General Hospital Transcript Wednesday 4/24/13
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By
Elizabeth: Hey. What are you doing?
Nikolas: I'm getting out of here.
Elizabeth: And going where?
Nikolas: Help Dante find my sister.
Dante: Sorry, Commissioner, I didn't catch that. What? Units at the bus depot said what? Okay, so that's a good sign. At least that means she hasn't probably left town. All right, why don't I meet you down at the station. I just came home to shower and change. No, I knew she probably wouldn't be here. Well, I don't think I can rest until I find my wife. I just wish I knew where to look.
[Shower water running]
[Shower shuts off]
Ellie: Damian, what are you doing here?
Spinelli: I just came to say goodbye.
Ellie: Well, not that I'm complaining, but we already said goodbye this morning.
Spinelli: Oh, yes, I remember. I just had some extra time, so I thought I'd come by and say goodbye yet again.
Ellie: Well, I'm working.
Spinelli: As am I. Okay, so here's the plan. We will kiss once more, and then I will depart on my mission to find A.J.'s missing niece, the elusive Lauren Frank.
Michael: Needs a little more zing.
AJ: Zing. Oh, man.
Michael: Mustard seeds?
AJ: Mustard seeds -- check. Hey. [Whistles] Here. Uh, just so we're clear, you never actually had sex with Brenda?
Michael: Juniper berries? It's worth a try.
AJ: Come on, kid, don't leave me hanging.
Michael: Okay, look -- according to Brenda, we didn't have sex. Okay, got drunk, I passed out, she climbed into bed with me... just to get back at my mom.
AJ: That's inspired. Yeah, I like it. I mean, you know, did the trick. There's a Carly-sized hole in the ceiling.
Michael: I really don't want to think about how bad this whole thing hurt my mom, so can we just, you know, get back to work?
AJ: Right. We got to focus. We've got to perfect this relish if we're gonna have any chance of beating Tracy's.
Felicia: And I like this.
Mac: Mm-hmm.
Felicia: And...this.
Mac: Mm-hmm. I like this. Come on, Felicia, I'm a guy.
Tracy: [Clears throat] Excuse me. Can I talk to you privately, Mac?
Mac: Sure, Tracy. What can I do for you?
Tracy: Oh, it's not what you can do for me. It's what I can do for you.
Mac: And that is?
Tracy: [Laughs] Rock your world.
Felicia: And this. And that. Oh, my God, oh, my God, oh, my God. [Giggles]
[Knock on door]
Dante: You know what, Commissioner? That might be her right now. I'll call you back.
Maxie: Good morning! Ooh, sorry to interrupt your little romantic reunion, but I really wanted to see Lulu.
Dante: Maxie, this is --
Maxie: I know she's probably exhausted from being held hostage or kidnapped or whatever it was you guys just got back from, but I'm gonna be at Crimson all day, and I wanted to fill her in.
Dante: Okay, Maxie --
Maxie: Yay, Crimson! I got my job back! I promise I won't take up too much of Lulu's time, though. I have to go to the Floating Rib and get Connie breakfast --
Dante: Maxie, stop! Please, just stop for a second, okay? Lulu...isn't here.
Maxie: Well, then, where is she?
Dante: I wish I knew. She's missing.
Lulu: So, good shower?
Milo: The best. Good morning, sunshine.
Michael: Well?
AJ: Come on. Don't keep us in suspense.
Shawn: Zucchini, onions, carrots... cider vinegar and habaneros?
Michael: That's quite a palate you got there.
Shawn: Yes, I know.
AJ: Okay. Is it good?
Shawn: Damn good.
AJ: Ha ha. Yeah, right?
Shawn: It's just not Pickle-Lila. Back to the drawing board, gents.
Mac: Pickle-Lila? The Quartermaine relish is making a comeback?
Tracy: Bigger and better than ever.
Mac: When can I stock up?
Tracy: Mac Scorpio, Felicia was a very smart woman to snap you up.
Felicia: Wow! Mac Scorpio, you are a sly devil. [Gasps] Oh, it's gorgeous.
Tracy: I am about to start filling orders, and I can offer you an exclusive deal if you just sign on the dotted line.
Mac: All right.
Tracy: There you go.
