General Hospital Transcript Wednesday 3/27/13
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Charlene
Lucy: Carly, thank you so much for donating the ballroom. It is so truly generous of you, Mrs. Corinthos. Uh -- Mrs. Jacks? I'm so sorry. I've lost track.
Carly: Mrs. Jacks. And it's my pleasure to donate the ballroom. We just put a fortune into the ballroom, and I'm really excited to debut our new look.
Lucy: Oh! We are so excited, 'cause you can't really have a Nurses' Ball without a ballroom.
Carly: Right. So, want to take a look?
Lucy: Oh, yes!
Sabrina: Isn't this exciting?
Felix: If you say so.
Carly: Ladies and gentleman, I present to you the new and improved Metro Court ballroom.
Lucy: [Gasps] Oh. Wow!
Alexis: Easy does it. Up the stai --
Shawn: Okay, Alexis, I -- I'm fine, okay?
Alexis: Yeah, if I had a nickel for every time a guy said that to me after recovering from a gunshot wound, I'd have a disturbing amount of nickels.
Shawn: Okay, this isn't my first time getting shot.
Alexis: Yep. Tons of nickels.
Shawn: You don't need to look after me. Look, you should be at the hospital with your nephew. I'm fine.
Alexis: As worried as I am about Nikolas, I know that he's not alone. He's with his mother.
Bobbie: Why don't you try to get some rest?
Laura: Oh, thank you. I don't think I could sleep even if I wanted to. You know, I want to be here in case the doctor comes by with some news about Nikolas or, for that matter, if the police stop by with some lead about my daughter.
Anna: Hey. Sorry to interrupt.
Dante: You're not. [Clears throat]
Anna: Where is everyone?
Dante: Told them to get out of here for a little bit. Needed some time by myself. I can answer the phone if someone needs to get a hold of me.
Anna: Well, we ran the prints of that sniper who killed himself last night and cross-checked him with the WSB. We got a hit.
Bobbie: I'll keep an eye on Nikolas if you want to check in with the police.
Laura: No, I want to be here when he wakes up. Right now, the doctors aren't letting anyone in there, not even me.
Bobbie: Where's Luke?
Luke: Sorry that I have to do this, Nik, but you have to tell me what you know about Lulu. You're my best chance at finding her. I believe you'd be willing to take the risk.
Lucy: Oh. Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow! This is just spectacular!
Sabrina: I am literally amazed!
Lucy: Oh, Carly, Carly, Carly, I -- I love this! I love it. You are brilliant! How beautiful to have a theater in the round. It's just so sophisticated!
Carly: Thank you.
Lucy: [Laughs]
Carly: Hey. Why are you so quiet? Don't you like the new digs?
Lucy: [Laughs] Okay. Hey. Felix, Sabrina, are you two ready to get to work? Ha!
Sabrina: Ready!
Lucy: Okay, hey. A lot of people are gonna be here, so we've got to start a lot of this prep work, you know?
Carly: My staff can place the table and chairs. Just tell them what you want.
Lucy: That is so, so very divine. Thank you, thank you. Okay, listen -- here's what I think we need to do. Let's start, you guys, with the seating plan. We want to make sure that everybody has an optimal view of the stage, especially the little ones. Put them up front, okay?
Sabrina: We are on it. Right, Felix?
Lucy: Hey. Oh, uh -- make sure that everybody that is seated in the back feels like they're seated right up front, okay? Okay.
Carly: I am so glad that you like the renovations.
Lucy: Like it? I love it. I am -- I'm ecstatic. Thank you, thank you. Oh, I am just -- I can't thank you enough.
[Both laugh]
Carly: I'm glad it's worked out.
Lucy: It has. And listen -- this is gonna be the best Nurses' Ball yet.
Sabrina: Down to the wire, huh?
Felix: Yep.
Sabrina: You need a hand?
Felix: I got it.
Sabrina: You know, it'll go a lot faster if I help you out.
Felix: I think you've helped enough.
Sabrina: Felix, what's going on with you? You've been giving me the cold shoulder ever since last night. Wait. This isn't about Milo, is it?
Felix: Damn right it's about Milo!
Patrick: Thank you.
Milo: Dr. Drake? Milo Giambetti, remember?
