GH Transcript Friday 4/5/13

General Hospital Transcript Friday 4/5/13


Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Charlene

Lucy: [Scoffs] [Whimpers]

[Knock on door]

Lucy: Five minutes, Felix! Please, I just need five minutes!

Felix: Ms. Coe, why aren't you dressed? You got to get out on that red carpet and make an entrance.

Lucy: I know. I-I just can't figure out which dress to wear. It's so important!

Felix: Well, pick something. I mean, you can't go out on stage in your underwear.

Lucy: Well, it wouldn't be the first time, would it?

Host: We've yet to see Ms. Coe arrive on the red carpet. Of course, everyone wants to know what she's wearing and is wondering if she'll revive her tradition of appearing onstage in nothing but her lingerie. Ladies and gentlemen, right now, we've got the arrival of some of Port Charles's brightest lights. We've got the beautiful Aztec Princess Felicia Jones, along with her daughter, fashion icon and selfless surrogate, Maxie Jones.

[Camera shutter clicking]

Host: And with them is Maxie's father, WSB agent and soulful singer, Frisco Jones. Don't they look like one big happy family? Ah, now we have the arrival of the princess's new boyfriend, bartender, and raconteur Mac Scorpio with...uh, I'm afraid I don't know who that is.

Felicia: Mac! Come over here! Join us in the picture.

[Camera shutter clicking]

Host: Ah, here's primo private eye Damian Spinelli with his date, genial GH lab tech Ellie Trout.

Spinelli: Look at Maxie. It looks like she's, uh... blossoming with child.

Ellie: Sorry. What did you say?

Spinelli: Oh, just that it looks like Maxie's baby has... bumped.

Ellie: Damian, we promised we'd table the baby talk.

[Camera shutter clicks]

Host: Ah, Duke Lavery, in traditional Scottish garb, flying solo tonight. Here's Port Charles's top cop, Anna Devane, escorted by her granddaughter, Emma Drake.

Reporter: Commissioner Devane.

Anna: Yes.

Reporter: You and your granddaughter look lovely tonight.

Anna: Thank you.

Emma: Thank you.

Reporter: All right. Well, how does it feel for you to have so many of Port Charles's leading lights pay tribute to your daughter?

Anna: Oh, yes, it's wonderful. Emma and I were extremely happy to be attending on Robin's behalf. Aren't we?

Emma: Yes.

Anna: Yes. I feel like my daughter is here in spirit tonight.

Reporter: It's an honor for all of us to participate in this important event.

Anna: Thank you.

Emma: Hey, Duke.

Duke: Hello. Oh, look how beautiful you look. You look wonderful.

Emma: Thank you.

Host: There seems to be one family member missing. Where is Emma's father, the dashing Dr. Patrick Drake?

Patrick: Sabrina...

Sabrina: Yes?

Patrick: You look, um...

Sabrina: Different?

Patrick: You look beautiful.

Host: Ah, here he is, ladies and gentlemen -- Sonny Corinthos, the very powerful reputed coffee importer, with a surprising date -- the hip hotelier with the thousand-watt smile, Carly Corinthos Jacks. Carly, are you and Sonny back together?

Carly: Um... no comment.

Host: Any comment on the rumors of your ex-husband, Jax, and his engagement to Sonny's ex-wife, Brenda Barrett?

Carly: Oh, I think it's safe to say that wedding's not gonna happen. In fact, I would be surprised if Brenda or Jax showed up here toni--

Reporter: Right here, Ms. Barrett.

Host: Ah, there she is -- the supermodel Brenda Barrett. Talk about star power. This is going to be quite a night. It's nice having you with us, Brenda, but where's your dashing fiancé?

Carly: Yes, where is Jax?

Brenda: Oh. Well, he couldn't make it. He's, um...busy, but he sends his regrets and, of course, his support for amfAR and the Nurses' Ball.

Host: So you're appearing tonight on behalf of your fiancé?

Brenda: Okay.

Carly: Where's that big, beautiful ring you were wearing earlier?

Brenda: It didn't go with my dress tonight.

Carly: Yeah.

Host: Entering now, Michael Corinthos III with not one, but two escorts -- Brooklyn babe and prognosticator Olivia Falconeri, and it wouldn't be a Nurses' Ball without Michael's grandmother, former GH Head Nurse Barbara Jean Spencer. No sign yet of Ms. Spencer's former flame, Dr. Noah Drake or his son Patrick.

