General Hospital Transcript Friday 4/12/13
Provided By Suzanne
Maxie: I haven't heard from you since the Nurses' Ball. I know that was only last night, but you're usually much better at calling and checking up on me. I'm sure don't usually sound grateful for that, but there's something comforting about you worrying and hovering over me. So, I'm here for my daily dose of support. Ooh! I had some decorating ideas for your place. I know that you still want to stay in that building, although I think you should sell it, but we need to come up with a design scheme.
Mac: Sweetheart, take a breath, all right? I'm sure the baby would appreciate a gulp of oxygen.
Maxie: Okay. I breathed. Let's talk paint colors.
Mac: Wh-- sweetheart, it's okay. I know you're worried about Dante and Lulu.
Anna: Yeah. Yes. I-I-I need to hear when that's been confirmed. Yeah. Thanks. Good. I'm glad you're here.
Sonny: Any word on Dante and Lulu?
Anna: Do you mind taking a seat?
AJ: Okay, so, why would I want to look at a picture of Sonny?
Monica: Keep scrolling. There. [Chuckling] There it is. That's my favorite.
Nikolas: My father has virtually unlimited resources, and Helena will back him without reservation. You -- you have to understand. He is fixated on Lulu. I don't know what he'll do to her.
Elizabeth: Okay, but, Nikolas, I need you to stay calm.
Nikolas: How can --
Alexis: You let me handle this.
Nikolas: Wait. Alex-- Alexis! Where are you going?
Alexis: I'm going to talk to Anna Devane, because the police and the WSB need to know that Stavros is alive.
Anna: The WSB has been monitoring the situation aboard the Haunted Star via a kh-11 reconnaissance satellite. They have managed --
Sonny: How's my son?
Anna: I need you to understand that this has not been confirmed as yet. Uh, it's weather issues, and the information has been piecemeal, but it appears that three bodies were put overboard, and satellite imaging suggests that one of them is the height and build of Dante.
Olivia: Suggests?
Anna: Now, I-I need you to prepare yourselves that there's a distinct possibility that Dante is one of the bodies.
Dante: [Breathing heavily] Lulu? Lulu? Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Lulu. Lulu! Lulu, can you hear me?! Lulu!
Laura: Where is Lulu? What did you do to her?
Stavros: She is quite safe.
Luke: What did you mean when you said you've done to her what Helena did to you?
Stavros: More or less. Of course, there have been advances in medical science, so...
Luke: Helena had you frozen, kept your carcass that way for years. Is that what you've done to our daughter?
Stavros: It is as I said. I am her prince, and she is my Ice Princess.
Dante: Lulu. Lulu, babe! I'm right here, okay? Can you hear me? It's me. [Exhales sharply]
Alexis: The best thing you can do for Lulu right now is you get some rest, okay? You let yourself heal. I will tell Anna everything she needs to know about Stavros.
Nikolas: Well, you can tell her that the lab is located underneath the main house --
Alexis: Oh, oh! Of course, it is. Why would she do something different? Wouldn't it be nice, maybe, if she set up this shop in a nice high-rise that's accessible somewhere instead of that remote, stupid island?
Nikolas: All right.
Alexis: Love you.
Nikolas: Hey, hey, hey. T-tell the commissioner, if she wants to interview me --
Alexis: I'm gonna tell her that you are suffering from a gunshot wound, and you need to rest. Will you let me know if -- if anything changes with him?
Elizabeth: Of course.
Alexis: You lie there, Nikolas. You do nothing. Do you understand that?
Nikolas: Alexis.
Alexis: Yes?
Nikolas: Thank you.
Alexis: I am so grateful that you're safe, Nikolas. I just hope everyone else is, too.
Luke: Where is my daughter?
Laura: What have you done to her?
Stavros: I did what was necessary.
Luke: Yeah? Well, a windpipe is necessary for breathing. How about I tear yours out with my bare hands?
Stavros: Your daughter is very stubborn, Laura. She didn't want to submit to the life I had...envisioned for us here -- a life like we once had.
Laura: I remember, Stavros. But what have you done to Lulu?
Stavros: She's very much like you -- stubborn, like you once were when we lived -- when you loved me, before you abandoned me and our son to go back to... him.
Luke: You could give a crap about your son. You had him shot.
Stavros: He was...tainted. Only my princess is pure.
Laura: Stavros, tell us, please, where is my daughter?
