GH Transcript Thursday 4/25/13

General Hospital Transcript Thursday 4/25/13


Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By

AJ: Hey. I was just gonna call you. Come here. I want you to try something. What's the matter?

Elizabeth: Who the hell do you think you are?!

AJ: Elizabeth, w-w-what did you do that for? Whose pants are these?

Elizabeth: Whose do you think? They belong to Nikolas.

Nikolas: What do you want, Tracy?

Tracy: You are a rich man. I want to make you richer.

Nikolas: [Chuckles] Why the sudden interest in my financial well-being?

Tracy: Well, uh...we rich have to stick together, and I am in a position to share the wealth. What do you say...partner?

Mac: Bartender on duty last night said Lulu left with a guy -- late 20s, dark hair, well-built.

Maxie: That doesn't make sense. What guy?

Dante: A dead guy.

Milo: [Clears throat] Hey, guys. What's going on?

Dante: What's going on, Milo, is some low-life piece of garbage took advantage of my wife and ran off with her last night.

[Knock on door]

[Keys jingling]

[Lock disengages]


Max: [Groans]

Ellie: [Sighs]

[Cell phone rings]

Britt: Patrick.

Patrick: Hey. Um...I-I got your message about -- about the abortion.

Britt: I wanted you to know I was having the procedure later today. Patrick, are you there?

Patrick: Yeah. I'm here. Um...Britt, are you sure this is what you want to do?

AJ: Why do you have Nikolas' pants?

Elizabeth: Oh, because I tore them off of him right before I jumped his bones.

AJ: What?

Elizabeth: Isn't that what you think -- that Nikolas and I can't keep our hands off of each other, that every time I go to take his vitals, we end up doing it like bunnies?

AJ: No, I just -- I would never --

Elizabeth: Really? Really? Then why the hell did you tell Nikolas to stay away from me?

Nikolas: I assume you mean business partner.

Tracy: That's funny.

Nikolas: [Chuckles] Never hurts to ask, does it? Okay, I assume this, uh -- this product that you're displaying before me is -- it's part of this proposition?

Tracy: I give you Pickle-Tracy.

Nikolas: [Chuckling] Okay. And this is something that -- that you want to market?

Tracy: This is condiment gold. And putting it on the shelves is a very expensive undertaking, and I need a little extra capital to pay for the start-up costs.

Nikolas: I see. By extra, you mean...all of it? You see, I've only been unconscious for a few days, so I'm current on financial news. You've been dethroned at ELQ, which means your father's business and all of its resources are no longer yours to abuse.

Tracy: Well, while I might not agree with your choice of words, yes, I am no longer C.E.O. of ELQ, but you know what they say. When one door closes, a window opens.

Nikolas: And this...relish is your window.

Tracy: Yes. I am going to start my own business, and I want to give you a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to buy in on the ground floor before anybody else does.

Nikolas: No, I don't -- I don't want to taste it. I don't want to buy it, either.

Tracy: Trust me. One taste and you will be begging for shares.

Nikolas: I'm not interested in condiments. I'm worried about my sister right now.

Tracy: Lulu?

Nikolas: She's missing.

Max: What the...

Lulu: Aah! Don't shoot me!

Max: Lulu. That's okay. I'm not gonna hurt you. But can you, pretty please, put the blender down? Oh, God. What are you doing here? I just -- I heard you just got back from Greece. Are you here to see my brother? Where is he?

Lulu: Your brother?

Max: Milo -- the guy whose shirt you're wearing and pretty much nothing...else. Oh, God. Oh, no. Oh, no. Please, please tell me my brother didn't sleep with the boss's daughter-in-law. Please.

Milo: What are you saying? Lulu ran off with someone else?

Felicia: No, Dante doesn't mean that Lulu left him, but that she's gone.

Milo: Someone kidnapped Lulu again? They found Lulu in Greece, but whatever the Cassadines did to her was so terrible that she's lost her memory.

Dante: She doesn't remember me, her family, or anything about her life, so we took her to the hospital and got her checked out by Patrick Drake. Thought it was gonna make her feel better. All it actually did was freak her out even more.

