General Hospital Transcript Thursday 4/11/13
Provided By Suzanne
AJ: Michael, is everything all right?
Michael: Uh... I-I don't know. I don't know.
AJ: What's going on?
Michael: I, uh... I spent the night with someone.
AJ: Really? Who?
Michael: Brenda Barrett. [Sighs]
AJ: When you say you spent the night with Brenda Barrett, you -- you -- you mean that you guys --
Michael: I had sex with her. Yes. [Sighs]
Brenda: Could you just, uh, get this back to your son? He must have had such a good time last night that he just... you know, wasn't thinking.
Carly: I could wrap it around your bony throat and strangle you with it, you little bitch.
Brenda: Mm.
Olivia: You know, I really go out of my way not to be one of those pushy, interfering Italian mothers who's always up in her son's business.
Sonny: You're a great mom.
Olivia: Who is not-so-quietly losing her mind with worry right now.
Sonny: That makes two of us.
Olivia: Okay. Maybe the police heard something. Dante?
Nikolas: Alexis, you don't understand. Helena didn't -- didn't take Lulu. She doesn't care about her. She has no reason --
Elizabeth: If Helena didn't take her, then who did?
Nikolas: Listen. Would you please just listen to me? It's not Helena. My father has Lulu.
Elizabeth: Your father?
Nikolas: Yes.
Elizabeth: Nikolas, what are you talking about?
Alexis: He's talking about Stavros.
Laura: Stavros?
Stavros: Hello, Laura. Luke.
[Door closes]
Luke: Stavros. I thought I caught a whiff of formaldehyde.
Laura: This can't be happening. You're dead.
Stavros: And yet, here I am. Back...and better than ever.
Carly: You're disgusting. You're truly sick. You didn't have the guts to come after me, so you went after my son?
Brenda: Wow. I mean, if it's too much trouble, I could just get it back to him myself.
Carly: You will never touch my son again!
Brenda: Listen to me. I'm a mother, too, now, Carly, and I know it must be really hard for a creepy mother like yourself to just let go, but, you know, Michael's a grown man now, so who he chooses to spend time with is kind of up to him.
AJ: You slept with Brenda Barrett?
Michael: I woke up in her bed this morning.
AJ: Wait -- wait a second. Back up. Uh, what about your girlfriend?
Michael: Oh, no, she called me last night and told me that she's not coming back to Port Charles.
AJ: Yeah, but I-I thought she loved you.
Michael: Yeah. So did I. But, uh, she said her mind's made up and if she meant anything to me, that I wouldn't fight her on it, so...I'm not.
AJ: I'm sorry. That's rough. Hey, look at the bright side. At least you didn't cheat on anybody when you slept with Brenda. She can't say the same about Jax.
Michael: Jax is gone. He broke off his engagement to Brenda last night.
AJ: That's even better. You guys were both free. Hey, look, I can't think of a better way to get over a breakup than to sleep with a gorgeous model. Nice work, kid.
Michael: [Sighs]
AJ: Right. You didn't tell Sonny yet.
Michael: No. I haven't.
AJ: What the hell are you waiting for?
Olivia: Dante, thank God you're okay. You're not hurt?
Dante: I failed her, ma. I couldn't save her.
Olivia: Oh, God, no.
Officer: Excuse me, ma'am?
Olivia: Uh...I'm sorry. I-I-I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me. I...
Officer: No problem. [Clears throat]
Sonny: Any word on my son and his wife?
Afraid not. I'll keep you posted, Mr. Corinthos.
Sonny: Olivia? Olivia. What was that?
Olivia: He was here. Sonny, I saw him standing here. He clear as day. He was standing there, and he was telling me something about how he -- he had failed her. He wasn't able to save her. Oh, Mary, mother of God, what if he's talking about Lulu? What if that means that Lulu is gone?
Sonny: Let's not jump to conclusions.
Olivia: What else could it mean, Sonny?!
