GH Transcript Friday 4/26/13

General Hospital Transcript Friday 4/26/13


Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By

Anna: Yeah, I understand your frustration, Dante, but at least we know she's all right. Okay.

[Knock on door]

Anna: Um, you call me if you hear anything -- anything at all. All right. Yes?

Duke: Room service.

Anna: Hang on.

Connie: Well, I-I know it's late -- ooh -- and this is your first day, but you might as well just dive in. No better way to learn a job than be doing it, I always say.

Gwyneth: Who's Maxie?

Connie: You are. That is, you are the new Maxie. I gave the other one a chance to come back, but she didn't show up today or bother calling after endless assurances that fashion was her destiny, and style her religion. I mean, what could be so important in Maxie's life?

Ellie: [Sighs] Think, Ellie, think. There has to be some way to get back in.

Maxie: Ellie Trout.

Ellie: Maxie! Hi.

Maxie: Shut up. I know what you're doing, you sneaky little bitch.

Ellie: Dr. Westbourne called you?

Maxie: Yeah, she called me. What makes you think you can hack into my personal medical files? What the hell is wrong with you?

Ellie: [Sighs]

[Cell phone rings]

Carly: This is Carly.

Operator: I have a collect call from John Zacchara at the Pentonville Correctional Facility.

Carly: John Zacchara?

Operator: Will you accept the charges?

Carly: No.

Felix: [Sighs] So...are we good?

Carly: What...are you talking about?

Felix: Come on, don't you remember? I texted you. Your best table for two under DuBois?

Carly: Oh, right! Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. It's right here. I promise. So, hot date?

Felix: Uh...sadly, no. I don't have one. But she does...with the man of her dreams.

Patrick: Britt. Are you okay?

Britt: I'm sorry. I-I-I can't do this.

Patrick: So, what does that mean? Did you decide to keep the baby?

Carly: Wow. You look gorgeous!

Felix: I will take that as a compliment.

Carly: Oh, whatever. You worked magic at the Nurses' Ball, but you, honey -- you're owning this all on your own.

Felix: I'll second that.

Sabrina: No, really. Thank you, but Felix does deserve all the credit.

Felix: We had a shopping intensive -- what goes with what, where to buy this and that -- and a hair consultation. She finally discovered the wonders of a flatiron and conditioner.

Carly: With amazing results.

Felix: Mm-hmm.

Sabrina: Do you really think so?

Carly: Absolutely. You look incredible.

Sabrina: [Sighs]

Carly: What's the occasion? What's going on?

Sabrina: Well --

Felix: Well, Dr. Patrick Drake woke up to the reality and noticed Sabrina for the goddess that she is.

Carly: Oh, good for Patrick. Good for you.

Sabrina: Thanks. I-I mean, took took us a while --

Felix: Dinner at your establishment this evening will be their first official date, and nothing's gonna mess it up.

Britt: I'm still having an abortion. I told you. I've made up my mind.

Patrick: No, I know you -- you made up your mind. I just thought maybe you might have --

Britt: I mean, it's the only sensible option, given the circumstances.

Patrick: [Clears throat] Come in, please.

Britt: I know I said that, um, I didn't want you to go with me, but I realized I-I can't do this alone.

Patrick: Okay.

Britt: I mean, I'm sure it probably sounds ridiculous. I'm a doctor. I'm aware of -- of what goes into it, and it's very simple, and when I think about the patients that I've seen go through much more complicated and difficult procedures, I mean, I feel embarrassed by making such a fuss about it, but it's just different when you're the patient.

Patrick: Yeah. Well, it's like they say, right? Doctors make the worst patients.

Britt: Yeah, I mean, I suppose it's true. [Chuckles] Which is why I'm hoping your offer still stands. Will you go with me?

Anna: What is all this?

Duke: I thought I made that clear. It's room service. I know how busy you've been since Lulu Falconeri went missing, and if you're anything like you were in the old days, I know you've probably forgotten to eat.

Anna: I had two granola bars.

