GH Transcript Tuesday 4/23/13

General Hospital Transcript Tuesday 4/23/13


Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By

Carly: Where is she? Where's Brenda?

Michael: She's gone.

Carly: What does that mean? Gone where?

Michael: The airport. Brenda's leaving Port Charles.

Brenda: Hi, Sonny.

Sonny: You leaving? So, sleeping with my son was just a one-night stand?

Brenda: It wasn't a one-night stand. I lied.

[Cell phone chimes]

[Telephone rings]

Felix: [Sighs] And that, as they say, is a wrap.

Patrick: Yeah? Done for the night?

Felix: Mercifully. Talk about your never-ending shift.

Patrick: One of those, huh? Well, have a good night. Get some sleep.

Felix: Sleep? [Scoffs] I'll do that when I'm dead. I'm off to meet Sabrina at the Floating Rib. Don't suppose you care to join us?

Patrick: I would love to, believe me, but I have patients. Gonna have to be a rain check.

Felix: Okay. When?

Patrick: Excuse me?

Felix: [Clears throat] You and Sabrina are finally together, correct?

Patrick: Yes, we are.

Felix: So, how come y'all haven't gone on a date?

Patrick: Uh, we will.

Felix: [Chuckles] When? Ticktock, Doc. My girl won't wait forever.

Sabrina: Milo?

Milo: Sabrina. Hey.

Sabrina: Hey. Are you...waiting for someone?

Milo: Supposed to, but my brother ran into some issues at work, so it doesn't look like he's gonna make it.

Sabrina: Oh, I'm sorry.

Milo: No big deal. What about you? Is Dr. Drake on his way?

Sabrina: No. Felix.

Milo: Oh, good. I mean, not that I don't want you hanging out with Dr. Drake, I just... I still feel really embarrassed about deleting that message, and I feel like I should go see him in person and apologize.

Sabrina: Milo, it's -- really, it's okay.

Milo: It is?

Sabrina: Yeah. Patrick's not upset at all.

Milo: Oh, gosh. I'm so glad it worked out for you guys. With me out of the picture now, there's nothing in your way now, right?

[Elevator bell dings and door opens]

Patrick: Lulu. Hey. You're back.

Dante: Sort of.

Patrick: Uh... well, it's good to see you. I'm sure it's nice to be home.

Lulu: I don't know. Um... Who are you?

Nikolas: Elizabeth told me how much time you spent here sitting vigil.

Scott: Comes with a dinner.

Nikolas: [Chuckles] I'm not sure I understand.

Scott: I'm gonna be your new stepdad soon.

Nikolas: You and my mother are getting married?

Scott: Well, if I have anything to say about it.

Patrick: Lulu, it's me. It's -- it's Patrick.

Lulu: I-I wish that meant something.

Dante: She's pretty traumatized from the kidnapping. She doesn't remember anything about her life -- where she's from, any of us.

Laura: Patrick, please. Can you help my daughter?

Sabrina: Milo, I'm really sorry if I've hurt you in any way.

Milo: You? I'm the one who lied and tried to keep you and Dr. Drake from getting together.

Sabrina: For like two seconds.

Milo: How about we start over? Clean plate?

Sabrina: Slate.

Milo: Ah!

Sabrina: [Laughs] But you got a deal.

Milo: Cool. You look happy.

Sabrina: I am. You know what? You're gonna be happy, too, one day. With someone who appreciates you.

Milo: From your ears to God's lips.

Sabrina: [Laughs] Who knows? Maybe you've already met her.

Milo: You think?

Sabrina: Yeah. Anything's possible, especially when it comes to love.

Nikolas: So, you and my mother -- first love reunited, huh?

Scott: Yeah. We realized how we feel about each other.

Nikolas: [Chuckles] Yeah, well, I had some idea, given that every time I went to Paris to visit her, you found a reason to be at her apartment. It was clear that every time I wasn't around, that, uh, the two of you were spending quite a bit of time together.

Scott: Well, it's the best years of my life, you know? The stops and starts and the detours -- I think we're where we're supposed to be.

Nikolas: Then why the doubt, Scott?

Scott: Eh, you know, sometimes the mind gets to working overtime. Take this stuff personally all the time.

Nikolas: What do you mean?

Scott: Well, you know, the stuff hits the fan, your sister goes missing. You'd think that your mother would turn to me. But, no. She turns to Luke.