Nikolas: I'm telling you, it's him. It's Stavros. [Groans]
Alexis: Nikolas, you're confused, which is perfectly understandable.
Nikolas: I'm not confused. It -- it's the whole reason why I came back here...
Alexis: Stavros is dead.
Nikolas: ...Was to warn Lulu.
Elizabeth: Okay, Nikolas, listen to me. You need to rest.
Nikolas: I don't -- no. I don't feel like resting right now.
Alexis: Yes, because when you wake up, things will make sense.
Nikolas: I am making sense. Stavros is alive.
Stavros: Please sit. After all, you are my guest of honor.
Laura: Stay the hell away from me.
Stavros: Laura, such hurtful words after all we've been through.
Laura: [Gasping]
Luke: How do you expect her to treat you, you freak? You've come back from the dead twice.
Stavros: Reports of all of our deaths have been exaggerated, have they not, at one point or another? What makes this time such a surprise?
Luke: How's this for a surprise, huh? You cheated death twice. You know, the third time's the charm.
Nikolas: You remember how I helped Robert Scorpio?
Alexis: Yes. When you lured Helena back here, trying to find out if Duke was really Faison.
Nikolas: Yes. Once I knew that...Helena found out it was a ploy, she would be furious.
Alexis: What made you think that?
Nikolas: Look, I just wanted this whole confrontation to be over with and move on, so I left Spencer at home with Lesley and the servants and flew to Greece.
Alexis: I bet that went well.
Helena: You ungrateful boy!
Nikolas: I'm not a boy, grandmother.
Helena: Well, you're certainly not a man. Men stand by their family. They do not deceive their own.
Nikolas: Cesar Faison is a criminal. If he was posing as someone else, people needed to know about it.
Helena: You should have asked.
Nikolas: Would you have told me the truth? No, I don't think so. I was doing the people of Port Charles -- some of whom are very dear to me -- a service, end of story.
Helena: Nikolas, Nikolas, when will you realize that loyalty -- loyalty is everything. Even more so now than ever before.
Nikolas: Oh? And why do you say that?
Helena: And do you think that I would confide in you after this -- this stunt you pulled? Nikolas, you -- you are my life. And now you've shown me that you're untrustworthy.
Nikolas: Can you give me a chance to prove otherwise?
Nikolas: I knew Helena was hiding something, so I just played the dutiful grandson. And it gave me time to investigate.
Nikolas: There's a boat by the docks. It's not one of ours.
Alexandros: I'm on it.
Helena: Nikolas, what are you doing here? Where's Alexandros?
Nikolas: Uh, we had a boat emergency.
Helena: Oh, run along, Nikolas. This is no concern of yours. Go find Alexandros.
Nikolas: What are you doing in here?
Helena: Well, what are you doing back here?
Nikolas: Who is that? Father?
Luke: The way I see it, there's nothing stopping me from slicing your throat from ear to ear.
Laura: No, Luke. Don't do it. He's the only one who knows where Lulu is.
Stavros: She has a point. But go ahead, Spencer. Kill me. I'll die comforted knowing that you know nothing.
[Knife clatters on the floor]
Stavros: [Chuckles]
Laura: Stavros, please, tell us where our daughter is. Please.
Stavros: All in good time.
Luke: No. Not in good time.
Stavros: I promise.
Luke: You start talking now!
Stavros: I promise that I will share every last detail. But first, join me for dinner?
Olivia: No, I can't -- I can't talk about this, please. Please. Please. The idea that something's going on with Dante and Lulu is gonna make me crazier than I already am, okay? So, can you just, please, distract me?
Sonny: How?
Olivia: I don't know. Talk about...something else that doesn't involve kidnapping.
Sonny: Well, that kind of doesn't narrow it down, does it?
Olivia: Okay. Let's talk about you.
Sonny: [Chuckles] No, I can't. Let's -- let's go to the next subject.
Olivia: No, no, no. What was -- what was all that nonsense at the Nurses' Ball the other day? What the hell is going on with Carly and Brenda?
