General Hospital Transcript Tuesday 4/2/13
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Charlene
Epiphany: First floor nurses' station. Oh, hey, Doris! [Laughs] Yeah, how'd you like Frank's big surprise? [Laughing] Huh? Oh, look, I'm gonna have to call you back. Yeah, we just got a whole fresh crop of interns. Yeah, I have to round them up so that Drake Jr. can give them the tour. All I know is that Monica Quartermaine is nowhere to be found.
Monica: You have darkened my door for the last time.
Tracy: You know, I never could really understand how Alan could do this to me -- give this house to the likes of you! If he wasn't already dead, I'd kill him myself!
Alan: Here's your chance, Tracy.
Tracy: You stay out of this. This is between me and that harpy that you occasionally called a wife. I have no room for figments of my imagination.
Monica: If Alan is a figment of your imagination... why am I seeing him, too?
Jax: Hi, Carly.
Carly: Jax. I...can't believe you're here. Come in. Sorry.
Jax: Yeah, thank you.
Carly: Yeah.
Sonny: Hey, Brenda.
Brenda: Hi, Sonny. Can I come in?
Luke: Lulu?
Laura: Oh, my God. Oh, my God. What have they done to my baby? Lulu?
Luke: Ethan. Hey.
Ethan: Hi, Dad.
Elizabeth: [Sighs] [Gasps] Grandma.
Audrey: [Chuckles]
Elizabeth: I didn't expect to see you tonight.
Audrey: Well, I just came to see you and to see your grandfather's portrait. Today would have been his 50th anniversary.
Patrick: Listen up, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Dr. Patrick Drake. I'm the Chief of Neurology. Welcome to General Hospital.
Elizabeth: I completely forgot that today was grandpa's anniversary.
Audrey: Don't be silly. You've been worried about Nikolas. And besides, I told the board that I didn't want anything over-the-top.
Elizabeth: I know, but, still, they should have done something more than just dedicate a picture that's gonna be hung in the board room. Grandpa was General Hospital's heart and soul.
Audrey: I know. That he was.
Elizabeth: Kind of wish everybody could have been here. Sarah's in Monterey, mom and dad are in Asia, Tom's in Africa... you know that Tommy just graduated from medical school? So if he's anything like the Hardys, I'm sure he's off to practice medicine in some exotic place.
Audrey: [Chuckles]
Elizabeth: We really are scattered, aren't we?
Audrey: You know, even if we could be together, you know your grandfather -- he wouldn't want to have a big fuss made over him. That's not the kind of man he was.
Patrick: Dr. Steve Hardy, the first and best chief of staff General Hospital has ever seen -- the reason why we're all here 50 years later. Dr. Hardy died in 1996, but make no mistake about it -- he was the driving force behind this hospital. The good doctors try to live up to his legacy. The better doctors know they never will.
Intern: Did you ever get a chance to work with him?
Patrick: No. Dr. Hardy was before my time. When I first got to General Hospital, the chief of staff was a good friend of mine, Dr. Alan Quartermaine.
Tracy: Monica, you see him, too?
Monica: He just sat down.
Alan: I can hear you.
Tracy: Oh, my God! I should've known.
Monica: Known what?
Tracy: You faked his death, too! How could you do it -- my own flesh and blood?!
Monica: May I remind you that AJ is also your flesh and blood? And, no, I had nothing to do with this. I'm as shocked as you are.
Tracy: So, that is Alan sitting in the armchair?
Monica: In my armchair, yes.
Tracy: I don't care how you got here. Do you have any idea how much I've missed you?
Alan: Well, I've missed you, too.
Monica: Oh. It's true. It's really true. You're alive.
Alan: Not quite.
Monica: I've never been so happy.
Alan: You're about to be happier.
Emily: Hi, Mom.
Monica: Emily.
Sonny: So, what's this all about, Brenda? What brings you back to Port Charles?
Carly: It's so good to see you.
Jax: Good to see you, too.
