General Hospital Transcript Thursday 4/4/13
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Charlene
Anna: So, no distress calls? No message of any kind?
Felicia: Hey, hey, hey.
Anna: Nothing from satellite surveillance? Okay. No, no. Thank you. Thanks for the update. Okay. Bye.
Olivia: Was there news about Dante and Lulu?
Anna: Yeah. That was Frisco.
Maxie: Oh! Mom!
Felicia: Oh, oh. I'm sorry. I'll fix it.
Lucy: Perfect, perfect, perfect. Okay, Felix, remember what Anton was telling us about that present thing? That step, step? Can you show these guys?
Felix: Yeah, I think he said it was step and step and swivel and swivel and spin and present.
Lucy: Present. Oh, I love this! You guys are good. Let's do it again. Let's do it again. Come on. Okay.
Duke: Hello.
Mac: [As Mr. Marbles] Hello.
Duke: Who are you?
Mac: [Normal voice] Mr. Marbles, my act.
Duke: Oh, I didn't realize you had a talent for ventriloquism.
Mac: Uh, well, it's not so much a talent as it is, um -- it was either Marbles or reviving my drag act, and I don't think anyone wants to see me stuffed in a corset, right? [As Mr. Marbles] Right. [Normal voice] [Chuckles]
Duke: Well, I would imagine you and Mr. Marbles are gonna be the highlight of the evening. At least the highlight of Felicia's evening.
Mac: [As Mr. Marbles] But not Frisco's.
Felicia: Don't worry. I'll fix it up in no time.
Olivia: What'd Frisco say?
Anna: Oh, not much. No news is good news, right?
Olivia: [Sighs] Well, can't the authorities do something? Send a chopper, send some ground support, something?
Anna: Well, Luke and Laura, they needed to do this themselves. It's tricky. There's no real evidence that Helena took Lulu. It's all conjecture at this point.
Maxie: Dante would never let anything happen to Lulu.
Anna: They are in very good hands with Luke and Laura. You know, they have a long history of the Cassadines, so...
Olivia: I understand that this is way out of my league, but I don't just want to stay home and -- and -- and wait for word. I can't just sit on my hands with this.
Felicia: Well, we all want to help, but there's really nothing we can do except think good thoughts.
Maxie: And do something positive, like use this night to honor Robin.
Patrick: Oh, hey, where you going? You got to finish your carrots.
Emma: I want to get dressed for the ball.
Patrick: You're getting dressed at Grandma Anna's, remember?
Emma: But I want to show you what I'm gonna wear.
Patrick: I don't think that's such a good idea. Remember what happened with your dance costume when you had all the grape juice all over it? You remember that?
Emma: I'll be real, real careful.
Patrick: Come on. I think it's better that you get dressed there. Plus you know what? I want to be surprised the first time I see you.
Emma: You will be. I'm the best act -- a duet with Sabrina.
Patrick: [Chuckles]
Felix: Ooh! Hey, girl! Wait. Is that Cartullo? And Maha Chang? Oh! Ares Gainsbourg. Ah, me likey. [Chuckles]
Lucy: Excuse me. Pardon me. No, no, no. Hands off. Those are all my delicious dresses.
Felix: Wait. All these dresses are yours?
Lucy: All those are mine and mine alone.
Felix: But there's -- there's enough gowns here to outfit the Oscars.
Lucy: I know! Isn't that amazing? You don't really think that the emcee should go up there on the stage in the same dress every time? Heaven forbid.
Felix: Hmm. Perish the thought.
Lucy: [Laughs]
Sabrina: I'm sure you're gonna look amazing.
Lucy: Thank you. I'm just doing my duty to the Nurses' Ball. [Gasps] Oh, hey! Okay, every take five! Get some water! Get something! Do whatever you want! Go, go, go! Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. It's wonderful! You're here!
Kevin: Hi.
Lucy: Oh, hi. Thank goodness. I have been putting more fires out than the Port Charles Fire Department. I need your help.
Kevin: I'm sorry. I, uh, I'm afraid that duty --
Lucy: No, that's okay. You just need to look at me and smile that delicious, sexy, sexy smile and tell me everything's gonna be okay and I'm not gonna go completely insane.
Kevin: That's what I'm trying to explain. All I can offer you is good wishes. I'm not going to the ball.
Bobbie: We are running so late.
Carly: Hello to you, too, Mom.
Bobbie: Honey, where is your dress? I mean, don't tell me you forgot. We're supposed to be getting ready for the Nurses' Ball, Anna's suite.