Maxie: We think she might have run away, but we're trying to figure out where she could have gone.

Dante: We know she was here last night.

Mac: We found Lulu's ring.

Felicia: In the peanut bowl.

Milo: Seriously?

Dante: Yeah, bartender saw her take off with some guy.

Maxie: Just don't know who he is or if he's trying to hurt her. I'm really scared.

Milo: I'm sorry, Maxie.

Maxie: No, it's not your fault. I'm just so hormonal, because I'm pregnant and all. Then when I start to think that Lulu might never see this child...

Dante: Maxie, stop.

Milo: You can't jump the gun on something like this. Not when you don't even know who she left with. Do you have any idea who he is?

Dante: No. But you're gonna help me find him.

Max: Milo, you idiot! You come out of that bathroom, and you face me like a man, even though you're not a man. You're -- you're a-a weasel, a-a worm, a stupid worm!

Lulu: Hey, don't call Milo a worm!

Max: You're defending him? You took the boss's daughter-in-law -- Dante's wife -- to bed?! Have you no respect?! Lulu's gonna be a mother in a few months! [Pounds on door]

Britt: I thought this was what you wanted -- I mean, to make the baby go away.

Patrick: That's...not exactly what I said.

Britt: You told me you don't want anything to do with this baby, which is your prerogative, but I'm not going to raise a child alone. So, yes, I am sure about this. It's really for the best.

Patrick: Okay, well, uh, can I at least come with you just to make sure that you get home okay?

Britt: You don't have to worry about me. I-I understand that this is short notice, so I wouldn't want you to have to rearrange your schedule or anything.

Patrick: No, it's -- it's not a problem. I just -- I mean, I have a plan, but I can -- I can change it. Obviously, this is priority.

Britt: No. Um, it's -- it's better if you're not with me. But thank you.

Patrick: You're sure?

Britt: Positive.

Patrick: Okay. Well, call me if there's anything else.

[Doorbell rings]

Sabrina: Hey. I know our date's not till tonight, but I wanted to --

Patrick: You have no idea how happy I am to see you.

Ellie: No, no, no, no, no. This is so wrong. But if Maxie's lying and there's something wrong with Dante and Lulu's baby...I must.

Britt: What do you think you're doing?

AJ: Elizabeth, what I said to Nikolas was between us.

Elizabeth: So, you admit you told him to say away from me?

AJ: I -- you know, it was a private conversation. I-I didn't expect that the guy would come crying to you.

Elizabeth: Oh, he didn't. I had to drag it out of him.

AJ: Maybe that's what he wanted you to think.

Elizabeth: Oh, so now he's manipulating me?

AJ: I just wanted to get a couple things clear with the guy.

Elizabeth: By confronting him in his hospital bed where he almost died twice?! And while he's on the mend, now his sister goes missing.

AJ: Look, I wasn't trying to confront him.

Elizabeth: No, you were just trying to stake your claim like a caveman. AJ, we have been out on one date -- just one. You have no right to treat me like I'm your property.

AJ: It wasn't like that. Please, let me -- let me explain this to you.

Elizabeth: Yes. Tell me. What was it like? I'm listening.

Tracy: I heard yesterday that she'd been rescued, and they were bringing her home. How could she be missing again?

Nikolas: There were some complications.

Tracy: Really? Which one of your degenerate family members did what to my ste-- to Lulu?

Nikolas: My father almost killed her.

Tracy: Your father? I thought he took a swan dive down a bottomless pit.

Nikolas: Not bottomless enough, apparently. Helena was able to revive him, at least temporarily.

Tracy: Okay, cut to the chase. Is he a threat or is he not?

Nikolas: He's dead. That's been confirmed. But he left one last casualty behind.

Tracy: Lulu?

Nikolas: Yes. She's forgotten everything about herself, the people who love her. Tracy, when she got back to Port Charles...the pressure was just too much for her. So she ran away.

Max: Milo, you coward! Quit hiding and get out here already!

Lulu: Hey, Milo isn't here.

Max: He's not? Well, where is he, huh? He's gonna have to face the music sooner or later. What was he thinking sleeping with you?