Carly: Um... what are you doing here? You running a triathlon somewhere, and you just stopped in to say hi?
Jax: No, actually, I needed to talk to you about something.
Carly: Oh.
Josslyn: Daddy?!
Jax: [Gasps] There's my little girl! Come here! Give me a big hug! Oh, I missed you so much!
Josslyn: How much?
Jax: Oh, this much. And do you know how much I love you? All the way to the sky and back.
Josslyn: Me too!
Jax: Oh, come here. You know what? Can you help me with something? Need you to open something for me.
Josslyn: Open what?
Jax: It is a present. Pull the lid off. Ooh! There you go!
Josslyn: A tea party!
Jax: That's what it is -- a tea-party set.
Josslyn: Can I go set it up?!
Carly: Yes, you can. Be careful going up the stairs with it, okay? Careful. Well, uh, that's a hit.
Jax: Yeah, I'm glad she likes it.
Carly: She loves it. You know, um... I guess you didn't come all the way from Australia just to give her a gift, so...
Jax: No, I, uh, actually have something for you.
Carly: Really? Pizza-party set?
[Both laugh]
Jax: No, not exactly.
Luke: There you go.
Ethan: Hey, I can feel my arms.
Luke: How long you been here?
Ethan: I don't know. You must be Laura.
Laura: And you must be Ethan.
Luke: Yeah, I'm sorry, but this is not a real good time for introductions.
Ethan: Right. Well, glad as I am to see you both, I doubt that you're here for me.
Laura: No, we were looking for Lulu. Lulu has been kidnapped.
Luke: Yeah. We thought that Helena was holding her here, but it turns out it's you.
Ethan: Where -- is this -- is this the Haunted Star?
Luke: Yes, but we're not in Port Charles. You know how she loves her cheap theatrics. We're somewhere out in the middle of the Atlantic.
Ethan: Where is she?
Luke: She's up in the salon. Dante's got a gun on her. Listen, can you stand?
Ethan: Yeah, I think so.
Luke: Come on. Let's get you out of here.
Laura: Let me help you. All right?
Ethan: Yeah.
[Door slams, locks]
Laura: Oh, no. Come -- we're locked in! Help!
Luke: Dante! We need an assist! Open the door!
Laura: If he could hear us, he'd be here by now.
Luke: Let's hope he's been able to hold off Helena's henchmen. Otherwise, this is gonna be a really short reunion.
Ethan: Never a dull moment with those Cassadines, eh?
Laura: Do you remember anything about how you got here?
Ethan: I was staying at Lucky's place.
Laura: Do they have Lucky, too?
Ethan: No, he's in Africa, doing help with some orphan kids or something like that.
Laura: He didn't tell me that.
Ethan: He's been thinking about it for a while -- you know, trying to do some good. Um, anyway, I needed a place to crash. Lucky offered his flat in Dublin. And I was getting his mail, and then I got a message from Nikolas, who said something about the family being in danger.
Luke: Lulu?
Ethan: I don't know. I didn't hear the end of the message. There were footsteps, and Helena showed up with two of her boy toys.
Luke: Oh, that bitch is really working overtime with her winged monkeys snatching my kids.
Ethan: She said she was disappointed she missed Lucky but she could use me as a distraction.
Luke: That's what she said? A distraction?
Ethan: The last thing I remember before it was lights out.
Luke: Well, that begs the question -- what does she want to distract us from?
Monica: Oh, my God. I've missed you so much.
Emily: I've missed you, too.
Tracy: Really, Alan? You couldn't have brought mother or daddy back from the great beyond? You had to bring Monica's adopted waif?
Monica: You did not just go there.
Emily: It's good to see you, too, Aunt Tracy.
Tracy: Well, I guess you both can't be alive.
Monica: Are you just visiting?
Emily: I'm here as backup. Dad wanted to talk some sense into you.
Tracy: Yeah, well, I hope that statement isn't directed at me, because she's the one that's throwing me out of the house.