[Camera shutter clicks]

Sabrina: This was all Felix's idea. He wouldn't take no for an answer, and I know that it looks a lot different, but... it's still me underneath.

Patrick: That's a good thing.

Host: Here are beautiful and beloved GH Nurse Elizabeth Webber, escorted by back-from-the-dead ELQ CEO AJ Quartermaine.

[Camera shutter clicks]

Host: Arriving after AJ is his mother, GH Chief of Staff Dr. Monica Quartermaine, who is here with her sister-in-law, former ELQ CEO Tracy Quartermaine.

Monica: I can't believe we're here together.

Tracy: I know. Alan's spirit really did a number on us.

Monica: Mm-hmm.

Host: It's long been rumored that Monica and Tracy are mortal enemies, but even enemies can't argue over a cause as good as this.

[Camera shutter clicking]

Host: Ah, arriving now, renowned attorney Alexis Davis, along with her boyfriend, Corinthos associate Shawn Butler. Joining them, Ms. Davis' daughter, the teen author of the best-selling "Love in Maine," Molly Lansing Davis, with her gallant beau, TJ Ashford. Arriving now the stunning Samantha Morgan, apparently unescorted.

[Camera shutter clicking]

Host: Ah, arriving now is well-respected and sometimes-feared GH Head Nurse Epiphany Johnson, escorted by tonight's choreographer Anton Ivanov.

Anton: You know, it's not too late to dance with me tonight.

Host: Ah, and now, the moment we've all been waiting for -- gracing the arm of GH Nurse and CoeCoe cosmetics rep Felix DuBois, the life of the party, the woman without whom there wouldn't even be a party -- at least not tonight -- the incomparable Lucy Coe.

[Camera shutter clicks]

Milo: Hey. Where's Sabrina? I thought she was coming with you.

Sabrina: You're probably looking for Emma. She actually just left with --

Patrick: No. Actually, I'm looking for you.

Sabrina: For me?

Patrick: I-I've wanted to tell you something for a few days now, and I left a message, but you didn't get back to me, so... I don't know. Maybe you don't want to hear what I have to say.

Sabrina: No, I do. I mean, I never -- I never heard your message. Elizabeth said you had left me one, but I just figured it was about picking Emma up today.

Patrick: It wasn't. I've waited a long time, uh... hopefully it's not too late, but... I was hoping that you still had feelings for me, because... I have feelings for you, too. Sabrina, you've been a friend to me when I desperately needed one -- someone that I looked forward to seeing from the day we met. And I-I didn't really realize what was happening to me. I was a little too distracted. First by grief, then by Britt. But when you told me that you had feelings for me, I realized that the person I wanted -- the person that I needed -- was standing right in front of me. And suddenly, I saw this... amazing woman that... had big hair and -- and glasses and... that beautiful smile and this amazing, beautiful spirit, and it hit me, and -- and... I realized that I had feelings for you.

Sabrina: For me?

Patrick: That's why I came to graduation. I wanted to tell you, and I just -- before I could find the words, Milo came in, and he asked you out, and you said you'd go out with him, and...

Sabrina: That was to get over you.

Patrick: Well... did you?

Sabrina: Patrick... my feelings for you haven't changed.

Patrick: I'm sorry that it took me so long to realize, to figure it out.

Sabrina: It's okay, really.

Patrick: And I'm really sorry it took me so long to... to do this. [Kissing]

Mac: What is this, Junior High? You must think Felicia's gonna choose me.

Frisco: Be honest, Mac -- Felicia and I belong together.

Mac: You lost her the last time you left her, and you're gonna lose her now.

Felicia: I hate this. I don't know how I'm going to choose.

Anna: You better hurry up. It looks like they're gonna kill each other.

Noah: Bobbie.

Bobbie: Noah. [Laughs]

Noah: Wow. Good to see you again.

Bobbie: Oh, yeah. It's been a long time.

Noah: Way too long. I didn't mean to interrupt your call. I just wanted to say hello.

Bobbie: Oh, no, it's okay. I was just checking in with Scotty.

Noah: Oh, you and Scotty, uh...

Bobbie: Oh, no, no, no. Actually, um -- actually, I'm not seeing anyone right now. And it's been ages since I faked blindness to keep a man.

Noah: Well, that's good to know.

