General Hospital Transcript Monday 4/15/13
Provided By Suzanne
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[Knock on door]
Carly: Michael! Michael, please open the door so we can talk about what happened.
AJ: Hey, hey. Hey, come on. Let him sleep, all right? I'm sure the poor kid needs his rest after the way that Brenda must have wore him out.
Sonny: Yeah, well, Anna said there's no way to predict any news. If I hear anything, I'll call you. If you hear anything... you call me. Thank you, Olivia.
Britt: You can't stay any longer?
Dr. Obrecht: My patients need me. As a physician, I assumed you'd understand.
Britt: Yeah. I know all about your commitment to your patients, but what about your commitment to me?
Dr. Obrecht: I took an oath, Britta -- one that did not include coddling grown children. But I am sorry to be going.
Britt: You are?
Dr. Obrecht: Very much so.
Britt: Well, that's sweet of you, Mother.
Dr. Obrecht: Sweetness has nothing to do with this. With the two of us on separate continents, how can I insure you won't undo all the progress you and your fetus have made with Patrick?
Scott: [Groans]
[Knock on door]
Scott: [Slurred] Enter.
Bobbie: Scotty?
Scott: Oh, hey, Bobbie. How the hell are you?
Bobbie: Scotty, you look terrible. What -- [Groans]
Luke: Stavros is finally gone -- for good, this time. Hell finally froze over.
Laura: He deserved worse. He killed our daughter.
Dante: [Crying] Lulu. Lulu, you can't be dead, okay? This can't be happening. You can't really be dead.
Patrick: I was hoping, maybe, that we could talk a little bit.
Sabrina: Uh, yeah. I'd love to, shift's actually about to start.
Patrick: Right.
Sabrina: Maybe later?
Patrick: You kept your look. Looks...
Sabrina: [Laughs] Yeah, yeah. I, um, promised Felix I'd test-drive it for a while. Took me forever to get the contacts in.
Patrick: Yeah.
Sabrina: I swear I thought I was gonna be late.
Patrick: Now here you are, early as usual.
Sabrina: [Chuckles]
Patrick: I have to say, I mean, I like your glasses, but you have -- you have beautiful eyes. It's -- it's nice to see them.
Sabrina: How are you?
Patrick: Good. I'm -- I'm all right. Still trying to figure out exactly what happened last night, but...
Sabrina: How's Emma?
Patrick: She wouldn't stop talking about how much fun she had performing with you.
Sabrina: [Laughs] Yeah. She pretty much stole the show. I was just along for the ride.
Patrick: She was really happy that we were together.
Sabrina: Me too. It's crazy. I feel like every dream I've ever had is coming true all at once, and I don't want to mess it up. I think we need to talk about the elephant in the room, though.
Patrick: We need to talk about Britt.
Sabrina: And the baby.
Britt: You call what happened at the Nurses' Ball progress? If anything, Patrick hates me even more.
Dr. Obrecht: He was in shock, just as every man when they learn they're to be a father.
Britt: Mother, he said I disgusted him. I mean, child or no child, he's -- he doesn't want me back. And he never will.
Dr. Obrecht: He simply needs time to get used to the idea. You'll see. He'll come around.
Britt: No. He made it clear. He wants Sabrina. And he's gonna leave me to raise this child alone, just like you're leaving me now.
Dr. Obrecht: Stop this incessant whining, or I'll give you something to cry about!
Bobbie: Scott, no. What are you doing?
Scott: I'm just...kissing the girl who used to be in love with me.
Bobbie: Well...what did you do, clean out the minibar?
Scott: Maybe.
Bobbie: What were you thinking? Do you have any idea what Carly charges for these?
Scott: Eh...I'm rich. You should worry about other things.
Bobbie: Oh, yeah? Like what?
Scott: Well, like wrong turns, missed opportun-- did it ever occur to you what your life would have been like had you and me gotten together for good?
Bobbie: I used to think about that all the time.
Scott: Used to?
Bobbie: Until I finally accepted the fact that you only have eyes for Laura.