Monica: Okay, for the last time, this is my house. Alan gave it to me.
Alan: I gave it to her.
Tracy: Ha!
Monica: Laugh all you want to, Tracy. Clearly, they are on my side.
Tracy: In your dreams, Monica.
Monica: Have you seen what your sister has been doing? She's been sabotaging our son. She stole your mother's Pickle-Lila relish recipe right out from under him.
Tracy: Excuse me, Monica! Your pathetic loser of a son only deciphered that recipe after he stole my inheritance! I am the sole owner of Pickle-Lila relish, and it says so in Daddy's will!
Emily: Okay, I think we're getting a little off topic here.
Monica: You know, it doesn't matter who did what to who, because this is my house, and I have final say, and I say you go.
Tracy: Okay, Alan, you didn't come all the way down here to side with Monica over your sister. Tell that two-timing wench that I'm staying!
Sonny: Don't leave me in suspense.
Brenda: I thought I'd drop by to make sure that we could be civil to each other tomorrow.
Sonny: Tomorrow?
Brenda: At the Nurses' Ball that they're throwing in honor of Robin Drake.
Sonny: Right.
Brenda: Oh. I know what you're thinking.
Sonny: I doubt that.
Brenda: I didn't come to the funeral, so... why would I show up for this?
Sonny: You loved Robin. Everybody knows that.
Brenda: You loved Robin, too. I cannot believe it's been a year since she's been gone.
Carly: You're divorcing me twice. Since the first time wasn't hard enough, huh?
Jax: Apparently there was a problem with the divorce papers.
Carly: I don't understand. I signed, you signed. You got your copy, right?
Jax: Yeah, I got my copy. Apparently, the state of New York didn't get theirs. Some kind of filing issue.
Carly: Hmm.
Jax: So there's no official record.
Carly: We have to go through the process all over again?
Jax: No, no, no. No, just -- just the signatures.
Carly: So, there's no record of our divorce, that means, and, um...
Jax: That means we're still husband and wife, yes.
Brenda: Robin meant everything to both of us. We've known her since she was a baby.
Sonny: She saw the good, the bad, and the ugly, that's for sure.
Brenda: I miss having a friend like that... someone you can trust with everything. No judgments, no questions asked.
Sonny: Robin was great that way.
Brenda: That's why I asked her to give you my letter.
Sonny: What letter?
Patrick: Our current chief of staff is Dr. Monica Quartermaine.
Intern: Any relation to her predecessor?
Patrick: Husband and wife.
Intern: Wow. Married chiefs at the same hospital.
Patrick: Yes.
Intern: I heard this place used to have a program called Mr. and Mrs. Intern.
Intern: Didn't one intern perform brain surgery with a power drill on his first day?
Patrick: I see you've heard all the stories here at General Hospital. Yes, it's true. We employ the best of the best here. But before you go tripping over your own egos, as some of us have been known to do, remember that the doctors may be the brains of this hospital, but the nurses are the heart.
Epiphany: Drake Jr., there may be hope for you yet.
Elizabeth: It would make grandpa happy knowing how many Hardys have followed in his footsteps. Their work, their patients... their life... [Breathes deeply]
Audrey: But?
Elizabeth: I just wish we all made an effort to stay in touch. You know, gets kind of lonely here, especially now that Steven's gone.
Audrey: You have me.
Elizabeth: I know. I know, and I am so grateful. I honestly don't know what I would do without you.
Ethan: So, Lulu gets a copy of the Ice Princess statue on Valentine's Day, and less than a month later, she disappears?
Luke: Yeah, the only clue we had was that this tub was missing.
Ethan: Oh, you were hoping to find her here. Well, sorry to disappoint.
Laura: Oh, please, don't apologize. Look, you're every bit as much a target as Lulu is.
Ethan: All the same, appreciate the rescue. But why Lulu? I mean, as far as I know, Helena's never shown any interest in her.
Laura: Mm. But she has gone after Lucky more than once, so maybe when she wasn't able to get him, she just sort of moved on to Lulu.