Dante: Well, I got a pulse, and then I got her to take a breath on her own, but when she opened her eyes, she didn't remember any of us.

Luke: It's like her whole life is a blank.

Laura: Could there be something wrong neurologically?

Patrick: It's possible, but there's really only one way to find out. Excuse me. Hey, Lulu. Hey. I know you don't remember me, and that's okay. My ego's big enough to handle that, but, uh... I'm not only a doctor here at General Hospital. I'm a friend of yours.

Lulu: Then why can't I place you?

Patrick: Well, that's what we'd really like to find out, but there's really only one way to do that. Would you mind if I ran some tests on you?

Laura: Dr. Drake will take excellent care of you, honey.

Lulu: Yeah, okay.

Patrick: Yeah? Okay, good. Follow me?

Laura: We're right here if you need us, okay?

Lulu: What are you doing?

Dante: I'm...coming with you?

Carly: Brenda's running away. Well, I guess that makes sense. She had her revenge, and now she can't face what she's done. At least she's gonna be far, far away from you.

Michael: You're happy?

Carly: Happy? Hell no, I'm not happy. Michael, what happened was devastating and wrong not on your part, but on hers, but now Brenda won't be able to take advantage of you anymore.

Michael: Mom... Brenda didn't take advantage of me.

Brenda: Nothing happened between me and Michael.

Sonny: And I'm supposed to believe this?

Brenda: Yeah, of course, you're supposed to believe it, because it's the truth. Michael was really upset that night about his girlfriend. I guess it's his ex-girlfriend now. He got drunk, and he passed out in my room.

Sonny: Carly walked in on -- and saw you.

Brenda: Yeah, I tried to make it worse for Carly.

Sonny: Worse for Carly? What are you talking about?

Brenda: How does she not know that?

Sonny: Michael believed you. He's drowning in guilt. Why would you put my son through that?

Brenda: Because why do you think I would put your -- listen. This is all about Carly and me getting payback for Carly finally! I've put up with this woman forever, so I finally snapped, okay? And I don't even regret that part, because that girl deserves every single thing she got.

Sonny: So, lying makes it okay?

Brenda: No, lying doesn't make it okay. I-I want so much to make everything okay with you and me and with Michael and me and with you and Michael, but mostly with you and me.

Sonny: What do you mean you and me? What are you talking about?

Brenda: I love you. I think I'll always love you.

Carly: You and Brenda -- you didn't...

Michael: Sleep together? No, we didn't.

Carly: Okay, this is me trying to keep it together.

Michael: Yeah, I'm familiar with the face.

Carly: When Brenda told me that you guys slept together, or more like threw it in my face, you didn't deny it. Why?

Michael: Because I thought [Sighs] It happened. I thought it was true.

Carly: Okay, you have to tell me exactly what happened.

Michael: Okay. I drank to the point where I -- [Sighs] I blacked out. Brenda brought me up to her room to sober up, and apparently I passed out in her bed, and then she fell asleep on the couch.

Carly: [Chuckles] The whole thing was a setup. Brenda never touched you?

Michael: No, she didn't. Okay, so, you -- you can relax.

Carly: Relax? After what she put you through? The guilt she made you feel?

Michael: Mom, I'm okay.

Carly: She's a lying witch.

Brenda: I love you. I'll always love you. [Crying] You don't have to do anything about it. I know you're in a relationship, or you have a relationship. I'm sorry. [Sighs] I'm not exactly clear. After we talked that first night, I don't know if you, um -- if you still love Kate.

Sonny: There is no Kate.

Connie: Excuse me. May I get a scotch on the rocks, please?

Bartender: You got it.

Connie: Thank you. Milo.

Milo: Uh, hi. I, uh -- I didn't know you were back.

Connie: Surprise.

Milo: Kate?

Connie: Connie.

Milo: Okay, well, I should probably get going then.

Connie: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Easy there, tiger. You all right? Look, I'm not the same Connie that jumped your bones. I'm integrated now.

Milo: You're into what?

Connie: Okay. Why don't you have a seat? I'll explain to you what happened, and I will use small words.

Milo: [Chuckles] Thank you.

Nikolas: Well, if it's any consolation, Scott, I never truly understood my mother's love for Luke. I don't hate the guy.

Scott: I do.