Laura: Oh, my baby. [Sniffles] My beautiful, beautiful baby girl. There you go. [Sniffles] How can you be gone? My gosh, they were just handing you to me just -- just a few minutes ago. [Crying] My beautiful daughter. My Lesley Lu. And you were so happy. And you were so full of life. You...were everything that I could have ever hoped for -- everything and more. Thank you, sweet soul. Thank you for being my daughter. And I wanted to be a better mother... but I was so sick for so many years. I missed time with you -- precious time. And I know I wasn't there at times when you really needed me. I'm so sorry. And now you're gone. The Cassadines took you from me. Oh, my God. It should have been me. It should have been me, honey. I'm so, so sorry. [Sniffles] Thank you, sweet soul. Fly away, beautiful bird. Fly away.
Carly: You know about what Brenda did with Michael?
AJ: While, admittedly, it's been a while, but I have a pretty good idea about what Michael and Brenda did together.
Carly: She's twice his age, AJ. He took advantage of our son. She used to be his stepmother!
AJ: Stop it. Come on. Get your facts straight. Michael was with a beautiful supermodel. There ain't nothing wrong with that.
Carly: Thank you.
AJ: For what?
Carly: Well, if I ever questioned keeping Michael away from you before, I do not now, at all.
AJ: Carly, what are you doing?
Carly: I am checking on my son.
AJ: You have keys to his apartment -- of course, you do.
Carly: Yes. For emergencies, parents and children do that. Not that you'd know anything about that.
AJ: Carly, this is not an emergency. Okay, hey, bud! Michael, uh, your mother is, uh, about to walk into your room, 'cause, as usual, she has no idea about boundaries!
Carly: His bed hasn't been slept in. That means he didn't come home after the Nurses' Ball. Where the hell is he?
Michael: Whoa, Dad! Don't shoot!
Sonny: What the hell, Michael?! You don't come into my house. You know that. You leave the door open. I felt like I was being ambushed.
Michael: I'm sorry. I thought Max and Milo would be here.
Sonny: [Sighs] No, sent them on a day off, 'cause they're recuperating from the Nurses' Ball. Looks like you could do the same.
Michael: Yeah, I'm sorry about your door. I've just been sitting here waiting to talk to you.
Sonny: Listen. I'm gonna make a drink. You go upstairs, take a shower. Get cleaned up.
Michael: I wasn't sure when you'd be home, so...
Sonny: Well, you could have just called and asked.
Michael: Yeah. I know. I guess I'm not thinking too clearly. Uh...any -- any word on Dante?
Sonny: Yeah. We got word on Dante. They found him in a -- at the, uh, Cassadine Island, and I think they're looking for Lulu, and, you know, everything's gonna work out.
Michael: Well, I'm glad.
Sonny: Okay. You're talking to your dad now, right? You okay?
Michael: Dad, there's something I got to tell you.
Dr. Obrecht: Stop crying, du grosse heulsuse, and pull yourself together.
Britt: Maybe you haven't noticed, Mother, but this is an emotional time for me.
Dr. Obrecht: I hope it's merely the hormones that have led to this unfortunate display of weakness.
Britt: I'm a human being. I have feelings.
Dr. Obrecht: And you think I don't?
Britt: Not that I've noticed.
Dr. Obrecht: I am harsh with you for a reason. I want my only child to be strong, think for herself, to stand on her own two fusse.
Britt: Do you know how many times I've heard that lecture?
Dr. Obrecht: Then take it to heart and do what needs to be done to reel Patrick back in.
Britt: This is a relationship, Mother. Or at least I want it to be. Okay, I-I can't conduct it like one of your clinical trials -- set an objective and follow the steps to see it through.
Dr. Obrecht: That's exactly what you must do. Britta, I want you to be happy, but I can no longer lead you by the hand. You must continue down the path on your own. And no matter what Patrick said to you, you can win him back from Sabrina.
Britt: [Scoffs] I don't see how.
Dr. Obrecht: Then turn your eyes toward your own belly. That baby growing inside you gives you all the power you need, but you must learn to use it.