Patrick: Yeah, I remember. If you're looking for Sabrina, she's not here right now.
Milo: Actually, I'm here to see you.
Lucy: Oh! Hey, hey, hey! Listen, your idea with this whole theater in the round is so incredible, but I think I'm gonna have to rearrange some entrances for the talent --
Carly: Oh. Can you hold that thought?
Lucy: Yeah, check.
Carly: Hi! What do you think?
Michael: This is not too shabby, actually.
Carly: Oh! To what do I owe this surprise?
Michael: Actually, I'm here to see Lucy. She, uh, drafted me into performing at the Nurses' Ball.
Carly: Oh. I didn't know that. What are you gonna do?
Michael: No idea. She says she had an inspiration. You think it's too late for me to back out?
Carly: No. Hey, it's a good cause. Proud of you for stepping up, no matter what Lucy asks you to do.
Sam: Ready, set, go.
[Cheers and applause]
Sam: Nice!
Shawn: Okay. What is all this for?
TJ: Dude, you saved the commissioner's life last night.
Sam: Yeah, I hate to break it to you, but you are a hero.
Shawn: Well, I don't feel like a hero.
Molly: Well, of course, you don't. Real heroes never feel like they did anything special. That's why it falls to other people to acknowledge it.
Sam: Yeah.
Shawn: If I spotted this sniper earlier, maybe I could have stopped Nikolas from getting hit.
Alexis: The guy was a professional assassin. He's good at hiding and shooting people. That's what he does.
Shawn: Look, Sonny asked me to keep an eye on Dante's loft, and I should have been more --
Alexis: Enh-enh! No, no. Enough. Nikolas is alive because of you. If you didn't chase off the shooter, he would have finished the job.
Molly: My mom's right, Shawn.
TJ: And I think by now you know better than to disagree with any of these Davis women.
Sam: You are learning. I like it.
Alexis: Excellent! You're a smart guy. Look around here. Look around here. This house is filled with people who want to show you that you mean something to them -- you mean a lot to them. So you may not think you're a hero, but we do. You're our hero.
Shawn: Thank you.
Anna: So, the shooter has ties to Helena Cassadine, but he hasn't been on her payroll since --
Dante: So what? She rehired him. Who else would give her this fake Ice Princess thing?
Anna: I know. She's our prime suspect.
Dante: Great. Let's go get her.
Anna: No. Nobody knows where she's been. There's no tracking for her for the last few months.
Dante: That's great.
Anna: Okay, you know, we just -- you need to focus, Dante. You need to focus. We got to re-examine everything that happened. We're gonna go right back to the beginning. I'll get an officer in here to man the phones. You have a shower, get cleaned up. Meet me over at the Haunted Star, okay?
Laura: Maybe Luke went down to the station, you know, checking in with Anna and Dante.
Bobbie: Or maybe he stopped by Lulu's.
Laura: I doubt it. Not with Scotty there. He's probably working his sources, you know? Trying to get some information.
Bobbie: What about you? How are you holding up?
Laura: I'm waiting for word on all three of my children.
Bobbie: Has something happened to Lucky?
Laura: No. We just tried to call him, and we haven't heard anything back yet.
Bobbie: Well, that's not unusual, is it?
Laura: Mm, no, not really. You're right. I mean, he has been living on the road for a few years now, so -- I guess even if he got my messages, he might not be able to call me right back.
Bobbie: So don't assume it's anything bad. I mean, Lucky can take care of himself. He has a lot of experience.
Laura: Thank you for reminding me of that. And thank you for my coffee. And most of all, thank you for being here. I don't know what I'd do without you?
Bobbie: Hey, we're family. And we always will be. And you know, Laura, there's someone else who would like to be here for you. Scotty.
Lucy: I -- I can't believe this. Nikolas was shot? And now with Lulu missing, poor Laura. She must be a total wreck.
Scott: Well, she spent the night at the hospital, and I held down the fort at Lulu's.
Lucy: Well, what about Lulu? Do the police have any leads at all, even about her?
Scott: How should I know? Laura only confides in her ex-husband.
Luke: Doctors say you're gonna be out for a while. Unfortunately, "a while" isn't gonna cut it for Lulu.
