General Hospital Transcript Thursday 3/28/13
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Charlene
Lucy: All right, everybody, attention, please. Nurses! Nurses, nurses!
Sam: It looks like Lucy's really getting into the role as mistress of the ceremony.
[Whistle chirps]
Lucy: Never mind. Come on! This is it, you guys! The very first time we are gonna action rehearse the opening number of the 2013 Nurses' Ball!
[Cheers and applause]
Lucy: Oh! Oh, my God. Wait. Don't move! Don't move! Freeze! I'll be right back. [Gasps] Oh, my goodness, you guys. What brings you by? Why are you here?
Sam: Well, um, you -- you know my sister, Molly.
Lucy: Yes, I know Molly. I have never had the chance to thank you. You were quite the woman with the jailbreak. You did so good. You are my gumption girl.
Molly: Thanks.
Lucy: You're welcome.
Sam: And this is her boyfriend, TJ.
Lucy: Oh, hi. Hi, TJ pleased to meet you.
Molly: Uh, we're here to volunteer.
Lucy: [Gasps] No way. That is perfect. You know what? This is gonna be the best Nurses' Ball ever, so I'll take every ounce of help I can get. Thank you. [Chuckles]
[Knock on door]
AJ: Come in.
Spinelli: Gracious greetings. I-I can only hope that you summoned me here intending to accept my humble apology for my misguided attempt to steal the relish recipe for Tracy.
Ellie: That's strange. Whoever you are, I see your foot, so just come out right now or I'm gonna incinerate you.
Alexis: Thanks. Remind me to kill Luke Spencer.
Shawn: What'd he do now?
Alexis: He believes that Nikolas has some information about Lulu's whereabouts, so he thought it was a good idea to inject his I.V. with adrenaline to make Nikolas wake up faster.
Shawn: Sounds pretty tricky.
Alexis: You think? Well, luckily he was interrupted, so there was no permanent damage.
Shawn: You sure you don't want to go down there?
Alexis: No. Actually, there's no point. Luke's gone to find Lulu, thank God, and the doctor has restricted Nikolas from having any visitors, so... I'm all yours.
Shawn: Sounds good to me.
[Knock on door]
Elizabeth: Oh! Geez, I'm so sorry. It was my fault.
Patrick: You okay?
Elizabeth: Oh. Ah, this one must be yours.
Milo: Sabrina, thanks for asking me to be your date to the Nurses' Ball.
Sabrina: Oh, thank you for accepting.
Milo: You know, you really had me going with that phone call. For a second there, I thought you were gonna blow me off.
Sabrina: [Laughs] What? No. But, you know, I want to thank you for stopping by, especially 'cause I know that you're, you know, busy and...
Milo: Actually, it's my day off, so I'd love to stick around and maybe give a lending hand.
Sabrina: Oh, that would be fantastic. I know that they need help in the lighting department.
Milo: Lighting department?
Sabrina: Yeah.
Milo: Okay. Got it.
Sabrina: What just happened?
Felix: You snagged a date to the ball, Cinderella.
Sabrina: But I was about to blow him off for you.
Felix: You're welcome.
Sabrina: Felix, why did you tell Milo I was gonna ask him out?
Lucy: I cannot thank you enough because it's fantastic you came out to work behind the scenes. Not everybody can be a star, and there's plenty to do. We really want to make it really awesome, special, so okay. My assistant's that gorgeous, handsome guy up there. And if you could talk to him about what there is to do, I'd appreciate it. Is that cool?
Sam: Yeah. Yeah. We'll -- we'll give it our best shot.
Lucy: Thank you. And listen, we are just about to start rehearsal for our opening number, and you are not gonna believe the celebrity choreographer.
Sam: You got a celebrity?
Lucy: Yeah, we do.
Sam: Who?
Lucy: I'm not telling you. You're gonna love it, though. You will love it.
Sam: Okay, well, I will get started on something.
Anton: Careful. Sorry.
Sam: Sorry, I didn't see you.
Anton: Don't I -- don't I know you? You one of the nurses?
Sam: Me?
Anton: Yeah.