Nikolas: Right. Um... but he is a difficult person to understand, although he's never pretended to be anything else. I mean... he saved my life, put me through hell, back and forth, you know? [Sighs] I like to think that we've reached a place of mutual respect. It's just we have too many people in common not to try and coexist. Maybe you should try and do the same, if only for my mother's sake.

Scott: So, you don't object that I marry your mother?

Nikolas: Well, you make her happy, don't you? Otherwise, she wouldn't have accepted your proposal, right?

Scott: I'd like to think so.

Nikolas: Yeah, well, there you go. That's half the battle. Now all you have to do is... what Luke won't -- stay. Stick around. Don't give up. Do that and my mother will come back to you.

Dante: I'm your husband. I'm supposed to come in there with you.

Lulu: Not to me you're not. I understand that this must be very difficult for you, okay? But you have to understand that I don't know you. I believe you when you say that we're married, okay? But I just -- I don't remember, okay? I'm sorry, but I don't.

Dante: Okay, okay, look, I'm not trying to bother you or anything, okay? I just want to make sure you get better, so please do not shut me out.

Patrick: Can I talk to you for a second?

Dante: No. Why?

Patrick: Dante, hey, just for a second. Please. I think this is gonna be better if I do this on my own, all right? Look, she's overwhelmed right now. I can get a better examination when she just calms down.

Dante: Right, that used to be my job, Patrick. I'm the one who used to calm her down, okay? She may think she doesn't need me right now --

Luke: Dante, let it go, man. You keep pushing at her, and she could run away for good.

Dante: Fine. Would you at least keep me in the loop?

Patrick: Absolutely.

Laura: Dante.

Luke: No, let him go blow off some steam. He'll be okay.

Laura: But what if our daughter isn't? You know, Helena had lucky brainwashed.

Luke: Laura, Helena is dead.

Laura: You don't think that Stavros is capable of the same stuff? I mean, what if this is something permanent? What if she's not our daughter again? What if this is just the beginning that she can't remember us?

Luke: She's gonna be okay.

Laura: How do you know that, Luke?

Luke: Because she has us. And we're gonna take care of her.

Laura: Scotty!

Scott: Laura. When did you get back?

Laura: Just now. We just landed, and we came straight to the hospital.

Scott: I missed you.

Laura: Me too.

Scott: How's Lulu?

Laura: Fine...physically.

Scott: What do you mean?

Laura: The ordeal seems to have left her really confused.

Scott: Confused about what?

Laura: She doesn't recognize us. She doesn't recognize her own family.

Scott: Well, I'm sorry about that. That's bad.

Laura: Yeah. Dr. Drake is examining her now.

Scott: Well, she's home, and she's safe, so let's just chalk it up as a good day, huh?

Laura: Yeah. It's a good day. [Chuckles]

Scott: So, I bet you're excited to see Nikolas.

Laura: Yes. How is he?

Scott: He's good. He's good. He's been asking about you.

Laura: Oh? Well, I should go see him now, then.

Scott: Okay.

Laura: Okay. Scotty. Thank you. I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't been here with him.

Scott: Well, you know I'll do anything for you.

[Elevator door opens]

Luke: Aren't you gonna scurry after her?

Scott: Let's get one thing straight, Spencer. You keep your hands off of Laura.

Nikolas: Elizabeth, it's me. I-I know you said you would call me if you heard anything, but, uh, if my mother calls, could you please just get --

[Door opens]

Nikolas: [Chuckles] Never mind. She's here. You can go erase this. Hi.

Laura: Hi. What a relief to see you awake. How do you feel?

Nikolas: I'm fine. How's Lulu?

Laura: She's being checked out as we speak.

Nikolas: If anything would have happened to her, I wouldn't be able to forgive myself.

Laura: This is not your fault.

Nikolas: Yeah, well, Anna Devane is passing along updates through the WSB, but there hasn't been many details. Is it true Helena is dead?

Laura: Yes. She's dead. [Sighs] Nikolas... there's something else that I have to tell you. It's about your father. He's dead, too.

Nikolas: How?

Laura: I killed him.

Milo: So, you're half Kate and half Connie?

Connie: Ding, ding. We have a winner. By George, I think he's got it.

Milo: Who's George?

Connie: You're lucky you're cute, kid. What's wrong?

Milo: Nothing. I mean, maybe something. You're not gonna get all gropey again, are you? Because I don't think the boss would like that, especially now that you guys are all back together.