Lulu: You know, just so you know, he didn't take me to bed.

Max: Good. Wait. Are you telling me you took Milo to bed?

Lulu: No! I slept here, okay? But we didn't sleep together. There was no sex whatsoever.

Max: Well, thank God. But if you and that idiot didn't sleep together, Lulu, what are you doing here?

Milo: You want me to help find Lulu?

Dante: Yeah. You know I don't normally want to get involved in Sonny's business.

Milo: Yeah, the boss is always telling Max and me to keep you out of it, too.

Dante: This time, I'm gonna make an exception. What Lulu went through with the Cassadines -- they put her through hell. Okay, we bring her back here, try to surround her with things that should be familiar to her, and she doesn't know anything. She's more scared and confused than she was before. She takes off with some stranger.

Milo: You're right. It's got to be horrible for her.

Dante: Right. So, Commissioner Devane has the PCPD searching. We need to cover all the bases. You and your brother are discreet and effective. That's what I need from you right now.

Milo: Of course, I'm gonna help, but --

Dante: Don't worry about Sonny. I'll take care of Sonny.

Milo: Yeah. Yeah, you're right. He'll probably -- he'll be good with it.

Dante: Look, Milo, this isn't business, okay? This is me asking a favor of a friend. Will you and your brother help me find the son of a bitch who took my wife? Milo, she doesn't even remember that -- that we're having a child.

Ellie: Dr. Westbourne, hi. I was just, um --

Britt: You were "just, um" accessing Maxie's medical records -- something only doctors are allowed to do.

Ellie: No, no. A doctor got called away on an emergency, so he asked me to log him off.

Britt: Yet here you are, still logged on.

Ellie: Yeah, there was some glitch, and I couldn't --

Britt: You are such a bad liar. Since you barged into the exam room during my appointment with Maxie yesterday...

Ellie: I was delivering --

Britt: ...I assume you took advantage of that doctor's emergency to pry into Maxie's medical records. And I want to know why.

Sabrina: Hey. You all right?

Patrick: Yeah. I'm okay.

Sabrina: What's going on? Something with Britt?

Patrick: Yeah.

Sabrina: You know, it's normal for you to have mixed feelings about her decision to terminate the pregnancy, right?

Patrick: Yeah, I know --

Felix: Hey. Hi.

Sabrina: Hey.

Felix: I raided my niece's toy chest. I thought Emma could use some new friends.

Patrick: [Chuckles] Come in, please. Um, that's nice of you. Your niece isn't gonna miss them?

Felix: Oh, please. She hasn't touched these since she turned tween. Plus, I need every available weapon is I'm gonna take Sabrina's crown as, uh, Emma's favorite sitter.

Sabrina: [Chuckles]

Patrick: Um, aren't you just a little bit early? I mean, not that I mind, it's just our date isn't until later on tonight.

Sabrina: Yeah, Felix knows.

Felix: Oh, I just wanted to check Emma's bedtime routine. You know, avert any possible meltdowns. I told you. I'm going for the gold.

Sabrina: If that's okay?

Patrick: Yeah, it's -- it's fine, of course.

Emma: Hey, Sabrina. Hi, Felix.

Felix: Hey, Emma.

Sabrina: What's going on? Hi.

Emma: Is Felix babysitting tonight?

Felix: The rumors are true.

Emma: Yay!

Felix: "Yay" is right. We're gonna rock this house, baby girl.

Emma: I'm not a baby, Felix. But my little brother or sister will be.

Tracy: I can't bear the thought of Lulu being in that kind of pain.

Nikolas: Tracy, I know you love my sister. You were like a mother to her when our own mother couldn't be.

Tracy: I wish I could take credit for who she became, but she was one of the strongest young women I've ever met. She has endured a lot and come through it beautifully. You know what? She's gonna come through this, too. I know it. She's gonna be just fine.

Nikolas: Now, was that for my benefit, to try and convince me to be your business partner, or do you truly believe that she will come through this?

Tracy: I truly believe it.

Nikolas: Makes me feel better hearing that from you. Doesn't mean I want to do business with you.

