GH Transcript Wednesday 4/10/13

General Hospital Transcript Wednesday 4/10/13


Provided By Suzanne

Carly: Oh, wait. What is this? Who's it for?

Fritz: Miss Barrett. She ordered breakfast for two.

Carly: Didn't Jax check out last night?

Fritz: He did, but miss Barrett said to charge the room to you.

Carly: Of course, she did. You know what? I'll take it over from here, fritz. Thanks.

Fritz: Okay.

Carly: [Chuckles] All right.

[Lock beeps]

Carly: Rise and shine, Brenda!

Anna: All right, just any lead, anything, no matter how tentative it is, I-I really need you to get back to me, okay? Soon. Soon. Thank you. Yeah. Bye. Hi.

Felicia: Hi.

Mac: I, uh, take it there's been no progress.

Anna: Yeah. No. Nothing. Lulu, Dante, Luke, Laura, they are all unaccounted for. Which leaves a lot of worried people wanting answers.

AJ: Well, there was actually one miracle last night. You managed to get me up on stage.

Elizabeth: You just needed a little encouragement.

AJ: No, no, what I needed was some dance lessons.

Elizabeth: Come on. Don't be so hard on yourself. We were great.

AJ: As long as I made you smile, it's all that matters.

Elizabeth: I did have a fun time.

AJ: Hands down the best Nurses' Ball of all time, thanks to you.

Elizabeth: You're welcome.

AJ: Elizabeth, I could talk to you all day, but I know you have your hands full with, uh, with Nikolas. So you call me, and you let me know if there's anything I can do.

Elizabeth: I will. And thanks, AJ. I really appreciate all your support.

AJ: And let me know when you're willing to take a chance on a second date with me.

Elizabeth: Okay. Bye.

Alexis: Scott. Have you been here all night?

Scott: Yeah.

Alexis: You must be exhausted.

Scott: A little more agitated.

Alexis: All right, listen, I appreciate you looking after Nikolas, but I can stay here for the next few hours. Why don't you go back to the hotel and get some rest?

Scott: No, I'm not going anywhere until I hear from Laura.

Luke: You ready?

Laura: You got a plan?

Luke: Yeah. Yeah, yeah. I got something. You ready now?

Laura: Yeah, I'm ready.

Luke: Here we go again.

Luke: [Groans] [Sniffs]

Brenda: Wow, are you, uh, short-staffed today? Do you always deliver room service to all your guests?

Carly: I came to inform you myself this is the last night you're gonna stay in my hotel.

Brenda: What's that?

Carly: Boy, that's class. The night Jax breaks off his engagement to you, you just bring home a total stranger?

Brenda: Oh. That's actually not a stranger.

Carly: That's not Jax. He wouldn't take you back.

Brenda: No, it's not Jax.

Carly: Oh, okay. [Scoffs] So after Jax breaks off the engagement, you go straight to Sonny? I guess those wistful tears sure did the trick, didn't they? Sonny, what the hell are you thinking? Michael?

Michael: Mom?

Carly: Oh, my God. What are you doing here?

Michael: I, uh...

Carly: Why the hell are you in bed with Brenda?!

Michael: What?

Brenda: I swear to you it's -- it's not what it looks like.

Bobbie: Hey, Scotty.

Scott: Hey, Bobbie.

Bobbie: How's Nikolas?

Scott: Still unconscious, and I have not heard from Laura.

Bobbie: Well, Laura may not be able to contact you directly.

Scott: Well, that's why I was about to call the PCPD for the hundredth time, not that they're gonna tell me anything 'cause I'm just the fiancé. I should never have allowed Laura to talk me into this. I should be with her instead of letting her run off with your brother on some disastrous trip.

Bobbie: Laura is with Luke, because they're off looking for their daughter. I mean, come on. It's not as if they're shacking up somewhere in bed together.

Luke: [Groans] Laura?

Laura: [Moans] Luke. What happened?

Luke: I don't know.

Laura: Where are we?

Luke: I have no idea.

Laura: We're in bed together.

Luke: Uh, yeah, that much I noticed.

Laura: Why? [Stammers] What's this about?

Luke: I was hoping you could tell me.

[Monitor beeping]

Elizabeth: Hey. It's me. I'm back.

Alexis: I'm here, too, honey. And I don't want to be too pushy, but it would be a really good idea for you to wake up right now.