Anna: Noah, good to see you.

Noah: Sure you wouldn't rather see my rock 'n' roll look-alike?

Anna: [Chuckles] Did have a little bit of a crush on Eli Love, didn't I?

Noah: Yeah, even though he, uh... seem to remember he was too drunk to actually go onstage.

Anna: Yeah, but you were pretty quick to jump in there and take his place, even though you swore you never sung a note in your life.

Noah: Well, through the technical wizardry of Spinelli, I think we all pulled it off.

Anna: I don't know. I thought you were pretty good swinging that mike. [Laughs]

Noah: Well, I -- I mean, I had fun. I got to admit -- Eli Love's got a pretty good gig.

Anna: Any chance we're gonna get a surprise visit from him tonight?

Noah: Maybe. Maybe from someone. I don't know.

Anna: Who?

Alexis: Nice date. Carly? No one expected you to bring --

Sonny: It's a long story.

Michael: Let me guess. It has something to do with Brenda.

Carly: Well, here are the divorce papers, signed as promised. You're free to marry Jax. Where is he? He was so excited to come tonight.

Brenda: Go to hell.

Carly: Oh. That's what I thought. The marriage is off.

Brenda: Fine, yes. Jax called off the wedding, and it is all because of you and the fact that you are a miserable skank.

Mac: You're here.

Felicia: Sounds ominous.

Mac: No, not ominous. We just need you to settle something for us, once and for all.

Felicia: You want me to decide right here, right now?

Frisco: There's no time like the present. What's it gonna be? A nice, hot, juicy filet mignon... or a cold fish?

Sabrina: Did that just happen?

Patrick: You're not sure?

Sabrina: I just had to double-check. I...dreamt about it for so long.

Patrick: So, does that mean I didn't lose you to Milo?

Sabrina: Oh, my God, Milo. He's waiting for me. He's my date tonight.

Patrick: That's my fault. I took too long to realize how incredible you are.

Sabrina: It's all right. You know, Milo's a sweet guy. I'm sure I could smooth things over with him.

Patrick: So, does that mean you'll be my date?

Sabrina: If you're asking.

Patrick: Sabrina Santiago... will you be my date to the Nurses' Ball?

Sabrina: Yes. A thousand times, yes! Although...

Patrick: What?

Sabrina: None of this will matter if Lucy Coe kills me for being late to the opening number.

Patrick: Okay, then. You ready?

Sabrina: I've been ready since the day I met you.

Carly: Skank?

Brenda: Mm-hmm. Why did you tell Jax that I went to see Sonny?

Carly: Because you did. And then being you, you lied about it.

Brenda: Mm-hmm. You're so jealous, it's embarrassing. You couldn't handle the fact that Jax was marrying me, could you?

Carly: Except Jax isn't marrying you, because he sees you for the pathological liar that you are.

Sonny: Carly --

Brenda: You're such an enormous bitch.

Carly: Really?

Sonny: Is everything okay here?

Carly: For the moment, I think so.

Sonny: Okay, have you met Shawn Butler? He's my associate.

Brenda: Hi, Shawn. It's nice to meet you.

Shawn: Maybe I can escort you to another table?

Brenda: Oh, that's okay. I'd like to sit at my table. Look -- here's my name. I'm just gonna sit here. Thank you, though. Nice to meet you.

Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention, please. Welcome to the 2013 Nurses' Ball, benefiting amfAR, in honor of Dr. Robin Scorpio Drake.

[Cheers and applause]

Lucy: Okay, it's time! Places, everybody! Places, places, places, places! Go, go, go! Oh, my -- where's Sabrina? Where is Sabrina?

Felix: I have no idea.

Sabrina: I'm here! Hi!

Elizabeth: Oh, my God! Sabrina, you look amazing!

Sabrina: Thanks to Felix. He worked his magic.

Lucy: Wow. Okay, let me see. Turn, turn. Let me see. Spin, spin. And beautiful, gorgeous, enough. We don't have time for compliments. Get ready, ready! Now! Costume!

Felix: Where have you been? How long does it take to practice in heels?

Sabrina: I wasn't. He kissed me.

Felix: Milo?

Sabrina: Patrick!

Elizabeth: No way.

Sabrina: Yes, way! He said he's crazy about me.

Felix: O...M...G!


Sabrina: I can't believe it!

Elizabeth: Oh!