Sam: No.
Anton: No?
Sam: No, actually, I was, um, I was dropping my -- my sister and her boyfriend off, and I decided that I'd help out a little bit.
Anton: Still, I know I've seen you somewhere.
Lucy: I wanted to ask. I haven't had a chance to talk to Rafe, but have you talked to him? How is he doing?
Alexis: Rafe. What are you doing here?
Rafe: I'm sorry, Ms. Davis. I had nowhere else to go.
Molly: Rafe is on a waiting list for a foster home.
Lucy: Oh, great. And in the meantime?
Molly: He's basically still in limbo.
Lucy: [Sighs]
Felix: Yes, I was furious that you stole the object of my unrequited desire. But then I had a shot with my gal pal, the Goddess of angry love, Miss Carly Jacks, and she showed me the error of my ways.
Sabrina: How'd she do that?
Felix: By telling me I was an idiot. [Chuckles] And that if I cared for you so much, that I'd want you to be happy. And that our friendship is more important than some guy, even Magic Milo.
Sabrina: Well, see, that's why I was gonna tell Milo that I couldn't see him anymore. Felix, you're my best friend. The last thing I would ever want to do is hurt you.
Felix: I get that. Now, bring it in.
Sabrina: You know that the only reason I went out with Milo was to try to get over being rejected by Patrick, right?
Felix: You didn't do anything wrong. It's all my fault.
Sabrina: Okay.
Felix: Going after yet another straight guy.
Sabrina: You're right. It is your fault.
[Both laugh]
Elizabeth: Emma was so proud of herself when she figured out how to send that picture from my phone.
Patrick: Yeah. Kids these days. It's actually pretty scary.
Elizabeth: So, was it the picture that finally convinced you to show up at the graduation? 'Cause I know you had a lot of surgical videos to watch.
Patrick: I did. I, uh, just realized that I wanted to be there for Sabrina.
Elizabeth: As a friend? Or something more?
Ellie: This is criminal trespassing. I'm calling security.
Tracy: Be my guest. You do know how much money my family has donated to this hospital.
Ellie: Just because your family funds the hospital does not mean you own it or that you are somehow above the rules.
Tracy: Okey-dokey. Release the hounds. I will, in fact, be temporarily inconvenienced. You will be permanently out of a job, or...
Ellie: Or what?
Tracy: Or you and I can come up with something mutually beneficial. I need the formula to that relish, and you need patronage.
Ellie: And you're prepared to offer me that?
Tracy: Well, the ELQ Foundation could give you a grant, maybe even build you your own laboratory dedicated solely to your work, the Ellie Salmon laboratory.
Ellie: It's Trout.
Tracy: Trout.
Ellie: Ellie Trout.
Tracy: Trout.
Ellie: And I don't think you're in any position to be bribing me. You're not even in charge of ELQ anymore.
Tracy: Well, today maybe and possibly tomorrow, but soon. And for the rest of my life.
Ellie: Miss Quartermaine, this may be an unfamiliar concept to you, but I have integrity, and that integrity forbids me from allowing you to bribe into giving you the recipe. And I would never do anything that deceitful.
Tracy: Hmm. You know what I know about integrity? Just has a higher price tag.
Ellie: Well, my integrity's priceless.
Tracy: Really? Can't say the same for your boyfriend.
AJ: Look, Spinelli, I'm not worried about --
Spinelli: Despite my regrettably duplicitous behavior con-- concerning the condiment in question, I did have an 11th hour change of heart.
AJ: Yeah, I know.
Spinelli: Yes, and it was that change that was the impetus for the admittedly inadvisable decision to swallow the sole --
AJ: Relax. Relax. I didn't call you down here to chew you out about stealing the recipe.
Spinelli: No? Oh. Then -- then why?
AJ: To tell you how you're gonna make it up to me.
Tracy: Never mind that he went behind AJ's back. That I-I sort of like. But he was willing to betray you for a paycheck.
Ellie: You are a liar. You bullied Damian into stealing that formula by threatening to evict him from his office and his home.
Tracy: Well, to be fair, they are one in the same.