Duke: That's exactly what I thought. So, I had the kitchen prepare this. I paid for it with non-counterfeit money, I might add.

Anna: Good.

Duke: I'm in the black now that ELQ's assets have been unfrozen.

Anna: Well, that's good to know. So, why didn't you call me and tell me?

Duke: I assumed if I had called you, you'd have told me you were too busy to see me, so I-I made an executive decision.

Anna: Good move. Yeah. I mean, eating has not been top priority for me the past few days.

Duke: That's exactly what I suspected, but...haven't they found Lulu?

Anna: Yeah, technically, they have. Dante and the Spencers -- they managed to rescue her from the Cassadines, but as soon as they got her back here, she ran away.

Duke: Do they have any idea why?

Anna: She's lost her memory. It's terrifying, really. You know, I had something like that happen to me, and you have no sense of yourself. And there's all these people that you don't even recognize, and they're telling you that they love you.

Duke: So, are they searching for her again?

Anna: No. She actually called Dante. So, now we know that she's all right. But she didn't tell him where she was.

Duke: Well, that's got to be awful for the family.

Anna: Dante's blaming himself. He feels like he -- he pushed himself on her as her husband, you know, and she has no idea who he is.

Duke: That's got to be confusing for both of them.

Anna: All he was doing was reaching out to her. And he feels like he pushed her away.

Duke: Well, I must admit, I sympathize with Dante. He probably feels like he's losing the love of his life, and here am I, hoping I'm about to regain mine.

Ellie: I'm really sorry, Maxie. I know it was a serious violation of confidentiality to breach the --

Maxie: You think? I might have you fired.

Ellie: Maxie, please just let me explain.

Ellie: Explain what? You violated hospital policy, not to mention my trust. You're my roommate. I thought you understood what I'm going through. My best friend is missing, and I'm carrying her child, which is incredibly stressful during a time I'm supposed to be avoiding stress.

Ellie: I know. I was just trying to help you.

Maxie: Help me?! By what? Playing secret agent, lurking around, listening in on my private conversations, hacking into my medical records?

Ellie: I realize it was not the most honest way of going about things --

Maxie: If you knew it was wrong, Ellie, why did you do it?

Ellie: [Sighs] I admit it. I committed a serious infraction, but I want you to know that I did it for the greater good. I am concerned that something is wrong with that baby.

Maxie: My baby? Dante and Lulu's child?

Ellie: Yes, their child. You're withholding important information about the child.

Maxie: Stop it! Nothing is wrong with this baby. Nothing is wrong with me. The problem is you. You're making something out of nothing.

Ellie: Oh, really? Then why did Dr. Westbourne feel the need to call you and tell you what I was doing?

Maxie: Because you were going through my private medical records, and I deserve to know about that.

Ellie: I don't believe you.

Maxie: Well, I'm sorry that you were the one caught hacking into the hospital computer, yet you accuse me of lying.

Ellie: I think Dr. Westbourne called you, because she was concerned that I would find out about whatever it is that the two of you are hiding.

Maxie: How many times do we have to go over this? The secret was not about this baby. It was about Dr. Westbourne's. I knew she was pregnant with Patrick's child, and I wanted to protect Patrick, so I asked my dad to make sure that Britt didn't have her big announcement, but that was all ruined when she spilled the beans at the Nurses' Ball.

Ellie: So, you're telling me this whole thing is about Dr. Westbourne's baby?

Maxie: [Sighs] How many times do we have to go over this? Yes. The secret was about Dr. Westbourne's baby.

Ellie: Maxie, I distinctly heard you say that I mistakenly thought the secret was about Dr. Westbourne's baby, in which she responded, and I quote, "Well, we both know that's not true." So, forgive me, but it's quite clear to me that the secret is not about Dr. Westbourne's baby. It's about the baby that you're carrying.

Connie: You also are responsible for answering the phones, okay? And, uh, if my attorney, Diane Miller, calls, put her through immediately. I have a pending legal situation.

Gwyneth: Okay.

[Telephone ringing]

Connie: That would be the phone. You should probably answer it.

