General Hospital Transcript Friday 3/29/13
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Charlene
Mr. Marbles: Welcome, everyone, to the Nurses' Ball! It's gonna be a great night! Hey, how about a round of applause for our emcee, Lucy Coe? How about another round of applause for her rack?
Mac: Mr. Marbles!
Mr. Marbles: What? It was a compliment!
Mac: Another word about Lucy's rack and you're gonna end up a shoehorn.
Mr. Marbles: Did anyone ever tell you you're a stick in the mud? Hey! Hey --
Mac: Yeah. Well, uh, let's see. My brother Robert, his ex-wife Anna, my niece Robin, my stepdaughter Maxie, Lucy, Kevin...
Mr. Marbles: Hey, it was a rhetorical question.
Frisco: What's with the dummy?
Mac: Mr. Marbles? He's my act for the Nurses' Ball.
Frisco: Actually, I was talking to him.
Mac: Say hello to the nice man, Mr. Marbles.
Mr. Marbles: What man? I don't see a man. A dog, maybe.
Mac: Don't look at me.
Felicia: Hey!
Maxie: Hi! Hi.
Felicia: Hi. I come bearing dinner -- two half slabs from the Floating Rib.
Maxie: Okay --
Felicia: With all the fixings.
Maxie: Thank you, Mom, but you didn't have to do that. I already have a salad ready and waiting.
Felicia: Oh. What a coincidence. Because I have a salad in the bag, so that way you have one for the baby and one for you.
Maxie: You don't need to remind me that I'm eating for two. I already know that. And you don't have to worry that we're gonna go hungry. You don't have to worry about that at all.
Felicia: Why? Because the baby is Lulu's and Dante's? It doesn't matter to me one single bit whether I'm the grandmother or not.
Spinelli: Let me start by saying that I realize we are putting the cart ahead of the proverbial horse here, seeing that we're talking about babies and children. We're not even engaged yet.
Ellie: True. But there's no turning back. The subject is already broached.
Spinelli: Yes. We need to settle this issue of procreation, given how serious we are about each other.
Ellie: Very serious.
Spinelli: Yes. So, I've, um... I've thought a lot about this dilemma posed by our differing philosophies.
Ellie: And have you come to any conclusion?
Spinelli: I have achieved... some clarity... thanks to AJ Quartermaine.
AJ: Elizabeth. Hey, I just heard about Nikolas. Elizabeth, what happened? Is he okay?
Elizabeth: I just can't believe this is happening.
AJ: What happened to Nikolas?
[Helicopter blades whirring]
Luke: Well, there goes our ride.
Laura: Yeah, well, we knew when we got into this thing that we were gonna have to find our own way off the boat.
Luke: I say we sink this tub all the way to the bottom as soon as we get Lulu back.
Felicia: What are you waiting for? Dig in! Come on!
Maxie: No, I'm not really hungry. And neither is the baby. We can't stop thinking about Lulu.
Felicia: Mm. Well, I don't blame you for being scared, but she will come home, because your father is now on the case.
Maxie: Dad? I'm sorry. What does Dad know about this?
Felicia: Anna asked for Frisco's help. He got the WSB involved, and they found the Haunted Star by satellite.
Maxie: They found the boat?
Felicia: Yeah, and Luke and Laura are on their way as we speak. Lulu will come home to help you with the baby that you're just keeping safe for her.
Maxie: Oh, wow. Sounds like dad really came through.
Felicia: Well, he's an expert at these situations.
Maxie: That sounded almost... admiring.
Felicia: Contrary to popular belief, I do not bear your father ill will.
Maxie: So you bear him the opposite?
Felicia: What are you getting at?
Maxie: Well, I think it's about time one of us actually said it out loud, so it might as well be me. I know Dad wants you back.
Felicia: Oh, please. I thought you were too preoccupied to notice.
Maxie: Oh, no I didn't need to notice. Dad just out and told me. And it must have been deliberate, because he knows that I can't keep anything quiet. I mean, come on -- it's only a matter of time before I spill this to the worst possible person in the situation, which would be Mac. Is that why Dad told me he wants you back -- so that I will tell Mac?
Felicia: Believe me -- Mac is well aware.
Frisco: I'm really sorry you're upset, Mac. But using a dummy as a proxy isn't really the way I'd handle it. But then again, I'm not you.
Mac: Thank God for that, right?
