GH Transcript Monday 4/22/13

General Hospital Transcript Monday 4/22/13


Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By

Spinelli: Have no fear, Sam. I am delighted to take care of Danny for a few hours while you bond with your new foster son, and may I say that I think Rafe is very lucky to have you take him in. Okay. There's no -- no thanks needed. I'm -- I'm happy to spend this time with Danny. It is unexpected bliss to be daddy for a day.

[Knock on door]

Maxie: I got the text that you wanted to see me, Ka-- uh, Connie?

Connie: Yes, Maxie. Come on in. Come on in. What are you loitering out there? Come on. What are -- what are you afraid of?

Maxie: [Chuckles] You.

Olivia: Oh, good. I'm not too late. It took me longer than I thought to get the balloons. I was afraid I was gonna miss them.

Sonny: No, the flight's been delayed, so you can just go ahead and catch your breath.

Connie: Oh, Sonny, can you believe it? I should never doubted that Dante would find Lulu before it was too late. Gosh, she must be so happy to be coming home, right?

Laura: Well, at least Lulu agreed to come back to Port Charles with us.

Luke: Yeah. I wasn't sure she was going to there for a while. [Sighs] She doesn't remember anything about her life. I mean, she...still looks at us like we're complete strangers.

Laura: Yeah, I know. She's so confused. One minute, Stavros has her locked up and frozen. Now we've got her on a plane with people she doesn't recognize going back to a home she doesn't remember.

Luke: Well, as soon as we land, we should get her over to General Hospital and see if somebody can figure out what it is that Stavros did to her memory.

Laura: Yeah. But, you know, that, in and of itself, can be pretty terrifying, you know? Dealing with doctors who are trying to cure you is a painful reminder that you are broken.

Dante: Lulu.

Olivia: Okay. Now everything can finally get back to normal, like the way it was before Lulu was kidnapped.

Sonny: As normal as it gets around here.

Olivia: [Chuckles] God, I was so worried about that vision of Dante saying that he couldn't save Lulu, but I guess -- I guess everything really did turn out okay. Well, I guess for Dante and Lulu, it did. How are you holding up?

Sonny: Uh, you know, Dante and Lulu's homecoming is the one bright spot of my day.

Olivia: I understand. I really do. It hurts not to be with the person that you love. [Sighs]

AJ: So, what's in the bag? Medication for your latest STD?

Carly: It's antirejection medicine for Josslyn.

AJ: Right, uh, I forgot that Elizabeth consented for her little boy to donate his kidney to save your daughter's life.'s Josslyn?

Carly: My daughter's fine. I'm worried about Michael, and that's why I have to find Brenda.

Michael: Wait. How could we change what happened?

Brenda: I have a confession to make.

Michael: And what do you have to confess?

Brenda: Um... you and I... um, we never had sex.

Olivia: You know, the minute that you told me that Connie was back, but she wasn't with you, I knew something was wrong. And then when you said that she broke up with you, I...went right over there to try to talk some sense into her.

Sonny: How'd that work out?

Olivia: Not so good.

Sonny: [Chuckles] I'm not surprised.

Olivia: Well, you know, neither Kate nor Connie were ever pushovers. You roll them all into one, you got a very formidable woman, Sonny. She honestly believes that if she gets back with you, she's gonna turn into two different people.

Sonny: She's got to do what's best for her health.

Olivia: Yeah. But this isn't easy for her. She really is hurting. You got to know that.

Sonny: Well, I mean, I fought her, you know, to the end, and I realized I'm just gonna make it worse.

Olivia: [Sighs] You know, she can talk till she's blue in the face, and so can those doctors of hers. I will never, ever understand how it could be better for someone's mental health to not be with the person that you love.

Sonny: [Chuckles]

Connie: Come on, Maxie. You don't have to be afraid of me. I'm not gonna bite you...unless you give me a reason to.

Maxie: [Chuckles] Sorry. You know, I'm not usually a timid person, but these are exceptional circumstances. In the sense that, um...well, I don't know, really, who you are.