Connie: Yeah. We're not back together, Milo. The boss and I are over.

Sonny: I'm sure you've heard. Connie's back. She's...whole. She seems to be doing a lot better. But in order for her to stay that way, um...

Brenda: Connie can't be with you.

Sonny: And that makes you happy.

Brenda: I'm not happy. Obviously, you care about her, and I don't want to see you in pain.

Sonny: But?

Brenda: I don't know. If I've learned one thing today, it's that -- that I just want to make sure that I stay honest with the people who are important to me, and what -- what -- what is this? How do we always end up like this in front of each other? Again? I mean, we're bumping into each other here. Is this a sign?

Sonny: Of what?

Brenda: Of something, of -- I don't know. Is this our chance to finally be together?

Felix: Mm. Some people have all the luck.

Sabrina: Who?

Felix: Connie/Kate. You.

Sabrina: Felix, you're gonna be lucky, too.

[Pinball machine dings]

Sabrina: Hey! Why don't I set you up with someone?

Felix: With? We know all the same people.

Sabrina: That's not -- well, yeah, that's kind of true.

Felix: Plus I know how slow you work. Ain't nobody got time for that.

Sabrina: Hey. Patrick and I aren't moving too slow.

Felix: Oh? Okay. So, how was your first date? That's what I thought.

Sabrina: Look, we've been busy.

Felix: That's what he said.

Sabrina: What? Y-you -- did you talk to Patrick about me?

Felix: I defended you.

Sabrina: Oh, my God, Felix. What did you say?

Felix: Nothing bad. I just warned him, you know, not to let the Britch and her demon seed come between you.

Sabrina: Oh. Well... Dr. Westbourne's baby will not be coming between us.

Felix: That's the spirit.

Sabrina: No, what I mean is... she's not having Patrick's baby. Not anymore.

Patrick: Do you know who the president is, Lulu?

Lulu: Barack Obama.

Patrick: What about the state we're in?

Lulu: Like, uh, economically?

Patrick: [Chuckles] Well, that's a good question, too. No, but geographically.

Lulu: Um, we're in New York.

Patrick: Okay. All right, let me ask you something a little more difficult.

Lulu: Actually, I'm sorry. Uh...Dr. Drake... I appreciate you trying to help, but I haven't forgotten any of that stuff.

Patrick: Okay.

Lulu: I know all about the world. I just can't seem to remember anything about my own life. I can't even remember my own husband.

Sabrina: Dr. Westbourne is having an abortion.

Felix: Really?

Sabrina: That's what she told Patrick.

Felix: Huh. Well, so much for my theory that she got pregnant on purpose.

Sabrina: Guess you were wrong.

Felix: Well, there's a first time for everything.

Sabrina: You've never been wrong before.

Felix: Never!

Sabrina: Really? That's funny, because I distinctly remember one other time.

Felix: The jury's still out on that one.

Sabrina: [Chuckles] You wish.

Felix: Oh, I so do. [Whimpers]

Sabrina: [Laughs]

Connie: And that's it. That's why Sonny and I -- we just can't be together.

Milo: Even though you love him?

Connie: Especially because I love him.

Milo: Wow.

Connie: It's a real kick in the pants, huh?

Milo: Poor boss. I know how he feels.

Connie: What? Did someone dump the Magic Milo?

Milo: It wasn't anything serious like you two had, but this girl I liked... Mm-hmm. Sabrina. It didn't work out.

Connie: Why not?

Milo: She was into someone else.

Connie: Oh. I'm sorry.

Milo: And my dad's always on my case, you know? He's a big believer in marriage. He's on his ninth -- wait. Tenth. Anyway, he's always asking me, "[Italian accent] When are you gonna find the right girl and settle down?" And I'm trying. I just -- I always end up going for the taken ones.

Connie: Well, Milo, it sounds like you're starting to develop a pattern. At least, that's what my therapist says.

Milo: Yeah. And it all started with Lulu.

Lulu: This guy who found me, he has all these --

Patrick: Dante?

Lulu: Dante. He has all of these memories of our life together, and I don't remember meeting him. I don't remember falling in love with him. I-I have no idea what our wedding was like, and I certainly don't remember trying to have a child with -- oh, yeah, there's a baby. There's a baby coming. It's our baby!

