GH Transcript Monday 4/1/13

General Hospital Transcript Monday 4/1/13


Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Gisele

[Door slams]

A.J.: Tracy, where the hell are you?! I know you're hiding somewhere, you poisonous snake!

Tracy: Is that the whining of my nephew? You're just in time to toast my victory over you and Michael. Cheers.

Michael: Hey.

Sonny: Hey. Uh, come in.

Michael: Any, uh, word from Dante?

Sonny: Not yet.

Michael: He's got to be losing his mind. Lulu disappears, and now it looks like Helena Cassadine took her.

Sonny: Luke can handle Helena, especially now with Dante as backup. Uh, she has her parents and her husband looking for her. She'll be back soon.

Michael: Yeah, I hope so.

Sonny: Is that why you came by, to ask about Dante?

Michael: Uh, I saw Mom tonight. I, uh, thought I would give you equal time.

Sonny: How's Carly doing?

Michael: She said she's tired of losing people.

Sonny: I know how she feels.

Carly: [Gasps] Mom! [Both chuckle] Oh, I'm so happy to see you.

Bobbie: Oh, me too, sweetie. And I would have been here sooner, but I've been at the hospital, praying for Nikolas to live.

Monica: I just spoke to the attending. He said that Nikolas' heart stopped for a second time?

Elizabeth: Yes, but the team was able to revive him right away. And he's stable. Now we're just waiting for him to wake up.

Monica: Ugh. Well, I can imagine that you are relieved. Everyone has been so concerned.

Elizabeth: Including his grandmother.

Monica: Leslie?

Elizabeth: Helena. She called a few minutes ago and spoke with Alexis.

Monica: How does Helena know about Nikolas?

Elizabeth: Luke and Laura were with her. And they're certain Helena is the one who kidnapped Lulu. But I guess she must have gotten the better of them.

Helena: Laura has been a source of unending pain for anyone unfortunate enough to drift into her orbit. And that includes you, Luke. Now, I'm -- I'm doing all of us a favor. I will finally put an end to everyone's misery by finally putting an end... to Laura. I do hope you've made your peace with God.


Tracy: What's that you're holding? Is it a shipping receipt?

A.J.: You're just loving the hell out of this, aren't you?

Tracy: Ooh. Let me read it for you just in case you can't. Kiss my tuchus, A.J.! I win!

A.J.: That package was delivered to my office, addressed to me, and you stole it!

Tracy: Hmm, well, your secretary deserted her post.

A.J.: You had no right to do that!

Tracy: I had every right. That relish is legally mine, and now that I have the final ingredient, the entire world can enjoy it. You have no idea how clever my mother was. You're gonna be surprised when you find out what that final ingredient is. But you know what? You're gonna get to taste it soon enough!

A.J.: The only reason that it exists in the first place is because of the research that I paid for!

Tracy: No, A.J. The only reason it exists is because my mother invented it! And my father left it to me! So I'm going right into production with it. And if that isn't devastating enough, I have my people searching the globe for my father's secret heir. And when I find him or her, I'm gonna vote you out of ELQ. And with the money I make from Pickle-Lila, I am gonna return my family's company to its former glory!

Sonny: I should have learned, you know, people come in and out of your life. Most of the time, you got no control as to when they leave or why. I just can't get used to it.

Michael: Are you talking about Kate?

Sonny: Or Connie.

Michael: Do you think this, uh, treatment's gonna work -- integrating the personalities?

Sonny: The doctor's gonna help the host personality, whoever that may be. It could be Kate. It could be Connie.

Michael: Do you care which one comes back?

Sonny: Either way, I'm gonna lose somebody I care about. Bottom line is I have no idea who's gonna walk through that door.

Carly: Michael and I came by the hospital to see you, but you were with Nikolas, and the ICU wouldn't let anymore visitors in.

Bobbie: He had a post-op complication. He had to be revived twice.

Carly: Oh, my God. Is he gonna be okay?

Bobbie: Well, his doctors think he's going to recover, although he hasn't regained consciousness. Scott and I were with Nikolas for most of the day. He never opened his eyes.

Carly: Why would Scott Baldwin care about Nikolas?

Bobbie: For Laura.

Carly: Oh. Laura's out looking for Lulu, and she needs someone she can trust to stay with Nikolas. Although I can't understand why she trusts Scott Baldwin.

Bobbie: Well, Scott may have his flaws, but he can be very loyal.

Carly: If you say so.

Bobbie: Besides, what else was Laura supposed to do? She's afraid for her daughter. And now her son isn't waking up.