Gwyneth: [Clears throat] Hello? Pentonville Prison? Well, if it's important, of course, we'll accept the charges. Ms. Falconeri, it's for you!

[Intercom buzzes]

Connie: New Maxie, would you mind coming in here, please?

Gwyneth: [Clears throat]

Connie: You see that button that says intercom? Make it your best friend.

Gwyneth: Okay.

Connie: Connie Falconeri.

Johnny: Connie. It's me, Johnny.

Anna: So, I've been thinking about you and the Nurses' Ball and our tango. And how great it was to manage to get out from under Faison's ghost like that. Ugh.

Duke: Well, at the risk of sounding immodest, I thought we were brilliant. [Chuckles]

Anna: We were very good. [Laughs] Yeah. It was good. It was nice. It felt freeing, you know? I felt as if I'd gotten rid of all this angst sort of been holding me back from being with you. That was a good kiss, by the way.

Duke: That was a good kiss, by the way. I remember that. Thank you.

Anna: So, anyway, then I just got so immersed in the whole Lulu thing I didn't have time to think about anything else. I was so busy.

Duke: Well, I thought I'd give you some space. I knew you'd be busy. And I thought you also could use the time to process what had happened between us.

Anna: That's very thoughtful.

Duke: [Chuckles] That's part of my plan. I planned to be patient and considerate.

Anna: And that's why you're here now with this unexpected dinner?

Duke: Ah, that's the thing with best-laid plans. Sometimes they go flying out the window.

Anna: I see that. [Chuckles]

Duke: But apart from that, I-I couldn't wait to see you again. Will you join me for dinner?

Anna: Yep. I'm starving. And it's good to see you.

Duke: It's good to see you. Let's eat before this gets cold.

Anna: [Sighs]

Duke: What's the matter?

Anna: I don't even know if I've got the energy to eat.

Duke: Oh, you'll find it. Trust me.

Anna: [Chuckling] Oh. [Laughs]

Maxie: So, you were eavesdropping on yet another one of my private conversations -- to make it worse, a consultation with my doctor -- not that it matters. You misunderstood. There's no way you heard what you think you did.

Ellie: Maxie, I was delivering results, and when I opened the door, I heard you and Dr. Westbourne in the middle of a very intense conversation -- one which I have already recounted, but I'm happy to repeat as many times as you need to hear it. You said, "Ellie" --

Maxie: I don't care what you think you heard, Ellie. You were wrong.

Ellie: No, I wasn't. Just admit it, Maxie. Something is wrong with that poor fetus, and at some point, you're gonna have to come clean to Dante and Lulu.

Maxie: You don't know what you're talking about.

Ellie: I know what I heard.

Maxie: Except I never said it. I don't know. Maybe when you were hit by that car, more than just your legs were damaged.

Ellie: [Scoffs] Wow. Even you are not that callous, Maxie. It's obviously just a deflection because you don't want to have to tell me what you really want to say.

Maxie: If you're done wasting my time, I'm incredibly late for work.

Ellie: I know you're hiding something, Maxie -- you and Dr. Westbourne.

Patrick: You want me to go with you to the abortion clinic?

Britt: I know that's a lot to ask.

Patrick: No, it's -- it's not. It's okay.

Britt: Well, when you offered to go with me before, I just -- I felt awkward accepting, because it was such short notice, and, well, now this is really short notice.

Patrick: Well, you're allowed to change your mind, you know?

Britt: Well, I-I guess I should have realized how nervous I really was. My mother would have known. She was in town visiting for a while, and -- and she had to go home, so I can't ask her. And there really isn't anyone else.

Sabrina: Thank you. Thank you so, so much, really, for everything. I can't believe this is actually happening.

Felix: Believe it. And enjoy the hell out of it.

Sabrina: Okay.

Felix: [Chuckles]

Carly: I'm gonna take good care of Sabrina. Okay.

Felix: That woman knows everything there is to know about men. Now that Patrick's nibbled the bait, Carly will tell you everything you need to reel him in.

Sabrina: Oh. Okay.