Carly: I can't go.
Bobbie: [Sighs]
Carly: I have other plans.
[Water running, stops]
Sonny: You left me. I was in a free fall. I didn't know what was in the letter. I was afraid to -- to read what was in the letter. I was afraid that I would lose the love that you always had for me. When it was good, you know, we would drown in each other. I thought that all would be gone.
Brenda: What if it's not? What if we could try again?
[Door opens]
Brenda: Hmm.
Jax: Something on your mind?
Brenda: What? Um... uh, yeah, I'm -- I'm trying to, you know, figure out what to wear. [Chuckles]
Jax: Sure it's not something else?
Brenda: I'm guilty as charged.
Carly: Mom, they're your friends, you know. Maxie just pretends to tolerate me.
Bobbie: Which is exactly why I wanted you to join us -- so that Felicia and Anna could get to know you better.
Carly: I-I can't. I have something important to do, something I-I can't put off.
Bobbie: More important than the Nurses' Ball that's happening in your own hotel?
Brenda: I want us to be honest with each other. I know that's impossible for you.
Sonny: It's payback. You wrote the letter, saying that you love me, you still wanted to be my wife, and you're gonna wait for me in Rome. When I didn't show up, you wanted to hurt me. And the way you do that is by getting back with him.
Brenda: No.
Sonny: Unless you want me to talk you out of marrying Jax.
Carly: More important to me.
Bobbie: Okay. What are you up to, Carly?
Carly: Don't worry. I'm just gonna protect the innocent and make sure the guilty are punished.
Jax: What exactly are you pleading guilty to?
Brenda: Mm. To... [Clears throat] I hate your ex-wife.
Jax: Of course.
Brenda: I guess she's not your ex-wife yet, because you can't get her to sign the divorce papers.
Jax: No, she just wants the attorney to look it over to make sure nothing has changed.
Brenda: Oh, right, because you're gonna take advantage of her.
Jax: She'll sign the papers, and she will bring them to the ball tonight.
Brenda: I can't even imagine what she probably said when you told her that we're getting married.
Jax: You can't imagine?
Brenda: What -- what did she say?
Jax: You want me to tell you?
Brenda: Mm-hmm.
Jax: Uh, she said that she thought that you only agreed to marry me to get a reaction out of Sonny.
Brenda: She's hateful.
Jax: Mm-hmm. And while I was over at her house asking her to sign the divorce papers, uh, she said that you were at Sonny's asking to get back with him.
Olivia: So, I'm getting a little nervous here. Obviously this whole Nurses' Ball thing is a much bigger deal than I realized.
Maxie: Yeah. You know, I only remember them from when I was little, but if they follow tradition, we're gonna have a great time. I just wish Dante and Lulu were gonna be here.
Anna: Oh, my God. I saw your face when I said Frisco's name. What is going on with you?
Felicia: I didn't think that things could get any worse than what they could, but they did.
Anna: Why? You didn't.
Felicia: No. No. But --
Anna: But what? Huh?
Felicia: I finally admitted my feelings for myself...
Anna: Mm-hmm.
Felicia: ...To him... And to Mac.
Mac: [As Mr. Marbles] Frisco is so wooden, he makes me seem like a real boy. [Normal voice] Not good?
Duke: No, it's -- it's certainly witty. But I'm just not sure the Nurses' Ball is the proper platform for you to roast Frisco.
Mac: It's just an act. Everyone knows that. Don't they?
Duke: I think to the casual observer, it may appear that you are threatened by Frisco.
Mac: [Sighs] Well, not so much threatened as desperately wanting to kick his selfish, deadbeat ass.
Duke: Felicia loves you.
Mac: Felicia loves both of us. She announced it.
Duke: I can see where that might be a test.
Mac: I've been there before. Look, Felicia and I are good, Frisco calls or, on occasion, shows up, and Felicia's torn.
Duke: What happens next?
Mac: All the other times it ended, but not the way I wanted.
Duke: And this time?
Mac: [Sighs]
Kevin: My hospital in Seattle just called. I have a patient in deep crisis. I have to go immediately.
Lucy: [Sighs] Well, Doc, what about me? I-I'm in deep crisis. This is the first time we are doing the Nurses' Ball in over a decade, and -- and I'm the emcee. I got to do my emceeing stuff. And I've set the standard so high for myself, and I'm really worried that I-I could bomb.
Kevin: No. No, you're not.
