General Hospital Transcript Wednesday 4/17/13
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By
Ellie: Oh, God! Oh, Maxie, I'm so sorry.
Maxie: I'm sure you are.
Ellie: I just -- I wasn't watching where I -- wait. You don't -- you don't think I bumped into you on purpose?
Maxie: It's called stalking. And yes, I do. First you show up at the Metro Court lobby when I'm having a private farewell conversation with my father, and now you're lurking around me at the hospital. [Chuckles] Do you still think I'm keeping a secret about this baby?
Spinelli: And we're walking. We're walking. Look at this track star. Look at him go. [Laughs]
Sam: Wait, wait. Spinelli, don't get me wrong -- I love getting checks, but I have absolutely no idea what this one's for.
Spinelli: Well, it's your cut for services rendered by McCall and Jackal Private Investigations.
Sam: Mm...we have a new client? Who?
Spinelli: AJ Quartermaine.
AJ: [Sighs] Damn it, Tracy.
Michael: AJ?
AJ: Hey.
Michael: What are you doing?
AJ: Uh...nothing. I'm just, uh...a little on edge. Sorry.
Michael: Yeah, I know the feeling.
AJ: [Sighs] You okay? I, uh -- I stopped by your place last night. You said you were gonna go home and sleep your hangover off.
Michael: There was, uh, something I had to do first.
AJ: Did you go see Brenda?
Michael: No, I, uh -- I was with my father.
[Knock on door]
Olivia: Ah! Sonny!
Sonny: [Chuckling] Hey.
Olivia: I just got the most incredible news!
Sonny: You must be happy Connie's back.
Olivia: Wait, what are you talking about?
Connie: Thanks, guys.
Carly: Uh, no one told me about any work order. Who signed off on this?
Connie: Carly!
Carly: Welcome home.
Connie: Well, thank you.
Carly: When did you get out?
Connie: Last night.
Carly: Uh, okay, um, no offense, but...why are you here?
Connie: Well, isn't it obvious? I'm taking back my office and my life.
Molly: What time is it now?
Alexis: About 25 seconds since the last time you asked me.
Molly: I just don't know what's taking so long.
Alexis: Relax, my darling. They'll be here soon.
Molly: I hope so. I haven't seen Rafe in... forever.
Shawn: You must be pumped to be on spring break, man. You and Molly have plans?
TJ: Uh, not today. I guess she'd rather be in court with Rafe.
Shawn: Yeah, Alexis told me about the guardianship hearing. Look, just try to keep things in perspective, okay? You know how sensitive Molly is, and she's just looking out for someone's who's going through a rough time.
TJ: [Scoffs] It started out like that, yeah. But now?
TJ: Okay, think about where they'll be, TJ. I mean, a courtroom, I mean, with lawyers and judges and all the rest? Man, how -- how close could they possibly get?
Molly: How are you?
Rafe: Okay. Nothing's really changed. I'm still the son of the crazy lady and vampire.
Molly: It'll all be over soon.
Rafe: I hope so.
Alexis: Ready to get this show on the road?
Rafe: I don't even know what this show is. I mean, did a foster family open up, or...
Alexis: Even better. We have someone petitioning to be your guardian.
Rafe: Seriously?
Alexis: Mm-hmm.
Rafe: Who?
Lucy: [Exclaims] That would be moi. [Chuckles]
Olivia: Wait, wait. My cousin's back?
Sonny: That's not what you were talking about?
Olivia: No. I-I just heard from Dante. They found Lulu.
Sonny: Oh. Thank God.
Olivia: Yeah. Luke and Laura and Dante and Lulu are all on their way home right now.
Sonny: Everybody's okay?
Olivia: Yeah, yeah. I mean, he couldn't really talk. He could only talk for a second, but [Sighs] I don't care about the small stuff. Our son is coming home, and he's bringing his wife with him.
Sonny: That's all that matters.
Olivia: Yeah. Yeah. So, I guess it's good news all around, huh? She's really back? And she's Connie?
Sonny: Not exactly.
Carly: So, they released you? So, you're good? You're a whole person now?
Connie: Well, that's what they tell me. I'm a complete, whole person. I'm finished with therapy.
Carly: So, who won out -- Kate or Connie?
Shawn: Are you running late for something?
TJ: I don't know. You think I could still make it to that hearing?