Frisco: Okay, let's cool it with the righteous indignation. I'm the one who should be pissed here.
Mac: Should you?
Frisco: I'm the one who got sucker-punched.
Mac: How's that glass jaw feeling?
Frisco: Seems like it's bugging you a lot more than it's bugging me.
Mac: If you came for an apology, you got what you deserved. And just so we're clear, that's all you're gonna get.
Ellie: AJ Quartermaine? What part does he play in our personal business?
Spinelli: None, except that I just returned from meeting him at ELQ. He requested my services.
Ellie: The Pickle-Lila situation?
Spinelli: No, no, no! Unrelated to relish. Um, we began by talking about my possible employment there, but one thing led to another and -- and I ended up... confiding in him. I mean, why wouldn't I? This question of having a child has been weighing heavily on my mind.
Ellie: And... how did AJ advise you?
Spinelli: Well, he cited his own experience as a father.
Ellie: I'm sorry. Wasn't AJ's son raised by Carly and adopted by her second husband, hence his last name Corinthos?
Spinelli: Right. Nevertheless, AJ holds Michael as the most important thing in his life, and -- and AJ advised me that if I wanted to have a child, I shouldn't back down. So I won't. Back down, that is. [Clicks tongue] Not on this.
Luke: The way we got onto this boat, we may as well have rung the front doorbell. Everybody who's here will know that we are, too, so... be ready. But only use that as a last resort. Once you fire that, you're a target.
Laura: Yeah. Got it.
Luke: You ready to face the dragon lady?
Laura: Luke, I've never been more ready.
[Gun cocks]
AJ: Hey, listen -- whatever's going on, let me help you.
Alexis: Elizabeth, have you seen Nikolas? The doctors just called and said there's been some sort of setback.
Elizabeth: His heart stopped for the second time. They were able to revive him. His vitals are good and he's stable now --
Alexis: But I thought the surgery was a success. So does this have something to do with what Luke did with that injection?
Elizabeth: Dr. Behar doesn't think so.
Alexis: Doesn't think so?
AJ: Wait. Hang on a second. What injection?
Alexis: Luke thought Nikolas knew where Lulu was, so he thought it would be a good idea to inject him with adrenaline to try to wake him up.
Elizabeth: Okay. Dr. Behar thinks that this was a post-op complication.
Alexis: Thinks?
Elizabeth: He did a thorough exam. There is no internal bleeding. His vitals are good. Like I said, he's stable. If his heart is strong enough, they'll be able to take him off the ventilator, and he'll be able to breath on his own.
AJ: So those are tears of joy.
Elizabeth: I'm just a little overwhelmed. I know I'm not at my finest hour, for a medical professional.
Alexis: Okay, Elizabeth, can I see him?
Elizabeth: They're keeping visitors to a minimum, but, yeah, of course you can go in.
Alexis: Okay. Thank you.
Elizabeth: [Sighs]
[Door opens, closes]
Elizabeth: You didn't have to come down here. But I'm glad you did.
AJ: Just wanted to make sure you're okay. Are you?
Elizabeth: I really thought I was gonna lose him.
Alexis: Oh, look at you. Caught in the crossfire between the Spencers and the Cassadines once again. Why are you always the first casualty in their stupid, stupid war. Does anyone ever ask you what you want? No. Sure as hell wouldn't be this. [Sighs] Of course, you want to help Lulu. Look, no one has the right to expect you to survive this once again, but I do -- I expect it. No, wait -- I demand it. And honestly, Nikolas, you scare me like this one more time, I'm gonna kill you myself. And if I don't do it, your mother will.
Laura: No welcome party.
Luke: Oh, they're here. Just playing games. Keeping us on our toes.
Helena: But you enjoy games, don't you? Well... [Laughs] ...Here we are again. Seems like old times. Oh, please, make yourselves at home. This is your vessel, after all, even if I am the one who gave it to you.
Luke: Yeah, thanks. We're not staying.
Helena: Oh, how tedious. God forbid we should skip a step. Now, I welcome you, you menace me, and then my guards make themselves known. Ah. Hand over your weapons. It would be a shame to mar this upholstery with your blood.
Luke: Well, I think I can still get off a pretty lethal shot. How loyal do you think your boy toys are gonna be when there's a bullet in your black heart?
Helena: Either hand over your gun, Luke, or our game ends now, and Laura is the first to get shot.
Laura: Oh! Let me go! Let me go!