Lucy: I feel it, though. I-I feel the first worst stage fright I have ever had. What if it happens? I-I need to have you here. The whole thing could just fall apart.
Kevin: No. No, it won't, because you're in charge. And I've never known you to fall apart with or without me.
Lucy: [Exhales deeply] Well, there's a first time for everything.
Kevin: Yes, but tonight won't be that time. Lucy, I wouldn't go if I really didn't believe my -- my patient needed me. Please don't hate me.
Lucy: [Sighs]
Patrick: I know I'm gonna love your duet with Sabrina. I can't wait.
Emma: I bet Sabrina's boyfriend will love it even more.
Patrick: Really? Sabrina's got a boyfriend, huh?
Emma: She sure does. And someone doesn't like it one bit.
Patrick: Who's that?
Emma: Felix. He wants Sabrina's boyfriend, Magic Milo. But Magic Milo doesn't like boys. He likes Sabrina and working out.
Patrick: Okay. Well, that's good that Sabrina's got a new friend, huh?
Emma: Felix says he's in love with Magic Milo's abs. Wait. What are abs?
Patrick: Okay. Finish your carrots, all right? And no gossiping. I got to make a phone call.
Felix: Mmm. What I would do with these dresses. [Sighs] Oh, well, I guess we better get them moved. Hello? Earth to Sabrina.
Sabrina: Huh? What?
Felix: We're not gonna have any entertainment unless we move this rack.
Sabrina: Is it possible for a phone to delete a message on its own?
Felix: Maybe. How do you know you have one?
Sabrina: Well, Elizabeth told me that Patrick was trying to get in touch with me and that he left me a message, but I never got it.
Felix: Hmm. What was he calling about?
Sabrina: I don't know. Elizabeth wouldn't tell me.
Felix: Hmm. Maybe he was calling to profess his undying love. If it's important, he'll call back.
Sabrina: You're right. Okay. I'll steer. You push.
[Cell phone vibrates]
Sabrina: Hi, it's Sabrina. Please leave a message, and I'll get right back to you. Have a great day.
Patrick: Hey, Sabrina, it's, uh -- it's -- it's Patrick. probably know that because my number probably came up, but, uh, listen, I wanted to, um... I just wanted to see if you were still coming to get Emma to bring her to the Metro Court to get ready. She's -- she's very excited, so...
[Doorbell rings]
Patrick: You know what? That's probably you. [Clears throat]
Noah: [Sighs]
Patrick: Dad.
Noah: Son.
Patrick: Hey. Come in, please. Emma, look who's here.
Emma: Grandpa!
Noah: Hey, there she is -- my favorite granddaughter.
Emma: I'm your only granddaughter.
Noah: Oh, yeah. You're still my favorite, though.
Patrick: [Chuckles] So, what are you doing here?
Noah: Well, hello to you, too.
Patrick: No, I mean, of course, I'm always happy to see you. It's just today's, uh, kind of hectic, isn't it?
Emma: Yes.
Noah: Yeah. Nurses' Ball and all that, right?
Emma: Are you coming?
Noah: Are you kidding? I wouldn't miss it.
Emma: Yay!
Noah: Yeah! You seem kind of surprised to see me.
Patrick: I just didn't know that you'd even... I'm sorry, I just -- I didn't expect you to be here.
Noah: Supporting a great cause, and AMFAR, you know, very important cause, and...Robin is even more important. And I wouldn't miss that.
[Cell phone rings]
Sabrina: And, of course, the second I walk away, Patrick called.
Felix: You're kidding. Did he leave a message?
Sabrina: He did. He wants to know... if I'm picking Emma up.
Felix: Eh. Sorry, girl.
Sabrina: I don't know why I expected anything else. It's just Elizabeth made it seem like there was more to it.
Felix: Well, at least you have Magic Milo and yours truly, the man with a plan.
Sabrina: Plan? What plan?
Felix: That's for me to know and you to find out. Just come upstairs to the room after you get Emma.
Mac: I'm not giving up on Felicia.
Duke: I'm very pleased to hear it.
Mac: I'm not gonna wait around while Felicia goes back and forth trying to choose between Frisco and me.
Anna: You told Mac you have feelings for Frisco, as well? Oh, my. How is he taking that?
Felicia: I wouldn't know. He's not speaking to me.
Mac: I've always understood that Frisco has a piece of Felicia's heart, and he always will. But I'm not gonna spend my life wondering who she's gonna choose every time Frisco shows up.
