wondering, maybe, uh...
Shawn: Oh, boy. I've heard this piece before. Man needs money. Okay. Come on. What we talking? Movies, burgers? What?
TJ: Five...
Shawn: Well, I can handle that.
TJ: Uh...more like $500.
Sonny: You want to take me out?
Olivia: Come on. What, what? You can't let your birthday go completely unnoticed, right?
Sonny: Yeah, but I told my kids that I didn't want any fuss, and I should've told you, but I didn't see you.
Olivia: What fuss? Who's fussing? I'm not even gonna cook. It's just you and me. We're gonna grab a quick table over at the Metro Court.
Sonny: Metro Court?
Olivia: Yeah.
Sonny: Metro Court.
Olivia: I get an employee discount there. You can order whatever you want off the menu.
Sonny: How'd you -- how'd you even know it was my birthday?
Olivia: Sonny, who you talking to? I've been celebrating your birthday since we were in kindergarten. You think I'm gonna forget?
Sonny: Look, I appreciate it -- I really do -- and all that, but it's not -- I don't want to --
Olivia: Come on. Sonny, you got to eat, right? And I owe you one, 'cause, Sonny, you really kept me together when Dante and Lulu were missing.
Sonny: But I don't want any trouble. You remember what happened last year, when Connie pretended to be Kate so I would... find her in bed with Johnny?
Connie: You dragged me up here insisting it's life or death, and it turns out you just want to get back with Carly?
Johnny: No, no, no --
Connie: Johnny, I'm integrated now, and I cannot imagine what you go through in here, but I cannot take those chances. I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna steal, I'm not gonna set anybody up.
Johnny: It's not what I'm asking you to do.
Connie: I have left all of that behind me -- you, Sonny -- I left Sonny, and it was a horrible choice. Carly was less than sympathetic. She basically accused me of abandoning Sonny when he stood by me, so she's not gonna listen to anything I have to say. If you think that I'm gonna help you make some reconciliation with Carly, then you wasted a call, and I wasted a trip.
Johnny: I'm not trying to get back with Carly. I'm trying to protect her.
Carly: If you're here to torture me about Michael and Brenda, you're a little late, because Brenda lied about the whole thing.
AJ: Yeah, I heard about it. But you got to admit -- she saw you coming.
Carly: Brenda used Michael, and you think it's funny.
AJ: Oh, come on. Michael's fine.
Carly: "Michael's fine." He is not fine, okay? Michael is vulnerable, he was drunk, and Brenda exploited him, okay? She used to be his stepmother, and she used that position of power to get him up to her room. And when he was naked, she climbed into bed with him.
AJ: To set you up. And that -- that's what you're really pissed about.
Carly: Okay, yeah, she wanted me to think that she had sex with Michael, but Michael also believed they had sex. He was racked with guilt. He thought he had betrayed Sonny.
AJ: Oh, no. Anything but that. I mean, come on. Sonny betrays everyone around him, but he demands perfect loyalty.
Carly: And as usual, you're missing the point. Brenda used and lied to Michael, but his biological father -- well, you don't even care. You're probably upset that there was no sex. You're probably bummed that your son didn't sleep with the supermodel Brenda.
AJ: Okay. If Michael had had sex with Brenda, it would have been legal, it would have been consensual, and it would have been none of your business.
Carly: You know what is my business? This hotel. I kicked Brenda out. I can kick you out. So you either get on the elevator, or I'm calling Security.
AJ: Okay, all right, look. I apologize. Obviously, I've hit a nerve here, okay?
Carly: "Hit a nerve." You're saying you're sorry 'cause you want something, and let me save you the trouble -- the answer's no.
AJ: Hey, Carly, please. This is me backing off, okay? I'm sorry, all right? I -- I know that you're very sensitive about what happened to Michael. I probably handled this very badly. There. You happy?
Carly: Hmm. Happy? I'll be happy when I see the elevator doors closing behind you.
AJ: Not till you hear me out.
Carly: It's the only way I'm gonna get you to leave? What do you want?
AJ: I need a favor.
Connie: Protect Carly from what? Are you saying her life is in danger?