Patrick: Try not to panic.

Lulu: I can't not panic! I've been panicking since I woke up in Greece.

Patrick: Hold on a second. I know everything that you went through was very, very traumatic, but let's just hope this memory lapse that you're going through is temporary.

Lulu: [Sighs] You think it's all gonna come back to me?

Patrick: More than likely, yes.

Lulu: What am I supposed to do until then? I mean, these people -- they -- they -- have you seen the way they're looking at me? It's like -- it's like every second that ticks by that I don't know who they are, it's like I'm shaving a year off of their life.

Patrick: All I can say is that everybody out there, they really care about you, so let's try and see it from their perspective, okay?

Lulu: Yeah, I-I-I have. I get it. I-I know it must be awful for them to see their own daughter and their wife treating them like a stranger, but I'm sorry. That is what they are.

Dante: No. No. That is not what we are.

Patrick: Dante.

Dante: Okay? Excuse me. No. Excuse me. Just one second. I let you have a minute. Let me please have a minute with my wife. I'm sorry. You have to look into my eyes. Okay, look into my eyes, please? Okay? Look at me. I'm the guy who loves you, okay? I'm the guy who would do anything for you. I-I have a whole bunch of terrible pickup lines that you pretend that you actually hate, but deep down you liked them. You love them, okay? So please just look in my eyes. Just try it. Just look in my eyes and see if you remember anything. Is it working? Is anything coming back to you?

Luke: Our daughter just survived the unimaginable, you garden gnome.

Scott: Yeah, yeah. I've heard that song and dance before. You and Laura hate each other, then you go off on some adventure, all's forgiven. Let me assure you of one thing, Spencer. You will never sleep with Laura again!

Luke: Too late. I already did.

Nikolas: Kind of had a feeling it would end like this.

Laura: He was your father. It's all right for you to let yourself feel this loss.

Nikolas: Trust me. It's better than the alternative. There's no way he would have let you go alive, not without Helena keeping him in check.

Laura: Well, I wanted you to hear it from me.

Nikolas: Thank you.

Laura: [Sighs]

Nikolas: Wow. My father, my uncle, my grandmother. [Chuckles] Everyone's gone. Alexis and I are the last of the family.

Laura: I am your family. So are Lucky and Lulu. Don't forget them.

Nikolas: I won't. Please don't regret what you did, okay? I'm sure Stavros gave you no choice.

Laura: That's not true. I had a choice. And I chose not to let Stavros hurt any of us ever again.

Michael: You know, I thought you'd be relieved.

Carly: I am. Mm-hmm.

Michael: You don't seem like it.

Carly: I am thrilled that she didn't touch you, but what the hell was Brenda thinking? I mean, after everything that you've been through? And what about your father? You know, he is devastated over this.

Michael: You and Dad talked about me?

Carly: Yes, we talked about you. That's what parents do, you know? When they think their kid has been traumatized, they discuss it, Michael.

Michael: When I told Dad what I thought happened between me and Brenda, I could tell how bad it hurt him, but, you know, he forgave me. But now, you know, it turns out there's nothing to forgive. I didn't -- I didn't betray him.

Carly: But Brenda made you think you did. She didn't think twice about how it would make you feel. All she wanted to do was laugh at me. Well, you know what? She won't be laughing for long.

Michael: Mom, where are you going?

Carly: I'm going to the airport.

[Door slams]

Michael: This isn't gonna end well.

Sonny: You make everything sound so easy.

Brenda: And you make everything so difficult.

Sonny: [Sighs]

Brenda: What if this is our shot? What if... we could find out what would have happened if you hadn't have torn up my letter?

Sonny: But I did tear up the letter. We moved on. You moved on.

Brenda: You know that you've thought about what might have happened if you hadn't have torn up the --

Sonny: I did think -- I have thought about it.

Brenda: Do you want to move to Rome with me?

Sonny: [Chuckles]

Brenda: You could live with me and Alec. No mob, Sonny. No Carly, no Jax. You know they have the best food on the planet there, right?

Sonny: Not better than mine.

Brenda: It's a little better than yours.

Sonny: I don't think so.

Brenda: I mean, you can still cook and stuff, you know? Like, as a hobby. You could drive me to the farmers' market. We'd be so happy together. Wake up together every morning. Then go to bed together every night.

Sonny: It's a pretty dream.