Patrick: Whatever happens with Britt and the baby, I don't want it to change what's happening with us.
Sabrina: Britt's having your child. It's kind of a big deal.
Patrick: Yeah, I know. But what happened between us is a big deal, too. And, look, I know how I feel about you, and if you feel the same way, I'm excited to see what's gonna happen and where that's gonna lead to, and I don't want that -- I don't want Britt to take that away from us.
Sabrina: [Chuckles] This is all so a good way. Um...but I've got to go get ready for my shift.
Patrick: Okay. I got to take my dad to the airport, but I'm gonna come back, so maybe we can talk then.
Sabrina: Okay.
Felix: I saw that PDA, Nurse Santiago.
Bobbie: Laura was your fiancée when she left, and she'll still be your fiancée when she comes back.
Scott: Yeah, well, if you say so.
Bobbie: You have to have faith, Scott. You have to believe in love.
Scott: [Chuckling] I've -- I've had so much luck in that arena.
Bobbie: Uh, well, excuse me, but who do you think you're talking to? [Chuckles] I've had more failed relationships than I care to count. I'm single. I have been for a long time.
Scott: What's wrong with those guys up there in Seattle? Are they blind, or are they just big dummies?
Bobbie: [Laughs] Well, actually, there are a lot of very nice men in Seattle. I just -- I don't know. I haven't found the one who's right for me yet. But I've never given up on love, and neither should you.
Luke: I'm so proud to have been your father. This is why I don't believe in God! There is no God that would allow this to happen! What kind of twisted, sick sense of humor would allow me to take a little girl and spend so much time ice fishing when she was gonna grow up to freeze to death? I remember the first day that your grandmother brought you to live with me like it was yesterday -- this pissed-off teenager spewing sarcasm, reeking of attitude, just like me. [Chuckles] We were so much alike -- stubborn, cynical, couldn't have any patience for fools or for hypocrites. We went through some dark times together. You stood by me when nobody else would. [Voice breaking] You faced down your demons and you won, and it took my demon, my past, my enemies to do this to you -- to drag you here and put you through this hell. It was -- [Sighs] I am your father. It was my responsibility to protect you, and I failed. I failed you. I'm so sorry. Please... forgive -- forgive me, cupcake.
AJ: Wait a sec. Where are you going?
Carly: I'm gonna go find my son.
AJ: You should probably start with Brenda.
Carly: No. He wouldn't be with her.
AJ: [Chuckling] Why not? They're obviously close, and she's a hell of a lot easier to deal with than his overbearing, controlling mother.
Carly: You know what? I'm not dealing with you. I'm gonna go talk to the person I should have talked to from the beginning. I'm gonna go see Sonny.
AJ: Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Michael: Something happened. It's, uh... it's pretty complicated.
Sonny: This about your girlfriend?
Michael: Yeah, in a way. She had called last night to tell me that she's not coming back to Port Charles.
Sonny: I'm sorry to hear that, 'cause I know you cared about her.
Michael: Yeah. She said if she meant anything to me, that I wouldn't fight her, so I'm not.
Sonny: Well, you know what? I can't really -- the only thing I can -- the advice I can give you is that the pain -- you know, it takes time -- you know what I mean? -- To get through that, right?
Michael: Yeah. I just, uh -- I didn't want to go back to my apartment. I spent too much time with her there, so...I knew I'd see her everywhere. I just wanted to stop thinking, so I, uh -- I did something really stupid.
Sonny: What?
Michael: I got drunk, and, uh... I slept with someone.
Sonny: Okay. I understand.
Michael: No, you don't understand.
Sonny: Well, you were hurting. What else do you want to do? I mean, you were hurting --
Michael: Dad, I-I -- I slept with Brenda.
Noah: I'm really gonna miss you and Emma.
Patrick: Yeah.
Noah: But I am a little worried about how you're gonna handle things without me there to talk some sense into you. [Chuckles]
Patrick: I'm pretty sure I know where you stand on that one.