Stavros: Your daughter was too hot-blooded. I had to cool her down.
Dante: Lulu. I know you can hear me, baby. I'm -- I came to get you. I'm not gonna let you die in there.
Anna: The WSB has been unable to recover the body, and, as yet, the satellite imaging cannot confirm that the man was actually Dante.
Sonny: What can the satellite confirm?
Anna: Yeah. Um...multiple shots were fired, a gun battle ensued, and it appears that the casualties were -- they were thrown into the water.
Olivia: [Voice breaking] That vision that I had of Dante this morning -- he kept saying that he couldn't save...her. Does that mean that Dante could have died before he saved Lulu? I just want to be sure that I understand what you're saying here. You're saying there was a body that -- that might be my son. You're saying that my son might be dead.
Sonny: Olivia, you heard Anna. They -- they haven't confirmed anything.
Anna: I hope to God the bureau is mistaken. I do.
Sonny: Can you give us a minute?
Anna: Oh, yeah. Of course. Yeah. Please, take all the time you need.
Sonny: [Sighs]
[Door closes]
Olivia: I'm not doing this, Sonny.
Sonny: Olivia...
Olivia: I am not doing this. I refuse. I refuse. Who are these freakin' people? With the -- with the kidnapping and the brainwashing and God knows what?! I don't give a damn about their curses or their vengeance. I just want my boy back.
Sonny: I know. Okay, but you -- you can't let it get to you this bad right now 'cause we don't know anything.
Olivia: I saw him so clearly in the apartment this morning, Sonny. You know, they say that happens sometimes -- that sometimes the sons, they come back to say goodbye to their mothers.
Sonny: You can't put yourself through this, is what I'm saying.
Olivia: I just keep thinking what he was trying to tell me. He was trying to tell me that he couldn't save her. [Breathing heavily]
AJ: I got to admit, we do clean up pretty well.
Monica: Well, of course, you do.
AJ: We really enjoyed each other.
Monica: It looked that way. So, are you and Elizabeth a couple?
AJ: Define "couple."
Monica: Is Elizabeth Webber going to be my new daughter-in-law?
Elizabeth: Do you know that the body can't differentiate between emotional and physical stress?
Nikolas: What? I'm not following.
Elizabeth: Well, from a medical standpoint, you lying there stressing out is no better than getting shot.
Nikolas: I don't care what Alexis says. If the police want to interview me, I'm going to let them --
Elizabeth: You're not gonna be much help if your heart stops again.
Nikolas: My heart feels just fine. Thank you.
Elizabeth: Well, good. Let's...keep it that way. [Sighs] Well, now that the WSB and the police have something to go on, everything's gonna be okay.
Nikolas: No. Everything is not gonna be okay. It may never be. And that's my fault.
AJ: I have one date with Elizabeth -- basically, our first -- and you're already picking out china patterns?
Monica: Okay, laugh all you want to. I saw you two kissing behind the stage, so it's not entirely that farfetched.
AJ: I'm not pretending we don't like each other. We do. I just -- I don't know. What's the rush?
Monica: Well, uh...if you do care about Elizabeth, I think you should make your feelings clear. And the sooner, the better.
AJ: Why?
Monica: Elizabeth hasn't left Nikolas' side since he was admitted.
AJ: Mom, she is a nurse. I mean --
Monica: No, no, no, no. You know -- you know that connection goes a lot deeper.
AJ: Elizabeth and Nikolas had a brief affair, and she told me about it...with an emphasis on what a big mistake it was and how much she regretted it.
Monica: AJ, you can regret a relationship and still be invested. You can still be vulnerable. Come on. Her relationship with Nikolas has a very fraught history.
AJ: Exactly. It's a history. That's all it is.
Monica: So, you're not concerned?
AJ: No.
Monica: Maybe you should be.
Elizabeth: For as long as I've known you, you have always been like this. You take responsibility for everything, even when it's not remotely your fault. And this is no exception. In fact, you did everything you could to stop your father.
Nikolas: No. No, I didn't. The minute I realized he was still alive, I should have gone to the appropriate authorities.
Elizabeth: Helena would have killed you.
Nikolas: No. Helena would never kill me. Torture, manipulate, make my life a living hell -- absolutely.
Elizabeth: [Chuckles]
Nikolas: But in her own strange, twisted way, she does love me. I was never in any danger from her.
Elizabeth: The others aren't so fortunate.