Felix: Mark my words. Carly's an expert.

Carly: [Chuckles]

Connie: Johnny, why would you call me? Better yet, how could you call me? I thought you were in prison.

Johnny: I am, but I need to see you. It's important.

Carly: So, can I get you a drink while you're waiting?

Sabrina: Oh, no, thank you. I'm -- I'm just gonna wait for Patrick.

Carly: Don't want to start the fun without him?

Sabrina: I've been waiting to have an evening like this with him for so long.

Carly: How long?

Sabrina: Since the day I met him and crashed into him with a bunch of files and dropped them all over the floor. [Chuckles]

Carly: Love at first sight, huh?

Sabrina: More like hopeless crush at first sight, but the longer I got to know him, the more I cared about him, you know, and not just 'cause he's handsome, but as a person.

Carly: Being handsome doesn't hurt. [Chuckles]

Sabrina: Yeah. You know, honestly, deep inside, I-I never thought that anything could ever really happen between us. You know, I always thought he's gonna just see me as some nurse or his daughter's babysitter, but...oh, Carly, now all that's changed. And I couldn't be happier.

Carly: I can tell. You're glowing.

Sabrina: Now that it's finally happened and Patrick and I are together, I don't want to blow it, so if you have any advice, really, I am all ears.

Carly: I think Felix may have overstated my qualifications.

Sabrina: What do you mean?

Carly: I'd love to help you. I really would, but when it comes to men, I'm the last person who should be giving advice.

Britt: I know I'm gonna be fine. I guess there's part of my brain that just won't listen.

Patrick: That's understandable.

Britt: I-I'm sorry to lay all this on you, and especially since I've -- I've been pretty horrible to you lately.

Patrick: I mean, I haven't exactly been gracious with you.

Britt: Well, maybe it's, uh, just the hormones. [Chuckles] I don't know. This is pretty new to me, and I just really needed someone to talk to.

Patrick: Mm-hmm.

Britt: And I figured you are an interested party, so... uh, I am -- I'm so sorry, but if I don't leave soon, I'm -- I'm gonna be late, so...will you go with me or not?

Patrick: Yeah, of course, I'll go with you. I just have to call Sabrina and cancel our date.

Britt: Oh, that's right. You -- you said you have plans.

Patrick: It's all right.

Britt: You know, don't -- don't worry about it. I-I can -- I can go by myself. I-I don't mean to impose.

Patrick: No, hey. Britt, hold on a second. Look, it's all right. It's -- this is -- this is my responsibility also, okay? I-I want to follow through. I said I would be there, so the offer still stands.

Britt: [Sighs] I'm so relieved. A-and you know, I mean, pretty soon, this will all be over for both of us, and you won't have to deal with me or any unfortunate consequences that came from our little tryst in the shower.

[Doorbell rings]

Patrick: Excuse me.

Felix: Dr. Drake, may I say, tonight is your lucky night. Sabrina looks -- what is she doing here?

Sabrina: I-I don't mean to pry, but Felix is usually very savvy about these things, and obviously he looks up to you, so when he says --

Carly: Oh, Felix was sorely mistaken, really. I could give you guidance on what not to do. Yeah. Have a seat.

Sabrina: Oh, okay. I mean, uh, if you don't feel uncomfortable talking about it.

Carly: Well, I won't go into, you know, intimate details. [Chuckles]

Sabrina: [Chuckling] Okay.

Carly: But I can tell you what to stay away from, you know? Like, if you find yourself lying -- lying to keep someone, get someone, or cover something up -- you are doomed. Your relationship is doomed. I know it's scary, but you just -- you have to be honest about how you feel and all of your actions or you're just with the wrong person.

Sabrina: Well, honesty isn't usually a problem for me, although I did kind of tell a little lie at one point, but I came clean, and I don't see myself lying to Patrick in the future.

Carly: Uh, well, then, you're way ahead of me. I just can't seem to get the honesty thing down. And I don't know why, because lying, I know, only makes things worse. I mean, look when I tried to pass AJ off as my boyfriend. I mean, that thing blew up in my face.