Johnny: Not Carly's -- her son's.
Sabrina: Where did your daddy go? He had to, um --
Felix: See a patient.
Sabrina: We can't lie to her.
Felix: I'm not. She is a patient -- just not his.
Emma: No fair keeping secrets.
Sabrina: Oh, honey, it's not a secret. Your dad and I have a rain check. Do you know what that means?
Emma: You didn't have a date in the rain?
Sabrina: Oh. No, but that sounds like a lot of fun. We should probably do that, huh? We could put on our rain boots and jump around in the puddles and stuff.
Sabrina: Daddy wouldn't like that. He hates getting wet.
Felix: Well, I'm sure they can find something dry to do.
Emma: When Daddy finishes helping the patient?
Felix: Exactomundo! You are so smart.
Emma: So, who's the patient?
Felix: [Clears throat]
Dr. Rouhani: I understand you're both doctors.
Britt: Yes, um... different specialties, but, yes.
Dr. Rouhani: Then you understand the procedure. You're aware of all your options.
Britt: Yes. Um, termination is... the best for both of us.
Dr. Rouhani: Was the decision to end the pregnancy your own, Britt, made without the pressure of any other party?
Britt: I know what I'm doing. And the father made his choice. What other one was there for me to make?
Rafe: You look really nice.
Molly: Thank you. Um, I'm meeting TJ. In fact, I should probably go. Hey, Mom? Do you mind if I take off? I'm supposed to be meeting TJ at Kelly's.
Alexis: Oh.
Sam: Well, uh, it's okay if Rafe goes with you. He's starving. I know he is, because we all know how skilled I am in the kitchen. He's actually had to make pretty much every meal so far. Don't put that in the report, please.
Molly: You want to go?
Rafe: You sure?
Molly: Absolutely. It'll be fun.
Rafe: Sounds good.
Sam: All right. Have fun, you two.
Alexis: He needs money.
Sam: Money. Uh, do you have -- do you have money?
Rafe: Yeah. Yeah, I'm good with what you gave me. Thanks.
Alexis: Hey. C-cur-- curfew?
Sam: Uh... um, you should be home by... uh --
Alexis: 9:00.
Sam: 9:00 it is. 9:00.
Rafe: Cool. Thank you.
Sam: You are welcome.
Rafe: There you go, Danny.
Sam: Say bye!
Molly: Bye-bye!
Sam: All right, have fun.
Molly: Okay.
[Door opens]
Alexis: Okay. What's really going on?
Sam: What do you mean?
Alexis: I mean, you obviously wanted some privacy. You sent them away. What do you want to talk about?
Sam: I'm worried about Rafe.
Olivia: Just stop being difficult. Let me buy you a stupid dinner, okay?
Sonny: But the Metro Court. I don't have a great track record at that place.
Olivia: Well, then I guess it's a good thing that I'm not throwing you a surprise party, isn't it? No big deal. Just relax. Just you and me. No one you don't want to see.
Carly: Why would I do you a favor? Because you've been such a good influence on Michael? And you've been such great support and guidance through this whole situation with Brenda, and you've abided by Michael's request to keep the peace with me, right? Wrong. You haven't done any of those things, so why the hell would I do anything for you?
AJ: You know what? Stop. Come on. It's not anything that's extreme. All I want is for you to give me a table for tonight. Your -- your best table.
Carly: Oh. Business or pleasure?
AJ: What does...?
Carly: Do you want a quiet corner, or do you want to be seen?
AJ: Uh... a -- a quiet corner.
Carly: Ah, hot date with Elizabeth, huh? Saw you guys at the Nurses' Ball. I'm surprised you haven't screwed that up yet. You have, haven't you? You cheated on her?
AJ: No! I -- no, I didn't cheat on her. If anything, she --
Carly: Oh! Is she cheating on you?
AJ: Shut up. No. All right? She would never do that.
Carly: Oh, whatever. Elizabeth is not known for her fidelity in this town, that's for sure.
AJ: Oh, and you are?
Carly: Another insult. Right on time. And yet you want a table from me. [Scoffs]
AJ: Could you please just let this go?