Monica: You are exhausted. Why don't you go home, see your boys, and I will call you if anything changes.

Elizabeth: I'm okay. I'm -- I'm fine. A.J. came by earlier. Talking to him helps.

Monica: Thank you for giving him a chance. Because that's all he has ever wanted from anybody.

Elizabeth: Well, I'm glad I did.

Monica: Elizabeth, I know that Nikolas would want to see you get some rest.

Elizabeth: I just wish there was something I could do for him. Or for Lulu or Luke and Laura.

Helena: Drop the gun.

Dante: Not until I know my wife is safe.

Helena: It might be simpler if they just shot you.

Dante: You think they can drop me before I pull the trigger? You willing to bet your life on that?

Helena: Are you?

Laura: Don't do it, Dante. It's too dangerous. Just drop it.

Helena: You think you're so clever, sneaking onboard, shooting the weapon out of my hand. To what end?

Luke: You are really losing it, Helena. You're just slipping away. Soon you'll be out of the game completely.

Helena: All he's done is just postpone the inevitable. Laura's still going to die. But now he is, too. Kill Dante first. Make Lulu a widow. Then Luke and Laura can watch him die.

Sonny: All I know is that I can't keep going back and forth between Connie and Kate.

Michael: [Sighs] Dad, Connie did a lot of damage going all the way back to your birthday when she set you up to walk in on Johnny and her in bed together.

Sonny: She's changed since then.

Michael: Enough for you to give her the benefit of the doubt?

Sonny: Look, I'm not saying that I have the same illness as Connie, but I do have an illness. And -- and when it takes over, I do terrible things. You were witness to some of those terrible things. And you do know that there's a part of me that I can't control except with medication. When I spiral, I wreck things. The people that I love the most are the ones that I do more harm to.

Michael: You understand Connie.

Sonny: I -- what I understand is how, you know, how it feels to be out of control and to do things that you didn't think you could do.

Michael: What about Kate?

Sonny: I love Kate. But I-I love Connie, too.

Josslyn: I love her!

Carly: What do you say, Josslyn?

Josslyn: Thank you, Grandma!

Bobbie: It's my pleasure, Sweetie.

Carly: Hey, why don't you go show Mercedes upstairs?

Bobbie: Mm.

Carly: Careful going up, okay? Watch your head.

Bobbie: [Sighs]

Carly: I think she likes it.

[Both chuckle]

Bobbie: So, we were talking about A.J.

Carly: Oh, God. I couldn't believe it when he showed up alive. And he is just as sleazy and selfish and entitled as ever. And what is the first thing he does? He tries to turn my son against me.

Bobbie: Well, you and A.J. have a complicated past.

Carly: Complicated? It's perfectly simple. He's a selfish jerk. He is! The only decent thing he's done his entire life is get me pregnant. He was so drunk, he didn't even know what he was doing.

Bobbie: Honey, you didn't say any of this to Michael, did you?

Carly: No, I didn't say it to Michael, but A.J. did. God! And you know what? When I fought back, A.J. played the victim. He put Michael in the middle, so I had to back off, or I was afraid I was gonna lose my son.

Bobbie: I don't believe you would ever lose Michael.

Carly: I couldn't take that chance. So now I had to step back and pretend like I'm okay with A.J. dragging Michael back to ELQ. I'm telling you, Mom... if I could figure it out and come up with a plan, I would make sure Tracy takes that company back over and kicks A.J. out in the street where he belongs.

A.J.: You know, you've only had that recipe for a few hours. There's no way you already put it in production.

Tracy: A.J., that's where you and I differ. I'm a businesswoman. I had a supplier and a manufacturer all waiting and ready to go. All I needed was the final ingredient. I sent that recipe off hours ago.

A.J.: There's got to be another copy.

Tracy: Search the premises if it makes you feel better. I'm going to enjoy this delicious hors d'oeuvre and my champagne. Ta-ta, Junior. Why don't you stop at the unemployment office on the way to the nearest tavern? Mmm! Mother, this could not be more delicious if you made it yourself. [Chuckles]

Laura: [Gasps]

Michael: Look, I don't know mean to question how you feel. It's just I'm --

Sonny: I know it sounds crazy that I'm in love with two different women who share the same body. I can't even wrap my own head around it sometimes. I hurt Kate by being with Connie. And I hurt Connie by being in love with Kate.

Michael: So everyone loses.

Sonny: I hope not. I hope once she's integrated that who ever survives will be healed and whole.

Michael: Well, when will you know?