Felix: I can. I always knew! Didn't I tell you he'd come around?

Sabrina: [Laughs]

Patrick: Sorry I'm late.

Anna: That's okay. It hasn't started yet.

Patrick: You look beautiful.

Emma: Daddy, what's that on your collar?

Patrick: I don't know.

Noah: Looks like you found her.

Patrick: Yeah.

Announcer: Introducing your host for this evening's festivities -- Ms. Lucy Coe.

[Cheers and applause]

Lucy: Good evening! Hi, everybody. It is my honor and my great pleasure to welcome all of you to the 2013 General Hospital Nurses' Ball. Whoo! So many people have given their time and their talent and their spirit to reviving this amazing, wonderful tradition. I want to thank all of those people, and I want to thank all of you for coming because we're gonna have a really good time. So, without further ado, let's get this party started with General Hospital's nurses performing to a song by Molly Lansing Davis and TJ Ashford! Let's go, Nurses!

[Cheers and applause]

[Upbeat music plays]

Nurses sing: Welcome to the Nurses' Ball we nurses have it all beauty, excitement the timing is perfect the GH Nurses' Ball welcome to the Nurses' Ball it's our plan to do it all the joy that we're feeling the hearts that we're healing the GH Nurses GH Nurses' Ball

Sabrina: We're all here to raise some money

Nurses: Yeah!

Felix: And remember most of all

Nurses: It's for lives that we are saving nurses

Elizabeth: Whoo!

Nurses: Together one and all

Epiphany: We're all here to raise some money

Nurses: Yeah!

Epiphany: Come on, y'all! We all got to do our part and you, and you. Oh!

Nurses: Nurses one and all welcome to our ball nurses one and all welcome to our ball nurses one and all

Epiphany: Go!

Nurses: Welcome, people we're here because the Nurses' Ball is back

[Cheers and applause]

Milo: You look amazing.

Sabrina: Thanks.

Milo: I'm serious. Felix was not kidding me. He said I'd be blown away.

Sabrina: Well, I couldn't have done it without him.

Milo: I don't think so. You're a beautiful person inside and out. Which is why I'm worried you won't want to be seen with me... not after you hear what I did to you.

Duke: You look as breathtakingly beautiful, as always.

Anna: Thank you. You look very dashing.

Duke: Do I? What, in this old thing?

Anna: Yeah. Kind of reminds me of the one you wore when we got married.

Duke: Does it remind you of the incredible love we once shared, despite our differences?

Sam: Congratulations. I don't know how you did it, but you made the opening number work.

Anton: Well, thank you. I'm glad you liked it, because you're the next one.

Sam: Excuse me?

Anton: Look, my partner got injured, and I was really hoping you could dance with me.

Sam: No, no, no, no. I told you already, I don't do this. I can't -- I can't do that, and I don't have anything to wear.

Anton: Well, I'm sure we can find something backstage for you to wear. Come on, Sam. Just take a chance.

Lucy: Hello, everybody. Weren't our nurses fantastic? Wow! They were amazing. Let's give another round of applause.


Lucy: Thank you so much. And because tonight is the Nurses' Ball, there are some amazing RNs from our past that I'd like to acknowledge that continue to inspire us today. The kind and very generous Jessie Brewer, who lives on at General Hospital and in our hearts, always. And the very sweet but very sassy, often, Miss Amy Vining, who we miss and, um, we will never, ever forget. Okay. And also, there's someone very special here tonight that I've known a long time, and tonight, I call her one of my dearest and oldest friends -- Bobbie Spencer. A round of applause for Bobbie and all the nurses.

[Cheers and applause]

Lucy: Thank you so much. Okay, there's somebody else I have to thank, and, um, I'm not sure it's a nurse. It could be a doctor. I don't know who it is. It's somebody that chose to be our anonymous donor who underwrote the entire Nurses' Ball, which means that every dollar we raise, all the proceeds tonight go strictly to the charity and nowhere else -- all the money. So, here's what I'm hoping. I think that our generous benefactor may just be among us this evening, and I would like that person, he or she, to please stand up and let us all acknowledge them with our applause.

[Cheers and applause]

Lucy: All righty, then. Um, obviously, our anonymous donor chooses to continue to be anonymous, so that's fine. It just means that person is very modest and very shy, but please know that we are so grateful, and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts, because this night would not be possible without you. Thank you.


