General Hospital Transcript Monday 4/8/13
Provided By Suzanne
Frisco: Thank you. That song was dedicated to the love of my life... a woman I've held close to my heart, no matter how far I've traveled from her. And I understand, finally, that she truly is all I need...
[Light applause]
Frisco: ...And that I'd like to spend the rest of my life with her. Felicia Jones... will you marry me?
Lucy: Dang!
Lucy: What was that? Hello? Hel-- hello? Is -- is somebody in there? You -- you show yourself.
[Door creaking]
Richard: I'm ba-a-a-a-a-ck!
Frisco: It's hard to find a jewel worthy of an Aztec princess, but I did my best. Hey, don't leave me hanging here. Everyone, Felicia Jones.
[Light applause]
Frisco: Sorry. I know this may be a bit of a surprise, and you may not know what to say, but as luck would have it... I know I'd like to hear a yes.
Britt: Unh! [Sighs]
Dr. Obrecht: Why the commotion?
Britt: She won! That -- that twit got everything she wanted. They just showed her sitting in between Patrick and Emma like she's a part of some happy family.
Dr. Obrecht: But that's just an illusion, Britta. You and I both know it, and soon, Patrick will, too. All we must do is remind him what his real family looks like.
Felicia: I love you. But I can't accept the ring.
Frisco: I don't understand.
Felicia: What we had, I'll never forget, and I will always take those memories with me. But you and I are just not meant to be together.
Frisco: Maybe we should go somewhere and talk.
Felicia: No, I have to tell you now. I should've told you weeks ago. You told me that I was the lady of your heart.
Frisco: You are.
Felicia: The man of my heart is Mac and always will be. I'm sorry.
Lucy: Richard, I'm so glad to see you're --
Richard: I'm so glad to see you, too. Wait. Let me help you with this.
Lucy: I got it. Thanks. Thank you. Thanks.
Richard: The ball? Oh! Oh, yes -- the ball, like the Cinderella ball. That one? The ball that you fired me from?!
Lucy: I didn't fire you. We just had slight artistic differences. That's all.
Richard: The only difference between you and me... is that I have class and you have none! You are a zero, Lucy! You are just a big zero!
Lucy: Okay, fine! Then this big zero has to dance. I'm gonna dance like a zero. I'm gonna go out there and dance with Duke Lavery, so I got to go. We'll table this for a while. I can dance better than that.
Richard: Oh, you know what? Dance? You're not dancing. You're not even going out there. No one's gonna see you... because I have something in store for you!
Dr. Obrecht: This show is appallingly inefficient. One rejected proposal, it all grinds to a halt? Just imagine the response after our bombshell hits.
Britt: I don't know, Mother.
Dr. Obrecht: You don't know what?
Britt: Maybe this isn't a good idea.
Dr. Obrecht: Where is your spine, Britta? We've been planning for months.
Britt: No, you've been planning, and I'm worried you've gone a little too far. I think we should call it off.
Emma: So, Milo's not your boyfriend anymore?
Sabrina: Well, he was never really... no. Milo's not my boyfriend anymore. We decided it would be better to just be friends.
Patrick: Do you understand that?
Emma: Does that mean Daddy can be your boyfriend now?
[Cheers and applause]
Elizabeth: Hey, everyone, I'm Elizabeth Webber. As some of you know, I am one of the nurses at General Hospital, and since this is the Nurses' Ball and Lucy seems to be indisposed at the moment, I've been asked to fill in. Thank you, Felix. So, without further ado, our next act is... um... oh! It's the traditional tango by Duke Lavery and... Lucy Coe.
Duke: You got to save me from disaster.
Anna: What?
Duke: Lucy's gone missing. I can't dance the tango on my own.
Anna: Ask someone else.
Duke: You haven't forgotten how to dance the tango, have you?
Anna: The last time I did, I was with Faison.
Duke: Yeah, I know, but I am taking it back.
Anna: What?
Duke: He's stolen enough from me. The tango is one of the most important things of my life. He cannot have it.
Anna: Well...I guess.
Duke: Well, you remember the routine. And you know how important it is to both of us. So, Anna... come dance with me.