Shawn: Mnh-mnh. It's a bad idea, TJ.
TJ: Why?
Shawn: Look, Molly doesn't need you checking up on her.
TJ: That's not what I'm doing.
Shawn: No?
TJ: No. No. I'm just, uh...gonna go show some support.
Shawn: Mm-hmm. Okay. Here. Some bus money. And let me know if you go anywhere else.
TJ: Thanks, man.
Shawn: I still don't think hovering is the best idea, but...
TJ: Any last-minute advice?
Shawn: Play it cool.
TJ: Me? I'm always cool.
Shawn: [Chuckles]
Molly: I'm just a little confused. Um...I thought you and Kevin couldn't be Rafe's guardians, because you didn't live in Port Charles.
Lucy: Right. That's correct -- uh, then, but since, we've decided to put down roots and stay in Port Charles. Actually, we're just coming back to our roots and staying. [Chuckles] And you -- you're gonna absolutely love Doc. He's so kind. He's gentle. He's so darn smart. And you know what? He hardly ever loses his temper ever, even when someone's badgering him or going on and on about something that I, of course, would never do.
Alexis: Never.
Rafe: Yeah, he...sounds cool.
Lucy: Doc is the definition of cool. [Laughs]
Rafe: So, you're...really willing to just take me in like this?
Lucy: Well, of course, I am. You're my family.
Rafe: Well, I mean, not really. Technically, that psycho, Stephen Clay, is my father.
Lucy: Okay. Listen, okay? And listen really good. What your father believed -- he knew about the biological thing, but he believed you were his son, and he loved you very much, which means I'm your cousin, you are my family, and you're stuck with me. It's a done deal -- okay? -- Like it or not.
Spinelli: So, that check is your share of our admittedly slim profits, but I insist that you take it.
Sam: Spinelli, I haven't really wanted to say anything, because I didn't want to put you on the spot, but I know that you're struggling financially.
Spinelli: Those days are behind me -- behind us. McCall and Jackal -- we're back in the black.
Sam: Yeah, but we don't need your money. I mean, Danny and I -- we are beyond adequate. We -- we don't want your money.
Spinelli: It's -- it's our money, Samantha. Unless you wish to dissolve our partnership.
Sam: No. Look, I-I don't wish to dissolve our partnership. I-I will make you a deal, though, okay? If -- if you agree to accept this check for this case and this one case only, I'll stay partners with you.
Spinelli: Doesn't seem like those two things are --
Sam: Come on! Take Ellie to dinner, pay your rent, go out, and I promise, whatever profit from our next case, I will split 50/50. Deal?
Spinelli: You drive a hard bargain.
Sam: Ha!
Spinelli: Fine. Okay.
Sam: [Chuckles] Okay, so...want to tell me about that case?
Spinelli: Yes. Um, so, I was, uh, hired to uncover some deeply buried information about a previously unknown Quartermaine heir.
Sam: [Groans] An unknown Quartermaine? Who?
Michael: Well, I had to be the one to face my dad and tell him that I slept with Brenda.
AJ: [Sighs] You okay?
Michael: No, not really. My dad told me that I shouldn't feel guilty, that it wasn't my fault.
AJ: Michael, listen to me. You shouldn't feel guilty, okay? It was nothing -- nothing wrong in what happened between you and Brenda. And Sonny has absolutely no right to judge you. I mean, believe me, he has done much, much worse.
Michael: Tracy hang that up?
AJ: So, that means you don't want to talk about what happened with Brenda?
Michael: Right. I don't.
AJ: Okay. Fine. We'll talk about business. Yeah, this is Tracy's handiwork here. You see, Kelly's is where Pickle-Lila originated, so there's no better place to advertise it. Too bad Tracy's not legally allowed to.
Michael: She's not?
AJ: No. No, ELQ owns the trademark. She's not allowed to use the name.
Michael: Nice.
AJ: Yeah, except it didn't stop her. You know, she's hell-bent on producing it and calling it something else.
Michael: But she's allowed to do that?
AJ: I checked with the lawyers last night.
Michael: Okay. So, where does that leave us?
AJ: Right back where we started. I-if we have any hope of maintaining control over ELQ, for better or for worse, it all comes down to Spinelli.
Sam: Why are you looking at me like that?
Spinelli: Well, I don't want the conversation to upset you.