Mac: Well, wait a minute.
Tracy: Yeah, right there.
Mac: The Pickle-Lila trademark is nowhere on this contract.
Tracy: Mac, it's a legal document. It's not a coloring book. Just sign right there. Sign.
Mac: Actually, I don't see Pickle-Lila anywhere -- mentioned anywhere, Tracy. What gives?
Tracy: Well, I -- I... actually... AJ and I had a little... set-to, and as it turns out, I own the recipe.
Mac: But?
Tracy: But... ELQ owns the name.
Mac: Wait a minute. You're releasing Pickle-Lila under another name?
Tracy: Not just any name, Mac. I give you Pickle-Tracy.
AJ: The original Pickle-Lila had a secret ingredient.
Maxie: And it was originally found right here in Kelly's kitchen, right? The birthplace of Pickle-Lila.
AJ: Shawn, come on. You're supposed to be a culinary genius. Can't you do something to help us out?
Shawn: I already tried once. Long time ago. It was on Parris island. And the relish became an obsession. Sure, I'd report for duty and did my job. I mean, no one was the wiser, but -- but I... I couldn't sleep. At night, I would sneak into the mess. Everything was Pickle-Lila. Nothing else mattered. The closer I got to figuring it out, with all the pickles and the spices... the closer was my brush to madness. Finally, my unit was deployed, and I had to leave the mystery behind, unsolved.
AJ: What if you could solve it? What if you give it another shot, in order to overcome the obsession?
Shawn: Nah. I'm over it. Thanks, though.
Michael: Maybe if we can't get it exactly right, we can get it close, right? Molly said you make a mean sandwich that can curl Alexis's toes.
Shawn: Well, yes. My meatloaf banh mi. Makes her faint.
AJ: What is in that banh mi?
Shawn: It's a trade secret.
AJ: Look, I'll pay you, all right? I mean, come on -- I need an ingredient. I need any ingredient! Look, please, come on. I've got a guy on a mission right now, and I've got to be ready in a second's notice with that relish if he comes through.
Ellie: So, are you optimistic your trip will bear fruit?
Spinelli: I hope so. The battle over control of ELQ appears to hinge on my ability to find this Miss Frank.
Ellie: Well, to paraphrase the law of conservation of mass, everybody's got to be somewhere. And if anyone can find her, it's you.
Spinelli: I appreciate your faith.
Ellie: Hey, I am just a woman of science. My confidence in your abilities is based solely on empirical data.
Spinelli: Well, that's very nice of you to say.
Ellie: Ah, I just wish I could join you on your adventure.
Spinelli: As do I. But perhaps you'll have some adventure of your own.
Ellie: Well, it would certainly keep me out of the path of my warring roommate.
Spinelli: More trouble with Maxie?
Ellie: Damian, I am not a busybody. I'm not! I just -- I can't ignore the fact that Maxie knows something is amiss with the baby she's carrying, and she refuses to tell said baby's parents.
Spinelli: I just think it's best for us to stay out of it. I mean, it's up to Maxie to decide whether or not she's gonna divulge sensitive information. And the pregnancy has nothing to do with you, nor with me, for that matter.
Maxie: How can Lulu be missing again? You told me that you and her parents rescued her from whatever Cassadine had grabbed her this time.
Dante: Oh, we did.
Maxie: Well, then what the hell happened? You couldn't have lost her twice in a row.
Dante: I did. She came back from this whole thing a little bit traumatized and confused.
Maxie: Confused, um, how?
Dante: Confused as in she doesn't remember me or her family or any of her life in Port Charles.
Maxie: No, she has to remember you and her parents.
Dante: Nope. None of us. She doesn't even know who she is.
Maxie: Okay. So she's got a little amnesia. Memory loss is typical for people who have experienced trauma. Have you taken her to see Patrick?
Dante: Yeah. Yeah, we did that. He ran some tests, and we don't know the results yet, but he said it's not physical.
Maxie: Maybe she needs a therapist. Or a hypnotist. I wonder if Kevin Collins is still in town.
Dante: You know, before we go and find him, we actually have to find Lulu.
Maxie: I -- I thought you said that they were running tests on her at the hospital. I just assumed she stayed there overnight.