Sabrina: Yeah, I know that AJ's interested in Elizabeth Webber.

Carly: [Chuckles] Yeah, good luck with that, you know? She's gonna need it, 'cause he's a piece of work.

Sabrina: So,, be honest. Okay. Anything else?

Carly: Keep things into perspective. Don't let a short-term crisis ruin the long-term relationship. You know, I was married -- I was happily married, and looking back, I still could be, but my husband and I -- we just handled certain situations differently instead of working through them and compromising, and we ended up just ripping each other apart, you know?

Sabrina: I'm sorry.

Carly: Me, too. I didn't see what was right in front of me, you know, and when he came back last summer, I was in another relationship, which brings me around to the whole lying thing, except I wasn't the one lying. The guy I was with was the one who was lying, except I didn't see or I wouldn't let myself see what was right in front of me, so I guess, there you go, I was actually lying to myself. And that's my whole point -- is that you shouldn't be doing something you don't really want to be doing or with someone you don't really want to be with.

Sabrina: Uh, okay. So,, if you don't mind me asking, what happened to you and this untruthful person?

Carly: Well, you know, he was lying about a lot more than just our relationship, and all those lies caught up with him, and so, now I am getting collect calls from my jailbird ex.

Connie: Look, Johnny, I don't know what this is about, but I want you to know that things have changed, and I'm not the old Connie that you knew before.

Johnny: That doesn't matter. It's not about that.

Connie: Well, what is it about?

Johnny: I can't go over this with you over the phone. I need you to come see me.

Connie: You want me to visit you in Pentonville?

Johnny: Yeah. Get here as soon as you can. It can't wait.

[Elevator bell dings]

Maxie: I know I'm incredibly late, but I have a very good explanation. Who are you?

Gwyneth: I'm the new Maxie.

Maxie: Excuse me for just one second. Why is there a new Maxie out there?

Connie: Well, isn't it obvious? The old Maxie never showed up at work. So, I fired her and got a new one.

Ellie: [Sighs] You are far from cyber illiterate. There has to be a way.

[Cell phone rings]

Ellie: Damian?

Spinelli: Is that my lovely lady of the laboratory?

Ellie: Indeed it is. I miss you. Where are you?

Spinelli: I'm in a hotel. Tomorrow morning, I'm visiting Betsy Frank and hoping she can shed some light on the location of Lauren Frank, the late and unlamented Franco's long-lost daughter.

Ellie: Well, I will be thinking good thoughts.

Spinelli: As will AJ Quartermaine, I'm sure, since he's paying me to find her.

[Keyboard clacking]

Spinelli: Ellie?

Ellie: Yeah?

Spinelli: Well, you sound far away. And I don't mean the cellular connection. Is something wrong?

Ellie: Actually, yes. Something is wrong. I have a major problem, and you are just the person who can help me.

Duke: Trifle. The British empire lives.

Anna: Oh, wow. You said that to me years ago. I remember that. It was when I cooked something not quite as nice as this, but...mmm.

Duke: I hoped you'd remember that.

Anna: Yeah, of course, I did. 'Cause it's a memory not tainted by Faison.

Duke: I'm happy that we've regained our past, but what's more important to me is building a future. I hope you feel that way, too.

Anna: You know what I want. You know what I'm frightened of.

Duke: Yes. But it's not just that I might run afoul of the law.

Anna: All right. Yeah. I mean, yes, I did hide behind my badge, obviously, where you're concerned. Because... well, it's the conflict between my duty to uphold the law and your tendency to break it.

Duke: Ah. My past tendency, I might add.

Anna: I just didn't want to face my fears.

Duke: Anna, we both have the same fears. I told you that. We're both afraid that it might not be as romantic as it was 20 years ago. But when I told you that at the Nurses' Ball, and I asked you if you'd be brave enough to face our fears together, and you kissed me, I knew then that what I want is the same thing that I've always wanted. And all I've ever wanted is to make you happy. Will you let me do that?

Anna: Yeah.