Nikolas: Thinking about Lucky? I am so sorry for what I did to you and him.
Elizabeth: We.
Nikolas: Excuse me?
Elizabeth: We hurt Lucky.
Mac: Your mom and I went to Anna's office to see if we could offer our services in the search for Dante and Lulu, but she turned us down. She did, though, make a point to say Frisco was on the case.
Maxie: [Scoffs] Well, if he was gonna leave town regardless, at least, he could help out Dante and Lulu.
Mac: They have a lot of people looking for them at the moment. Right now, I'm more worried about you.
Maxie: I'm fine. Who's more used to Frisco Jones leaving town than me? I guess it's more accurate to say I'm used to his absence.
Mac: You two seemed to be, uh...getting close during his visit.
Maxie: Mm. He stuck around just long enough for me to count on him, and then he bailed. He's not really cut out to be a father.
Mac: I'm sorry, sweetheart.
Maxie: Don't you get it? I don't need him. I have you. You're my real father. You always have been. Every birthday, every Sunday dinner, every school pageant, every milestone -- you're the one that's been there. When I would look down from the stage or back at the door, it was you that I would see. And I wouldn't trade one single one of those memories for more time with Frisco, not in a million years.
Mac: I didn't know I wanted to be a dad, but the way my life turned out -- I had the privilege of raising three extraordinary girls, and I wouldn't trade any of those memories, either. I'm, uh...really proud to be your dad, and [Singsong voice] It's about to become official.
Sonny: You know how resourceful Dante is, how determined. You -- you raised him that way.
Olivia: [Crying] But what -- what good is resourceful if he got shot and dumped in the ocean?
Sonny: I shot Dante point-blank in the chest, and he survived, right?
Olivia: Yes.
Sonny: Okay.
Olivia: You made a terrible mistake, Sonny, but Dante forgave you so I could forgive you, too. And now you have a real relationship with him. You -- you've built a real relationship, like a father and a son.
Sonny: I'm lucky I got that chance.
Olivia: Yes. And if I never said this to you before, I really admire the way you stuck by Dante. You know, I know we didn't make it easy. You know, as -- as much charm and sense of humor as our boy has, he's got a wicked stubborn streak. I know he was determined to never let you in.
Sonny: It was rocky there for a while.
Olivia: Yeah.
Sonny: But we got through it, and we love each other now like a father and son should. We've come this far. I'm not gonna lose him now.
[Metal clatters]
Dante: I need a hand. [Grunts]
Stavros: Thanks to modern science, my Ice Princess is forever preserved -- untouched, unspoiled, forever serene and immutable.
Luke: I'm sick of listening to this psycho. Either he tells us where Lulu is, or I'm gonna kill him with my bare hands, I swear to God.
Laura: No. Wait. Stavros. Stavros, look at me, please. Look at me. Please. Whatever you have done to Lulu, it's not too late. You can still stop it. You can. Please, just take me to my daughter. If you ever loved me the way that you say that you did and if there's just a little bit of that love left, then I'm begging you, please, take me to my daughter.
Dante: Minus 210 degrees? Hey, baby. I know you can hear me. I want you to keep listening to my voice, okay? I've almost got you, okay? I'll be right in there. I've almost got you.
[Alarm blaring]
Laura: You can still stop --
[Alarm blaring]
Stavros: My Ice Princess!
Maxie: I want to make sure I understand. When you say you're making it official...
Mac: Felicia and I are getting married. Again. This time, for keeps.
Maxie: That is so amazing! I'm so happy. Oh! Well, if it's my dad coming back that made you propose, then, yeah, I guess I kind of am grateful to him.
Mac: Actually, Felicia was the one who proposed to me.
Maxie: Yay, Mom. Way to get out of your own way and choose what makes you happy.
Mac: This has been a long time coming.
Maxie: Uh, you think?
Mac: [Chuckles]
Maxie: You know, Georgie used to say that she thought you and Mom would get back together, but I would never listen to her 'cause I never thought it would happen, and now it is happening. I bet Robin and Georgie are in heaven doing cartwheels right now. And you -- you should have told me sooner, but that's okay, 'cause I'm so happy. I can't wait to plan your wedding. Okay, first things first. Uh, you didn't pick out the ring by yourself, did you?
Mac: There's no ring. Let's just sit down a second. Man.
Maxie: Oh, okay.
Mac: No ring yet.