Maxie: So, which one are you choosing -- the steak or the fish?

Felicia: I don't know. I love them both.

Ellie: We made an agreement to table our disagreement about having children, and what's the first thing you say tonight? An admiring comment about the progress of Maxie's pregnancy.

Spinelli: It was simply an observation.

Ellie: It was a pointed one.

Spinelli: It was -- it was a reflex, Ellie, and had I known it would have caused you such pain, I would have bitten my tongue. Look, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, okay? Can you forgive me?

Announcer: Mr. Spinelli, Ms. Trout -- places, please.

Ellie: Oh.

Lucy: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome our daring darling duo, Damian Spinelli and Ellie Trout!

[Cheers and applause]

["She Blinded Me With Science" plays]

Spinelli: It's poetry in motion she turned her tender eyes to me as deep as any ocean as sweet as any harmony she blinded me with science

Chorus: She blinded me with science!

Spinelli: And failed me in biology when she's dancing next to me

Ellie: I blinded him with science, science! Science!

Spinelli: I can hear machinery

Ellie: I blinding him with science, science!

Chorus: Science!

Spinelli: It's poetry in motion and now she's making love to me the spheres are in commotion the elements in harmony she blinded me with science

Chorus: She blinded me with science!

Spinelli: And hit me with technology huh, huh, huh huh, huh, ho good heavens, Miss Trout. You are beautiful! I can't believe it! She's done it again! She's tidied up, and I can't find anything! All my tubes and wires and careful notes... and antiquated notions  [Gasps] It's poetry in motion when she turned her eyes to me as deep as any ocean as sweet as any harmony she blinded me with science

Chorus: She blinded him with science!

Spinelli: She blinded me with huh, huh, huh huh, huh, huh

[Kiss and explosion]

[Cheers and applause]

Ellie: I forgive you.

Spinelli: You do?

Ellie: Yeah, yeah. I love you too much to let our problems get in the way.

Spinelli: I love you, too.

Frisco: It's not too late to tell Spinelli you're pregnant with his baby.

Leo: Ms. Jax, you need assistance?

Carly: Yeah, I want this woman the hell out of here! Leo, please show Ms. Barrett out of here.

Leo: If you'll come with me, Miss.

Brenda: Oh, no, no. Don't touch me. I can let myself out.

Sonny: Was that necessary?

Carly: Hell, yeah, it was necessary. She was causing a disturbance.

Sonny: Look, she's here for Robin. Couldn't you at least give her that much?

Carly: No.

Sonny: Okay, good.

Milo: I couldn't let us get any closer without telling you.

Sabrina: Telling me? What?

Milo: A few days ago, I saw that Dr. Drake had left you a voicemail... and I erased it.

Sabrina: Oh, my God. That explains everything.

Milo: Explains everything what?

Sabrina: Patrick said he left me a message about us.

Milo: Me and you?

Sabrina: Patrick and me.

Milo: Wait. Does that mean you two are...together now?

Sabrina: I'm sorry, Milo.

Milo: You don't have anything to be sorry about. I shouldn't have tried to stop it from happening. You guys obviously have this super-serious connection that can't be denied.

Felix: I heard that Haley sprained her ankle, and I know it might be unconventional, but what say you make me your new partner?

Anton: Um...

Sam: Hey! I still can't believe you talked me into this.

Felix: Oh. So, uh, you and Sam...

Anton: Sorry, dude. I already have a partner.

Sam: Are you sure about this?

Anton: Yeah, yeah. Just follow my lead. You'll be fine. Let's go.


Lucy: Whoo! I have to give a great big shout-out, at this point, to tonight's choreographer, Anton Ivanov. He happens to be the extraordinary handyman at the Metro Court Hotel. So, big shout-out.

[Cheers and applause]

Lucy: He has graced us with his dancing ability, and he has a surprise partner for you. Who knew she could dance? Samantha Morgan and Anton Ivanov. Whoo!

[Cheers and applause]

Anton: [Whistles]

Singer: Well, the air's so thick, you can cut it with a knife it's the end of the week it's Saturday night got my little red coupe it's all waxed up my pinstripe suit I'm looking tough I'm headed down to the big ballroom I'm gonna cut some rug I'm gonna bing bam boom and now all the chicks are gonna look their best with their lipstick on in their prettiest dress the cats hang out, trying to catch that eye and I want to be that lucky guy gonna be a little drinkin' might be a little fight when the cats get together on a junk town Saturday night on a junk town Saturday night

[Cheers and applause]

TJ: Whoo!