Ellie: Well, Damian's sense of honor won out in the end, and he chose to ingest the recipe --
Tracy: I remember.
Ellie: Give it up, Miss Quartermaine. Trashing Damian is not gonna persuade me to give you what you want.
Tracy: I get it. You're not gonna allow anyone to besmirch Spinelli's good name.
Ellie: Correct.
Tracy: Well, inconvenient though it may be, I think it's admirable the way you're willing to stick up for your boyfriend.
Ellie: Assuming Damian is still my boyfriend.
Spinelli: How may I make restitution for my regrettable actions?
AJ: There's a missing Quartermaine heir out there somewhere.
Spinelli: May I ask how you discovered his or her existence?
AJ: Heather Webber. Normally I'd figure she's either lying or crazy or both, but Carly backed it up.
Spinelli: And I'm sorry. May I ask why this would-be scion is so important?
AJ: Tracy's already searching. Now, if she finds the missing Q first, I could be out as C.E.O. Hell, I could be out of ELQ altogether.
Spinelli: Yeah, and your work to reconstitute the relish recipe --
AJ: Would all be hers, and all the work that I've -- I've done to build a relationship with Michael and everything I've done to prove myself could go up in smoke.
Spinelli: A most undesirable outcome.
AJ: So, Spinelli, can I count on you to help me or not?
Lucy: Uh, see, even though I'm not really biologically, you know, that DNA thing isn't happening, I still think of Rafe as my family, and I'm not gonna rest until he's happy and he's surrounded by people who care a lot about him.
Molly: Well, is there any chance Rafe can live with you and your husband?
Lucy: No, I tried. I would love that. But they kind of said no 'cause we don't live here full time and the whole police thing and the Ferncliff thing and the... oh, hi. Uh, um, um...tee...
Lucy: TJ. Oh, we were -- we were just discussing, um, a mutual friend of ours. Um, do you think that maybe there's something your mom can do? She is a fabulous attorney.
Molly: Um, yeah, my mom's been trying to find Rafe a good foster home.
Lucy: Okay. Well, that's good. Then he's in excellent, excellent hands. I just -- I'm not gonna be happy until he's feeling safe and secure and he's not alone. I know. Tell your mom any time Doc will do anything, I will do anything for Rafe, please. Okay.
Alexis: All right, so I made some calls to Child Services, but I haven't been able to check up on it because I was dealing with a family emergency.
Rafe: Is...
Alexis: Oh.
Rafe: I mean, what happened?
Alexis: It's my nephew. He's in the hospital.
Rafe: I'm sorry to hear that.
Alexis: Thank you. I'm waiting to hear from the ICU, as well as waiting to hear back from Child Services to see if they found you a foster home. Rafe, what happened there? Did something else happen? Are the kids giving you trouble about your parents?
Rafe: My -- my Mom the lunatic and my Dad the vampire? The kids can't shut up about them. Caleb kept going on and on about how powerful he was and how he could make me like him. You know, I kind -- I kind of wish it was true. Wouldn't mind using a little supernatural powers on those losers.
Alexis: Rafe, you seem like a really nice kid. Don't get yourself into any more trouble, so will you kindly refrain from opening anyone's jugular?
Rafe: Where is Molly?
Shawn: She's with her boyfriend.
Lucy: Where is Elizabeth Webber?
Epiphany: Elizabeth was needed back at the hospital.
Elizabeth: I'm just curious what made you finally decide to go to the graduation.
Patrick: Started thinking about what Robin wanted for me and Emma.
Elizabeth: Okay. And?
Patrick: And in that exact moment, the picture came through that Emma sent of Sabrina's graduation.
Elizabeth: Aww. Little Emma. You got to love a girl who knows what she wants.
Patrick: [Chuckles] Well, she wanted me to be there for Sabrina, and I think in the end, I just...I wanted to be there for her, too.
Elizabeth: Did you have a change of heart?
Patrick: It doesn't matter because I think it might be too late.
Elizabeth: Okay, so you didn't have a change of heart?
Patrick: It doesn't matter because I think Sabrina's seeing somebody else now.