Carly: Nope. Not if you want a table in my restaurant.
AJ: All right. If you must know, Elizabeth has been spending a lot of time with Nikolas at the hospital, and I blew it out of proportion. You happy?
Carly: And she kicked you to the curb for that? I mean, that's a little extreme, right? Well, I mean, unless there is truth between her and Nikolas, and they're getting it on.
AJ: Okay, there is nothing going on with Nikolas Cassadine and Elizabeth.
Carly: Doesn't look like there's anything going on with you and Elizabeth, either.
AJ: Okay. Well, you know what? I can fix it, all right? I just have to explain to her --
Carly: Oh, explain. That seems to be your specialty, isn't it?
AJ: Can you just give me the table?
Carly: I can't. Look, you know, we're all booked.
AJ: What are you -- Carly, please, can you just, for once, act like a human being?
Connie: Michael's in trouble? I know he did some time here. Does someone with a grudge against him get out? Are they coming after him?
Johnny: Not Michael. Morgan.
Shawn: You need $500? You mind telling me what for?
TJ: It's for prom.
Shawn: Okay, that's a pretty expensive prom, man.
TJ: Okay, well, I want to take Molly. There's two tickets right there. Then you got the tuxedo rental, the limo --
Shawn: I mean, can I at least drive?
TJ: No! You cannot drive, Shawn. Not taking me and my date to the prom. Not a --
Shawn: I hear you, I hear you, but $500, TJ?
TJ: What? You don't think Molly's worth it?
Shawn: Really? Don't try to twist my words, man.
TJ: Look, after all we've been through, really, Shawn, I need this. I mean, prom could be my only chance to prove to Molly I'm the only guy for her.
Molly: What's wrong?
Rafe: I haven't been here since...
Molly: The night your mom died. Oh, my God. Do you want to go somewhere else?
Rafe: No, it's... it's okay. 'Cause that day was also the day that I met you. I asked you for stale bread, and you asked me to lunch.
Molly: Yeah, I bought you a bowl of chili.
Rafe: You talked to me like -- like I was a friend and like I mattered.
Molly: Well, you do matter.
Rafe: So do you.
Emma: So, who's the patient?
Felix: Forget medical school. You should go to law school... uh, don't you think?
Sabrina: Yes! Yes, she is definitely smart enough, and she seems to have a gift in cross-examination.
Felix: We could get you a briefcase and some legal pads. You'll be good to go.
Emma: Why aren't you answering my question?
Felix: Uh, because it's my night off, which I choose to spend with you, and I'd much rather watch the Tinker Bell movie than talk about work.
Emma: But I want to know why my daddy canceled. That date was important.
Sabrina: Oh, honey, yes. It was very important to both of us, but this patient, she... she had to have a --
Felix: A procedure.
Sabrina: Right. And she was very nervous, so your daddy, he is being supportive, and he's making sure that everything goes okay.
Emma: The patient is a lady?
Felix: Ha! She's no lady.
Sabrina: Felix is joking. Yes, she's a lady -- a woman.
Emma: What's her name?
Patrick: I don't understand. What are you saying?
Dr. Rouhani: I'm gonna ask you to clarify your statement, Britt. Is Dr. Drake pressuring you in any way to have this procedure?
Patrick: Whoa.
Both: No.
Patrick: Absolutely not.
Britt: No, Patrick's -- Patrick's not pressuring me. No. I mean, it's a little bit complicated. He's -- he's with someone else right now. He has made it clear that he doesn't want to have this child, and being a single parent simply isn't an option for me right now.
Patrick: Hold on a second. I never said that I would abandon the baby. Are you having this abortion just because of me?
Sonny: You know what? No. I just don't think it's a good idea.
Olivia: It's a better idea than you sitting at home, staring out your terrace doors with a cocktail in your hand. Don't even try to pretend that that's not what you'd be doing right now.
Sonny: Maybe. Probably.
Olivia: Honey, I know how much you miss Connie. I do.
Sonny: You want to give me a present?
Olivia: Yeah.
Sonny: Don't mention her name.
Olivia: All right. Fair enough.