Dante: Yeah, well, she didn't stay. She, I guess, had been through enough with Stavros and me breathing down her neck, and she had it. She took off.
Maxie: She just walked out of the hospital?
Dante: Yeah. I've been looking for her ever since. And I'm just getting scared that where she is, she's alone, and she has no one to turn to.
Milo: Okay, okay. Hey, egg whites, turkey bacon, and my favorite smoothy in the world, the hale thee kale. I think you're gonna like it.
Lulu: Okay. Um... bottoms up. It's sweet.
Milo: Just like you.
Lulu: What was that?
Milo: That's the orange juice, probably.
Lulu: Well, thank you. This is -- this is quite the spread.
Milo: Well, we had quite the night.
Lulu: Yeah. I need a drink.
Milo: I'm glad to see you. I didn't know you were back.
Lulu: Oh, damn. Do I know you, too?
Milo: Sure do. It's me, Milo, of Max and Milo Giambetti, of the Calabria Giambettis? Your father-in-law's bodyguard.
Lulu: Why does my father-in-law need a bodyguard?
Milo: Right. He's just a simple coffee importer.
Lulu: Do you have something in your eye?
Milo: Huh?
Lulu: Never mind.
Milo: What do I have to do to get a drink around here? I can understand why you would want to take the edge off, being kidnapped and all. Of course, I kind of figured you'd be wanting to take that edge off with your husband.
Lulu: I don't have a husband. Not one I can remember, though.
Elizabeth: You are not leaving this hospital.
Nikolas: Elizabeth, I appreciate your concern, but with all due -- all due respect, I need to go find Lulu.
Elizabeth: What you need to do is get your butt back in that bed. You are recovering from a gunshot wound.
Nikolas: I am recovered. Now I'm leaving.
Elizabeth: Oh. Against medical advice? And without your pants?
Nikolas: Come on. Give me my pants.
Elizabeth: No.
Nikolas: Give me, give me --
Elizabeth: You're gonna have to pry them out of my hands. Oh, my God!
Nikolas: [Grunts] Elizabeth...
Elizabeth: Yes?
Nikolas: You're hurting me. Will you please get up?
Elizabeth: I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry.
Nikolas: I just need to go find my sister, okay?
Elizabeth: Nikolas, please, listen to me. Luke and Laura are searching for Lulu right now. And so is Dante, so are the other hundred people on the case. Let them handle it, and you just focus on getting better, please.
Nikolas: [Sighs] I really don't like you when you're right.
Elizabeth: It's a cross I bear.
Nikolas: [Chuckles] Oh. Uh...well, I don't want to keep you or anything, so...
Elizabeth: Oh, that's okay. I'm sure Epiphany can spare me for a few more minutes.
Nikolas: I don't think Epiphany would mind. AJ, on the other hand...
Elizabeth: What does that mean?
AJ: Tell me what the secret ingredient for your banh mi is.
Shawn: If I told you, it wouldn't do you any good.
Michael: Why not?
Shawn: This particular spice is indigenous to the Helmand River Valley in Afghanistan. I lucked up on it at a Kandahar spice market, and it's a bitch to export. Look, my buddies at Bagram have to smuggle it out for me every month -- a favor for which I have to pay a significant premium, but it's worth it. If I didn't have that spice, Alexis would have my head.
Michael: Well, ELQ can get it out of Afghanistan. If we can't import it directly, we can arrange to have it exported to a country we do have access to. We just need the name.
Shawn: I don't know. I don't know.
AJ: What if we cut you in for the profits? Think of it like a finder's fee for giving that relish that kick that it needs.
Michael: Yeah, and it'll keep Alexis's toes curled with your meatloaf banh mi for the rest of your lives.
AJ: What do you say, pal? You gonna join the relish renaissance or not?
Mac: Uh, Pickle-Tracy?
Tracy: What's wrong with it?
Mac: Well, for one thing, it doesn't alliterate. Listen, Tracy -- Pickle-Lila. You know, there are three distinctive "L" sounds. Makes it sound like poetry. Pickle-Tracy?
Tracy: Who cares about alliteration? It is the same great taste.
Mac: Even if Pickle-Tracy tastes exactly like Pickle-Lila, without Lila's name and photo, it won't sell.