Bobbie: Scott and I had a long talk last night. He really wants to support you.
Laura: He has done nothing but support me for the past few years. He's been such a good friend.
[Monitors beeping loudly]
Bobbie: What's that?
[Loud beeping continues]
Luke: Come on. Wake up, Nik. You're my best hope to find Lulu. Wake up.
Laura: What are you doing?
Felix: I can't believe you went out with Magic Milo when you know I'm into him.
Sabrina: But Milo doesn't even play on your team.
Felix: So? You're my friend. You're supposed to be on my team.
Sabrina: Okay, Felix, Milo told me that you told him I was free. Was he lying?
Felix: Of course not. You can tell that Magic Milo is an extremely honest person.
Sabrina: Okay. So you basically gave him permission to ask me out. What was I supposed to do? Say no for you?
Felix: That's exactly what you were supposed to do. There's a code. Friends don't date friends' exes, currents, or crushes.
Sabrina: The only reason I let Milo take me to the graduation party was to try and get over Patrick.
Milo: I wanted to talk to you about Sabrina.
Patrick: Okay.
Milo: We had a really nice time at the graduation party.
Patrick: Good for you.
Milo: Thing is, when I asked Sabrina out at the graduation, I think I unintentionally interrupted a conversation you were having --
Patrick: Yes, I remember, Milo.
Milo: I had a really nice time. Sabrina seems like a great girl -- smart and interesting and easy to talk to. She's not a groper. You'd be surprised how many women are.
Patrick: I'm sure I would be.
Milo: The point is, I would really like to see Sabrina again.
Patrick: Okay. Well, uh -- I don't think you need my permission to do that.
Milo: Actually, I'm thinking maybe I do.
Michael: You sure you're okay?
Carly: Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. You know, you don't have to check in on me.
Michael: Look, there's been a lot of tension between us because of AJ, and without triggering another huge fight, I want you to know you are my mom, and I love you, and you can count on me.
Carly: I know I can. I count on you every day.
Scott: You know, ever since our wedding didn't happen, Laura's keeping me at arm's length.
Lucy: Well, she does have an awful lot on her mind right now, pal.
Scott: Yeah, but instead of leaning on me and letting me help, she's got me running around town like some kind of a monkey. I was over manning the phones at Lulu's.
Lucy: Come on. That's not an unreasonable request. I mean, what if the kidnapper were to call with some ransom demand?
Scott: Well, any of the 25 cops could have handled that call.
Lucy: Oh, brother. None of the 25 cops happen to be family.
Scott: Well, neither am I. Not yet. [Sighs] Laura doesn't want me at the hospital 'cause she's got to focus on Nikolas. She can't be breaking up fistfights with Luke and me, right?
Lucy: Right. That makes a lot of sense.
Scott: I know. But I can't just stand around here like some glorified telephone operator. I need a job. I need something to do. What about this Nurses' Ball? Just let me help. I'm available. Ow! What's the matter with you?! Have you lost your mind?
Lucy: Shh! You have the most brilliantly diabolical mind I know, but when it comes to women, you have the I.Q. of -- of a loofa. Okay? So I'm gonna speak very slowly. I'm gonna ask you a question. Read my lips. Look -- focus, focus, focus. Are you in the loofa mode? Focus! Okay. Do you love Laura?
Scott: Yes, I do.
Lucy: Okay. Then stop your pouting and get over to that hospital.
Scott: But she doesn't want me at the hospital.
Lucy: Hey, Luke is not Nikolas's father, and he's there.
Scott: Don't remind me.
Lucy: Okay. Listen to me. She's your fiancée, right? And you should be standing there by her side. And if Luke doesn't like it, that's his problem.
Bobbie: What did you give him? Adrenalin?
Luke: He's got information about where Lulu is. He's the only person who knows. I have to wake him up. You understand?
Laura: Go to hell!
Dante: So, why did you want to meet here?
Anna: I got a message from the harbormaster, and I just needed to check his information. I'm not sure how to tell you this, but -- the Haunted Star is gone.
Sam: So, Nikolas is stable.
Alexis: At the moment. The surgeon said that he was able to remove the bullet, but they don't expect him to regain consciousness for a while.
Sam: And Luke thinks that Helena's responsible?