Noah: I'm gonna say it anyway. Don't let that woman who claims she's pregnant with your child ruin your relationship with Sabrina, okay?
Sabrina: I never thought I could be so happy. Then...
Felix: Mm-hmm. Then the wicked bitch of the Westbourne showed up and ruined everything. I got to tell you, I didn't see that coming. She doesn't seem like the type that would be willing to ruin her body with a baby bump and stretch marks, but when in doubt, use the tried and true.
Sabrina: Wait. You're making it sound like Dr. Westbourne got pregnant on purpose.
Felix: That's exactly what I'm saying.
Dr. Obrecht: Your announcement was merely the first shot in what could be a long siege. Now you must make a battle plan and formulate your next attack. You have to hit Patrick from an angle he doesn't expect -- a vulnerable one. Use the element of surprise. Have you finally begun to understand?
Britt: Yes, I-I think I have.
Dr. Obrecht: Mein liebes kind, don't disappointment me or your father.
Britt: I won't. I know what I have to do.
Dr. Obrecht: Wonderful. I'm very much looking forward to being die oma to the little one. Perhaps you'll bring my grandchild for a short visit.
Britt: Yeah. I'd like that.
Dr. Obrecht: Good. Auf wiedersehen, Britta. I must go home, and you must go to war.
Bobbie: Thank you.
Scott: What's that about?
Bobbie: Well, I'm on my way to the airport.
Scott: You're leaving?
Bobbie: Well, yeah. Actually, I came over here to say goodbye to you, when you kissed me, and we got a little off track.
Scott: Sorry about that kiss.
Bobbie: It's already forgotten.
Scott: Listen, I don't mean to pressure you, but I really like having you here to talk to and stuff. Are you sure you can't stay?
Bobbie: I wish I could, but they really need me at work. And besides, my being here isn't helping Lulu or Luke.
Dante: Hey. [Crying] I don't know what I'm gonna do without you. Lulu, we were supposed to go everywhere together. I remember when I first met you at Jake's. You were over at the jukebox, probably putting on some terrible music. [Chuckles] And then we played some pool together, and you kicked my butt, right before your brothers kicked my butt for trying to pick you up. I knew right then that was the start of something amazing. That you were -- you were way, way too good for me. [Sniffles] I saw you that night on the pier... and, uh, you -- you were stoned, but you were so, so funny and so beautiful. Everything that came across your mind, you just -- just said it out loud. When you kissed me that night, I already knew I was in love with you. You were the one. I know I've said that, but I don't know if you believed me, but you were the one -- the one I just couldn't live without, and now you're not here. I will always love you. And that promise -- that promise I can keep. So long. [Crying] Wait. I-I think I hear a heartbeat. I think I hear a heartbeat!
Luke: What?
Dante: I think I hear a heartbeat. Check. Check. I don't know if I'm crazy, or...
Laura: There's a pulse.
Dante: Yeah. Yeah?
Laura: It's very weak, but there's a pulse.
Dante: Yeah?
Luke: There's a pulse.
Laura: Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Luke!
AJ: Michael does not want you going to Sonny.
Carly: How do you know?
AJ: Uh, because I spoke to my son. I told him this is not that big a deal.
Carly: Michael just woke up in bed next to his former stepmother. That has to be traumatic for him whether you want to admit it or not, okay? Michael needs love and support, maybe even a little guidance. He's not gonna get it from you.
AJ: Really? And he's gonna get that from Sonny? Yeah? The guy that considers Brenda his personal property?
Carly: Sonny is Michael's father. He is going to see that Brenda exploited him.
AJ: Or maybe he flies into a jealous rage and shoots Michael.
Carly: Sonny would never do that.
AJ: Would what? Never shoot his son? Really? Why don't you tell Dante that.
Carly: That was a different situation.
AJ: Okay, are you willing to risk Michael's life? You've tried so hard to convince the entire world what a great father Sonny is, but you know what? We both know the truth. The guy is a violent thug with a hair-trigger temper, and Brenda is his obsession. Now, how do you think he's gonna react when Michael tells him that he had sex with her?!