Tracy: How do you know?
Mac: Look, people didn't buy it just because the relish tasted amazing. They bought it because Lila reminded them of their grandmother, you know? She was all warm and fuzzy.
Tracy: I am just as warm and fuzzy as my mother!
Mac: Yeah, uh...right. Sorry. No deal.
Tracy: Mac... I want you to remember this day, because when Pickle-Tracy is a blockbuster, and this place has faded into oblivion, I'm gonna buy it. I'm gonna turn it into a parking lot.
Mac: Oh, okay. Nice, warm, and fuzzy. Wow. Can you believe her?
Felicia: Oh! Oh. Ha!
Mac: What? Are you okay?
Felicia: Oh, I'm great. Everything's wonderful. Where's Tracy?
Mac: She left. Are you sure you're okay? I mean, you're acting a little weird. Do you want me to whip you up some eggs?
Felicia: Eggs?
Mac: Yeah, you know, they come in a shell, full of protein.
Felicia: Mac, stop dropping hints. I found the ring in the peanuts.
Mac: You found --
Felicia: The ring!
Ellie: Is that how you really feel about Maxie's pregnancy, or are you just trying to convince yourself you're not concerned?
Spinelli: I guess I do possess a modest curiosity, but I don't know. I just think it's best for me to stay out of this particular situation. My relationship with Maxie is fraught enough already.
Ellie: Okay. Well, what about your relationship with Lulu? You two are friends, right?
Spinelli: Yes. In fact, I knew Lulu before my acquaintance with Maxie.
Ellie: And you worry about your friends?
Spinelli: I do.
Ellie: Then the syllogism applies. You worry about your friends. Lulu is a friend. The baby inside of Maxie is a part of Lulu. Thus, the baby is also a friend and worthy of your concern.
Spinelli: I hadn't thought of it that way.
Ellie: Well, that is why I'm here.
Spinelli: Mm-hmm.
Ellie: And you need to start worrying. I don't know how or why, but that baby is in trouble.
Maxie: This is impossible. Lulu has to remember something.
Dante: The only thing Lulu remembers is how to be a Spencer. She doesn't actually remember any of the Spencers.
Maxie: Okay, well, we have to do something. We can't just let her wander around in an unfamiliar city by herself, although that might jog her memory. I guess we do have one thing on our side.
Dante: And what's that?
Maxie: Well, if Lulu doesn't remember who she is right now, that means you and I know her better than she knows herself.
Dante: You actually have a point.
Maxie: Well, let's go.
Dante: No, no, no, no. No, you go to your work. I don't want you losing your job. I'll go look for Lulu.
Maxie: Will you call me?
Dante: Yes, yes, I will call you, but please just take care of yourself, and please take care of our little baby.
Milo: Do you mind if I warm up a little while you eat?
Lulu: It's your place. Uh, yes. Please do. This is really nice. Have I been here before
Milo: This would be your first visit.
Lulu: I guess there's nothing here to jog my memory, then. I mean, I guess... except for you.
Milo: That hasn't worked yet, has it?
Lulu: I still don't remember a thing.
Milo: That is wild. Maybe if you call Dante and --
Lulu: No. No. I told you, I don't want to talk to Dante. Didn't I make that clear last night? I don't remember anything about this life everybody says that I have. Those people -- Luke and Laura and Dante -- they keep telling me --
Milo: You mean your parents and your husband.
Lulu: If you say so. They brought me into that hospital like they were taking their car into the shop. It was too much.
Milo: So you just ran out.
Lulu: Yeah, I couldn't take it. The way they were all staring at me, they were just desperate for me to remember.
Milo: So it was like a pop quiz, pretty much.
Lulu: [Chuckles] Um, yeah. Yeah, kind of. [Sighs] I don't know. I guess I don't blame them. They all want Lulu back. The only problem is... I don't know who that is. Ugh. And Dante...
Milo: He's probably out looking for you right now.
Lulu: Well, good luck finding me. This town is just big enough to get lost in.
Milo: Except for one thing. Dante's a cop.
Lulu: Dante hasn't picked up my trail yet... because of my hero.
Milo: Your hero?
Lulu: Yeah, Milo. Because of you.