Elizabeth: What? No. What are you talking -- who?
Patrick: Milo.
Elizabeth: Magic Milo?
Patrick: What's with the women around here and this Magic Milo stuff?
Elizabeth: Oh, you didn't go to Connie's bachelorette party.
Patrick: No, obviously not. I have heard about his cheese-grater abs, though.
Elizabeth: Good for Sabrina. Good for her for snagging a guy like that. I think they make a cute couple, don't you?
Lucy: Really? I cannot believe that Elizabeth Webber is at the hospital. Aren't there other nurses there that can do her work that declined to be in our opening number?
Epiphany: I'm starting to wish that I had.
Lucy: Oh, my goodness! I need my nurses! It's a Nurses' Ball! I need my dancing nurses! I need everybody, and I need my choreographer! He is late, late, late! Where could he be?! I'm really...frustrated. I'm gonna stop ranting 'cause I'm gonna pop something. [Breathes deeply]
Epiphany: I'm glad that you realize that, because you were on your way to a thorazine drip.
Lucy: Okay, I have good news, though. Happy, happy news. We have the most amazing choreographer coming in, a celebrity choreo-- he's gonna be awesome. You're gonna love him. He's a professional. And when he gets here, the Nurses' Ball is gonna kick in high gear. It's just he's got to get here. We need our guy.
Richard: Ta-daaaa! Richard's here with joy and cheer.
[Laughter, applause]
Richard: Hi!
Spinelli: I will be most gratified to take up the quest for the missing Q.
AJ: Thanks, Spinelli.
Spinelli: I-I'm thankful for the opportunity to redeem myself, as well as for the distraction from my relationship woes.
AJ: What? Is there trouble in paradise?
Spinelli: Well, my beloved and I, we... [Sighs] We seem to be at -- at a bit of an impasse.
AJ: Oh, come on. It can't be that bad. I mean, I have never met two people more compatible than you and Ellie. Look, I mean this in the nicest possible way. But you two are such perfect geeks.
Spinelli: Right. [Chuckles] Yes, we -- we have very -- we have very much in common. But our paths diverge in one important way.
AJ: How important?
Spinelli: I want children, and she doesn't.
Tracy: Ooh! He cheated on you!
Ellie: No. Damian's fidelity is not the issue here.
Tracy: Then what is?
Ellie: I don't want to have children, and Damian does, and I don't know if we can get past that.
Alexis: Molly's at the Metro Court. She's doing some volunteer work for a charity event, the Nurses' Ball. And yes, TJ is with her. Want something to drink? Juice, soda, water?
Rafe: Uh, I'll have a soda, please.
Alexis: Perfect. Coming right up. Be nice.
Shawn: You know, I think it's great that you and Molly are friends.
Rafe: Yeah, Molly's been really kind to me.
Shawn: Yeah, that's because she's a generous person with a good heart. But you're clear about what I said, right? Molly has a boyfriend, TJ.
Rafe: Why does it matter so much? Are you TJ's dad or something?
Shawn: Something like that.
Patrick: Milo came to talk to me about Sabrina.
Elizabeth: What for?
Patrick: He said that he liked her and that he wanted to see more of her, but that he sensed there was something going on between Sabrina and me, but he didn't want to get in the middle of it.
Elizabeth: Hmm. Yeah, that's typical Milo. Thoughtful and considerate. So, what'd you say?
Patrick: Nothing.
Elizabeth: Why? Because you "got paged into surgery" again?
Patrick: No, because Sabrina called Milo and said that she needed to see him, so he took off before I could say anything.
Elizabeth: Such as?
Patrick: Such as what?
Elizabeth: Such as "back off. She's mine"?
Richard: Hey. Thanks. Thanks so much. Wow, thank you so much. Hi, everybody. Hi.
Lucy: Come here, you. Oh, I am so glad to see you. Okay, everybody, this is the fitness guru, the extreme performer extraordinaire Richard Simmons!
[Cheers and applause]
Richard: No, no, no. Stop. Stop, stop. All right, maybe a little more! Just a little, teeny bit more!