Sonny: Promise me that I'm not gonna go in there and some people yelling "Happy Birthday," the whole thing.
Olivia: I cross my heart. No surprises.
AJ: Obviously, I've hit a nerve here.
Carly: Don't even try to bully me.
AJ: Would it be that difficult for you to be gracious just once in your life?
Sonny: Hey! Hey! What the hell is going on here?!
Connie: Morgan? Morgan is fine, Johnny. He's at Vanderbilt. He's registered under Morgan Benson. Nobody even knows he's Sonny's son.
Johnny: Yet.
Connie: He's perfectly fine. He's been protected.
Johnny: No, he's not.
Connie: You better tell me what's going on right now, Johnny.
Johnny: All right, look -- the cons are running all sorts of rackets out here, and one of them is online gambling.
Connie: Wait. I'm sorry, you get Wi-Fi in Pentonville?
Johnny: No. No, no, no. It's through their people on the outside. They're targeting rich kids from private schools -- trust-fund babies with deep pockets.
Connie: How does this work?
Johnny: All right, so they let the kids get a taste, right? They let them win for a couple of weeks, then they hook them, they squeeze them. Then the kid gets in way too deep, way in over his head. Then they go to the parents. The parents pay them off. No one is the wiser. I found out that one of the hubs was Vanderbilt. So I played along, got a look at one of the lists of the kids in debt -- Morgan Benson was on it.
Connie: A.K.A. Morgan Corinthos.
Johnny: Yeah, Carly's baby boy is in deep.
Sonny: Everything okay?
Carly: Yeah.
Sonny: Yeah? Sure?
Carly: Yeah, thanks. What are you guys doing here?
Olivia: Just taking Sonny out for his birthday.
Carly: Your birthday. I'm sorry. I forgot.
Sonny: No, hey, it's okay.
Carly: Happy birthday.
Sonny: Thank you.
AJ: Oh, the big Sonny Corinthos, all dressed up for a big night with the Bensonhurst medium.
Olivia: That's right. And I'm buying. So if you'll excuse us...
Sonny: No, no, wait, wait.
AJ: Poor Sonny. I mean, Michael just left you flat for your birthday? Eh, you know what? He's probably got something going on with Brenda, right?
Carly: Knock it off. Brenda's gone, and nothing happened.
AJ: Whoa! Wait! We don't know that. Michael passed out. He doesn't know what happened. All we can do is go on what Brenda said that they didn't sleep together, and, look -- we all know that Brenda likes to lie sometimes, especially to Sonny. I mean, if she realized that Sonny might have, you know, gone ballistic if he thought that they slept together. You know, look -- it would be classic Brenda to just say that nothing happened, right? What do you think, Sonny? You know, she squeezes out a couple tears, she says, "Oh, nothing happened, Sonny." I mean, talk about having your cake and eating it, too, right? Ohh! [Groans]
Olivia: Don't have to be a psychic to see that one coming.
Carly: Mm-hmm.
Sam: Oh! I can't believe how fast he's growing.
Alexis: You're doing a great job with him, honey.
Sam: Well, he makes it easy. Having Rafe really does help, too.
Alexis: All right, tell me about Rafe. What were you gonna say?
Sam: Well, um... he's distracted by something, definitely. I find him lost in thought. It's like he's not even here.
Alexis: Well, you know, Child Services has counselors for that.
Sam: I know, Mom. I talked to them, and it doesn't really seem to matter. I mean, from their point of view, Rafe is lucky to even have a foster home. There are dozens of kids that don't have that. But I -- I just feel like he's traumatized. He saw his mother being murdered by the man who wound up being his father.
Alexis: Well, has he said anything to you about that?
Sam: Not really, and I don't want to push it, because I don't want him to feel like he's being interrogated. I want him to be able to come up with this all on his own.
Alexis: Well, you know, as long as he's not acting out or getting himself into any trouble...
Sam: No. Gosh, no, not at all. And maybe it's not grief or pain, but he's definitely distracted by something.
Molly: What are you doing?
Rafe: Kissing you.
Molly: Why would you do that?