Sam: Why would anything about the Quartermaines up-- oh. Talking about Franco.
Spinelli: Evidently, he sired a daughter. It's kind of difficult to imagine, isn't it?
Sam: Wow. I -- yeah, I mean, I thank God every day that Danny turned out to be Jason's. I mean, he didn't even know that Danny was his son, but I don't -- it obviously wouldn't have mattered. He would have loved him anyway. Jason would have been an amazing father.
Spinelli: And he never got the chance. Nor will I.
Sam: Wait a minute. Why? I thought you and Ellie worked out all your trouble.
Spinelli: As I tried to explain at the Nurses' Ball, we agreed to disagree. The conversation has been tabled, as it were.
Sam: Are you okay with that?
Spinelli: No! But it's preferable to the alternative. Anyway, so, hence, the only babies we've been talking about is the baby that Maxie's carrying.
Sam: Okay. I'm actually gonna -- I'm gonna bite on this one. Um, why are you and Ellie talking about Dante and Lulu's baby?
Spinelli: Yeah, just keep in mind that you asked.
Sam: Okay. Noted.
Spinelli: All right. So, Ellie overheard a private conversation between Maxie and her father, and the details are somewhat convoluted, but now Ellie is convinced that Maxie is harboring a secret about the baby.
Ellie: [Chuckles] I'm not stalking you.
Maxie: Really? Because the last time you bumped into me was right before you accused me of lying about this baby.
Ellie: Maxie, I never accused you of anything. I just asked if you wanted to talk. I'm sorry, but I-I can't help what I overheard, and the conversation between you and your father at the Nurses' Ball was -- well, it was very intense.
Maxie: And I told you why. I was upset.
Ellie: Look, I understand that, but I also heard you say that if it wasn't for him, the truth about the baby would have come out.
Maxie: Well, have you ever heard of anything called "context"? You have no idea what you're talking about.
Ellie: Actually, I think I do. Damian and I talked about it --
Maxie: Wait. You told Spinelli about this?
Ellie: Yeah. And we finally figured out what your secret is.
Maxie: This can't be happening.
Ellie: Maxie, everyone was there, including Damian.
Maxie: Where?
Ellie: At the Nurses' Ball, when Dr. Westbourne announced her pregnancy on stage.
Maxie: Dr. Westbourne?
Ellie: Yeah. Damian suggested that the secret I overheard you referring to was actually her secret, not yours.
Maxie: You figured out that I was covering for Britt?
Ellie: Yeah. I mean, I wasn't convinced at first, but then I saw how it all added up. I mean, you and Dr. Drake are very close.
Maxie: We're family.
Ellie: Right. So, it stood to reason why you'd want to protect him from finding out about Dr. Westbourne and the baby.
Britt: I'm sorry. What about me and my baby?
Spinelli: It did seem curious at first, until we realized that the baby Maxie was referring to was not, in fact, the one that she was carrying.
Sam: [Chuckles] Wait, you lost me.
Spinelli: Yeah. Her O.B. is Dr. Britt Westbourne.
Sam: Ooh.
Spinelli: Yeah. And so I surmised that maybe the bad doctor confided in Maxie or perhaps that Maxie found out on her own.
Sam: Yeah. That was quite a scene she made, especially in front of Emma.
Spinelli: Yeah, not quite the way you'd wish your daughter to find out she was gonna be a big sister.
Sam: Anyway, about -- about Franco. Are we sure that he has a daughter?
Spinelli: Uh, yes, according to Heather Webber.
Sam: [Chuckling] Wait a minute. Back up. You spoke to Heather Webber?
Spinelli: Yeah, in the flesh. AJ thought that she might know something, so I visited her at the Miscavige facility.
Sam: Please don't tell me she asked you to deliver a letter.
Spinelli: Funny thing -- she did. But it was in jest.
Sam: Thank God.
Spinelli: Yeah. Um, and unnerving as this entire experience was, she actually did provide some useful information.
[Telephone rings]
Sam: Hold that thought.
Spinelli: Oh, yeah. Hey.
Sam: Please. And hold my baby.
Spinelli: [Chuckles] Wow.
Sam: Sam Morgan.
Spinelli: You know, you look more and more like your dad every time I see you. I hope you know that he would be here if he could. Jason was consummately loyal, patient, fearless, and he was great with kids. I have no doubt that you would have loved him. Not that I'm any kind of substitute, but I promise to look after you, Danny -- the same way that Jason looked after me.