Elizabeth: Okay, everyone. There's been a slight change in plans. Please put your hands together for Duke Lavery and the last-minute but lovely commissioner Anna Devane.
[Cheers and applause]
[Cheers and applause]
Maxie: Dad! Dad, wait! Where are you going?
Frisco: After that humiliation, anywhere but here.
Mac: I'm, uh... I'm glad you chose me.
Felicia: Glad?
Mac: Ecstatic. But when it came to you, Felicia, I never had to choose. I just knew. You were it.
Felicia: And now the same thing goes for me when it comes to you. Just don't punish me for how I got there.
Mac: I'm not.
Felicia: Well, you know, it kind of feels that way.
Mac: All right. All right, let's be clear. I love you. And what you said in there, in front of all those people, that means everything. I just wish I could trust it -- you know? -- To know, finally, you're in this for the long haul.
Felicia: Is forever long enough?
Patrick: How would you feel about that -- hmm? -- If Sabrina and I, we dated? Would that make you happy?
Emma: Yes, yes, yes, yes!
Sabrina: Well, that answers that.
Patrick: That answers that, huh?
Britt: This whole thing is -- it's just about revenge. And what good is that gonna do?
Dr. Obrecht: Get ahold of yourself, Britta.
Britt: Ow! You're hurting me!
Dr. Obrecht: Weakness is unbecoming.
Britt: I wasn't being weak. I was being realistic.
Dr. Obrecht: [Chuckles] You've lost the good doctor momentarily. My plan will fix it. That's why you called me, no? To help?
Britt: Yes, but I didn't --
Dr. Obrecht: No "buts." Now pull yourself together and get dressed. You may be out of the game now, but after tonight, all of Port Charles will be talking about you... and the surprise we unleashed.
Richard: [Laughs evilly]
Lucy: [Muffled screaming]
[Muffled screaming continues]
Richard: Hush, hush, sweet Lucy. Now it's time for me to go out and do a little number for Port Charles. Be quiet now.
Dr. Obrecht: Such a pretty maiden.
Britt: Just think about this for a minute, okay? We can still stop this.
Dr. Obrecht: Why would we want to? Britta, you need to remember what brought us to this point. How you felt toward that handsome doctor... how he then abandoned you, pretending your time together meant nothing, that you meant nothing.
Patrick: I could never care about somebody that doesn't care about my daughter.
Dr. Obrecht: Nurse Santiago set you up, and she gets to be the winner? She gets a place by Dr. Drake's side? We're about to complicate things permanently. But first, I need to know you're on board.
Britt: Let's do this.
Anna: [Breathing heavily] Oh, God. Oh, God. We didn't just do that, did we?
Duke: Uh, yes, we did. You know, that dance was nothing short of marvelous, and, uh... you were pretty good.
Anna: Oh, thanks.
Duke: Oh, Anna, I've missed that.
Anna: What?
Duke: Your laugh, your smile.
Anna: Oh, yes, I've missed it, too. I have, really.
Duke: Were you thinking of anyone else out there?
Anna: No.
Duke: No? Maybe that's the key. Maybe that's the key to exorcise Faison from our minds. Maybe we have to create new memories, together.
Anna: It's not that simple, Duke. We're on opposite sides of the law.
Duke: That's not the reason, Anna. You're afraid. Do you think I'm not afraid? I am. And I'm not afraid of losing you. I'm afraid of getting you back, because... I might not be enough. We might not have it anymore. You and I have a lot to live up to in the romance department. But even though I'm scared... I'm gonna take a chance. So what do you say? Why don't you and I take on this brave new world... together?
Frisco: I'm sorry, sweetheart. Coming to Port Charles was a mistake.
Maxie: A mistake?
Frisco: You saw what happened in there -- everyone did. Your mother made her choice.
Maxie: So what?
Frisco: There's nothing left for me here.
Maxie: I'm here. What about me?
Felicia: Mac Scorpio, I made a huge mistake. I had everything I could possibly have wanted... and I let it go. But now I know better. Now I know that you are the man that I love. I know that you are the one that I want to spend the rest of my life with. Will you make me the happiest woman alive and be my husband?