Elizabeth: And why would AJ not be okay with you talking to me? What does that even mean?
Nikolas: Nothing really. Okay, AJ and I, we spoke... in the way that men sometimes do.
Elizabeth: Mm-hmm.
Nikolas: And he says that you two are a couple... and that a couple, by definition, is comprised of two individuals, and he just wanted to make sure that I knew my place in relation to that configuration.
Elizabeth: And where is that place? According to AJ.
Nikolas: Far away from you.
Tracy: Hello, Shawn!
Shawn: Okay, I don't want any trouble, all right? AJ will sue me if I so much as put up a post card advertising Pickle-Lila.
Tracy: Well, Pickle-Lila, maybe, but not... Pickle-Tracy.
Shawn: Pickle what?
Tracy: Same great flavor, great new face.
Shawn: Pickle-Tracy.
Tracy: Pickle-Tracy is going to fill the void on the condiment aisle left by Pickle-Lila.
AJ: Ha ha! There isn't going to be a void because Pickle-Lila's back, baby!
Michael: Courtesy of my dad.
AJ: Yeah. There's nothing you can do about it.
Maxie: Well, I better get to the Floating Rib.
Dante: Yeah.
Maxie: How do you do it? Stay so calm?
Dante: I don't. I think I'm just a little... too tired to panic right now. This whole thing with the Cassadines has just felt like I've been running a marathon, and... it's good that I'm tired, because maybe next time I see Lulu, I won't scare her away.
Maxie: What can I do from work? Make phone calls, social media? I want to help.
Dante: Nothing, nothing. Please, just -- just take care of the baby. Speaking of which, did anything happen while we were gone?
Maxie: I had another appointment with Dr. Westbourne. The two of us made it through with flying colors. I bet you this little whipper-snapper will be rocking and rolling in no time.
Dante: [Chuckles] You mind?
Maxie: Yeah.
Dante: Hey, little one. I can't wait to meet you. And no matter what your mother says right now, I know she feels the same way.
Maxie: Bet the next time I see you, he'll be kicking.
Dante: Yeah. Um, I need to go. I need to go, and I will tell you if we find anything out about Lulu.
Maxie: Dante, she loves you. I know she's gonna remember that.
Milo: Lulu, could you do me a favor?
Lulu: Sure. What?
Milo: Could you hold my ankles, please?
Lulu: I would be happy to help my host. You've been so nice.
Milo: Thanks.
Lulu: You even slept on the floor last night, which was totally unnecessary. Your bed is huge. There was plenty of room for both of us.
Milo: You and me in bed, together?
Lulu: Well, not in bed together, but, yeah. Bunking.
Milo: No way I could do that. It's bad enough I let you talk me into hiding your here all night.
Lulu: Because of your boss, my coffee-importer father-in-law.
Milo: For starters.
Lulu: Maybe I should go. I really don't want to get you in trouble.
Milo: I don't want to get into trouble, either, but I couldn't just leave you hanging.
Lulu: Dante is a cop. I don't think I realized that, but I guess if he can find me on a mysterious island in the middle of the ocean...
Milo: He'll probably be walking through that door any second.
Lulu: Can you put me up tonight?
Milo: You want me to hide you?
Lulu: Just long enough for me to -- I don't know -- gather my thoughts and figure out my next move.
Milo: Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh. I want to help you. I really do, but I wouldn't feel right hiding you away from all these people who are worried sick, running around looking for you.
Lulu: No, you're right, you're right. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. That wasn't fair of me to ask. You just -- you seemed so friendly and uncomplicated.
Milo: Yeah, I get that a lot. Hey, where you going?
Lulu: I don't know. Not back to Dante or my parents, not just yet, but I'm gonna find someplace to crash. See ya.
Milo: Do you have any money?
Lulu: I think I can scrape together enough to get a room somewhere. I'll catch you later.
Milo: No, no, no, Lulu, wait, wait, wait. Come back to my place, okay? At least that way, I know you're safe.
Lulu: Are you sure?
Milo: No. I'm Milo. Ba-dum bum.
Lulu: [Chuckles]
Milo: Come on. As much as I like having you around, you can't stay here forever.
Lulu: I know.