Sam: No. I -- please, don't worry about it. No. I completely understand. I'll figure something out. Feel better, okay? Okay. Bye-bye.
Spinelli: Is everything okay?
Sam: [Groans] My nanny is sick, which actually wouldn't really be a problem, but I have to be in court in 20 minutes, and I can't show up with a baby.
Spinelli: I-I can watch Danny.
Sam: Really?
Spinelli: Yeah. No, I'd be thrilled to hang out with him for the day.
Sam: Ohh! Thank you. Thank you so much. He's not gonna be any trouble. He's gonna be great, I promise.
Spinelli: This guy, trouble? Come on.
Sam: Um...what do I need to tell you? The diaper bag is in the kitchen, everything's in it. You got wipes and diapers and there's a bottle there, and there's another bottle in the fridge.
Spinelli: A stroller?
Sam: Stroller? It's in the front closet. Thank you so much.
Spinelli: We are good to go.
Sam: I love you. [Smooches] I love you, too.
Spinelli: [Laughs] Okay, thanks. All right. You and me, kid.
Shawn: What's this?
AJ: You're gonna have to take down all the advertisements for Pickle-Lila. See, Tracy does not have the right to use the name. ELQ owns it.
Michael: She can sell the relish, but she has to use a different name.
Shawn: Okay. I'll get rid of them. Shame, though. With a name like Pickle-Lila, it would have probably sold itself.
AJ: You see? You see this? We have not beaten Tracy yet. All right? She's already got a buzz about her relish.
Michael: Yeah, but more buzz about the name, right?
AJ: Yeah.
Michael: So, why not make our own Pickle-Lila?
Alexis: I present to the court a petition for Lucy Coe and Kevin Collins -- Dr. Kevin Collins -- to become the temporary guardian of Rafe Kovich.
Lucy: Right. Okay. Hi, Your Honor. Hello. My name is Lucy Coe.
Judge Cole: Why don't you come and have a seat?
Lucy: Oh, I would love to. Thank you. That's very kind. Oh, thank you. You look nice. [Chuckles] And, Judge, may I say, you look very handsome today? Um, okay. Well, uh, what I want to say is that Rafe's mother was one of my dearest, dearest friends, and she was married to my cousin, and so it goes without saying that I have this boy's best interests in mind, that I care for him very much, and I want to protect him at all cost, and -- and, of course, um, as a matter of fact, so does Doc.
Judge Cole: Doc?
Lucy: Yeah, Doc. You know -- Kevin. Um, it's a nickname, kind of like, "What's up, Doc?" You know, he's a doctor. You get it?
Judge Cole: Got it.
Lucy: Okay.
Alexis: Uh, Dr. Collins couldn't be here today, because he's dealing with a patient-related emergency out of town, but he was kind enough to forward his references. Can I hand this to you?
Judge Cole: Mm-hmm.
Alexis: Thank you. May I?
[Door opens]
TJ: Hey.
Molly: T.J., what are you doing here?
TJ: I knew this was a big day for you, so...
Rafe: Thanks for coming.
TJ: Good luck, man.
Judge Cole: Dr. Collins' references are most impressive. However, it's not his fitness as a parent I'm concerned about. It's yours.
Michael: It's the name Pickle-Lila people remember, right? So, why not make our own relish? I mean, we have the recipe, except for that one ingredient.
AJ: Yeah, but we both know that one ingredient is the key. Now, we can slap our name on another product, and it might sell at first, but, uh, you know, I think we need backup here, which brings us back to the Quartermaine heir.
Michael: Okay, but you said Tracy backed off, right?
AJ: For now, but if she finds Franco's daughter before we do, we're toast.
Michael: Then let's hope there's progress.
AJ: Yeah.
Ellie: Dr. Westbourne, I-I didn't see you standing there.
Britt: You know, that's like the eighth time I have heard that in a matter of hours. Such fun being the talk of the hospital.
Ellie: Oh, no, no, no. It wasn't like that at all. We weren't gossiping about --
Britt: I don't care what it was about, okay? This is all gonna be over soon anyways.
Ellie: As in the gestation will only last for a few more months?
Britt: As in I'm done with this conversation. Let's go. It's time for your appointment.