Sonny: I don't think I understood what you -- what you said.
Michael: Dad, last night, I had sex with Brenda. I never meant for it to happen. It just did.
Sonny: Michael, you know --
Michael: Dad, I did. I woke up in the morning, and I realized that you love her, and you used to be married to her, and I -- Dad, I... I-I-I'm sorry, okay? I betrayed you, it was wrong, and I'm sorry.
Sonny: [Scoffs]
Michael: Look, I-I take full responsibility for what I did, okay? I should have never have been with Brenda. Dad? Dad, say something, please.
Carly: Sonny loves his kids, okay? He would never blame Michael for what Brenda did.
AJ: Well, what if all Brenda did was build up Michael's self-esteem? Carly, come on. She's a famous beauty. She wanted Michael. Why the hell should he feel badly about that?
Carly: You are disgusting. Do you know that? You're disgusting. You probably wanted to sleep with Brenda, and she wouldn't give you the time of day.
AJ: You know, the only thing I'm saying is he's not the only guy that ever got drunk and slept with someone he shouldn't have.
Carly: Michael is nothing like you, okay? He doesn't get hammered and sleep around. He has a conscience, and he has morals.
AJ: Guess what. He sure as hell didn't get any of that from you.
Carly: He's vulnerable right now, okay? He's so screwed up, he slept with that evil whore!
AJ: Slept with a whore like I did with you?
Michael: Dad, what are you doing?
Sonny: I'm gonna lock it up, make sure there's no accidents. Sit down. Want me to make you a drink?
Michael: Uh, no. I don't think I'm ever gonna drink again.
Sonny: Okay, now, Michael, just so we're clear, you need to tell me exactly what happened.
Michael: I went to the lobby bar to have a drink...or two or three. I don't really remember. I was -- I was kind of numb, like when something hurts so bad, you can barely even feel it yet.
Sonny: Yeah. I know how that feels.
Michael: And then I saw Brenda or she saw me. I don't -- anyway, she sat down next to me, and we started talking. And she said something about how she was marrying Jax and that it wasn't gonna happen.
Sonny: Uh-huh.
Michael: [Sighs] She was sad. She was -- she was trying to smile, but she was crying at the same time. And I told her I knew what it felt like to lose somebody that you love.
Sonny: Now, you told her about the breakup?
Michael: Yeah. I did. And then, people, after the Nurses' Ball, came over. It got really noisy, and so...
Sonny: You went up to Brenda's room?
Michael: Yeah.
Sonny: Oh.
Michael: Dad, it wasn't... deliberate, you know? It wasn't like, "Oh, yeah. I'm gonna go sleep with Brenda." It just... we were both hurting, and the next thing I knew, it was morning.
Sonny: [Chuckles] You -- you woke up in Brenda's bed?
Michael: Yeah. Dad, I'm -- I'm sorry.
Sonny: Was Brenda sorry? Did she say, "I did something wrong," "I made a mistake," anything like that?
Michael: She said -- she said we had nothing to be ashamed of. What we did was nothing to be ashamed of.
Sonny: Oh. Well, you -- you feel differently?
Michael: Yeah. I love you, Dad. I-I would never want to do anything to hurt you or betray you, but... [Scoffs] I did. I'm sorry. Look, can -- can you forgive me?
Luke: One, two, three, four...
Dante: Come on, baby. Open those eyes.
Laura: Oh. Oh, my God.
Lulu: [Gasps]
Dante: Come on. That's a girl. That's a girl. One more.
Luke: Come on. You keep breathing, baby.
Dante: One more.
Laura: We're right here, honey. We're all here.
Dante: Come on.
Luke: Come on. Breathe. Breathe.
Dante: Good job. Good job. Come on.
Laura: Yes.
Patrick: If I wouldn't have listened to you, I wouldn't have went after her -- Sabrina -- and, well, it might have been too late.
Noah: I've found that when love shows itself, you got to grab it with both hands.