AJ: You slept with Brenda, and now Sonny is gonna have to choke on it. Hey, do you mind if I tell him? Please?
Michael: You can't be serious.
AJ: All right. You're right. I -- what was I thinking? Oh, wait. Yeah. I was thinking that after all these years of Sonny stomping all over everybody, now he's finally gonna be the one getting stomped on. What can I say? Karma is a bitch, and there is no sweeter payback than you taking Brenda from Sonny.
Michael: I wish he never had to know, but he does. And I have to be the one to tell him.
AJ: Oh, co-- Michael, come on. Come on. Don't feel bad about this, all right? You and Brenda were both adults, and Frankly, I think she's finally showing some good judgment going after you rather than Sonny.
Michael: I just -- I don't want to hurt him.
AJ: Oh, hurt him? No, I think it's more likely that you're gonna piss him off. Sonny is selfish and he is vain and he thinks he is the sole reason for Brenda's existence.
Michael: Yeah. That's my point. How am I gonna tell my father that I slept with the love of his life?
Brenda: I have a mommy tip for you. Try respecting Michael's independence. He's a grown man, so who he wants to be with is his business.
Carly: Did you drug him?
Brenda: [Chuckling] Did I drug him? Drugging people is your thing.
Carly: He would never be with you willingly, okay? He has a girlfriend that he loves very much.
Brenda: Well, not anymore.
Carly: Wow. You trashed that, too, huh? Unbelievable.
Brenda: You should try to pain attention to things that are important like, uh, she called and dumped him last night. She said she didn't want to be with him anymore and she was never going to be with him again, and he was really, really upset about it.
Carly: And that makes him perfect prey for you!
Brenda: [Chuckling] I did console him.
Carly: No. You took advantage of him. You have no idea what that girl meant to him and how invested he was, and you used it to get him into bed!
Brenda: Look, you know how this kind of stuff goes. I mean, you know, it started out very innocently with Michael and me, and then, I don't know, one thing just led to another and... another and --
Carly: You dirty whore!
Sonny: The night before the event, Brenda came to my house, and she said that she was engaged to Jax and that if -- you know, if -- if we thought that we had anything left, to try again.
Olivia: Naturally, you told her that you were already engaged to my cousin, and you showed her the door, right?
Sonny: Well, what I told her was that we both have moved on, but little did we know that Carly had let herself into my house and heard every word.
Olivia: Interesting timing on Carly's part, huh?
Sonny: Um... Jax, uh, went to Carly, and he -- he told her that he was engaged to Brenda and Brenda was in Port Charles with him.
Olivia: I guess Carly would know Brenda well enough to know that she would go straight for you, so...
Sonny: So, Carly told Jax what she overheard, and he -- he broke off the engagement with Brenda. That's why she went to the, you know, event by herself.
Olivia: So, who threw the first bread roll?
Sonny: From what I heard, it was -- it was Brenda. But it doesn't matter, because what Brenda doesn't understand is that Carly's doing her a favor. If she marries Jax, she's not gonna be happy.
Olivia: Are you really gonna get yourself in the middle of this war?
Sonny: I don't think I have to, because I think there's a chance that they -- they might have cooled down by now.
Carly: Don't you ever touch my son again!
[Both grunting]
Carly: God, you a tramp.
Man: Hey! Easy!
Brenda: Let go of me! Let go of me!
Man: Easy, lady, easy!
AJ: Great. So, that just happened. Now that you got that out of your system, how did you wind up in bed with Brenda?
Michael: Can we please talk about something else?
AJ: Oh, no, no, no. We're gonna stick with this subject. Come on. You, Brenda -- how did that happen?
Michael: I don't know. I was pretty wrecked after the phone call, okay? So, I had...some drinks at the lobby bar, and at some point, Brenda showed up. She was...upset that Jax left, that he wasn't gonna marry her, and...I said that I understood what it was like to lose somebody that you love. And then I told her about my breakup.