Alexis: Luke thinks Helena's responsible for everything. Typically, she is. I just don't see, in this instance, why she would want to kidnap Lulu or certainly why she would want to have Nikolas shot.
Sam: Okay. But, Mom, are we in any danger? Do I have to worry about Daniel?
Alexis: Now, look, Helena barely considers me a Cassadine. I don't think she'll be interested in any of us, especially Danny.
Molly: Good.
Alexis: Now, listen -- I want to tell you, with everything that's been going on with Shawn and with Nikolas -- I haven't had time yet to work on Rafe's case.
Molly: Um -- I understand. There's a lot going on. I'm gonna go check on Danny.
Alexis: All right. Well, what about you?
Sam: Me?
Alexis: Are you recovered from this whole nightmare with Stephen Clay?
Sabrina: Wait, Felix.
Carly: You know, I missed the first couple of Nurses' Balls, but I was at the one where Robin told everyone that she was H.I.V.-positive. She was giving a speech and telling everyone about Stone, who had died the year before. And she started to cry. Jason came in and he picked her up, and he carried her out. He'd be glad that we were honoring Robin, you know?
Michael: Not sure how he'd feel about me performing.
Carly: [Laughing] Oh, he would be proud that you're making the sacrifice. He would. He would be speechless with admiration. Jason, he wasn't afraid of bullets or knives, but -- he was terrified of parties and social occasions.
Michael: Yeah, I'm not too crazy about them, either. Lucy's gonna make me do something cringe-worthy, isn't she?
Carly: Just keep telling yourself it's for a noble cause.
Scott: You know what? You're right.
Lucy: Duh! Of course, I'm right. I'm Lucy Coe.
Scott: I'm gonna go to the hospital, I'm gonna see Laura. And as far as Spencer's concerned, he can drop dead. After all these years, you're still my best friend.
Lucy: I am your only friend. Now get out of here. Shoo! Shoo!
Scott: Is there a knot?
Lucy: Get some ice at the hospital. Go.
[Cell phone rings]
Michael: It's Dante.
Carly: Oh, God.
Michael: Hey. Any word on Lulu?
Dante: No, not yet. Look, Michael, tell me something -- the Haunted Star -- any reason why it wouldn't be parked at its usual berth yesterday or today?
Michael: No. As far as I know, the Haunted Star has been closed since Lulu disappeared.
Dante: All right. Thanks. I have to call you back.
Anna: Dante, let's go. Come on.
Carly: What was that about?
Michael: I wish I knew.
Sam: Caleb -- he wasn't evil, Mom. He loved his wife so much that he would do just about anything. I mean, he just didn't accept her death. I mean, all the twisted things he did, he did because he wanted her back.
TJ: All right, all right. For you, the official beverage of heroes in this house.
Shawn: It's diet.
TJ: Come on, man. Women live here.
Shawn: Okay. I don't suppose you have anything stronger.
TJ: Nope. No can do. Antibiotics. Molly gave me strict orders to stick to only soft drinks, man.
Shawn: What makes either of you think I want a hard drink? It's not even noon. I just want coffee.
TJ: Oh! Oh, okay. I got you, I got you. Decaf coming right up.
Shawn: Decaf? Really?
TJ: Just messing with you.
[Both laugh]
TJ: Look, um -- before you got all caffeinated, uh -- I got to tell you -- I can't stop thinking about what could've happened. I mean, I know you're a hero and all, but, uh --
Shawn: [Chuckles]
TJ: You just got to be careful, man. All right?
Shawn: I'll take care of myself.
TJ: Okay.
Shawn: I promise.
TJ: Yeah, you see, but that's not what I meant. Look, I know we didn't start off on the right foot. I mean, I was mad at you, I was mad about my dad, but --
Shawn: Yeah, I remember.
TJ: When I found out you got shot, man -- the only time I probably felt worse was when I -- when I found out my dad died. I guess what I'm trying to say is, uh -- you're the closest thing I got to a father now, Shawn. Yeah. I can't afford to lose another one.
Bobbie: Well, thank God the adrenalin was still in the IV, so not much of it actually made it into Nikolas's blood stream.
Laura: How could you?
Luke: The sniper offed himself. Nikolas is the only lead we have.