[Cheers and applause]
Richard: That's it. No.
Lucy: Whoo! Guess what? He is here to help us choreograph our opening number for the Nurses' Ball, not to mention the fact that he has written an original song just for us to perform. Take it away, Richard!
Richard: From my heart to yours. But listen, a lot of you don't know this, but I used to live right here in Port Charles.
Lucy: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. He taught an exercise class at the campus disco. It was run by Luke Spencer.
Richard: It certainly was. And I really enjoy teaching. But there was a girl there that I really loved. Nurse Amy Vining. And I liked her a lot, because after class... we used to kind of talk. We'd talk about the Webbers, and we'd talk about the Spencers, and, of course, we would talk about the Quartermaine family.
Richard: And I wrote this fabulous song for the 2013 Nurses' Ball, and -- and you all want to hear a little bit of it?
[All concur]
Richard: I'll give you a little taste, and we could do a little movement 'cause it's a rap, and it is sexy. [Mouth pops]
Richard: Put that on. You all ready, guys? Okay.
['80s music plays]
Richard: Get down here and just start right here. Oh, yeah. Can you go down? A little bit lower. Look, there's a croissant on the floor. Yeah. Side. Come on. Move it all. Oh, yeah! Now wave. Uh-huh. And one, and two, and three.
Sabrina: Do you really think he wrote this?
Felix: It sounds really early '80s.
Richard: And roll. Yeah. Say "yeah."
All: Yeah.
Richard: Say it like you mean it. What is it?
All: Yeah.
Richard: One more.
Singer: It started out in Port Charles town where Frank Smith's mob used to hang around
TJ: Who's Frank Smith?
Molly: Yeah, why is that familiar?
Sam: Oh. Ask your Uncle Sonny.
Singer: It had names and numbers all in code so Luke and Laura had to hit the road they had to find the left-handed boy watch their step they had to be coy
Richard: Here. Mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm! Where you going?
Epiphany: I was supposed to go down.
Richard: Okay. Now we're with me. Now turn it.
Singer: Ooh Monica likes to have her fun that is why she had a son she told Rick he was the dad soon found out that he'd been had
Sabrina: Wait, the Monica in this song couldn't be...
Epiphany: Oh, yes, it could.
Singer: Alan was the father, of course, and he won't give Monica a divorce Rick wants to get Lesley back Heather's having an insane attack
Sam: Now, that is one long insane attack.
[Lucy stops the music]
Richard: Hey, hey, hey, hey. What's the problem? Why'd you turn my music off?
Lucy: Because we cannot use your song.
Richard: Missy, my song is poetry. Do you hear me? It's poetry. I wrote it.
Lucy: [Chuckles]
Richard: And it's got a great, sexy, '80s theme, and it's the truth! What is the problem with you?!
Lucy: I'll tell you the problem! It's flaunting all our town's secrets!
Richard: Your town's stupid secrets?! Secrets are something you're embarrassed about, and you don't know about it! This is the truth, and everyone knows about it!
Felix: I didn't know.
Lucy: Well, this happens to be embarrassing, especially to our Chief of Staff, Monica Quartermaine!
Richard: Who cares about her?!
AJ: I feel for you, more than you know. Having a child is a life-altering experience.
Spinelli: So I've heard.
AJ: I mean, if you and Ellie aren't seeing eye-to-eye, you need to --
Spinelli: Which we aren't.
AJ: All I can tell you is this -- that my son is probably the only thing that I've ever done right in this world.
Spinelli: Michael's a very impressive young man. It is certainly something that I want. I just...I just hope that it would happen with Ellie.
AJ: Hey, pal, I didn't say it wasn't gonna take some convincing. But if I were you, I would never back down.
Ellie: I can't, in good conscience, bring a child into this world and expect them to clean up the mess of prior generations.
Tracy: If that's the way you feel, then don't let anybody convince you otherwise. You are a woman of principle, Ellie Trout, and I admire that. If you want my advice, you should tell Damian he should respect your principles.
Ellie: Oh, he does. Damian respects me.