Duke: [Chuckles]

Sabrina: I'm sorry you've been so unlucky lately.

Carly: Uh [Chuckles] I don't if I'd call myself, um, unlucky, but I guess I like that better than deluded and self-destructive, which would be a lot more accurate. [Chuckles]

Sabrina: Whoa. I had no idea. I mean, you seem so confident.

Carly: I am. I-I just know now that, you know, the pain doesn't last forever, and eventually, you move on. You get over it. I had this best friend who always knew when I was lying to myself, especially in a relationship, and he would warn me, and I wouldn't listen, and everything would blow up, and then I'd run to him crying.

[Both chuckle]

Carly: And, I mean, if things were bad, he would help me or try and fix it, but most of the time, he just listened, and he let me figure things out for myself. So, finally, I figured out the trick, you know? I-I-I just walked away from a relationship that, uh, would have been the best, which means it would have been the worst. I call that progress.

Sabrina: Congratulations, I guess.

Carly: No. Congratulations to you. Come on. It's a big night for you and Patrick, and he's such a great guy. I mean, a while back, I had fun with him.

Sabrina: Really? You --

Carly: Long time ago. [Chuckles] Way long time ago. And you're with Patrick now, and it's great. You guys are gonna be great, and I'm gonna go get a bottle of champagne on the house for you guys to get the date going in the right direction, okay?

Sabrina: Great. Thank you.

[Cell phone rings]

Sabrina: Oh. Patrick?

Patrick: Hey, Sabrina. Um...listen, I'm really sorry, but I'm not gonna be able to make our date tonight.

Maxie: Please do not fire me and replace me with the new Maxie. I went to the Floating Rib and got you your breakfast just like you requested.

Connie: You do realize it's dinnertime?

Maxie: I can explain that.

Connie: I'm sure you can, but you don't need to.

Maxie: Okay, I-I was on my way to work this morning, and I stopped by Dante and Lulu's house, and I found out that Lulu was missing.

Connie: I thought she'd been found at Cassadine Island.

Maxie: She was, but now she's lost again, and Dante is frantic. Anyway, I still went to the Floating Rib to get you your breakfast, so you didn't think I flaked on my first day of work.

Connie: Well, Maxie, that's exactly what you did.

Maxie: Okay, but wh-when I went to the Floating Rib, they had found Lulu's engagement ring in this bowl of peanuts, and I didn't really know what to think, because why would Lulu ditch her jewelry --

Connie: Well, naturally, you were not concerned about showing up at work or calling and saying there was an emergency so H.R. could find you a sub.

Maxie: Okay, yes, the H.R. thing was an oversight, and I'm sorry, but I can explain that, too.

Connie: I'm sure you can.

Maxie: While I was at the Floating Rib, I found out that this annoying person who's been sticking their nose into my personal business was at it again, but this time in a much more vicious way, so I had to go to the hospital and put the kibosh on that.

Connie: Maxie, I offer you a rare -- very rare and precious opportunity to redeem yourself in a career that you swear is your passion.

Maxie: It is my passion.

Connie: And what did you do? You showed up eight and a half hours late with a soggy breakfast sandwich talking about peanuts and hospitals. Do I want excuses? Do I want explanations?

Maxie: No, Kate.

Connie: No. Connie. What I want -- what I need, Maxie, is a first assistant who can do her job.

Maxie: I know! And I-I-I can do my job, so please do not replace me with the new Maxie. That old Maxie really loves her job and is very good at it. And I am the best first assistant that Kate has ever had -- or, not Kate, the very demanding woman that you used to be, who's not that different from the very demanding woman you are now. The thing is, you need me. Not as much as I might need you, but you need me. So, please, don't fire me. Just give me another chance.

Spinelli: What's the matter? What do you -- what do you need help with?

Ellie: [Sighs]

Ellie: Damian, I can't ignore the fact that Maxie knows something is amiss with the baby she's carrying, and she refuses to tell said baby's parents.

Spinelli: I just think it's best for us to stay out of it. I mean, it's up to Maxie to decided whether or not she's gonna divulge sensitive information, and the pregnancy has nothing to do with you nor with me, for that matter.