Laura: So you thought it was okay to risk my son's life so that you could just pump him for information about our daughter?
Luke: I think he would be willing to take the risk, but the truth is, that doesn't matter. I would've done it anyway.
Laura: Right. Because to you, he's expendable. Right? My bastard son with Stavros, right?!
Luke: That's not the point!
Laura: Then what is?!
Luke: You think he wouldn't take the risk for Lulu?!
Laura: He didn't have a choice, did he? Because you made the choice for him! He may not be your son, but he is my child and every bit as much as Lulu or Lucky is, and I will not let you trade the life of one of my children for the other! Do you get it?!
Luke: Yeah, I got it. Let's get out of here.
Laura: You get out of here!
Bobbie: Out. Come on.
Laura: Get out, Luke! Get out!
Scott: What about me?
Laura: Scotty.
Sabrina: Look, if you want to blame anybody for me going out with Milo, you can blame yourself.
Felix: Oh! So this is my fault.
Sabrina: Yes! You and Elizabeth, day in and day out, the two of you kept pushing me -- "Tell Patrick how you feel. Maybe he returns your feelings. You never know unless you say something." Well, I did, and he doesn't. I poured my heart out to Patrick, and he said he was needed in surgery.
Felix: So that's why you took my Milo, to get back at me?
Sabrina: What? No! I told you, the only reason I went out with Milo was because you and Elizabeth wanted me to stop moping and meet someone new.
Felix: You couldn't have met someone else new, someone that I hadn't been pining for nonstop?
Sabrina: Look, I'm not gonna apologize for liking Milo, okay? He's not just a hot body stuffed into a suit. He's kind and he's considerate, and he's really nice.
Felix: My point exactly. Milo's the whole package -- great muscles, gentle soul. You know he was the one person I'd been going after, and you had to date him anyway! How would you like it if I went after Dr. Drake?
Sabrina: Oh, my God. That's not even remotely the same thing.
Felix: Why not?
Sabrina: Because you -- you can never have Patrick!
Felix: Well, apparently, neither can you.
Milo: I realize you and Sabrina are close.
Patrick: Sabrina and I work together, and she babysits my daughter, and, yes, they have bonded.
Milo: Well, it's more than that. The way I hear it, Sabrina has significant feelings for you, but you don't feel the same way.
Patrick: Who said I don't feel the same way?
Anna: Okay. Oh, God. Thanks for the information. All right.
Dante: We got a better chance of seeing the Haunted Star from the air.
Anna: We're too late.
Dante: What are you talking about?
Anna: A man called Quint just called the station. He runs a charter boat service, and he said he saw the Haunted Star leave the harbor last night.
Dante: When? What time?
Anna: I don't know. To me, it sounds like it was right after Nikolas was shot.
Dante: But that means they're in International waters by now.
Anna: Yeah. I'm sure that was their intention. Okay.
Dante: Who you calling?
Anna: People that are gonna find the boat. Hey.
Dante: Let's go.
Sabrina: I cannot believe you just threw it in my face that I'll never be with Patrick.
Felix: Truth hurts, doesn't it?
Michael: Um, look, you never said exactly what you expect me to do at the ball.
Lucy: I know, I know, but I promise you, you're gonna love it. It's very big, very important. In fact, it is the linchpin of the entire evening.
Michael: I'm not sure that's a great idea, considering I can't sing or dance.
Lucy: That's okay. I think we can all agree -- if anybody knows Nurses' Balls, I know Nurses' Balls. And what I know is that anytime you want a lot of applause, you want a big donation, you put an attractive man up on that stage. Now, we do have to figure out, what is the best way to display your assets.
Michael: Look, I really do want to help and everything. I just -- I'm --
Lucy: You are helping. I promise you. I so appreciate it. You are. You have got to be so darn proud of him.
Carly: I am. Uh, I am. I'm very proud. But just so we're clear, I wholeheartedly believe in the cause, and I know that you're coming from such a good place with really good intentions, but if you put my son in a stupid act and make him feel foolish, I will make you regret it.
Lucy: Well, come on. In the whole history of the Nurses' Ball, no one has ever felt stupid or foolish. Well, maybe those that just lack a certain sort of vision, maybe.