[Cheers and applause]
Elizabeth: Hi, everyone. I'm back. And do I have a treat for you. It gives me much pleasure to present this next number, and I'm gonna have to find a good seat for this one -- accompanied by Port Charles's finest crew, the one, the only Magic Milo.
[Cheers and applause]
Singer: When I came home last night you wouldn't make love to me you went fast asleep you wouldn't even talk to me you said I'm so crazy coming home intoxicated I said I just wanna love ya come on, girl! Give it to me, baby
Give to me, baby
Give it to me give me that stuff that funk, that sweet that funky stuff give it to me give me that stuff that funk, that sweet that funky stuff give it to me, give it to me give it to me, give it to me give me that stuff that sweet, funky stuff
Oooooh, ho oww!
Give to me, baby
Come on, girl!
Give it to me, baby give it to me give me that stuff that funk, that sweet that funky stuff give it to me, give it to me give it to me, give it to me give me that stuff that sweet, funky stuff yoooooo ho oww!
Give it to me, baby give me that stuff that funk, that sweet that funky stuff give it to me give me that stuff that funk, that sweet that funky stuff give it to me, give it to me give it to me, give it to me give me that stuff that sweet, funky stuff yoooooo ho oww!
[Cheers and applause]
Richard: Gosh. Look -- the lady reappears.
Lucy: You are not taking over my show. It'll be over my dead body.
Richard: That can be arranged. This is for your dead body!
Lucy: Ohh!
[Cheers and applause]
Epiphany: What? What, that's it?! That's the striptease?! These boys are still in their underwear.
Olivia: Yeah, well, keep it coming, guys! Lose the skivvies! Except you, Michael -- you keep your underwears on.
Epiphany: Yeah, that's right!
All: Underwear! Underwear! Underwear! Underwear! Underwear!
Lucy: No!
Richard: I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! I loathe you! I loathe you!
Lucy: Get away!
[Men cheer and applaud]
Wait a sec!
[Cheers and applause]
Lucy: No! It's not an act, you guys! Richard Simmons just came out of the closet!
Lucy: No! He attacked me, and he was trying to take over the entire Nurses' Ball! Somebody call security right now!
Ellie: I'm on it!
Lucy: Okay! Go, go, go!
Richard: I'm gonna kill you! I'm gonna kill you! I am go-- Lucy Coe, you little tramp!
[Audience gasps]
Richard: Give me your hair extensions. Let's show everyone what you really look like. Give them to me! Give her to me! I want to kill her!
Mac: Are you serious? You really want to get married?
Felicia: I want to be with you always, if you'll have me. Please... say you'll marry me again, this time forever.
Mac: Yes. Yes, I want to get married. Yes.
Maxie: So, it was all a lie, you coming back here for me, for this pregnancy?
Frisco: That's not true.
Maxie: Then prove it. Dad, stay. Because you love me and -- and I'm your daughter, and you want to get to know me.
Frisco: I do want to know you, Maxie.
Maxie: From across the globe? Because it doesn't work like that.
Frisco: You're gonna be fine. You've always been able to take care of yourself, and you always will.
Maxie: Dad, that's not true. If you hadn't stepped in the way that you did... the truth about this pregnancy would be out.
Spinelli: Gentlemen, on 3. 1, 2, 3!
Lucy: Get him out!
Richard: Put me down! Put me down! Let me kill her!
Lucy: You are not going to ruin this ball!
Richard: Let me just hurt her! I want to hurt her! I want to hurt her! I want to just -- hello, Bobbie Spencer. Say hello to Lesley. Hope you all enjoy the show. Bye! So long! Adios!
Anton: Watch out!
Felicia: Oh!
Mac: Hey, we're getting married!
Richard: Congratulations! Good luck on that!
Patrick: Whoa.
Emma: Ooh! Grandma! Is he your boyfriend now?
Patrick: Hey. You don't have to answer that. I'm sorry.
Anna: No, no, no. Oh, that's all right. Um... I don't know. I guess ... Duke is my boyfriend now, yeah. Are you?
Duke: I have no objection to that.
Anna: Okay.
Emma: Grandma.
Anna: What?
Emma: [Whispering]
Anna: Oh.
