General Hospital Transcript Tuesday 4/9/13
Provided By Suzanne
Ellie: If there's anything you want to talk about...
Maxie: Like what?
Ellie: The baby you're carrying.
Maxie: Why? What do you know about the baby?
Patrick: What are you doing here?
Britt: I was just so moved by that lovely tribute, I thought I'd add a few words of my own.
Dr. Obrecht: I wish you could be here for our daughter's moment in the spotlight. Britta would make you a very proud papa.
Patrick: Please don't make a scene, Britt. This is about Robin tonight.
Britt: I understand.
Patrick: No, I don't think you do. Nobody cares what you have to say.
Britt: I think everyone will be very interested, especially you, Patrick.
Sabrina: Dr. Westbourne, I don't think this is the time or the place --
Britt: I don't think this concerns you, nurse Santiago.
Sabrina: Actually, it does.
Britt: Fine. Stay. Although you may wish you hadn't.
Sabrina: Well, I'm never gonna know until you spit it out.
Dr. Obrecht: Do it, tochter. Say the words.
Britt: You asked for it. Patrick... I have great news. I'm pregnant.
[Audience murmuring]
Dr. Obrecht: [Chuckles] This is better than anything on cable. Just imagine Patrick's reaction if I reveal that Robin is alive. But that's Jerry Jacks' surprise, not mine. I just have to wait.
Patrick: What the hell are you doing?
Britt: [Clears throat] I apologize for interrupting the festivities. I was listening to Patrick's wonderful speech, and I got caught up in the celebration of life, and I-I just wanted to share the wonderful news. I'm going to be a mom!
Anna: And there it is.
Britt: Patrick, I know this may come as a surprise, but can you find it in your heart to celebrate with me?
Patrick: Pregnant?
Britt: We're pregnant. Our baby's gonna be so beautiful. Like Emma. You hear that, em? Your daddy and I are having a baby.
Patrick: Britt.
Britt: You could have a little brother or sister.
Patrick: Anna, please. Stop. You okay?
Anna: Hey, just remember something. Before you go near Emma and talk to her, you even look at her, I'm her grandmother, okay?
Patrick: Go.
Anna: Come on, sweetheart.
Britt: I just wanted to be straight with Emma. We're a family now, and it's --
Sabrina: That's never gonna happen, Britt. This is all a lie.
Britt: Maybe you should go get your glasses, sweetheart, because I am most definitely pregnant.
Patrick: Okay, that's enough. Get out.
Lucy: Well, you know what I always say? I always say that the Nurses' Ball wouldn't be the Nurses' Ball without an act III surprise.
[Cheers and applause]
Elizabeth: Hey. Are you okay?
Sabrina: [Voice breaking] God, I should have known it would all come crashing down. I just didn't think that it would be so quickly, you know, or that it would be because the "britch" decided to interrupt the ball to tell everyone that she's pregnant with Patrick's baby!
Elizabeth: If she even is pregnant with Patrick's baby.
Sabrina: We all saw her, Elizabeth. It's unmistakable.
Felix: I don't think you're understanding what Elizabeth's saying. We all know she's pregnant. What we don't know is --
Elizabeth: If it's really his.
Sabrina: What?
Elizabeth: It could be anyone's.
Sabrina: I-I-I guess, but I-I haven't heard anything about Britt sleeping with anyone else.
Elizabeth: Well, it doesn't mean she's not getting around.
Felix: Dr. Drake gave Dr. Ho the heave-ho months ago, so who knows what she's been up to since?
Sabrina: All I can see is Patrick's face. And poor Emma. Can you imagine? Can you imagine how upset and confused she must be? God! That -- that --
Felix: Let it out, honey.
Sabrina: Aah! That bitch!
Felix: Ha ha!
Sabrina: How could she?! How could she?! Making her hateful announcement at an event honoring Patrick's late wife? No! You know what? No! She is not getting away with this.
Elizabeth: No, no. Wait, Sabrina. Wait. What do you plan on doing?
Felix: And do you need bail or an alibi? I'm not judging. I just want to be prepared.
Sabrina: Do you know what I'm gonna do? I'll tell you what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna give that woman a piece of my mind.
Elizabeth: Oh, Sabrina, I don't know if now's the best time!
Felix: Although there's no time like the present. That was fun.
Lucy: I'm just gonna move this right along and take great pleasure in introducing the Bensonhurst medium and her hunky, sexy sidekick, Max.