Maxie: Good, because you and Mom could really benefit from my expertise in style, taste, and gem quality.
Mac: Well, that's exactly what we thought when we went looking for rings this afternoon. Felicia tried on two or three, and the first thing she said was, "I don't know. Do you think Maxie will like it?"
Maxie: Oh, don't worry. I know the best jewelry designer from my days when I had a career and a life at Crimson, although he's based out of Manhattan, so we would have to make a day-trip there. I'll set something up as soon as I know Dante and Lulu are back and they're safe.
Mac: They will come back, Maxie.
Maxie: Do you really think that they will? I mean, I-I don't want to think negative thoughts, but I kind of just can't help it. If Dante and Lulu don't come back, what's gonna happen to this baby?
Sonny: Dante's a survivor.
Olivia: Yeah. I know. Yeah. He always was. Yeah, I remember this one time, I don't know, he was about seven or eight, and he was supposed to go on this, uh, hiking trip, you know, with the boys' club. Of course, it was supposed to be a father/son thing, and all my brothers were working, so I said, "what the hell? I got legs, you know? I can hike." I figured I'd go with him. Needless to say, he was not too thrilled to have his mother tagging along on a male-bonding excursion. But [Sniffles]
Sonny: Can we sit down?
[Both chuckle]
Sonny: Well, I don't, you know -- I'm sure at that age, a kid would feel uncomfortable, especially because you're pretty hot and I'm sure all the guys were staring at you, right?
Olivia: That wasn't it. That wasn't it. It was a couple of those little brats were always giving him a hard time, you know, about not having a dad. And this day, it just -- it just seemed like it got to him, you know? And he, uh -- he just took off. He took off into the woods. We couldn't find him anywhere, and it was getting dark, and hours were going by, and I'm starting to panic. I'm thinking of all the things that could have gone wrong, you know? He could have -- he could have gotten disoriented and stumbled, fallen off a cliff, froze to death, you know? A wild animal could catch -- when you have that feeling every parents knows -- maybe this is the time that I lost my -- that I lost my baby. [Sighs] [Chuckles] And all of a sudden, there he comes, running out of the woods, not a scratch on him. [Chuckles] He's over it, you know? He comes -- he comes back to me. He found his way back to me.
Sonny: Hey. Our son found his way back to you then.
Olivia: Yeah.
Sonny: He's gonna do it now.
Olivia: Okay. [Sniffles]
[Alarm blaring]
Stavros: You! The husband! You stay away from her! You will ruin everything!
Dante: What the hell did you do to her, you son of a bitch?
Alexis: Really, listen, Nikolas was very specific. Stavros is alive. He's taken Lulu, we believe, to Cassadine island.
Anna: Yes, but Nikolas just regained consciousness. Couldn't he have been confused? I mean, literally, I was just briefed on your family history, and the record said Stavros died in 2001.
Alexis: Did the records tell you that the body was never recovered? Because the body was recovered by Helena, still breathing. Obviously, she nursed him back to health, and now he's even more deranged than ever. He's taken Lulu. He's fixated on her, and Mommy wants to make sure her little baby boy gets everything he wants.
Anna: So, she's his accomplice now?
Alexis: No. She's his enabler. Actually, she's the more capable one. He has the penchant for extreme violence. It's a lovely combination.
Anna: Yeah, okay, but, like, why didn't Nikolas tell anyone that his father was alive? I don't understand that.
Alexis: Because he thought that he could learn more if he stayed close and pretended to be loyal, but he couldn't pull it off, because he is the one Cassadine, in countless generations, that seems to have a soul and a conscience.
Anna: Oh, come on. You've got a soul and a conscience, so do your daughters.
Alexis: I don't count. I'm illegitimate. No, I'm talking about the purebred Cassadine -- or I should say the inbred Cassadine. Stavros wanted Lulu. He took Lulu. He doesn't care what happens to Lulu. And if anything happens to her, Nikolas is never gonna forgive himself.
Nikolas: Lulu is the person who bonds Lucky and me now. We, uh -- we even reconciled to a point. I mean, he takes my calls.
[Both chuckle]
Nikolas: We even met up in Dublin when I was there on business.
Elizabeth: I didn't realize the Cassadines did business in Ireland.
Nikolas: [Laughs] Okay, I-I admit I may have made the investment to, uh, give myself an excuse to visit.