Sabrina: Oh, um, Emma, I think they -- they need us to get ready for our number.
Duke: Break a leg, you two.
Patrick: Knock 'em dead, kiddo. I -- I don't know exactly what to say, but, uh...
Anna: I do. It's about time, isn't it?
Patrick: Guess I could say the same thing about you, huh?
[Cheers and applause]
Lucy: All right. Hi, everybody. I'm so sorry for all that, shall we say, commotion, but I am dressed -- sort of -- and I am so excited. I am thrilled to let you know something that is gonna thrill you and astonish you. Noah Drake, our own from General Hospital, has arranged this amazing performance, and I cannot believe I'm going to get to say these words. Ladies and gentlemen, would you put your hands together? Because I am going to introduce a music legend -- Mr. Rick Springfield. Aah!
Rick Springfield: Jessie is a friend yeah, I know he's been a good friend of mine but lately something's changed it ain't hard to define Jessie's got himself a girl and I want to make her mine and she's watching him with those eyes and she's lovin' him with that body, I just know it and he's holding her in his arms late, late at night you know I wish that I had Jessie's girl I wish that I had Jessie's girl when will I find a woman like that? I'll play along with this charade there doesn't seem to be a reason to change you know, I feel so dirty when they start talking cute I wanna tell her that I love her but the point is probably moot 'cause she's watching him with those eyes and she's lovin' him with that body, I just know it and he's holding her in his arms late, late at night you know I wish that I had Jessie's girl I wish that I had Jessie's girl where can I find a woman like that? Like Jessie's girl I wish that I had Jessie's girl where can I find a woman where can I find a woman like that? And I'm lookin' in the mirror all the time wonderin' what she don't see in me I've been funny, I've been cool with the lines ain't that the way love's supposed to be? Tell me why can't I find a woman like that? You know I wish that I had Jessie's girl I wish that I had Jessie's girl I want Jessie's girl where can I find a woman like that? Like Jessie's girl I wish that I had Jessie's girl I want, I want Jessie's girl
[Cheers and applause]
[Cheers and applause]
Dr. Obrecht: [Clapping] Finally, a performance worth watching.
Britt: [Chuckles] Well? How do I look?
Dr. Obrecht: Stunning. Heads will turn... and then roll.
Britt: I just hope it all goes according to the plan.
Dr. Obrecht: It will. And if you feel yourself getting nervous, just remember -- mutter will be watching every step of the way.
Lucy: Wow! Wasn't he absolutely amazing? Another big round of applause for Rick Springfield and his band! Whoo!
[Cheers and applause]
Bobbie: Hey, good job putting all that together. Aren't you full of surprises.
Noah: I wanted to do something special for the cause.
Bobbie: You know, I never realized how much you resemble Rick Springfield.
Noah: You're kidding me, right?
Felix: It's a good thing that Max and Milo are experienced bodyguards. That Richard Simmons put up quite a fight.
Michael: What is wrong with that guy?
Spinelli: Ellie went on a mission to alert Security, but I wonder why she never came back.
Frisco: You don't have to worry about that woman anymore.
Maxie: That is not the point, Dad. Just forget about the psycho doctor. I don't want to lose you again. I'm going to anyway, aren't I? Where you gonna go?
Frisco: I don't know. But when I get there, I'll let you know.
Maxie: [Scoffs]
Frisco: I love you. I'll see you soon, okay?
[Cheers and applause]
Lucy: Thank you. Thank you so much. Ladies and gentlemen, I am pleased to present the youngest and most adorable performer we have this evening -- Emma Scorpio Drake, accompanied by the gorgeous, adorable General Hospital's own Sabrina Santiago!