Milo: Dante's got to be losing his mind looking for you. I mean, I know you don't remember it, but you are his wife.
Lulu: Oh, my God. Oh. The ring.
Milo: [Sighs]
Felicia: Oh, Mac, I feel terrible! I'm so sorry!
Mac: For what?
Felicia: For spoiling your beautiful surprise. I mean, actually, you know, I was innocently eating these peanuts, and I bit down, and I bit on top of the diamond, and I think I actually might have chipped my tooth. But I think maybe there might have been a better way for you to be able to give me a ring like this. I mean, I could've choked to death.
Mac: Um, I'm -- I don't, uh...
Felicia: Lucky for both of us I didn't choke to death. In fact, I put it on my hand, and it fits absolutely perfectly. I mean, it's stuck, and I can't really get it off, but I love it, and it's beautiful. And I thank you so much. It's such a beautiful ring. Really, Mac, you shouldn't have done it.
Mac: I didn't.
Felicia: What?
Mac: That ring's not from me. I didn't buy it for you.
Felicia: Well, if you didn't put the diamond in the peanuts, then who else's would it be?
Maxie: That's Lulu's.
Spinelli: I do concede that your account of Maxie's conversation with, um... the narcissistic, if not altogether sociopathic, Dr. Westbourne is, indeed, troubling.
Ellie: Troubling enough to confront Maxie? Perhaps it'll provide her with a much needed catharsis.
Spinelli: I'd still advise against it. Maxie can become intractable when confronted directly, and if she is keeping a secret, I doubt that she would just cough it up without being presented with proof.
Ellie: Yeah, and proof is something we don't have.
Spinelli: Yeah, but even if we did, I'm not sure that delving into Maxie's personal business is the right move. Although I am very impressed at how protective you are of this baby.
Ellie: Oh. I see. Despite me not wanting one of my own.
Spinelli: No, regardless. And as for confronting Maxie about some grand truth about this baby, can we at least just table the subject till I get back?
Ellie: Of course.
Spinelli: Okay.
[Elevator bell dings]
Ellie: Hey, good luck on your trip.
Spinelli: Yes. Stay out of trouble, you.
Mac: Maxie, this ring -- we just found it in a bowl of peanuts.
Maxie: That's Lulu's.
Mac: Well, how can you be sure?
Maxie: Uh, hi. I'm Maxie Jones. Have we met? I can spot bling 50 paces away, and that bling is Lulu's.
Felicia: Wow. You're good.
Maxie: I know. So, why is my mother wearing my best friend's engagement ring?
Milo: It's okay. You probably just took the ring off in your sleep and lost it in the sheets.
Lulu: Are you kidding? I lost my memory, not my mind. A woman doesn't take off a diamond ring in her sleep.
Milo: Okay, then. Well, where does a woman take off a ring? In the kitchen, in the shower?
Lulu: The bar. I had it on in the bar when I met you. Oh, that thing was staring me in the face all night. I had to take it off for a minute. I must have put it down and left it there. Some drunk-ass barfly probably hawked it for beer money.
Felicia: I found it in the peanut bowl. I swear. I almost ate it by accident.
Maxie: That's impossible. How did Lulu's ring get mixed with the nuts?
Mac: Well, diamonds can look similar. How can you be sure it's Lulu's?
Felicia: Maybe it's someone else's, someone who was passing by on a trip and who already took off and has no idea they left it behind.
Maxie: Okay. That ring is Lulu's, and if she left it in the peanut bowl, that means she was here last night. I need to call Dante.
Lulu: What am I gonna do? And how could I lose Dante's ring?
Milo: It's okay, Lulu. It's just a ring. It can be replaced.
Lulu: It may just be a ring to me, but it is not just a ring to him. That was a symbol of his love for -- for this woman I'm supposed to be.
Milo: Aww. That's nice.
Lulu: Well, yeah, it's nice. And it's huge. Can you just imagine how much he shelled out for that thing, on a cop's salary? Oh, God. He's probably still paying it off.
Milo: Unless the boss chipped in. Dante's father. Remember, I mentioned him? He's got deep pockets.
Lulu: I don't think so. I mean, the little I know about Dante, he's not the kind of guy who would let his dad for his wife's engagement ring. He probably bought it himself because he loves her. Me! Ugh! And now it's gone! It's gone!