Helena: Make up your mind, Luke. Your gun... or her life. I certainly know which one I would choose.
AJ: Nikolas is gonna be just fine.
Elizabeth: Okay. You're right. Just need to take a deep breath and calm down and stop thinking the worst is gonna happen. Um, I -- I -- I think I need to -- I need to change out of my scrubs.
AJ: Elizabeth, listen -- it makes sense that you're worried. I mean, come on. He's not only your patient. He's one of your oldest friends.
Elizabeth: Yeah. Actually, Nikolas and I were more than friends... for a while.
Ellie: I admire your commitment to honesty and your open communication.
Spinelli: You don't find it off-putting?
Ellie: No, it's much better than soft-pedaling your desire to have a family in order to keep me happy and then just hoping, over time, you could wear down my resolve and change my mind. So I just want to say thank you. You've definitely put things in a new light.
Spinelli: Does that mean you'll reconsider?
Ellie: No. Damian, I'm as certain that I don't want children as you are that you do.
Maxie: Dad made a move on you, and you told Mac about it?
Felicia: I did.
Maxie: Why?
Felicia: I tried to shut your father down and give him a chance to leave while his pride was still intact, but he insisted on staying. He says he wants another chance with me.
Maxie: And you believe him?
Felicia: Oh. Yes, he's been very open about pursuing me. So, naturally, Mac, he realized this, and I didn't want him to think that I was hiding anything, so I told him everything.
Maxie: What did Mac say?
Felicia: Before or after he punched Frisco in the face?
Maxie: Are you kidding me?
Felicia: It's just horrible.
Maxie: Um, is Dad okay?
Felicia: Mac landed a good punch on Frisco's jaw, but Frisco doesn't need his jaw wired. He can still talk. I just wish Mac would.
Mac: I knew you wanted Felicia the minute you showed up in town.
Frisco: Is that right?
Mac: Playing international mystery man isn't nearly as much fun without your one-woman audience trailing behind, sharing your exploits, is it?
Frisco: I came back to support my daughter through her pregnancy.
Mac: You should have stayed away. We'd all have been better off, especially Maxie.
Frisco: Well, you're missing an important fact -- Maxie's my daughter. No matter how many mistakes I made or how much time I've been away, she's my flesh and blood, just like that baby she's carrying.
Luke: Oh. How... disappointing. Now, where was I?
Laura: Give me back my daughter, you bitch!
Helena: Oh, how rude. But how typical. All those years, and I still have no idea what my sons ever saw in you. May they rest in peace.
Luke: How'd we get off on the subject of your evil spawn? Your mind is wandering, darling. It happens at a certain age.
Helena: Don't test the limits of my affection for you. I'm in no mood for insults. I wouldn't hesitate to --
Laura: To what? What're you gonna do, Helena? You gonna shoot us, just like you had Nikolas shot?
Spinelli: I'd hoped you'd at least entertain the idea of having children.
Ellie: That's funny, because I thought you'd gain a greater respect for my position.
Spinelli: Look, I -- I do respect it, but I just don't see where we go from here? How do we move forward when our directions are opposed? Are you truly resolute?
Ellie: As Tracy Quartermaine pointed out, if I don't respect my choices, I can't expect anyone else to respect them.
Spinelli: I do respect your choices. I -- I just don't agree with them as they pertain to me.
Ellie: Damian, my beliefs are important to me, and I can't just compromise them.
Spinelli: I don't want you to compromise them. When have I asked you to... wait. What -- since when do you run your decisions by Tracy Quartermaine?
Ellie: Well, I don't make a habit of it, but she was here, and we got to talking and --
Spinelli: What was Tracy doing here?
Ellie: If you must know, Ms. Quartermaine was breaking in, trying to steal the relish recipe, and when she couldn't find it, she tried to persuade me to give it to her.
Spinelli: Did she succeed?
Ellie: No! Of course not. I sent them to an independent lab for further analysis, and the results are being sent directly to AJ.
Spinelli: That's a relief.
Ellie: You know I don't let my personal issues interfere with my work.
Spinelli: I know.
Ellie: Good. Now, can we please get back to the matter at hand?
Spinelli: Yes, absolutely.
Ellie: Okay, well... where does that leave us?
Maxie: So, Mac isn't speaking to you.
Felicia: No. He wasn't happy when I insisted on taking Frisco to the E.R., which is only fair, 'cause I wasn't happy with him for punching Frisco in the first place.