Judge Cole: "Impaling a police detective."
Lucy: [Scoffs] "Impaling" -- you know, I don't think "impaling" is really a technical term -- really a legal term at all.
Judge Cole: "Holding the police commissioner at gunpoint."
Lucy: Oh, pooh. I wasn't about to shoot the gun. You know, Anna and I go way back, and that day, she was having such a nice hair day. She looked so good, and I --
Judge Cole: "Multiple counts of escaping from custody."
Lucy: Well, there's a story to each and every one. I mean, it's so simple. I could explain it all to you, Your Honor, I promise. There's a story here.
Judge Cole: I have to admit, I'm at a loss. Your client reasonably believes she will be deemed an acceptable guardian?
Alexis: Well, see, Your Honor, I-I anticipated that this incident might come up, and I want to assure you that all of this is a genuine case of mistaken identity. You see, there was a serial killer in town that looked exactly like...Lucy's impaling victim.
Judge Cole: That doesn't exactly assuage my concerns.
Alexis: I anticipated that you might feel that way, as well, which is why I, uh, brought in a character witness for Ms. Coe.
Judge Cole: And that would be?
Sam: Me, Your Honor... Samantha Morgan.
Olivia: So, Kate and Connie all rolled into one? I mean, I guess it makes sense, right? That's, like, the point of integration -- meeting in the middle, right?
Sonny: That's what the doctors say.
Olivia: So, what's -- was it weird? Was it like a different person was --
Sonny: No, she's not -- she was a little different, but she has to be. It wasn't like a stranger was walking in here.
Olivia: [Chuckling] Oh, honey. I'm so happy for you. You know, you really stuck by her. You made sure she got the help that she needed. Now you guys are finally gonna have your happily ever after. [Sighs]
Connie: Kate and I are one person now.
Carly: How Zen. So, you're going by Connie Falconeri?
Connie: Yes, I thought I would stick with the name I was born with.
Carly: And what does Crimson think about that?
Connie: I am Crimson.
Carly: And there you are, Kate.
Connie: Please don't ever call me "Kate." Kate was an identity created for an alter, a symptom of mental illness. And if I need to stay healthy, I have to stay away from triggers that will cause me to regress.
Carly: Okay. I understand.
Connie: Good.
Carly: For what it's worth, I'm...glad you're doing well. I'm sure Sonny's happy to have you back.
Connie: You should talk to him about that.
Carly: Why? What did you do?
Connie: The only thing I could do.
Sonny: [Sighs]
Olivia: So, where is she? I-I thought you two would be joined at the hip.
Sonny: She left.
Olivia: Like, what, to go get her stuff, or what?
Sonny: No. She left me. She said... she -- she's not coming back.
Olivia: She's breaking up with you? Wait. I don't understand.
Sonny: Psychiatrist told her that she -- she's better off without me in her life.
Olivia: Why?
Sonny: I'm -- I'm a trigger. There's two sides of her that are fighting over me, and if I'm hanging around... then it brings all that... to the surface. So [Sighs] She feels, you know, that, if she wants to believe the doctors, that in order for her to be integrated, she -- she can't be anywhere near me. [Sighs]
Olivia: So, basically, you're hazardous to her mental health?
Sonny: Basically.
Carly: So, that's it?! You and Sonny are done?
Connie: We have to be.
Carly: Sonny stood by you. He believed in you, and I got to tell you, that hasn't always been his M.O., so for whatever reason, he thinks you're worth it.
Connie: Well, I'm sorry to disappoint him, Carly.
Carly: You're sorry?! Do you have any idea what he's been going through?
Connie: No. I've been a little busy, so why don't you enlighten me?
Carly: Brenda's here! Did you know that? She showed up the night before the Nurses' Ball to tell everyone she was engaged to Jax, but that's not really why she showed up. She tried to get Sonny back. He turned her down, probably because of all the promises he made to you -- promises he's trying to keep. Too bad you can't reciprocate.
Connie: Well, for the record, I do love Sonny.
Carly: Then you stick it out. You make it work. You do it together.
Connie: I can't! Don't you understand what I'm saying? If I want to start fresh with this new identity, I can't take any chances. I have to do it alone.
Carly: You know what? You better be 100% sure, because if you convince Sonny to give you up to save you, and then you have a change of heart... you would have put him through a world of pain for no reason.