Tracy: Nikolas, you have sole control of your family's ill-gotten gains, don't you?

Nikolas: I am the principle heir, yes.

Tracy: So, why not make a worthwhile investment? Use that money for good.

Nikolas: So, is relish now the new beacon of hope in an unkind world?

Tracy: It is for me. If I don't get the financial backing I need, I lose everything to AJ.

Nikolas: Did you say AJ?

AJ: I admit I may have overreacted.

Elizabeth: May have?

AJ: Elizabeth, by your own admission, you've been spending a lot of time with Nikolas.

Elizabeth: I want him to get well.

AJ: Okay, I know that. I do, but does he? Look, I stopped by the hospital yesterday, and the guy -- he had his hands all over you.

Elizabeth: [Chuckles] We were hugging because Lulu had been found, remember?

AJ: [Sighs] Okay, but it just -- it wasn't the first time, either. I stopped by a few days ago to come see you, and -- and I saw Nikolas and you in a clinch.

Elizabeth: A-a clinch? AJ, I don't know what you think you saw, but I've only been there to comfort him. As of a couple days ago, he didn't know whether his sister was dead or alive. Does that clear things up for you?

AJ: Yeah, okay. All right.

Elizabeth: Are there any more sightings you want me to explain?

AJ: Okay, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have, you know, gone and confronted him like some kind of a caveman, but, you know, I wasn't trying to -- to stake my claim to you. I really wasn't. It wasn't even about you. It's about him. I don't trust the guy.

Elizabeth: I guess ultimately it really doesn't matter whether you trust Nikolas or not, but do you trust me? [Scoffs] What? What, you think that I can't control myself around him?

AJ: Well, you did sleep with him behind Lucky's back.

Dante: Milo, I know you like Lulu. You always have.

Milo: You're right. I do.

Dante: So, please, give me a hand with this. Talk to some people. See if anyone can tell me where she is.

Milo: Sure, Dante. Me and Max will get on it.

Dante: Thank you. Appreciate it.

Milo: So, you told me she left the bar with this guy last night. Do you know anything else about him?

Dante: Well, not much. Right, Mac? Mac says there was a new bartender and didn't get a good look at this dirtbag who she walked out with.

Mac: Just that he was tall, dark hair, well-built.

Felicia: Could be anybody.

Maxie: Well, at least we know he wasn't trying to rob her. She left her ring here.

Milo: I almost forgot the ring! I mean, the onion rings. That's what I came in here for.

Mac: Onion rings? When do you order onion rings? You know, you're always asking me to put on the menu more gym-friendly options. You always get the grilled chicken with garnishes, so what do you want?

Milo: Right, right. That was my brother who wanted them, but, uh, he can live without them. We need to start looking for Lulu.

Dante: Thank you, Milo.

Maxie: You know, I know Sonny complains about them a lot, but Max and Milo are actually pretty good at their jobs. I think they might be able to help us find Lulu.

Max: I'm really confused here, Lulu. You spent the night at Milo's, you didn't have sex, and today you're wearing his shirt?

Lulu: Look, I-I just asked Milo to hide me out last night.

Max: Hide you? Why?

Lulu: I'm not sure.

Max: I don't want to throw out accusations here, but, uh, that guy's been nursing a major crush on you for a few years. Don't you think you're taking advantage?

Lulu: I-I didn't mean to. Look, I don't know anything about Milo, okay? I don't remember who he is.

Max: What are you talking about?

Lulu: It's not just Milo, okay? I don't remember who anyone is -- not the man who says that he's my husband, not my parents, no one. I have no idea who you are.

Max: [Chuckles] Huh? Oh, I'm Max Giambetti. I'm Milo's brother. He's not the brightest bulb, and he's way too trusting, which is why I got to watch out for him.

Lulu: Yeah, I-I got that.

Max: All right. All right. Let's just start from the beginning. Tell me exactly what's going on.