Elizabeth: I wasn't here last night, because I was at the Nurses' Ball. Yes, they revived it, and I had to perform. [Chuckles]

Alexis: You were great. And I got to see my daughter perform. It was a great show.

Elizabeth: And they did a really special tribute to Robin. Wish you could have been there to see it. Did they ever figure out who underwrote the ball?

Alexis: Not that I know of.

Elizabeth: Do you think that maybe...

Alexis: Nikolas? Something he would do. But from what I understand, he wasn't keeping close tabs on Port Charles.

Elizabeth: He left because of me and how I handled things with Aiden.

Alexis: All right, look, I know my nephew. And I'm sure he was just trying to do right by you and Lucky, just like he was trying to do right by Lulu by coming here.

Elizabeth: He's always trying to take care of everyone else. And now we're here to take care of you. And I'm not going anywhere until you wake up, okay? 'Cause I love you, and I miss you. [Gasps]

Alexis: What happened?

Elizabeth: He just squeezed my hand. Nikolas? Nikolas, can you hear me? Nikolas? Can you hear me? Hi.

Nikolas: Hi.

Elizabeth: Do you feel any pain? No? Okay. Good. Honey, you were shot. They got the bullet out, and you're gonna be just fine, okay?

Alexis: Boy, am I glad you're awake.

Elizabeth: You're at General Hospital now, and we're gonna take care of you. Can you speak?

Nikolas: Yes.

Elizabeth: Yeah? Do you know what year it is?

Nikolas: 2013.

Elizabeth: Do you know who I am?

Nikolas: Hi, Elizabeth.

Elizabeth: Hi.

Nikolas: Alexis, hello.

Alexis: Hi. It's nice to be recognized, even under these circumstances. It's even nicer to know that the doctors were right. They said you were gonna be okay.

Luke: Well, we're still dressed.

Laura: You're right. Same clothes. Oh, my gosh. How long do you think we've been out?

Luke: [Exhales] I don't know. The last thing I remember is the Cassadine men boarding the Haunted Star. [Sighs]

Laura: We put up a pretty good fight, didn't we? [Chuckles]

Luke: Did we? Oh, yeah. Yeah, we did. We were outgunned.

Laura: Yeah.

Luke: They came on to the deck. I told you to take cover and I would distract them.

Laura: Oh. Oh, I was so happy when you finally showed up in that stateroom.

Luke: Yeah, and it wasn't safe there, so we had to get out.

Laura: [Sighs] Right. And were listening at the door, and then...

Luke: And then something knocked me out.

Laura: Oh, my God. That's just what they did to Lulu.

Scott: We don't know if Luke and Laura are in bed together. We don't know whether they're dead or alive.

Bobbie: Scotty, will you try and stay positive?

Scott: [Sighs] I'm just so confused, Bobbie. I...just can't believe that they just disappeared.

Bobbie: Stop torturing yourself.

Scott: [Sighs]

Bobbie: Look, why don't you let me take you back to the hotel? The hospital will call us if there's any news, and we can wait to hear from Laura there.

Scott: Okay. Hey, Bobbie.

Bobbie: Yeah?

Scott: Thanks. [Sighs]

Anna: Ooh, I don't know what to do, you know? Olivia and Scott Baldwin, they're calling me every hour on the hour. I feel so guilty, because now I've just told the desk sergeant not to put them through anymore, because I-I don't have any answers, and I can't get any work done.

Felicia: So, we didn't come here to cause trouble. Just the opposite. We want to help you.

Mac: Look, I'm a former police commissioner, and Felicia's a private investigator, you know? There must be something we can do.

Anna: Thanks. I appreciate that. I mean, if there was anything you could do, I would put you to work. Believe me. Immediately. But right now, it's in the hands of the WSB. And now Frisco is back with the Bureau, so, um, he's able to push it along.

Felicia: That's good.

Anna: Look at you two. Oh, God.

Felicia: [Laughs]

Anna: No, I-I mean, I've got to say, I know that Frisco's proposal last night, that must have come at such a shock. But, you know, you turning him down and everything, it's allowed him to get back in the field.

Felicia: Well, it was good to get it resolved.

Anna: I never wanted to say anything while you were trying to work all of this out. I didn't want to influence you in any way, but looking at you two...I mean, I really believe you -- you guys belong together. I do.

Felicia: Well, there's no argument there.

Anna: [Laughs]

Mac: You're right. And we're about to make it official.