Brenda: Why does it have to be a dream? Do you want to leave Port Charles? Come with me.

Felix: What do you think you'll do for your first date?

Sabrina: I don't know.

Felix: [Chuckles] It's a lot of pressure. I mean, after all this buildup. All I know is Dr. Dreamboat better think of something good.

Sabrina: Patrick's got enough on his mind with Britt and her baby.

Felix: Are you listening to yourself?

Sabrina: Hmm?

Felix: How long have you two been star-crossed already? He finally professes his feelings, and instead of jumping all over it, you're sitting back and letting him wring his hands over the Britch? Hasn't she caused enough problems already?

Sabrina: Yes. Felix, you're right.

Felix: My streak is back.

Sabrina: It's time that I take control of my future with Patrick. You know what? I'm gonna ask him out. Next week.

Felix: Mm.

Sabrina: Tonight. You know what? Right now, in fact.

Felix: That's my girl. To taking charge and making sure that Dr. West-scorn is out of the picture.

Sabrina: I will drink to that.

[Glasses clink]

Milo: I never really put myself out there before. You know, with girls.

Connie: Mm-hmm.

Milo: I was always so focused on work and stuff, and then I met Lulu.

Connie: Wow. She really did a number on you, didn't she?

Milo: She was perfect.

Connie: So...what went wrong, then?

Milo: She was always interested in someone else. First Logan, then Johnny. Now it's the boss' son. Trust me. There's no coming between Dante and Lulu.

Dante: You're remembering something. You're remembering us.

Lulu: I'm not. I'm so sorry. You seem like a really nice person.

Dante: [Sighs]

Lulu: And I'm sure that everything that you're saying is true, but...

Dante: Yeah. [Sighs]

Lulu: ...I don't know you, Dante.

Patrick: Come on. Let's give her a second.

Dante: [Sighs]

Scott: What did you just say to me?

Luke: Don't take my word for it. Ask your fiancée.

Scott: I intend to.

Luke: Oh, damn it. Baldwin!

Scott: What?

Luke: As much as I enjoy watching you blow a gasket, I'll tell you the truth. We slept in the same bed. We were drugged. We were fully clothed. It was a platonic hostage situation.

Scott: But you wanted more, didn't you?

Luke: [Scoffs]

Laura: Stavros drugged Luke and me, and he held us captive. And then we got away, and we found Lulu. And we believed her to be dead, and I felt a rage come up in me like I've never felt in my life. And I killed him. [Sighs] It was not self defense. I did have a choice, but I -- I chose to end his life, and I will live with that now.

Nikolas: Mother, it's okay. If I'd have known what he had planned, I would have killed him myself. In fact, I should have when I had the chance, but like an idiot, I thought that he --

Laura: No, you're not an idiot. You're not! You're a son... who wants to believe the best of his father.

Nikolas: And that almost got my sister killed. And I'm just glad that she's all right. What? There's that look again. What is it? What aren't you telling me about Lulu?

Lulu: [Sniffles]

Scott: Come on, Spencer. Admit it. You would love to run off into the sunset with Laura.

Luke: Yeah, because nothing says romance like family tragedy.

Scott: But you know I'm right.

Luke: What I know is that you have picked a hell of a time to dig up some forgotten love triangle. Get over it, little man!

Dante: Lulu says she doesn't need me? She does. She's wrong. I can help.

Patrick: But right now, Dante, you're not helping. Look, I understand trying to get your wife back, but right now the best thing you can do is just give her some space.

Luke: Still no luck?

Patrick: Nothing conclusive, but I'd like to keep her overnight for observation.

Luke: Well, what does her husband have to say about that?

Dante: [Chuckles] Whatever you think is best.

Patrick: I'm gonna go find her a room.

Scott: I know how hard it is. It's tough to watch somebody you care about suffer.

Dante: I just want to do something, and I can't.

Scott: Well, here's my suggestion. We all pull together, for Lulu. I'm in. What about you, Spencer?

Brenda: It's up to you.

Sonny: [Scoffs]

Brenda: Say yes.

Sonny: It's not gonna work out.

Brenda: How do you know?

Sonny: Not like this. I do know. You know why? 'Cause all we do is hurt each other, and right now we're on the rebound, and that's the worst place to start.

Brenda: What are you talking about? We've been in much worse places than this.

Sonny: Probably, yeah.