Ellie: Uh...I locked myself out of the GH network, and if I don't get back in, I won't be able to finish my work.

Spinelli: So, this is a computer-related problem?

Ellie: Yeah. And who knows more about computers than the assassin of the Internet, the cyber-God sometimes known as the Jackal.

Spinelli: Well, I appreciate your admiration, but I-I'm afraid that the distance between us might prove prohibitive. Wh-why don't you just call Chester Pepper?

Ellie: Chester Pepper?

Spinelli: Is he no longer in IT? But no matter. I'm sure whoever replaced him can help you reset your password.

Ellie: Right, but, unfortunately, I don't have time. Isn't there anyway to just log in to the entire network? I-I wouldn't ask, except my supervisor is out, and I really need to access his records. See, we were working on this project together, and I need to view his results in order to finish a really important test.

Spinelli: I see. Well, if it's an emergency --

Ellie: Yes. It is. I need to access some very crucial information.

Spinelli: I can get you in the mainframe, but that would give you access to everything at the hospital, which is certainly more than you need, and, you know, I should warn you from my own transgressions that having unfettered access to restricted material can prove somewhat tempting.

Ellie: That's okay. I can handle it.

Spinelli: Well, and I'm sure you'll only look at the stuff you need to get your lab results. It's not like you're gonna be looking at anyone's personal files.

Ellie: Right. No. Of course not.

Spinelli: Well, then, let's proceed. Uh, the first thing you want to do is press command, option, one, two, seven, nine, four.

Ellie: Okay. Command, option, one, two, seven, nine, four. All right. Control, "R." There.

Spinelli: You're in?

Ellie: Yes. I'm in. Oh, thank you so much.

Spinelli: Think nothing of it. We can't have people not having access to their lab results. Besides, you sounded like you were in distress, and it pains me to think of you in such a state.

Ellie: Well, thank you so much for your help. And good luck in your pursuit of Lauren Frank, the long-lost Quartermaine heir.

Spinelli: Good luck to you, as well. You know, I'm proud of you for how deeply you care about your work. It's one of the many reasons I love you.

Ellie: I love you, too. Bye. [Sighs]

Connie: Okay. I'm gonna give you another chance.

Maxie: Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. You won't regret it.

Connie: And it's only because I have to do something right now that can't wait, and I cannot leave that poor girl in charge of my desk. Can you start right now?

Maxie: Of course. Uh, where will you be, in case anyone asks? Never mind. I'll just tell them you're in a meeting.

Connie: I, uh -- I have to go to Pentonville to see Johnny.

Maxie: Johnny Zacchara? Are you still married to him?

Connie: Yes. Technically. I don't know. Maybe that's what this is about. He said it was important, so I'm gonna go and see what it is, but take this time to put this office into some semblance of order. Thank you.

Maxie: You can count on me.

Connie: Yeah, we'll see. Oh. I almost forgot to tell you. [Sighs] You're fired.

[Elevator bell dings]

Patrick: Britt really needs me there, and I'm sorry. I just -- I couldn't say no.

Sabrina: No, of course not. Y-you have to go.

Patrick: Yeah. Listen, I'm really sorry.

Sabrina: I know.

Felix: Nice play. Have to give you credit -- your timing's impeccable.

Britt: I don't know what you mean.

Felix: [Scoffs]

Britt: We should probably go. Might as well get this over with.

Patrick: Yeah. Thank you for babysitting, even though this isn't the night that we had planned.

Felix: Don't worry about it. I'll be here as long as you need me.

Patrick: Tell Sabrina how sorry I am, please.

Carly: Here we go -- our best champagne. I'm just gonna put it on ice for you. Oh, and I told the chef to set up a tasting menu for you guys. Patrick's gonna love it.

Sabrina: Oh, Carly. Thank you so much, but, unfortunately, Patrick had to cancel. It's something...he couldn't get out of.

Carly: Oh...I guess that's what you get for dating a doctor. [Chuckles] Always come second to some medical procedure, huh?