Carly: Just so we understand each other. Okay? We're gonna go now. We're gonna go see my mom. You ready?
Lucy: Whoa, whoa, whoa! You can't go to Seattle now!
Carly: We're going to the hospital. She's waiting on word about Nikolas.
Lucy: B-Bobbie's in town? Oh. Yay. Okay. Ta.
Carly: You ready to get out of here?
Felix: Ms. Jacks? Can I have a moment of your time right now?
Carly: Can I meet you there?
Michael: You sure?
Carly: Yeah. Thanks.
Michael: All right.
Carly: What is going on with you today?
Felix: Other than my best friend stabbing me in the back?
Lucy: Hey, lots of people are gonna be arriving within a few hours to do all that rehearsal business, so we're gonna be ready, right? We're ready? Sabrina?
Sabrina: I heard you!
Lucy: Wow. Nurse Santiago. What on earth is going on with you?
Milo: Who told me that you didn't have feelings for Sabrina?
Patrick: Figuratively.
Milo: Oh. I think Sabrina was talking that way, too -- you know, figuratively -- when she told me that you don't return her feelings and you've never thought about her that way.
Patrick: She said that?
Milo: Sure did. And it's not that I doubt it. Sabrina's a very truthful person. Funny and smart and, you know -- I don't know. I think I can -- I think I can make her happy, but the thing is, relationship-wise, I'm a little gun shy.
Patrick: Couldn't tell.
Milo: Well, it just seems I always go for the women who are already taken. I just want to make sure Sabrina's free, like "free" free, if you know what I mean. That way, I don't have to put myself through that thing again where you love somebody but they don't love you back. Not that I'm even in love with Sabrina. Heck, I just met her. But you get the idea.
Patrick: Unrequited love.
Milo: That's it. Anyway, yeah. I like Sabrina. She's smart and pretty and I think I can really make her happy. But if you got dibs, so to speak, on Sabrina, just say the word, and I'll back off.
Laura: Luke tried to wake Nikolas by injecting his IV bag with adrenalin. He claims that he's desperate to find Lulu. I am, too, but I'm not gonna let him kill my son in the process.
Scott: Well, Spencer's no good.
Laura: I don't even want to hear his name, okay? I need to stay positive for Nikolas, for Lulu. Is there some news? Is that why you're here?
Scott: No. No, I'm sorry. Nobody called, but there are professionals there to handle the calls if they do.
Laura: Okay.
Scott: I know you told me to stay away, and I did, but -- this morning, Laura, I really wanted to see you. If you want me to go, I will.
Laura: No. I don't want you to go.
Luke: I don't know what to do. Helena's trail has gone cold, and I just need to find Lulu.
Bobbie: But Lulu wouldn't want you hurting Nikolas for her sake.
Luke: Well, we don't know that that would have hurt him. We didn't get a chance to find out. I just want to find my daughter!
Bobbie: Okay. Well, try something else.
Luke: Like what?
Bobbie: Well, I don't know, Luke. I'm sure you'll figure it out. You always do.
Dante: Luke, we think we know where Lulu is.
Luke: Where is my daughter?
Anna: Someone broke in to the Haunted Star last night and they sailed it out of port. We think Lulu's on board. The WSB surveillance chatter corroborates that.
Luke: Where's the ship?
Anna: I spoke to Frisco. He had the WSB use their satellite imagery to locate the ship. It's in the Atlantic.
Luke: Where exactly, Anna? I need compass points. Don't even try to keep me out of this.
Anna: Well, it's in International waters, so obviously, it's out of my jurisdiction.
Luke: What are you saying, Slim?
Anna: What I'm saying is that this is your show now, Luke. All right? The WSB is gonna provide you with transportation and give you temporary credentials.
Luke: Oh, great. I'll wave this in front of Helena and say, uh -- "Why did you take my daughter?"
Anna: You have no idea how the proper documentation can help you -- both of you.
Dante: Understood.
Luke: Thanks.
Anna: Yeah. So, as soon as we have the coordinates pinned down, then you'll get transportation out to the Haunted Star.
Dante: What do you say, Luke? Go find our girl.
Luke: Let's do it. Thank you. I'm going to --
Laura: Not a word out of you. Scotty is here with me, and he is staying with me.