Elizabeth: [Chuckles]
Nikolas: He seemed -- he seemed happy to see me, anyway. We talked about Lulu, her mother, of course, but the subject of you and the kids never came up. I don't know. Maybe we were both too afraid to raise it, too afraid to revisit all the pain it caused, I guess. I don't know.
Elizabeth: You and I made a terrible mistake. And the three of us are paying for it.
Nikolas: Yeah. You know, it is difficult for me and Lucky to be around each other. Is that the way it was for you with him?
Elizabeth: [Sighs] It's been over a year, and I still don't know exactly why he left. I mean, obviously, I lied to him, and that was a major part of it, but I honestly believe, deep down, Lucky and I could never find our way back to the love we were supposed to have.
Nikolas: You may have found your way back if it wasn't for me.
Elizabeth: Lucky's in charge of his own life. But I know that he would be the first to thank you for the risk you took to save Lulu.
Nikolas: But I was too late.
Anna: So, you just got this from the enhanced footage? You're sure? All right. I need to know when you get word. Yes. Thank you. Good. Oh, Alexis.
Alexis: What?
Anna: You are not gonna believe this.
Alexis: Tell me.
Anna: So, that was the bureau analyst, all right, and they've been working off this enhanced footage from the satellite imagery that they have of the Haunted Star. Now, there were three bodies on the deck. They have just tentatively identified one of them as Helena Cassadine.
Alexis: No. There is a mistake.
Anna: No. The computer positively ID'd her. The only reason that they're saying it was tentative is because they haven't recovered the body yet. I have to --
Alexis: Helena is dead?
Anna: Yes. That is what they're telling me.
Alexis: [Laughs] Well, they're wrong, because a nuclear bomb couldn't take that woman out. She's too evil to die. No. No, no, no, no, no, no. This -- there's got to be a decoy, something wrong here. No. Trust me. She always comes back. Always.
Anna: You can't cheat death forever. Not even someone like Helena.
Alexis: I would have to see her cold, lifeless, shriveled-up body with my own eyes, and even then, I wouldn't believe it.
Anna: All right. Well, until that can be arranged, you know, the WSB, they identified another man leaving the ship.
Alexis: Dante.
Anna: No. It was Ethan Lovett, Luke's son.
Alexis: Ethan Lovett? Why would he be involved?
Anna: I have no idea. Anyway, he managed to make it safely to a passing cruise ship, and so the bureau's gonna pick him up and question him, but...
Alexis: Okay, so what -- what about Luke and Laura?
Anna: Yeah. Good news there. They've picked up their RFID signals, and -- and Dante, as well. They're on Cassadine Island.
Stavros: She doesn't belong to you anymore. I have preserved her the way she was meant to be.
Dante: Well, I think it's a little bit too late, 'cause I've already trashed your little computer over here.
Stavros: It's still functioning.
Dante: Oh, yeah? Why don't you take a look at it?
Stavros: You will regret interfering, you...
Laura: Dante, thank God you're all right. We thought she threw you overboard.
Dante: We need his thumbprint over there. He's got Lulu in that room.
Laura: God, what have they done to you? Lulu! Lulu! She's not moving. Luke, she's not moving! She's not moving! Be careful. Careful. Be careful. Careful. Don't hurt her.
Dante: Hey, hey. We're here, baby. We're here. It's you, me, and your mom. I told you I'd get you, okay?
Luke: You're gonna be all right, cupcake. We got you.
Laura: My baby. Luke, she's freezing cold. We've got to get a blanket. Is there a blanket anywhere?
Stavros: You will regret touching her!
Alexis: When the WSB interview Ethan, will you pass the information along to me?
Anna: You will know as soon as I do.
Alexis: Thank you. I know that Nikolas will be relieved to know that his parents are on the island, but anything about Lulu?
Anna: Nothing as yet. You know, I-I-I need to talk to Olivia and Sonny. Is that okay?
Alexis: Thank you very much for helping, and I'll be at the hospital if you need me.
Anna: Yes. Thank you.
Sonny: Anna. Any word?
Anna: Yeah. It's good news. So, the Bureau has picked up Dante's radio-frequency chip. It's on Cassadine Island.
Olivia: He's alive?
Anna: That's how it appears -- along with the Spencers, yes.
Sonny: What did I tell you?
Olivia: Oh, thank God!
Sonny: Too soon to count our son out.
Olivia: [Gasps]
Maxie: Well, I just proved I'm the most self-centered person ever.