Connie: I'm aware of that.
Carly: Okay. You made your bed. Good luck lying in it.
Sam: Lucy saved my life. She saved my son's life. She kept Rafe safe from Stephen Clay. She fought for all of us when the whole town was against her. And as a parent, I would trust my son's life with her in a heartbeat.
Michael: What, did you win the lottery or something? How did you get to spend the whole day with Danny?
Spinelli: A simple case of right place at the right time. I-I hope it's okay that he's joining our meeting.
AJ: What, are you kidding me? This kid's family.
Michael: So, technically, this meeting involves you, too, bud.
AJ: All right, so, listen -- you better take notes, all right? So, Spinelli, were you able to see Heather?
Spinelli: In fact, I did, despite some serious security and some warnings of an alarming nature.
Michael: And, uh, what happened?
Spinelli: Well, at first, she was reluctant to help, which is not surprising, given that our last encounter was less than genial, which reminds me, I do need to replace my digital voice recorder.
Michael: Spinelli.
Spinelli: Apologies. Sorry.
AJ: Listen, did Heather tell you where you could find Franco's daughter?
Spinelli: As a matter of fact, she did.
Ellie: Do you need a hand?
Man: Oh, I've got it. Just have to drop off this bloodwork with Dr. Westbourne. Then the rest of it goes down to the ER.
Ellie: Oh, my shift's about to end. I can drop off the results to Dr. Westbourne if you want.
Man: Really?
Ellie: Yeah.
Man: Oh. [Chuckles] That'd be great. Thanks.
Ellie: Sure. No problem.
Britt: I've been following the news -- that situation with Dante and Lulu. I guess they won't be joining us at these appointments for a while.
Maxie: Actually, I just heard from Dante, and they found Lulu. They're gonna be back home safe.
Britt: Oh, that's great.
Maxie: Yeah, it's a huge relief. It's all I've been thinking about lately.
Britt: [Chuckles] Not all. You've had time to gossip about my pregnancy to lab techs.
Maxie: [Scoffs] We weren't gossiping.
Britt: What would you call it?
Maxie: Well, Ellie overheard a conversation she shouldn't have between me and my dad at the Nurses' Ball.
Britt: Oh. How is dear old dad? Can't say I'm sorry he left town.
Maxie: She heard us talking about a baby and a secret coming out.
Britt: A secret? What does that have to do with me?
Maxie: Well, after you made your announcement and the fact that you're my doctor, Ellie just decided the cover-up was about your baby and not mine.
Britt: But we both know that's not true.
Ellie: Oh.
Maxie: Ellie, what are you doing in here?
Britt: Not that I should need to explain this to you, but all medical appointments are private.
Ellie: Thank you. I'm very up to speed on hospital protocol.
Britt: That's excellent.
Ellie: Well, I was just delivering Maxie's bloodwork.
Britt: Okay. Deliver it.
Maxie: Do you think she heard us?
Spinelli: So, over the years, Heather kept in touch with Karen Anderson, aka Betsy Frank.
AJ: That's the woman who raised Franco.
Spinelli: Right. And -- and Betsy confided in Heather that Franco does indeed have a daughter named Lauren, but due to his psychosis, Franco was kept away from the child.
AJ: Okay, so, did Heather know where Lauren and her mother were?
Spinelli: Well, no. Part of the process of keeping Franco at bay was moving frequently and not disclosing their location, but Heather was quite certain that Betsy would know where they were, and it turns out that Sam went to visit Betsy not too long ago in Woodstock.
AJ: Great. How long is it gonna take you to go there?
Spinelli: I will go posthaste, after I return you home, of course. So, I will -- I will be in contact shortly. Oh. It appears I've missed a phone call from your mother, Michael.
Michael: Oh, I'm sure if it's important, she'll call you back.
Spinelli: All right.
AJ: [Clears throat]
Spinelli: Here we go, pal. All right.
AJ: You seem a little, uh, nervous that Carly called Spinelli.
Michael: Well, they're friends. It's none of my business what they talk about.
AJ: It would be nice if she showed you the same respect that you show her.
Shawn: Hey. I'm about to toss this out back unless you have any use for it.
AJ: You know what, Shawn? Do me a favor. Hang on to those.
Shawn: Okay.
Spinelli: Okay. Let's cover you up from the sun.