[Cheers and applause]
Olivia: Thank you very much. I am Olivia, the Bensonhurst medium.
Max: Because she's stuck in Bensonhurst, she prefers talking to the dead.
Olivia: Are you gonna steal all my punch lines?
Max: Hey, I'm just trying to help you out.
Olivia: Well, in that case, my able assistant, let's get this show on the road. Envelope, please.
Max: Yes. Are you getting anything?
Olivia: Stage fright.
Max: Anything else?
Olivia: Flowers, candy, an all-points bulletin?
Max: Flowers, candy, an all-points bulletin.
Olivia: A dream date with Anna Devane!
Max: A dream date with Anna Devane!
Patrick: What the hell do you think you're doing?
Britt: I think it's obvious.
Patrick: There's no way that you're pregnant.
Britt: Because we only had sex once? Please. You don't need to be a doctor to know that once is all it takes. And that day in the shower, well, neither one of us were models of responsibility. I wasn't on birth control.
Patrick: You weren't?
Britt: You didn't bother to grab a condom. I mean, Frankly, I count my lucky stars I only got pregnant. Unprotected sex is how diseases are spread. You of all people should know.
Patrick: What did you just say?
Sam: Can you believe that woman?
Spinelli: It was a despicable way to purvey news that otherwise might have been welcome.
Sam: Yeah, I know. I-I doubt Patrick would want her having his baby no matter how she breaks the news.
Spinelli: I mean, at least someone wants to have his child. Others are not so lucky.
Olivia: What Maxie Jones sings in the shower!
Maxie: Look, I don't know what you think you know.
Ellie: Just that something is amiss. Based on what you told your father, it sounded like --
Maxie: You were eavesdropping on my private conversation?
Ellie: No. Maxie, no. I wasn't eavesdropping. I was walking by, and I overheard. And I heard you say that if your father hadn't stepped in, the truth about the baby would be out.
Maxie: Oh. That's all you heard.
Ellie: Yes. Okay, well, I heard that and some references to a psycho doctor. But if you or your baby are hurt or in jeopardy, that's something that you should share with friends.
Maxie: And by "my friends," do you mean you?
Ellie: I know we don't always get along, but I have a good deal of scientific and medical knowledge. And maybe I can help. So, please, Maxie, just tell me. What truth is so dangerous?
Olivia: And I'm sure you'll all be very disappointed to hear that this is the last envelope of the evening.
[Audience groans]
Max: You are right, oh, psychic one. Your last envelope.
Olivia: "Leavin' on a jet plane," "walk on by," "love stinks."
Max: Oh! Oh, I think I know this one.
Olivia: Yo, yo, who's the psychic over here?
Olivia: Songs on Frisco Jones' next album!
[Audience groaning]
Olivia: Thank you very much! You've all been a wonderful crowd! Thank you. Do yourself a favor and don't try the veal!
Lucy: Whoo! Okay. [Laughs] Wow, all right. Let's hear it one more time for the medium and her extra large assistant!
[Cheers and applause]
Lucy: [Laughs] I'm gonna have to make an appointment with those two, I guess. Listen, I hope you're having as much fun as I am 'cause I'm truly enjoying the evening. And we have a lot more where that came from. See you in a minute.
[Cheers and applause]
Spinelli: You know, I'm gonna go -- I'm gonna go look for Ellie. She went to call Security on Richard Simmons, and she never came back.
Sam: No, no, no, no. Not so fast. Since when were you so eager to start a family?
Spinelli: Well, I-I'm not. I mean [Chuckles] Not right now. It's just that someday I do want a child of my own, and Ellie doesn't want a family, so it's become a point of contention.
Sam: But you and Ellie are so great. I mean, don't get me wrong. I-I love Maxie, and Maxie is Maxie, but with Ellie, I don't know, I've seen you blossom.
Spinelli: That's very kind of you to say.
Sam: Well, it's the truth. But don't get ahead of yourself, because people change their mind all the time. Keep your hopes up.
Spinelli: Right. Uh, well, we've agreed to table the conversation, so no more baby talk. At least for now.
Sam: Bye.
Maxie: Clearly you misunderstood.
Ellie: No, I really don't think I did. I heard you and your father --
Maxie: Exactly. I was talking to my father, a man who I haven't seen since he left me when I was a child. And just now, he was leaving me again.