Ethan: Right, 'cause they're both your kids with Luke, so taking them hurts both of you.
Laura: Yeah, that does seem to be what drives her.
Ethan: She's a twisted old bloodsucker, isn't she? Mind like a bag of snakes.
Luke: [Laughing]
Laura: You know something, Ethan? Even if I hadn't been introduced to you, I think I might recognize you anyway. You're quite a bit like your dad.
Luke: Hey, look, people -- assuming I can get this door open, we don't know what's on the other side, but we do know that we're outnumbered, so we're gonna have to work together.
Laura: Ethan, is that gonna be okay for you?
Ethan: Yeah, count me in. Lulu's my sister, too.
Monica: Alan, back me up here. You found Tracy to be just as impossible as I do, which is a nice way of saying he couldn't stand you.
Emily: Mom, can't you even try, just a little?
Monica: To do what?
Emily: Meet Tracy halfway.
Monica: After the way she insulted you?
Tracy: That was always my problem with you. You were a little holier than thou.
Emily: Not Quartermaine enough?
Tracy: Exactly.
Monica: Now you see what I'm dealing with?
Tracy: Oh, please. Alan knows me better than anybody on the planet. Yes, we competed for our parents' attention and despised each other's children --
Monica: Oh, you can stop right there. Ned and Dillon were always family to Alan.
Tracy: [Laughs] Ned? Really? Even after you slept with him, the last in a long line of infidelities starting with Rick Webber?
Rick: No, no. Do not drag me into this.
Carly: We're still married.
Jax: Legally.
Carly: [Laughs]
Jax: What, you think that's funny?
Carly: You don't?
Jax: Not really.
Carly: Oh, come on. As many times as it took us to get married, it just makes sense that our divorce would be similar.
Jax: Yeah, well, I guess we get points for consistency.
Carly: Yes, there is that.
Jax: You know, I still can't believe it sometimes. I mean, what man stands by and waits for the woman he loves while she marries her ex-husband?
Carly: That was you, and don't make it sound so awful, because I only married Sonny, so I wouldn't have to testify.
Jax: Well, I still hated it.
Carly: I know. I know.
Jax: And then the second time, we postponed, right?
Carly: Well, that was noble, you know, so Luke could marry Laura.
Jax: Well, it would have been slightly more noble if it had been a real wedding.
Carly: Well, it was real to her. Or unconventional. I mean, you had a best maid.
Jax: That's right. You had a man of honor.
Carly: Yeah.
Jax: I am sorry about Jason. I really am.
Carly: Thanks.
Jax: You know he wasn't my favorite person, but I always admired how you stood by each other.
Carly: I miss him. I'm always gonna miss him. But I'm okay.
Jax: Yeah. You know, you're doing better than I thought.
Carly: Right. Who knew I could stand on my own two feet?
Jax: Well, I did. I'm just glad that you know it, too.
Carly: Our wedding seems so long ago.
Jax: You looked so beautiful.
Carly: Hope will do that to a girl.
Jax: [Sighs]
Carly: I wish hope could have been enough. How did we let things get in the way?
Jax: Not things. Sonny.
Brenda: Do me a favor and don't play games with me.
Sonny: I'm not playing games.
Brenda: You know what letter I'm talking about.
Sonny: No, I don't.
Brenda: You do know which letter I'm talking about. Right before I left Port Charles, I wrote you a letter. I gave it to Robin. I asked her to give it to you when she felt the time was right. And I know for a fact that you got the letter, Sonny.
Sonny: Okay, you know, I do remember... no, I remember she brought me a letter, Robin did, and I didn't want to deal with it, because I was in a bad way, and Jason did damage control.
Brenda: Jason was good at that.
Sonny: Anybody call you when Jason died?
Brenda: Michael called me. He was very sweet. I know I should have called you, but I didn't want to make things worse.
Sonny: It doesn't really matter.
Brenda: It does matter. Losing people is really hard.