Sonny: Well, I talked to her case manager. He said that once therapy goes through and everything, it could happen quickly.

Michael: Will you be able to visit her?

Sonny: I'm hoping better than that. I'm thinking she might be released.

Michael: How soon?

Sonny: You know what? Every time somebody knocks on that door... I think it's her.

Michael: Yeah, but, Dad, who do you want to come home to you, Connie or Kate?

Tracy: Mother, Daddy... I salute you both. Mother for concocting this divine relish and Daddy for giving me the means to save ELQ. Although you did do it in the most convoluted way. Of course, I suppose that was the point -- to challenge me and make me figure it out. And figure it out I did. So here's to you, here's to me, and better days ahead.

Monica: Well, I hope so, 'cause I just left my ex-son-in-law in ICU fighting for his life.

Tracy: Monica, I'm so sorry. Sit down. Have a cracker. Have some champagne.

Monica: No, actually, I just came home to change. I have to go back to the hospital and greet the new interns.

Tracy: Mm! More for me.

Monica: Where did all this come from?

Tracy: Cook.

Monica: Cook is dead.

Tracy: [Laughs] Obviously not that Cook. I hired a cook.

Monica: You went and you hired someone without consulting me? This is my house, Tracy!

Tracy: You're so right. I'm so sorry. I should have consulted you. The situation arose, and I just jumped at it. And if there's anything you're not pleased with, please, please feel free to fire him.

Monica: My... you are acting very strangely. I mean, even for you.

Tracy: You know... there's something about great food that makes you feel everything is right with the world. You know what? You should really try one. Might put a smile on your face.

Monica: Mmm! Oh, my. This is fabulous. I mean, this -- [Chuckles] This is really spectacular.

Tracy: Have another one.

Monica: Thank you. This reminds me of a food... what was it? It was some kind of food we had when Alan was alive.

Tracy: You're kidding. This reminds you of a food you ate back in the day when you were cheating on my brother with... the boyfriend du jour, you bankrupted the company, and you forced my mother to open her own business?

Monica: Okay, what are you talking about, Tracy?

Tracy: Pickle-Lila, Monica.

Monica: Lila's relish?

Tracy: You're eating it.

Monica: W-wait a minute. What happened with A.J.?

Tracy: It's mine, Monica. Daddy left it to me. And what you're tasting is the sweetness of my victory and the bitterness of A.J.'s loss.

Carly: You know what? I don't care if A.J. fails, because he has been doing it his entire life. I just don't want him to hurt Michael in the process.

Bobbie: Well, do yourself a favor, honey. Just stay out of it.

Carly: I know. I know. I hear you. But I just can't stand the fact that A.J. has roped Michael into going to work for him at ELQ when he should be going to college full time. It's wrong. It's selfish. It's like Michael exists just to validate A.J., and this is exactly the reason I didn't want A.J. to know that he was Michael's father.

Bobbie: Oh, now, wait a minute, Carly. Let's not rewrite history.

Carly: What are you talking about?

Bobbie: When you first found out you were pregnant, you weren't worried about protecting your child from A.J. You were trying to hang on to Tony.

Carly: You're right. I was, uh... really messed up then. And I destroyed you and your marriage and your family, and I didn't realize it till it was too late, and I couldn't fix it. I...

Bobbie: But we managed to get past all of that.

Carly: 'Cause you were willing to forgive me.

Bobbie: Wouldn't you forgive your kids anything they did?

Carly: Of course. [Chuckles] But I don't have to worry about that, because my kids are not a train wreck like I was.

Bobbie: Hey, you, don't be criticizing my daughter.

Carly: I'm so glad you're here.

Bobbie: [Chuckles] I am, too.

Elizabeth: Can I tell you something? Something I probably wouldn't say if you were awake. This whole A.J. thing -- it kind of scares me. The idea of getting involved with Jason's brother is -- I don't know. Is it wrong? Is it wrong like the way I was with you?

Nikolas: There's only been one time since Emily died that I stopped thinking about her... that I wasn't living in the past... and the only thing that mattered was right in front of me.

Elizabeth: [Sighs] I never thought we would betray lucky or Emily's memory. But we did. The first time we were together, I didn't know if I loved you or I hated you. But I knew I hated myself. And then I realized you felt the same way. You said you finally understood what it meant to be a Cassadine. But they don't -- they don't feel guilt or remorse. You have a conscience. They don't. You could never be as cold and cruel as your grandmother.


Dante: One down, one to go.