Rafe: Because I like you. I-I've liked you since the first day we met, Molly. I mean, you're smart, interesting, and you stood by me when no one else would.
Molly: Okay. But, Rafe, I have a boyfriend -- T.J. You know that.
Rafe: I know. But I can't help how I feel, and I don't think I'm the only one. You like me, too, don't you?
Dr. Rouhani: I'm gonna give you both a minute.
[Door opens, closes]
Britt: I thought we knew where we stood.
Patrick: Yeah, so did I. You never said that you wanted to have this abortion just because I didn't want to have another child.
Britt: Was there something that I misunderstood? I mean... you don't want this baby... do you?
Patrick: This... the baby's not something that I wanted. Obviously, it's not something that we planned, but this is your choice. If you choose to have this baby, then I'm -- I'm gonna hold my responsibility for it 100%, despite our differences.
Sabrina: Emma, honey, the thing is, the patient that your daddy's with, she --
Emma: I just want to know her name.
Felix: Oh, I've got a few names for her.
Sabrina: What Felix is trying to say is, we can't tell you.
Emma: Why?
Felix: Because of something called confidentiality. Doctors aren't allowed to give out names of their patients.
Emma: Then how come you know?
Felix: Because I'm a nurse, nosy-pants. Mwah!
Sabrina: Look, nurses are allowed to know, because we work very closely with the doctors, but we can't talk about our patients with other people. We have to respect their privacy.
Felix: See, how it works is, doctors aren't allowed to give out information. If you're sick or you need an operation or if you're not a kid, you can decide who to tell or who not to tell. Doctors and nurses can't talk about you. Got it?
Emma: I think so.
Felix: See, that means we can't tell you the name of the lady patient your dad is with. It's against the rules.
Emma: Okay.
Felix: Great. Now, who's in the mood for Tinker Bell?
Sabrina: Well, what about that new dollhouse you got for Easter? Your daddy told me all about it.
Felix: Yeah, and look what I got here.
Emma: Pennies?
Felix: Flagstones. Every dollhouse needs a path to get to the door. Get busy, girl.
Emma: Cool.
Felix: [Breathes deeply] [Chuckles]
Sabrina: Oh, my God.
Felix: Forget 12-hours shifts, forget cramming for exams, forget nonstop rehearsals for the Nurses' Ball. That was exhausting.
Sabrina: Yeah.
Connie: I cannot believe Morgan would gamble. He went to high school and military academy. They're all about discipline there, aren't they?
Johnny: You think soldiers don't gamble? Huh? Besides, Morgan is not locked behind academy walls anymore. He's living on his own -- quite large, apparently.
Connie: Okay. Point well taken. Clearly, Morgan's over his head. Carly and Sonny will take care of it. They'll make sure all his debts are settled.
Johnny: What happens if these guys try to look into Morgan's past? Let's say they look into who his parents are. They find out Morgan Benson doesn't exist, huh? How long until they find out that he's linked to Sonny?
Connie: I take it these people aren't friendly to Sonny.
Johnny: No, they're not. This trouble Morgan's in is gonna get a whole hell of a lot worse when they realize Morgan's got a target on the back of his head because of the name Corinthos.
Sonny: Get up, big boy! Let's see how long it takes me to knock you down again!
AJ: Better to hit me than Michael, right?
Sonny: What'd you say?!
Olivia: Whoa, whoa, whoa!
AJ: You want to hit Michael, don't you?! It's just eating you up that my son could have slept with your Brenda!
Carly: Shut up!
AJ: You know, Sonny, you just want to bully him, don't you? You want to make him feel guilty! Why the hell wouldn't she want him rather than you?!
Sonny: Not another word about my son, you spineless bastard!
Olivia: You got to get out of here, AJ!
AJ: You know what? One of these days, he is gonna see you for who you are! You're a coward, and you're a thug!
Sonny: What's he gonna see you for?!
Carly: Enough, okay? Enough.
Sonny: Oh, now he's gonna bend over.
Carly: You got this. Now you get the hell out of here before I call Security.
AJ: I'm not going anywhere!
Sonny: No! You want a piece of me now?! Come on!
AJ: I want what's mine!