Milo: We don't know it's gone yet. We'll just -- we'll go back to the bar and see if anyone turned it in. Easy-peasy.
Lulu: Not so easy. Or peasy.
Elizabeth: Okay, let me just make sure I understand this correctly. AJ told you to stay away from me?
Nikolas: More or less.
Elizabeth: Why would he try to warn you off like that?
Nikolas: I think the reason he was particularly territorial this time was because he saw us hugging yesterday.
Elizabeth: Oh, please.
Nikolas: I know. But it prompted him to make it clear to me...that you were seeing each other and that my presence in your life may not be what you need right now.
Elizabeth: What I need? Oh, my God! I can't believe this is happening. Why would he -- why would he try to police my life?
Nikolas: I don't know. Elizabeth, I may not like the guy -- in fact, I think I like him less now than I did when he was dead, but he's falling for you. He knows we have a history.
Elizabeth: Well, I told him all about that. I told him that things were over. Maybe he just needs to hear it again, like right now.
Nikolas: You're choking my pants.
Elizabeth: Wait till I get my hands on him!
Tracy: You can't bring back Pickle-Lila.
AJ: Well, let's see -- ELQ owns Pickle-Lila, and I run ELQ, so, yeah, I can.
Tracy: Uh, no, you can't. All you've got is my mother's face on a jar. You don't have the recipe.
Michael: We, uh, reconstructed it.
Tracy: [Chuckles] Michael, you disappoint me, but then, I guess that spending too much time with AJ has leeched what's left of your intelligence, so let me explain it to you. If you don't have the secret ingredient, your relish is nothing!
AJ: Oh, we have a secret ingredient.
Maxie: Thanks to our new business partner, Shawn.
Shawn: Hey, Tracy, you come in here, and you create all kinds of chaos. But the fellas, on the other hand, they come in here, and they create cuisine.
AJ: You know, it just so happens we whipped up a fresh batch of our relish with the secret spice. Tracy, I would like you to taste your undoing.
Tracy: No, thank you. How do I know it's not poisoned?
Shawn: Okay.
Tracy: Oh, no, no, no, no. Not you. No, no, no. You're trained to ingest toxins. I want him to taste it.
Michael: Gladly.
Michael: Oh, God, that's good.
Tracy: Well, at least we know it's not toxic.
Shawn: [Clears throat]
Tracy: [Sighs] It's not bad.
AJ: She likes it, eh?
Tracy: It will never pass for Pickle-Lila.
AJ: Doesn't have to. All we have to do is slap a picture of grandmother on it, and no one's gonna know the difference.
Tracy: Oh yeah, they'll know.
Michael: We'll find out soon enough, but right now, the plan is ready to go into full-blown production.
Tracy: And how are you going to afford that with ELQ's assets --
AJ: Unfrozen? Yeah, word just came down. We're back in business. Hey, let me ask you something -- how things going over at TAQ, huh? You got a big factory ready to roll out pickle-Tracy? Got investors' capital ready to fund your big plans? How about an office? No? No? You got a fax machine, a mimeograph? No? You and Alice are not gonna be able to win this little war out of Cook's kitchen. You are gonna need some help, and guess what -- no one's riding to the rescue this time.
Tracy: Damn it! AJ's right -- I need capital. I need an ally. But who? Nobody in this --
Man: Hey! That's mine.
Tracy: Keep it. Hello, Nikolas! Um, hello.
Maxie: Oh, voila.
Felicia: Oh, you did it. Fantastic.
Maxie: Ugh.
Felicia: You said that Lulu doesn't remember anything?
Maxie: According to Dante, not since they picked her up from that island.
Dante: Hey, you guys got Lulu's ring?
Maxie: Yeah, just removed it from my mother's finger. It might still be a little buttery.
Felicia: Here. I'm sorry. I would have never, ever put it on if I knew that it was Lulu's.
Dante: It's okay.
Felicia: Mac -- I thought he had left it for me to find in a bowl of peanuts.
Dante: You found this in a bowl of peanuts?
Maxie: That's a good thing. That means Lulu was probably here.
Dante: Yeah, probably.