Dante: Get up. Get up! Out from behind the bar. Come on. Let's go. Let's go.

Helena: Don't shoot.

Luke: Why not?

Dante: Over here.

Luke: We're in international waters. We'd just throw the carcass overboard.

Dante: No one would ever know.

Laura: Dante, you can't. Not yet.

Helena: Laura's a little squeamish about bloodshed.

Luke: Quit stalling. Where's Lulu?

Helena: I can't help you.

Dante: Well, then shut up. You shut up and you listen to me. Okay? I don't care about your family or about your little war you have going with the Spencers, okay? All I care about is getting my wife back. So you take me to her right now. If she's alive, you live. And if she's not, you die.

A.J.: I'm gonna find that recipe if I have to tear you apart.

Monica: A.J., how did Tracy get ahold of that?

A.J.: How do you think?! She stole it! She broke into my office at ELQ.

Tracy: Soon to be my office.

A.J.: She pretended to be the secretary, and then she waylaid the messenger.

Monica: You're nothing but a thief, Tracy.

Tracy: No, Monica. I was just reclaiming what was mine. Daddy left Pickle-Lila to me.

A.J.: That recipe was my property! I paid the lab for the research!

Monica: All right, never mind, never mind. All you have to do is get a sample, take it to the lab, and have them re-create the recipe.

A.J.: Wait. What sample?

Tracy: Oh, did I forget to mention? I had the processing plant make up a sample for me, so that I could give it my seal of approval.

Monica: Tracy has been feeding me Pickle-Lila on crackers. Where is it?

Tracy: Oh, I'm sorry. I ate the last one. I couldn't resist. But not to worry. It'll be in production soon. You'll be able to taste it.

A.J.: You know, Tracy, you're not gonna be able to spend a dime of that money. 'Cause I'm gonna kill you.

Michael: Well, I guess it worked out for the best. I mean, the doctors will do their work, and whoever comes home -- Connie or Kate -- will be the real person, you know. You won't have to choose between them.

Sonny: I don't think I could. I love them both...differently. But I have no say as to, you know, which one's gonna turn out to be the host personality.

Michael: Well, if the integration works, will it be permanent?

Sonny: That's what the doctor says. Kate or Connie... whoever comes back to me is gonna be that woman... the rest of her life.

Carly: I'm happy that Michael and Sonny are so close, thank God.

Bobbie: You didn't always feel that way.

Carly: No. Sonny and I -- we've had our ups and downs. And we're still going to have them, I'm sure. It's just... after we lost Jason, I think Sonny and I kind of feel like, um... you have to hold on to the people you have left. So...

Bobbie: You haven't said much about Jason.

Carly: What's to say? He was shot in the back and kicked into the harbor, and he's dead. And he left behind a beautiful little boy... Daniel Edward Morgan. Everyone calls him Danny. And he looks just like Jason. He does. And he has the same personality, you know. He'll just sit there, and he takes it all in, and he just watches, and he never cries. And has the same funny little scowl that Jason had every single time that I would show up at his doorstep and... need his help, you know, when my life was a complete mess and a disaster. And I'd need Jason to fix it for me, and he always did, every time. No matter how bad I lied or messed up, Jason loved me, and he was there for me. [Sniffles] And now he's gone. So, yeah, there's this, um... gigantic hole... where Jason used to be, and it is so big that, um, you know, I try not to look at it, and I keep trying to fill it with other people. But that's wrong. You know, because it's, um... it's a place where Jason used to be. And I shouldn't put anything there, right, because I should just -- that should just be his.

Bobbie: Do you think that's what Jason would want?

Carly: I think Jason would want me to be happy. And... I thought I was. And I was wrong.

Elizabeth: When Lucky found out we had been together, he was so hurt -- so hurt and angry. It was worse than I imagined. I was so ashamed. That's why I took it out on you.

Nikolas: This is the second time that I have walked up on you making a scene in the hospital. Take some time off. Get your head straight.

Elizabeth: What I do is none of your business. We're not having an affair anymore, remember?

Nikolas: Yeah.

Elizabeth: The three of us paid the price. And we're still paying.

Dante: Let's go see Lulu.

Helena: I don't follow orders, young man. Especially not -- well, it's time you got here.

Dante: One more move, and she gets it.

Luke: Okay, Madam Cassadine's employees are not exactly known for their sterling intelligence, so I'm gonna lay it out for you. Either you put your guns down like nice little henchmen, or he's gonna shoot her, and we all watch her bleed to death, or she can make it a lot easier on all of us and tell us what we want to know.