Connie: Well, I --

Maxie: I'm not even sure who I want you to be -- Kate or Connie. I might not want you to be either one. I mean, the last time I worked for you, you were Connie pretending to be Kate, and you had me set up your tacky wedding to Sonny. You made my life a living hell -- telling me that my ideas were boring, when they were actually really good. And I tried really hard to prove that you should rehire me, when the entire time, all you were really doing was setting up Sonny to be humiliated in front of his family and friends.

Connie: I know, and I feel very badly that you got in between Sonny and Connie, but that was the old Connie, and things are different now. I'm a new person, and I'm fully integrated.

Maxie: What does that mean?

Connie: Well, that means that I'm not the old Kate you knew or the Connie that tricked you. I'm parts of Connie and little pieces of Kate.

Maxie: Hmm. I hope you kept the good parts.

Connie: [Chuckles] Well, you can let me know what you think after.

Maxie: [Sighs] After what?

Connie: After I offer you a job.

Spinelli: So, Samantha is taking in a foster son named Rafe, and so she thought she would help him get settled in tonight and devote her time to him, so she asked if I could take care of Danny.

Ellie: Oh. I thought you were leaving town on a case.

Spinelli: Well, not until tomorrow morning. And, believe me, I-I-I'm still highly aware that you don't want children, so I'm not --

Ellie: Damian, stop. Stop. I've chosen to remain childless, because I don't want to exacerbate the overpopulation of planet Earth. I have not objection to children who are already here. In fact, I like kids a lot, and even if I didn't, which, again, I do, Danny would be nearly impossible to resist.

Spinelli: So, uh, he can stay with us tonight?

Ellie: Under one condition.

Spinelli: Okay. What's that?

Ellie: You have to help me figure out what Maxie's hiding about Dante and Lulu's baby.

Dante: It's a long flight from Athens, huh?

Lulu: I guess.

Dante: Well, we're almost on the ground, and when we are, we -- we'll be in the city, and maybe seeing all that stuff will bring some memories back.

Laura: I'm not sure this is a good idea.

Luke: Well, she's his wife. He's entitled to talk to her.

Laura: Yes, but she's overwhelmed. I don't want him to upset her any further.

Luke: Laura, he loves her. He's walked through fire to find her.

Laura: I know. And sometimes that kind of love can feel like pressure.

Dante: Hey, Lulu. We used to spend a lot of time on the waterfront, on this one pier, in particular, and...I don't know, again, maybe it's just something you'll see and -- and some things will start to come back to you.

Lulu: I'm sorry, I'm -- I'm really tired, David.

Dante: Wh-- it's, uh, Dante.

Lulu: Right. But I-I'm still tired.

Dante: You're not tired, Lulu. You're scared and confused, and when we get home, you're gonna feel better.

Lulu: Port Charles, New York.

Dante: Right. Where there's people who love you and the rest of our families and a bunch of friends.

Lulu: But see, the only person that I can the guy who supposedly kidnapped me.

Dante: Okay, great. Well, let's go with that. Let's stick with some positive things. We're gonna -- we're gonna get off this plane, we're gonna be back home, you're gonna remember things, and you're gonna remember that we were happy together, because of -- especially right now, because of our baby.

Lulu: Baby? Wh-what are you talking about? What baby?

AJ: Are you seriously still upset that Michael slept with Brenda? I mean, come on. He's a grown man. Let it go.

Carly: Oh, right. Because Michael banged a supermodel. Who cares that she used to be his stepmother? Man, you make my skin crawl.

AJ: Okay, you know what? You are obsessed.

Carly: [Chuckles]

AJ: Why are you still looking for Brenda? I thought you guys already had it out.

Carly: I'm gonna run her ass out of town, since Sonny refuses to kill her.

Sonny: I knew that Dante, Luke, and Laura had made it to the island, and I was pretty sure they were gonna find Lulu, but there was something else that happened, and I -- I can't even wrap my head around it.