Felicia: Mac told me that I have to choose one. And he's right. I have to pick someone and let the other one go.
Anna: Who's it gonna be?
Mac: It's out of my hands. But, you know, I kind of envy you. You still got a fighting chance for Anna and no competition.
Duke: Oh. No, you're wrong there. I do have competition. I'm competing with myself.
Jax: I thought you'd be ready.
Brenda: Well, you know how nervous I get. I hate getting dressed up. It reminds me of modeling. I feel like I'm gonna shatter into a million pieces. This is stupid.
Jax: You don't have to -- you don't have to -- just relax, okay? There's no pressure on you tonight.
Brenda: Yeah, well, that's easy for you to say. You're not gonna have Carly in your face all night long.
Jax: Just don't let her get to you.
Brenda: Why -- why, just out of curiosity, can't she just focus on her own pathetic life? Why does she have to --
Jax: Probably just being protective, you know. She's convinced that you're gonna hurt me.
Brenda: I'm sorry. Are you defending her now?
Jax: What? No. I'm defending you, like I did last night when I told her she was wrong.
Brenda: Yeah, of course, she's wrong. That woman has to make everyone's life as miserable as hers.
Jax: I told Carly that you had absolutely no reason to want to get back together with Sonny, because you love me, and you left him, right? I mean, you weren't at Sonny's last night, were you?
[Knock on door]
Brenda: Of course not. I wasn't with Sonny last night. [Clears throat] What do you want?
Carly: Just checking in. Damn, Jax, you look good. You always wore a tux well.
[Door closes]
Brenda: So, you just thought you'd stop by and hit on my fiancé?
Carly: No, no, I wanted to make sure the room was satisfactory, see if there's anything you guys need.
Brenda: We do, actually. We need your name on divorce papers. Thank you.
Carly: Oh, I'm gonna bring the divorce papers to the Nurses' Ball tonight. And you can bring that million-dollar check.
Jax: Excuse me?
Brenda: What million-dollar check?
Carly: Oh, Jax didn't tell you?
Jax: Oh, Carly, come on. If you got something to say, just say it.
Carly: I bet Jax a million dollars last night that you were gonna go to Sonny's and tell him about the engagement and ask him to give you a reason to call it off.
Jax: Excuse me, but you're gonna owe me that million dollars, because Brenda wasn't at Sonny's last night.
Carly: Yeah, I heard Brenda lying to you as she opened the door.
Jax: What makes you so sure?
Carly: After you left my house last night, I went to Sonny's. See, I still have a key. And Brenda was there standing in Sonny's living room asking him to take her back. I think your exact words were "what if we try again?" Have fun at the ball. [Chuckles]
[Door closes]
Patrick: Hi.
Sabrina: Hello.
Patrick: Um...
Sabrina: Oh, Emma, hey! It's almost time to go to the Metro Court. You ready?
Emma: I was born ready.
Sabrina: [Chuckles]
Patrick: Go get your jacket, sweetheart.
Emma: Okay.
Sabrina: [Chuckles]
Patrick: Uh, Sabrina, this is my father.
Noah: Oh, I know Nurse Santiago.
Sabrina: Yeah, Emma and I sometimes Skype with Noah when I babysit.
Noah: Oh, I wanted to say congratulations, too, on your graduation.
Sabrina: Oh, thank you so much. How are things going with Ingrid?
Patrick: Ingrid?
Noah: Uh, we're not seeing each other anymore.
Sabrina: Oh, that's too bad. What about Deb?
Patrick: What's going on here? Who's Ingrid? Who's Deb?
Emma: We're gonna be late.
Sabrina: Okay, okay. We are going. Are we going to see you at the ball?
Noah: I will be there.
Sabrina: Okay, great. You better get a good seat because our act is gonna rock the house, right, Emma?
Emma: Right.
Sabrina: Yeah. All right. Let's get out of here. Go, go, go, go.
Emma: [Chuckles]
Noah: See you, sweetheart.
Patrick: Bye, baby. Have fun, okay?
Emma: Okay.
Patrick: Thank you. [Sighs]
Noah: Wow. I tell you, Sabrina... you guys, Emma and you, are so lucky to have found her.
Patrick: [Sighs] Yeah.
Noah: Amazing.
Patrick: We are.
Noah: So, what's wrong?
Kevin: I swear I wouldn't even consider it unless I really believed my patient was in danger.