Felicia: Mac is tracking down last night's bartender. Maybe he saw Lulu there, and maybe she said something that'll point us in the right direction.
Dante: Maybe.
Maxie: What is it, Dante?
Dante: She ditched the ring, Maxie. I mean, whether she remembers anything or not, why would she ditch the ring?
Lulu: I don't think it's a good idea for me to go to the bar. If I show up there and anyone sees me, they're gonna drag me back to the hospital.
Milo: That's quite a conundrum.
Lulu: Yes, it is.
Milo: You mean I was right?
Lulu: I've got it. Milo...
Milo: Hmm?
Lulu: ...Would you go back to the bar alone and get my ring for me? I'm so sorry to ask you to do that, but please?
Milo: I just need to get dressed, and I'll be on my way.
Lulu: Okay. Take your time.
Michael: Hey, do you think we were a little too harsh with Tracy?
AJ: Come on. Don't start going soft on me now.
Michael: You won, you know? I think we could afford to be a little nicer, I guess.
AJ: Look, here's the reality of the situation -- the minute you aligned yourself with me, you made an enemy with Tracy. There's just no two ways about it.
Shawn: Hey, I just got off the phone with a buddy of mine from my old unit. He says there's a market in little Kabul. They may have just about everything you need to get started with Pickle-Lila 2.0. I'm going to buy up everything they've got. I could use the help.
Michael: I'll come. I've never been there.
AJ: Okay, good. I'll finish cleaning up around here. Besides, there's someone else whose opinion I want on this.
Shawn: Who's that?
AJ: Elizabeth Webber.
Shawn: Is she some kind of relish expert?
Michael: Well, uh, something like that.
Nikolas: I'm sorry. I said too much.
Elizabeth: No, no, no, no. You haven't. AJ, on the other hand --
Nikolas: He's just being a guy. It's no big deal, really.
Elizabeth: Really? Well, I disagree. He can't go around telling my friends when they can or cannot interact with me.
Nikolas: Elizabeth, it's not a big deal.
Elizabeth: He's not even my boyfriend. I went out with the guy like one time. He can't interfere with my relationship with you.
Tracy: Damn right, sister. You need to tell him that.
Nikolas: We're having a private conversation here, so if you could, you know...
Tracy: Actually, it sounded like Elizabeth was mad as hell, and she isn't gonna take it anymore. And if it were me, I would march right over to Kelly's and give him a piece of mind.
Elizabeth: He's at Kelly's?
Tracy: Yes, his belly is right up to the counter. I believe he is working his way through the menu alphabetically.
Elizabeth: Okay.
Tracy: Whatever you do, don't eat his relish.
Elizabeth: Thank you.
[Door closes]
Tracy: Nikolas, long time no see.
Nikolas: Hi. Um, okay. I'll make you a deal, Tracy -- we can cut right through the pleasantries, and I promise I will give you five minutes -- five whole minutes -- of my undivided attention. All you have to do is walk right over there and grab those pants.
Elizabeth: Mnh-mnh.
Tracy: Nikolas, can I do anything for you? Fluff up your pillow, sneak in some good food? Some pants?
Nikolas: What do you want, Tracy?
Tracy: Okay. You're a rich man. I want to make you richer.
AJ: Hey, I was just gonna call you. Come here. I want you to try something. W-what's the matter?
Elizabeth: Who the hell do you think you are?
Dr. Evans: Ellie.
Ellie: Yes, Doctor?
Dr. Evans: Yeah, I'm expecting to see the results of some blood work to be added to my patient's file, but it doesn't appear to be there yet.
Ellie: Hmm. Let's have a look. Oh! Right. That test hasn't run its course yet. Should be about another 30 minutes or so.
Dr. Evans: Thank you. Oh, excuse me.
Ellie: Okay. Oh, Dr. Evans, did you want me to...log you off?
Mac: I just spoke to the bartender on duty last night. He said Lulu was in here around 9:00.
Maxie: Well, that's something to go on, right?
Dante: Yeah.
Mac: There's one more thing. She said Lulu left with a man, late 20s, dark hair, well-built.
Maxie: Well, that doesn't make sense. What guy?
Dante: A dead guy.
[Knock on door]
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