Patrick: Really? When did you become a romantic? [Chuckles]
Noah: I think it comes with getting older and wiser.
Patrick: All right. So, wise one, are you gonna take your own advice?
Sabrina: That doesn't make any sense. Britt and Patrick were dating. It's not like she kept their relationship a secret. I mean, I saw them having sex in the shower, for crying out loud.
Felix: Yeah. Better you than me.
Sabrina: That's not the point.
Felix: What is?
Sabrina: The point is that... how could Britt plan this? I mean, it's not like she knew that Patrick and I were gonna end up together. She did everything she possibly could to stop it.
Felix: That's the point.
Sabrina: Yeah, but that doesn't make any sense. If Britt didn't know that Patrick and I were gonna end up together, then how could she know that she needed to show up to the Nurses' Ball and announce that she's pregnant?
Felix: I wouldn't put anything past brittle. She's gonna use that little monster she has inside to rip you and Patrick apart.
Britt: Really? Tell me, Felix, is that what you think about the precious life I'm carrying?
Patrick: So, what do you say? Is there a Sabrina out there for you somewhere?
Noah: Wow. Look at the time.
Patrick: That's...
Noah: I got a plane to catch.
Patrick: That's cheap. You always this good at keeping secrets?
Noah: Oh, I never tell.
Patrick: Oh. Excuse me. Ma' dropped this.
Dr. Obrecht: So I did. And they say chivalry is dead. Thank you.
Patrick: You're welcome.
Dr. Obrecht: Are you Patrick Drake -- the doctor?
Patrick: Uh, yes. Yes, I am.
Dr. Obrecht: Then I have something important to tell you about your wife.
Patrick: I'm sorry. What? You have something to tell me about Robin?
Dr. Obrecht: I watched the Nurses' Ball on television last night. And I was quite moved by your tribute to your wife. Love like that never dies, does it? It's a shame that your speech was interrupted, but I must congratulate you on your new child. When the happy news was announced, I turned to my own daughter, and I said that you seemed like a wonderful father, and she agreed.
Felix: Dr. Westbourne, I didn't see you there.
Britt: Yeah. Obviously. Contrary to popular opinion, I do not intend to use Patrick's baby to cause any trouble between you two lovebirds.
Felix: Then why did you decide the best place time to announce your bundle of joy was at the Nurses' Ball during Patrick's tribute to his dead wife?
Britt: I am having Patrick's baby. I thought it was the right thing to do to tell him.
Sabrina: And you couldn't do it in private?
Britt: Why wait? Is your relationship really so fragile that it could be damaged by something as innocent as my baby? Where is your boyfriend anyway? I need to speak to Patrick about our child.
Patrick: Uh, thank you. I appreciate your good thoughts.
Dr. Obrecht: Don't thank me. You're a good man, Dr. Drake.
Noah: There's something really strange about that one.
Patrick: Yeah. I agree. [Sighs]
Noah: Well, I'm gonna go grab a snack before I go through Security.
Patrick: All right, so, uh -- so that's it. Okay.
Noah: Great to see you.
Patrick: You too. Be good, okay? Good luck with the new job.
Noah: Good luck with Sabrina, okay? Don't let anything come between your happiness with her.
Patrick: You do the same. Bye.
Laura: Lulu. Oh, thank God, sweetheart. Oh, thank God. Thank God.
Luke: Yeah. You're okay, sweetheart. You're here with all of us.
Dante: Yeah, and we all love you, okay? You're gonna be okay.
Laura: Lulu, can you hear us, honey? Yes? Are you in pain? Can you talk to us, honey?
Luke: That's okay, baby. Just -- just give it a little time.
Dante: Yeah, your dad's right. Your dad's right. Just gonna take a little bit of time.
Lulu: I?
[Cell phone rings]
Carly: Let go. That could be Michael. [Sighs]
AJ: I take that as a no.
Carly: It's my mom. Hey, Mom. What's going on?
Bobbie: Well, the good news is that Luke, Laura, and Dante have all been located on Cassadine Island.
Carly: What about Lulu?