Sonny: Yeah, it is.
Brenda: Why didn't you answer my letter?
Sonny: I never read it.
Brenda: What?
Sonny: I tore up the letter.
Brenda: So you have no idea what I wrote in my letter?
Sonny: Does it really matter at this point?
Brenda: Of course, it matters to me, because if you would have read my letter, it might have changed everything.
Monica: Rick?
Rick: Yeah.
Monica: Oh, my --
Tracy: Oh, should I get you two a room?
Monica: I can't believe it's really you.
Tracy: Are you just gonna stand there and watch them fawn all over each other?
Rick: Tracy, I am already dead. There's not really very much more that Alan could do to me, is there? He was never really successful at murder, was he?
Emily: Oh, please. Like you should talk? You seduced my married mom during a quarantine at the hospital. People were dying, and you hop in the sack?
Monica: Alan, you told her that?
Emily: There's a lot of downtime up there, Mom.
Tracy: Loathe though I am to say, Emily is right -- you are not nearly as squeaky clean as you pretended to be. Hello? Mistress in the attic? Not that I have any use for Laura whatsoever, but that stunt you and Scott Baldwin pulled kept her catatonic for almost 10 years!
Rick: That is not what happened -- not at all. And I didn't come here to rehash the past. I came here to bury the hatchet. Alan, we have been lousy to each other for years. In our present state, it doesn't make any sense, does it?
Alan: Mm.
Rick: Why don't we let bygones be bygones? Alan.
Alan: Bygones.
Emily: Tracy... Mom... if Rick and Dad can finally make peace, then don't you think the two of you can?
Sonny: Are you saying that if I had read the letter, we'd still be together? How do you know?
Brenda: I remember everything that I wrote to you in that letter. Every word. "Dear Sonny, I know things are bad right now. 'Bad' would be an understatement, but I just... want you to know that I did what I thought was right for my son."
Sonny: [Breathes deeply]
Brenda: "I hate how angry you are. I hate how vengeful you are. And I don't want that around my boy. I have to make him my priority 'cause I'm his mom. But... I think after we spend some time apart and things calm down... you should come to Rome, because I won't give up on us. I'm your wife, and I want to be with you. I know it's ridiculous to ask someone to give up their whole world for us, but I think we're worth it. And I know that, deep down, you know we're worth it. And so, I am gonna wait for you in Rome. Until then, I just want you to know that... I love you."
Jax: There's no one -- no one -- quite like you, Carly. You're fearless, complicated... and you astonish me without even trying.
Carly: Ah. Good astonish or bad astonish?
Jax: No. The good far outweighed the bad, at least for me.
Carly: For me, too. You were happy, huh?
Jax: Yep. Well, we have Josslyn to show for it.
Carly: Yeah. Filing error? What if it's not the only one? What if this is one big mistake?
Ethan: I know I'm Luke's kid and not yours, and I just wanted to say Lucky and Lulu are my family, too, and they mean a lot to me, and I love them very much. But they've spoken to me about you, and it's clear that they really care for you, as well, so I just wanted to say I'm sorry for any awkwardness that I've caused.
Luke: Hey. Do me a favor -- Dodge, don't you ever apologize for your existence. You didn't have a vote in how this happened.
Ethan: That's not what I meant, but...
Laura: Ethan, I'm really glad to finally meet you. I'm sorry that it didn't happen sooner or under different circumstances. But, you know, my kids have talked to me about you, too. And it's really clear to me how much they love you.
Luke: Okay. Now that we got that settled... let's go find your sister.
[Door opens]
Laura: [Gasps]
Helena: I'm afraid that's not possible.
Elizabeth: Alexis is in there. She's gonna spend the night with Nikolas.
Audrey: Oh, darling, you must be exhausted.
Elizabeth: And I have an early shift tomorrow, so I want to get home before the boys go to bed. But I know they would love to see their great-gram.
Audrey: Not any more than she'd love to see them.