Olivia: What is this other thing? What -- this other thing you keep talking about -- what?

Sonny: Nothing. You don't even have to worry about it. I don't even want you involved in it.

Olivia: Well [Scoffs] Sonny, I do worry about it. You know, we got a son together. We got a -- we got a grandbaby on the way.

Sonny: Right. Right.

Olivia: So, anything that affects you is very likely to affect them, so...

Sonny: Not this.

Olivia: Wh-- okay. Are you gonna just make me stand her badgering you about it and keep on and on and on with you? Because you know I will wear you down.

Sonny: Are you gonna keep asking me, or are you gonna let go of this?

Olivia: Sonny, I know when you get like this -- when you're all dodgy -- and when you're dodging around, you're covering up something that's very painful. And as I'm looking at you right now, I can see something is eating you alive. So, why don't you just tell me what it is? Sonny, it's me. You know you can trust me.

Sonny: The night of the Nurses' Ball, Brenda slept with Michael.

Michael: You're saying we didn't...have sex? But we -- we were in bed together.

Brenda: I know how it looked. Um...but -- but trust me. We never had sex. I -- you never

Michael: Okay, Brenda, I don't understand. Up until now, you've been acting like we slept together.

Brenda: Yeah, I was lying.

Michael: Why?

Spinelli: You know, things between Maxie and myself have been somewhat volatile, and even more so between you and her. I-I wouldn't want her to think that we're prying.

Ellie: [Sighs] Okay, well, what about Dante and Lulu?

Lulu: Are you telling me that we have a kid together?

Dante: No. No, we don't have a kid yet, but soon --

Lulu: Oh, my God. What? Am I -- am I pregnant? And nobody told me?!

Dante: No, no. Okay, stop. Stop.

Lulu: Then what are you talking about?

Dante: We're not pregnant. We have a surrogate. Maxie's carrying our child.

Lulu: Who is Maxie?

Dante: She's your best friend. You couldn't carry our child. She offered to do it for us. We wanted a baby bad enough, so we decided to go ahead with having a surrogate.

Lulu: I don't know what you're talking about! Okay, I-I don't know Maxie. I don't know if I want to have a baby, and I definitely don't know you.

Dante: Okay, yeah. I get it. I get it. I just thought that...

Lulu: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. No. I just -- I-I-I...

Dante: Look, I'm sorry. I thought -- I don't know what I thought, okay?

Lulu: [Voice breaking] I don't remember any of this, okay? I -- the more you keep talking to me, the more I feel like I can't breathe.

Laura: Dante.

Dante: Yeah.

Laura: Let's switch seats.

Dante: Sure. [Sighs] I just -- I'm just trying to help.

Lulu: [Sobbing]

Luke: I know, son. I know.

Laura: Shh. That's okay. It's okay, honey. It's all right. Everything's gonna be okay.

Lulu: How?

Laura: Lulu, I promise you that everything is gonna be all right, okay?

Ellie: Whatever it is Maxie's hiding, don't you think Dante and Lulu have the right to know everything about their baby? I mean, wouldn't you want to know if it was your child?

Spinelli: Tell me what you know so far.

Maxie: You seriously want me back at Crimson?

Connie: Yeah, well, like you said, the old Connie promised you a job here if you planned my wedding to Sonny.

Maxie: Yeah, but then you blew up Sonny's life by revealing you were already married to Johnny. Not only did you humiliate the man you said you loved, you made me look like an inept, low-rent wedding planner, and I didn't even get my job back.

Connie: Maxie, I acknowledge that I took advantage of you, and I just -- I want to make it up to you.

Maxie: Okay, how do I know you're not trying to take advantage of me again? What's the saying? First time, shame on you. Second time, I'm a total idiot?

Connie: Maxie, I'm offering you a job, not a bomb. Okay. I don't want anything from you in return except to come to work and to give me some creative ideas for Crimson. I won't be bitchy or underhanded or treat you the way old Connie did.