AJ: I get it. So, you guys started commiserating, and before you knew it, you were, uh... "consoling" each other.
Michael: I think so. At some point, we -- we...left the bar, went to her room, and...I guess we had sex. [Sighs]
AJ: Wait, wait. You guess?
Michael: Well, I drank a lot. I don't exactly remember what happened next.
Alexis: This does not make any sense. Luke saw Stavros die. He fell into this pit of nothing. There's no way he could have survived that.
Nikolas: Cassadines are hard to kill.
Nikolas: I thought he was dead.
Helena: Well, clearly not.
Nikolas: Well, where's he been for the last 10 years?
Helena: Recovering.
Nikolas: Here?
Helena: Stavros survived that dreadful fall, no thanks to Luke Spencer. By the time I got to him, he was in terrible shape. He was barely able to register a pulse.
Nikolas: You saved him?
Helena: Well, I pulled my son from the brink once before. I was prepared to do it again.
Nikolas: No. This is crazy.
Helena: Slowly but surely, he's regaining his strength. Soon, my Stavros will come back to us healthier and stronger than ever.
Stavros: Neither of you has touched your food. You don't think we've had it poisoned.
Luke: That would be the only thing that made sense today.
Stavros: [Chuckles] Say what you will about my family --
Luke: Oh, I have.
Stavros: We do not poison our guests. When a Cassadine comes for you, he looks at you in the eye... as your life drains away.
Luke: What a lovely sentiment.
Stavros: But you have to know, Laura, that I would never harm you, not after everything we shared.
Laura: Don't touch me.
Stavros: Your attitude is disheartening!
Laura: [Screams] [Crying]
Stavros: I had hoped we could be a family again.
Laura: Is that what you want? Is -- is that what this is about? Is that why we're here? I... I-I'll do it, if that's what you want.
Luke: Hold on. Hold on. No negotiating until we know the terms.
Laura: If you will let my daughter go, I will stay here with you. I will stay here with you willingly.
Nikolas: I worked very hard to prove my loyalty. I helped her nurse my father back to health. Soon, he was not only conscious, but talking and more obsessed than ever.
Alexis: He was always infatuated with Laura. What does that have to do with Lulu?
Nikolas: Father, what are you doing?
Stavros: My princess.
Stavros: You would never return my affections the way I desire, the way you once did.
Laura: You don't know that.
Stavros: But I do. [Clears throat] I have given up on our future in order to hold on to our past.
Laura: I-I just don't understand. I thought that -- I thought that us together was what you wanted.
Stavros: The way we used to be, when it was perfect. Before Spencer tarnished your feelings for me.
Luke: You mean, before she found out I was still alive and found her way off this island of maniacs?
Laura: No, Luke.
Stavros: It's all right, Laura. I have accepted the fact that you and I will never again be together. Besides, I've met someone else.
Nikolas: The woman in the photo Stavros was looking at wasn't Laura. It was Lulu.
Laura: Lulu?
Stavros: My princess. And now that her husband has been disposed of, there's nothing standing in my way.
Man: All clear?
Dante: Hey.
Man: Huh? [Grunts]
AJ: Well, then, how are you so certain that you two actually, you know, had sex?
Michael: I woke up in her bed naked, and when Mom walked in on --
AJ: Wait, wait, wait. Did you just say "Mom"? This is priceless.
Carly: All right. All right, Chris, stop.
Brenda: Let me go.
Carly: All right. Okay.
Brenda: Tell them to let me go, now.
Carly: All right. Stop, okay?
Chris: Do you want us to escort her out or call the police?
Carly: No, no. You don't have to call the police. You can -- don't have to call the police. You can put her down.
Chris: Are you sure?
Carly: Yes, I'm sure. Put her down. [Breathing heavily] Oh, wow, man, I bet you are proud of yourself.
Brenda: I've had worse days.
Carly: Just so we're clear, I told Jax the truth, okay? And this is how you pay me back.