Ellie: You know what? You're -- you are totally right. I am so sorry. I shouldn't have even --
Maxie: But you saw an opportunity to eavesdrop on me, so you took it. How is any of this your business to begin with?
Spinelli: What's all this about?
[Knock on door]
Anna: Hello? Hello? Okay. Have a seat. Okay. Oh, gosh.
Duke: I got this little treat for you. I pinched it from the kitchen, but don't tell your grandma.
Anna: I'm gonna have you arrested. So, you all right? I know what happened out there was a bit upsetting, wasn't it? Do have any questions for me or...?
Emma: Are Daddy and Britt really gonna have a baby?
Anna: I don't know. It's possible, but I'm not sure.
Emma: Is that because she's mean and she lies?
Anna: Well --
Duke: Yes. That's why we don't know. But... I'll tell you something we do know for sure. That if and when it does happen, you are gonna make the most marvelous big sister in the entire world.
Anna: Would you like that? A little brother or sister? Would you like that?
Emma: Not if it means Britt has to be my mommy, too.
Patrick: Was that a dig at Robin?
Britt: Of course not.
Patrick: What did you just say? What did you mean when you just said that when you consider yourself lucky that you didn't get a disease from me?
Britt: You're changing the subject.
Patrick: I'm not changing the subject. What did you mean when you just said that? You know what, Britt? Forget it. I don't even want to hear what you have to say. You disgust me.
Britt: Hey. I didn't disgust you when you had me slammed up against the shower tiles, did I?
Patrick: Yeah, well, I didn't know who you were at that point. I didn't know that you were the kind of person that would treat my daughter the way you treated her or that you would manipulate a situation like this, waiting to tell me that you're pregnant, for the biggest night, when you knew that you would hurt as many people as you possibly could.
Britt: When was I supposed to tell you, Patrick? You abandoned me.
Patrick: God, Britt, I broke up with you because you mistreated my daughter, because you trashed her, and I caught you.
Britt: I-I misspoke. I made one mistake, and you turned your back on me. You wouldn't even speak to me, could barely even be bothered to hold a door while I was hobbling along on crutches. And when I found out I was pregnant, I didn't have anyone to turn to.
Patrick: That's because you're a horrible person.
Britt: I wanted tell you, Patrick. I tried approaching you in the hall, but... the way that you would look at me is almost as hateful as you're looking at me now.
Patrick: I have no idea what you're trying to prove by this, but we're not getting back together, all right? Child or not, that's not gonna happen.
Britt: You want to turn your back on me? That's okay. Can you turn your back on your child? Marjorie, I can't stand you. You're too perfect.
Felix: Ladies, your presence is requested.
Tracy: [Laughs] Absolutely not. Wild horses wouldn't make me do this. In fact, armed guards wouldn't make me do this. And you definitely cannot make me do this.
Monica: Let's -- let's go, Felix. I'll be much less embarrassed if she stays here. After all, she is getting on in years and does need her rest.
Tracy: [Sighs] Let's do this.
Felix: [Chuckles]
Lucy: Hello, hello, hello, hello, hello. I am so excited, you guys, so excited for you to see this next act. She is the words, and he is the music, and together, they saved the opening number of the Nurses' Ball. And right now, though, they are ready to blow you away. So put your hands together for Molly Lansing Davis and TJ Ashford.
[Cheers and applause]
Molly: Does anybody see me? I'm over here not gonna be a wannabe not gonna be saying my fear I got to be true to myself but the pain is real fitting in is a pain in itself in a private school deal
Molly: Hey, everybody sighs at the girl who reports all the guys who wants to be all about but nobody seems to care about but just like the people who follow her no doubt, no doubt, no doubt plaid skirts that keep getting shorter is that okay for your daughter? Do you know they swear they highlight their hair? Brag about boys why don't you care? Private school girls that are simply mean want to be me, all about me, check me out everyone does, everyone loves private school girls that are simply mean want to be me, all about me, trick me out everyone does, everyone loves private school girls does anybody see me? I'm over here not gonna be a wannabe not gonna be saying my fear you forgot my invite say don't follow you being nice when it don't count is just not that cool
Molly: Hey, everybody, hey, says the girl bragging about her precious "a"
Molly: Wants us to know she's not just smart, cute, and popular, but she got she got no heart, no heart, no heart plaid skirts keep getting shorter is that okay for your daughter? Do you know they swear they highlight their hair? Brag about boys why don't you care? Private school girls that are simply mean want to be me, all about me, check me out everyone does, everyone loves private school girls that are simply mean want to be me, all about me, check me out everyone does, everyone loves want to be me, all about me, trick me out everyone does, everyone loves everyone does, everyone loves private school girls
[Cheers and applause]
Sam: Molly!