Luke: Well, ain't that sweet. Have a good time. I'm off to find my daughter!
Sam: I didn't hate him. And when he died, I felt like he could finally be with his wife. Maybe they would have some peace together.
Molly: So, tell us everything.
TJ: Oh, yeah. We want details. Like, how did you spot the sniper, and how did you know the guy was --
Shawn: Okay, okay, okay.
Sam: [Chuckles] Poor guy. He survives getting shot, and now he's in a feeding frenzy with these two.
Alexis: He is being a real trooper, because, believe me -- he would rather pass out today than be the guest of honor.
Sam: Oh, really? Well, I think I can change that.
Felix: Sabrina knew how I felt, but did that stop her from going out with Milo? No. It did not. And she just doesn't care, Carly. There's a friendship code, and she just doesn't care.
Carly: Okay. Do you remember the first time we met? I was hung over, and I was wallowing in self-pity, and you weren't gonna have it, so you sat me down and you told me what's what?
Felix: Yes, I did.
Carly: Mind if I return the favor?
Felix: Uh-oh.
Carly: "Uh-oh" is right.
Sabrina: I'm sorry that I snapped at you. Felix and I are having a fight.
Lucy: Well, say it isn't so. What happened?
Sabrina: He's being a selfish jerk.
Lucy: What could possibly come between the two of you?
Sabrina: What else? A man.
Carly: You're a great catch. There's no two ways about it. You're cute, you're funny, you're smart, you're a great guy.
Felix: But?
Carly: But Milo's not gay. He's not gay, is he?
Felix: Maybe he just hasn't figured it out yet.
Carly: If he doesn't like guys, it's not going to happen.
Felix: Still, that doesn't make it okay for Sabrina.
Carly: Oh, Sabrina didn't have your back, so now you're not gonna have her back?
Felix: I always have Sabrina's back.
Carly: Because she means the world to you, right? If Sabrina can be happy with Milo, why wouldn't you be happy for her?
Sabrina: And Milo's not even gay, so why would --
Lucy: Okay, stop! I do not have any time to be nurturing here, so listen. Listen good, okay? I have spent my entire life caught between lovers and friends -- all the time -- and here's the thing -- lovers go, so unless the straight guy is extremely special and the love of your life, he will never, ever compare to your best friend.
Sabrina: Yeah, but Felix is the one who was wrong.
Lucy: Okay. Well, then you have a choice, don't you? You can be right or you can hang on to your best friend. Um, Carly, can we just chat over here?
Carly: Yeah.
Lucy: Okay.
Patrick: Milo, I appreciate what you're saying. I just --
[Cell phone rings]
Patrick: Is that you?
Milo: Oh. Sabrina, hey.
Sabrina: Hey, Milo. We need to talk.
Milo: Oh. Uh, talk? Oh. Of course, yeah. I like talking. What do you want to talk about?
Sabrina: You know, actually, I need to do this in person. I'm here at the Metro Court, in the ballroom. Do you think you can come and meet me here?
Milo: Uh, okay. Sure, yeah. I'll be right there.
Sabrina: Okay. I'll see you soon.
Patrick: Is everything all right?
Milo: Yeah. Sabrina needs to see me. Rain check on this?
Patrick: Sure.
Anna: So, as soon as the Bureau sends the coordinates for the Haunted Star, you're gonna be on your way to find Lulu.
Dante: Thank you. Anna, honestly, you don't know how much this means to me.
Anna: Yeah. We look after our own, right?
Dante: Speaking of which, maybe keep an eye on my mother. Maybe she'll see something that helps us. I don't know. Good to go?
Luke: Absolutely. Good on your end?
Dante: Yeah.
Luke: Thank you for stepping up, Slim. I appreciate it.
Anna: I've always got your back, okay? No matter what.
Bobbie: Well, I'm gonna make another coffee run, so, honey, try not to worry. You know my brother. He's gonna bring Lulu back safe and sound.
Scott: Yeah, let Luke and Dante handle this. It's best that you're with Nikolas.
Laura: Scotty --
Scott: Yeah?
Laura: There's one more thing I need you to do for me.
Dante: Frisco just sent the coordinates for the Haunted Star. The pilot should already have them.