Elizabeth: Perfect! Do you want to stop by grandpa's portrait on the way out?
Audrey: Oh, you read my mind.
[Both laugh]
Patrick: No one is here to babysit you, but we would rather you ask questions than compromise a patient, so until you know what you're doing, speak up. And always listen to the nurses. They know what they're doing. They know more about medicine than any of us will ever learn.
Epiphany: Mm-hmm. As if saving lives isn't enough, we also put on the biggest show in town -- the Nurses' Ball.
Intern: Like with the gowns and dancing?
Epiphany: It's a fundraiser, and G.H. used to throw it every year. We raised quite a bit of money for HIV/AIDS research.
Patrick: Yes, we did.
Intern: Awesome.
Patrick: Not only that is new interns get to go for free.
Intern: Nice!
Epiphany: And if you want to be considered one of those interns, I suggest you get back to work.
Epiphany: Now!
Patrick: Go easy on them. I remember that first day. It's nerve-racking.
Epiphany: Drake Jr., are you admitting that you were actually humble when you first started out?
Patrick: Hell, no. I thought I knew everything. Humble comes later when you learn you're not God. You realize there's 50 years of tradition riding on your shoulders, and it's your job to move it forward... make the legacy your own.
Epiphany: You think you can manage that?
Patrick: [Chuckles] Guess we'll have to ask somebody in 50 years, won't we?
Epiphany: Mm-hmm.
Emily: Come on, Mom. Dad came all the way from the afterlife to get you and Tracy to a civil place.
Monica: This is really what you want?
Alan: It is.
Monica: Okay. Tracy, you can stay.
Tracy: Su casa es mi casa?
Monica: Don't push it.
Alan: Thank you, Monica.
Emily: Your turn, Tracy.
Tracy: Truce.
Monica: Truce.
Tracy: Satisfied?
Emily: I don't know, Dad. I think, um... I think they should seal it with a hug? What do you think?
Alan: Oh, absolutely.
Emily: It really was a long trip, and a hug would just make it all worth it.
Tracy: You want me to hug her?
Emily: Yes.
Monica: It would take a bigger miracle than just this visit.
Rick: Monica, it's a little measly hug. All right, you could spend the rest of your waking days being haunted by the likes of us.
Emily: Next time, we won't be so nice.
Tracy: This is nice?
Emily: I need to get to the hospital to see Nikolas, so...
Alan: Come on, Monica. Our daughter's waiting.
Tracy: Okay, come on. Let's get it over with.
Monica: [Sighs] Oh.
Jax: Carly, we've been over this. Divorce was our only option.
Carly: Was it?
Jax: Besides, I heard that you moved on...a couple of times.
Carly: Has Alexis been running her mouth?
Jax: No, Alexis didn't say anything.
Carly: Really?
Jax: Okay, fine. She told me.
Carly: Okay, did she tell you that I ended my last relationship? I ended it.
Jax: Maybe she wasn't aware of that.
Carly: It's true, okay? Listen, I just... I've had to re-evaluate and think about what... what it is that makes me happy and what I want and who I want.
Jax: I can't be your fallback guy.
Carly: You're not the fallback guy. You're not. You're the guy. You are. In any relationship that I've been in, I think I've just been trying to get over you. But here you are, and I'm free. It's a sign, Jax. It's a sign. I think we gave up... on our marriage.
Brenda: After I gave Robin that letter, I felt like I was gonna have a nervous breakdown. Every time I heard someone knock on the door... I almost jumped out of my skin, because I was always positive it was gonna be you... and that you were gonna come for me. And then you didn't. So I figured that was your answer.
Sonny: Then you sent the divorce papers, and I figured that that was it. I guess we were both wrong, right?
Brenda: What else is new? Robin says you've moved on.
Sonny: Yeah, yeah. Uh... I love her very much. She's not here right now. I'm not sure when she's coming back. She could be lost to me forever. Just like you.
Luke: I take it we're not here to enjoy the view.