Lucy: I know that, and I know you're doing the right thing, and I also know I could never hold it against you coming to someone's rescue. Just like you rescued me. [Sighs]
Kevin: I love you.
Lucy: I love you. I just wish I knew how I was going to get through the whole, entire ball without you here.
Kevin: You won't have to. I'll be here in spirit.
Mac: You truly believe that Anna doesn't want to be with you, because she is the police commissioner, and you sometimes dabble in the less-than-legal? Considering when you were first together, she was a cop, and you were a straight-up gangster?
Duke: What? Do you think it's just an excuse?
Mac: How many times do I have to tell you? Anna is trying to push you away because...she doesn't know how she feels.
Duke: Because of Faison.
Mac: He took away Anna's faith in her own judgment, made her doubt what she feels. Look, give her something to trust, you know? Don't stop fighting for Anna now.
Felicia: I'm gonna end this mess with Mac and Frisco the first chance I get.
Anna: Okay. Well, I know you'll do right by everyone involved.
Felicia: Hmm. I certainly hope so.
Anna: Yeah. You can always talk to me about anything. You know that.
Felicia: You know same thing goes for you.
Anna: Mm-hmm. Yeah. I think, um, you know, Duke and I, we -- we've -- I think we've worked things out.
Felicia: You mean by avoiding romance and pretending to be just friends? I think that's the opposite of working things out.
Anna: Right. Yeah. Um...okay, maybe it can't be worked out.
Felicia: Have you tried?
[Knock on door]
Anna: [Sighs] It's the door.
Felicia: We're not done.
Anna: Yeah. No, I'm -- I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. Thanks.
Bobbie: Room for one more?
Anna: Shh. Come on in. Look who's here.
Bobbie: Aah!
Felicia: Ooh! So happy to see you!
Maxie: Hey, where's Carly? I thought she would be with you.
Bobbie: Well, actually, I did, too. [Chuckles]
Carly: Are you going to be there? Great. I can't wait for the Nurses' Ball. I think it's gonna be epic. Let me call you back. Since when do you let yourself into my house?
Sonny: Well, since you let yourself into my house, I thought I'd return the favor. And it looks like you -- you left this at my house last night while you were spying on me and Brenda.
Brenda: She is amazing. She can't just let there be one night to honor Robin. She has to come in here and start telling ridiculous lies --
Jax: Okay, you know, stop it. Stop it.
Brenda: I'm gonna get ready.
Jax: No, no, no, no. You -- you... answer me this question. Was she telling the truth?
[Rhythmic knock on door]
Anna: I'll get it. [Clears throat] Hello.
Felix: Hi, uh, is this Commissioner Devane's room?
Anna: Yes, I'm Commissioner Devane. Are you Felix?
Felix: Dubois.
Anna: Ah. Got it. Yes. Right.
Felix: Golden duck purveyor of CoeCoe cosmetics, Nurses' Ball committee, nurse extraordinaire, and close friend of your granddaughter.
Anna: You know Emma?
Felix: Know her? I-I adore the little scamp.
Anna: Me too.
Felix: Her dad, on the other hand, is a dolt. I've never met anyone so clueless.
Noah: Come on. What's bothering you?
Patrick: I had a moment of clarity a few days ago. It was like I was in a fog for a while, in a fog that I didn't realize that I was in. [Sighs] And I saw Sabrina for who she really is, and, truth is, she kind of saved me. I was a mess, you know. I was in a really bad place after Robin died, Emma and I both. And, um... and Sabrina, she helped put me back together, piece by piece, just little by little, and she did it in those everyday kind of ways, you know, the kind that you don't even notice. And I didn't notice. But it was her all along, and... [Sighs] I went to tell her how I felt, and then after she told me how she felt...I chickened out. I basically...I ran away, and now I'm... well, I'm afraid I might be too late.
Anna: I don't understand. What -- what exactly is Patrick clueless about?
Felix: Um, maybe it isn't my place. Um, hey, who wants some CoeCoe cosmetics?
Maxie: Ooh! Me!
Felix: Okay.
Felicia: I do.
Felix: Here you are. That's right.
Felicia: That sounds great.
Felix: Gift bag for you. Gift bag for you. Gift bag -- you know, I feel like Oprah handing out cars.
Anna: Can I just talk to you? You know, that -- Patrick is the father of my granddaughter, so if there's something I should be concerned about, I-I would like to know.
Felix: You have -- you have nothing to worry about. Patrick's fine. I'm just saying he could be better, less lonely.