Anna: What do you mean, official? Huh?

Mac: Felicia proposed to me last night.

Anna: No, you did not! Oh, my! [Laughs] You weren't gonna let him get away a second time.

Felicia: [Laughing] No.

Mac: She couldn't resist.

Anna: That's true.

Felicia: Well, I proposed to him, but he still has to get me a ring.

Anna: Aww. I'm so happy for you two. That's really cool. [Chuckles] So good.

Felicia: Well, I think it's our turn to congratulate you for getting back together with Duke.

AJ: Hey, Michael, uh, you're probably running late. Uh, I know it was a late night last night. But don't forget we have a meeting this morning with Duke to discuss the status of ELQ, so hopefully you're on your way over here. Okay, buddy, we'll see you soon.

Duke: I take it Michael's not here yet.

AJ: Yeah. And I'd kind of like to give him some good news. Any, uh, update on the SEC releasing ELQ's funds?

Duke: Well, I explained to the government that Tracy's tainted funds are no longer associated with ELQ. I also told them it would benefit them if they unfroze ELQ's assets, because we could start generating income, and we could put our people back to work. Why don't I wait till Michael gets here, and then I'll get into the finer details of the argument?

AJ: I wonder what's keeping him.

Carly: You slept with my son? My son who is half your age? That's disgusting! What the hell is wrong with you?!

Michael: Mom, I'm -- I'm okay.

Carly: Baby, what the hell did she do to you? Huh?

Michael: I don't...

Carly: What did you do to him?!

Brenda: Uh, you don't really want me to answer that, right?

Carly: You're sick. Michael, come on. You got to get dressed, and we got to get out of here. Let's go. Put these on, okay? Hurry up. We got to go.

Brenda: Uh, Michael didn't have breakfast. I don't know if you care. It is the most important meal of the day.

Carly: Shut your mouth! I would kill you if my son weren't here for putting your hands on him.

Michael: Mom, mom, just stop, okay? Leave her alone. Mom, it wasn't Brenda's fault, okay? It was mine. I...

Brenda: Uh, you should listen to your son. I mean, he is an adult. You should probably leave us alone.

Carly: The hell I will.

Michael: Mom, you really shouldn't be here.

Brenda: Michael, you don't owe her an explanation. I mean, he's an adult, you know? Really, a mother shouldn't be in the room the morning after, you know?

Carly: The morning after? With an evil predator? Do you know if he were four years younger, I could have you arrested?

Michael: Mom, this is none of your business, okay?

Carly: It is. You don't understand. This evil creature went after you because of me.

Brenda: Oh, please. You give yourself so much credit.

Carly: I told Jax the truth, okay? Brenda was trying to get Sonny back. Jax broke off their engagement. Brenda can't face the truth about what she did, so now she's trying to punish me by hurting you.

Michael: She didn't hurt me, Mom.

Carly: Okay, you got to get your clothes on, and we have to get out of here. We are leaving right now.

Michael: I have to talk to Brenda.

Carly: No. You don't ever have to talk to this woman again. She's never getting near you again.

Brenda: Uh, sorry. I think you should listen to your son, you know? He is -- he's a -- he's a grown man with all that that implies.

Michael: Mom, listen to me, okay? You have to leave. This is between me and Brenda.

Carly: [Chuckles] All right. Yeah, I'm gonna go. But, man, let me tell you something. This is not over.

Brenda: Gosh, I hope not. [Gasps]

[Glass shatters]

Brenda: You missed.

Carly: Yeah. And you're a vile, pathetic, filthy whore!

Brenda: I think your mom's upset.

Michael: Uh... look, I'm sorry she said those things to you.

Brenda: Oh, you don't have to, you know, explain what your mommy says and does.

Michael: Yeah. She's worried about me. [Clears throat] When she gets like that, she kind of, well, overreacts.

Brenda: I understand that. Um, look, she can't just barge in here, though, you know, whenever she wants. I mean, you're a grown man. I, uh, [Laughing] I don't know what all the fuss is about. Uh... yeah, I'm just gonna...

Carly: Security. I want Security, and I want them to drag that piece of trash out of here and throw her out the front door. And if she tries to come back in, I want you to call the cops.

Clerk: But, Miss Jacks, I'm not sure who you --

Carly: Security! I want you to call Security! I want every single person on my security team to go up to Brenda Barrett's room and drag her down here and throw her out on the street! Do you hear me?