Lulu: My parents and my husband took me to the hospital last night for an exam to -- to try to diagnose whatever is wrong with me. Look, I know that they meant well, okay, but I couldn't take it anymore -- all of those strangers just begging me to remember them. I-I had to get away just so that I could breathe, so I-I left the hospital and I started walking and eventually I-I saw the roadhouse, and that's where I met Milo. I-I just -- I thought he was a nice guy, so I asked him to hide me.

Max: Whoa, whoa, whoa. You told Milo you have amnesia and that you'd run away, and he still let you stay here? Idiot!

Lulu: No, please, don't be mad at him, okay? Look, Milo is gonna be able to explain everything. He'll be back any minute. He just went to get my ring.

Max: R-ring?! What?!

Lulu: I-I forgot it at the bar last night, but, look, it's a long story, okay? And I'm sure it's all gonna make sense.

Max: Of all the stupid stunts he could have pulled -- the boss's daughter-in-law.

Lulu: Hey, wait. What are you doing?

Max: What my brother should have done last night -- calling Dante.

Britt: Are you going to explain to me why you're illegally accessing Maxie's confidential records?

Ellie: Can we please talk about this in private?

Britt: As soon as I log off. Excuse me. Maxie told me how you've been hounding her, snooping around, asking all kinds of questions about her pregnancy.

Ellie: You and Maxie are hiding something about that baby, something you're not telling Dante and Lulu, and I know what it is.

Emma: Do you know if the baby's gonna be a boy or a girl? I asked Daddy, but he won't tell me anything.

Felix: Uh, hey, Emma, do you want to show me your room? That way we can get started on making this girl fabulous.

Emma: Fabulous.

Felix: [Chuckles] There you go. Come on.

Patrick: That was quick. Does Felix know about Britt's decision?

Sabrina: Uh, yeah. I-I told him. I hope you don't mind.

Patrick: No, I mean, Britt gave up her right for privacy when she announced to the whole city at the Nurses' Ball that she's pregnant. Now she's -- she's gonna have to explain to everybody why she's not having a baby.

Sabrina: And you're gonna have to explain it to Emma.

Patrick: I talked to Britt right before you got here.

Sabrina: Yeah?

Patrick: The appointment's today.

Sabrina: Today?

Patrick: Yeah. I asked her if it's, uh -- she's sure what she wants, and...

Sabrina: And what did she say?

Patrick: She turned it on me and asked if it -- if I'm sure it's what I want.

Sabrina: Are you?

Elizabeth: So, you think I'm a slut, AJ? Is that it?

AJ: No.

Elizabeth: I mean, after all, I did have three kids with three different daddies. You know what? I can't believe I trusted you. I confided in you about a time in my life where I made some serious mistakes, and you just threw it back in my face.

AJ: Elizabeth, that's not what I meant at all.

Elizabeth: You were so sympathetic and sincere and told me that you understood all the guilt and the shame I felt because you, too, have made mistakes.

AJ: I have.

Elizabeth: And now you're standing here judging me? I really thought this was gonna go different. But you know what? You're just like everyone else. But at least I know where you stand.

AJ: Elizabeth, please, wait. Wait. Stop, please. You have to know how important you are to me, how important this relationship is to me. I don't want it to end. Please, can you accept my apology? I mean, I think we've got something really good between us.

Elizabeth: [Chuckles] There's nothing between us, AJ, not anymore.

Tracy: First, AJ stole ELQ from me. And then he tried to steal the only thing my father left me -- my mother's relish.

Nikolas: AJ was always greedy -- grabbing up things that don't belong to him.

Tracy: I take it you are not a member of the AJ fan club?

Nikolas: [Chuckles] Who is?

Tracy: Well, his mother for one. I can't tell you what it's like to live in a house where she is constantly defending every one of his misdeeds. And then there's Elizabeth. She had the bad judgment to go to the Nurses' Ball with him. I thought there was love in the air, but then I saw her storm out of here with your pants.

Nikolas: Yeah, there's that.

Tracy: Care to enlighten me?

Nikolas: AJ warned me to stay away from her. She didn't take it well. Neither did I.

Tracy: So, you realize that AJ has not changed.

Nikolas: Same jerk he's always been.

Tracy: And would you say that he is enough of a jerk for you to twist the knife by partnering with me?