[Knock on door]
Anna: Oh, really? Why? You have someone in mind that could help with that? Is that what you're saying? Oh! Hi! There she is! Emma!
Maxie: Emma!
Anna: Here she is.
Felicia: It's about time you got here.
Bobbie: We were waiting for you.
Anna: This one's Emma's.
Felix: Unh-unh. You're with me.
Sabrina: But I-I have to get ready.
Felix: What do you think you need me for?
Sabrina: Felix, really, I can handle it, okay?
Felix: Sabrina, who's your best friend in town?
Sabrina: You.
Felix: And as your best friend, not to mention someone who loves you dearly, I need to inform you that you absolutely can't handle it. So, please, allow me.
Mac: Hey, you guys. Hey, we're here for our final rehearsal.
Duke: Hey, Kevin. I hope you don't mind that I'm going to be dancing with the lovely Lucy this evening.
Kevin: I'm just sorry I won't be able to take in the show. I've been called out of town to help a patient.
Duke: Ah.
Mac: Sorry to hear that.
Kevin: If I can impose on both of you for a favor...
Duke: It would not be an imposition. We will both take very good care of Lucy while you're gone.
Mac: And promise to ensure that she ends up on stage in her scanties, as is her custom. [Chuckles]
Lucy: No, that is one custom -- that is one tradition we are absolutely, positively gonna break this year.
Kevin: Good. The sight of you in your scanties should be for me alone. I'll see you soon.
Lucy: Not soon enough. [Sighs]
Kevin: Bye.
Lucy: Whoo! Show...must...Go...on! Okay, come on. Let's go, let's go. Let's practice rehearsal. You guys, that was a great one.
Sonny: You used to be a better spy.
Carly: I knew you were gonna find out I was there. You have security cameras everywhere.
Sonny: Why were you there?
Carly: Because Jax came by my house last night. Apparently our divorce papers weren't filed properly, and technically we're still married, which is a problem for Jax because he wants to marry Brenda. And as soon as he told me about their engagement, I knew that she would be at your house trying to win you back.
Sonny: That's none -- that's none of your business.
Carly: What are you talking about? Yes, it is. I mean, even if Jax and I weren't still technically married, he's Josslyn's father, and I'm not gonna let Brenda use him certainly not to try and get you back.
Sonny: And that gives you the right to break into my house and eavesdrop on a private conversation?
Carly: What if the positions were reversed, okay? What if you were engaged to Brenda and she was going behind your back and she was going to see Jax? Wouldn't you want me to tell you?
Sonny: It's not about what I want. It's about Jax and Brenda, and you got to stay out of it.
Carly: [Sighs] Too late. 'Cause I just told Jax everything.
Brenda: You know that Carly will lie about anything to anyone to get what she wants, and what that girl wants is to split us up.
Jax: She's not here. I'm asking you. Were you at Sonny's last night?
Brenda: Yes, I went to see him last night.
Jax: Why did you lie to me?!
Brenda: I-I thought it was --
Jax: This would be almost funny if it wasn't so pathetic.
Brenda: What are you talking about? I thought that I should go tell him that you and I are engaged, that he should hear it from me first.
Jax: Really? If it was so innocent, then why did you lie to me?
Brenda: No, I'm telling you right now!
Jax: Oh, okay.
Brenda: Because -- what do you mean, why? Because I knew you'd get upset just like this, and I thought it was important that, you know, I talk to him and -- and know that we can be civil to each other, and I figured you would never have to know about it.
Jax: You didn't ask Sonny for another chance? You didn't use the words "what if we can try again"? You didn't say that?
Brenda: That's not how it was. There was -- there was a lot said --
Jax: You didn't offer to drop me and get back together with Sonny? None of -- none of that happened? Huh? Why don't you tell me how it was?
Carly: And I'm sure Brenda's lying through her teeth right now to Jax, but I saw the look on his face. He believes me. I just wish he wouldn't have done this to himself.
Sonny: To himself? You had nothing to do with it?
Carly: Okay, you, Jax, and Brenda -- you guys started this dance long before I joined in. And that woman is obsessed with you. It's -- it's like an addiction with her, and I would almost feel sorry for her if she wasn't such a selfish bitch.
Sonny: And you are the soul of compassion?
Carly: Maybe it's easy for you because you're the one she's chasing after, but Jax keeps getting his heart broken.
Sonny: Well, then maybe he'll finally buy a clue.
Carly: Okay, I agree with you. I hope he is free of her now.