[Cheers and applause]
Sabrina: I threw a wish in the well don't ask me, I'll never tell I looked to you as it fell and now you're in my way I'd trade my soul for a wish pennies and dimes for a kiss I wasn't looking for this but now you're in my way your stare was holdin' ripped jeans, skin was showin' hot night, wind was blowin' where do you think you're going, baby? Hey, I just met you and this is crazy but here's my number so call me, maybe it's hard to look right
Emma: At you, baby
Sabrina: But here's my number
Emma: So call me, maybe
Sabrina: Before you came into my life I missed you so bad I missed you so bad I missed you so, so bad before you came into my life I missed you so bad and you should know that I missed you so, so bad it's hard to look right
Emma: At you, baby but here's my number
Both: So call me, maybe hey, I just met you and this is crazy but here's my number so call me, maybe and all the other boys try to chase me but here's my number so call me, maybe before you came into my life I missed you so bad I missed you so bad I missed you so, so bad before you came into my life I missed you so bad and you should know that so call me, maybe
[Cheers and applause]
[Elevator bell dings]
[Cheers and applause]
Lucy: As most of you know, tonight's Nurses' Ball is being held in honor of a late, beloved member of our community, Dr. Robin Scorpio Drake. And we're fortunate this evening that her husband would like to speak with us, so I hope you will welcome... Robin's husband, General Hospital's chief of neurosurgery, Dr. Patrick Drake.
Patrick: Thanks. Thank you. Thank you. Appreciate it.
Ellie: So I don't need to alert security.
Max: Richard Simmons and his boom box have left the building. Anton's bringing him down to the station.
Ellie: Great. I'll go report the good news, then. Oh, by the way, loved your number. It was, uh -- hmm. It was very athletic.
Milo: Thank you. It's really all about the core.
Max: "Eh, it's all about the core." Would you shut up? Show some respect -- Spinelli's girl.
Milo: Right. So sorry.
Ellie: It's fine. I'll see you guys inside. Okay. Maxie, are you okay?
Maxie: I'm -- oh, I'm fine. It's the hormones. Just get back in there and enjoy the show.
Ellie: Hey, I don't want to overstep, but this looks like more than hormones.
Maxie: [Sniffles] My dad just left, okay? That's normal for him.
Ellie: I'm so sorry.
Maxie: I should be used to it by now, but, um... for some reason, it's hitting me really hard this time.
Ellie: Maybe it's because something else is on your mind. I mean, if there's anything you want to talk to me about...
Maxie: Like what?
Ellie: Like the baby you're carrying.
Patrick: The Nurses' Ball was first hosted in Port Charles in 1994. Since then, HIV and AIDS has become more treatable and more manageable thanks to medical advancements, which is wonderful. But it's also misleading. A lot of people believe that our goal has been reached, our mission accomplished, but 1.2 million people are living with HIV/aids in this country alone. 17,000 people perish annually. Globally, there are 34 million people living with the virus, and 1.8 million deaths a year. Clearly, there is a lot of work to be done. And no one knew that better than my late wife, Dr. Robin Scorpio Drake.
Patrick: Thank you. Um...for those of you that didn't know, Robin became HIV-positive when she was just a kid in a much scarier time, when we didn't know as much about the disease, and because of that, prejudices were rampant. But instead of succumbing to those prejudices, the city of Port Charles, they supported Robin, and they loved Robin. And the staff at General Hospital became her second family, and this ball became a tradition, its purposes, rededicated and reaffirmed here tonight. So, um... come here, little one. You were fantastic, by the way.
Emma: Thank you.
Patrick: My little pop-star daughter here and I are forever grateful for the love that you showed Robin and for the love that you continue to show to a cause that -- that Robin believed in with all her heart. She had a, uh -- a wonderful life. She, um... she was dedicated to healing and to finding a cure, and although she was taken from us before that day was reached, her -- her legacy will live on in organizations like amfAR, the community of Port Charles, and the staff at General Hospital. So, thank you, from the bottom of my heart. Each and every one of you have made a significant contribution to helping Robin's dream become a reality. Thanks.
Patrick: Thank you very much.
Emma: Thank you.
Patrick: Good job. What are you doing here?
Britt: I was just so moved by that lovely tribute, I thought I'd add a few words of my own.
Dr. Obrecht: I wish you could be here for our daughter's moment in the spotlight. Britta would make you a very proud papa.
[Audience murmuring]
Patrick: Please don't make a scene, Britt. This is about Robin tonight.
Britt: I understand.
Patrick: No, I don't think you do. Nobody cares what you have --
Britt: I think everyone will be very interested. Especially you, Patrick.
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