Laura: Tell us, Helena. Where's our daughter?

Luke: Speak up!

Sonny: You were right what you said before, that, you know, I'm lucky not to have to choose between Kate and Connie, 'cause I... I did that once. And it just didn't go right.

Michael: I don't understand.

Sonny: Well, you didn't know Brenda. You knew her from the last time she came to Port Charles. When I met her, she was a different girl. She was beautiful and wild and... greedy for attention, greedy for love, and I could not stay away from her. Didn't even try.

Michael: Yeah, but, uh... you married Lily.

Sonny: Yeah, I was gonna get indicted for racketeering, and Lily's father was -- he had the power to drop the charges, but I had to marry his daughter. So that's what I did.

Michael: So you didn't really love her.

Sonny: Lily was beautiful, kind, and she understood me in ways that not too many women did. She accepted that I -- the things that I couldn't tell her about my business or my life. We were gonna be happy together. But I couldn't let go of Brenda, and Brenda couldn't let go of me. So I chose to be with Brenda. And I was gonna walk out on my wife. And then Lily tells me she's pregnant. So I made another choice. And I-I chose to stay with my kid and Lily. But it was too late, 'cause her dad wanted revenge. He wanted me dead. And he killed her instead.

Michael: Dad, it wasn't your fault.

Sonny: It was absolutely my fault, Michael, because I loved two women, and I had to make a choice, and all... all of it was wrong.

Michael: Do you think that's the real reason your marriage to Brenda didn't work out?

Sonny: It's one reason. The other is Brenda had feelings for Jax and, you know, put your mother in the mix, and it all got messy.

Michael: You don't have to tell me how complicated my mom is.

Sonny: No, I guess not.

Carly: [Sighs] Maybe it's time I grew up, you know, and, um, stop counting on someone else to pull me back from the brink of disaster and take care of myself.

Bobbie: Good for you.

Carly: So, assuming I can stick to this, and I can be thoughtful and mature, Josslyn will grow up with a stable childhood, you know. More stable than Michael.

Bobbie: What about Morgan?

Carly: I think out of all three of my kids, Morgan had the best childhood, you know. He grew up with Jax. That was a happy time. Really happy time. And, um... I think that's why Morgan stays away so much, why he doesn't want to come back, because his family's gone.

Bobbie: Honey, not gone. The family's just...scattered.

Carly: I know. [Chuckles] You know Jax is in Australia, and, you know, Josslyn -- she spent Christmas with him.

Bobbie: Well, then maybe next time Josslyn goes to see Jax, you could go with her.

Carly: Well, I mean, the last time he was here, we filed for divorce.

Bobbie: Well, so what? Marry him again!

Carly: [Laughs]

Bobbie: Never say "never."

Tracy: It's my relish, my profits, and soon ELQ will be my company!

Monica: Stop it, both of you!

A.J.: Mom, get out of the way.

Monica: What if you hit her?

A.J.: That's the idea!

Monica: No, it isn't the idea, A.J.

A.J.: Michael and I were counting on that relish!

Monica: Okay, and I understand. I sympathize. But if you hit Tracy, she'll send you to prison for life, and I've lost too many members of my family. I'm not losing you.

A.J.: This is not your battle.

Monica: Yes, it is. Yes, it is. And I'm gonna handle it. I just need a moment alone with my sister-in-law.

A.J.: You sure?

Monica: I'm absolutely sure, and you are not so old that I can't send you to your room.

A.J.: What?

Monica: Yes. So, Alan Jr., go up to your room and stay there until I call you.

A.J.: You're sure?

Monica: I mean it. I'm absolutely sure. And whatever you hear, don't pay any attention to it until I come and get you. I'm gonna handle this situation in my house once and for all. Go. [Sighs]

Tracy: What are you gonna do, Monica?

Monica: Well, I was -- I was talking about Emily earlier, and she -- she had wisdom that often eluded me and bypassed you completely.

Tracy: Well, I always found her a little preachy.

Monica: But she knew right from wrong. And you did my son wrong, Tracy. And I have to make it right.

Tracy: How?

Monica: By doing something I should have done years ago. Tracy Angelica Quartermaine, you obnoxious bitch, I am throwing you out of my house once and for all!

Elizabeth: I know how much you loved Aiden, how determined you were to be a good father. And I watched your heart break when I told you he wasn't your son. I have something I need to tell you and I should have told you months ago. And I'm -- I'm so sorry.

Nikolas: Sorry for what?