Sonny: Anyway, I'm done. I'm out of here.
Carly: Where you going?
Sonny: I'm going to the Nurses' Ball to honor Robin.
Carly: Oh! Let me go with you.
Jax: Why don't you tell me exactly what happened at Sonny's?
Brenda: I wanted to talk to him about my letter.
Jax: What letter?
Brenda: The letter, the letter that I wrote to him before I left Port Charles. I gave it to Robin. I asked her to give it to him. I told him that I loved him and that I was his wife and that I would be waiting for him in Rome. He didn't show up. He -- he never even read the letter. He ripped it up.
Jax: Oh. Okay, so you wanted to make sure that he knew what you'd written.
Brenda: No, I-I thought he already knew what I had written, and I just wanted closure, just like --
Jax: Why would you lie about the letter unless you were asking for another -- another chance? Come on, Brenda. Just do us both a favor. Just say the words out loud. You want to try to get back together with Sonny, right? Say it! You want to get back together with Sonny! Yes or no?!
Brenda: Yes!
Jax: [Sighs]
Mac: [As Mr. Marbles] So, they gave Frisco the medal of dishonor. I said dishonor!
Lucy: Yeah. [Chuckles] I-I heard -- I heard you.
Mac: [Normal voice] No good?
Lucy: Mac, I don't -- I don't mean to offend you, but I think you're gonna have to polish those jokes if you don't want to die on stage with a wooden puppet.
Bobbie: You are perfect.
Olivia: I got to say, she makes a good point. Pregnancy clearly agrees with you. This is such a beautiful thing you're doing for Dante and Lulu.
Maxie: It's really not that big of a deal.
Olivia: Are you kidding me? Honey, this is one of the most meaningful things you could do for a person.
Bobbie: Believe me. I know exactly how Lulu felt when she first found out she couldn't bear children of her own. And you have changed all of that. You are giving her a miracle. And I think it's safe to say BJ would agree.
Sabrina: Look, I appreciate the thought, Felix, but I don't want a makeover.
Felix: What's not to want?
Sabrina: It's just -- look, it's just not for me, okay?
Felix: You probably didn't like brussel sprouts, either, until you had them shaved, fried, and dressed in red-wine vinaigrette, either.
Sabrina: No, actually.
Felix: See? That's just it. Look at me as a master chef whipping you into haute cuisine.
Sabrina: But I-I-I like the way that I look. It's -- it's who I am. It's me.
Felix: It's because you don't know any different. What's wrong with trying out a new look?
Sabrina: I could be judged on my appearance and not my abilities.
Felix: Okay, mama, I have news for you. You already are. I'm sorry, but it's true. You've spent all this time wondering why Patrick hasn't noticed you. It's because you're hiding behind this tornado and -- and these soda bottles.
Sabrina: Hey, I need those to see.
Felix: I took the liberty of getting you contacts.
Sabrina: How do you even know my prescription?
Felix: Funny story. I was happening by your medical chart the other day.
Sabrina: "Happening by"?
Felix: And I noticed that you had yourself fitted for contacts but you didn't fill the prescription. Now, why would you do that? Why? I'll tell you why. Because you tried to give yourself a makeover, but you got cold feet before you could follow through. But now there's no need to be afraid, not with me as your guide.
Sabrina: Felix, please don't make me do this.
Felix: Why on earth not?
Sabrina: What if it doesn't change anything? And what if it does?
Felix: [Sighs] I'll make you two promises. One -- by the time I'm done with you, you will turn the head of every man at that Nurses' Ball, Dr. Drake included.
Sabrina: [Scoffs]
Felix: And two -- I'll make you almost as beautiful on the outside as you are on the inside. Wouldn't you like to show Patrick what he's missing out on?
Sabrina: [Sighs]
Anna: Oh, wow, hey. You look great without your glasses. You look like a different woman. [Chuckles]
Sabrina: Do it.
Patrick: I waited too long to tell Sabrina how I feel, and now she's dating somebody else.
Noah: [Chuckles] So?
Patrick: So -- so what? What do you want me to do? Just run up to her and say, "Hey, sorry for being an idiot, but this is how I really feel"?
Noah: Well, why not?
Patrick: [Scoffs] You know, did you and, uh, Emma go over on Skype? Because this is exactly what she'd say.
Noah: Well, you sound like a coward, you know? I mean --
Patrick: Really?
Noah: Really. I'm serious. You know, you got this great girl. And, what, you're gonna just throw it away, because you can't swallow your pride?