Mac: Everything okay?
Felicia: I'm worried about Maxie. She went after Frisco, and she hasn't come back.
Spinelli: So, what's -- what's going on?
Maxie: I'll tell you what's going on. Your girlfriend was eavesdropping on my private conversation with my father, sticking her nose into my business. You know, I-I didn't think tonight could get any worse, but thank you, Ellie, for showing me that it can.
Ellie: I'm really sorry, Max--
Maxie: No. Excuse me. I need to go inside and pretend I'm having a good time.
Spinelli: Dare I ask?
Ellie: I overheard part of Maxie's conversation with her father. She was really upset, and what I heard was, well, very unsettling. So when I was on my way back, I saw Maxie out here by herself, and I inquired about it. Which was a mistake.
Spinelli: Yeah. I see that. What about their conversation gave you pause?
Ellie: Well, it sounded like Maxie and a doctor are hiding something about the baby.
Britt: Well, I'm sure you two have tons to talk about. Though to be fair, I think Patrick and I have tons more. This baby's not due for another six months or so. Then we can get down to the business of raising it.
[Cheers and applause]
AJ: [Laughs] I can't believe we actually pulled that off.
Elizabeth: I can't believe we nailed it.
AJ: I kept expecting Tracy to throw a bag of marbles or something on the stage.
Elizabeth: I know, but she didn't, and we completely rocked that number. That would have never happened with the old AJ.
AJ: Oh, you mean AJ, the screw-up?
Elizabeth: Well, that's not who you are now.
AJ: Yeah? Who am I?
Elizabeth: Well, haven't you heard? The old AJ died, and when you came back, you got an upgrade.
AJ: Really?
Elizabeth: Mm-hmm. AJ 2.0.
AJ: I didn't know you had that kind of confidence in me.
Elizabeth: Well, it kind of crept up on me with all the nice things and the promises you've kept.
AJ: Well, there is one promise I made to myself that before the end of the night I'd do this.
Elizabeth: Oh, yeah? What's that?
Felix: Out of the way. Performers coming through. Way to go, girl.
AJ: Was that my -- my mother?
Elizabeth: And Tracy?
Spinelli: So, what we have here is a distraught mother-to-be.
Ellie: Maxie.
Spinelli: Right. Her already abandonment-prone pater.
Ellie: Frisco. Which, by the way, remind me to ask you about the origins of his moniker.
Spinelli: Yeah, and then we have the psycho doctor, who could only be --
Ellie: Dr. Britt Westbourne M.D., Ob/Gyn, code 301.81.
Spinelli: Ah, yeah. Narcissistic personality disorder. Of course. You know, she could also be a-a 301.50.
Ellie: Histrionic personality disorder, yeah.
Spinelli: Which would explain what just happened in the ballroom.
Ellie: What? What did I miss?
Spinelli: Well, Dr. Westbourne got up on stage while Dr. Drake was giving his speech, you know, his daughter, Emma, by his side, and announced to everyone that she was carrying his child.
Ellie: No, she did not. Wow, yeah, she's definitely 301.50.
Spinelli: You know, but this -- this could mean that Maxie was not talking about her own baby, but Dr. Westbourne's baby.
Ellie: Perhaps, but that doesn't exactly jibe with what Maxie said. She said if her father hadn't stepped in, the truth about the baby would be out. Why would Maxie's father get involved in keeping Dr. Westbourne's pregnancy a secret?
Lucy: Every act so far has been spectacular, a triumph in its own right. But I have a little secret. The next act is the one I've been waiting for all night long. You know her as the take-no-prisoners head nurse at General Hospital. She's got a couple surprises with her, so let me introduce epiphany and the revelations.