Brenda: Oh, it's so shocking that you got involved in something that was none of your business.
Carly: My daughter is my business, okay, and if you would have married Jax, you would have been her stepmother. Not that that stopped you from trying to have sex with my son.
Brenda: Look, you are a pathetic, pathetic excuse for a mother.
Carly: You were Michael's family. You had a position of trust in his life, and you took advantage of that just like you took advantage of his pain after he loses the girlfriend that he loves. And you pay me back by having sex with my son.
Brenda: Michael is not a child, and if you still see him that way, you should go see a shrink for your overattachment issues.
Carly: Oh, my God. Well, you sure did it. You found the perfect way to hurt me and to devastate me. But let me tell you something. You crossed a line that you can't cross back.
Brenda: Oh, I'm so scared.
Carly: Yeah, you should be. Because how the hell do you think Sonny's gonna react when he finds out that you slept with his son?
Sonny: Brenda was at the ball to honor Robin. Carly should have let her stay.
Olivia: So, you're siding with Brenda?
Sonny: No. Let's not jump to conclusions.
Olivia: I'm just saying, Sonny, you were in love with Brenda for a very long time. Maybe you still are.
Sonny: Did I not tell you that I tur-- I turned Brenda down? I said that, right?
Olivia: Okay. Sonny, look, look, you need to be honest, all right? On behalf of Kate or Connie or whoever the hell comes back to you, does my cousin have anything to be worried about?
Nikolas: I realized my father was even more disturbed than before.
Alexis: And that's saying something.
Nikolas: So I went to Helena for answers.
Nikolas: Why is my father doing this?
Helena: Oh, darling, please. Now, sit.
Nikolas: Would you just answer the question? I've put in my time. I deserve to know.
Helena: [Sighs] Please.
Nikolas: [Sighs]
Helena: Your father was barely cognizant during the first years. I tried everything that I could do to stimulate his recovery, but -- oh, I even told him about his grandson Spencer, but when that didn't work, I even tried to convince him that there was another newborn heir.
Nikolas: [Scoffs] That's why you faked the DNA test to make me believe Aiden was my son -- for my father.
Helena: Well, and it was all in vain. Oh, anyway -- anyway, several consultations were still needed to treat Stavros. Oh, there was a brilliant German doctor. She took us to Switzerland to her clinic.
Nikolas: Would you please get on with the story?
Helena: [Sighs] Well, while flying back to Greece, our plane had to make a weather-related landing in Istanbul. No, I was -- I was trying to be discrete, but suddenly, Nikolas, I-I saw your father light up, saying his first words since the accident -- "My Laura."
Nikolas: What do you mean "light up," "my Laura"? Did he -- did he see her in Turkey?
Helena: No. No, no, no. She wasn't there. Apparently, Luke -- Luke had found himself locked in a Turkish prison. Well, he was -- he was free, and he was being escorted home by Dante Falconeri and your sister.
Nikolas: Okay, he -- so, he saw Lulu.
Helena: Yes, but [Sighs] He believed that Lulu was Laura, just as he remembered her from their time together here.
Nikolas: And he wanted her back.
Helena: Well... I have tried to disabuse him of this fantasy, but Stavros -- Stavros is convinced that Lulu, your sister, is the woman that he fell in love with many years ago.
Laura: What the hell have you done with my daughter?
Stavros: Lulu is everything that you once were -- pure and innocent. So much so that when I first saw her, I mistook her for you.
Laura: If you so much as harmed a hair on her head --
Stavros: I think you have the wrong idea. I want her preserved exactly as she is.
Luke: We're taking her home. Where the hell is she?
Stavros: Oh, calm down, Luke.
Laura: Not until we see our daughter.
Stavros: I think you two have the wrong idea. I'm merely courting Lulu. I have been ever since I gave her...this.
Nikolas: I knew what Stavros had put my mother through. I wasn't about to let him do the same thing to Lulu. And once he regained his faculties, I tried to reason with him.