Patrick: This has nothing to do about pride. This is about Sabrina.
Noah: Well, do you want this girl or not?
Patrick: Yeah, I do want this girl, but I can't just go in there --
Noah: There's no buts. There's no buts. You go to her and you tell her how you feel.
Patrick: I did, okay? I left her a message, and she didn't call me back.
Noah: [Laughs] Oh, my God. Are you serious? Nobody has ever fallen in love over a voicemail.
Patrick: I'm not saying that she's gonna fall in love --
Noah: How do you even know she got it? And if she got it, that she understood what you meant? You know, for a smart guy, sometimes you're just so thick!
Patrick: Oh, well, maybe I'm out of practice, unlike you with Ingrid and Deb and God knows who else.
Noah: They're just excuses. All right, you go to -- you go to Sabrina, and you have a conversation, and all of the "what ifs" and "if onlys" are gone. You can't let this girl go. I mean, don't -- don't end up like me, all right? I...I let a certain nurse slip through my fingers. Go get Sabrina.
Lucy: Yeah? Ooh. Oh, I love it. I love it. I love it. It's gonna be great. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Well, that's it. Oh, my goodness. Hey, everybody, everybody, listen up! That was it. Thank you, Duke. And that was the last of our technical rehearsals. It's time. [Gasps] Oh, my goodness! Okay! Crew, everybody do what you go to do. Get your tech stuff ready. And, performers, performers, go home, get dressed. I have to do that myself because in mere minutes we're gonna put on the 2013 Nurses' Ball! Okay, everybody, break! Whoo! Let's go, let's go, let's go!
Mac: [As Mr. Marbles] Yay!
Anna: Ladies, ladies, ladies, ladies, ladies.
Felicia: Yes?
Anna: I give you Miss Emma Drake.
Felicia: [Gasps]
All: Aww!
Maxie: You look so cute! I think we're ready for the red carpet, don't you? Let's get going. Come on.
Emma: Sabrina! Are you coming?
Anna: Oh, Sabrina.
Felicia: She's coming.
Felix: Uh, she'll meet you down there.
Anna: Okay.
Bobbie: And your headband. Oh, everything matches.
Anna: Wonderful.
Olivia: Thank you. I love that dress.
Anna: Oh, thank you. I feel a little bit gold. [Chuckles]
Felix: [Sighs] What can I say? I'm a master builder.
Sabrina: Do I look okay?
Felix: You will be the belle of the Nurses' Ball. Come on. Let's go.
Sabrina: I'll meet you down there. I want to try walking in these heels.
Felix: [Chuckles] All right. I'll see you down there. [Sighs] I'm a miracle worker.
Sonny: You want me to take you to the Nurses' Ball?
Carly: Do you have another date?
Sonny: No, I don't, but I was --
Carly: Give me five minutes, okay?
Sonny: Well, you take more than five minutes.
Carly: Okay, 10 minutes tops. 10 minutes.
Sonny: But I want to be there on time 'cause, uh, you know, out of respect for Robin.
Carly: Can you stop sulking? This is going to be fun.
Sonny: You think?
Carly: It is. I'm in the mood to party. I just saved my friend, almost ex-husband, from a man-eating snake.
Jax: Think I got to leave.
Brenda: Oh, no, no. No, no, you don't have to leave.
Jax: No, sorry, I can't be around you right now.
Brenda: Oh, oh, really? You're gonna do that again? Like, you just hate me now like that?
Jax: No, I don't hate you. I hate that -- that I'm doing this to myself, that I thought that this was gonna be different this time.
Brenda: It is different!
Jax: It's not!
Brenda: It is different! I love you! That's why I'm with you! What are you talking -- uh, let's just leave here. We should have never come back here.
Jax: No, no, no, no. You can go wherever you want. You're not going anywhere with me.
Brenda: This is unbelievable. You realize this is exactly what Carly wants? So you're gonna let her do this to us?
Jax: Carly just stopped me from making the worst mistake of my life.
Brenda: Oh, give me a break. Now us loving each other is the worst mistake of your life?
Jax: She made me realize how ruined you are, that there's no chance of me ever saving you.
Brenda: You don't mean that.
Jax: You know, after all this time... I have Carly to thank for this. I got to go.
Brenda: Jax. Jax.
Patrick: Anna? Hi, um... excuse me, I'm looking for someone, uh, about your height with big hair, glasses. Uh, Sabrina Santiago?
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