Clerk: But if there's been a crime, shouldn't we call the --

Carly: This is my hotel, and I don't want that slut staying here one more minute!

Bobbie: Carly.

Carly: Get on it now!

Bobbie: What on earth happened?

Carly: Michael. I found him in bed with Brenda Barrett. She seduced my son.

AJ: I'd say it's official. Michael isn't gonna make this meeting.

Duke: I'll give him a few more minutes. It was a late night last night.

AJ: Yeah. I'm just trying to think about the last place I saw him was in the ballroom. Yeah, it was right after that epic performance with Epiphany, Tracy, and my mother.

Duke: "Epic" is the perfect word to describe it. I don't want to take away from the other like wonderful performances. I mean, yourself included. That dance you had with Elizabeth was very polished.

AJ: Oh, come on. Elizabeth was polished. I was just trying not to trip over my feet.

Duke: [Chuckles]

AJ: And listen, with our best efforts, we were no comparison to you and the commissioner. Was a very good tango you guys did.

Duke: Some things are instinctive. The way Anna and I just move in sync, well, that just, uh, came back to us.

AJ: Does that mean you and Anna are back together?

Duke: I honestly don't know.

Anna: This -- this whole Faison thing has been such a struggle for me, 'cause he single-handedly managed to ruin so many memories that I had with Duke that I really treasured, especially the tango. You know, that was our thing, right?

Felicia: I was watching you on stage last night. There's no way that you were thinking about Faison.

Anna: Well, I wasn't. [Chuckles] Yeah, well, Duke, you know, last night, he really pushed me to fight back. And -- and I do feel that that dance sort of went a long way to reclaiming it back for us and erasing Faison. Ugh.

Felicia: And?

Anna: And what?

Felicia: Well, and there's got to be more, Anna.

Anna: Well, it's no big deal. I mean... except it is kind of a big deal. All right, so we kissed.

Felicia: [Gasps] There it is! I knew it. Congratulations.

Anna: Let's not get carried away, for goodness sake.

Felicia: Well, you know, maybe we should get carried away, 'cause it's a bright spot in the middle of us waiting for word on Dante and the Spencers.

Luke: [Grunts] There's a surprise. We're locked in.

Laura: [Groans] [Sighs] So -- so somebody carried us here from the Haunted Star and put us in bed together and locked us in?

Luke: Well, at least, we know it wasn't Helena.

Laura: I can't believe she's finally dead.

Luke: I can't believe it took me 30 years to kill the bitch. Maybe this is retribution for killing her.

Laura: Do you think Ethan got out?

Luke: Oh, God, I hope so. Well, we -- we did get him on the launch before the troops arrived. He's a very handy kid. My money's on Dodge making it to the clear. I wish I could say the same about Dante.

Laura: And Lulu. Where could she be, Luke?

Luke: I don't know, but I think it's a safe bet whoever did this with us has got her, which means we're getting closer.

Laura: [Sighs] You don't know that. We're prisoners here. My phone's gone. So I-I can't even call to check on Nikolas. For all we know, he could be dead, Luke.

Luke: No. Come on, now. Helena called Alexis, and she said that he was doing fine. So let's just stay focused on Lulu.

Laura: Okay.

Luke: First thing is we got to get out of this damn room.


Laura: Oh.

[Doorknob rattles]

Laura: Luke.

Luke: What?

Laura: I know this place.

Dr. Keats: Mr. Cassadine, you suffered a great deal of trauma, but you'll recover as long as you take it easy. Nurse Webber, you'll keep him calm?

Elizabeth: I'll do my best.

Dr. Keats: I'll check in a little later.

Alexis: Thank you, Doctor. Okay, for the record, I'm not sitting vigilant at your bedside ever again. No more getting shot.

Nikolas: Where's -- where's Spencer? Is he all right?

Alexis: Spencer's fine. He's with Lesley. They're in your house in Italy. I speak to them every day. No one's tried to get near your son.

Elizabeth: And he has no idea what's going on. He just thinks Daddy's away on business.

Alexis: Mm-hmm. And I'm gonna tell Lesley to tell Spencer that you will call him in a few days, so you get a chance to get stronger, okay? Sorry.

Elizabeth: I don't want to exhaust you, but I have something important I want to ask. Do you know what happened right before you got shot?

Luke: You've been here before?