Maxie: Yeah? What about the way Kate treated me?

Olivia: Michael slept with Brenda?

Sonny: Yeah.

Olivia: No. Who would even start a rumor like that?

Sonny: It's true. Michael told me himself.

Olivia: Oh, God.

Sonny: Michael's girlfriend broke up with him. He was upset. He -- he went to the lobby bar, got drunk. Brenda was there. She took him to her room. Carly walked in and saw them -- Michael and Brenda -- in bed together.

Olivia: I can't even -- I can't even im-- you know, actually, I can -- I can imagine. If I would have walked in on Dante at --

Sonny: Okay, shh.

Olivia: If I would have had walked in on Dante at Michael's age in bed with some woman that used to be his stepmother, I would have -- I would have picked up the nearest blunt object. I would have taken her freakin' head off. You know I'm not lying.

Sonny: That was Carly's first impulse, but she stopped because of Michael.

Olivia: When then she's a much better woman than I am. I admire her.

Sonny: Well, don't give her too much credit. You know why? Because she asked me to kill Brenda.

Olivia: How hard was it for you to resist?

Michael: You lied. We were both grieving over people that we lost, we both drank way too much -- that's sort of the last thing I remember.

Brenda: That's -- that's really all that happened.

Michael: You made it seem like we went to your room and that we had sex. We slept together. Why -- you tell me that didn't happen, that you lied about the whole thing?

Brenda: I lied. I lied. I'm sorry.

Michael: Why? Why would you want me to think that I-I slept with you?

Brenda: Because I wanted to stick it to your mother.

Carly: Always a pleasure talking to you, AJ, but I'm gonna go find a pedophile tramp who messed with my son.

AJ: Fine. Unbelievable. Look, uh, you can put the torches away, all right? I'll spare you the search.

Carly: You're not gonna talk me out of it.

AJ: No, no. I-I know where Brenda is.

Carly: You do?

AJ: Mm-hmm.

Carly: Where?

AJ: With Michael.

Ellie: Oh, what do you think, Danny? Are you gonna grow up to be a P.I. someday? Follow in the footsteps of your mommy and your illustrious godfather?

Spinelli: Well, Danny can be anything he wants to be, but I would be honored and gratified to teach him the ins and outs of sleuthing.

Ellie: I could really use your expertise on that subject.

Spinelli: Right. Well, I am at your service. Present the facts.

Ellie: Okay. One -- Maxie's hiding a secret about the baby. Two -- Dr. Westbourne shares that secret. And three -- the mystery is so important that Maxie's father, WSB agent Frisco Jones, felt the need to silence Dr. Westbourne in order to ensure that Dante and Lulu were kept in the dark.

Spinelli: Frisco's involvement does imply that this secret in a grave one.

Ellie: So grave that Maxie lapsed into paroxysms of fear and hostility when I probed her about it. And earlier today in the hospital, when we had a chance meeting, she wildly overreacted and accused me of stalking.

Spinelli: Gauging from Maxie's level of paranoia, we can assume that the secret is earth-shattering, life-altering, and irreversible. Right, young sir? So, what could it be? What could it be?

Ellie: Oh, my God. Damian, I know what it is.

Connie: Maxie, I'm gonna tell you something about Kate. She did not have it easy. She was running from a very painful and hurtful life. She was constantly afraid that it was gonna catch up to her, and her facade of order and control was gonna crumble, so she focused on the future, on success, and she became demanding and -- and horrible, because she didn't want to backslide into the chaos. But I don't have to be like that anymore, and I don't have to lash out at others like Connie did, because I'm whole.

Maxie: So, you're like a kinder, gentler version of yourself?

Connie: Well, I'm not a pushover, and I'm not a marshmallow, okay? I just have really big ambitions for Crimson. I want to take it to the top, and I think that you can help me do that, Maxie, because you have a really good eye, and you have some good ideas. Okay, you have a lot of really good ideas. And I would love it if you'd help me.

Maxie: I did really love working here.