Mac: By wondering what happens to the baby you're carrying if the parents don't come back? That's not selfish, Maxie. It's perfectly appropriate.
Maxie: I know how much Dante and Lulu want this child, and I've been so focused on giving it to them, it would be terrible if they never got the chance to be parents.
Mac: Come on. Let's start with the hope that Dante and Lulu will come home safe and we're not gonna have to worry about what happens to the child. But if the worst happens, I assume the custody will be decided by the grandparents.
Maxie: Luke and Laura, or Sonny and Olivia?
Mac: All four of them, I'm sure.
Maxie: [Sighs] Good luck with that.
Mac: [Scoffs] I'm sure they will put their differences aside for the sake of their grandchild. So, you don't have to worry about it. You wouldn't be involved.
Maxie: But if -- if Dante and Lulu don't come back, doesn't that kind of make me the baby's next of kin?
Mac: Maxie, you're not the baby's mother, you know, so you have no real connection to the baby after it's born.
Maxie: But I do.
Monica: Well, I'm not trying to interfere.
AJ: No, no.
Monica: I am not.
AJ: No. You're just passing along a few helpful hints, right?
Monica: Well, yes, I would like to see your relationship with Elizabeth continue. I think that she grounds you in a very genuine way, and she makes you happy, and it's not complicated. I'd really like to see that continue.
AJ: Mom, Elizabeth and I -- we like each other. We like spending time together, and...I hope it continues.
Mac: Sweetheart, I'm sorry. Of course, you have a connection to the baby. You're nurturing that life inside you. And you're gonna give birth to him or her.
Maxie: You just meant that legally this baby's not mine.
Mac: Well, you signed a contract forfeiting any potential rights, and you have no claim, because the baby isn't yours genetically.
Maxie: I'm fully prepared to give up this baby. I was just counting on giving it to Dante and Lulu.
Mac: You listen to me. Dante and Lulu will be coming home, okay? You don't have to worry about the baby.
Maxie: You really think so?
Mac: I really do.
Olivia: I don't think I've ever been so relieved. I swear to God, when Dante gets home, I'm gonna read him the riot act for scaring me like that.
Sonny: It's not like he could have called and checked in. What did you say to me this morning? That you didn't want to be the pushy Italian mother?
Olivia: You know what? I changed my mind. I'm gonna be the most pushy Italian mother I can possibly be, and don't act like you're so cool. I saw you with your hands shaking. You were terrified.
Sonny: You did?
Olivia: Yes.
Sonny: I was just hoping you didn't notice. Thank you for, you know, everything and reassuring us and...
Anna: No, I'm glad I could give you good news.
Olivia: Thank you. [Sighs]
Nikolas: Hi. Did you speak to Anna?
Alexis: I did. And then she passed the information on to the WSB, and they have an update. Apparently, Ethan Lovett was seen leaving the ship on a launch.
Nikolas: Ethan Lovett?
Elizabeth: Why would Ethan be involved? He couldn't have been working with Helena or your father.
Alexis: No, but they confirmed they saw Ethan getting on to the cruise ship. Knowing him, he went straight to the casino and started fleecing the passengers, but in any case, after they interview him, we will have some more information.
Nikolas: Okay, fine. What about my mother, Luke, Dante?
Alexis: In Greece on the family island.
Nikolas: And Lulu?
Anna: Unfortunately, no, there is no word on Lulu as yet.
Olivia: Dante will find her. That's all -- why they're all on Cassadine island, right?
Anna: Yeah. There's a bit of a complication.
Sonny: Really? Complication with the Cassadines?
Anna: Stavros Cassadine, who had been presumed dead, is apparently, according to Nikolas, alive and behind Lulu's abduction.
Sonny: What is it with these people? Why can't they just die?
Anna: Sometimes they do.
Olivia: So, this Stavros -- he's considered dangerous, then?
Anna: Yeah. That's my impression.
Sonny: So, with Dante, Luke, and Laura on Cassadine island, let's just hope that they're closing in on Lulu and that freak job, Stavros, before it's too late.
Stavros: Do not touch her. She's my Ice Princess!
Luke: Shut up, you maggot. Get over there. Get over there!
Stavros: You will regret this!
Dante: Come on, baby. Let's warm you up.
Laura: Yeah, here. Cover her legs up.
Stavros: I will not be denied. She's mine -- my Ice Princess!