Tracy: Well, if he can't accept your choice to be childless, then he should go, pfft, impregnate somebody else.
Ellie: But --
Tracy: No "buts." No compromises. You stick to your guns.
Lucy: Monica Quartermaine, among others, is going to come after me and wring my neck!
Richard: So... who cares about her?! Who cares?!
Lucy: I do because your song is tasteless gossip, old, old gossip from 30 years ago. You know, it's dirty laundry. In fact, it's not just dirty laundry. It's old, dirty laundry, and we're not gonna use it unless we change your lyrics!
Richard: My lyrics and my songs stay exactly as they are.
Lucy: No, they don't.
Richard: If Bobbie Spencer was here, my friend Bobbie Spencer, everything would be different! And they'd play that song!
Lucy: Well, Bobbie Spencer never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever ran this Nurses' Ball, nor will she ever, because this is my show, and I'm gonna do it my way with... a lot of class and dignity.
Richard: I got to meet the head nurse.
Epiphany: That would be me.
Richard: Do me a favor. Remove this little tart with whipped cream! Get her out of my life, because I am doing the song that I want to do.
Epiphany: Okay, curly top, you got to pipe down, all right? I'm with the tart.
Lucy: [Sighs] Thank you very much. Did you just call me a tart?
Epiphany: I'm just saying I'm not going to fall on my sword over an admittedly catchy song that's gonna piss everybody off!
Lucy: Stop, stop, stop, people. We got to calm down! Calm down! Let's vote, okay? Please let's vote with applause. Everybody -- everybody who likes the song, if you like the music, at least clap. Applause. Okay, okay, fine. Then we stick with the music, and we change the lyrics!
Richard: I am not changing... one word... one syllable... or one beat of that song. And I hope everyone knows that. You're going to play this song exactly like I wrote it, or you're gonna have to get a new song, and you're gonna have to get a new choreographer.
Sabrina: Oh, my God. This cannot be happening.
Patrick: Milo thinks that he can make Sabrina happy, and I thought maybe he's right. What if he can?
Elizabeth: Why can't you?
Patrick: Elizabeth, I got baggage. Seriously. My wife has been gone for a year, and I love her just as much now as I did when she was alive, and -- and there's Emma. I mean, look, I know that Emma really likes Sabrina, and I know that she says that she wants Sabrina to be her next mom, but she doesn't know what she's saying. She doesn't understand what that means. And then Milo comes around, and he's got no baggage. There's no complication. He cares about her. He comes to me and talks to me about her situation. To me, that says that he cares about what she -- she feels more than himself. I can't do that. Emma's my priority, and she's always gonna be.
Elizabeth: Okay, well, what about what Sabrina wants?
Patrick: Well, she obviously likes him enough to go continue to see him. And I can't get in the way of that.
Elizabeth: [Sighs] Remember that time you told me how you really appreciate it when I set you straight?
Patrick: Did I say that?
Elizabeth: Mm-hmm. You did. I think it's really great that you care about everybody else's happiness, but you -- shouldn't you start thinking about what makes you happy?
Tracy: You stand your ground. If you need backup, I'm available.
Ellie: Thank you. You know, this was a surprisingly illuminating discussion, especially with the break-in and...
Tracy: I agree. And since, well, we find ourselves so simpatico, I don't suppose I could convince you to hand over the formula for the relish?
Ellie: Even if I wanted to, it's not here.
Tracy: What does that mean, it's not here?
Ellie: I deciphered the formula for the final ingredient, and then I had it sent to an independent lab for further analysis and to see what the chemical translates to in culinary terms. They're sending the results directly to AJ at ELQ.
Tracy: Oh. Well, then...
Ellie: I'm really sorry, Miss Quartermaine. Uh, I'm afraid you're out of luck.
AJ: Listen, I appreciate it. Thanks for doing this for me. Now I got to go get my tap shoes.
Spinelli: I'm sorry. Tap shoes?
AJ: Yeah, I promised Elizabeth Webber that I would do a number with her at the Nurses' Ball.