Anna: Okay. Good.
Dante: I'll see you there.
Anna: Hoo. Well, that's your cue. You ready to roll?
Luke: I'm ready.
Michael: Dr. Drake? I'm looking for my grandmother. Do you know what room Nikolas Cassadine's in? Dr. Drake?
Patrick: Michael, what can I do for you?
Michael: Uh, I was just looking for my grandmother, but, uh -- you okay?
Patrick: Yeah, I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?
Milo: Hey, Sabrina.
Sabrina: Milo, you're here already?
Milo: It's part of my job to know the most efficient routes around the city. Heavy traffic leaves you vulnerable to ambush.
Sabrina: Oh. I -- I didn't know that.
Milo: So, uh, what's on your mind?
Sabrina: Look, Milo, I -- I want you to know that I think --
Felix: Wait.
Sabrina: What?
Milo: Uh, Sabrina was just about to tell me something.
Felix: I know. I wanted to be here when Sabrina asked you to be her date at the Nurses' Ball. I didn't spoil it, did I?
Sabrina: I -- I was what?
Felix: Yes, you were.
Milo: That's it?
Sabrina: Yeah. That's it.
Milo: Oh, wow. Uh -- I mean, yeah. I would love to take you to the Ball.
Lucy: Thank you very much.
Carly: Hey, Sam. It's Carly. No need to call me back. I was just checking to see if you and Danny were okay. People seem to disappear from our lives so quickly. Uh, I know we're not friends. No one would call us friends. I -- I just wanted you to know that if you and Danny need anything, just give me a call.
Sam: Okay, guys, lunch is on me. Is it gonna be Kelly's or the Floating Rib?
TJ: Wait.
Sam: Let's go.
TJ: Last night at the Floating Rib, Felix asked us to help out with the Nurses' Ball.
Molly: Oh, my God. I totally forgot.
Alexis: Bye.
Sam: That's okay.
TJ: I don't think they'll mind us being a little late.
Molly: Okay. Do you want to come with us? It's for a good cause. Come on.
Sam: Okay. I'll take you to the Metro Court.
Molly: Sam, come on!
Shawn: [Laughing]
Alexis: Did you survive your hero's welcome?
Shawn: Yeah, barely. Now all I'm doing is just looking forward to a hero's rest.
Alexis: You got to promise me one thing -- you don't scare me like that again. Got that?
Shawn: All right. I'll do my very best. Very best. Look, in the meantime, why don't you just go to the hospital and be with your nephew. I can watch Danny.
Alexis: I'm not -- I'm not going anywhere. All right? I'm checking with Nikolas every 30 minutes. He's with his mother. And my place is with you.
Shawn: Okay. Thank you.
Anna: So Dante's on his way to pick up the extra equipment, and he's gonna meet you at the rendezvous point, all right?
Luke: Right.
Anna: Now, look -- if anything gets out of hand or you need reinforcements for any reason, there's a team of WSB agents waiting for you, okay?
Luke: Great. Let's get this party started!
Laura: Wait! I'm coming with you.
[Helicopter engine revving]
Scott: I can't believe that she's doing this to me again.
Bobbie: Hey, you need to calm down and step back.
Scott: No. I need to go after her.
Bobbie: Hey, hey, hey. Look, Scott, I know you're frustrated. But this is something that Laura needs to do with Luke, because Lulu is their daughter.
Scott: Yeah, but I'm gonna be her husband. I'm not her friend or pal. I'm her husband. So why is she running off with Luke again, leaving me here like I'm some stooge?
Bobbie: She's trusting you with her son, because she loves you and because she needs to know that he is safe with someone. So, can you do that for her?
Luke: No! Not a good idea. You need to let me handle this.
Laura: No, I need to be there.
Luke: This is my score to settle.
Laura: This is just as much my fight as it is yours. Helena put a curse on both of us and our families, and it's high time that we broke it, Luke -- once and for all. So, you coming?
Luke: Here we go again.
Anna: Hey, good luck.
Luke: Thanks. I'm gonna need it.
Anna: WSB Agent, this is Anna Devane -- you are clear for takeoff. Repeat -- you are clear for takeoff.
Pilot: Clear for takeoff. We're on the go.
Anna: Godspeed.
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