Nikolas: [Chuckles]

Tracy: I mean, it wouldn't just be about sticking it to AJ. You would turn a profit, and you would be part of making sure that a healthy, delicious product gets to the masses.

Nikolas: Not bad.

Tracy: [Laughs] Not bad? This is condiment nirvana. Pickle-Tracy is going straight to the top and taking you and me with it. So, what do you say? You want to be part of my empire?

Patrick: It's Britt's body, right? So, I guess if that's what she feels -- if she feels it's right to terminate the pregnancy, then I guess that's her choice.

Sabrina: Yeah, but you're the father. You must feel something.

Patrick: I don't know what I feel right now. I'm not sure. It's just happening so quick. I just found out she's pregnant, and all of a sudden, now she's -- she's having an abortion.

Sabrina: You know, Patrick, maybe tonight isn't the best night to have our first date. I mean, the timing just kind of feels off, and you've just got so much to deal with.

Patrick: I don't know how I feel about this baby or what -- what Britt's doing, but... I want to be with you.

Britt: You think you know something about Maxie's baby?

Ellie: Yes, I do. You discovered a problem with the baby in utero -- something serious -- and now you've conspired with Maxie to withhold the information from Dante and Lulu.

Britt: And why would I do that?

Ellie: I don't know. While I completely understand the confidentiality laws protecting a patient's right to privacy, that baby belongs to Dante and Lulu, and they have the right to know.

Britt: And they would if there was something wrong with the baby. There isn't. It's perfectly healthy.

Ellie: I distinctly heard you and Maxie say you're hiding something about that baby. If the baby's perfectly healthy, then what are you keeping from Dante and Lulu?

Maxie: I'm not trying to make this about me, really, but Lulu wanted this baby so bad. I mean, she gave new meaning to the words "hover" and "control." And now she doesn't even remember it?

Dante: She doesn't remember anyone. I mean, she doesn't even want to be around her dad. How often does that happen?

Maxie: Never.

Dante: She was better with her mom, but not much.

Maxie: I can't even imagine what this must be like for her.

Dante: She's terrified. It's terrifying. I mean -- I mean, I just -- I don't get it. It doesn't make any sense to me. Why -- why turn away the people who say they love you, have proof of being in your life, and then go off with some guy she doesn't even know? It doesn't make any sense.

Felicia: Mac, I think it's better that Anna doesn't find out that Dante asked for help from Sonny's men.

Mac: I think she'd understand desperate times call for desperate measures.

Felicia: What if Max and Milo find Lulu first? What are they gonna do with that guy that she ran off with?

Mac: Look, you know I don't condone violence, but speaking as someone who's lost too many people he loves, I'd say that guy's gonna get what he deserves and more.

Lulu: Please, you can't call.

Max: No. Do you know how worried your family's got to be right now?

Lulu: Yes, okay, I know, and I'm sorry, but you just can't tell them where I am.

Max: Believe me, you're gonna be fine.

Milo: What are you doing?

Max: What am I doing? What the hell are you doing, huh? You hide Lulu from Dante and her family? And by her family, I include her father-in-law, our boss, who will have us planted in the Pine Barrens if he finds out about this.

Milo: You don't understand. You didn't even see her, okay? She was so upset.

Max: Probably like Dante is now. The guy's got to be petrified to death.

Milo: He is. Everybody is, including Maxie, who's carrying your baby.

Maxie: Lulu is my best friend, and even if she doesn't remember who she is or her life, deep down inside, somewhere, she's still the same person, and that person knows how to take care of herself. You've seen it. She's got some sixth sense for danger.

Dante: Yeah, okay. I know you're trying to make me feel better, but it's not gonna work.

Maxie: Maybe on some instinctive level, she knew she'd be safe with whoever she left with last night.

Dante: Yeah, maybe you're on to something here. Maybe the guy is someone who knows Lulu.

Britt: All I need to do is tell Dr. Quartermaine that you're hacking confidential files and you're gone.

Ellie: You tell Dr. Quartermaine anything, and I'll tell her that you're hiding important information from the baby's biological parents. Ha! There's something wrong with that baby.