Brenda: Let's make it easy this time.

Sonny: You know what? Maybe some day we will have a shot. And, you know, but in order for us to have... that shot, we need time to heal.

Brenda: Why do I always have to lose you?

[Telephone rings]

Sabrina: Hey, there.

Patrick: Hey. What are you doing here? I thought you were with Felix.

Sabrina: I was.

Patrick: Mm-hmm.

Sabrina: But I had something to ask you.

Patrick: Shoot.

Sabrina: Um... are you busy tomorrow night?

Patrick: [Laughs] Nurse Santiago, are you asking me out?

Sabrina: I am.

Patrick: Well, in that case, you have yourself a date.

Sabrina: [Laughs] Okay. I'm -- I'm gonna go before I do something to embarrass myself.

Patrick: Sounds like a plan.

Sabrina: Okay. I'll see you tomorrow.

Patrick: Okay.

Sabrina: Okay.

[Both chuckle]

Connie: Okay, Sabrina, Ellie, Lulu. Did I miss anyone?

Milo: Nope.

Connie: Hmm. Well, there has to be a reason why you're going for unavailable women.

Milo: Like what?

Connie: I don't know. Maybe it's the forbidden-fruit thing. But, then again, sometimes things that are bad for you are just that and nothing more. Look at me and Sonny.

Milo: I'm real sorry about that. Did I say that yet? Must have been tough to let him go.

Connie: Yeah, it was. Things are gonna work out for us, even if they work out separately. These drinks are on me, by the way.

Milo: Oh, thank you. [Sighs]

Connie: You know what, Milo? You got a cheer up. 'Cause things are gonna work out for you, too.

Milo: Connie?

Connie: Yeah?

Milo: For what it's worth...

Connie: Mm?

Milo: ...I really like the new-and-improved you.

Connie: Well, actually, Milo, it's worth a lot. Ah, what the hell? What do you say we head to the storeroom, have a little quickie?

Milo: I -- what?!

Connie: I'm just kidding! I'm just kidding. Should have seen your face.

Milo: Oh, my gosh. Uh, yeah, I figured you were doing that.

Connie: Milo, you know what? Maybe the girl of your dreams is about to walk through that door.

Luke: It's good to see you out of bed, Nik.

Nikolas: Thank you.

Laura: Any word about Lulu? Has Patrick finished the exam?

Scott: He wants to keep her overnight.

Laura: Does she know that?

Dante: I'll go tell her.

Luke: Uh, Dante. Maybe it would be better if she heard this from her mother.

Laura: She doesn't remember me any more than she remembers Dante.

Luke: Well, no, but she trusts you more than she trusts us. I think somewhere deep down she knows.

Dante: She's in there.

Laura: I'll be right back.

Dante: [Clears throat] I just want to thank you for you trying to warn us about Stavros.

Nikolas: You're welcome. I just wish I would have been in time.

Dante: Are you kidding me? You got shot in the process. I won't forget that.

[Footsteps approaching]

Laura: Lulu's gone.

Scott: What?

Milo: [Chuckles]

[Door opens]

Lulu: [Sighs] I need a drink.

P.A.: Passengers for Flight 1831 to New York's John F. Kennedy with a connection to Rome should report for security screening.

Brenda: That's me. Last chance.

Sonny: I guess it's time to say goodbye.

Brenda: I'm not saying that. We never mean it. So, until next time.

Sonny: Until next time.

Singer: Sinking I'm sinking fast in your eyes

Sonny: Bye.

Brenda: I love you.

Singer: Waking up this heart of mine this crazy love it's you and I

Waitress: Can I get you more coffee?

Michael: Uh, yeah, sure.

Waitress: That woman you were with before -- was that the model Brenda Barrett?

Michael: Yeah. Yeah, that was her.

Carly: Where is she? Did she already go through Security?

Sonny: Can you be more specific?

Carly: Brenda, Sonny! Who else?

Sonny: You just missed her.

Carly: Okay. Does that woman ever answer for anything?

Sonny: Carly, relax.

Carly: She lied, Sonny. She put us all through hell, especially Michael, just to torture me. Brenda never slept with Michael.

Brenda: Here you go. Drink that, okay? You need to sober up. I'm gonna go start your shower. Michael, drink that.

Flight Attendant: Coffee? Or something stronger?

Brenda: No, coffee's fine. Thank you.

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