Maxie: I still can't believe he did that.
Felicia: I think we just need some time to cool off. I just hope that's all Mac needs, because as it stands, he's not speaking to me -- only through an intermediary.
Maxie: Who? Anna, Kevin?
Felicia: Mr. Marbles.
Maxie: Who's that? Is that the guy on the first floor that smells like patchouli?
Felicia: [Laughs] No, no. You'll find out at the Nurses' Ball.
Maxie: Why is he gonna be at the Nurses' Ball?
Felicia: You'll see. Hopefully we can get everything all worked out, so we can just enjoy ourselves.
Maxie: Well, you guys need a plan so you can work all this out.
Felicia: Well, I'm gonna talk to Mac and Frisco.
Maxie: And say what? That's what I thought.
Felicia: You thought what?
Maxie: Well... Mom, honestly, if you wanted Dad out of here, you would have told him to get lost by now.
Felicia: I tried.
Maxie: Yeah, and he's still stuck around, which makes me feel like you're giving him false hope and you guys are gonna be reunited.
Felicia: Is that your expert opinion?
Maxie: I'm an expert on sending mixed signals, which you are absolutely doing. You need to figure out who you want to be with. Dad wants you, Mac wants Dad gone or dead. What do you want?
Mac: You have no idea what's going on with your own daughter. Maxie is a surrogate. The baby she's carrying isn't your flesh and blood.
Frisco: I know that. You're right.
Mac: You're trying to use a grandchild that isn't even yours as some kind of do-over, a way to reclaim a family that you walked out on years ago? I'm sorry, Frisco. That baby has nothing to do with you.
Frisco: Maxie is carrying that baby. She's going to give birth to it.
Mac: Is that all you care about -- what's yours? "My daughter"? "My flesh and blood?" Yeah, you're right. Maxie is your flesh and blood. But that's all she ever got from you. All you ever gave Maxie is your DNA. You know, you weren't there to raise Maxie, to support her when she needed you, when she went on trial for murder or when she mourned the death of her sister. Someone else you didn't care about -- Georgie -- someone who has your celebrated DNA.
Frisco: Don't question how I felt about Georgie. She was my child.
Mac: Oh, come on. You weren't even there when she was born. You didn't watch her grow up. You didn't even notice when she died. All Georgie is to you is a way to get to Felicia. I mean, you turned her birthday into, what -- some kind of date night, for God sakes? A way to celebrate Frisco and Felicia's greatest adventures. How low can you go, Frisc--
Frisco: Is that low enough for you?
AJ: So, you and Nikolas, huh? Didn't really realize that.
Elizabeth: It obviously happened while you were gone.
AJ: Yeah, I always think about Nikolas and Emily and you and Lucky. You guys were so close.
Elizabeth: Yeah, after Emily died, Nikolas was lost. He tried dating other women, but he was just going through the motions, you know? He always loved Emily. I'm sure he still loves Emily.
AJ: And you were her best friend.
Elizabeth: That was part of it.
AJ: What about Lucky?
Elizabeth: Lucky and I had been together and apart so many times, I've lost count. That summer, he asked me to marry him. I said I would, but I knew I wasn't sure, and Nikolas was there... and we had an affair. We didn't mean for it to happen. We didn't want to hurt Lucky. It just happened, and we knew it was wrong, so we broke it off. But the damage had already been done.
AJ: And Lucky found out.
Elizabeth: Yeah, he did.
AJ: That must have been horrible -- for everyone.
Elizabeth: Lucky was devastated. But if finding out I had cheated on him with his brother wasn't enough, he then learned that the baby I was pregnant with wasn't his. Nikolas was the father.
Alexis: You know, aside from my daughters and my grandson, you are the only relative that I can remotely stand. You're the only Cassadine with a heart and a soul besides me, but according to Helena, I don't count. And we don't give a crap what she thinks anyway, right? As long as I know you love me. Mm. I for sure love you. I'm sorry I wasn't here earlier, but I was playing Florence Nightingale to another shooting victim.
Helena: Nikolas has been shot?
Luke: Wow. She's really got that surprise thing down, doesn't she?
Laura: You knew that Nikolas was gonna warn us that you were after Lulu, so you had to find a way to shut him up, didn't you? And thanks to you, he's now lying in a hospital bed, clinging to life.