Britt: Whether or not that's true, why is this so important to you?

Ellie: Look, I may not be a doctor, but as a medical professional, I believe in full disclosure, and I know that you're withholding critical information from that baby's parents.

Britt: Oh, so this about Dante and Lulu? Are you sure this doesn't have anything to do with Maxie's long and complicated relationship with Damian?

Ellie: My personal life has --

Britt: Maxie told me all about it. That he was devoted to her for years and truly never really got over her. I mean, clearly, considering they had sex on New Year's Eve while you were laying paralyzed in a ditch.

Ellie: Wow. You are a truly appalling and hurtful human being.

Britt: I'm not the one prying into confidential files. And if anyone else was involved in this situation, other than Maxie, would you be pursuing it? I think you need to answer that question honestly and put Maxie and the baby out of your head.

AJ: Elizabeth, please. I'm trying to apologize. Look, I-I know that I was out of line. Believe me. I'm sorry. I-I wasn't trying to be offensive when I spoke to Nikolas. All I was trying to do was just make sure that nothing got in our way. Please listen to me. I know I overreacted. I'm sorry. I just -- I don't -- I don't know how to do this. It's -- it's been a really long time since I felt close to a woman. I just -- I-I didn't know the right thing to do. I wanted to -- I wanted to make sure that we had a shot at a future.

Elizabeth: I understand why you said what you did to Nikolas, but that doesn't change what you just said to me.

AJ: Look, it was just a mistake. That's all. Maybe we're both overreacting.

Elizabeth: I wish I was. I knew it was a bad idea letting myself get close to you. I believed you when you said you had changed, and I kept telling myself that everybody deserves a second chance. Because we all do. But I was wrong. You haven't changed at all.

Tracy: So, you'll be the prince of Pickle-Tracy.

Nikolas: [Chuckles]

Tracy: And you'll bury AJ in the process. It's a win-win.

Nikolas: Why not?

Tracy: Why not?

Nikolas: Why not?

Tracy: Why not? Oh! You agree? You will not regret this! Thank you so much!

Nikolas: [Chuckles] Okay. Calm -- calm down. Just give me your office number. I'll have my business-affairs people call yours, you know...

Tracy: Well, I-I don't h-have any business-affairs people or an office, for that matter, so just have your people call me directly.

Nikolas: Got you. I'm on it.

Tracy: Okay. Well, a toast to Pickle-Tracy. Oh, and you know what? This pairs beautifully with toast.

Nikolas: Now that you mention it, uh, we got to do something about that name.

[Cell phone rings]

Maxie: Uh, I need to take this.

Dante: Yeah.

Maxie: Dr. Westbourne.

Britt: I caught your busybody little lab-tech friend here at the hospital.

Maxie: Ellie? What's she doing?

Britt: Hacking into your medical records.

Maxie: Oh, my God. Did she find out about Spinelli being the father of this baby?

Britt: Not yet. I managed to do some fairly decent damage control, but I can't guarantee she's gonna give up. If you want her to stop, you need to do something about this.

Dante: Hey. You okay?

Maxie: Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. That was Connie just wondering if I was ever gonna show up for my first day of work. [Sighs] Um, I-I have to go, but call me if you hear anything.

Dante: Yeah, look, try not to worry, okay? I'll make sure we bring Lulu back to us.

Maxie: Yeah.

Mac: Here you are. I printed all the credit receipts from last night.

Dante: Mac, thank you. Listen, I'm gonna need the new bartender's address, as well. I got to question him, see if he knows anything else about this guy Lulu took off with.

Mac: You got it.

Lulu: You saw Dante and the woman who's carrying the baby?

Milo: Not on purpose, believe me. I went back to the Floating Rib to see if anyone had found your ring, and Dante and Maxie were there.

Lulu: Oh, my God. Do they know that I came home with you last night?

Milo: No, but they know you were in the Floating Rib last night. They found your ring, and they found out you left with a tall, "well-built" guy with dark hair.

Lulu: Okay, well, yeah, but they don't know who.