Sonny: Yeah! What is yours?!
Carly: Are you kidding me?! You haven't worked a day in your life! Everything you have is from your parents! Who's the lowlife, AJ?!
AJ: [Breathing heavily]
Shawn: I'm willing to give you some of the money, but you're gonna have to earn it by picking up extra shifts behind the counter. Do you think you can handle it?
TJ: Okay. Anything for Molly.
Shawn: All right.
Molly: I think you're an amazing person, and you are really important to me... as a friend.
Rafe: Got it.
Molly: I'm sorry, but that's the most I can be to you right now. Let's just go inside.
Rafe: No, I -- I think I should go. Have fun with TJ.
Molly: Hey, Rafe, wait.
Alexis: You know, I told you you didn't have to do this with Rafe. You chose it.
Sam: I know, I know, Mom. Jason did something similar for me once, and I just -- I feel like I had to pay it forward.
Alexis: Well, I think it's wonderful that you're embracing him like he's your own --
Sam: Don't -- don't do that. I know this. I know you're gearing up to say something bad.
Alexis: No. It's not that. I just -- I'm reminding you. You know what it's like to care about someone -- you get the joy and you get the heartache, and when they suffer, you suffer. Rafe's had a rough time. You know, he's been on the run his whole life. Albeit, his mother loved him, but she wasn't stable. This is the first time he's had his own room, so it's gonna take a bit of an adjustment.
Sam: I know. I -- I actually know that because I've been through it. I know that it's like to not have a home and then have something to come back to.
Alexis: Well, then you remember the emotional shift -- you go from being isolated to having all these people that care about you, which is great, but it's gonna take them a minute to adjust.
Sam: I get it. I get it. And I don't want to pressure him.
Alexis: Okay. Good news is, is that he does have all these people that are supporting him -- he's got you, he's got me, he's got Lucy -- even Molly.
Sam: And Daniel.
Alexis: And Danny.
Shawn: See you later...Romeo. [Chuckles]
TJ: Hey. Late? No text? That's so not like you.
Molly: No, I'm -- I'm sorry. It's nothing.
TJ: This is about Rafe, isn't it?
Olivia: Hey! He's having a heart attack! You guys, call 911! The man's dying over here!
Carly: Don't die.
AJ: It's not -- it's not a heart attack!
Olivia: Sure as hell looks like a heart attack to me!
AJ: I can't breathe! I can't breathe!
Carly: I'm just calling you an ambulance right now.
AJ: No, don't call. It's a pan-- panic attack!
Sonny: Oh, now he's saying it's a panic attack. That's beautiful, seriously. It couldn't have happened to a more deserving guy.
Carly: Knock it off. What do you want us to do?
AJ: I just need to get some air. I need to get some air, please.
Carly: Okay, all right. Come on, get up.
Olivia: Come on.
Carly: Come on. Okay, the only reason I'm not leaving you laying here, gasping for breath, is that I don't want Michael to be upset with me.
Sonny: I got to tell you, you were right -- my birthday party is better already.
Connie: Look, I agree that Morgan's in trouble and he needs to be protected, but why are you coming to me with this? Why didn't you call Carly?
Johnny: I tried. She's not picking up any of my calls. Besides, I... Sonny had Kristina's community service transferred when we found out we had been spending time together, so you were... you were the only person I could turn to?
Connie: Why, Johnny?
Johnny: I -- I don't know. With all this integration, it may have slipped your mind, but you are my wife.
Connie: I plan on taking care of that as soon as I can.
Johnny: I'm not gonna fight you. Everything I have is yours. Look, I'm trying to do the right thing here.
Connie: I am, too, Johnny. But you have to understand that contact with Sonny right now is very problematic for me.
Johnny: Okay. You don't have to go through Sonny. You can go to Carly directly. But somebody's got to get to Morgan before he gets in deeper.
Connie: Okay. I'll do it.
Johnny: Thank you. Carly's been through enough because of me. So have you.
Connie: Oh, please. I hurt you as much as you hurt me -- maybe more. For what it's worth, I'm very sorry. All those times I threatened you and told you I was gonna turn you in... I never wanted you to end up here.