Laura: Yeah. It's different. Well, of course, it would be 'cause it's been so many years, but... oh, my God. Luke, we're on Cassadine Island.

Anna: Oh, it is such a complicated situation, you know? I mean, as lovely as it was dancing with Duke last night, hasn't resolved anything, really.

Mac: Well, without breaking any confidence, I know how badly Duke wants to be with you.

Anna: I know. That's what I'm saying, that we made progress, but it's nothing definitive. You know what? I just don't know if I'm ready to -- to really jump back into a relationship with him.

Felicia: Anna, there's --

Anna: All I'm saying is that I don't know where Duke and I are headed after our kiss last night.

Duke: Last night, Anna and me finally, we got closer.

AJ: [Chuckles] Who knew all it would take was a tango, right?

Duke: Nothing to do with the dance. I mean, I'm hopeful that we have a future together. I just don't know how to get there. I don't know how to get there from here.

AJ: Why don't you just take it as it comes? I mean, you've managed to reconnect. That's -- that's the biggest hurdle.

Duke: I'm certain I'm gonna have Anna back in my life. I'm not gonna give up on that.

AJ: You see? That's good. A positive attitude is half the battle. The other half is having the determination to follow through.

Duke: Are you speaking from personal experience?

AJ: Once the SEC signs off -- and I'm confident they will -- ELQ is gonna be back up on its feet.

Duke: Wasn't talking about business. I was talking about Elizabeth.

AJ: [Chuckles] Things are going well. Last night was our first official date.

Duke: Will there be a second?

AJ: Yeah, I think there will. I'm not sure when. She's pretty wrapped up in taking care of Nikolas, and, uh, she's not gonna have a lot of time till he's feeling better.

Elizabeth: Do you remember anything about that day? No? That's okay. It's all right. It's not uncommon for people who've been unconscious as long as you to have temporary memory lapse.

Nikolas: What happened?

Alexis: You showed up at Lulu's apartment to look for Lulu. Luke and Laura were there, and before you got to say hello, someone shot you.

Nikolas: Who?

Alexis: Dante captured the guy, but he killed himself before he could be questioned. Obviously he's a professional.

Elizabeth: You were trying to tell your mother something about Lulu right before you got shot.

Nikolas: She's in danger. Lulu's in danger.

Laura: Scotty's gonna be worried sick.

Luke: Baldwin is in Port Charles in a hotel suite taking a bubble bath. Worry about us.

Laura: Who could possibly be behind this?

Luke: If this is Cassadine Island, it's got to be one of the inbreds that they dress up with trust funds and set loose on the world. Is there a secret way out of this room?

Laura: No. No, not unless they've added something since I was here. I-I searched every inch of this room. This is where I... this is where I lived with Stavros. That's where I gave birth to Nikolas. Who the hell would bring us back into this room?

Luke: Okay, let's -- let's just, uh...let's think. Let's go through the usual suspects. Mikkos -- long dead. Helena -- recently deceased. Stavros, Stefan -- rotting corpses. That's it. Who -- who's left?

Bobbie: You must be mistaken. I mean, Brenda can be selfish and impulsive, but there's --

Carly: I saw them with my own eyes. They were naked in bed together. I don't know. I don't know. Maybe she drugged him, because he really wasn't coherent.

Bobbie: But why?

Carly: Because she's using my son to get back at me!

Michael: [Sighs] I'm, uh, sorry. My memory's a little hazy. Do you know how much I had to drink last night?

Brenda: Oh, uh, you -- you had a lot. A lot. More than a few. Less than 10.

Michael: Right, uh... it's pretty obvious I'm not a big drinker.

Brenda: Uh, yes, it is. I figured you would have a hangover, so I ordered you some breakfast.

Michael: Oh, could you please, uh, cover that back up?

Brenda: Oh, right. Sorry. Yeah, that -- that's okay. You know what you should really do is just take these and have some coffee.

Michael: Thank you.

Brenda: You're welcome.

Michael: [Sighs]

Brenda: I mean that.

Michael: Look, about last night, um...

Brenda: Yeah?

Michael: I'm sorry if I took advantage of you.

Brenda: [Chuckles] You didn't take advantage of me, Michael. I didn't do -- I don't do anything that I don't want to do.

Michael: But you -- you were my stepmother, and that's...

Brenda: Trust me on this. Uh, we don't have anything to be ashamed of.

Carly: Okay, you know, the night that Brenda and Jax came back into town, Brenda snuck off to see Sonny, and I thought Jax should know.