Elizabeth: Aiden isn't your son. He's Lucky's. I know the reason you moved to Europe was so that Aiden could grow up with a family and to give me and Lucky another chance. [Sighs] But I lost Lucky anyway. He left. I don't think he's ever coming back.

Luke: Enough, already! Kill the bitch. I'll drop these two, and we'll be done with this.

Helena: Oh, for God's sake. Stand down.

Dante: Drop your weapons. Throw them over there.

[Guns thudding]

Dante: I think I know where she's holding Lulu.

Helena: I seriously doubt it.

Laura: Where?

Dante: Anna's friends at the WSB have --

Helena: Oh! Don't tell me you still have faith in the WSB.

Dante: Anna's friends at the WSB have infrared surveillance of someone in a stateroom below deck. They're not moving, but they're alive, maybe tied up.

Laura: Is Lulu tied up? What have you done to my daughter?!

Luke: Don't even think about it!

Dante: One more time -- one more time, and I promise you -- I promise you I will end her.

[Radio chatter]

Luke: All right, is that a radio? Get it out. Call your associates. Tell them if they try to stop us, the dragon lady dies. Do it!

Helena: Do as he says.

Luke: Are those keys? Toss them over here.

Bodyguard: All personnel, stand down. I repeat, stand down.

Dante: I'll take care of the old lady.

Helena: I beg your pardon.

Dante: You two go get our girl.

Laura: Okay.

Luke: Back up! Laura, get the guns.

Laura: Yes. Yeah.

Luke: You all right?

Dante: Yeah. It's over, Helena.

Helena: Break a leg!

Monica: This is my house.

Tracy: Yes, I know. Alan gave it to you, because he's an idiot!

Monica: To be perfectly accurate, he bought it for me for a wedding present.

Tracy: Yes, I believe that was when you were already cheating on him with Rick Webber.

Monica: Well, I have the title, I have the deed, and I have the right to throw you out.

Tracy: Well, I'm not going anywhere, so you're gonna have to serve me with eviction papers.

Monica: I'll have you arrested for trespassing.

Tracy: You wouldn't dare.

Monica: Oh, try me! You can sleep in a cell, you can sleep in the street, but you're not spending one more night in this house! You have darkened my door for the last time!

Tracy: You know, I could never really understand how Alan could do this to me -- give this house to the likes of you. If he weren't already dead, I'd kill him myself!

Alan: Here's your chance, Tracy.

Sonny: Everything okay?

Michael: Yeah. It's, uh, A.J. We're, uh, working on something that's gonna put ELQ in the black.

Sonny: I know we've had our disagreements about, you know, A.J., but I am happy for you.

Michael: Thank you.

Sonny: I mean, one thing I've learned is you can't take the future for granted. You've got to live every day like it's your last. You got to, you know, tell the people who you care about how you feel. I love you, Michael.

Michael: I love you, too, Dad. Now, look, I'm never gonna forget that I'm your son. And I'll always feel lucky that I got to grow up with you.

Sonny: I'm lucky 'cause you're the best gift I ever got.

Michael: All right. Oh, and I, uh, I hope the woman you love comes home soon.

Bobbie: [Sighs] Well, I should go 'cause I have to check on Scott. Make sure he hasn't gotten into any trouble.

Carly: Okay, you guys aren't, you know...

Bobbie: No, no, no, no. There's no chance of that.

Carly: [Chuckles]

Bobbie: He's madly in love with Laura, again.

Carly: So? It never stopped you before.

Bobbie: Yeah, well, I finally learned my lesson about chasing after men who are in love with someone else. And I hope you have finally learned that lesson, too.

Carly: Trying. Yeah.

Bobbie: Oh, honey. No matter how hard it is, if you have faith in yourself, everything else will just fall into place.

Carly: Okay.

Bobbie: Okay.

Carly: [Sighs]

Sonny: [Sighs]

Michael: Yeah, but, Dad, who do you want to come home to you, Connie or Kate?

[Doorbell rings]

[Doorbell rings]

Carly: [Sighs]

Jax: Hi, Carly.

Elizabeth: I have to go home now. But I'm gonna tell Cameron and Aiden that their Uncle Nikolas is in the hospital, that he's gonna get better soon. I love you, Nikolas.

Dante: Your days of terrorizing the Spencers are over. Luke and Laura are gonna find my wife. And then we're gonna take her home.

Helena: Do you really think it's going to be that simple? [Scoffs] You poor deluded man.

Luke: Lulu?

Laura: Oh, my God. Oh, my God. What have they done to my baby? Lulu?

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