Johnny: I did what I did. This is where I deserve to be. You take care of yourself, Connie.
Connie: You too, Johnny.
Johnny: [Breathes deeply]
Felix: Uh, Hilda Reynolds just texted me, begging me to take her shift. So, do I feel like being a Good Samaritan?
Sabrina: 'Course you do.
Felix: You'll be okay here?
Sabrina: Yeah, I'll be fine. You go ahead. Go.
Felix: And this will be much better suited on you.
Sabrina: [Chuckles]
Felix: Perfect. All set for your happy ending.
[Door opens, closes]
Britt: You really mean that? You'll be there to support me -- us?
Patrick: I'll support this baby, whatever this baby needs -- parentally, financially...
Britt: Emotionally.
Patrick: The bottom line is, okay, I helped create this baby, and I'm not gonna avoid taking responsibility for it.
Britt: Yeah, but... I mean, you and Sabrina are together now, and at the end of the day, I'm -- I'm... I'm still doing this on my own.
Patrick: No. No, you wouldn't. I mean... look, I'm gonna be the father, okay? If that's what you want. But at the end of the day, Britt, this is your choice, okay? This is...
[Knock on door]
Patrick: This is your decision.
Dr. Rouhani: Have you cleared things up, Britt?
Britt: Um...I have.
Dr. Rouhani: And how have you decided to proceed?
Molly: Rafe? What do you mean?
TJ: [Scoffs] Well, uh, you told me you were stopping by your sister's house to check on him -- you know, see how he was doing.
Molly: Oh, yeah. My mom just had some papers for Sam to fill out, and she gave me a ride, and then I walked from there.
TJ: You seem like something's wrong. Doesn't have anything to do with Rafe not working out with your sister's, does it?
Molly: No. That's not it. In fact, Rafe is doing great. Just great.
Sam: You're back fast.
Alexis: Where's Molly?
Rafe: She's with T.J. Is it okay if I go to my room?
Sam: Yeah, of course. Are you okay?
Rafe: I'm fine.
Sam: [Sighs] You see what I mean?
Alexis: You got to take into account that he's also a teenager, and that makes him a little moody, too.
Sam: Yeah? For how long?
Alexis: Until he's 18. Danny, better never become a teenager 'cause your mom's not gonna be able to handle it.
Sam: [Laughs]
Alexis: Bye!
Sam: Say, "Bye, Grandma!"
Alexis: Don't say it!
Sam: "Bye, Grandma!"
Alexis: Bye, hon.
[Door closes]
Sam: [Sighs]
Man: Ms. Zacchara --
Connie: Falconeri. Listen, have you seen Carly? I need to speak with her. It's very important.
Man: I'm afraid she just left.
Connie: Do you know where she went?
Man: Uh, no, I...
Connie: All right.
Sonny: I said I didn't want cake.
Olivia: So I lied.
Sonny: Well, you can't -- it's my birthday. You can't lie to me on my birthday.
Olivia: Sonny, it's a celebration, okay? Cake is non-negotiable. So why don't you stop your pouting and your punching and just -- just have a good time, okay? For my sake. All right? So make a wish already.
Patrick: [Chuckles]
Sabrina: So that's what happens when you fall asleep wearing a tiara.
Patrick: But I'm not Prince Charming.
Sabrina: Close enough.
Patrick: Where's Felix?
Sabrina: He's at the hospital, subbing for another nurse.
Patrick: Mm.
Sabrina: Emma's asleep. How are you?
Patrick: Happy to see you.
Sabrina: I wanted to make sure you're okay.
Patrick: Thank you.
Sabrina: You all right?
Patrick: Yeah.
Sabrina: How's Britt?
Patrick: She's okay. But I have to -- I have to tell you something. Britt decided to keep the baby.
Woman: I couldn't help but notice that your friend left. Would you like to reschedule?
Britt: Oh, no, that won't be necessary, thank you.
Woman: Uh, I should remind you that, in a few weeks, this procedure won't be a viable option.
Britt: I understand. I'm not planning on changing my mind. In fact, I was never really planning to have the procedure in the first place.
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