Bobbie: So that's what you were doing yesterday.

Carly: Yes, and I overheard Brenda telling Sonny that they should "give it another try." I told Jax. Jax broke off the engagement. He walked away. That's why Brenda was at the Nurses' Ball alone. She was seated at my table, and she started this stupid food fight, so I had her thrown out of the ballroom.

Scott: That does sound like quite a party.

Bobbie: Scott.

Carly: Look...

Bobbie: This isn't helping.

Carly: Brenda is angry, okay? She wants payback, and instead of coming after me and dealing with me, Mom, she went after Michael. She took advantage of him sexually for revenge.

Bobbie: All right, honey, just please try to calm down.

Carly: I'm not gonna calm down, okay? I'm not gonna calm down. She used to be Michael's stepmother. She spent her entire life pining after Sonny, and now she turns around -- Sonny. [Laughs]

Bobbie: What about him?

Carly: When Sonny finds out what she did to our son, Sonny's gonna kill Brenda.

Michael: Oh, crap. My father's looking for me.

Brenda: Sonny?

Michael: No, my other father. I had a meeting scheduled, and I'm late. Have you seen my, uh... thank you. Look, uh... what happened last night, I'm, uh...

Brenda: It's okay.

Michael: [Sighs] My mother blames you, and when she thinks she's protecting me, she can be very, uh, determined.

Brenda: Yeah. I know your mother. I can handle your mother.

Michael: Yeah, she doesn't really [Clears throat] Uh, understand what happened. I don't really, either, but, uh, I-I know you wouldn't do anything to hurt me, so...

Brenda: Yeah. It's all good.

Michael: Okay. I got to talk to her about it at some point. I just hope she's not waiting for me in the lobby.

Brenda: I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

Michael: Thanks. And, um... you sure you're okay?

Brenda: Yes, I'm okay. You can go. I'll talk to you later.

Michael: Okay.

Brenda: Bye. [Sighs]

Bobbie: You can't do this.

Carly: The hell I can't! Brenda is Sonny's problem. Let him deal with it. Let him protect our son and get rid of her for good!

Bobbie: You know Sonny's temper, so what if you get what you say you want? What if he does kill Brenda? What does that do to Sonny and to Michael? Do you really want to see your son drowning in this kind of guilt?

Carly: I want to know that that bitch is gonna stay away from my child.

Scott: With all due respect, Carly, uh, he's not really a child anymore, and guys his age might think they hit pay dirt waking up with a supermodel.

Carly: A supermodel? A supermodel who used to be his stepmother.

Scott: Oh, well, that part is, uh, a little sketchy, but I don't think that you want to tell Sonny and alienate your son. I mean, he's very much an adult right now, and -- and I think he would like to make his own decision.

Carly: She took advantage of him, Scott!

Scott: I'm not sure he sees it that way. Besides, you know what? You don't really want to, you know, jeopardize your relationship with your son. I mean, that's the most important part here of this equation, right?

Carly: Well, of course, I want my son to be okay.

Bobbie: Honey, wasn't there something that Jason used to say to you? Something about taking your time to think things through?

Carly: Yeah, okay. He used to tell me to breathe and to count to 10 before I did anything stupid. And I never listened.

Bobbie: Well, you need to listen now.

Carly: Okay. All right. You guys are right. Everybody's -- you're right. [Sighs]

Bobbie: [Sighs]

Luke: [Grunting] Well, we're not going out this window. Not that we'd want to. It's about a 200-foot drop down to the rocks below.

Laura: Yeah. Once they've got you, they've got you. There's no way out.

Luke: But they do get bored. At some point, they're gonna want us to come out and play. Oh, hello.

Laura: What? What is it?

Luke: An invitation with our names on it.

Laura: Oh, my gosh.

Luke: "You are cordially invited to join me in the formal dining room. Dress, black tie."

Nikolas: I came to warn Lulu. She's in danger. Did -- did anyone warn her?

Elizabeth: Nikolas, I need you to calm down, okay?

Nikolas: Please tell me. Is my little sister all right?

Alexis: [Sighs] We're not sure where Lulu is.

Nikolas: What do you mean? What -- what happened?

Alexis: She disappeared. We assume she was kidnapped.

Nikolas: What's being done about it?

Elizabeth: Luke, Laura, and Dante are all looking for her.