[Cell phone rings]
Spinelli: Oh. Uh, 'tis I, Spinelli.
Carly: I'm glad you picked up. It's Carly.
Spinelli: Yeah, I could tell from the Caller ID, not to mention your voice, which sounds somewhat distressed.
Carly: Little more than somewhat. I need you to find someone for me.
Spinelli: Well, unfortunately, I've been retained by a client to search for a long-lost relative.
Carly: This is important. You have to find Brenda.
Spinelli: Um, well, I'm heading out of town on that case. If you feel as if it's an emergency, though, I could postpone.
Carly: No, don't. No. I shouldn't have dragged you into this. I'm...gonna have to deal with Brenda myself. And there's someone else who's gonna want to deal with her.
Sonny: When Connie showed up, I was completely distracted. I was focusing on something else.
Olivia: Are you sure that you couldn't have misunderstood?
Sonny: I wish, from the bottom of my heart, but she was -- she was real clear -- real clear on what she wanted. Talk about timing.
Olivia: And this something else that you were distracted with -- it wasn't Dante, was it?
Sonny: Nah, nah.
Olivia: But you're not gonna tell me, are you?
Sonny: It doesn't matter. But since we're talking about Connie and I-I can't be... anywhere near her, could you do me a favor? Can you keep an eye on her?
Olivia: I don't know what to say. I don't know what to say.
Sonny: Don't say anything.
Olivia: Honey, I mean, this is the last thing I expected.
Sonny: Yeah, well...
Olivia: You know, Kate or Connie, whoever she is -- I mean, she's been in love with you since we were little kids.
Sonny: That's the problem, Olivia. She loves me so much that I-I literally drive her crazy.
Olivia: You know, some people would take that as a compliment.
Sonny: Maybe someday. [Sighs]
Olivia: You know what? I got an errand to run. You gonna be okay by yourself?
Sonny: I got to get used to it.
Olivia: Stop that. You stop that right now.
Sonny: Well, you know...
Olivia: Stop. We're gonna focus on the good stuff in our life. Our son is alive, and he's bringing his wife home.
Sonny: We've got a lot to be thankful for.
Olivia: Yes, we do. Okay. You gonna be okay by yourself?
Sonny: Yeah.
Olivia: I'm gonna come back and check on you.
Sonny: Okay. [Sighs]
Rafe: The judge didn't seem all that impressed with Lucy.
Molly: Well, I think my sister cleared that up, don't you? Don't worry. It's all gonna work out.
TJ: Yeah, and if it doesn't, I mean, it's not all that bad staying at the group home, right? At least it's a roof over your head.
Rafe: Right.
Bailiff: All rise. The Honorable Judge Leland Cole presiding.
Judge Cole: Be seated. First, I believe it's important to note there are no actual blood or previous legal ties between Rafe Kovich and Lucy Coe. Although you feel the boy is family, legally, I cannot consider him as such. Secondly, I don't take this decision lightly. My real trouble lies not with your actions themselves but with the motivations behind them. Mistaken identity is one thing. Believing a human being is a vampire king -- that is quite another. I don't know what else to call that except a-a break with reality, and from what I see here, you've never received proper treatment.
Lucy: I'm fine, Your Honor. I don't need treatment. I don't even use the word "vampire" anymore. My lips are sealed. I never use it, and -- well, except I just said it, because I'm trying to make a point, but I promise you, I am fine, I assure you -- just fine.
Judge Cole: Ms. Coe, due to your questionable mental stability, I have no choice but to deny your petition for guardianship. I do wish the outcome had been different, Rafe. Good luck, son.
Shawn: Okay, I'm not following. If there's no Pickle-Lila, what am I gonna want with this?
AJ: My son and I about to smash the competition, Shawn.
Michael: We are?
AJ: Yeah. It's like grandfather used to say -- if you're gonna strike an enemy, you finish him off -- or her.
Shawn: [Chuckles] Good luck with that.
AJ: [Chuckles] Hey, don't throw that sign out.
Michael: What's with the about-face?
AJ: You were absolutely right. We're gonna beat Tracy at her own game.
Michael: Does this mean we're back in the relish business?
AJ: Oh, yeah. Get ready to whip up a batch of the new and improved Pickle-Lila.