[Cheers and applause]
Epiphany: Your eyes tell me how you want me I can feel it in your heartbeat I know you like what you see hold me I'll give you all that you need wrap your love around me you're so excited, I can feel you getting hotter whoa, baby I'll take you down I'll take you down where no one's ever gone before and if you want more if you want more, more, more then jump for my love jump in and feel my touch jump if you want to taste my kisses in the night, yeah jump, jump, jump when you are next to me oh, I come alive your love burns inside
Ooh, ooh, ooh, oh, oh
Epiphany: Whoa, it feels so right come to me if you want me tonight jump jump in if you want to taste my kisses in the night, babe jump, jump, jump
You know my heart
Epiphany: You know my heart can make you happy you know these arms can feel you up jump in if you want to taste my kisses in the night, babe jump, jump for my love
Epiphany: Come on and jump on in
Epiphany: Oh, I need you
Jump in
Britt: [Clears throat] Am I interrupting?
Dr. Obrecht: Not in the slightest. I saw your performance earlier, Britta.
Britt: And? What did you think?
Dr. Obrecht: I have just one word. Brava.
Sabrina: You okay?
Patrick: Not so much. You okay?
Sabrina: I'm...outraged, but otherwise, I'm fine. Anyway, you're the one who had to deal with her.
Patrick: [Sniffs] I made one mistake with Britt, and...and now this.
Sabrina: Maybe you didn't make a mistake.
Patrick: What is that supposed to mean?
Sabrina: Well, it was something that Elizabeth said. I mean, assuming that Dr. Westbourne is actually pregnant.
Patrick: Sure seemed that way.
Sabrina: How do we know the baby's even yours? It's not like she hasn't lied before.
Epiphany: Come on and jump on in
Epiphany: Oh, I need you
Jump in
Epiphany: I got to have you yeah, yeah
Jump, jump
Epiphany: For my love
Epiphany: Come on and jump on in
Epiphany: I got to have you
Jump in
Epiphany: Oh, oh jump, jump for my love
[Cheers and applause]
Spinelli: Consider how close Maxie is to Patrick and his family. Perhaps she knew what Dr. Westbourne was up to and was beseeching her father to help protect the Drakes.
Ellie: Okay. Again, yeah, it's a possibility, but I just --
Spinelli: [Chuckles] You know what I just realized?
Ellie: What's that?
Spinelli: We're in the lobby, and the ball is not.
Ellie: Wow. That was a very astute observation.
Spinelli: Thank you. Yeah. So, uh, why don't we head back to the main event of the evening and not get sidetracked by any of Maxie's drama.
Ellie: Yes. Let's do that. If -- if Maxie wants or needs our help, I guess she'll ask for it.
Spinelli: Mm-hmm. So, shall we?
Ellie: We shall.
Spinelli: I hope we didn't miss anything good.
Ellie: [Laughs]
Dr. Obrecht: Ooh. Ich schwitze!
Britt: If you're done...
Dr. Obrecht: Knock it off with the sourpuss. Your face could stay that way.
Britt: How do you know it already hasn't? Speaking of faces, did you see Patrick's and Sabrina's when I broke the news?
Dr. Obrecht: A thing of beauty. Your coup de grace will tear them apart.
Britt: Just because I'm having this baby doesn't mean I'll get Patrick back. I don't understand how this all went so terribly wrong. [Scoffs]
Patrick: You're right. We don't know for sure if the baby's mine. Britt has lied before. But...whatever happens, we'll get a paternity test, and we'll find out for sure.
Sabrina: Still, I think that she's counting on this pregnancy ruining things between us, just like it ruined the Nurses' Ball.
Patrick: The Nurses' Ball is gonna be fine. Sabrina, we're gonna be fine. You moved heaven and earth to make this night happen, okay, and I'm not gonna let her take that away from you.
Sabrina: Do you really think we can go back in there and forget any of this ever happened?
Patrick: Forget it? No. Move past it? Shall we?
[Cheers and applause]
Sabrina: Yeah.
[Cheers, applause continue]
[Cell phone rings]
Michael: Hey, I'm glad you called. I've been dying to talk to you.
[Cheers and applause]
Michael: Wait, hold on. Let me move. I can't hear you. One second.
Lucy: [Laughs] Thank you so much. Okay, one more big round of applause for those three ladies there, the revelations, epiphany and the revelations. Whoo! They were out of this world. Pretty awesome. And that was a wonderful way to bring the Nurses' Ball to a close. So, my friends, this is the end of the General Hospital 2013 Nurses' Ball. Wasn't it a blast? Come on. Whoo! Whoo, whoo, whoo!