Nikolas: The woman that you're in love with, who's in that photo, it's not -- it's not Laura. She's not my mother.
Stavros: Don't be ridiculous. I would know Laura anywhere. She's as gorgeous now as the first day I brought her here.
Nikolas: Father, would you -- would you please look? See this? That's Laura. Next to her is my sister, Lulu -- Laura's daughter with Luke.
Stavros: That doesn't make sense.
Nikolas: Yes, it does, because it's the truth. That -- that young woman is not who you think she is.
Stavros: I was going to send this to her... win her back, remind her of the time we had together.
Nikolas: You realize you have to let this go, don't you?
Stavros: [Chuckles] Yes. I understand. I understand it all.
Nikolas: That's when I realized just how much danger Lulu was in.
Laura: The Ice Princess?
Luke: So, you were the one that sent that chunk of crap to her?
Stavros: I saw it, and it made me think of her. Decorative, only, of course. My second gift was far more useful.
Dante: Can you hear me? Lulu, honey, wake up. Open your eyes, okay? Can you hear me?
Nikolas: I tried to call Lulu, but couldn't get through, so I called Lucky.
Elizabeth: Did you talk to him?
Nikolas: No. He didn't pick up. I left him a message. Lucky, it's Nikolas. I don't have a lot of time. Lulu's in trouble. My father's alive. He's going after our sister.
Helena: And just when I thought I could trust you. Take the phone. As for you, my dear Nikolas, we'll have much to discuss later. Prepare the jet. Tell the captain we're headed to Ireland.
Nikolas: Grandmother, you don't have to --
Nikolas: I eventually escaped and made my way here. But I was too late.
Stavros: So, I carried Lulu to the Haunted Star. We were about to set sail when I found out that our son was in Port Charles, prepared to expose me. Couldn't have that.
Laura: You had Nikolas shot?
Stavros: He has no concept of the word "loyalty," unlike his would-be assassin who would rather die than expose my name.
Luke: So, you popped your own kid. And then what happened?
Stavros: Lulu and I set sail for the open seas.
Laura: You're lying. When we got on board that ship, there was no sign of you or Lulu. There was just Helena and --
Stavros: The bastard. His son. This from a man who is supposed to love you.
Luke: Why involve Ethan?
Stavros: My mother found out that Nikolas was trying to warn Lucky, so she went to Ireland to retrieve him and found Ethan instead. She thought the bastard would be a good diversion while I brought Lulu here and sent the planes to escort you.
Laura: But not all of us. Where's Dante?
Stavros: I presume that my mother fed him to the sharks.
Man: Hey, you're not Spartos. [Grunts]
[Gun shots]
AJ: Wait. Let me see if I get this straight. So, you slept with Brenda, but Sonny's the one who got screwed, and then Carly walked in? This is like the trifecta! God, this almost makes up for the fact that I don't get to tell Sonny -- almost. I mean, your mother must have just -- I mean, she must have lost it.
Michael: I am glad that you're amused.
AJ: Oh, no, no. This goes beyond amused. I mean, think about this. Here's Brenda. She's this gorgeous model who Jax and Sonny loved way more than -- than they ever loved Carly, and Carly walks in and finds you in bed with Brenda. I mean, her head must have exploded. God, I wish I was there!
Michael: I was there. It wasn't a good time.
AJ: You're right. I'm sorry. I mean, you know, she is your mother. It must have been awkward. [Chuckles]
Michael: Yeah.
AJ: Look, um...I don't want you -- I don't want you to feel bad about this. I mean, as much as I love the fact that you slept with a supermodel, and believe me, I-I really do love the fact that you slept with a supermodel, I am a little concerned about how you wound up in Brenda's room.
Michael: I told you, I don't remember how I got there.
AJ: Yeah, see, that's -- that's what I'm worried about. You drank so much you blacked out.
Michael: All right. It was -- it was a one-time thing. It's not...
AJ: Well, I do worry, because alcoholism runs in our family, so, please, will you promise me you'll take it easy with the drinking, Michael?