Connie: Great. That's great. There's just one other thing we have to talk about.

Maxie: I was waiting for the other designer shoe to drop.

Connie: We need to talk about your baby problem.

Olivia: You didn't kill Brenda, did you?

Sonny: No.

Olivia: Okay. I'm just --

Sonny: I mean...

Olivia: It's not that she doesn't deserve it. I mean, but it would have been pretty tough on Michael, I would imagine. God, that poor kid must be so confused.

Sonny: When Michael told me what happened, I thought I was gonna be sick, but I didn't want Michael to see how upset I was, 'cause he was already feeling guilty. I didn't want to make it worse.

Olivia: So you forgave him.

Sonny: What's there to forgive? He was -- he was drunk. He's vulnerable. He made a mistake. Michael didn't know what he was doing, but Brenda sure did. And then I find out what really went down -- that she had no remorse, she felt no regret, and she threw it in Carly's face -- I-I [Sighs] Anyway, look, I wanted -- I wanted to find Brenda. That's what I was gonna do, okay? Then you called, told me that Dante and Lulu were due in, so I came straight here.

Olivia: So, if I wouldn't have called you, you would have gone and found Brenda and done what? [Gasps] Oh, God. There they are. [Laughs] Baby.

Dante: Hi. Okay.

Olivia: I'm so glad to see you. I was so worried about you. Let me get a look at you. God, you look like death warmed over.

Dante: Look, there's something we need to tell you. Hey.

Olivia: Lulu! Hi!

Lulu: Ugh, no, don't!

Olivia: Honey, what's wrong?

Lulu: I don't know who the hell you people are!

Carly: Brenda's with Michael?

AJ: Yeah, yeah. I was just with them. Well, I left 'cause they wanted to be alone. You know, I got to tell you -- they really are cute together. They're all lovey-dovey.

Carly: Where are they? Where are they?!

AJ: Um, they are, um... did you really think I was gonna tell you?

Michael: So, you made it seem like I slept with my dad's ex-wife to get back at my mom? That's, uh -- that's extreme.

Brenda: I know it sounds that way, but for me, it didn't -- it didn't feel that way, because your mother destroyed my engagement to Jax. It's because of your mother that Jax left me.

Michael: Brenda --

Brenda: Would you like to know what your mother did? Your mother sneaked into Sonny's house, eavesdropped on our private conversation, then she ran back to Jax and blew the whole thing out of proportion.

Michael: My mom didn't lie. You were with my dad.

Brenda: Oh, your mother didn't lie. That's amazing. Listen, yes, I was there, Michael. You realize that's none of your mother's business. Your mother blew the whole thing out of proportion with Jax. Listen, and I'm at the Nurses' Ball, and I'm devastated because I have lost everything. Once again, your mother has trashed my whole life. And then, there you are, up in my suite, you don't remember anything, and it was perfect.

Michael: But I woke up in your bed. So, if we didn't sleep together, then what -- what happened?

Brenda: You were really drunk, and so I wasn't gonna let you drive home, and, uh...I took you up to my room to help you sober up. You were really upset about your girlfriend.

Michael: She's not coming back to me or Port Charles. I need another drink.

Brenda: No, no, no, no. You -- you don't -- you don't need another drink. You just -- here you go. You need some coffee and a cold shower. Here you go.

Michael: No, don't. I'm fine.

Brenda: No, no. You're not -- you're not fine. It's gonna make you feel better. I promise, okay? I'll go start the shower. You drink that. You need to sober up. Drink that. When I came back from the bathroom, that's when you gave me the opportunity to come up with the lie.

Michael: How?

Brenda: Well, you had taken off all of your clothes and passed out in my bed, so I figured I'd let you sleep it off there. I went in the bathroom and undressed and laid down on the couch and tried to sleep there.

Michael: You're lying.

Maxie: What baby problem? Why would you call it a problem? Have you been talking to Ellie Trout?

Connie: Ellie Trout. Was that the girl that I hit with my car?