Bobbie: Well, actually, no word about that yet, but it does look as if things are moving in a positive direction.
Carly: All right. Well, thanks for letting me know.
Bobbie: Honey, I also called because, um, I wanted to say goodbye. I've got to head back to Seattle.
Carly: So soon?
Bobbie: Yeah, I'm afraid so. So, give Michael my love, and tell him I will be back for another visit very soon.
Carly: Well, you better. It was so good seeing you.
Bobbie: I got to go, 'cause who knows how long it's gonna take to get through Security?
Carly: Well, be safe. I love you.
Bobbie: I love you, too, baby.
AJ: Your mom flying out?
Carly: Yeah. I'm not leaving you here in Michael's apartment, so you need to go.
AJ: So, you're still gonna go find Michael?
Carly: None of your damn business.
AJ: You know what, Carly? I really should let you go hunt him down, piss him off, and alienate him. I mean, God knows it serves my agenda, but the kid's probably had a hard night and an even harder day, so I'm gonna be magnanimous and tell you -- keep your distance.
Carly: Go to hell.
AJ: Okay, then. On second thought, uh, just forget the fact that Michael is a grown man. Keep on treating him like a child. See how that works out for you.
Michael: I understand why you can't forgive me.
Sonny: Mike, sit down. It's not your fault. You were drunk. You were emotional. It was a mistake. Your judgment was impaired. Now you're drowning in guilt, and you got to stop that.
Michael: But, Dad --
Sonny: Guilt will kill you, and I know that. And you start hating yourself. You're better than that.
Michael: No, I'm not.
Sonny: Okay, Mike, listen. Go home. Get some rest. Don't worry about anything. You did good by coming to me. You did real good, and I -- you know what? I know how hard that was for you.
Michael: [Sighs] Will I see you later?
Sonny: Of course, you'll see me later. Come here. Okay. Son of a bitch! I can forgive my son, but Brenda -- that's another story.
Patrick: I thought you were off-duty tonight.
Britt: I am. I needed to talk to you.
Patrick: Okay.
Britt: Alone.
Patrick: I don't think that's such a good idea.
Sabrina: You know what? Actually, Felix and I need to get to work anyway, so...
Patrick: I'll see you later?
Sabrina: Okay.
Patrick: What is it?
Britt: Um...I wanted to assure you that our baby won't cause any trouble between you and Sabrina, 'cause I've decided not to have it.
Bobbie: Thank you. Oh, is there a long wait to get through Security?
Agent: Oh, I'm afraid they're backed up. Could be close to 20 minutes.
Bobbie: [Groans]
Noah: Would it help if you had some company?
Bobbie: Noah! Hey. What are you doing here?
Noah: I'm, uh, leaving Port Charles to report to my new job.
Bobbie: Your new job? Really? Where?
Noah: Seattle General.
Bobbie: Oh. That's where I work.
Noah: I know.
Bobbie: [Laughs]
[Door opens]
Carly: Michael, are you okay?
Michael: I'm fine, Mom.
Carly: Look, we have to talk.
Michael: I can't. Not right now.
Carly: I want you to know that you are not to blame --
Michael: Look, Mom, this is my apartment, okay? You can't just let yourself in like this.
Carly: I'm worried about you.
Michael: I told you I'm fine.
Carly: You're not fine.
Michael: Look, Mom, you want to help me? Just leave me alone.
Carly: [Sighs]
Sonny: Find Brenda and bring her to my house.
[Doorbell rings]
Sonny: Never mind. I think, uh, she may be here.
Dante: Okay. We're in Greece, okay? Stavros Cassadine kidnapped you, but it's okay. You're gonna be fine. We're here, okay?
Laura: Lulu, Stavros can never hurt you again. I promise you that.
Luke: That's right. That problem has been dealt with permanently.
Laura: We're just gonna get you to the hospital now, honey. We just want to make sure that everything's okay.
Dante: Yeah. Then we're gonna get you home, okay? And I love you so much, all right?
Lulu: I've never seen you people before in my life.
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