[Cheers and applause]
Lucy: Uh, before we go -- thank you -- I just need to really say thank you to each and every one of you for showing up and being present and being here and opening up your wallets and your hearts with such generosity that we raised a lot of money for an amazing cause, amfAR. They're gonna continue to do their vital work in the research and prevention of aids. So, please give yourself hugs and applaud each other, because you were amazing. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. [Laughs] Thank you so very much.
Felix: Tonight would not have been possible without our amazing hostess, the force of nature behind the Nurses' Ball, the one, the only, the incredible miss Lucy Coe.
[Cheers and applause]
Dr. Obrecht: Patience, Britta. The execution of a master plan requires restraint.
Britt: You really think a baby he doesn't want will be enough to change Patrick's mind, to make him love me?
Dr. Obrecht: Is that all you want? Love?
Britt: Well, I-I haven't exactly been surrounded with it, have I? I'd like to be loved. I'd like Patrick to love me. But what if I go through all this and I still end up alone?
Dr. Obrecht: That will not happen.
Britt: Why not? You did the same thing with my father, and it didn't work out for you.
Dr. Obrecht: Your father and I have a different kind of relationship. He's a different kind of man.
Britt: Twisted, unrequited, and deeply unsatisfying?
Dr. Obrecht: I was going to call it unconventional, but you choose whatever words you like. You must persevere, Britta. Drake will come to you. This I promise.
Michael: This is better. I'm in the lobby. I, uh, I couldn't hear a thing in the ballroom. [Sighs] You should have been here. I got dragged into a number. Well, I was gonna save it for a surprise, but I'll just tell you. I was part of magic Milo's crew, and yes, we dropped trou. And, uh, you know, if you ask me nicely, I might give you a little private dance when you get back. What? I don't understand. Why? Are you okay? Wh-- ever? You're -- you're not coming back to me ever. [Sighs]
Britt: I don't know about you, but I've had what was the longest day of my life. I'm going home.
Dr. Obrecht: Must you?
Britt: Why? Is there something else you want me to do?
Dr. Obrecht: Sit. Stay awhile.
Britt: What's in it?
Dr. Obrecht: Cyanide and sodium pentothal. It will help you sleep. What does it look like? It's warm milk. For you and...and the baby.
Britt: [Sighs] You know, I want to believe this will all work out. I want to believe that somehow Patrick and I will be happy, that having this baby won't make things worse.
Dr. Obrecht: Many mothers have doubts. I certainly did. But it worked out in the end. You have a mother and a father. And so will this child.
Lucy: So, how much fun has this been, really, bringing back the Nurses' Ball? Bigger and better than ever. [Chuckles]
Lucy: And I would be extremely remiss if I didn't really take the time to thank an amazing young woman who started this whole wacky ride we've been on, this wonderful, amazing, heartfelt revitalization of the Nurses' Ball. I want you all to put your hands together for General Hospital's own nurse Sabrina Santiago. Please come up.
Lucy: No, come -- you come up here right now. Come on. Come on. Sabrina, ladies and gentlemen. [Laughs] [Laughs]
Sabrina: Thank you. Um... but I-I-I can't take credit for someone else's vision, someone who dreamed of reviving the Nurses' Ball and inspired us all to make it a reality. Patrick, could you bring her up here, please?
Sabrina: Ladies and gentlemen, miss Emma Drake. Say something.
Emma: Thank you, everybody.
[Audience awwing]
Emma: Do you think Mommy is watching us?
Patrick: I think she's always watching.
Sabrina: You're not alone you're not alone anymore you're not alone
Both: You're not alone anymore
Sabrina: I know you think there's no way out like you've been living in the dark but you don't have to feel alone
Both: I know you're reaching up for the sky and you keep searching for the light but you don't have to search anymore we'll be the hands to hold you up we'll be the eyes to help you see we are here we are now we are one you are the strength inside our hearts you are the reason we believe we are here we are now we are one you're not alone you're not alone anymore you're not alone you're not alone anymore we'll be the hands to hold you up we'll be the eyes to help you see we are here we are now we are one you are the strength inside our hearts you are the reason we believe we are here we are now we are one you're not alone you're not alone anymore you're not alone you're not alone you're not alone you're not alone
All: Hands to hold you up
Sabrina: You're not alone anymore you're not alone
All: We are now
Both: We are one you're not alone you're not alone anymore you're not alone you're not alone anymore
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