Britt: Serum glucose is low. Proteinuria is negative. Weight gain's right on track. Blood pressure's 120 over 70. That's all good, by the way. Maxie.
Maxie: What?
Britt: Your results are fine. Everything's going right on track with the pregnancy. You're still not worried about that Ellie girl, are you?
Maxie: Don't you think she was acting weird?
Britt: I don't know. Isn't she always weird?
Maxie: Yes, but she's also very smart, and if she overheard us, it's not gonna take her long to figure out the truth.
Britt: I told you this would all come crashing down.
Maxie: Especially if she tells Spinelli.
Ellie: Damian.
Spinelli: Hmm?
Ellie: What are you doing?
Spinelli: Hey. Oh, babysitting. Tell Ellie how much fun we've been having.
Ellie: Aww, it looks like it.
Spinelli: [Chuckles]
Ellie: Hey, I need to share something with you.
Spinelli: Okay. Share away.
Ellie: Well, we were wrong.
Spinelli: About?
Ellie: Maxie -- the secret that she's hiding isn't about Dr. Westbourne's baby.
Spinelli: And you gleaned this how, exactly?
Ellie: Well, I heard them talking about it. I swear I was not eavesdropping. I just had to deliver a lab report, and I happened to overhear their conversation, and they're definitely hiding something.
Spinelli: And you're sure it's not about the doctor's baby?
Ellie: No, it's about Maxie's baby. They said so.
Spinelli: What could it be?
Rafe: I-I can't go back to that place.
Alexis: All right. Let me see what I can do. Can I talk to you for a minute? There's really no need for you to wait. I'll take full responsibility and make sure he gets back to the group home.
Okay, sure. Thank you.
Alexis: Thank you.
Rafe: [Sighs]
Molly: Hey. I'm so sorry, but it's not over yet. Maybe my mom will be able to work some of her magic.
Lucy: Look at his face. I cannot take this. I can't.
Sam: Any luck?
Alexis: Unfortunately, no.
Lucy: Well, wait a minute. Can't we just re-petition and make Doc the sole guy, you know?
Alexis: It's not gonna happen as long as you're living with Kevin.
Lucy: You mean because they think I would sort of be responsible for raising him, too?
Alexis: You know, there's only one other option here. We have to find somebody willing to take Rafe in, preferably in Port Charles.
Sam: No, Mom. That's not gonna be easy. Nobody knows him in Port Charles. Maybe -- what if we called in Anna? She could be a character witness --
Lucy: I don't know why I didn't think of this sooner. I know exactly who should be Rafe's guardian.
Sam: Who?
Lucy: You.
Connie: Looks great. Thanks again. Oh. Split that. [Chuckles] [Sighs] Connie Falconeri -- editor-in-chief of Crimson magazine.
[Elevator bell dings]
Olivia: Welcome back, cuz.
Connie: Oh. I see you heard.
Olivia: Yeah, the whole complicated story.
Connie: Sonny told you?
Olivia: Yeah.
Connie: Well, I'm -- I'm just glad I don't have to explain myself to someone else.
Olivia: Oh, I still got my questions.
Connie: Oh, yeah?
Olivia: Starting with, "What the hell are you thinking?!"
Sonny: Hey.
Carly: Hey. I just ran into Connie at the Metro Court.
Sonny: She tell you the good news?
Carly: I'm sorry. I mean, after everything you've been through, you deserve a better outcome.
Sonny: But that's not why you're here.
Carly: No, it's not. Okay, look, I've been going over this and over this and trying to figure out what to do, because I have to tell you something, and then I wasn't sure if I should tell you --
Sonny: No, you don't have to tell me anything.
Carly: But I'm the one that should tell you. Listen to me, okay? The night of the Nurses' Ball, Brenda seduced Michael, she took him upstairs --
Sonny: I already know the whole thing. I already know the whole thing. You don't have to say anything more.
Carly: You know?!
Sonny: Yep.
Carly: Then why isn't Brenda dead?
AJ: You expecting a call?
Michael: Uh, no. It's nothing.
AJ: Let's get back to restoring ELQ's fortunes.
Michael: All righty.
Shawn: I don't suppose you guys want to use the kitchen?
AJ: Uh...really?
Shawn: Why not? I mean, Kelly's is the birthplace of Pickle-Lila. I don't want this diner to lose the title on my watch.
AJ: Yeah. Come on. Let's do it.
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