Helena: Well, I thought we could all benefit from the fresh air. The gunpowder tends to linger in enclosed spaces.
Laura: Where's Dante? What have you done to him?
Helena: Did you really think that the bastard son of a gangster would be any match for a Cassadine?
Laura: If you killed him...
Helena: It would all be your fault, like everything else.
Ethan: What are you doing, Helena? Why Lulu?
Helena: Perhaps you don't appreciate a mother's need to avenge her sons.
Luke: Oh, will you shut up about those dead kids of yours? Where's Dante?
Helena: Dante's not going to be a problem anymore. Now, before we were so rudely interrupted... Laura was about to die.
[Gun cocks]
Helena: Time to finish the job.
Patrick: Does the picture meet with your approval?
Audrey: It does, indeed.
Patrick: [Chuckles] It's gonna be a little intimidating sitting through those board meetings with the original chief of staff looking down on us.
Elizabeth: [Chuckles]
Patrick: Hopefully, it'll inspire us to reach his standard. That's the plan, anyway.
Elizabeth: Gram, isn't your golden anniversary right around the corner?
Audrey: Well, I guess it is. [Chuckles]
Steve: How am I doing?
Elizabeth: You and Grandpa had quite the love story, didn't you?
Audrey: Well, we all have. What's life but one person's story crossing with another's?
Patrick: I think about that often... think about, if my dad didn't practice here, would Robin have tracked me down for that first procedure? Would we have got to know each other, fell in love, have our beautiful daughter? [Breathes deeply] This place changed my life. I know I'm not the only one.
Elizabeth: Yeah, think of how many lives have been touched, how many stories have passed through this place in 50 years.
Patrick: Stories of rivalries...
Tracy: Monica?
Monica: Yes?
Tracy: They're gone.
Monica: Oh.
Tracy: Wow. What the hell happened here?
Monica: I have no idea.
Tracy: Alan, Emily, Rick? It was a dream, right? It had to be.
Monica: We can barely share living space. Now we're sharing dreams?
Tracy: What other explanation is there?
Monica: What the hell is in that relish?
Patrick: ...Stories of love...
Carly: I know this is crazy.
Jax: Carly...
Carly: When we were together, it was great.
Jax: I know. It was the best time of my life, but I need to --
Carly: Then we should give this another shot.
Jax: I'm sorry. I -- there's a part of me that's always going to love you. Okay? I don't think that's ever gonna change. We'll always be connected through Josslyn.
Carly: You really want me to sign those divorce papers?
Jax: I need you to. The only reason I found out that we weren't divorced is... because I got engaged.
Patrick: ...Stories of heartbreak...
Sonny: After all this... I won't be able to look at you and not wonder "what if...?"
Brenda: There's another reason why I thought I would stop by before the Nurses' Ball. I've moved on, too.
Sonny: You have?
Brenda: Mm-hmm.
Sonny: Serious?
Brenda: You could say that. I'm engaged.
Sonny: To who?
Carly: You're engaged? To who?
Jax: [Sighs] Brenda.
Brenda: Jax.
[Glass clatters]
Patrick: ...Stories that left us on the edge of our seats.
Luke: For once in your life, why don't you put the blame on the right person. Helena, I'm the one who killed your seedy spawn, and I'm the one who happily murdered your maniac of a husband. So if you're trigger-happy, and you want to shoot somebody, come on -- shoot me!
Helena: You know... on second thought... I'm not gonna shoot anyone. Laura is.
Patrick: The thing about all those stories -- we never know how they'll end. 50 years. It's quite an accomplishment.
Audrey: For all of us.
Patrick: [Chuckles]
Epiphany: Dr. Drake, you're needed in the E.R., stat.
Patrick: Got it. Thank you.
Audrey: Mm-hmm.
Elizabeth: It never ends, does it?
Audrey: Oh, Grandfather wouldn't have it any other way. Well... my rock of Gibraltar. Happy anniversary, darling.
[Audrey cries]
Epiphany: Everybody back to work!
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