Maxie: Yes, that's Ellie, and she's completely fine now, so don't even worry about her. Why -- why are you calling this a baby problem?

Connie: Well, I was simply referring to the impact that this child's gonna have on your work. I'm gonna give you maternity leave. That's a given, but how do I know that you're gonna come back? I mean, many women say that they're gonna come back and have a career after having the baby, but once they lay their eyes on the little nugget, they get all googly. I mean, I don't even get what that's about. Why do these intelligent women decide that they're just gonna change their lives for the baby? Suddenly, they're -- they're staying home and they're covered in baby puke and they're falling in love with this little angel, and they want to be around and be there with the baby daddy. And I can -- I can see that happening with you, Maxie.

Spinelli: So, you've ascertained what Maxie's hiding?

Ellie: Well, I hope I'm mistaken, and I feel terrible for Dante and Lulu, and no wonder Maxie doesn't want to tell them.

Spinelli: Well, what? What is it?

Ellie: Obviously, there is a problem with the baby.

Spinelli: Ellie, are you certain?

Ellie: I mean, it's just a hypothesis, but it fits all of the parameters. Ever since the embryo was implanted, Maxie's been very reluctant to express her fears about the baby to Dante and Lulu.

Spinelli: Hence her call to me on Christmas Eve. She came to me for comfort rather than talking to Dante and Lulu.

Ellie: And, on New Year's Eve, when she fell -- the same night you two slept together -- look, I know we decided to put that incident in the past, but I'm just pointing it out, because she didn't want Dante and Lulu to know about the fall, either.

Spinelli: Yeah, but she said the fall was consequential. In fact, Dr. Westbourne checked her out and said that the baby was fine.

Ellie: Well, Dr. Westbourne must have found a problem in utero with the fetus when Dante and Lulu weren't around. And now Maxie's terrified to tell them.

Spinelli: If this is true, that -- I mean, it would be devastating. Come here, bud.

Ellie: So, she recruited her father to help silence Dr. Westbourne.

Spinelli: I mean, is there some other reason that Frisco could have involved himself?

Ellie: Damian, what else could be so serious that Maxie wouldn't want Dante and Lulu to know?

Olivia: Lulu. Honey, of course, you recognize me. I'm Olivia. I'm your mother-in-law. That's Sonny. That's your father-in-law.

Lulu: Okay, no one is listening to me. I don't know you people, and I don't want to.

Laura: I'll go. I'll go.

Olivia: Dante, I'm sorry. Did that just happen, or am I having another hallucination?

Dante: No. It -- it happened. Look, I wanted to tell you when I called you, but I thought she would be better by the time we got home.

Luke: Stavros Cassadine almost killed her.

Dante: Trauma has -- I don't know -- messed up her memory.

Sonny: Obviously, she doesn't recognize me or Olivia.

Luke: Well, it isn't just you guys. She doesn't recognize any of us.

Brenda: I'm not lying. I-I was lying before, but I'm telling you the truth now.

Michael: You didn't sleep on the couch. When my mom walked in, you were in bed with me.

Brenda: Yeah, that's -- that's what I wanted. I wanted Carly to walk in on us together in bed.

Michael: H-how did you do that? What did you do?

Brenda: In the morning, you were still passed out in the bed. And I had been up all night thinking about everything that I had lost with Jax because of Carly. I just snapped. You know, I-I just wanted payback, and I knew your mother would freak out if she thought we'd been together. So, I decided that I was going to find a way to get your mother up into my room. And it just came to me. Hi. Uh, can I get the rise and shine breakfast, uh, sent to my room for two people? Yeah, I-I know that Mr. Jacks checked out yesterday, but, um [Clears throat] Yeah, actually, could you just charge everything to Carly Jacks? We're really good friends. Please ask her. Okay, thank you. Bye. And, um -- and then I got into bed with you. And I waited for your mother to arrive. The rest is history.

Michael: So, Mom was right. You were using me.