Spinelli: Yes, um, uh, little heads up -- Elizabeth may not be predisposed to singing and dancing at this juncture. Uh, her good friend, the princely Nikolas Cassadine, was shot.
AJ: I-I didn't even know Nikolas was back in town. What happened?
Spinelli: Well, I-I don't know, but it happened last night, so if you're looking for her, I'd imagine she would be at the hospital.
AJ: Okay. Thanks, Spinelli. Oh, man. Elizabeth has to be going out of her mind.
Elizabeth: Things are simple. You either want to be with Sabrina or you don't. But you can't continue to hide behind Robin and Emma. We already know that Emma has made up her mind, and we know Robin's thoughts on the subject, don't we?
Patrick: Guess we do.
Elizabeth: We do. So now all you have to do is think about what you want. But don't take too long, because you and I both know that life is too short and unpredictable. Neither one of us should waste the time we have.
Patrick: Yeah.
Elizabeth: I'm gonna go check on Nikolas.
Patrick: Hope everything works out okay with that, actually.
Elizabeth: Thanks. And for you, too.
Patrick: Thank you.
Sabrina: Let's not lose our heads over this.
Richard: [Cackles] [As wicked witch] Who are you, little girl?!
Sabrina: I'm Nurse Sabrina Santiago.
Lucy: And Nurse Sabrina Santiago had a dream, and her dream was to revive the Nurses' Ball, so, everybody, let's hear it. Let's get some applause going. Come on. Okay. Thank you. Thank you. And are we gonna let this... I don't know what ruin her dream?
Milo: No.
Sabrina: Okay, no -- no one's dream is getting destroyed. We just need to find a compromise.
Richard: I don't compromise my art and my song, okay?
Lucy: Art? What -- what art would that be?
Sabrina: Okay, Lucy, Mr. S, maybe there's a way we can edit the song without sacrificing its...uh, its integrity.
Lucy: That -- that song does not have any integrity! Admit it! No integrity!
Felix: But it was entertaining and informative.
Lucy: Okay, great, so you think that song is gonna raise us a bunch of money for charity? It won't. No one will give any money. We're gonna have to have another ball just to raise money for our legal-defense fund. Listen to me. The song is out.
Richard: If the song is out, you're gonna have to dance alone, 'cause I am taking my music and my choreography with me. It's been a lovely, lovely time. Goodbye, Port Charles. Oh. Goodbye, Milo.
Sabrina: Now what are we gonna do?
Lucy: Uh, we are gonna go onward and upward. Come on, you guys. I am so sorry that happened. Let's just -- let's get back to work, shall we? Chop, chop. Come on. Come on.
Felix: Wait, who's gonna choreograph this thing now? And what are they gonna choreograph it to? We have no opening number.
Lucy: Oh, poo, poo, that's just a minor detail.
Epiphany: That's not so minor.
Felix: Who can write and choreograph a musical number for 12 medical professionals on such short notice?
Lucy: Okay, you know what? I-I think I need to explain the theater to all of you. The natural condition of the theater is an imminent obstacle and an insurmountable road going down basically a road to death, but somehow strangely it all works out.
Epiphany: And how in the hell does it do that?
Lucy: I have no idea. It's a mystery. But listen, guys, the show must go on. The gods of theater will provide. Come on!
Felix: [Chuckles] We are so toast.
Molly: Oh, God. What a disaster.
Sam: I feel bad for Lucy.
Molly: Come on.
Milo: Man, poor Sabrina. All she wanted was for this to be nice and amazing.
TJ: What's up, man? Did you ask her to the ball or what?
Milo: She asked me. I know. I'm just as shocked as you are. In fact, I thought she might be into someone else.
TJ: [Scoffs] I feel you, man.
Milo: So, I went to the guy, and I said, "Hey, I'll step to the side."
TJ: Why would you do that?
Milo: I don't know. Just trying to be a nice guy, I guess.
TJ: Let me tell you something, man. If you like this girl, then you got to man up, right? Because let me tell you, nice guys always finish last.
Shawn: You know, TJ lost his dad. As I understand, you lost your mom. Look, uh, TJ's got me right now, and now he's got Molly. In fact, she's probably one of the most important and necessary presence in his life right now. Understood?