Luke: Shut up or I'll blow you away.
Laura: Luke! Come on.
Stavros: Do not take her from me. She's mine! She's mine! Mine! Don't take her from me!
Laura: How is she?
Dante: I can't get a pulse.
Luke: Well, maybe the cold slowed down her heart rate.
Dante: I don't think so. She's not breathing, Luke, okay? Nothing's happening.
Laura: No. No, no, no. My baby girl. No.
Dante: Talk to me. She's not gonna die.
Laura: No.
Dante: You are not gonna die.
Laura: No, not my baby.
Dante: Stay with me, okay, baby? Don't leave me. Don't leave me.
Anna: Again, it's too soon to confirm Helena's death, but the satellite footage -- it appears definitive. It does.
Sonny: That's a -- that's a huge relief for the Spencers and our son.
Anna: Yeah.
Olivia: So, then, once they get Lulu away from this Stavros character, then everything is over, right?
Anna: One can only hope.
Sonny: Thank you for filling us in and...
Anna: You have no idea how -- how glad I am that Dante's okay, not just as a friend, but, um, as a commissioner. I'd hate to lose him. I-I'd hate to lose an officer like him.
Olivia: Thank you, Anna.
Anna: [Sighs]
Mac: I've got to get your MDA of calcium in you somehow.
[Cell phone rings]
Mac: It's Anna. Hey. Any word on Lulu? Okay. Um... oh, Maxie's right here. Yeah, I'll let her know. All right. Thanks for the call.
Maxie: What about Lulu? I-is she okay?
Mac: There's no word on Lulu yet, but Dante, Luke, and Laura have been tracked to Cassadine island, which means they might have information as to where Lulu might be.
Maxie: That's -- that's a good sign. Accurate intel's the first step towards rescuing someone.
Mac: Frisco teach you that?
Maxie: Hello? I learned that from you. Hey, is this from that single-batch place I told you about on van Ness?
Mac: Stocked up as soon as you mentioned it.
Maxie: Mmm. This is good. You should have some.
Mac: No. It's all for you. Eat up. Dante and Lulu will be home soon to claim their baby, so you don't have to worry about it.
Olivia: I can finally breathe again. I swear, I think I've been suffocating for the last two hours, and I didn't even know it.
Sonny: Too soon to count our son out. I told you that, it came true. There.
Olivia: I'm going over to queen of angels right now. I'm gonna say hail marys until I run out of breath.
Sonny: Can you do that for both of us?
Olivia: I will. I will. He's coming back. And he's bringing Lulu with him.
Nikolas: You'll let me know when you have an update from Anna?
Alexis: Of course, I will. I love you.
Nikolas: I love you, too.
Alexis: When I come back, I'll bring you a cupcake from Kelly's, if your nurse will look the other way.
Elizabeth: I'm sorry. Did you say something?
Alexis: [Chuckles]
Nikolas: [Clears throat]
Elizabeth: So, feel better?
Nikolas: You have no idea.
Elizabeth: By now, Luke, Laura, and Dante have reached your sister, they're gonna stop your father. You have nothing to worry about.
Nikolas: Thank you for being with me through this nightmare.
Elizabeth: Please. Where else would I be?
Laura: She can't be dead.
Luke: Are you sure there's no pulse?
Dante: You check. You check.
Laura: No. We just have to warm her up. That's -- that's all it is. Come on. We've got to warm her up. Lulu. Come on, baby. Come on, honey. We're just gonna warm you up. Come on, honey. It's mommy. Honey, it's Mommy. Come on, honey. You can take a breath for me. You hear my voice? Breathe, Lulu. Breathe! [Sobbing] No. Oh, God.
Dante: What?
Laura: Lulu, please. You can do it.
Dante: You saying she's gone?
Luke: Gone.
Dante: No, no, no, no. No, no, no, baby. Come on. Come on. Come on. Listen to me. Listen to me. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I said I was gonna protect you. [Sniffles] But I didn't.
Stavros: Take your filthy hands off of her. She's mine! She's mine! My Ice Princess! Take your hands off her!
Laura: You killed my daughter! You son of a bitch! You killed my daughter! No!
Luke: Don't stop me. He killed my daughter.
Laura: Our daughter!
Stavros: No. No. Turn it off! Turn it off! No, no, no! Turn it off! Turn it off! [Screams]
Laura: You bastard!
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