Milo: Yeah, not yet, but it's only a matter of time. Dante asked me to help find you.

Lulu: Oh. Are you serious?

Max: And you didn't tell him you already had a pretty good idea where she was?

Milo: I couldn't. It has to be Lulu's decision.

Lulu: Thank you. Thank you, Milo. That means so much to me.

Milo: You're welcome, but please, Lulu, you need to call Dante.

Patrick: Thank you for setting up the date for tonight.

Sabrina: Actually, it's Felix you should be thanking.

Felix: Uh, don't thank me yet. [Chuckles] I have a little girl who refuses to let go of a very big question about a baby. That's my cue to go. [Chuckles] I'll see you in a few hours?

Emma: Okay.

Felix: Okay.

Sabrina: Do you want me to go?

Patrick: No. You've got some questions, and I haven't been answering them, have I?

Emma: No.

Patrick: I'm sorry.

Emma: Why not?

Patrick: Well, because, honey, it turns out there's not gonna be a baby.

Emma: That mean lady was lying?

Patrick: No. No, she wasn't lying. No.

Emma: Then why isn't there gonna be a baby?

Patrick: Because sometimes it's -- it's just what happens. I'm sorry. You sad?

Emma: No, but I think you are.

Sabrina: Emma forgot all about the baby as soon as we started playing with the toys that Felix brought. She's gonna be okay.

Patrick: I know.

Patrick: I just want to get to dinner. I just want to be sitting there with you at the Metro Court, and all this will slowly go away, and I'll feel better. And you are going to order more than just water this time.

Sabrina: [Chuckles] I can't believe you remember that.

Patrick: Of course, I remember. It was our first meeting about the Nurses' Ball.

Sabrina: I was just so excited to spend time with you. I-I couldn't think straight. Just like I'm excited to spend time with you tonight.

Patrick: Me too.

Sabrina: I'll see you later.

Patrick: Okay.

Sabrina: Okay.

Tracy: Whoa. Pants in a twist?

AJ: What the hell are you doing here? Shawn already told you he doesn't want your damn relish.

Tracy: He doesn't, but I found somebody who thinks it's wonderful. Congratulate me. I procured a business partner -- a true visionary who put his money where his mouth is.

AJ: What kind of masochistic bonehead would want to go into business with you?

Tracy: Nikolas Cassadine.

Nikolas: I really hope you're here to return my pants.

Elizabeth: Oh, I forgot them.

Nikolas: What do you mean? You left my pants with AJ?

Elizabeth: [Sighs] Yeah, well, that's the last thing he's ever gonna get from me.

Nikolas: Oh. So, you -- you settled things with him?

Elizabeth: Mm-hmm. Yeah, I settled it. Whatever relationship AJ and I had is over.

Milo: Lulu, I know you're confused, but Dante's a great guy. He deserves to know that you're okay.

Lulu: I know. Look, I just need a little more time, okay? I was on your computer before, and I found pictures of Dante and me on the Internet, and, you know, maybe they can help me to remember something, so please just give me a little bit longer to try.

Milo: No harm in that, right?

Max: Yes, harm. Harm like you can't imagine. You either call Dante or I will.

Mac: Here you go. I got his address from, uh, W-2.

Dante: Thank you, Mac. I'm gonna go talk to him now.

[Cell phone rings]

Felicia: Please let that be good news.

Dante: It's a blocked number. Falconeri.

Lulu: It's me.

Dante: Lulu. Lulu, are you all right?

Lulu: Yeah, I-I'm fine.

Dante: My God, I was going crazy here. Where -- where are you?

Lulu: I can't tell you that. I'm so sorry. I-I'm so sorry. I'm just not ready.

Dante: Wait. Wait, Lulu.

Ellie: [Sighing] Okay. Think, Ellie, think. There has to be some way to get back on. [Sighs]

[Elevator bell dings]

Maxie: Ellie Trout.

Ellie: Maxie! Hi.

Maxie: Shut up. I know what you're doing, you sneaky little bitch.

[Doorbell rings]

Patrick: Coming. Hey. You okay?

Britt: I'm sorry. I-I can't do this. I can't.

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