Shawn: Yeah!

Lucy: Thank you, Anton. We loved it. Now it is my great pleasure to introduce our very sexy and very handsome former police commissioner and his little buddy, his bad-boy alter ego, Mr. Marbles.

[Cheers and applause]

Mr. Marbles: Hi, everybody! Hey! Good to see you all. Wow! Boy, I wish I could dance like that, Mac. I'm pretty light on my feet. Hey, is this thing on?


Mr. Marbles: Anyway...

Mac: Anyway, Mr. Marbles, we're very glad you could all be here tonight to support this great charity. You know, a lot of people are too busy to support a charity, right, Mr. Marbles?

Mr. Marbles: That's right... or their own kids.

[Audience groans]


Mr. Marbles: Hey. Hey, Mac, you know WSB agents aren't afraid to die?

Mac: I've heard that.

Mr. Marbles: You know what they are afraid of? Alimony payments and child support.

[Audience groans]

Mr. Marbles: Well, I guess that's about all the time we have.

Audience: No!

Mr. Marbles: Oh, thank you, thank you! I can stay all night, but --

Mac: Mr. Marbles, we've been up here only 10 minutes.

Mr. Marbles: Yeah, well, for some people, that's a long-term commitment.

[Light laughter]

Mac: Felicia, I just want you to know, whatever you decide, all I want is for you to be happy. I love you.

Audience: Aww.

Mr. Marbles: Yeah, we love you.

[Cheers and applause]

Felicia: What just happened?

Maxie: Mac finally decided to fight back.

Emma: Sabrina!

Sabrina: Hey.

Emma: What happened to your glasses?

Sabrina: I'm not wearing them today.

Emma: You look like a princess. Doesn't she, Daddy?

Patrick: Yes, she does.

Emma: Come sit with us.

Patrick: Yeah. Come on.

Monica: Michael, do you know what's going on with your mother and Brenda?

Michael: Uh, they don't really get along.

Elizabeth: Too bad they couldn't coexist for just one night. Look at AJ and Tracy -- they're not throwing champagne.

AJ: You see, I knew you were a good influence on me.

Tracy: Well, I'm a little nauseous, so I'm gonna get some air.

Monica: Uh, if you'll excuse me.

AJ: Wait. You're actually gonna go after her?

Monica: A truce can only last so long, AJ. I'm gonna make sure she's not poisoning your filet mignon.

Michael: Well, much for peaceful coexistence.

Mac: So, what'd you think?

Lucy: Ladies and gentlemen, I am so very, very excited. We have a special surprise for you -- a performer that kind of volunteered at the last minute, very unexpected but very, very welcome. I'm so excited to introduce to you the scorching hot former lead singer of Blackie and the Riff Raff, Mr. Frisco Jones.

[Cheers and applause]

Maxie: Dad's singing?

["All I Need" plays]

Frisco: Kissing you was not what I had planned, and now I'm not so sure just where I stand. I wasn't looking for true love, but now you're looking at me. You're the only one I can think of. You're the only one I see. All I need is just a little more time to be sure what I feel. Is it all in my mind? 'Cause it seems so hard to believe that you're all I need. I guess it's true we've all been hurt before, but it doesn't seem to matter anymore. It may be a chance we're taking, but it always comes to this. If this isn't love we're making then I don't know what it is. No. All I need is just a little more time to be sure what I feel. Is it all in my mind? 'Cause it seems so hard to believe. All I need is just a little more time to be sure what I feel. Is it all in my mind? 'Cause it seems so hard to believe that you're all I need. No stars are out tonight, but we're shining our own light, and it's never felt so right, 'cause, girl, the way I'm feelin', it's easy to believe that you're all I need. Aaah. You're all I need. Ooh-hoo-hoo, ha-ah-ah, aah

[Cheers and applause]

Lucy: Which one was it? The green one? No, the red one's next.


Lucy: What was that? [Exhales sharply] [Gasps]

Frisco: Thank you. Thank you very much. That song was dedicated to the love of my life... um, a woman who I've held close to my heart, no matter how far I've traveled from her. And I truly understand now that she's all I need... and that I'd like to spend the rest of my life with her. Felicia Jones, will you marry me?

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