Carly: Tell me where Brenda and Michael are. That woman is never gonna touch my son again.

AJ: Carly, that isn't your decision to make anymore. Now, pay attention very closely -- Michael is a grown man. I mean, come on. How embarrassing to have your mother, you know, uh, barge in on you and police your sex life?

Carly: That bitch is exploiting our son!

AJ: Uh, we should all get exploited like that.

Carly: You're a pig.

AJ: Hey, come on, look. I respect my son, and you are not gonna cause another uncomfortable scene, so forgive me, but I just -- I can't tell you where the new lovers are. Whoa. Hey. Ho. Ho. Come on.

Carly: [Pointing scissors at his crotch] Tell me. Tell me where they are or I'm gonna make you a falsetto who will never make love or father another child again.

Connie: See, there you go. You're getting sentimental about the baby already.

Maxie: No, no. That's not it. I [Sighs] This isn't my baby.

Connie: What?! What?! Whose baby is it?

Maxie: It's, uh, Dante's and Lulu's. I'm carrying it for them.

Connie: Should I know that? I should know that. I'm so sorry. I've been focused on other things. You're a surrogate?

Maxie: Yeah, I am.

Connie: So, wait. You're gonna go through nine months of misery and fat and bloating and you're not even gonna keep the child?

Maxie: No. Dante and Lulu are gonna raise the baby.

Connie: Well, that's good news as far as I'm concerned, because you don't need maternity leave, so you can just have the baby and hand it right off to them. I guess it makes it easier that it's not flesh and blood, right? You don't get so attached.

Dante: She -- she doesn't even remember who Maxie is or that she's carrying out child. I mean, she freaked out when I told her we were gonna be parents.

Sonny: I'm sorry, Dante.

Olivia: Well, there's got to be some kind of treatment to reverse what Stavros did. There's got to be a way to -- to help Lulu remember.

Luke: Well, we're gonna take her over to General Hospital. We're hoping that Dr. Drake can come up with something, I hope.

Olivia: [Sighs] Oh, God, honey. I-I am so sorry.

Dante: I'm just -- I'm really worried about her. I mean, it's her, you know? You can tell with her reactions, but she's surrounded by people who are strangers to her, and she's terrified, and I understand that, and that's why she's pushing everyone away, but she's trying to handle it all by herself.

Laura: I know this isn't easy, honey, but Dante's parents didn't mean to upset you.

Lulu: No, I get it. It's not their fault. They want me to be someone that I-I can't be.

Laura: They love you just like your dad and me, like Dante. We -- we all just want you to be yourself. That's all.

Lulu: Yeah, I-I want that. I -- believe me, I-I want to make you all happy and be this person that you want, but I don't know her, okay? I-I don't know myself.

Laura: Okay. Please, don't run away again. You could get lost.

Lulu: See, that is it. That is what I am. I'm lost.

Laura: Come here. It's okay.

Sonny: You know what, Luke? Seeing your daughter go through this -- it's -- it's got to be tough. I'm sorry.

Luke: It's just so bizarre. You know, after what we went through to find her and get her back, and now it's like... she isn't Lulu.

Sonny: I understand more than you know.

Connie: Why all the drama? Is it the hormones, or are you really attached to someone else's baby?

Maxie: No, I am giving this baby to Dante and Lulu. That's the plan, and I'm fine.

Connie: You sure?

Maxie: Yes.

Connie: Okay, because you're not gonna be good to me or Crimson if you're gonna burst into tears every five minutes.

Maxie: I won't. I promise.

Connie: So, we have a deal?

Maxie: Yeah.

Connie: Great! Welcome to Crimson. Don't look so excited. Okay.

[Both chuckle]

Connie: I promise I'm not gonna be as mean to you as old Kate or Connie, okay? Uh! See you tomorrow.

Maxie: Okay, great.

Connie: Okay. And if you're not here at 8:30 a.m. sharp, don't bother coming at all.

Maxie: Some things never change.

Connie: I heard that.