Helena: Why would I hurt my own grandson... my own flesh and blood?
Luke: Oh, please. You'd eat your children for breakfast with an ouzo chaser. I saw you murder your own daughter in front of me.
Helena: Oh, that deviant. I abhorred her. But Nikolas -- I love him. I have no reason to hurt my grandson.
Luke: Well... if you didn't have him shot... who did?
AJ: I thought that Aiden was Lucky's son.
Elizabeth: He is. He is. But when I had the original paternity test done, Helena had messed with it to make it look like Nikolas was the father. So for a while, Nikolas believed Aiden was his son.
AJ: I don't understand. Why would Helena mess with the results?
Elizabeth: I don't know. I -- I stopped trying to figure out that woman. If I had to guess, I would say it was because she was trying to mess with Lucky. Helena will stop at nothing to hurt his family... or worse.
Laura: Yes, Helena, tell us -- if you're not the one who had Nikolas shot, then who is?
Helena: I'm the one who asks the questions. Now, what proof do you have that my grandson was shot?
Laura: You think we're lying to you?
Luke: It's all over the news. What's the matter? You don't have satellite out here?
Laura: [Gasps] Luke!
Helena: I assume that you have cell phones.
Luke: Yeah. You have trouble with your international carrier? You want to borrow mine?
Helena: I want to speak to Nikolas now. And I guarantee you the consequences will be severe.
Laura: I can call Scotty. He promised me he would stay at Nikolas's bedside.
Helena: Keep it on speaker. No tricks.
Laura: Okay.
Alexis: I spoke to Lesley, and your bodyguard/babysitter and Spencer is okay, all right? He thinks that you're out of town, but he's fine, so...
[Cell phone rings]
Alexis: Ooh. Hello? Laura?
Laura: Alexis, is that you? I'm sorry. I was trying to reach Scotty.
Alexis: Uh, yeah. Um... oh, this is Scott's phone. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to pick it up. It's just here. He went for a walk.
Laura: Oh.
Alexis: Hey, is everything all right? Aren't you and Luke supposed to be chasing after Helena?
Laura: Yes. Yes, we are. I was just calling to check in on Nikolas. How's he doing?
Alexis: Um, he's okay. He had a little bit of a setback.
Laura: What kind of a setback?
Alexis: Look, Elizabeth said that he's on the road to recovery, so don't worry.
Laura: Has he regained consciousness yet?
Alexis: Not yet, but the doctors really are concerned, so you shouldn't be, either, because I'm gonna stay here until he's out of the woods.
Helena: See that you do, Natasha.
Mac: Guess that makes us even.
Frisco: Not so sure.
Mac: I'm sure there's a lot about this situation I probably could've handled better.
Frisco: It's a messy past we've got, me, you, Felicia. But I have to admit it -- most of it's probably my fault. I love her. I loved her since the first day I met her. She's been the only woman for me. I respect you. You've been good to Felicia, and you've been good to my daughters when I wasn't there to be good to them myself. I don't want to see get hurt. So maybe you save yourself a little heartache.
Mac: And do what?
Frisco: Step aside and let Felicia go.
Felicia: You ask a good question. Mac asked me the same thing.
Maxie: Then why didn't you answer him?
Felicia: Because he didn't give me the chance. Once he asked me, Frisco walked in, and then he just punched him.
Maxie: I'm sure Dad provoked him.
Felicia: How?
Maxie: I know he provoked him. Oh, by breathing.
Felicia: Do you think you're being a little harsh on your father?
Maxie: No. Mom, Dad was gone forever. Mac finally takes you back and opens his heart to you, and now, what -- Dad's back again and all of a sudden he decides he loves you after all? He's gonna try to win you back, maybe just to prove that he can?
Felicia: Do you really think that's what Frisco's doing?
Maxie: I think Mac believes that's what Frisco is doing, which is probably why he hit him. And, honestly, I can't blame him.
Felicia: The point is, before I could tell him how I feel, Frisco's laid out on the floor, and now Mac's not even speaking to me.
Maxie: And you did nothing to fix it.
Felicia: Not yet.
Maxie: No offense, Mom, but that's kind of lame. And trust me -- I know lame. I'm living it every day.
Spinelli: So it appears we are at a crossroads.
Ellie: Or a standstill, depending on how you look at it.
Spinelli: Well, you won't change your mind. I won't change mine. Whatever you call it, we're not moving forward.