[Monitor beeping]

Laura: Our host didn't bother to sign their name.

Luke: No, but whoever it is, is uncomfortably familiar with my inseam. Oh. And nothing but couture for the lady.

Alexis: We think that Lulu was transported out of Port Charles on the Haunted Star. It's somewhere in the Atlantic. Your mother, Luke, and Dante managed to get on board.

Nikolas: How long ago?

Alexis: Two days ago.

Nikolas: What was the last thing that you heard?

Elizabeth: I want you to relax, and we'll go call and get updates.

Nikolas: When was the last time you heard from them?

Alexis: Helena called to check on you using your mother's cell phone. She said she had your mother and Luke prisoner, but I know that by now Luke has turned the tables and that he's not gonna let Helena out-maneuver him.

Nikolas: No, no, it's not Helena.

Scott: So, if you're not gonna call in Sonny's goons and fit Brenda for cement shoes, my work is done.

Carly: I told you I'm not gonna call Sonny.

Scott: Well, I'm gonna go back up to my room and focus on my problems, like whether my fiancée is dead or alive.

Bobbie: You need to get some rest, so get a little sleep in. You'll be able to think a lot more clearly.

Scott: Okay, Bobbie. Listen to your mother. She's always right.

Carly: [Chuckles]

Bobbie: I got to get back to the hospital, honey. You know, I was so focused on getting Scotty out of there, I never had a chance to check on Nikolas. Will you be okay?

Carly: No. Ha. But I'll handle it. I'll handle it.

Bobbie: I know this is difficult.

Carly: It's not difficult. Brenda slept with my son. It's unspeakable.

Bobbie: Just let things settle. You just need to clarify a little bit and don't do anything that you can't take back.

Carly: Okay.

Bobbie: Okay.

Carly: Thank you.

Bobbie: I love you.

Carly: I love you. [Sighs]

AJ: You just missed Duke.

Michael: Hey. Sorry I'm late. I would have been here earlier. I just... [Sighs] It's been a really long night.

AJ: Yeah, it looks like it. Smell like you never even got home.

Michael: Yeah. I didn't.

AJ: Michael, is everything all right?

Michael: Ohh, no. I don't know.

AJ: Hey, what's going on?

Michael: I spent the night with someone.

AJ: Really?

Michael: Yeah.

AJ: Who?

Michael: Brenda Barrett.

[Footsteps approaching]

Brenda: Can you, um, give this to Michael? He left it in my bed.

Nikolas: It isn't Helena. She doesn't have Lulu.

Elizabeth: No, Alexis said that Luke and Laura are with her.

Alexis: Nikolas, you must be mistaken. I told you I talked to Helena on the phone. She's got Luke and Laura. She must have Lulu, too.

Luke: You look beautiful.

Laura: Thank you, Luke.

Luke: All right! Whoever's running this show, we're ready! Let's get this party started!

[Door opens]

Laura: [Gasps]

Luke: I told you somebody was watching us. [Sighs] Well? You ready?

Laura: Ready.

Anna: Yeah, no, I understand. Okay, will you thank Agent Jones for me? Okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Thanks. So, Frisco is back in the field, which I take to be a good sign. Apparently the WSB is making progress in tracking Dante and the Spencers, so...

Mac: But they didn't say how much progress?

Anna: Well, you know them. They never do.

Mac: There's nothing we can do to help?

Anna: If it makes you feel any better, there's nothing I can do to help, either. And on a brighter note, don't you have a ring you have to buy?

Felicia: He does, indeed.

Mac: We do have a ring to buy. That's right. Well, let's go start looking for a ring, okay? Oh, you know, money's no object -- for someone else.

Anna: [Laughs]

Mac: Money is a little bit of an object, so just keep that in mind. You'll let us know if you hear more about Luke and Laura?

Anna: Yeah.

Mac: Okay. Let's go.

[Door closes]

Luke: What the hell does all this have to do with our daughter?

Nikolas: Alexis, you don't understand. Helena didn't take Lulu. She -- she doesn't have any reason to. She doesn't care about Lulu.

Elizabeth: If Helena doesn't have her, who does?

Laura: Lulu! Lulu, are you here?!

Luke: Save your breath, darling. Can't be that easy.

[Door creaking open]

Elizabeth: You need to listen to me.

Nikolas: You need to listen to me. It's not Helena. It's not Helena. My father has Lulu.

Laura: Stavros?

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