AJ: [Sighs, groans]

Carly: What's it gonna be, AJ -- Brenda's location or the little that's left of your manhood?

AJ: Okay, now, think this through, because if you do this, you'll never get another chance with me.

Carly: You're disgusting. Where are they? Tell me or I'm gonna put you out of commission.

AJ: Okay, all right. Relax. Relax. They're at Kelly's. They're just going public with the relationship, innocently getting to know each other better, okay?

Carly: There's nothing innocent about Brenda.

Brenda: I'm sorry. I was using you. It's not for the reason you -- you think. It's -- I was -- I was truly just trying to get back at Carly.

Michael: And my dad and I were just collateral damage.

Brenda: I, uh -- Michael, I would never do anything to hurt your relationship with your father, and if I have hurt you and Sonny, I-I-I hope you can forgive me.

Michael: [Sighs] Well, if you can forgive me for getting sloppy drunk and passing out in your bed, then, yeah. [Sighs]

Brenda: That's okay.

Michael: Look, thank you for telling me. It's obviously a very big relief that we didn't, know, do anything.

Brenda: Yeah. Listen, I know you probably don't want to hear this right now, but you are gonna meet a really great girl one day, and she's gonna completely make you forget your broken heart, and she will be the luckiest girl on the planet. [Chuckles]

Spinelli: If your theory is correct and there is indeed something wrong with Maxie's baby, I-I can't even fathom it.

Ellie: I can't, either.

Spinelli: Well, I mean, so maybe we're blowing this out of proportion.

Ellie: Oh, I hope so. But it makes it all the more important for us to pursue this. Damian, we have to find out what's wrong with the baby.

Maxie: Are you talking about my baby? Are you still harping on some imaginary secret about my baby, Ellie?

Ellie: No.

Maxie: Really?

Ellie: No. Maxie, you misunderstood.

Maxie: No, I don't think so.

Ellie: We were talking about this baby. Damian's watching baby Daniel, and we think he has a touch of rhinitis.

Maxie: What?

Spinelli: Oh, uh, Ellie's just saying we -- we fear little Daniel may have a bit of a cold. [Chuckles] Maxie, is everything okay?

Maxie: I'm just tired. That's all. [Chuckles]

Ellie: Close call.

Spinelli: Yeah, look. I'm not comfortable with this. We -- we shouldn't involve ourselves.

Ellie: Damian, I can't let this go. I just -- I can't. The fate of an innocent child hangs in the balance, and so does the fate of its parents.

Dante: Lulu. Hey. [Chuckles] Are you, uh -- are you feeling any better? All right, well, maybe -- maybe we should go to the hospital now.

Laura: I've got her. Come on, hon. Let's go.

Luke: Hey. It's gonna be all right.

Dante: Yeah. [Sighs]

Sonny: I think what you're gonna have to do is let, you know, Patrick do his thing. He's brilliant at it.

Olivia: Yeah. Yeah, the hard part is over. Hon, you got her home safe and sound. This is just gonna be a little bit of a setback, okay?

Dante: I hope so.

Olivia: Yeah.

Dante: Um, look, thank you both for being here and welcoming us. I know under other circumstances, she would have really appreciated it.

Olivia: I guess the balloons and the sign was a little much, huh?

Dante: No, Ma, it was great. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Sonny: Yeah.

Dante: I'll call you guys if we find anything out.

Olivia: Great. Oh, my God. This is terrible. What if she's never the same old Lulu that loves our son?

Sonny: Let's just hope Dante never has to find out.

[Cell phone rings]

Sonny: Whoa. I got to get this.

Olivia: Yeah, okay.

Sonny: Hello? Uh...hold -- hold on a second. You know, I think -- look, Dante came back to us in one piece. I believe that Lulu can, too.

Olivia: Yeah. And maybe one day Connie will, too.

Sonny: All right. What do you want?

Carly: Where's Brenda?

Michael: She's gone.

Sonny: No, I cannot deal with this right now. I will call you tomorrow.

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