Ellie: Well... we could agree to disagree.
Spinelli: That solution is problematic. I mean, it might work in the short term, but it'll loom over us, and then when we actually get back to it, then what?
Ellie: Well, I mean, that day is a long way away. It's not like we're marking time for a wedding. We're -- we're not even engaged yet.
Spinelli: Yeah, but Ellie we've spoken about our commitment to each other and how we both see a future together.
Ellie: Yeah, we have.
Spinelli: All right, so if we follow that through to its logical conclusion, at... some point down the road... we would marry... and if you hold still to your position, then, on that day, I'd be resigning myself to a life without children, and I'm not sure I can do that.
Ellie: So what are you saying? Are we breaking up?
Maxie: Okay. You have to tell me right now -- who do you want to be with -- Mac or Dad?
Felicia: You know what? It's not appropriate for me to discuss my private life with you. I got myself into this mess. I'll get myself out of this mess. I think the person I need to talk to first is Mac. I need to face him.
Maxie: Wait. You're gonna go do that right now?
Felicia: Yeah. There's no time like the present. Are you gonna be okay?
Maxie: Well, I'm certainly not gonna be hungry.
Felicia: I love you.
Maxie: I love you, too.
Felicia: Okay.
Maxie: And if you see Dad, will you tell him I said thank you -- for what he's doing about finding Lulu.
Felicia: I will. But I know that he's happy to do it. He knows as well as I do that that baby needs a mother. Bye, sweetie.
Maxie: Bye.
Ellie: I can't believe this.
Spinelli: Neither can I.
Ellie: Damian, I really, really like you.
Spinelli: I really, really like you.
Ellie: I even told my parents about you and how I have never met anyone like you before. I mean, the mere suggestion of birding would have resulted in strange looks from every other guy I've ever dated. No one shared in my love of ornithology. Not to mention our taste in movies. Only you share the same affinity for "Meet Me in St. Louis."
Spinelli: And "Love Affair." I've never felt so challenged and yet so at home... as I do with you.
Ellie: I feel the same way.
Spinelli: Then why are we breaking up?
Ellie: Are we breaking up?
Spinelli: I -- I don't -- I don't want to break up with you.
Ellie: I don't want to break up with you.
Spinelli: Okay. Well, then what are we doing?
Ellie: I don't know.
Spinelli: Trying to fix this? I don't know that there's anything broken.
Spinelli: Yet...
Ellie: Can it be enough? For now?
AJ: I got to tell you, Helena makes Tracy sound like a walk in the park. Don't tell her that.
Elizabeth: Which one?
AJ: Both. For the first year of Michael's life, Carly... Carly got Jason to lie. My brother pretended that he was Michael's father. And by the time everybody found out, well, we never really got over it. I just would hate to see Lucky and Nikolas have to go through that.
Elizabeth: Guess Carly and I aren't all that different. [Chuckles]
AJ: I would never judge you for what happened with Nikolas and Lucky. Elizabeth, the bottom line is that things happen, you know? People make mistakes. You do your best to make amends. You... you try not to make them again. And you move on with your life.
Elizabeth: I need to check on Nikolas.
AJ: So you're okay?
Elizabeth: Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay.
AJ: Okay. Then I think I'm gonna go down to the lab and see how Ellie is doing on the Pickle-Lila front.
Elizabeth: How's that going?
AJ: I think we are just about to hit pay dirt.
Elizabeth: Really? Congratulations.
AJ: So I'm, uh... I'm just a phone call away.
Elizabeth: I'll remember that.
AJ: Okay.
Alexis: Helena?
Helena: The one and only.
Alexis: Luke and Laura captured you?
Helena: On the contrary, it is I who did the capturing.
Alexis: What have you done with them?
Helena: That is none of your concern. You only have to be worried about my grandson. Tell me, how is he?
Laura: Do you think there's any chance that she's maybe telling the truth? Maybe she's not the one who had Nikolas shot?
Luke: She lies like she breathes, but I don't think she had any idea.
Laura: What does that mean?
Luke: Nothing good.
Helena: How does he look?
Alexis: Pale, but as handsome as ever.
Helena: Is he in pain?
Alexis: No, because he's unconscious at the moment. But he's in stable condition, and the doctors say the prognosis is good.
Helena: I am entrusting you...with the care and well-being of Nikolas. Fail me, Natasha... and I will slit your throat just like I did that cow who dropped you.