Michael: That'll be an easy promise to keep, considering I can't even think about alcohol right now.
AJ: Well, the thing about hangovers is they wear off eventually.
Michael: I promise I will not be drinking heavily in the future.
AJ: Okay. Good. And, know, I'm sorry that, you know, this probably makes me a bad guy that I simply cannot get over the fact that Carly caught you in bed with Brenda!
Brenda: Sonny doesn't have to know about this.
Carly: Why not? You were so excited to tell him about your engagement to Jax. You wanted to give him all kinds of details about your private life. And like you said, you and Michael are consenting adults.
Brenda: Yes, we -- we are adults, and adults deserve to have their privacy, right?
Carly: And parents have a right to protect their kids.
Brenda: Yeah, their kids. Their kids. Your son is not a kid anymore, you freak.
Carly: Sonny might disagree, Brenda. And you've known Sonny a hell of a lot longer than I have. And you know Sonny sees women only two ways -- whores and angels. And you've spent your entire relationship trying to climb out of one category into another. So, how do you think Sonny's gonna react when he finds out that you spread your...wings for Michael? Why should we wonder? Let's call him and find out.
Sonny: I have no intention of abandoning your cousin. I love her very much. I'm committed to Kate and Connie.
Olivia: Okay. Okay, I'm sorry that I got all up in your face like that. I-I'm just -- I'm trying to distract myself.
Sonny: Oh, I'm worried about Dante, too, so...
[Lock beeps]
Alexis: Helena didn't mention anything about Dante when she called to check in on you.
Nikolas: So, what? Now Dante's missing, too?
Alexis: He could be.
Nikolas: Look, my father is convinced that he's in love with Lulu. That makes Dante his rival.
Alexis: And Stavros doesn't tolerate rivals.
Nikolas: No. He doesn't. He eliminates them.
Dante: Thank you.
Luke: Your homicidal mommy has been targeting my family for decades. She was long overdue for a bullet, and I was, oh, so happy to oblige.
Stavros: Yes, of course. I saw what you did. All will be well. I'm taking care of my mother the same way that she took care of me.
Dante: [Breathing shakily] What is this?
Brenda: Please, just, don't do that.
Carly: I'm not doing it for you, okay? I'm doing it for Michael and Sonny. You don't know this, and not that you would have asked, but Dante -- remember him -- who risked so much for you? His wife disappeared, and now Dante has disappeared looking for her, so Sonny's in hell right now. He's worried about one of his sons. He doesn't need to know that you slept with the other one.
Brenda: I didn't know something was going on with Dante.
Carly: Would it have mattered?! Come on! I'm also keeping quiet for Michael, because he loves his father, and he's too young to realize that you used him. So, you know what? I can act in the best interest of my kid. I can give Michael time to figure out what the hell you did to him. So, you enjoy your revenge, Brenda. Savor every moment.
Brenda: You're trying to make this ugly, and it -- it actually wasn't.
Carly: It's obscene, pathologically selfish, but that's what you do. Sonny will find out sooner or later. What are you gonna do then? Get the hell out of my hotel.
Sonny: We're gonna drive ourselves crazy just waiting here for news.
Olivia: Let's -- let's just -- let's take off. Let's go check in with Anna Devane.
Sonny: That's not exactly what I had in mind.
Olivia: You gonna make me go all by myself?
Sonny: No, no, no. Come on. Let's go. Come on.
Olivia: Okay.
Dante: [Breathing shakily]
Alexis: Stavros knew that you were gonna try to warn Lulu about Dante, then he --
Nikolas: Had me shot to keep me quiet.
Elizabeth: What kind of psycho puts a hit out on his own son?
Nikolas: If he'd do that to me, God knows what he has planned for Lulu.
Laura: Like Helena took care of you?
Luke: What are you saying? You put the old bitch on ice?
Stavros: Just like I did to my new princess... my Ice Princess.
Dante: Lulu?
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