Alexis: Here you go. Drink up.
Rafe: Thanks.
Alexis: How's it going with you guys? Everything okay?
Shawn: Yep. I think we're gonna be just fine.
Sabrina: Just in case the theater gods aren't feeling benevolent, what are we gonna do about an opening number?
TJ: Well, guys, Molly is a writer. She can write the song.
Molly: TJ.
Sabrina: Seriously, Molly? Do you think you can write an opening number?
TJ: You guys didn't know Molly is the best-selling author of "Love in Maine"?
Molly: Which is a novel. That -- that doesn't mean I can write a song.
Sam: Of course, you can. My sister is a genius.
Molly: Okay, but what about, like, the music? You -- you can't have a song without music. Even a capella, there --
TJ: I-I can work something together on my laptop in like five minutes. Don't worry.
[Cell phone rings]
Milo: [Sighs]
Sabrina: Hi, it's Sabrina. Please leave a message, and I'll get right back to you. Have a great day.
Sabrina: Molly, do you really think you can write an opening song?
Molly: I could try to write the lyrics.
Lucy: Okay. Okay. That -- that is perfect. Now we just need the music.
TJ: Oh, I'll come up with something on my computer. I write music, you know, and I deejay school dances.
Lucy: Oh, okay. Problem solved. Let's do it. Yay. [Laughs]
Felix: All right, well, that takes care of the song, but we still need to find a choreographer.
Anton: Um, maybe I can help.
Lucy: Let me get this straight. You are a handyman/choreographer.
Anton: I've done a little dancing.
Lucy: Oh, I'm sure you have. But do you really think that you have the ability to be the choreographer for a giant ball like this with a massive opening number?
Anton: Sure. Why not?
Lucy: Why not? Okay. I tell you what. I can't really take your word for it. Sorry about that. Could you just maybe show me something, like, some moves or something?
Anton: I'd love to, but I need a partner.
Felix: [Clears throat]
Anton: How about -- how about you?
Sam: Me? [Chuckles] No. No. God, no.
Anton: All right, well, I saw you dance earlier today. I know you can dance.
Epiphany: I'll give it a whirl.
Lucy: No, no, no, no, no. Whoa, whoa. Back, back, back off, you. Go back there. Listen, if I am going to be the one that is going to judge your qualifications, then you have to dance with me.
Patrick: Hey, Sabrina, it's, um, it's Patrick. Uh, I hope you're having a good day. Um...listen, I-I didn't get to talk to you at your graduation, and there's something I wanted to tell you, so, uh... it's -- it's important. Uh, can you give me a call back when you get a chance? Thanks. Bye.
[Everyone claps as Anton twirls Lucy around]
[Cell phone rings]
[Clapping quickens]
Rafe: Maybe I should just go.
Alexis: Go where, Rafe?
Shawn: You weren't thinking of heading to the Metro Court, were you?
Alexis: Yeah, 'cause even if you do that, by the time you get there on bus, Molly's already gonna be home, so you might as well just stay here. Yes, stay here. Sit. Relax. Bond. I'll be right back. Hi, uh, I'm -- I'm calling to, uh, check on Nikolas Cassadine. Any news? What?
AJ: Elizabeth. I just heard about Nikolas. Is he okay? Did -- did something happen?
Ellie: And when will the results arrive at ELQ? Wonderful. Thank you.
[Door opens]
Spinelli: Hello, Ellie.
Ellie: Damian.
Spinelli: Are -- are you available right now? I really think we need to discuss the baby situation.
Ellie: [Sighs] I couldn't agree more.
Spinelli: [Sighs]
Tracy: [Sighs]
[Knock on door]
Man: Excuse me. I'm looking for Mr. Alan Quartermaine, Jr.
Tracy: [Chuckles] Do I look like Alan Quartermaine, Jr.?
Man: I have an envelope from Ladue Chemical Labs, and I need someone to sign for it. You his secretary?
Tracy: Am I his secretary? Yes. I am his secretary, and I would be happy to sign for that. [Sighs]
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