Laura: All right, Helena. You've got your proof. Now give me back my daughter.
Mac: Did I hear you right? You think I should step aside?
Frisco: Felicia should be with the man she loves.
Mac: Well, then she's fine right where she is.
Frisco: I don't think so.
Mac: What makes you think Felicia wants you? I mean, what indication has she given that she cares about you at all? Did she tell you that she loves you or that she likes you? Or that she feels anything for you other than cold indifference?
Frisco: Not in so many words, no.
Mac: Or any words at all?
Frisco: Has she told you she doesn't?
Mac: No. But I didn't give her the chance.
Frisco: Well, here. Now you've got your chance.
Felicia: What's going on?
Frisco: Mac and I were just talking.
Felicia: Looks like you were doing a little more than that.
Mac: I'm fine.
Frisco: We were having a conversation we needed to have, except someone was missing. And I don't mean Mr. Marbles.
Felicia: Okay. What's it about?
Frisco: We need you to settle something.
Mac: Frisco thinks you return his feelings. Tell him that's not true.
Felicia: Well, I... I'm sorry, Mac, I can't do that. I do love Frisco.
Maxie: Wow. I'm sorry to say this, but you look like hell.
Spinelli: Can I come in?
Maxie: Sure, Spinelli, come on in. Ellie's not here.
Spinelli: Yeah, well, if she were, it'd be defying the laws of physics 'cause I just left her at the lab. Actually, I'm here to see you.
Frisco: Now that that's settled, I'll let you guys talk.
Felicia: Nothing's settled. I love Mac. I love both of you.
Mac: You can't have us both. You have to choose.
Spinelli: Apologies for showing up unannounced. Not only is it exceedingly poor manners, but seeing as you are Ellie's roommate, I am putting you in a completely unfair position, but I couldn't get ahold of Sam, and -- and I feel like I would just completely explode if I didn't unburden myself.
Maxie: It's okay. You can talk to me, especially if it's gonna keep you from stroking out.
Spinelli: Thank you. Ellie and I had another... spirited conversation about our philosophical differences regarding procreation.
Maxie: No meeting of the minds, huh?
Spinelli: We are as entrenched as we were before, and I... I don't know how to proceed. If I have a future with Ellie... it is a future without a child of my own.
AJ: Hey, Ellie, glad I ran into you.
Ellie: Mr. Quartermaine, what can I do for you?
AJ: Well, actually, I was hoping to get an update on the Pickle-Lila recipe.
Ellie: Oh, well, I happen to have one. The lab I contacted to match the chemical structure of the secret ingredient to the scientific name has sent its findings directly to you at ELQ.
AJ: They did?
Ellie: You seem perturbed.
AJ: No, I just -- I was just in my office. Nothing was delivered.
Ellie: Oh. Well, perhaps it's still en route. Let me pull up the tracking information.
AJ: Okay.
Ellie: No, it was confirmed delivered this morning. Someone at your office signed for it.
AJ: What someone?
Ellie: This someone.
AJ: "Kiss my tuchus, AJ I win!" Tracy.
Alexis: I wouldn't swear to it, but I think I've just been party to a human emotion from your grandmother. What do you think? Sign of the apocalypse?
[Knock on door]
Elizabeth: Hi.
Alexis: Hey.
Elizabeth: How is he?
Alexis: Fine, if Helena and I have anything to say about it.
Helena: Let me be clear. You don't get to see anyone, not after what you did to Nikolas.
Laura: What I did?
Helena: It's your fault he was shot. It all comes back to you.
Luke: This has nothing to do with Laura. One of your boys got a little trigger happy and plugged your grandson when he wasn't supposed to. We can't help it if you hire substandard peons.
Helena: I assure you that my "peons" are quite efficient. Laura has been a source of unending pain for anyone who unfortunately would wander into her orbit, and that includes you, Luke. I'm doing everyone a favor. I will finally put an end to everyone's misery by finally putting an end... to Laura.
Elizabeth: Helena called to check on Nikolas.
Alexis: Laura put her on.
Elizabeth: So Luke and Laura found Lulu and they caught Helena.
Alexis: Actually, it's the other way around. Helena caught Luke and Laura.
Elizabeth: What about Dante?
Alexis: What about Dante?
Elizabeth: Well, he was with Luke and Laura. Does Helena have him, too?
Alexis: She didn't mention anything about Dante.
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