Sabrina: Yeah, something like that. Um, but thank you again, and I'm sorry if I put you out in any way.

Carly: Oh, no. Not at all. I'll save the champagne for the next time.

Sabrina: Okay, thank you.

Duke: Do you still think this is a dream?

Anna: Mnh-mnh. No.

Duke: Well, that's a good thing.

Anna: Yeah.

Duke: Mm, I'm very glad to hear it.

Anna: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

Duke: I don't understand. Are you having second thoughts?

Anna: No. No, I'm not. No. I'm just...

Duke: I don't understand.

Anna: Well, look, I-I want to be crystal clear about this. I'm a cop, right, and I have to uphold the law.

Duke: Mm.

Anna: And no matter how -- how lovely or charming you are, or how happy you make me --

Duke: I make you happy?

Anna: Yes. Do I make you happy?

Duke: You make me happy.

Anna: Are you sure?

Duke: You make me very, very, very --

Anna: I just need you to understand...

Duke: I understand.

Anna: ...That if -- if you break the law in any way, that I have no choice but to come after you.

Duke: I look forward to that.

[Keyboard keys clacking]

Ellie: [Sighs]

Maxie: [Sighs] She using Connie now, but she still has the Kate Howard flare. You are at the top of her call list, Feddie. She's just been dragged into a meeting. Oh, I'm glad you got the flowers and that you love them. Yeah, that was all Connie. She just adores you. I'll let her know. Ciao, Feddie.

Gwyneth: But you sent the flowers. I just watched you order them.

Maxie: Listen, new Maxie -- wait. What is your name?

Gwyneth: Oh, Gwyneth.

Maxie: Listen, Gwyneth, first rule of a first assistant -- you only take credit when things are screwed up. Anything that happens that's good -- big or small -- that's all Kate -- I mean, Connie.

Gwyneth: Thanks for the tip. Not that it matters. I just got fired.

Maxie: Well, you can't take Connie too seriously. She hires and fires people all the time.

Gwyneth: Like you?

Maxie: Yeah. Exactly like me. And, see, I got my job back. But you're probably not gonna get your job back, because that's my job now. Don't worry. I'm sure Connie will be able to find something for you. Oh, maybe you can sub for me when I have my baby.

Gwyneth: You're having a baby?

Maxie: Yeah. You know, sometimes I forget when things are going wrong on a day like a today, and then, to top it all off, all this stress is making my stomach feel weird. But you're not worried, are you, little baby? You know I have your best interests at heart. Ohh. What was that?

Gwyneth: Is something wrong?

Maxie: I don't know. I felt kind of like a little flutter or something. You have butterflies in there? Ohh. Oh, my God. I think I just felt my baby move.

Felix: Ah, it's okay. Let Nurse Felix make it all better.

Sabrina: Oh, thank you. I'm okay. So much for our big first date, right?

Felix: Well, if it's any consolation, Patrick felt really horrible about it.

Sabrina: I know. But what was he supposed to do? He's a good man, and he wasn't about to abandon Britt when she needed him.

Felix: Mm, I would have.

Sabrina: Felix, no, you wouldn't have. Britt might be a bitch, but she's human. And she's carrying Patrick's baby, whether we like it or not.

Felix: And not for long.

Patrick: You okay?

Britt: Is that a serious question? Hi. Um, I'm Britt Westbourne. I have an appointment.

Woman: Ah, yes. We'll be ready for you in just a few minutes.

Carly: [Sighs] [Sighing] Jason. Wow. I miss you. I really miss you. But I haven't fallen apart, you know? You'd be proud of me. In fact, you'd be really proud of me because I sidestepped not one, but two disasters. I got myself out of a bad situation before it even started, and, uh... [Chuckles] Well, when Johnny Zacchara called me collect from prison, I didn't take it. I couldn't.

Guard: You've got 20 minutes.

Johnny: [Sighs] Thanks for coming.

Connie: What is this about, Johnny? Why am I here?

Johnny: Because someone's life depends on it.

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